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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Net energy of wheat-corn distillers dried grains with solubles for growing pigs as determined by the comparative slaughter, indirect calorimetry, and the chemical composition methods

Ayoade, Deborah 17 January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to determine the net energy (NE) of wheat-corn distillers dried grains with solubles (wcDDGS) using the comparative slaughter (CS), the indirect calorimetry (IC) and the chemical composition (CH) methods. Based on the CS method, NE values of 2,407, and 2,424 kcal/kg DM were obtained for wcDDGS included at 15% and 30%, respectively. For the IC method, the NE values of 2,407, and 2,403 kcal/kg DM were obtained for wcDDGS included at 15% and 30%, respectively; corresponding values for the CH method were 2,536 and 2,197 kcal/kg DM, respectively. It is concluded that NE value of wcDDGS ranges from 2,367 kcal/kg DM to 2,416 kcal/kg DM depending on the method used. As the values obtained from the various methods were not different, the average NE value for the wcDDGS evaluated was 2,396 ± 25.71 kcal/kg DM.

Produção animal e de grãos de trigo duplo propósito com diferentes períodos de pastejo

Pitta, Christiano Santos Rocha January 2009 (has links)
Produzir trigo de duplo propósito possibilita ao agricultor dar ênfase às alternativas mais rentáveis em função da variação dos preços pagos pelos produtos, entretanto, a época de diferimento e os efeitos do pastejo sobre a produção ainda precisam ser elucidados. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho, conduzido na área do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) na estação experimental de Pato Branco- PR, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes períodos de pastejo (0, 21, 42, 63, 84 e 105 dias) sobre a produção de grãos de trigo da cultivar BRS Tarumã e a produção animal de bovinos da raça Purunã com peso médio de 162 kg e idade de 10 meses, que permaneceram sob pastejo com lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável. Durante o período experimental (abril a novembro de 2007), avaliou-se: massa, oferta e qualidade da forragem, carga animal, taxa de lotação, ganho de peso vivo por área e ganho médio diário e produção de grãos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com seis tratamentos e duas repetições. O pastejo pode ser executado com resultados eficientes para produção animal até os 88 dias, porém ocorre redução na produção de grãos de acordo com o aumento do período de pastejo. / The double purpose wheat production (animal and grain production) allows some flexibility in the crop livestock production system and permit to the farmers to choose the best alternative according to the prices paid to the products, although, the deferment periods and the grazing effects over the wheat production need to be studied. The aim of the present work, carried out at the Agronomist institute of Paraná (IAPAR), experimental unit of Pato Branco-PR, was to evaluate the effect of six grazing periods (0, 21, 42, 63, 84 and 105 days) over the wheat grain production, BRS Tarumã cultivar and the animal production of Purunã steers with average live weight of 162 kg and age of 10 months managed on continuous stocking rate. During the experimental period (April to November of 2007) were evaluated: forage mass, offer and nutritive value, intake, stocking rate, animal daily gain and gain per hectare and wheat grain production. The experiment was laid out as randomized complete (RCBD) block design with six treatments and two eplications. The grazing period can be kept until 88 days with efficient results to the animal production, however, the grains production decreased with grazing use.

Limit theorems for spatio-temporal models with long-range dependence / Théorèmes limites pour les modèles spatio-temporels à longue mémoire

Pilipauskaité, Vytauté 20 October 2017 (has links)
Les travaux de la thèse portent sur les théorèmes limites pour des modèles stochastiques à forte dépendance. Dans la première partie, nous considérons des modèles AR(1) à coefficient aléatoire. Nous identifions trois régimes asymptotiques différents pour le schéma d’agrégation conjointe temporelle-contemporaine lorsque les processus AR sont indépendants et lorsque les AR possède des innovations communes. Ensuite, on discute de l’estimation non paramétrique de la fonction de répartition du coefficient autorégressif à partir d’un panel de séries AR(1) à coefficient aléatoire. Nous prouvons la convergence faible du processus empirique basé sur des estimations des coefficients autorégressifs non observables vers un pont brownien généralisé. Ce résultat est ensuite appliqué pour valider différents outils d’inférence statistique à partir des données du panel AR(1). Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous nous concentrons sur les modèles spatiaux en dimension 2. Nous considérons des champs aléatoires construits à partir des polynômes Appell et de champs aléatoires linéaires. Pour ce modèle non linéaire, nous étudions la limite de ses sommes partielles normalisées prises sur des rectangles et prouvons l’existence d’une transition d’échelle. Enfin, nous abordons la même question pour le modèle de germes-grains aléatoire. Nous mettons en évidence l’existence de deux points de transition dans les limites de ces modèles. / The thesis is devoted to limit theorems for stochastic models with long-range dependence. We first consider a random-coefficient AR(1) process, which can have long memory provided the distribution of autoregressive coefficient concentrates near the unit root. We identify three different limit regimes in the scheme of joint temporal-contemporaneous aggregation for independent copies of random-coefficient AR(1) process and for its copies driven by common innovations. Next, we discuss nonparametric estimation of the distribution of the autoregressive coefficient given multiple random-coefficient AR(1) series. We prove the weak convergence of the empirical process based on estimates of unobservable autoregressive coefficients to a generalized Brownian bridge and apply this result to draw statistical inference from panel AR(1) data. In the second part of the thesis we focus on spatial models in dimension 2. We define a nonlinear random field as the Appell polynomial of a linear random field with long-range dependence. For the nonlinear random field, we investigate the limit of its normalized partial sums over rectangles and prove the existence of scaling transition. Finally, we study such like scaling of the random grain model and obtain two-change points in its limits.

Next-generation distillers dried grain as a potential dietary ingredient in dog and cat diets

Smith, Spencer C. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Grain Science and Industry / C.G. Aldrich / Novel ingredients have been a source of innovation and growth in the pet food market. Further, with rising trends in the humanization of pet food, there has been increased competition between the human food systems and pet food industry for high quality ingredients. Next-generation distillers dried grains (NG-DDG) are a sustainable alternative protein source that show a strong potential for use in companion animal diets. The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of NG-DDG on the extrusion of dry kibbles, the utilization of diets by dogs, the palatability of diets by dogs and cats, and to evaluate the amino acid profile and protein quality through a chick growth assay. Corn gluten meal (CGM) and soybean meal (SBM) were used as standards for comparison. Diets were extruded over 3 days in a complete block design. During extrusion, the NG-DDG kibbles had less radial expansion (P<0.05) compared to the CGM and SBM kibbles (2.62 vs. average 3.10 mm²/mm², respectively). The NG-DDG kibble also required a smaller (P<0.05) mass restriction-valve opening to increase die back-pressure. No other differences in extrusion parameters or kibble texture were observed. Twelve beagle dogs were arranged in a 3x3 replicated Latin Square and were each fed the 3 experimental diets to evaluate digestibility by use of titanium dioxide. Diet produced with CGM was more digestible (P<0.05) in terms of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fat, and gross energy. Additionally, dogs fed NG-DDG diets had larger (P<0.05) fecal mass than both CGM and SBM (55.65 vs 35.91 and 43.25 g/d, respectively), and a higher (P<0.05) fecal score than dogs fed the CGM diet (3.63 vs. 3.27). Diets were fed to both dogs and cats to assess palatability via a two-bowl test. Dogs had a preference (P<0.05) for CGM over SBM and NG-DDG, but cats showed a preference (P<0.05) for SBM and NG-DDG over CGM. To assess protein quality, one-day old chicks (CobbxCobb; n=120) were fed semi-purified diets containing test ingredients at a 10% crude protein inclusion level, as well as spray dried granulated egg (SDG) and a nitrogen-free basal diet (NEG) to serve as positive and negative controls, respectively. Chicks were arranged in a randomized block design with 6 chicks per pen, 1 pen per battery, and 4 pens per treatment. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) of each treatment was calculated as weight gain (g) per protein intake (g). All experimental treatments had a lower (P<0.05) PER value than the positive control. The PER for NG-DDG and CGM did not differ from each other and had the lowest value of all treatments (P<0.05; average 1.17). In summary, next-generation distillers dried grains can be used to make a similar kibble to CGM and SBM, are similar to SBM in terms of digestibility, and would be an acceptable source of protein in companion animal diets when paired with a supplemental protein source.

Effects of distiller's grains on performance and meat quality in steers at 70% inclusion

Reader, Scott W. 01 December 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of 70% (DM) inclusion of dried distillers' grain with solubles (DDGS) on performance and meat quality. Ninety-six Angus steers (276 kg ± 7.5 kg initial BW) were used in an completely randomized design with incomplete replication. Steers were stratified by BW to pens and pens were randomly assigned to one of 6 treatments: 1) 80% corn; 5% soybean meal; 15% corn silage, fed as a negative control (CON); 2) 40% DDGS: 45% corn: 15% corn silage, fed as a positive control (PCON); 3) steers received PCON (0-84d) then switched to a diet of 70% DDGS: 15% corn: 15% corn silage until finished (40/70); 4) steers started on 70% DDGS: 15% corn: 15% corn silage (0-84d) then switched to PCON until finished (70/40); 5) CON + soybean meal, isonitrogenous to PCON (N40); 6) CON + corn oil, isocaloric to PCON (E40). Steers were fed respective treatments until 80% of them reached low choice or higher by visual appraisal, providing their genetics allowed (168 and 213 days). Dry matter intake, DMI, (P &ge 0.82) was not affected by treatment, isocaloric, or isonitrogenous diets. End weight was greater (P = 0.04) for PCON steers compared to N40 steers. However, no treatment effect (P &ge 0.15) on G:F. Dietary treatment did not affect HCW, quality grade, %KPH, or liver score (P &ge 0.12). Yield grade was not affected (P = 0.12) by treatment but tended to be lower (P = 0.06) for N40 steers compared to PCON steers. However, N40 steers had a larger (P = 0.04) ribeye area and greater rib fat (P = 0.05) when compared to PCON and ribeye tended (P = 0.06) to be smaller in 70/40 and E40 steers compared to all other treatments. Minotola color, % cook loss, shear force, total SFA, total PUFA, total MUFA or lipogenic activity were not affected (P &ge 0.08) by treatment. The data of this study suggests that it is possible to feed 70% DDGS in feedlot rations with little to no adverse effects on growth performance or meat quality.

Včelařsky významné pylodárné rostliny jarního a časně letního aspektu na území Zbudovských Blat (okolí obce Hlavatce) / Important plants in terms of pollen for bee-keeping in the spring and early summer in the "Zbudovska Blata" region

ŠOLÁ, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
Objective of the theses was to determine the botanical origin of bee-collected pollens using pollen analysis. The beehive, from where the pollen came from, is located in Hlavatce, which is 20 km far from České Budějovice. Bee-collected polens was obtained via pollen trap, which was put on the beehive once a week for 24 hours between 17th March to 6th June 2017. Pollens were dried, sorted according to the color shades, and the partial color samples were weighed on the analytical scales. The pollen analysis took place at a microscope magnification of 400x. The characteristics of exine (sculpture) and quantity and type of apertures were observed. The size of the grain, which was measured always in 50 pollen grains, helped to classify the plant species. Using the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index, the bee's preferences were assessed in individual samples. The work is supplemented with photos of selected pollen grains.

Digestão ruminal da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e do amido de grãos de milho e de sorgo (com e sem tanino) submetidos a processamento

Rodrigues, Márcia Marise de Freitas Cação [UNESP] 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:44:44Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_mmfc_dr_botfmvz.pdf: 187134 bytes, checksum: 41a810da060eba822861f2da21c00b4d (MD5) / Esta pesquisa avaliou os efeitos dos processamentos ensilagem, extrusão e secagem do milho e de sorgo sem tanino e com tanino sobre a composição química e a cinética de digestão ruminal da matéria seca e da proteína bruta. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial de tratamentos 3 X 3, sendo três tipos de grãos (milho, sorgo sem tanino e sorgo com tanino) e três processamentos (seco, ensilado e extrusado). Para a avaliação da composição química e do tanino e para o experimento de degradabilidade utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, em um esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 3, sendo três tipos de grãos (milho, sorgo com tanino e sorgo sem tanino), três formas de processamentos (moído seco, ensilagem e extrusão) e três blocos (animais) com a técnica de degradação ruminal in situ. Os valores encontrados para os teores de proteína bruta estiveram entre 8,7 e 10,7% para o milho e entre 9,9 e 11,1% para o sorgo. Os teores de extrato etéreo sofreram modificações com o processamento nos três tipos de grãos, onde se constatou redução significativa com a secagem, a ensilagem e a extrusão em relação ao material úmido nos três grãos. Para os teores de fenóis, tanino total e tanino condensado houve efeito de híbrido, de processamento e da interação entre eles. O sorgo com tanino apresentou teores mais elevados de fenóis, tanino total e tanino condensado do que o sorgo sem tanino. Embora a composição do milho e dos dois híbridos de sorgo tenha sido similar a interação desses ingredientes no ambiente ruminal associada a presença do tanino, proporcionou diferenças na degradabilidade da matéria seca. Conclui-se que o sorgo sem tanino deve ser ensilado ou extrusado, enquanto o sorgo com tanino deve ser extrusado por melhorar a degradabilidade e a disponibilidade de nutrientes no rúmen. / This research evaluated the effects of the high moisture silage processing, extrusion and drying of corn and of sorghum with and without tannin on the chemical composition and dry matter degradability ruminal. The assay design was entirely randomized arranged in a factorial (3x3), with three types of grains (corn, sorghum without tannin and sorghum with tannin) and three types of processing (dry, high moisture silage and extruded). Tannin chemical evaluation and the degradability were evaluated in a blocks randomized design. The treatments were arranged in a factorial (3x3x3), with three types of grains (corn, sorghum with tannin and sorghum without tannin), three forms of processing (dry, high moisture silage and extrusion) and three animals. Degradation ruminal in situ technique was used. The values crude protein ranged between 8,7 and 10,7% for corn and between 9,9 and 11,1% for sorghum. The ethereal extract values of the three types of grains changed with the processing. Significant reduction was verified, in the three grains, with drying, high moisture silage and extrusion correlated to the moisture material. Phenol values, total tannin and condensed tannin was affected by the hybrid, processing and by the interaction among them. Sorghum with tannin showed elevated phenol values, total tannin and condensed tannin than sorghum without tannin. Although the composition of corn and the two hybrid of sorghum it has been similar, the interaction of those ingredients in the ruminal ambient associated with the presence of tannin provided differences in dry matter degradability. It is ended that sorghum without tannin should be ensiled or extruded, while sorghum with tannin should be extruded for improving degradability and readiness of dry matter in the rumen.

Sistema pneumático de secagem de grãos com gerenciamento termodinâmico do processo

Faria, Antonio Eduardo de [UNESP] 20 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-03-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:20Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 faria_ae_dr_guara.pdf: 1910627 bytes, checksum: 1395311975de9262c15d21eecfac70d0 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho de pesquisa foi realizadas uma análise do comportamento de grãos de arroz submetidos à passagem de fluxos de ar com variadas condições termodinâmicas (temperatura, umidade relativa / absoluta, entalpia). Esta análise foi feita utilizando-se um recipiente com capacidade para confinar 5 litros de grãos, sendo o ar forçado a escoar pela ação da sucção de uma bomba de vácuo, promovendo assim pressões relativas menores que a atmosférica no ar de secagem, proporcionando uma migração mais facilitada das moléculas de água. Como resultado deste experimento foi obtido um consumo de energia em torno de 30 % dos sistemas convencionais de secagem à lenha com tempos de processamento de 2 horas, menores que os convencionais que consomem até 6 horas. Também foi possível determinar a distância ótima de escoamento do ar de secagem pelos grãos, em torno de 16 cm, pela análise da distribuição de pressões e temperaturas medidas através do secador protótipo . Devido ao fato do processo de secagem ser extremamente dinâmico devido as variações das características do ar ambiente (temperatura, umidade, entalpia, massa específica, etc), dos grãos provenientes do campo (arroz, feijão, milho, etc) e do combustível (lenha, casca de arroz, gás natural, etc) a ser utilizado como fonte térmica, torna-se necessária a implementação de um sistema de controle capaz de promover um gerenciamento termodinâmico do processo, ou seja, monitorar as taxas de transferência de calor e água entre os grãos e o ar de secagem em tempo real, promovendo ajustes na temperatura e intensidade do fluxo de ar de secagem, assim como a velocidade de homogeneização dos grãos dentro do leito. / In this research work an analysis of the behavior of grains of rice of the field was accomplished submitted to the passage of flows of air with several thermodynamic conditions (temperature, relative humidity / absolute, entalpia). This analysis was made being used a recipient with capacity to confine 5 liters of grains, being the forced air to drain like this for the action of the suction of a vacuum pump, promoting smaller relative pressures than the atmospheric in the drying air, promoting a facilitated migration of the molecules of water. As a result of this experiment was obtained a consumption of energy around 30% of the conventional firewood systems with times of processing of 2 hours, smaller that the conventional ones that consume 6 hours. It was also possible to determine the larger distance of drainage of the drying air for the grains around 16 cm, through the analysis of the distribution of pressures and temperatures measured through the volume. Due to the fact of the drying process to be extremely dynamic due to the variations of the characteristics of the environmental air (temperature, humidity, entalpia, specific mass, etc), grains coming of the field (rice, bean, corn, etc) and of the fuel (firewood, peel of rice, natural gas, etc) to be used as thermal source, it becomes necessary the implementation of a control system capable of promoting an thermodynamic management of the process, in other words, to follow the rates of transfer of heat and water between the grains and the drying air in real time, promoting adjustment in the temperature and intensity of the flow of drying air, as well as the speed to homogenize the grains inside of the bed.

Numerical modeling of soil-pile interaction considering grain breakage in finite deformations / Modélisation numérique de l'interaction sol-pieu en prenant en compte l'écrasement des grains en déformations finies

Berenguer Todo-Bom, Luis André 12 February 2014 (has links)
L’analyse du comportement des pieux est un problème complexe du fait de la diversité des phénomènes qui gouvernent le comportement du sol et en particulier celui se trouvant au voisinage du pieu. Ce dernier dépend particulièrement du procédé d’installation du pieu qui peut parfois engendrer des déformations de très grande amplitude dans le sol entre autre phénomènes. L’objectif de ce travail est de mettre en place un outil de modélisation pour évaluer le comportement des pieux sous chargements axiaux en développant des modèles représentant les phénomènes physiques pertinents et de les intégrer numériquement dans un logiciel aux éléments finis utilisant des algorithmes robustes et efficaces. Pour pouvoir modéliser la phase d’installation statique ou dynamique d’un pieu quelques problématiques doivent être considérées. Premièrement, étant donné que pendant l’installation d’un pieu des déformations finies (non-infinitésimal) ont lieu au niveau de l’interface, une formulation eulérienne avec un taux logarithmique des déformations a été adoptée pour prendre en compte le fait que l’hypothèse des déformations infinitésimales n’est plus valable. En plus, le modèle constitutive doit prendre en compte le comportement physique du sol lorsqu’il est soumis à des déplacements d’une magnitude élevée. Le dernier est constitué, entre autres, par le phénomène de l’écrasement des grains ce qui influence beaucoup le comportement volumique du sol et finalement sa résistance au cisaillement ou en d’autres termes le frottement mobilisé. Ce phénomène a été modélisé en introduisant une variable d’écrouissage supplémentaire au modèle de comportement élastoplastique de l’ECP. Les critères d’admissibilité thermodynamique ont été vérifiés pour le modèle constitutive original ainsi que pour le modèle révisé. Des simulations numériques ont été faites pour les deux types d’installation, monotone et pseudo-dynamique (cyclique) et les résultats ont été analysés en détail. Finalement, la dégradation de la résistance au cisaillement au niveau du fût des pieux est un phénomène typique qui se produit pendant le chargement cyclique des fondations composées par des pieux. Le modèle constitutive pour pouvoir bien reproduire ce phénomène n’est pas simple à définir car le chemin de chargement suivi par l’interface sol-pieu est très dépendant du comportement volumique du sol qui à son tours dépend de l’histoire de chargement et des conditions aux limites du problème. Une étude détaillée de toutes les composantes du comportement du pieu pendant ce type de chargement a été effectuée afin de mettre en évidence l’influence de l’histoire de chargement sur la résistance au cisaillement et l’apparition des phénomènes tels que la fatigue du frottement. / The analysis of pile behavior is a complex problem due to the diversity of the phenomena governing the soil behavior and particularly that of the neighboring soil. The objective of this work was to develop a valid modeling tool to evaluate piles’ behavior under axial loads by developing a pertinent mechanical model supported in a robust finite element program which would successfully reproduce the soil behaviour under extreme monotonic and cyclic shear strain. This is done to allow for the numerical modelling of the installation procedure of pile foundations and continued loading of high amplitude cyclic paths. In order to model the installation phase of a monotonic, jacked or dynamic pile foundation some issues must be addressed. Finite deformations take place whilst the pile is put in place requiring an adjustment in the mechanical formulation of the model at the interface level to take into account that the small deformations (rotations and strain) hypothesis is no longer valid. Moreover, the constitutive model must take into account the physical behaviour of the soil when subjected to high order of magnitude displacements. This includes the phenomenon of grain breakage, also referred to as particle crushing, which greatly influences the volumetric behaviour of soil as thus reflecting of shear stress mobilization. The elastoplastic ECP model has therefore been enhanced by introducing an internal variable taking into account the breakage mechanism. The thermodynamic admissibility criteria are verified for the original and revised constitutive models. Both monotonic and pseudo-dynamic installation procedures were numerically simulated and the results thoroughly analysed. Finally, the cyclic shear resistance degradation at the pile shaft is a commonly occurring phenomenon during continued cyclic loading of pile foundation (friction fatigue). The constitutive modelling of this phenomenon, however, is not a straightforward matter. The stress path followed by the thin layer at the soil-pile interface level is known to be directly related to the volumetric behaviour due to the boundary conditions of the problem. A comprehensive analysis of all the components of the behaviour of soil during this stage was object of study in this work.

Análise de um sistema de transporte ferroviário de granéis agrícolas através de uma abordagem integrada simulação-otimização. / A railroad transportation system analysis in a simulation-optimization framework.

Pedro Veiga de Camargo 05 November 2010 (has links)
O transporte ferroviário é uma das mais eficientes formas para escoamento da safra brasileira de granéis agrícolas. Apesar disso, a malha ferroviária nacional, bem como a sua frota de veículos, não tem sido expandida no mesmo ritmo que a produção de grãos, impondo restrições de capacidade de transporte cada vez mais fortes nesse modal. Nesse contexto, é necessário que a ferrovia torne-se mais eficiente, de forma a suprir o seu crescimento deficitário com aumento de produtividade. Esse trabalho lança mão de uma abordagem mista simulação-otimização para realizar a análise de possíveis estratégias operacionais para um sistema de transporte ferroviário operando em ciclo fechado, abordagem que se mostrou bastante adequada à representação de sistemas ferroviários do tipo considerado neste trabalho. É apresentado um modelo de simulação estocástica implementado em linguagem de programação dentro do qual foram testadas diversas regras de decisão baseadas em figuras de mérito diversas, algumas das quais apresentando resultados bastante promissores para testes práticos. / Railway transportation is one of the most efficient means used to carry the Brazilian grain production to export ports. However, grain production has grown at a faster rate than the railway infrastructure, leading to several operational restrictions for this transportation mode. Therefore it is expected from the railway operators an increase in their efficiency to supplement their lack of capacity. This research presents a discussion of some strategies that could be used for a grain rail transportation system operating in a closed loop, which was modeled as an simulation-optimization type of model, which revealed itself a very suitable approach when modeling this type of transportation system. This dissertation describes the simulation model developed to characterize the system, the prioritization rules that were incorporated into the model, as well as some very promising results.

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