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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modes dégradés résultant de l'utilisation multi constellation du GNSS / Degraded Modes Resulting From The Multi Constellation Use Of GNSS

Ouzeau, Christophe 08 April 2010 (has links)
Actuellement, on constate dans le domaine de la navigation, un besoin croissant de localisation par satellites. Apres une course a l'amelioration de la precision (maintenant proche de quelques centimetres grace a des techniques de lever d'ambiguite sur des mesures de phase), la releve du nouveau defi de l'amelioration de l'integrite du GNSS (GPS, Galileo) est a present engagee. L'integrite represente le degre de confiance que l'on peut placer dans l'exactitude des informations fournies par le systeme, ainsi que la capacite a avertir l'utilisateur d'un dysfonctionnement du GNSS dans un delai raisonnable. Le concept d'integrite du GNSS multi-constellation necessite une coordination au niveau de l'architecture des futurs recepteurs combines (GPS-Galileo). Le fonctionnement d'un tel recepteur dans le cas de passage du systeme multi-constellation en mode degrade est un probleme tres important pour l'integrite de navigation. Cette these se focalise sur les problemes lies a la navigation aeronautique multiconstellation et multi-systeme GNSS. En particulier, les conditions de fourniture de solution de navigation integre sont evaluees durant la phase d'approche APV I (avec guidage vertical). En disposant du GPS existant, du systeme Galileo et d'un systeme complementaire geostationnaire (SBAS), dont les satellites emettent sur des frequences aeronautiques en bande ARNS, la question fondamentale est comment tirer tous les benefices d'un tel systeme multi-constellation pour un recepteur embarque a bord d'un avion civil. En particulier, la question du maintien du niveau de performance durant cette phase de vol APV, en termes de precision, continuite, integrite et disponibilite, lorsque l'une des composantes du systeme est degradee ou perdu, doit etre resolue. L'objectif de ce travail de these est donc d'etudier la capacite d'un recepteur combine avionique d'effectuer la tache de reconfiguration de l'algorithme de traitement apres l'apparition de pannes ou d'interferences dans une partie du systeme GNSS multiconstellation et d'emettre un signal d'alarme dans le cas ou les performances de la partie du systeme non contaminee ne sont pas suffisantes pour continuer l'operation en cours en respectant les exigences de l'aviation civile. Egalement, l'objectif de ce travail est d'etudier les methodes associees a l'execution de cette reconfiguration pour garantir l'utilisation de la partie du systeme GNSS multi-constellation non contaminee dans les meilleures conditions. Cette etude a donc un interet pour les constructeurs des futurs recepteurs avioniques multiconstellation. / The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has defined the concept of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which corresponds to the set of systems allowing to perform satellite-based navigation while fulfilling ICAO requirements. The US Global Positioning Sysem (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system which constitutes one of the components of the GNSS. Currently, this system broadcasts a civil signal, called L1 C/A, within an Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services (ARNS) band. The GPS is being modernized and will broadcast two new civil signals: L2C (not in an ARNS band) and L5 in another ARNS band. Galileo is the European counterpart of GPS. It will broadcast three signals in an ARNS band: Galileo E1 OS (Open Service) will be transmitted in the GPS L1 frequency band and Galileo E5a and E5b will be broadcasted in the same 960-1215 MHz ARNS band than that of GPS L5. GPS L5 and Galileo E1, E5a, E5b components are expected to provide operational benefits for civil aviation use. However, civil aviation requirements are very stringent and up to now, the bare systems alone cannot be used as a means of navigation. For instance, the GPS standalone does not implement sufficient integrity monitoring. Therefore, in order to ensure the levels of performance required by civil aviation in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity of service and availability, ICAO standards define different systems/algorithms to augment the basic constellations. GPS, Galileo and the augmentation systems could be combined to comply with the ICAO requirements and complete the lack of GPS or Galileo standalone performance. In order to take benefits of new GNSS signals, and to provide the service level required by the ICAO, the architecture of future combined GNSS receivers must be standardized. The European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Working Group 62, which is in charge of Galileo standardization for civil aviation in Europe, proposes new combined receivers architectures, in coordination with the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA). The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the efforts made by the WG 62 by providing inputs necessary to build future receivers architecture to take benefits of GPS, Galileo and augmentation systems. In this report, we propose some key elements of the combined receivers' architecture to comply with approach phases of flight requirements. In case of perturbation preventing one of the needed GNSS components to meet a phase of flight required performance, it is necessary to be able to switch to another available component in order to try to maintain if possible the level of performance in terms of continuity, integrity, availability and accuracy. That is why future combined receivers must be capable of detecting the impact of perturbations that may lead to the loss of one GNSS component, in order to be able to initiate a switch. These perturbations are mainly atmospheric disturbances, interferences and multipath. In this thesis we focus on the particular cases of interferences and ionosphere perturbations. The interferences are among the most feared events in civil aviation use of GNSS. Detection, estimation and removal of the effect of interference on GNSS signals remain open issues and may affect pseudorange measurements accuracy, as well as integrity, continuity and availability of these measurements. In literature, many different interference detection algorithms have been proposed, at the receiver antenna level, at the front-end level. Detection within tracking loops is not widely studied to our knowledge. That is why, in this thesis, we address the problem of interference detection at the correlators outputs. The particular case of CW interferences detection on the GPS L1 C/A and Galileo E1 OS signals processing is proposed. Nominal dual frequency measurements provide a good estimation of ionospheric delay. In addition, the combination of GPS or GALILEO navigation signals processing at the receiver level is expected to provide important improvements for civil aviation. It could, potentially with augmentations, provide better accuracy and availability of ionospheric correction measurements. Indeed, GPS users will be able to combine GPS L1 and L5 frequencies, and future GALILEO E1 and E5 signals will bring their contribution. However, if affected by a Radio Frequency Interference, a receiver can lose one or more frequencies leading to the use of only one frequency to estimate the ionospheric code delay. Therefore, it is felt by the authors as an important task to investigate techniques aimed at sustaining multi-frequency performance when a multi constellation receiver installed in an aircraft is suddenly affected by radiofrequency interference, during critical phases of flight. This problem is identified for instance in [NATS, 2003]. Consequently, in this thesis, we investigate techniques to maintain dual frequency performances when a frequency is lost (L1 C/A or E1 OS for instance) after an interference occurrence.

Por uma arqueologia marginal: as ocupações peri-sambaquieiras no entorno do sambaqui da Figueirinha II, Jaguaruna- SC, examinadas através do radar de penetração de solo / Extra mound structures surrounding the Figueirinha II shell mound seen through the GPR

Penna, Tiago Attorre 24 February 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho procurou por evidências das ocupações sambaquieiras para fora dos sambaquis, buscando eventos de ocupação relativos aos concheiros, mas externo a eles em áreas de alta dinâmica sedimentar. Para tanto se consorciou o radar de penetração de solo (GPR) ao sistema de navegação global por satélite (GNSS), funcionando em modo cinemático de tempo real (RTK), em um esforço de sensoriamento remoto em meio a um campo de dunas no Município de Jaguaruna, no litoral de Santa Catarina. Conseguimos, através do sensoriamento, realizar prospecções arqueológicas e encontrar estruturas marginais aos concheiros, previstas em estudos anteriores que apontavam a remobilização de material processados em outras áreas para dentro dos sambaquis. Encontramos, mapeamos, escavamos, descrevemos e amostramos essas estruturas peri-sambaquieiras no entorno do Sambaqui da Figueirinha II de forma a apresentarmos um panorama da distribuição espacial e temporal destas estruturas. / The work presented here searched for evidences of mound builder\'s occupation outside the shell mounds itself, in search of events related to the shell mounds, but external to it in a very dynamic area. We have integrated the GPR and GNSS-RTK technologies in order to take the archaeological research regarding the shell mound cultures outside the mounds, by remote sensing areas in which extensive sand dunes are found in search of evidence regarding the mound builder\'s settlement in the areas surrounding the mounds, which the existence was predicted in previous studies. In this sense, we integrate the technologies and carried out the sensing of the Figueirinha Region in Santa Catarina State. We have found, mapped, excavated, described and sampled the extra-mounds archaeological occurrences surrounding the Figueirinha II shell mound, in order to presenting an overview of the spatial and chronological distributions of such structures.

Análise da acurácia e da precisão do posicionamento RTK utilizando o receptor u-blox LEA-6T e o software RTKLib. / Accuracy and precision analysis of RTK positioning using u-blox LEA-6T receiver and RTKLib software.

Facin, Pedro Luiz Martinez 28 October 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a aplicação do posicionamento RTK (Real Time Kinematics) em modo estático e cinemático, visando representar diferentes usos no cotidiano e comprovar a possibilidade de gerar uma solução de posicionamento RTK de baixo custo. Desde empresas de topografia e locação de obras, passando por empresas geradoras de bases cartográficas, até o segmento do transporte público por ônibus, o uso desta tecnologia, por um valor de aproximadamente R$ 3000,00, pode viabilizar novas oportunidades, como o georreferenciamento com maior acurácia tanto de imóveis rurais quanto de monitoramento de frotas de veículos e a atualização de mapas viários. Para isso, foi gerada uma solução de posicionamento RTK com um receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) móvel, um laptop, um celular com chip GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), conexão 3G ou via wi-fi e o software livre RTKLib para correção e fixação do posicionamento, além de conexão com estações da RBMC-IP (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). O RTKLib se sincroniza com o receptor GPS u-blox (sinal L1 e constelação GPS), o qual compacta as observações de fase para o envio dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que, dependendo da solução RTK (fix ou float), o posicionamento atingiu acurácias abaixo de 1 metro e precisão nesta mesma ordem de grandeza para linhas de bases menores que 10 km. Com linhas de base mais longas, o resultado degradou, conforme o esperado. Os testes cinemáticos indicaram acurácia de até 1,5 metro, podendo ser utilizado como produto para estimativas de trajeto. Além dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia específica, na área de soluções de posicionamento RTK, que trouxe, através da utilização de ferramentas estatísticas, ganhos de produtividade significativos em termos de tempo, equipamentos e mão de obra necessária, pois explorou não somente um maior tempo de rastreio nos testes estáticos, mas cobriu também testes cinemáticos. / The present research evaluates the application of Real Time Kinematics (RTK) positioning in static and kinematic mode for different daily activities and verify the potential to generate a RTK positioning solution. The use of this technology with a low cost system may be useful for different segments, since companies engaged with topographic surveys and construction activities, logistic companies and even public transportation, by offering a solution with more accuracy and precision and can also represent a market opportunity for rural properties, fleet monitoring and map databases update. In order to make feasible this purpose, it was generated a RTK positioning solution using a mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a notebook, an smartphone equipped with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) device and provided with 3G or wifi connection, the software RTKLib to fix and obtained a fixed positioning and the monitoring stations of the Continuous Monitoring Brazilian Network (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo - RBMC-IP). The software is connected with the receiver GPS u-blox (L1 signal and GPS constellation) which is the responsible for adjust the phase information in a format and size suitable to the data exchange. The main advantage of this solution is that only one person is required to collect the field data and the feasibility of RTK/GSM technique usage in steep topography areas, consequently increasing productivity during projects execution. The results indicate that, depending on the kind of RTK positioning solution generated, fix or float, the positioning obtained accuracy rates lower than 1 meter, however with some sensitivity and variability and precision in the same magnitude for baseline lower than 10 kilometres; while the results for long baselines (higher than 100 kilometres) did not present the same accuracy/precision, as expected. Kinematics tests showed good accuracy prescribing estimation path usage. Besides quantitative and qualitative results, the main contribution of this research was the development of a specific methodology in the area of RTK positioning solution, that brought by statistical tools productivity gains in terms of time collection, equipment and manpower required, since exploited not only a longer time in static tests but also covered kinematic tests.

Erros de percurso em carretas de transbordo de cana-de-açúcar / Path error in sugarcane transshipment trailers

Passalaqua, Bruna Pessoa 16 February 2018 (has links)
O sistema de produção canavieiro e dependente da sequência de cortes e rebrota das plantas de cana-de-açúcar. O trafego sobre a soqueira deve ser evitado para garantir a integridade fisiológica da rebrota e possibilitar a obtenção de elevada produtividade. Essa necessidade de exatidão no trafego de maquinas canavieiras impulsionou a adoção de sistemas de direcionamento automático para a otimização do trafego dos conjuntos mecanizados nas lavouras, especialmente em colhedoras. No entanto, os conjuntos de tratores e carretas de transbordo apresentam o risco de desvios do trafego ideal e trafegam sobre o terreno em igual intensidade ao das colhedoras, porem comumente sem sistemas de direcionamento automático ou com sistemas simplificados. Além disso, as carretas sofrem desvios em percursos curvos e em terrenos inclinados, o que frequentemente ocorre nas áreas produtoras. O desempenho dos sistemas de direcionamento automático está frequentemente associado aos erros transversais a trajetória, os quais devem estar abaixo de 0,1 m para evitar danos as soqueiras. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou quantificar os desvios a que os tratores e carretas de transbordo estão submetidos sob diferentes tipos de percursos em terrenos planos e inclinados. Utilizou-se do sistema de transporte interno composto por um trator e duas carretas de transbordo com três eixos, sendo todos equipados com receptores GNSS e sistema de correção tipo RTK para a obtenção de suas respectivas posições. Os erros entre as passadas foram avaliados pela diferença da distância ortogonal entre os pontos de posição das antenas, no centro do trator e no centro do último eixo de cada carreta, em relação a linha referencia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quando analisado o impacto do relevo no direcionamento manual em função dos tipos de percurso, os maiores desvios ocorreram em terreno inclinado e, nesse caso, os erros são maiores em percursos curvos, pois as carretas de transbordo tem a tendência de diminuir o raio de curvatura. Observando os valores de desalinhamento em áreas de pequena inclinação, com ambos os direcionamentos, constatou-se que o sistema de direcionamento automático auxilia para minimizar os erros de desalinhamento no ultimo transbordo. No entanto, quando o direcionamento passa a ser manual, esses erros aumentam em ate cinco vezes acima do aceito. A medida que os desalinhamentos são relacionados as inclinações laterais, seus valores crescem sensivelmente, mesmo utilizando sistema de direcionamento automático. Sugere-se a adaptação e avaliação do desempenho de sistemas com atuadores nos rodados ou no cabeçalho dos transbordos e a utilização de transbordos montados em chassi de caminhão. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida foi eficiente para quantificar os erros de percursos do conjunto trator-transbordo de cana-de-açúcar e que a inclinação do terreno, mesmo com variações sutis, exerce forte influência para o desalinhamento do conjunto. / Sugarcane production system is dependent on the sequence of cuts and regrowth of sugarcane plants. The traffic on the ratoon should be avoided to ensure physiological integrity of the regrowth and enable high productivity. This need for accuracy in traffic of sugarcane machines boosted the adoption of automatic guidance systems for mechanized sets in crops, especially harvesters. However, tractors with transshipment trailers usually present the risk of deviation from the ideal path, since they rarely employ automatic steering systems, or use simplified ones, and travel on the ground at the same intensity as that of the harvesters. In addition, trailers are subject to deviations in curved paths and sloping terrain, which often occurs in producing areas. The performance of automatic steering systems is often associated with traverse errors, which should be less than 0.1m in order to avoid damage to the ratoon. Thus, this study aims to quantify deviations to which tractors and transshipment trailers are submitted under different paths on flat and inclined terrain. The transport system used in this study is composed of a tractor and two transshipment trailers with three axes, all of which are equipped with GNSS receivers and a RTK type correction system to obtain their respective positions. The errors between the passes were evaluated by the difference in the orthogonal distance between the antenna position points at the center of the tractor and at the center of the last axis of each truck, relative to the reference line. The obtained results showed that, when analyzing the impact of the relief on the manual steering according to the types of route, the greater deviations occurred in inclined terrain and, in this case, the errors are larger in curved routes, since the transshipment trailers tend to decrease the radius of curvature. Observing the values of misalignment in areas of small inclination, in both directions, it was verified that the automatic steering system helps to minimize misalignment errors of the last transshipment in the correct route. However, when steering becomes manual, these errors increase by up to five times what is accepted. As the misalignments are related to the lateral slopes, the values of misalignments increase significantly, even using an automatic steering system. Adaptations and evaluation of performance of systems with actuators in the wheels or in the heading of the transshipment and the use of transshipment mounted in truck are suggested. It is concluded that the developed methodology was efficient to quantify the errors of trajectories of the tractor-transshipment set of sugarcane and the inclination of the terrain, even with subtle variations, exerts a strong influence for the misalignment of the set.

Étude d'algorithmes de poursuite du signal GNSS permettant d'améliorer le positionnement en environnement urbain / New adaptive tracking loop algorithm for reliable positioning in harsh environment

Bin Syed Mohd Dardin, Syed Mohd Fairuz 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette activité de recherche concerne le domaine de la navigation par satellite qui utilise lessystèmes GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems). Elle vise à améliorer les performances globalesd’un système de navigation, c’est à dire la robustesse, la disponibilité et l’intégrité d’un récepteurutilisant les signaux GNSS pour élaborer sa position et sa vitesse. L’enjeu est important et on noteque les représentations des nouveaux signaux proposés pour GPS et GALILEO visent à diminuer lacorrélation entre les signaux, faciliter la poursuite de ces signaux en abaissant le niveau des seuils depoursuite, réduire l’effet des interférences. La navigation basée sur les signaux GNSS reste toutefoisdépendante du canal de propagation et est particulièrement affectée en cas réflexion, réfraction,diffraction, diffusion, et de blocage du signal émis par le satellite. Il en résulte une dégradationimportante des performances en environnement urbain. L’objectif de cette recherche est ainsi deproposer, d’analyser et de caractériser des architectures de récepteur robuste, permettantd’adresser efficacement le problème de la navigation dans des environnements difficiles où le signalGNSS est affecté par de fortes perturbations. De nombreux travaux de recherche visant à améliorer les performances des algorithmes de poursuite du signal au sein d’un récepteur ont été conduites, en particulier pour adresser leproblème de cette poursuite dans des environnements difficiles, en présence de multi-trajets. Lesapproches les plus connues traitent le signal de post-corrélation. Ainsi l’utilisation de corrélateursétroits permet de réduire l’impact des multi-trajets générant un retard important. De même destechniques utilisant un banc de corrélateurs pour estimer les paramètres des multi-trajets ont étéétudiées. La présence de multi-trajets demeure toutefois une importante source d’erreur pour desrécepteurs opérant en environnement urbain. L’amélioration des performances des récepteurs dansce contexte reste un enjeu important et de nombreuses études sont conduites en vue d’améliorer ladisponibilité, la robustesse, la fiabilité et l’intégrité de ces récepteurs. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une architecture de poursuite adaptive exploitant des techniques de poursuite vectorielle (Vector Tracking Loop – VTL). Les récepteurs conventionnels utilisent une architecture directe où une poursuite scalaire du signal (Scalar TrackingLoop – STL) est réalisée en amont du navigateur. Cette architecture n’utilise pas les informationsélaborées par le navigateur pour améliorer les performances de la poursuite. Au contrairel’architecture vectorielle permet à la poursuite de bénéficier de la connaissance de la position et dela vitesse estimées par le récepteur. Il peut en résulter une dégradation de la poursuite lorsque le navigateur ne sait pas isoler une mesure contaminée. Cet architecture rend donc les performances d’un canal très dépendantes des mesures utilisées par le navigateur, et donc en particulier des autres canaux. L’approche qui est explorée ici vise à combiner les approches de poursuite STL et VTL pour améliorer les performances des récepteurs en environnement urbain, dans un contexte multiconstellation. / Present research activities in the field of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) aim atenhancing the overall navigation performance by providing better and more robust navigationsignals compared the ones available today. These GNSS signals are designed to provide betterimproved cross-correlation protection, lower tracking thresholds and reduced susceptibility tonarrow band interferences. However navigation based on GNSS signals remains sensitive topropagation impairments such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and scattering, and sometimesblockage of the line of sight signals. These effects are especially important in urban environment.Therefore, a better and more robust receiver design and implementation is crucial to meet anappropriate navigation performance using GNSS signals. Improving signal tracking algorithms inside the receiver is an attractive approach. This is particularly true in the case of urban environments where interference and multipath severely degrade the performance of the GPS positioning. Despite the many efforts of performance enhancement, multipath still remains as the dominant source of error and the limiting factor for many applications. Consequently improving the performance of a receiver in multipath environment is a great challenge and many studies are carried out to satisfy the above requirements in term of availability, reliability and integrity. The main goal of this PhD thesis is to propose a new adaptive tracking algorithm based on vector tracking loop (VTL) approach. Currently, the conventional technique (i.e., Scalar Tracking Loop (STL)) is implemented in a forward-only strategy which doesn’t exploit the position, velocity and time (PVT) solution provided by the Navigation System (NS). Standard VTL on the other hand, suffers from measurements contamination from the exploitation of PVT provided by the NS. This adaptiveapproach will take advantage of both tracking methods for providing reliable measurements in amulti-constellation context.

Combinaison de mesures géodésiques pour l'étude de la subsidence : application à la saline de Vauvert, Gard, France / Combination of geodetic measurements for subsidence monitoring : application to the Vauvert saline, Gard, France

Doucet, Samuel 21 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis son origine, la surface de la Terre est façonnée par de nombreux processus. Qu’ils soient géologiques ou, plus récemment, anthropiques, ces processus façonnent la topographie, à différentes échelles de volume et de temps. Devant l’augmentation des risques (combinaison des enjeux humains et économiques et des aléas de type subsidence ou glissements de terrains), la nécessité de développer des méthodes de mesures fiables et précises de ces processus apparaît évidente. C’est l’objectif des mesures dites géodésiques. Le but de cette thèse est de créer une méthodologie de combinaison des déplacements de surface mesurés par différentes techniques de mesures géodésiques (GNSS, InSAR, Nivellement) afin d’améliorer la connaissance de la déformation sur de nombreux cas d’études. La première étape de la combinaison est l’harmonisation des références spatiales de la déformation. Ensuite, les champs de vitesses issus des différentes techniques sont pondérés suivant leurs incertitudes natives. Enfin la combinaison de ces champs de vitesses est effectuée par la méthode du krigeage par régression pondérée. Le résultat obtenu est une grille de déformation qui, selon les méthodes et données utilisées, présentera une résolution spatiale en une à trois dimensions. Associée à celle-ci, une grille d’indices de fiabilité est créée, prenant en considération les incertitudes natives de chaque méthode d’une part, et les incertitudes liées à la méthode d’interpolation d’autre part. L’étude conjointe de ces deux grilles permet une discussion sur la déformation.Notre méthodologie a été confrontée à un cas d’étude : la subsidence de la saline de Vauvert (Gard, France). Ce site apparaît idéal car (1) sa situation géographique proche de Montpellier facilite son instrumentation et les mesures, (2) une subsidence y est déjà mesurée, dont l’origine est l’extraction de sel entre 2000 et 3000 m de profondeur, et (3) des jeux de données sont disponibles en InSAR, GPS et Nivellement. Deux périodes de mesures sont retenues (2002-2009 et 2015-2017) car permettant l’utilisation conjointe de plusieurs techniques de mesures. Les résultats de la combinaison des champs de vitesses montrent la présence d’un bol de subsidence de magnitude maximale de 2.2 cm/an sur la première période et 2.4 cm/an sur la deuxième période. Son extension atteint les quartiers sud-est de la ville voisine de Vauvert. Globalement cette subsidence (dimension du bol et magnitude) varie peu au cours du temps, néanmoins une zone localisée proche des sites historiques de la Galine, à l’est de la zone d’étude, présente une accélération de la subsidence d’environ 8 mm/an entre les deux périodes. Cette accélération semble montrer un effet en surface de la purge des puits à proximité, purges initiées en 2015.Enfin l’utilisation d’un algorithme/méthode d’inversion sur les données issues de la méthodologie de combinaison (vitesses et incertitudes) permet d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de discussion sur l’anisotropie locale de la déformation. Une accommodation des structures géologiques en profondeur (plis, failles, décollements) est montrée. / Since its origin, the surface of the Earth has been shaped by many processes. Whether they are geological or, more recently, anthropogenic, these processes shape the topography at different scales of volume and time. Given the increase in risks (a combination of human and economic issues with subsidence or landslide hazards), the necessity to develop reliable and accurate methods of measuring these processes is clear. This is the goal of the so-called geodesic measurements.The aim of this thesis is to create a new methodology for the combination of surface displacements measured by different geodetic techniques (GNSS, InSAR, Leveling) to improve the knowledge of the deformation on many cases of studies. The first step of the combination is the harmonization of the spatial references of the deformation. Then, the velocity fields resulting from the different techniques are weighted according to their native uncertainties. Finally, a combination of these velocity fields is performed by the weighted regression kriging method. The result is a deformation grid, which, according to the data used, will present a spatial resolution in one to three dimensions. Associated to the grid, a second one of reliability index is created, taking into account the native uncertainties of each method in one hand, and the uncertainties related to the interpolation method on the other hand. The joint use of these two grids improve the discussion on the deformation.Our methodology was confronted with a case study: the subsidence of the Vauvert saline (Gard, France). This site appears ideal because of (1) its geographical situation close to Montpellier facilitating its instrumentation and measurements, (2) a subsidence is already measured, whose origin is the salt extraction between 2000 and 3000 m in depth, and (3) datasets are available in InSAR, GPS and Leveling. Two measurement periods are selected (2002-2009 and 2015-2017) because they allow the joint use of several measurement techniques. The results of the combination of velocity fields show the presence of a subsidence bowl with a maximum magnitude of 2.2 cm / year in the first period and 2.4 cm / year in the second period. Its extension reaches the southeastern area of the neighboring town of Vauvert. On the whole this subsidence (size of the bowl and magnitude) varies a little, nevertheless a zone closed to the historical sites of the Galine (east of the zone of study) presents an acceleration of the subsidence of approximately 8 mm / year between the two periods. This acceleration seems to reflect the surface effect of the closest wells purging , initiated in 2015.Finally, the use of an inversion algorithm of the data from the combination methodology (velocities and uncertainties) bring some new informations on the deformation anisotropy. An accommodation of geological structures in depth (folds, faults, detachments) is shown.

Model geodetskog premera savremenim akvizicionim tehnologijama / MODEL OF GEODETIC MEASUREMENT WITH MODERN ACQUISITION TECHNIQUES

Vasić Dejan 23 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Prikupljanje prostornih podataka se danas, u projektima premera i obnove<br />premera, različitim projektima iz oblasti inženjerske geodezije, realizuje<br />konvencionalnim metodama, koje najče&scaron;će obezbeđuju traženu tačnost<br />izlaznih podataka. Sa druge strane, razvojem novih tehnologija i uređaja za<br />prikupljanje podataka nameću se i nove metode rada koje obezbeđuju<br />neuporedivo veći nivo detaljnosti od konvencionalnih metoda pa veoma<br />često imaju prednost u odnosu na konvencionalne metode naročito u<br />projektima inženjerske geodezije. U disertaciji je dat predlog modela<br />geodetskog premera savremenim akvizicionim tehnologijama koji ispunjava<br />kriterijume kvaliteta definisane pravilnikom o premeru zemlji&scaron;ta i kriterijume<br />inženjerske geodezije.</p> / <p>The collection of spatial data is carried out today by conventional methods,<br />which usually provide the required accuracy of the output data in the projects<br />of diameter and diameter reconstruction, by various projects in the field of<br />engineering geodesy. On the other hand, the development of new<br />technologies and data collection devices imposes new methods of work that<br />provide an incomparably higher level of detail than conventional methods,<br />and they often have an advantage over conventional, especially in<br />engineering projects. In the dissertation, the model of geodetic diameter<br />model was presented with modern acquisition technologies that meets the<br />quality criteria defined by the Land Regulations Rulebook and the criteria of<br />engineering geodesy.</p>

Algorithmes de calcul de positions GNSS basés sur les méthodes des moindres carrés avancées / Algorithms for calculating GNSS position based on methods of least squares advanced

Georges, George 25 November 2016 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, une nouvelle approche neuronale TLS EXIN est proposée pour estimer la position d'un récepteurGPS. L'idée générale de cette approche est d'avoir une méthode plus robuste pour le calcul de la position.Le pseudorange alone est l'une des techniques les plus simples et les plus utilisées pour le positionnement GPS.Cette technique nécessite la résolution d'un système surdéterminé d'équations linéaires Ax+/-b. En général, lesmoindres carrés ordinaires (OLS) et les moindres carrés pondérés (WLS) sont les méthodes couramment utiliséespour estimer la position d'un récepteur grâce à leur rapidité et leur robustesse, mais la structure particulière de lamatrice de données A et les bruits affectant ses entrées ne sont pas considérés. Au contraire, cette thèse a pourobjectif d'analyser ces problèmes et d'étudier le comportement des méthodes des moindres carrés (LS) enprésence d'une matrice de données A bruitée.L'approche des moindres carrés totaux (TLS) prend en compte le bruit dans la matrice de données A ainsi que dansle vecteur d'observation b. Cette dernière est une technique moins robuste que OLS et plus sensible auchangement des données, elle est en général résolue par une méthode directe. La méthode TLS EXIN basée surles réseaux de neurones est un algorithme itératif (flux gradient) pour résoudre le problème TLS. Elle donne unmeilleur résultat parce qu'elle peut exploiter les informations d'état initial provenant des époques précédentes et, encas de conditions initiales nulles, donne une estimation précise même en cas de problème singulier.Pour réaliser des comparaisons entre les différentes méthodes des moindres carrés (LS), deux jeux de données ontété collectés. Le premier jeu de données est issu du réseau TERIA et comporte des données collectées depuisdifférentes stations de référence situées dans toute la France. Le deuxième jeu de données est le résultat d'unecampagne de mesures utilisant un appareil GPS (Ublox NL-6002U).Grâce à ces données réelles, un nombre de conditionnement bas a été estimé. Dans ce cas, toutes les méthodesLS donnent des estimations équivalentes, et le choix du meilleur algorithme (OLS, et surtout, WLS) est privilégiépour leur rapidité de calcul. Cependant, le pire scénario qui puisse se produire a été étudié (dans le cas d'unsatellite éloigné), et ont été observés des mauvais conditionnements du problème de GPS (nombre deconditionnement élevé). Cette situation extrême justifie l'utilisation du réseau neuronal TLS EXIN. Les résultatsobtenus confirment cette approche, même pour un nombre de conditionnement élevé.____________________________________________________________________________________________ / In this thesis, the neural approach TLS EXIN was proposed in a new way in order to estimate the position of a GPSreceiver. The general idea of this approach is to develop a more robust method for calculating the position.The ¿pseudorange alone¿ method is one of the simplest techniques and most widely used for estimating the GPSpositioning and it results in solving an overdetermined system of linear equations Ax¿b. In general, the ordinaryleast squares (OLS) and weighted least squares (WLS) are the commonly used methods to estimate the position ofa receiver for their quickness and robustness, but the particular structure of the data matrix A and the noise affectingits entries are not considered. This thesis, instead, aims to address these problems and study the behavior of leastsquares (LS) methods in the presence of a noisy data matrix A.The approach of total least squares (TLS) takes into account the noise in A and b. It is a less robust technique thanOLS and more sensitive to data changes. It is general solved as a direct method. Instead, the neural network TLSEXIN, which is an iterative algorithm (gradient flow) for solving TLS, works better both because it may exploit theinitial condition information derived from the previous epochs, and, in case of null initial conditions, yields anaccurate estimate even in case of close-to-degenerate data matrix.To perform tests between different methods of least squares, two sets of data were collected. The first one comesfrom the TERIA network and includes data collected from different reference stations located throughout France.While the second one is the result of a measurement campaign using GPS (Ublox NL-6002U).Using the real data, a low condition number has been estimated: in this case all LS methods yield equivalentestimates: as a consequence, OLS and WLS are to be preferred for their low computational cost. However, theworst scenario has been investigated which may occur in case of a distant satellite, resulting in the ill-conditioning ofthe GPS problem. This extreme situation justifies the use of the TLS EXIN neural network. The results obtainedconfirm of this approach even for very large condition numbers.

Estimation parcimonieuse de biais multitrajets pour les systèmes GNSS / Sparse estimation of multipath biases for GNSS

Lesouple, Julien 15 March 2019 (has links)
L’évolution des technologies électroniques (miniaturisation, diminution des coûts) a permis aux GNSS (systèmes de navigation par satellites) d’être de plus en plus accessibles et doncutilisés au quotidien, par exemple par le biais d’un smartphone, ou de récepteurs disponibles dans le commerce à des prix raisonnables (récepteurs bas-coûts). Ces récepteurs fournissent à l’utilisateur plusieurs informations, comme par exemple sa position et sa vitesse, ainsi que des mesures des temps de propagation entre le récepteur et les satellites visibles entre autres. Ces récepteurs sont donc devenus très répandus pour les utilisateurs souhaitant évaluer des techniques de positionnement sans développer tout le hardware nécessaire. Les signaux issus des satellites GNSS sont perturbés par de nombreuses sources d’erreurs entre le moment où ils sont traités par le récepteurs pour estimer la mesure correspondante. Il est donc nécessaire decompenser chacune des ces erreurs afin de fournir à l’utilisateur la meilleure position possible. Une des sources d’erreurs recevant beaucoup d’intérêt, est le phénomène de réflexion des différents signaux sur les éventuels obstacles de la scène dans laquelle se trouve l’utilisateur, appelé multitrajets. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des algorithmes permettant de limiter l’effet des multitrajets sur les mesures GNSS. La première idée développée dans cette thèse est de supposer que ces signaux multitrajets donnent naissance à des biais additifs parcimonieux. Cette hypothèse de parcimonie permet d’estimer ces biais à l’aide de méthodes efficaces comme le problème LASSO. Plusieurs variantes ont été développés autour de cette hypothèse visant à contraindre le nombre de satellites ne souffrant pas de multitrajet comme non nul. La deuxième idée explorée dans cette thèse est une technique d’estimation des erreurs de mesure GNSS à partir d’une solution de référence, qui suppose que les erreurs dues aux multitrajets peuvent se modéliser à l’aide de mélanges de Gaussiennes ou de modèles de Markov cachés. Deux méthodes de positionnement adaptées à ces modèles sont étudiées pour la navigation GNSS. / The evolution of electronic technologies (miniaturization, price decreasing) allowed Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to be used in our everyday life, through a smartphone for instance, or through receivers available in the market at reasonable prices (low cost receivers). Those receivers provide the user with many information, such as his position or velocity, but also measurements such as propagation delays of the signals emitted by the satellites and processed by the receiver. These receivers are thus widespread for users who want to challenge positioning techniques without developing the whole product. GNSS signals are affected by many error sources between the moment they are emitted and the moment they are processed by the receiver to compute the measurements. It is then necessary to mitigate each of these error sources to provide the user the most accurate solution. One of the most intense research topic in navigation is the phenomenon of reflexions on the eventual obstacles in the scene the receiver is located in, called multipath. The aim of this thesis is to propose algorithms allowing the effects of multipath on GNSS measurements to be reduced. The first idea presented in this thesis is to assume these multipath lead to sparse additive biases. This hypothesis allows us to estimate this biases thanks to efficient methods such as the LASSO problem. The second idea explored in this thesis is an estimation method of GNSS measurement errors corresponding to the proposed navigation algorithm thanks to a reference trajectory, which assumes these errors can be modelled by Gaussian mixtures or Hidden Markov Models. Two filtering methods corresponding to these two models are studied for GNSS navigation.

Satellitengestützte Fahrzeuglokalisierung in urbanen Gebieten mit GPS und GLONASS

Reisdorf, Pierre 19 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Navigationssysteme sollen nach Möglichkeit an jedem Ort und zu jeder Zeit funktionieren. Satellitennavigationssysteme unterliegen jedoch gewissen äußerlichen Einschränkungen, die die Positionierung erschweren oder erheblich verschlechtern. In einem urbanen Gebiet sind die Einflüsse auf die Positionierung mit Satellitensystemen durch die eingeschränkten räumlichen Verhältnisse besonders groß. Sowohl Mehrwege-Effekte wie auch die Verkleinerung des Sichtbereiches zu den Satelliten treten deutlich mehr auf. Mit der Verwendung von mehreren Satellitensystemen soll versucht werden, die Positionierung im urbanen Gebiet zu verbessern oder überhaupt erst möglich zu machen. Zur Untersuchung werden dafür die Eigenschaften Verfügbarkeit, Genauigkeit und Integrität für GPS, für GLONASS und für beide Systeme als ein Gesamtsystem genauer betrachtet.

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