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Towards formalized adaptive management in succulent valley bushveld.Stuart-Hill, Gregory Colin. January 1993 (has links)
This study was designed to provide the means for implementing formal scientific vegetation management 1n the succulent valley
bushveld of the eastern Cape, South Africa.
Nowhere in the world has a detailed, effective and practical veld
management system being developed entirely from research, and
even the most successful management systems rely heavily on the
intuition of people. A process, formally called 'adaptive
management', combines this intuition with scientific testing and
the overall objective of this study was to provide a framework
for formalized adaptive management in succulent valley bushveld.
On analyzing the process of adaptive management, the following
knowledge 'tools' were identified: (i) a management system for
immediate implementation; (ii) a technique for vegetation
assessment; (iii) a technique for monitoring vegetation change;
(iv) a technique for monitoring forage use and recovery; (v) a
list of key forage species; (vi) a model to set initial stocking
rates; (vii) a method of recording essential information; and
(viii) a database of ecological principles.
Providing these 'tools' became the goals of this study. These
topics covered almost all facets of rangeland science, and the
approach was to address these in a 'top down' manner, rather than
sub-optimize by specializing on anyone component.
Most of the 'tools' were achieved to a greater or lesser extent
and are presented as a series of publications. However, a
central tool, that for monitoring vegetation change, remains
outstanding despite comprehensive testing of a range of
traditional botanical methods. Indeed, critical review revealed
that this 'missing tool' is a problem which is common in all
vegetation communities in South Africa - despite the impression
created by vegetation researchers that adequate techniques are
indeed available. This is serious because land managers are not
able to evaluate the impact of their efforts and the government
is unable to monitor the effectiveness of their research and
extension services, costing millions of public monies annually.
The implication also, is that vegetation cannot be managed
scientifically (management implies monitoring).
Either formal adaptive management is not practicable, or
researchers are operating from an inappropriate paradigm;
specifically that of providing techniques for their research
projects and claiming that these (or derivatives of these) are
adequate for farm or regional scale monitoring.
More generally, research has often become an end in it's self,
with research quality being judged by criteria which are of
little significance to the real world and which damage
efficiency. Perhaps, the real value of vegetation research lies
in the experiential learning which the researcher gains not the
inevitably parochial results. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1993.
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The influence of fertiliser nitrogen on soil nitrogen and on the herbage of a grazed kikuyu pasture in Natal.Hefer, Graham Daniel. January 1994 (has links)
The work reported in this thesis was designed to develop a better
understanding of the fate of fertiliser nitrogen applied to a
tropical pasture under field conditions, with the eventual
objective of improving the economy of livestock production off
such pastures. This involved an examination of the
concentrations of soil total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and
nitrate nitrogen at different depths within the soil profile
following the application of different levels of fertiliser
nitrogen to a grazed kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) pasture,
as well as the influence of such applications on pasture yield
and some elements of pasture quality. The trial was conducted
over a two year period at Broadacres in the Natal Mistbelt.
A labelled [15]NH[4]N0[3] fertiliser experiment was also conducted
to ascertain how the labelled ammonium ion moved through the
soil, roots and herbage after being applied in spring onto a
kikuyu pasture.
In the absence of fertiliser N, a total of 15.45 t/ha of
soil N was recorded at an average concentration of 0.15%. More
than 30% of the soil total N was, however, situated within the
top 10cm of soil. organic matter (OM) content in the top 0-10cm
of the profile was high (4.75%), reflecting an accumulation of
organic matter in this zone. However, as organic C (and thus c: N
ratios) declined with depth, so too did soil total N
Not surprisingly, fertiliser
measurably increase soil total N,
N applications did not
but indirectly may have affected soil N dynamics by increasing net mineralisation (due
to its "priming" effect) thereby stimulating plant growth and
thus increasing the size of the organic N pool through greater
plant decay.
Total soil N concentration did not change significantly from
the first to the second season. This could be attributed to the
fact that N gains and losses on the pastures, being over 15 years
old, were probably in equilibrium. Generally similar trends in
soil total N down the profile over both seasons was further
confirmation of this.
Before the application of any fertiliser, 331.9 kg NH[4]-N was
measured in the soil to a depth of 1m, on average, over both
seasons. This amount represented only 2.1% of the soil total N
in the profile. The concentration of NH[4]-N followed a quadratic
trend down the soil profile, irrespective of the amount of
fertiliser N applied, with the largest concentrations
accumulating, on average, in the 0-10cm and 75-100cm depth
classes and lowest concentrations in the 50-75cm depth class.
Laboratory wetting/drying experiments on soil samples collected
from a depth of 75-100cm showed that NH[4]-N concentrations
declined only marginally from their original concentrations. A
high organic C content of 1.44% at this depth was also probable
evidence of nitrification inhibition. Analysis of a similar
Inanda soil form under a maize crop did not exhibit the
properties eluded to above, suggesting that annual turn-over of
the soil was causing mineralisation-immobilisation reactions to
proceed normally.
Addition of fertiliser N to the pasture significantly increased the amount of NH[4]-N over that of the control camps.
Furthermore, the higher the application rate, the greater the
increase in NH[4]-N accumulation within the soil profile. As N
application rates increased, so the NH[4]-N:N0[3]-N ratio narrowed in
the soil complex. This was probably due to NH[4]-N being applied
ln excess of plant requirements at the high N application rates.
On average, 66.7 kg more NH[4]-N was present in the soil in
the first season than in the second after fertilisation.
Although this amount did not differ significantly from spring
through to autumn, during early spring and late summer/autumn
concentrations were higher than in mid-summer. Observed soil
NH4-N trends were also very similar to the soil total N trends
within both seasons, suggesting that soil total N concentrations
might well play an important role in determining soil NH4-N
Before fertilisation, only 45.6 kg N0[3]-N, representing 0.29%
of the soil total N, was on average, found in the profile to a
depth of 1m. The highest concentration of N0[3]-N was lodged in
the top 10cm of the soil. Nitrate-N declined, on average, with
depth down the profile. However, during the second season, even
though the concentration of N03-N declined down the profile, it
increased with depth during relative to that of the first season,
suggesting the movement of N0[3]-N down the profile during this
Fertilisation significantly increased the concentration of
N0[3]-N above that of the control camps. Concentrations increased
as fertiliser application rates increased, as did N0[3]-N
concentrations with depth. This has important implications regarding potential leaching of N03-N into the groundwater,
suggesting that once applications reach levels of 300 kg
N/ha/season or more, applications should become smaller and more
frequent over the season in order to remove this pollution
On average, 94.3 kg N0[3]-N/ha was present down to a depth of
1m over both seasons. However, significantly more N0[3]-N was
present in the second season than in the first. This result is
in contrast to that of the NH[4]-N, wherein lower concentrations
were found in the second season than in the first.
No specific trends in N0[3]-N concentration were observed
within each season. Rather, N0[3]-N concentrations tended to vary
inconsistently at each sampling period. Nitrate N and ammonium
N concentrations within each month followed a near mirror image.
A DM yield of 12.7 t/ha, averaged over all treatments, was
measured over the two seasons. A progressive increase in DM
yield was obtained with successive increments of N fertiliser.
The response of the kikuyu to the N applied did, however, decline
as N applications increased.
A higher yield of 1.8 t DM/ha in the first season over that
of the second was difficult to explain since rainfall amount and
distribution was similar over both seasons.
On average, 2.84% protein N was measured in the herbage over
both seasons. In general, protein N concentrations increased as
N application rates increased.
On average, higher concentrations of protein-N were measured
within the upper (>5cm) than in the lower <5cm) herbage stratum,
irrespective of the amount of N applied. Similar bi-modal trends over time in protein-N concentration
were measured for all N treatments and within both herbage strata
over both seasons, with concentrations tending to be highest
during early summer (Dec), and in early autumn (Feb), and lowest
during spring (Oct), mid-summer (Jan) and autumn (March). spring
and autumn peaks seemed to correspond with periods of slower
growth, whilst low mid-summer concentrations coincided with
periods of high DM yields and TNC concentrations.
The range of N0[3]-N observed in the DM on the Broadacres
trial was 0.12% to 0.43%. As applications of fertiliser N to the
pasture increased, N0[3]-N concentrations within the herbage
increased in a near-linear fashion.
On average, higher concentrations of N0[3]-N, irrespective of
the amount of fertiliser N applied, were measured wi thin the
upper (>5cm) than the lower <5cm) herbage stratum.
A similar bi-modal trend to that measured with protein-N
concentrations was observed in both seasons for N0[3]-N in the
herbage. High concentrations of N0[3]-N were measured during
spring (Nov) and autumn (Feb), and lower concentrations in midsummer
(Dec & Jan), very early spring (Oct) and early autumn
(March). During summer, declining N0[3]-N concentrations were
associated with a corresponding increase in herbage DM yields.
A lack of any distinctive trend emerged on these trials in
the response of TNC to increased fertilisation with N suggests
that, in kikuyu, applied N alone would not materially alter TNC
Higher concentrations of TNC were determined in the lower
<5cm) height stratum, on average, than in the corresponding upper (>5cm) stratum. This may be ascribed to the fact that TNCs
tend to be found in higher concentrations where plant protein-N
and N0[3]-N concentrations are low.
A P concentration of 0.248% before N fertilisation, is such
that it should preclude any necessity for P supplementation, at
least to beef animals. Herbage P concentrations did, however,
drop as N fertiliser application rates were increased on the
pasture, but were still high enough to preclude supplementation.
Even though no significant difference in P concentration was
measured between the two herbage strata, a higher P content
prevailed within the lower <5cm) herbage stratum.
On average, 2.96% K was present within the herbage material
in this trial. The norm for pastures ranges between 0.7 and
On these trials, applications of fertiliser N to the camps
did not significantly affect K concentrations within the herbage.
The lower <5cm) herbage stratum, comprising most of the
older herbage fraction, was found to contain the highest K
concentration in the pasture.
The presence of significantly (although probably
biologically non-significantly) less K within the herbage in the
second season than in the first may be linked to depletion of
reserves of · this element in the soil by the plant and/ or
elemental interactions between K and other macro-nutrients.
An average Ca content of 0.35% within the herbage falls
within the range of 0.14 to 1.5% specified by the NRC (1976) as
being adequate for all except high-producing dairy animals.
Increasing N application rates to the pasture increased the Ca content within the herbage .
No significant differences in Ca concentration were found
between the upper (>5cm) and lower <5cm) herbage strata over
both seasons, even though the lower stratum had a slightly higher
Ca concentration, on average, than the upper stratum.
Calcium concentrations did not vary between seasons,
probably because concentrations tend rather to vary according to
stage of plant maturity, season or soil condition. However,
higher concentrations of the element were measured in the second
season than in the first. The reason for this is unknown.
On average, 0.377% Mg was present within the herbage over
both seasons. This compares favourably with published data
wherein Mg concentrations varied from 0 . 04 to 0.9% in the DM,
with a mean of 0.36%.
All camps with N applied to them contained significantly
more Mg in their herbage than did the material of the control
On these trials, the Ca :Mg ratio is 0.92: 1, which 1S
considered to be near the optimum for livestock and thus the
potential for tetany to arise is minimal.
Magnesium concentrations remained essentially similar within
both herbage strata, regardless of the rate of fertiliser N
As in the case of Ca, Mg concentrations within the herbage
were significantly higher in the second season than in the first.
Calcium:phosphate ratios increased, on average in the
herbage, as N application rates increased. This ratio was high
in spring, dropped off in summer and increased again into autumn, suggesting that the two ions were following the growth pattern
of the kikuyu over the season.
The K/Mg+Ca ratios were nearly double that of the norm,
suggesting that the pasture was experiencing luxury K uptake
which may be conducive to tetany in animals grazing the pasture.
This ratio narrowed as N application rates were increased,
probably as a result of ion dilution as the herbage yields
increased in response to these N applications. The ratio was low
in spring (October), but increased to a peak in December, before
declining again to a low in March. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1994.
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Potential of established pastures in the winter rainfall region.Van Heerden, Johann Myburgh. January 1986 (has links)
The seasonal production of 11 pastures was evaluated in
dryland and irrigated trials at eight sites in the Winter
Rainfall Region. These data were related to climatic
conditions using the Growth Index concept to produce a model
for pasture growth.
Under dryland at Tygerhoek, the animal production potential
of lucerne and medic was compared in grazing trials.
Lucerne was found to be the higher producing of the two. At
this site also, the influence of chemical control of
volunteer grasses in dryland pastures on animal production
potential was tested. Weed control had a positive influence
on animal production at low, but not at high stocking rates.
Under irrigation at
complex grass/legume
Tygerhoek, the grazing capacity of a
mixture was established under continuous
and rotational grazing. While rotationally grazed
pastures produced the highest yields, the clover component
of these pastures proved to be most productive under
continuous grazing. As a result, rotationally grazed
pastures, could carry more animals, but animal production
was generally highest under continuous grazing.
Under irrigation at Outeniqua, seven grass and grass/legume
mixtures were compared in grazing trials. Pastures based on fescue generally had the highest grazing capacity, but those
based on white clover the highest animal production
These data were used to produce a climate:pasture:animal
which was validated using independent
This model was used to predict animal
production model,
grazing trial data.
performance of two-species mixtures at a number of sites.
These results suggested that while grass pastures allowed
more animals to be carried than did mixtures, both animal
performance and gross returns were highest in grass/legume
mixtures. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1986.
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Soil loss and run-off in Umfolozi Game Reserve and the implications for game reserve management.Venter, Johan. January 1988 (has links)
Two management blocks were set aside in Umfolozi Game Reserve
(UGR) to compare different management approaches. In one, the
non-cull block, a noninterventionist policy was followed and no
large mammals were removed, while the other, the cull block was
subjected to the same game removal treatment as the remainder of
the reserve. The main objectives of this study were to determine
the relationships between vegetation, soil surface variables and
both soil loss and rainfall run-off, to derive predictive models
for run-off and soil loss based on vegetation and soil surface
variables, to determine the relationship between different levels
of soil erosion and the production potential of soils, and to
determine the relationship between different levels of soil
erosion and herbaceous species diversity.
Rainfall simulator trials and natural run-off plots were used to
collect quantitative data on soil loss and run-off. Bivariate
scattergrams showed that the relationship between soil surface
and vegetation variables plotted against soil loss was
curvilinear. "Susceptibility to erosion" showed the highest
positive correlation, and "surface cover" the highest negative
correlation with soil loss. The relationship between annual
run-off and both the soil surface and vegetation variables was
also curvilinear, with "soil capping" showing the highest
positive and "litter cover" the highest negative correlation with
run-off. Using multiple regression analysis it was found that
"susceptibility to erosion" and
predictors of annual soil loss.
"surface cover" were the best
"Soil capping" and "percentage
contribution of
forbs" were the best predictors of annual
No clear relationship between either soil loss and stocking rate,
or run-off and stocking rate was apparent in the two experimental
blocks, and the differences in soil loss and run-off could not be
explained by differences in stocking rate alone. There were
however defects in the experimental design which invalidated the assumption that the stocking ~ate diffe~entia1
management blocks would inc~ease with time.
between the two
Because of the above deficiency, an a1te~native study a~ea on the
weste~n bounda~y fence, which allowed fo~ pai~ed sampling sites
on eithe~ side of the fence, was chosen. Ge~lach t~oughs we~e
used to measu~e soil loss. The g~eatest va~iabi1ity in soil loss
was explained by the position of the plots on the slope ~athe~
than whethe~ the plots we~e in UGR o~ in adjacent KwaZu1u.
Simi1a~ly, diffe~ences in topog~aphy, ~athe~ than diffe~ences in
1anduse, exe~ted an ove~~iding effect on A-ho~izon depth, he~bage
accumulation and g~ass species ~ichness. Conside~ing the ~esu1ts
obtained, the opinion that a noninte~ventionist policy would lead
to a decline in vegetation p~oductivity and to a 10ng-te~m
~eduction in species dive~sity appea~s to be unfounded.
Finally, based on the data collected and on a ~eview of cu~~ent
scientific 1ite~atu~e, changes to the Natal Pa~ks Boa~d soils
policy and objectives a~e suggested, and the objectives a~e
t~ans1ated into ope~ationa1 management goals. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1988.
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The development of stocking rate models for three veld types in Natal.Turner, John Robert. January 1990 (has links)
The overall objective was to develop stocking rate models
for three veld types. namely the Lowveld. the Southern Tall
Grassveld and the Natal Sour Sandveld. in Natal. Sub-objectives
were to determine the 1) residual herbage mass at
the end of the summer, 2) residual herbage mass at the end of
winter and 3) individual animal performance under grazing
conditions, and the effect of stocking rate on these three
variables. Multiple linear regression component models were
successfully developed to meet all three of the sub-objectives
for each of the three veld types.
Results show that veld condition is an extremely important
factor determining animal production from veld, and that
stocking rate on veld in good condition could possibly be
double that on veld in poor condition. Stocking rate did not
have the expected impact on individual animal performance in
the summer. although it did have an important moderating
influence under any particular set of environmental
conditions. Stocking rate did. however. have a marked effect
on herbage production and therefore on herbage availability in
winter and so also on the ability to overwinter cattle without
having to supply additional supplementary feed. Stocking rate
in summer therefore had a major indirect effect on animal
production in the winter. Carryover of residual herbage from
one year to the next is probably not as important in these
veld types as in some other parts of the country. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1990.
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Managing Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) in a sub-tropical environment in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Mckenzie, Frank Ralph. January 1994 (has links)
Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) generally fails to persist
under the sub-tropical cpnditions of South Africa. Furthermore,
little research data are available on how to manage this species
locally. This study was designed to identify the management
options, particularly with r espect to grazing defoliation, which
would help enhance the longevity of perennial ryegrass pastures.
This was addressed by:
1) reviewing on-farm management practices of perennial
ryegrass in KwaZulu-Natal;
2) conducting a detailed two-year field study of the effects
of grazing frequency (HF, MF and LF = high, medium and low
frequency, respectively) and intensity (HI, MI and LI =
high, medium and low intensity, respectively), rotationally
applied with the addition of a continuous grazing treatment
(CG), on parameters linked to persistency.
tiller population dynamics, dry matter
These included:
(DM) yield and
quality, perennial ryegrass vigour, weed invasion and root
development; and
3) examining effects of different levels of applied nitrogen
(N) during the establishment year on various parameters
linked to persistency. These included: tiller population
densities, DM yield and quality, perennial ryegrass vigour,
weed invasion and root development.
The review of on-farm management practices of perennial ryegrass
growers in KwaZulu-Natal revealed that reasonably high rates of
N application (e.g. 350 and 250 kg N ha¯¹ a¯¹ to perennial ryegrass
as pure and clover-based stands, respectively) are important for
pasture survival. However, a consistent distribution of the
applied N is even more important (i. e. at least seven split
applications of N onto pure stands of perennial ryegrass and five
onto perennial ryegrass-clover). In terms of grazing management,
the period of absence of animals from the pasture during summer
was identified as the most important grazing variable affecting
pasture survival (i.e. ≥ 21 days). Also, the length of the
period of occupation by animals should be as short as possible,
particularly during summer (i. e. ≤ 3 days). Paying careful attention to summer irrigation is also an important variable
contributing to pasture survival. Grazing intensity was not
highlighted as an important contributor to pasture survival.
In terms of tillering potential, DM yield and quality (cellulose
dry matter disappearance and herbage N) and perennial ryegrass
vigour, perennial ryegrass followed definite seasonal trends.
These were highest during autumn and spring and were lowest
during the mid to late summer period. Perennial ryegrass was
most susceptible to general sward degradation through poor
management during the mid to late summer period when the danger
from weed invasion is greatest and its growth potential, vigour
and tillering abilities are lowest within these seasonal
periods, grazing defoliation produced marked effects. In terms
of tiller survival, DM yield, plant vigour, reduced weed invasion
and root production, treatments incorporating low frequency
grazing (e.g. LFLI and LFHI) generally out-performed (P≤0.05)
those incorporating high frequency grazing, irrespective of the
intensity (e.g. HFHI, HFLI, and continuous grazing (CG)). The
defoliation treatment incorporating medium frequency and
intensity (MFMI) (currently the recommended defoliation strategy
for perennial ryegrass) was also out-performed in many instances
(P~0.05) by the low frequency treatments (e.g. LFHI and LFLI) .
During the establishment year, increasing levels of applied N
increased (P≤O. 05) perennial ryegrass DM yields and herbage
quality. Models predicting the response of DM yield and quality
to applied N suggest linear responses up to 720 kg N ha¯¹ a¯¹.
Further refinement of such models and the inclusion of animal
production parameters is recommended. Maximum (P≤0.05) tiller
population densities occurred at applied N levels of 480 kg ha¯¹
a¯¹. Perennial ryegrass vigour increased (P≤O. 05) with increasing
levels of applied N up to 480 kg h¯¹ a¯¹, but individual tiller
vigour decreased. Increasing levels of applied N up to 360 kg
ha¯¹ a¯¹ suppressed (P≤O. 05) weed tiller densities. Increasing
levels of applied N (up to 600 kg h¯¹) increased (P≤O. 05) the
root organic matter (OM) per unit volume of soil in the top 5 cm
of the soil and decreased root OM per unit volume in the 10 - 20
cm soil depth category. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1994.
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A system for supporting wetland management decisions.Kotze, Donovan Charles. 19 December 2013 (has links)
In South Africa, the loss of wetlands and their associated benefits has been considerable. A need was
identified for a system that, using available information, would assist in achieving a balance between
local, mainly short-term benefits to individuals and spatially wider and longer term benefits to society.
Such a system, termed WETLAND-USE, was developed with the philosophy that:(l) wetlands have
been well demonstrated to supply several indirect benefits to society (e.g. water quality enhancement);
(2) the impact on these benefits can be described on a qualitative basis using field indicators that
characterize the wetland and the disturbance associated with a particular land-use; (3) this information
can be communicated to wetland users, which will contribute to achieving a desired balance, provided
there is an enabling organizational environment and due consideration is taken of the socio-economic
and organizational factors affecting wetland management.
The primary conceptual framework underlying WETLAND-USE was the pressure-state-perceptions-policy
framework, which depicts: the mode of use (i.e. the pressure); how this affects the state of the
system (including its underlying processes and the goods and services it delivers); which in turn shape
the perceptions that ultimately determine the policy pertaining to further use. This cycle is repeated
at a range of organizational levels from local to national and takes place within a particular socioeconomic context.
WETLAND-USE, which was designed for use by fieldworkers, and built using a rule-based, expert
system approach, has two main parts, dealing largely with biophysical and social aspects respectively.
Part 1, which guides the collection of data relating to the state of the wetland, assists in: (1) predicting
the likely impacts of disturbances associated with a proposed land-use (the pressure) on the wetland
state, and (2) providing ongoing management guidelines for particular land-uses. Part 2 assists in: (1)
describing the social, land tenure and policy contexts of the wetland; and (2) establishing and
maintaining organizational arrangements, local policy and management objectives and goals.
Several discrete investigations were required for the development and refinement of WETLAND-USE,
which was done in an iterative fashion. Initial discrete investigations fed into the development of a
prototype system which was refined through evaluation using a questionnaire survey and further
discrete investigations. The revised system was re-evaluated using a fieldworkshop approach and,
based on the performance of the system in the field, it was revised further to produce the final system. In the two initial discrete studies, protocols were developed for characterizing key physical
determinants of wetland functioning, notably: (1) degree of wetness, one of the primary functional
determinants, described in the field using readily identifiable soil morphological indicators (e.g. matrix
chroma and mottles) and (2) landform setting, which strongly influences local flow patterns and lateral
exchange of water and water-borne materials. Graminoid plant species composition and functional
groups (defined in terms of photosynthetic pathway) were then described in relation to the above
physical determinants, together with rainfall, temperature and soil texture, within wetlands spanning
a wide altitudinal range. This revealed that degree of wetness and altitude had the strongest influence
over the vegetation parameters examined.
An investigation into incorporating cumulative impacts into wetland decision making revealed that
consideration should be given to: wetland loss in relation to ecoregions and catchments, and the
relation of change in wetland extent, spatial configuration and context respectively to wetland function.
Current conservation initiatives in KwaZulu-Natal were shown to account poorly for cumulative
impacts on wetlands. Rules of thumb for making such considerations, given severe data limitations,
were developed with reference to the high turn-over of species along the altitudinal gradient observed
in the vegetation study. The "rules" were than applied to a case-study, the upper Mgeni catchment, as
part of an initiative to engage a diversity of stakeholders in wetland information gathering and use.
This resulted in the selection of priority wetlands in the catchment and an examination of the extent
to which integration had been achieved vertically (across hierarchical levels) and horizontally (across
organizations within particular hierarchical levels).
In order to broaden the range of land-uses accounted for by the WETLAND-USE prototype, it was
applied to a communally used wetland, Mbongolwane, and found to account poorly for the traditional
cultivation and vegetation harvesting practices encountered. WETLAND-USE was modified to
include a greater diversity of land-use types as well as enhancing its capacity to allow assessments to
be conducted using the system's general criteria, thereby making WETLAND-USE more robust.
In enhancing the capacity of WETLAND-USE to account for the social and organizational dimension
of wetland management, the involvement of local and outside organizations in influencing wetland
resource use in five sites was examined in relation to predefined frameworks. The sites, Mandlazini
wetland, Mbongolwane wetland, Blood River vlei, Ntabamhlope vlei and Wakkerstroom vlei were
chosen to represent a diversity of social contexts and management authorities. This revealed that in
communally used areas in particular, a wide range of organizations are involved to varying degrees in influencing the use of different wetland resources. The level to which the local organizational
environment contributed to sustainable use varied greatly among wetlands, but in all cases had
important deficiencies: (1) self-governing resource-management organizations were largely lacking
and in communal areas were weakening under contemporary conditions; and (2) although a formal
management system was in place in two of the five wetlands, it was largely absent in the remaining
three. There has been little involvement from extension services in facilitating local policy
development and in promoting alternative land-uses which have less pressure on the state of the
wetland. Local wetland management policy and collaboration among land-owners in wetlands under
multiple separate ownership such as Blood River vlei was identified as being particularly poor.
The evaluations of WETLAND-USE revealed that, in relation to the underlying philosophy of the
thesis, WETLAND-USE had been improved through field application and incorporation of the findings
of the discrete investigations. Nevertheless, important limitations of the study were highlighted,
including: its high level of reliance on expert opinion in the face of a paucity of empirical data relating
to the functioning of local wetlands and their attendant benefits (and how these are affected by
anthropogenic disturbances), and a particularly shallow representation of socio-economic factors. The
identification of these limitations was useful in highlighting key areas for further research. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.
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Soil, herbaceous and woody responses to different methods of bush control in a mesic eastern Cape savanna.Mapuma, Mathembekaya. January 2000 (has links)
Bush encroachment is a major problem for the savannas supporting livestock in the
Eastern Cape. Farmers employ chemical poisoning and mechanical clearing of woody
vegetation to improve grass production. This thesis addressed the following questions.
1. Does soil fertility and hence, herbaceous production and/or quality increase
beneath or between former bushclumps following woody clearing or poisoning?
2. Are chemical or mechanical control methods effective for all woody species?
3. Does bush density and height decline with increasing competition from the
herbaceous layer?
4. Can fire and goats retard or revert woody re-establishment, thereby keeping these savannas open?
A trial for assessing different methods of controlling bush was conducted near Kei Road. Initial treatments included chemical poisoning, mechanical clearing and a control,
each replicated eight times in 0.36 hectare plots. Follow-up treatments were control, fire,
goats, and the combination of fire and goats each replicated twice per primary treatment.
Two additional mechanically cleared plots were oversown with Chloris gayana seeds.
Herbaceous production, species composition, foliage quality and soil fertility, and
mortality, recruitment, height increase and density of woody individuals were monitored
for five seasons.
Mechanical clearing of the woody vegetation increased soil fertility, except total
nitrogen, and that explained the dramatic response in grass production that endured for
the first four seasons since clearing. The periphery and ex-bushclump zones were
characterised by increased colonization of Panicum maximum while there were no
changes in frequencies of other key herbaceous species in all vegetation zones.
Acacia karroo and woody "weeds" (Solanum incanum, Berkheya bipinnatifida)
established from seed while all other woody species recruited mainly from coppicing.
Seedling recruitment and resprouting resulted in high densities of woody stems and
individuals by the second season after clearing when compared with the pre-clearing
levels. Oversowing cleared areas with pasture grasses did not only increase grass
production but also reduced the density of coppicing woody plants and "weeds".
Chemical treatments mirrored the controls in terms of grass production, except
during a very wet season, and species composition. Although encroaching woody species
(e.g. Scutia myrtina, Maytenus heterophylla and Trimeria trinervus) were susceptible to
poisoning, woody plant density was not reduced. Multi-stemmed woody individuals were
resistant to poisoning. Fire and goats kept most coppicing woody plants short, less than
half a metre, after three seasons of browsing and also improved grass production in the
dense bushclumps suggesting that these clumps were being opened up. However, high
browsing pressure forced goats to graze more hence this effect was masked.
This study indicates that chemical and mechanical control of bush are
economically unsustainable for beef and mutton production, at least in the medium term.
Fire and goats are appropriate as a follow-up strategy for retarding woody regrowth,
keeping bushclumps open, improving grass production and economic viability of
mechanical clearing. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.
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Temperate grasslands and the biodiversity they sustain are becoming increasingly imperilled. Habitat loss and degradation are considered primary causes of grassland species declines. Since livestock production is a dominant use of remaining temperate grassland, livestock producers and the grazing management decisions they make play a vital role in the recovery of grassland species. In this thesis, I examined social and ecological factors that drive habitat management and abundance of prairie wildlife species so as to contribute to conservation planning for prairie species at risk and their habitat. I focused on grassland songbirds because, of all prairie wildlife species, grassland birds have undergone some of the most dramatic declines in recent years. I employed an interdisciplinary approach, using theory and methodology from ornithology, rangeland management and the human dimension of conservation biology to achieve three objectives: i) to determine the extent to which indices of rangeland health explained variation in grassland songbird abundance for ten grassland bird species, including three species currently listed under Canada’s Species at Risk Act: Sprague’s pipit, McCown’s longspur and Chestnut-collared longspur; ii) to describe livestock producer characteristics, summarize producer awareness of and attitudes towards species at risk and the Canadian Species at Risk Act and evaluate how characteristics, awareness and attitudes affect producer willingness to engage in voluntary stewardship actions that support species at risk conservation; and iii) to explore relationships between select social and ecological factors and bird abundance for the three aforementioned grassland bird species at risk to elucidate novel pathways for achieving their conservation. I address the first objective in Chapter 2, where I identify the rangeland health index as a poor predictor of bird abundance and vegetation structure variables, such as litter and vegetation volume, as strong predictors of bird abundance. These findings make a case for further refining the rangeland health index as a tool for biodiversity assessment. In Chapter 3 I achieve the second objective and summarize producer characteristics, awareness and attitudes towards species. I also identify awareness, attitudes and rangeland management learning approach as important to producer willingness to support species at risk recovery. I accomplish the third objective in Chapter 4, where I present results of a structural equation model that upholds bird-habitat relationships identified in Chapter 2 and distinguishes management jurisdiction, size of land holdings and attitudes as important social factors to consider in conservation planning. Chapters 2 and 3 contribute to theory and methodology related to the ecological and social dimensions of grassland bird conservation, respectively. Chapter 4 demonstrates how structural equation models can be used to integrate social and ecological factors, and thereby inform habitat conservation and management. Both social and ecological data presented in this thesis make valuable contributions to producer engagement and habitat management aspects of conservation planning efforts for species at risk in the Milk River watershed of southwestern Saskatchewan. Overall, my findings point to the importance of a joint effort by regional private and public managers to use livestock grazing to create a mosaic of vegetation structure and habitat conditions suitable for the grassland bird community as a whole. This thesis provides a methodological approach that draws on and integrates social and ecological data, methods and concepts, thereby demonstrating how to conduct interdisciplinary research for biological conservation.
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Movements, population dynamics and predatory behaviour of stoats inhabiting alpine grasslands in FiordlandSmith, Derek, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Stoats are introduced mammalian carnivores implicated in the decline of several of New Zealand�s endemic species. Most research into stoats in New Zealand has focused on beech forest habitat, especially in years of peak stoat abundance following heavy beech seedfall and peak cohorts of mice. In New Zealand, alpine grasslands occur above the altitudinal limit of beech forest (900-1000 m a.s.l.). Although previous research has shown stoats to be present there, little is known about the ecology of stoats in alpine grasslands. This research aimed to test whether alpine grasslands were a marginal habitat occupied by surplus stoats that had spilled over from beech forest populations, i.e. a sink habitat. The alternative is that alpine grasslands are a desirable habitat deliberately exploited by stoats. This question was answered using mark-recapture, radio-tracking, diet analysis and a food addition experiment. Another objective was to determine whether nest survival is higher in alpine grassland compared to beech forest and whether stoats are likely to be a frequent predator of ground nests in alpine grasslands relative to other introduced mammals that inhabit them. If nest survival is higher in alpine grassland then alpine grasslands may be a refuge from predation. However, if it is not then it is important for management to know the relative risk posed by stoats compared with other predators. An artificial nest experiment was used to answer these questions. This research was undertaken during two years of low to intermediate beech seedfall and therefore provided an opportunity to look at the ecology of stoats in a New Zealand National Park outside years of peak abundance. The principal study site for this research was the Borland Valley, Fiordland National Park.
Compositional analysis showed that stoats in alpine grassland selected for it over adjacent beech forest. The range cores of these stoats were high up in alpine grassland away from the ecotone with beech forest. Stoats occurred at similar densities in alpine grasslands as they did in beech forest and observed survival was similar between the two habitats (with the exception of 2004 when it may have been higher in alpine grassland). The most frequent prey of stoats inhabiting beech forest were birds and mice. Although stoats in alpine grasslands also ate birds and mice their most frequent prey were ground weta and hare. Food addition appeared to cause diet switching but did not reduce the distances moved by stoats, suggesting that other factors may be more important in regulating their summer home range size in alpine grasslands. All of these factors lead to the conclusion that alpine grasslands in the Borland are not a marginal habitat for stoats, but may instead be a desirable one. Artificial nests had a higher probability of survival in alpine grassland compared to adjacent beech forest, but survival was too low to support the idea that alpine grasslands are a refuge. Stoats were the most frequent predator of artificial nests in both habitats, but 95 % confidence intervals overlapped the predation rate by possums, which was also high.
These findings illustrate the need for a comprehensive landscape approach to stoat control in montane National Parks, for two reasons: 1) endemic biodiversity in alpine grasslands may be under threat from stoat predation, 2) alpine grasslands may act as a source for dispersing stoats that reinvade lowland stoat control areas. In the absence of heavy beech seedfall and peak mouse abundance, stoats occurred at densities of around 1 km⁻� in both habitats and there was recruitment into these populations. This raises the important question: What regulates the distribution and abundance of stoats in years of low beech seedfall and low mouse abundance? In these years birds, ground weta and hares may be as important as mice are in years of peak abundance following heavy beech seedfall.
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