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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Fish, Ernest Bertly, 1942- January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Plant - Invertebrate Interactions in Agriculturally Managed Grasslands Under Functional Group Manipulation

Everwand, Georg 14 October 2013 (has links)
Die Nachfrage nach Agrarprodukten ist im Laufe der letzten Jahrhunderte durch die wachsende Weltbevölkerung in Kombination mit einem zunehmenden Pro-Kopf- Bedarf stark gestiegen. Weltweit steigt der Druck auf Ökosysteme durch Ausweitung und Nutzungsintensivierung landwirtschaftlich genutzter Flächen Auf intensiv genutzten Grasflächen führt der hohe Einsatz von Düngemitteln und häufiger Mahd zu einem Verlust der Pflanzendiversität. Dies bedingt eine geringere Stabilität des Ökosystems gegenüber Wetterextremen wie Trockenheit oder massiven Regenfällen, was wiederum eine Gefahr für die biologische Vielfalt auf höheren trophischen Ebenen (u.a. invertebrate Herbivore) und wichtige Ökosystem-Prozesse darstellt. In dieser Arbeit werden die direkten und indirekten Auswirkungen verschiedenen Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten in Kombination mit manipulierter Vegetationszusammensetzung innerhalb eines Grasland Management Experimentes (GrassMan) in der Nähe der Norddeutschen Städte Neuhaus und Silberborn im Solling untersucht. Zwei Mahdfrequenzen (1x; 3x), zwei Düngungsintensitäten (keine Düngung; NPK Düngung) und drei unterschiedlich manipulierte Grasnarben (Gräser reduziert, Kräuter reduziert & nicht manipuliert) ergaben zwölf verschiedene Behandlungskombinationen, welche jeweils sechs Mal repliziert wurden. Auf den daraus resultierenden 72 Parzellen (jeweils 15 m mal 15 m) wurden die Auswirkungen von Pflanzendiversität, Mahdhäufigkeit und Düngung auf die Produktivität, den Stickstoffhaushalt, trophische Interaktionen und deren Wechselwirkungen im Grasland untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt darauf, die Auswirkungen landwirtschaftlicher Intensivierung, reduzierter Artenvielfalt sowie Verschiebungen in der Zusammensetzung der Grasnarbe auf Pflanze-Insekt- Interaktionen zu untersuchen. Im zweiten Kapitel wird gezeigt, dass über den Versuchszeitraum die Pflanzenbiodiversität keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die oberirdische Biomasse- Produktion hatte. Die Grasnarbenzusammensetzung hatte lediglich große Auswirkungen auf die oberirdische Biomasse-Produktion, wenn in einem Jahr noch vor dem Erreichen der maximalen oberirdischen Biomasse extrem trockene Witterung auftrat. In solchen Jahren produzierten Parzellen mit natürlicher Artenzusammensetzung größere Erträge als manipulierte Flächen. Während eine höhere Bewirtschaftungsintensität zu einem Anstieg der oberirdischen Biomasse führte, war keine signifikante Veränderung der Pflanzenartenzahl über den Untersuchungszeitraum zu verzeichnen. Höhere Mahdfrequenz führte dagegen zu einer erhöhten Pflanzenartenanzahl im Vergleich zu der am Beginn der Experimente. Die bestehende Artenzusammensetzung in dem naturnahen Grünland (ohne Manipulation), war sehr robust und vier Jahre nach dem Manipulieren zeigten die verschiedenen Grasnarben fast keine Unterschiede mehr in der Zusammensetzung von Gräsern, Kräutern und Leguminosen. Ein größerer Anteil von Gräsern war typisch für gedüngte Parzellen und größere Anteile von Kräutern waren eine typische Folge von häufigerem Mähen. Durch Düngung wurde der Anteil von Leguminosen reduziert, allerdings wurden auch zum Ende des Experimentes noch in fast allen Parzellen Leguminosen gefunden. In Kapitel drei werden die starken Auswirkungen der landwirtschaftlichen Intensivierung sowie Pflanzendiversität und Artenzusammensetzung auf die Abundanz von Nacktschnecken gezeigt. Die Schneckenabundanz war höher auf den Parzellen mit einer niedrigen Mahdhäufigkeit und hoher Verfügbarkeit von bevorzugten Nahrungsressourcen. Die Abnahme der Schneckenabundanz durch eine höhere Mahdfrequenz war in den Parzellen mit natürlicher Vegetation am geringsten. Dies könnte ein Beleg dafür sein, dass sich Störungen auf Invertebrate (z. B. durch Mahd oder Beweidung) in natürlicherer Vegetation weniger stark auswirken. In Kapitel vier werden die Einflüsse von Pflanzenbiodiversität, Zusammensetzung der funktionellen Gruppen und der Nutzungsintensität auf Zikaden untersucht. Eine häufigere Mahd bedingte eine niedrigere Artenzahl an Zikaden. Düngung hatte nur indirekt - aufgrund von gegenläufigen Effekten auf die oberirdische Biomasse, Diversität und Zusammensetzung der Vegetation - einen marginal negativen Effekt auf die Zikadendiversität. Zikadendiversität profitierte von einer von Gras dominierten Vegetation, sowie von einer höheren Pflanzendiversität, welche ihrerseits durch Manipulation der Grasnarbe und das Grasland-Management beeinflusst wurde. In Kapitel fünf wird gezeigt, dass erhöhter Herbivoriedruck mit den anderen experimentellen Behandlungen (Mahdhäufigkeit, Düngung und Manipulation der funktionellen Gruppen) interagiert und mehrere Vegetationsparameter und einige Komponenten des Stickstoffkreislaufs beeinflusst. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sowohl Grasland-Management als auch invertebrate Herbivoren die Produktivität und den Stickstoffhaushalt beeinflussen und einen stärkeren Einfluss haben als die Vegetationszusammensetzung. Insgesamt wird mit dieser Versuchsreihe deutlich gemacht, dass Grasland- Management, Manipulation der Vegetationszusammensetzung und experimentell erhöhte Herbivorie einen direkten und indirekten Einfluss auf Produktivität, Zusammensetzung und Biodiversität der Vegetation sowie den Stickstoffhaushalt haben. Die Interaktionen zwischen Vegetation, Herbivoren und dem Stickstoffkreislauf werden mit zunehmender Anzahl wechselwirkender Faktoren zunehmend komplexer. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine Erhöhung der Produktivität ohne Pflanzenartenverlust durch eine ausgereifte Management- Strategie ermöglicht wird. Schlussfolgerung Zusammenfassend wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass die Manipulation zu Gunsten krautiger Pflanzen einen positiven Effekt auf die gesamte Pflanzendiversität sowie auf die Abundanz von Schnecken hat. Außerdem kann nicht nur eine höhere Pflanzendiversität, sondern auch natürlichere Pflanzengesellschaften zu höheren Populationen von Invertebraten führen. Zikadendiversität profitiert von verschiedenen Faktoren – zum Einen indirekt von einer höheren Pflanzendiversität auf nährstoffarmen, krautdominierten Flächen, da diese eine größere Vielfalt and Nahrungsressourcen für spezialisierte Arten bieten. Ebenso war die Zikadendiversität positiv von einem höheren Grasanteil an der Vegetation auf gedüngten Flächen mit niedrigerer Pflanzenbiodiversität beeinflusst, da Gräser die bevorzugte Nahrungsquelle für viele der gefundenen Zikadenarten mit einem eher generalistischen Nahrungsspektrum waren. Grasland-Management und Herbivorie haben insgesamt einen wesentlich stärkeren Einfluss auf den Stickstoffhaushalt als die Manipulation der Vegetationszusammensetzung, wobei Düngung der stärkste Faktor ist. Herbivore können den Stickstoffkreislauf durch einen höheren Eintrag von totem Pflanzenmaterial, Wurzelexsudaten und durch Ausscheidungen beschleunigen. Dieser Eintrag von Nährstoffen hat folglich positiven Einfluss auf den Bodenstickstoffgehalt (NH4 , NO3 ) und auf Stickstoffflussraten (Mineralisierung, Nitrifikation, N2O). Neben dem starken Einfluss von Düngung auf den Stickstoffkreislauf können die Emissionen von N2O, einem wichtigen Treibhausgas, auch innerhalb eines kurzen Zeitraums durch starke Herbivorie zunehmen. Somit könnte ein steigender Nährstoffeintrag durch Düngung in Kombination mit erhöhter Herbivorie zu einer Erhöhung von N 2 O-Emissionen im Grasland führen. Dieser additive Effekt könnte dann zur globalen Erwärmung beitragen.

Žalienų botaninės sudėties optimizavimas ekologiniame ūkyje / Grassland botanical composition optimization of an ecological farm

Dirsė, Raimondas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimai daryti 2008 - 2009 Lazdijų rajone Šventežerio kaime, E. Jastramsko ekologiniame ūkyje. Ūkio plotas 120 ha iš jų – 40 ha nuosavos ir 80 ha nuomojamos žemės. Dirvožemio našumo balas yra nuo 33,5 iki 46. Edmundo Jastramsko ūkis įkurtas 1989 m. pagal valstiečių ūkio įstatymą. Pagrindinė ūkio kryptis yra augalininkystė. Specializuojasi ekologiškų rapsų aliejaus spaudime, bei realizavime. Koncentruojamasi į ekologinės sėklininkystės, aliejinių kultūrų auginimą. Pastaraisiais metais vystoma mėsinė galvijininkystė (20 mėsinių galvijų), todėl ūkyje plėtojama ganyklų, bei kultūrinių pievų pašarų gamyba. Žolynų botaninė sudėtis priklausė nuo jų intensyvumo. Ekstensyviame žolyne didžiausią dalį (82 %) sudarė įvairiažolės. Varpinių žolių sudėtyje dominavo (16,7 %) paprastosios šunažolės, o ankštinių žolių praktiškai nebuvo. Paviršiniu būdu pagerintame žolyne rasta (7 %) ankštinių žolių. Varpinių žolių bendrijoje dominavo (34 %) paprastosios šunažolės, o įvairaižolės užėmė pusę žolyno ploto. Persėtame žolyne ankštinės žolės sudarė (39, 4 %) varpinių žolių sudėtyje daugiausiai (20,1 - 19,56 ir 14,0 %) buvo daugiamečių svidrių, paprastųjų šunažolių ir pievinių miglių, o įvairiažolių praktiškai nerasta. Skirtingo intensyvumo žolynų pašarinė vertė buvo nevienoda: ekstensyvaus žolyno vidutinė pašarinė vertė buvo 5,18, paviršiniu būdu pagerinto žolyno 6, 22 o persėto žolyno 9, 46 balai. Žolynų pašarinė vertė tiesiogiai priklausė nuo žolyno botaninės sudėties. Tarp šių rodiklių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Studies have been made 2008 - 2009 Lazdijai Sventezeris countryside, E. Jastramskas ecological farm. An area of 120 hectares of them - own 40 hectares and 80 hectares of land leased. Soil productivity is the score from 33.5 before the 46 th Edmundas Jastramskas farm was established in 1989 Peasant Agriculture under the law. After the restoration of 20.20 hectares of public land parents. The main direction of agricultural crop production. Specializes in organic rapeseed oil extraction and realization. Concentrating on organic seed, oilseed crops. Developed in recent years, beef cattle (20 beef cattle), and the development of the farm pastures, grasslands and fodder production. Herbage botanical composition depended on the intensity. Extensive Grass largest share (82%) were forbs. Composition dominated by grasses (16.7%), orchard grass, and legumes were not practical. Surface-enriched grassland found a way (7%) and legumes. Community dominated by grasses (34%), orchard grass, and took half of miscellaneous grassland area. Newly sown grass legumes were (39, 4%) grass containing the most (20.1 to 19.56 and 14.0%) were perennial ryegrass; orchard grass and meadow grass, but in practice forbs found. Differences in herbage nutritive value of intensity have been uneven: in extensive grassland average nutritive value of 5, 18, the surface by improved grassland 6, 22, and the sward newly sown 9,46 points. Herbage nutritive value depended on the botanical composition of... [to full text]

A grassland forage supply assessment in Southeast British Columbia with comparisons to current Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) and range cattle (Bos taurus) grazing pressure and analysis of productivity distinctions

Anaka, Tobi 15 June 2010 (has links)
Open grassland productivity was measured within adjacent East Kootenay range units to evaluate forage availability and calculate elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) and cattle (Bos taurus) sustainable carrying capacity targets. This research extends rangeland monitoring with an analysis of site differentiation and comparative grazing pressure to 2008 population estimates. Significant productivity differences were found between grass and shrubs for range units (p=0.024 and p<0.0001) and different biogeoclimatic zones (p=0.042 and p<0.0001). Notable grazing pressure distinctions occurred: cattle exceeded the Rampart Mayook carrying capacity, elk exceeded the Pickering Hills carrying capacity, and both species had sustainable populations within the Power Plant range unit. These results provide clear direction for stock management and offer valuable rangeland insight. Furthermore, the study introduces cover-percentage productivity estimation (CPPE), a simple grassland productivity assessment method. Pearson correlation coefficients were significant and high between productivity results and cover estimates, indicating that CPPE will be a useful field tool.

Methodologies for mapping the spatial extent and fragmentation of grassland using optical remote sensing

Roy, Gairik January 2012 (has links)
Grassland is an important part of the ecosystem in the Canadian prairies and its loss and fragmentation affect biodiversity, as well as water and carbon fluxes at local and regional levels. Over the years, native grasslands have been lost to agricultural activities, urban development and oil and gas exploration. This research reports on new methodologies developed for mapping the spatial extent of native grasslands to an unprecedented level of detail and assessing how the grasslands are fragmented. The test site is in the Newell County region of Alberta (NCRA). 72 Landsat and 34 SPOT images from 1985 to 2008 were considered for the analysis. With an airport runway used as a pseudo-invariant feature (PIF), relative radiometric correction was applied to 17 Landsat and 8 SPOT images that included the same airport runway. All the images were classified using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification algorithm into grassland, crop, water and road infrastructure classes. The classification results showed an average of 98.2 % overall accuracy for Landsat images and SPOT images. Spatial extents and their temporal change were estimated for all the land cover classes after classifying the images. Fragmentation statistics were obtained using FRAGSTATS 3.3 software that calculated land cover pattern metrics (patch, class and landscape). Based on the available satellite image data, it is found that in Newell County there is almost no significant change found in the grassland and road infrastructure land cover in over two decades. Also, the fragmentation results suggest that fragmentation of grassland was not due to the result of road infrastructure. / x, 105 leaves : ill., ; 29 cm

Mating systems, insect pollination and chemical ecology of grassland Protea species (Proteaceae)

Steenhuisen, Sandy-Lynn. January 2012 (has links)
Major transitions between vertebrate and insect pollination systems have occurred many times during the angiosperm radiation and are associated with evolutionary modifications in floral traits. In the large ancestrally bird-pollinated African genus Protea (Proteaceae), an evolutionary shift from bird to insect pollination in the genus is suggested by the fruity diurnal scent of flowers in a recently evolved clade of grassland species. In this study, I confirm that four of these grassland Protea species have mixed mating systems and are indeed insect pollinated, and furthermore demonstrate the functional significance of their floral presentation and scent chemistry for attraction of pollinators, specifically cetoniine beetles. The study species, Protea caffra, Protea dracomontana, Protea simplex and Protea welwitschii, have colourful bowl-shaped inflorescences that produce copious amounts of pollen and dilute, xylose-rich nectar. Cetoniine beetles were found to be the most suitable pollinators due to their abundance, size, relatively pure Protea pollen loads, and their preference for the fruity scent and low growth form of these scented Protea species, as demonstrated by choice experiments in which inflorescences were offered at either end of a y-maze or at various heights above the ground, respectively. Bagging and hand pollinations revealed that these Protea species are self-compatible and capable of autonomous selfing. Self progeny of P. caffra were as vigorous as cross progeny in terms of germinability and survivorship to two months. Vertebrate-excluded and open-pollinated inflorescences yielded similar seed numbers for all species. Supplemental hand-pollinations, however, failed to increase seed set substantially, an indication of resource limitation. Outcrossing rates estimated using polymorphisms at eight allozyme loci in progeny from vertebrate-excluded and open-pollinated treatments of P. caffra were no different (t=0.59), indicating outcrossing by insects and an equal or insubstantial contribution from bird pollinators. The fruity-sweet scents of these species were more complex, with higher whole flower and mass-specific emission rates, than those in eight bird-pollinated congenerics. The overall floral scent is shown to be a blend of emissions from various plant parts, especially nectar. Electroantennography (EAG) revealed that the generalist pollinator Atrichelaphinis tigrina responds to a variety of volatile compounds found in fruity Protea scents. Field trapping confirmed that this cetoniine beetle is strongly attracted to ß-linalool (up to 60% of scent profile) and methyl benzoate. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the evolution of beetle pollination and mixed mating systems in a grassland clade of Protea. Volatile compounds that make up the unique (within Protea) fruity scent of the study species are shown to attract beetles, and the emission of large amounts of these compounds was probably a key step in the transition from bird to insect pollination in Protea. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Determinants of community composition and diversity in KwaZulu-Natal mesic grasslands : evidence from long-term field experiments and pot and plot competition experiments.

Fynn, Richard Warwick Sinclair. 09 December 2013 (has links)
A predictive understanding of plant community response to various environmental influences (e.g. type, timing and frequency of disturbance, site productivity, fertilization, etc.) is a general goal of plant ecology. This study sought to further understanding of mesic grassland dynamics in KwaZulu-Natal using long-term field experiments (> 50 years) and short-term pot and plot competition experiments. The specific objectives were to: 1) examine the effects of long-term burning of grassland on soil organic matter content because of its potential impact on nitrogen cycling and community composition, 2) examine patterns of community composition and species richness in response to different type, timing and frequency of disturbance (burning and mowing) in a long-term grassland burning and mowing experiment and to different type and amounts of fertilizer application in a long-term grassland fertilization experiment, 3) develop hypotheses concerning the response of different species to disturbance and fertilization, and test these hypotheses using pot and plot competition experiments, and 4) provide a general synthesis of the results of the various field, pot and plot experiments that may be used to develop a predictive theoretical framework for mesic grassland dynamics. Total soil nitrogen was lowest in sites burnt annually, intermediate in sites burnt triennially and highest in sites protected from disturbance and sites mown annually in the dormant-period (spring or winter). Winter burning reduced soil organic carbon and total soil nitrogen more than spring burning. Mineralizable nitrogen was reduced by burning. The different effects of type, timing and frequency of disturbance on total soil nitrogen appeared to be an important determinant of community composition and species richness. Short-grass species (Themeda triandra, Eragrostis capensis, Heteropogon contortus, Diheteropogon amplectens and Eragrostis racemosa) were most abundant in annually burnt sites (especially winter burnt sites), whereas medium and tall-grass species (Eragrostis curvula, Cymbopogon spp., Hyparrhenia hirta and Aristida junciformis) were most abundant in triennially burnt sites, sites protected from disturbance and sites mown annually in the dormant-period, all of which had higher total soil nitrogen than annually or biennially burnt sites. Species richness and short-grass species declined with increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization in the fertilizer experiment and declined with increasing productivity and nitrogen availability in both the fertilizer and burning and mowing experiments. Thus, it was hypothesized that the type, timing and frequency of disturbance resulted in different compositional states through different effects on soil resources (especially nitrogen), which affected the competitive balance between short and tall species. The hypothesis that composition was determined by disturbance-mediated soil nitrogen availability was supported by competition experiments, which revealed that shortgrass species were most competitive in low-nutrient/low-productivity treatments and tall-grass species most competitive in high-nutrient/high-productivity treatments. The fertilizer experiment and a competition experiment revealed that tall broad-leaved species were most competitive in sites of highest productivity, fertilized with both nitrogen and phosphorus, whereas tall narrow-leaved species were most competitive in sites of intermediate productivity, fertilized with nitrogen only. It was hypothesized that summer mowing increased the abundance of short-grass species and decreased the abundance of tall-grass species in the burning and mowing experiment by increasing the competitive ability of short-grass relative to tall-grass species, rather than the tall-grass species being less tolerant of mowing. A competition experiment revealed that tall-grass species (Hyparrhenia hirta and Panicum maximum) were as tolerant of cutting as a short-grass species (Themeda triandra). Themeda triandra was shown to become extremely competitive in cutting treatments, reducing the biomass of most other species relative to their monoculture biomass, showing that its dominance of mown sites in the burning and mowing experiment was a result of its superior competitive ability rather than greater tolerance of mowing. However, many tall erect herbaceous dicots appeared to be intolerant of summer mowing, probably because their meristems are aerial and easily removed by mowing, whereas short creeping herbaceous dicots were increased by summer mowing probably because their meristems were below the mowing height. Further, these short species would be vulnerable to shading in unmown sites. Thus, species with basal meristems (hemicryptophytes) or meristems near the soil surface (geophytes) appear to be more tolerant of mowing than species with aerial meristems (phanerophytes), but the tradeoff is that a low meristem height renders them vulnerable to shading in unmown sites. Very high litter accumulation in the sites protected from disturbance appeared to have a direct influence on community composition and species richness. Species that dominated these sites (e.g. Tristachya leucothrix & Aristida junciformis) initiated tillers below-ground and had sharp erect shoots that appeared to be an adaptation for penetrating litter. Species that initiate tillers below-ground are probably less vulnerable to the effects of shading by litter because their tiller initiation is not dependent on high light availability. The fact that Aristida junciformis was shown to have very low competitive ability in two competition experiments, suggests its dominance of protected sites was through tolerance of high litter levels rather than competitive exclusion of other species. Low grass species richness in these sites was probably a result of an inability of many species to tolerate these high litter levels. This study has revealed that inherent site productivity and its interaction with the effect of disturbance on soil resources and litter levels is a major determinant of community composition and species richness. The effect of type, timing and frequency of disturbance on soil nitrogen was able to account for the principal changes in community composition. Thus, the influence of disturbance on soil nitrogen is a unifying principle in plant ecological theory that enables greater understanding of disturbance-composition relationships. However, intolerance of certain forms of disturbance (e.g. mowing) by species with aerial meristems, or intolerance of accumulating litter in the absence of disturbance by species without sharp erect shoots, may also have important influences on composition. In addition, this study has revealed that plant traits (height, leaf width, position of tiller initiation, shoot morphology and position of meristems) were well correlated with the various effects of disturbance and fertilization on community composition, indicating that a plant trait-productivity-disturbance framework has great potential for understanding and predicting species response to disturbance and multiple limiting nutrients. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Host specificity in South African mistletoes.

Okubamichael, Desale Yosief. January 2013 (has links)
Mistletoes intimately connect to their host trees with a haustorium that allows them to access nutrients and water. Mistletoes in South Africa vary greatly in their degree of host specificity. Most species occur on a wide range of host families, while others are restricted to a single host family or—at the extreme—to a single host species. Mistletoes that are host generalists at a larger spatial scale may become host-specific at a local scale. One of the challenges in mistletoe biology is determining the factors that maintain local host specificity. Birds potentially reinforce the mistletoe–host interactions by direct dispersal. However, many mistletoe species coexist while parasitising different co-occurring host species. This suggests that host trees may impose more selection pressure than birds in determining host specificity. Thus, my thesis examines the role of host trees as ecological and physiological filters that influence the infection patterns and determine host specificity of mistletoes in South Africa. The second chapter of this thesis synthesises the literature on host specificity in mistletoes. I then present the results of four field and laboratory experiments that were used examine the features affecting host specificity in representatives of two families of mistletoes (Loranthaceae and Viscaceae) in South Africa. My main research objectives focus on host abundance and morphology, host compatibility, host water and nutrient content, abiotic influences on mistletoe seedling survival and growth and mistletoe–host stomatal morphology in relation to water potential that affect nutrient acquisition by mistletoes from their host trees. The geographic mosaic approach was explored as a potential explanation for the mistletoe–host interactions that direct host specificity in mistletoes. I synthesised the available literature on the mechanisms and factors that direct mistletoe host specificity. This was supported by data analysed from South African herbarium collections, books describing the South African flora and field observations in South Africa. I suggest that host abundance (host availability through time and space) and host compatibility (as determined by genetic, morphological, physiological and chemical factors) play a primary role in determining host specificity in South African mistletoes, while differential bird dispersal strengthens or weakens mistletoe–host interactions. Analysis of the network structure of mistletoe–host interactions at different levels (e.g., at the level of population, species and genus) followed by genetic and reciprocal germination experiments may reveal the patterns and mechanisms of host specificity in mistletoes. I quantified the mistletoe–host composition, height of potential host trees and nutrient and water content of mistletoes and their hosts at Pniel Estates. Surveys of the study site revealed a single mistletoe species, Viscum rotundifolium, parasitising only Ziziphus mucronata and Ehretia rigida. Both parasitised host species were not the most abundant trees, were not the tallest trees and did not have the highest water or nutrient content of trees in the area, although these factors have been found to be good predictors for mistletoe parasitism in other studies. Subsequently, I tested mistletoe–host compatibility by conducting a germination experiment in the greenhouse by inculcating seeds of V. rotundifolium on freshly cut branches of nine available potential host trees. I found that mistletoe seeds had a greater chance of attachment and subsequent survival on branches of E. rigida and Z. mucronata as compared with seeds on co-occurring Acacia and other potential host species. This suggests that host compatibility plays a role in directing the host specificity of V. rotundifolium at Pniel Estates. I found that individuals of V. rotundifolium had more negative water potentials than their host trees and, by doing so, they passively maintain the flow of nutrients. In addition, I found evidence that the mistletoe uses active uptake to access nutrients from host phloem because the leaf tissue of a mistletoe had a nitrogen-to-calcium ratio (N:Ca) >1. Conventionally, a high N:Ca ratio (>1) in the leaf tissue of a mistletoe is taken as evidence of active uptake from host phloem because N is highly phloem-mobile while Ca is a large molecule and is phloem-immobile. This method has shortcomings discussed at greater length in the chapter but my findings suggest that the mistletoe V. rotundifolium uses a combination of passive and active nutrient uptake. I quantified the mistletoe–host community composition and host physical features (height and diameter at breast height) in two sites in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa—Highover and Mtontwane. The mistletoe Agelanthus natalitius (Loranthaceae) is common at both sites, parasitising the most abundant host species—Acacia karroo—and the second most abundant host tree—Acacia caffra. Prevalence of mistletoe infection (percentage of trees parasitised) was positively correlated with tree size (height and diameter at breast height). The two host species did not differ significantly in height. At Highover the host species A. caffra and A. karroo had a similar prevalence of mistletoe infection but at Mtontwane a significantly higher percentage of A. caffra trees was parasitised in comparison with A. karroo. However, the intensity of mistletoe infection (mean number of mistletoes per tree) was lower for A. caffra (Highover: 0.66 ± 0.01, Mtontwane: 0.89 ± 0.04) than for A. karroo (Highover: 0.73 ± 0.04, Mtontwane: 1.03 ± 0.64). There were two highly infected big trees in Highover and one in Mtontwane where many mistletoe-dispersing birds were nesting which inflated the numbers for intensity of mistletoe infection in A. caffra, however. I tested mistletoe–host compatibility by conducting a reciprocal transplant experiment in the two study sites. I applied a paired design, using one local and one non-local mistletoe seed in each pair, with seed pairs placed on the two main host species at the different sites. Except in Highover where an unidentified pathogen retarded growth and survival, mistletoe seeds placed on the same substrate and in the same site as their source host grew a longer hypocotyl and had greater survival. Regardless of source, mistletoes placed on A. karroo had longer hypocotyls and greater survival than mistletoes on A. caffra. These results suggest that there may be adaptation of the mistletoe Agelanthus natalitius to the most frequently encountered host species, Acacia karroo. To simulate the conditions encountered by mistletoes during the dry and cold South African winter, mistletoe seedlings were monitored at different levels of microclimate (light, temperature and moisture) in a growth chamber. I found that higher light availability (20% and 40% shade versus 80% shade), cool temperatures (15°C and 20°C versus 25°C) and continuous moisture availability improved seedling development and subsequent survival of two mistletoe species (Viscum rotundifolium and Agelanthus natalitius). I studied the leaf stomata of two host–mistletoe pairs (Acacia karroo–Agelanthus natalitius and Vitex obovata–Erianthemum dregei) using a scanning electron microscope to investigate some of the underlying mechanisms that enable mistletoes to maintain more negative water potentials than their host trees and at the same time control water loss. In addition, I examined the response of mistletoes to the application of abscisic acid (ABA), a plant growth regulator that controls stomatal closure. I found that the mistletoes had a higher density of stomata and had larger stomata than their host trees. In addition, both mistletoe and host leaves closed their stomata during midday and in response to exogenous ABA. The ability of mistletoes to control water loss in this way may be one reason why mistletoes rarely kill their host trees, which would be maladaptive. The mistletoes used in my studies are known to be host generalists at a larger spatial scale but I found that they were host specific at a local scale. The results of my research suggest that host abundance and compatibility play a role in directing host specificity, while host nutrient and water status have little effect on host specificity at this local scale. The interactions between the generalist mistletoes used in my studies and their hosts are likely to vary over the geographic ranges of the mistletoe and alternate among different hosts. This may create multiple locally host–specific mistletoe populations and produce a complex geographic mosaic of mistletoe–host combinations across space and time. I suggest that mistletoe populations in South Africa may comprise numerous lineages incapable of parasitising the full range of host species, which could potentially lead to the formation of distinct host races over time. In the future, it would be interesting to document the infection patterns of these generalist mistletoe species across their entire geographic ranges in southern Africa, with particular focus on the patterns of mistletoe infection in places where the host abundance changes among sites. Host preferences may vary with changes in host frequency and host community composition. This could be paired with reciprocal transplant germination experiments in several sites to ascertain whether the mistletoe species have higher fitness on the most locally abundant hosts. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Patch grazing at Kroomie.

Du Toit, Justin Christopher Okes. 09 December 2013 (has links)
The patch structure of the grass sward at Kroomie (26°25'38"E 33°48'30"S) in a semi-arid savanna in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, was investigated. The study was conducted on long term grazing trials on five treatments varying in stocking rate (SR; recommended (low) and 1.5 x recommended (high), grazing system (continuous and rotational), and animal type (cattle and sheep). The treatments studied were CR (cattle, rotational stocking, low SR), CC (cattle, continuous stocking, low SR), CH (cattle, rotational stocking, high SR), SC (sheep, continuous stocking, low SR), and SR (sheep, rotational stocking, low SR). Rainfall during the two years of the study (1997/98 and 1998/99) was slightly below the mean average rainfall of the area (66 and 84% of the mean of 519 mm, respectively). Analysis of sward height data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation reflected a bimodal height structure in all treatments. Due to a high overlap of the two distributions in some cases, however, the height at which to separate patches (short grass) from non-patches (tall grass) could not be determined. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to relate species composition to sward height. It emerged that there are two distinct grass communities at Kroomie, and these are associated with sward height (i.e. patches and non-patches). The interface (in cm) between these two communities, as determined using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINS PAN) was 6 cm, and this value was subsequently used to discriminate between patches and non-patches. Sward structure was affected by treatments. Animals (cattle and sheep) stocked rotationally at low SR's grazed less than a third of the total area, and this grazing was concentrated primarily in small patches (< 6 m; length is used as a linear indicator of patch size). Animals stocked continuously at low SR's grazed approximately half the area, in small and large (up to 40 m) patches. Animals in the CH treatment grazed approximately two-thirds of the area, in both small and large patches. There was an inverse relation between the size of patches and the size of non-patches, as expected. Nine common grass species were related to sward height. Digiteria eriantha, Eragrostis racemosa, Eustachys paspaloides, and Microchloa caffra were associated with short swards, while Cymbopogon pluronodis, Eragrostis chloromelas, and Sporobolus fimbriatus were associated with tall swards. Themeda triandra (themeda), the most abundant grass at Kroomie, was principally associated with tall swards, but was present at all sward heights. Applying CCA demonstrated a considerable difference between the species composition of patches and of non-patches. There was also a difference in composition between treatments, although these were not as pronounced. Patches reflected a higher species diversity than non-patches. There was a significant (P<0.05) effect of treatment, and of an interaction of treatment by sward structure (i.e. patches and non-patches), on the density of themeda plants. The density of themeda plants was positively correlated with patch size, which suggested that themeda plants that have been grazed may suffer fatal competition from ungrazed neighbours. Anecdotal evidence suggested that patches are stable over the medium term, and that non-patches that are grazed during a drought return to a non-patch structure after rainfall. There was no evidence to support the contention that rotational stocking reduced patch-selective grazing, nor that the species composition of rotationally stocked treatments was better than continuously stocked treatments. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Effect of season and type of fire on Colophospermum mopane woodland in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe.

Walters, Michael John. 17 December 2013 (has links)
The majority of the vegetation types occurring on Malilangwe Estate, in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe, are dominated by Colophospermum mopane (mopane). Over the past 30-50 years the stand density of these mopane vegetation types has increased, and an investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of season of burning and type of fire on mopane woodlands. From this study the following was ascertained: 1) A single predictive equation cannot be used over all seasons to estimate standing crop (fuel load) using the standard disc pasture meter procedure. The calibration equations developed using this procedure accounted for between 39 and 72% of the variation in standing crop, illustrating the high variation in basal cover of the grass sward, as well as the variation between months. Although the revised procedure, developed for areas with low basal cover, accounts for a lot more of the variation in standing crop, this procedure was not used to estimate standing crop over the study period because the calibration equation covered a number of vegetation types, and was not specific to the mopane woodlands. 2) Standing crop tracks effective rainfall (monthly rainfall divided by monthly pan evaporation) closely, with a lag period of less than one month. Standing crop can be estimated using a predictive equation that utilizes effective rainfall from the previous month. There is a positive relationship between peak standing crop and rainfall. A predictive equation was developed to estimate peak standing crop, using annual rainfall. Standing crop declines through the dry season as effective rainfall decreases, and this 'decrease function' allows for the estimation of the standing crop for a particular month, after peak standing crop is reached. 3) Two leaf quantification equations were developed for mopane trees in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe, one for coppicing and for non-coppicing individuals. These allow for the estimation of leaf dry mass from measured canopy volume. 4) There was no significant difference between the fire intensities attained for the three seasons of burning. Over all seasons, head fires were significantly more intense than back fires. 5) Percentage topkill after late dry season burns was significantly higher than topkill after early dry season burns. There was no significant difference between mid and late dry season burns, and head fires led to significantly more topkill than back fires. Plants < 150 cm experienced significantly more topkill (80 %) than did individuals > 150 cm (44%). 6) Fire per se led to an increase in stand density over all seasons and types of fire, but this change was not significant. Fire did not influence the nett recruitment of new individuals. Height class one (0-50 cm) and three (151-350 cm) were impacted most by fire. This reflects a change in tree structure, with an increase in the amount of leaf material in height class three, and a subsequent decrease in the amount of material in height class one. 7) The effect of season of burning on the change in tree height was significant, whereas the effect of type of fire was not significant. All treatments, except early dry season back fires, led to a reduction in tree height, whereas trees in the no burn areas increased in height. 8) Burning in any season, and implementing either type of fire, led to an increase in the number of stems. Mid dry season burns led to the highest increase in number of stems. However, the more intense the fire the smaller the increase in number of stems. 9) All three seasons of burning (head and back fires) led to a significant decrease in maximum canopy diameter per tree, while the maximum canopy diameter of trees in the no burn areas increased. Mid dry season burns resulted in the greatest decrease in canopy diameter. 10) The effect of burning on the change in leaf dry mass per tree was highly significant. All three seasons of burning led to a decrease in leaf dry mass, while there was no difference between head and back fires. Leaf dry mass in the control areas increased however. High fire intensities led to the greatest decrease in leaf dry mass, late dry season head fires having the greatest decrease. This study suggests that mopane plants face a constraint due to fire and/or browsing, and a tradeoff occurs between canopy volume, canopy diameter, canopy area; and number of stems. Fire leads to an increase in the number of stems through coppicing, while canopy volume and leaf dry mass decreases. This decrease is either (i) a tradeoff in response to increasing stem number, or (ii) a reduction in canopy because additional leaves on the new stems contribute to photosynthesis. The most important response to season of burning is the altered phenophase (phenological stage) of the plant. Early dry season burns cause the trees to be leafless during the early dry season (when unburnt trees are carrying full leaf), and then to be in leaf at the end of the dry season (when unburnt trees are leafless). It would appear that fire disturbance initiates leaf senescence after burning, and then leaf expansion earlier than normal i.e the whole leaf senescence/growth process is brought forward. Trees in late dry season burn areas remain leafless at the start of the rains, while trees in unburnt areas are carrying leaf. Being leafless these trees do not photosynthesize during this time, and it is proposed that the grass sward is advantaged by the reduced competition from the tree component. The consequences of these two changes in phenophase could not be addressed in this study, but are pertinent questions that must be answered if mopane woodland dynamics are to be more fully understood. Management recommendations for (1) the removal of unacceptable moribund grass material, or (2) the reduction of encroachment by woody species on Malilangwe Estate are also given. In an attempt to combat the increase in stand density of mopane it is recommended that high intensity head fires be implemented, when standing crop (fuel load) is sufficient and climatic conditions are conducive to maintaining high intensity fires. These should be carried out at the end of the dry season, before the onset of the rains. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

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