Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gospel off john"" "subject:"gospel oof john""
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The presence of the risen Jesus in and among his followers with special reference to the first farewell discourse in John 13:31-14:31Hwang, Won-Ha 22 June 2007 (has links)
The author of the Fourth Gospel delivers the true divine identity and significance of Jesus throughout the entire narrative. He aims at guiding his readers through the narrative of the Gospel with the purpose that they will “see” (meet) Jesus, confess him as Christ, and receive eternal life. John actually planned that the text of the Gospel should actively change people. Furthermore, the Gospel of John has wide spectrum of the reader. This means that John opens his message to the all the generations who are no longer in a position to see Jesus physically. Nobody reading this text should or could stay the same, since he or she will be confronted with the protagonist of the text, namely Jesus. By accepting this message, that person will receive life; by rejecting the message, a person will perish. This truth is rehearsed over and again in the narrative for every reader to see. The text of the Gospel thus becomes the “presence of Jesus” among the readers. This functional purpose of the Gospel accounts for the first farewell discourse in John 13:31-14:31. In response to previous scholarship that understands the Johannine farewell discourses solely as a testament, the present study convinces that the discourses interface with classical literature, specifically the following literary styles: Greek tragedy, consolation literature, and the literary symposium tradition. The multiplicity of the generic associations of the discourses sheds new light on the nature of Jesus’ departure as well as his continuing presence in spite of that departure. No longer designed to evoke only the themes of departure and absence, the testament of Jesus in John emphasises instead Jesus’ abiding presence. While the material from Greek tragedy will only further emphasise the theme of departure, the material from classical consolation literature and the literary symposium tradition will accentuate the theme of continuing presence. John has thereby transcended the usual expectations of the testament. Thus the physically absent Jesus becomes present through his first farewell discourse: the reader is confronted with a dynamic portrait of Jesus and this confrontation results in an acceptance of Jesus as Christ, as well as the receiving of eternal life. According to the first farewell discourse, eschatological promise, knowing and seeing the Father, glory, love, pastoral ministry, deeds, prayer, Paraclete, remembering, faith, peace and joy, and the words of Jesus all serve as the replacement of the physical Jesus. Therefore, the first farewell discourse does not indicate the separation of Jesus from his disciples but rather the permanent presence of the risen Jesus in and among them. This is their basis for perseverance, in other words, the foundation of their spreading the gospel messages to non-believers, even though they were in a difficult place. the gospel of John, John 13:31-14-31, the purpose of John’s gospel, the presence of Jesus, the recipient of the Fourth Gospel, the farewell discourse(s), Biblical hermeneutics, glory, eschatological promise, the Paraclete, mutual love, peace and joy / Thesis (PhD (New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted
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Konversion enligt Lukas och Johannes : En jämförelse av konversionsnarrativens funktion i Lukas-Apostlagärningarna och Johannes / Conversion according to Luke and John : A Comparison of The Function of Conversion Narratives in Luke-Acts and JohnMark, Paulina January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine what kind of ingroup conversion prototypes the authors of Luke-Acts and the Gospel of John express through conversion narratives and conceptual metaphors. By analysing the works of the authors I find a range of expressions conceptualising the act or process of conversion to faith in Jesus. These expressions contribute to forming an comprehensive conversion narrative, which has part in forming and setting boundaries for the ingroup of believers towards the outgroup(s) of non-believers. The ingroup conversion prototype for Luke-Acts shows norms of outgroup love, merciful and generous actions as well as good works and inclusion led by the Holy Spirit. The ingroup conversion prototype in John sets up norms of transformation through baptism, ingroup love and a breaking with the darkness of the world. The aim is further on to examine how these prototypes correspond to the models of conversion presented by Lewis R. Rambo. The results show that Luke-Acts view of conversion corresponds both to the model of traditional transition and intensification. The Gospel of John, on the other hand, fits only in the model of traditional transition.
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Eucharistie v Janově evangeliu / The Eucharist in the Gospel of JohnPOLÁČEK, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The presented work deals with the conception of the Eucharist in the Gospel of John. The first chapter is dedicated to terms of the Eucharist, the Last Supper and the Lord{\crq}s Supper and also to the existing division of possible approaches to the sacramentality in the Gospel of John. In the subsequent chapters it deals in detail with five places of the Gospel of John, that are mostly mentioned in connection with the Eucharist. It is the wedding at Cana (2,1-11), the eucharistic section (6,51-58), washing of the feet of disciples (13,1-20), the Vine and the Branches (15,1-17), opening of the side of Jesus (19,34). The work tries to solve the topic (question) in the context as wide as possible including the question of the johannine sources of inspiration. In this way it can be seen the mutual correspondence of these varios places and the deep theological conception of the hole Gospel. The replacement of the institution of the Eucharist in the thirteenth chapter with the washing of the feet and it{\crq}s displacement to {\clqq}the bread of life discourse`` in the sixth chapter is due to the proper evangelist{\crq}s intention. There was an impending danger, that the Eucharist became a magical medicine without any relation to the incarnation and the sacrifitial death of Jesus. These facts have theirs own consequences for the life of the christian community. So the subject of the sacraments has been subordinated to the christological accent.
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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The idea of truth as the revelation of covenant faithfulness in the Gospel of JohnRoberts, Michael David 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study is concerned with the need to investigate the Johannine idea of truth in the context of the Old Testament background, with the stated aim of showing how this conception of truth could still reach those outside the boundary of Judaism. This thesis needs to be set within the larger framework of revelation. The revelation of God in the Old Testament pointed to God's final and fullest revelation given in his Son. And because Jesus is indeed the truth, as he himself explicitly claimed, it necessarily follows that every portion of this revelation is true and reliable in every way. Moreover, because this revelation has been given, there is the need for those to serve as witnesses to it. These witnesses, both divine and human, are themselves revelation by virtue of their divine origin and their consequent inclusion as part of the overall New Testament witness to Jesus.
Chapter one addresses those introductory matters relevant for understanding John's unique view of truth. There are two aspects to this view of truth as centered in Jesus: Jesus as the revelation of truth, and Jesus as the revealer of truth. Truth is the person and work of Jesus, and chapter two treats the first aspect in discussing eight ideas that explain this view of truth. The second aspect is the focus of chapter three. Because truth comes only from God, it must be revealed since human beings cannot understand it on their own. In order for this revelation to be received, witnesses are needed to testify to it. Hence, in John truth and revelation cannot be separated, and witnesses must testify to this revelation as the truth of God. Because Jesus is both the revealer and the revelation itself, he is therefore the preeminent witness precisely because his is a self-authenticating witness that receives the Father's affirmation. The last chapter applies this theological foundation using three ideas that are specifically connected with the word "truth": abiding, sanctification, and worship. Truth is more than intellectual acquirement; it is living one's life in love and service of God and others. / New Testament / D. Th (New Testament)
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Manipulators and counter-manipulators: anagnorisis in John 21 through the lens of Genesis manipulation scenesLowdermilk, David Eric 02 1900 (has links)
John 21 tells of the “miraculous draught of fishes.” The disciples fish all night and catch
nothing. In the morning, they fail to recognize Jesus on the shore, instructing them to cast their net
again. After an amazing catch and subsequent breakfast, Jesus thrice questions Peter’s love and
commissions him to “feed my sheep.”
Using Narrative Criticism, this study examines this recognition scene, specifically in light of
recognition scenes in Genesis. Previous work used primarily Greco-Roman texts to analyze
Johannine recognition. This study adds the Hebraic perspective, asking, “How would a reader, well
acquainted with Genesis, understand recognition in John 21?”
This study labels characters who withhold recognition from others as “manipulators,” and
argues that biblical recognition can be understood within a context of “manipulation.” It proposes a
taxonomy of manipulation with six narrative kernels. This yields four patterns gleaned from Genesis:
1) Manipulation narratives are focused around chosen leaders—manipulators—undergoing a
character development process; 2) These manipulators disempower others while empowering
themselves for gain; 3) Genesis manipulation stories often contain evocative déjà vu motifs:
repetitive words and themes connecting the units, reinforcing the story, and sometimes haunting
manipulators; 4) Manipulators are often “counter-manipulated” in a reciprocal manner ironically
similar to their own previous behavior. This may correct and transform the manipulator.
The taxonomy and patterns are applied to John 21:1-19 as a lens for a new reading. The
study also examines Greek diminutives in John 21, which enhances the reading. This reading
characterizes Peter’s earlier behavior in John 18 as manipulative, when he withheld his identity three
times. When the disciples go aimlessly fishing in John 21, Jesus actively withholds his identity in
ironic counter-manipulation, mirroring Peter’s earlier denials. The disciples’ lack of recognition
underscores their dullness, especially Peter’s. Jesus’ three questions to Peter continue the ironic counter-manipulation, paralleling Peter’s earlier three denials. Finally, Jesus predicts Peter will
glorify God in his death, indicating his future turn toward ideal discipleship. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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DER WAHRE WEINSTOCK: DIE BEDEUTUNG DES WEINSTOCKMOTIVS IN JOHANNES 15:1-8 / The true vine : the meaning of the vine motif in John 15:1-8Volker, Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Ziel der Forschungsarbeitet ist es, zu zeigen, dass die johanneische Weinstockrede das
alttestamentlich und frühjüdisch geprägte Weinstockmotiv aufgreift und weiter entfaltet.
So finden sich in Joh 15:1-8 die Beziehungsebene zwischen Gott und seinen Nachfolgern,
die ethische Konnotation, der Gerichtsgedanke, der messianisch-eschatologische Aspekt
und der Gedanke von Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle wieder.
Es wird deutlich, dass sich in Jesus erfüllt hat, worauf die alttestamentlichen und
frühjüdischen Schriften durch die Verwendung des Weinstockmotivs abgezielt haben: Er
ist der angekündigte Messias, dessen Kommen Fülle mit sich bringt. Dies hat sich bereits
durch Jesu erstes Zeichen, die Verwandlung von Wasser zu Wein (Joh 2:1-11),
Neu ist der Gedanke, dass Jesus seine Nachfolger in sein Wirken mit einbezieht.
Sie partizipieren an seiner messianischen Fülle und produzieren den Überfluss in
Abhängigkeit von Jesus auch selbst mit. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die Jünger ihre
enge Beziehung zu Jesus durch Gebet und das Einhalten seines Wortes aufrechterhalten
und sich an seinem Vorbild orientieren. / The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Johannine vine speech takes up and further
develops the vine motif of the Old Testament and early Jewish history. In John 15:1-8 we
find emphasis on the relationship between God and his disciples, the ethical connotation,
the warning of judgement, the messianic-eschatological aspect and the concepts of
fruitfulness and fullness.
I will show in this thesis, that the the Old Testament and early Jewish writings that
use the vine motif are fulfilled in Jesus Christ: He is the announced Messiah, whose
coming will bring fullness. This is already implied in Jesus’s first miracle, turning water
into wine (John 2:1-11).
What is new is that Jesus includes his disciples in his ministry. They participate in his
messianic abundance and in dependence on Jesus they themselves produce abundance.
The prerequisite for this abundant fruitfulness is a close relationship with Jesus through
prayer, abiding in his word, and following his example. / New Testament / M. Th.(New Testament)
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The idea of truth as the revelation of covenant faithfulness in the Gospel of JohnRoberts, Michael David 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study is concerned with the need to investigate the Johannine idea of truth in the context of the Old Testament background, with the stated aim of showing how this conception of truth could still reach those outside the boundary of Judaism. This thesis needs to be set within the larger framework of revelation. The revelation of God in the Old Testament pointed to God's final and fullest revelation given in his Son. And because Jesus is indeed the truth, as he himself explicitly claimed, it necessarily follows that every portion of this revelation is true and reliable in every way. Moreover, because this revelation has been given, there is the need for those to serve as witnesses to it. These witnesses, both divine and human, are themselves revelation by virtue of their divine origin and their consequent inclusion as part of the overall New Testament witness to Jesus.
Chapter one addresses those introductory matters relevant for understanding John's unique view of truth. There are two aspects to this view of truth as centered in Jesus: Jesus as the revelation of truth, and Jesus as the revealer of truth. Truth is the person and work of Jesus, and chapter two treats the first aspect in discussing eight ideas that explain this view of truth. The second aspect is the focus of chapter three. Because truth comes only from God, it must be revealed since human beings cannot understand it on their own. In order for this revelation to be received, witnesses are needed to testify to it. Hence, in John truth and revelation cannot be separated, and witnesses must testify to this revelation as the truth of God. Because Jesus is both the revealer and the revelation itself, he is therefore the preeminent witness precisely because his is a self-authenticating witness that receives the Father's affirmation. The last chapter applies this theological foundation using three ideas that are specifically connected with the word "truth": abiding, sanctification, and worship. Truth is more than intellectual acquirement; it is living one's life in love and service of God and others. / New Testament / D. Th (New Testament)
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Manipulators and counter-manipulators: anagnorisis in John 21 through the lens of Genesis manipulation scenesLowdermilk, David Eric 02 1900 (has links)
John 21 tells of the “miraculous draught of fishes.” The disciples fish all night and catch
nothing. In the morning, they fail to recognize Jesus on the shore, instructing them to cast their net
again. After an amazing catch and subsequent breakfast, Jesus thrice questions Peter’s love and
commissions him to “feed my sheep.”
Using Narrative Criticism, this study examines this recognition scene, specifically in light of
recognition scenes in Genesis. Previous work used primarily Greco-Roman texts to analyze
Johannine recognition. This study adds the Hebraic perspective, asking, “How would a reader, well
acquainted with Genesis, understand recognition in John 21?”
This study labels characters who withhold recognition from others as “manipulators,” and
argues that biblical recognition can be understood within a context of “manipulation.” It proposes a
taxonomy of manipulation with six narrative kernels. This yields four patterns gleaned from Genesis:
1) Manipulation narratives are focused around chosen leaders—manipulators—undergoing a
character development process; 2) These manipulators disempower others while empowering
themselves for gain; 3) Genesis manipulation stories often contain evocative déjà vu motifs:
repetitive words and themes connecting the units, reinforcing the story, and sometimes haunting
manipulators; 4) Manipulators are often “counter-manipulated” in a reciprocal manner ironically
similar to their own previous behavior. This may correct and transform the manipulator.
The taxonomy and patterns are applied to John 21:1-19 as a lens for a new reading. The
study also examines Greek diminutives in John 21, which enhances the reading. This reading
characterizes Peter’s earlier behavior in John 18 as manipulative, when he withheld his identity three
times. When the disciples go aimlessly fishing in John 21, Jesus actively withholds his identity in
ironic counter-manipulation, mirroring Peter’s earlier denials. The disciples’ lack of recognition
underscores their dullness, especially Peter’s. Jesus’ three questions to Peter continue the ironic counter-manipulation, paralleling Peter’s earlier three denials. Finally, Jesus predicts Peter will
glorify God in his death, indicating his future turn toward ideal discipleship. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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