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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interação solo-vegetação campestre:estudos de caso em diferentes escalas ecológicas

Andrade, Bianca Ott January 2014 (has links)
Enquanto em regiões temperadas o conhecimento sobre a relação solo-vegetação é consolidado, nos trópicos e subtrópicos é preliminar. É urgente a necessidade de se determinar os fatores abióticos que controlam padrões vegetacionais visando dar suporte a estudos de recuperação e conservação. O presente estudo analisa a relação entre fatores abióticos e vegetação campestre na forma de três artigos científicos (capítulos I, II e III) e um artigo de revisão (capítulo IV). Nos primeiros três artigos, analisou-se a variância da vegetação em diferentes escalas ecológicas; e no artigo de revisão, discutiu-se de forma aplicada a variância de fatores bióticos e abióticos em resposta à degradação. Dessa forma, a presente tese objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) Que diferenças podem ser observadas dentro de uma mesma espécie quanto à funcionalidade e suas estratégias de alocação sob diferentes graus de disponibilidade de recursos?; (II) Quão variáveis são as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em diferentes escalas espaciais; e existem propriedades dos solos que podem explicar com maior precisão a distribuição das espécies em diferentes escalas espaciais? (III) Que porcentagem de variância da vegetação pode ser explicada por propriedades pedológicas e climáticas; e quais características de solo e clima melhor explicam esses padrões de vegetação? No capítulo IV é apresentado um modelo conceitual sobre degradação dos campos e sua aplicação aos campos do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para responder as questões acima usei dados ao nível de espécie de campos calcáreos da Alemanha (capítulo I); dados ao nível de comunidade em seis áreas campestres do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil (capítulos II e III); e através da revisão de literatura relacionada à degradação, quanto à capacidade de recuperação dos campos do RS (capítulo IV). Os resultados evidenciaram que: (I) dentro de espécies ficaram evidentes duas estratégias frente à limitação de recursos, enquanto a resposta dos atributos aos diferentes tratamentos se mostrou constante; (II) a variação dos parâmetros do solo relaciona-se à escala espacial aplicada e a variância da vegetação geralmente responde a diferentes parâmetros de solo em diferentes escalas; (III) 45% da variância da vegetação entre biomas nos campos do RS foi explicada por características pedológicas e climáticas, sendo em grande parte governada pela precipitação anual e a porcentagem de saturação por alumínio do solo; e (IV) o modelo conceitual apresenta variações ao longo de dois eixos (biótico e abiótico) e poderá servir de suporte a estudos de conservação e recuperação de campos tropicais e suptropicais, bem como facilitar a tomada de decisões quanto ao manejo e conservação. Como conclusão geral, verificou-se que a vegetação campestre responde a variações ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais e pode adotar diferentes estratégias para sobrepor filtros ambientais e processos de degradação. O entendimento da relação entre a vegetação e o meio abiótico é de grande importância para tomada de decisões quanto ao emprego de formas alternativas de manejo e conservação. / Whereas in temperate regions the abiotic-biotic relationship is well-known, in the tropics and subtropics our understanding is still preliminary. There is an urgent need to determine abiotic factors that control vegetation patterns in order to give support to restoration and conservation approaches. The present thesis analyses the relationship between abiotic factors and grassland vegetation in three original research papers (chapters I, II and III) and a review paper (chapter IV). In the first three papers, vegetation variance in response to abiotic factors was analyzed at different ecological scales; and in the fourth, the variance in biotic and abiotic factors in response to degradation process was discussed with a more applied view. Thus in this thesis the aim is to answer the following questions: (I) Which differences can be found in functional plant traits and allocation strategies within species at different levels of water and nutrient availability?; (II) How variable are physical and chemical parameters in different spatial scales; and are there soil parameters that can more accurately explain plant distribution in different spatial scales? (III) How much of RS grassland vegetation variance can be explained by soil and climatic properties; and which climatic and soil properties better explain these vegetation patterns? In chapter IV a conceptual model of grassland degradation is presented and applied to Rio Grande do Sul (RS) grasslands. To address these questions I used species-level data in a calcareous grassland in Germany (chapter I); community-level data in six sites in RS, South Brazilian grasslands (chapter II and III); and a review of literature studies concerning RS grassland degradation and restorability (chapter IV). The results showed that: (I) at a intraspecific level, the study species showed two allocation strategies in relation to resource stress, while the responses of individual traits to the soil treatments were consistent across species; (II) soil parameters variation are related to the measurement scale applied and the vegetation variance often responds to different soil parameters at different scales; (III) climatic and soil properties explained 45% of vegetation variance between biomes in RS grasslands and the main factors controlling its variance are annual precipitation and percent aluminum saturation; and (IV) the conceptual model is displayed as biotic and abiotic changes along the axes and can serve as a general framework to study degradation and restorability of tropical and subtropical grasslands, and further it may facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation. As a general conclusion, the grassland vegetation responds to changes in the environment in different scales and may use different strategies to overcome environmental selective forces and degradation process. The understanding of this relationship is of high importance to facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation.

Modélisation mathématique de la dynamique des communautés herbacées des écosystèmes prairiaux / Modelling dynamics of herbaceous communities in grassland ecosystem

Moulin, Thibault 11 October 2018 (has links)
La modélisation dynamique des systèmes écologiques constitue une méthode incontournable pour comprendre,prédire et contrôler la dynamique des écosystèmes semi-naturels, qui fait intervenir des processuscomplexes. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de développer un modèle permettant de simuler la dynamiqueà moyen terme de la végétation herbacée dans les prairies permanentes, en tenant compte à lafois de la productivité et de la biodiversité. Les prairies sont des réservoirs présentant une forte biodiversitévégétale, qui soutiennent de nombreux services écosystémiques. Sur le plan agricole, cette importantediversité contribue à la qualité de la production fourragère, et de plus, elle permet une plus grande résistancede la végétation face à des changements climatiques (réchauffement moyen, vagues de chaleur etde sécheresse).Pourtant, cette notion clé de biodiversité n’est que faiblement prise en considération dans la modélisationde l’écosystème prairial : elle est souvent absente ou alors présente sous une forme très simplifiée. Enréponse à ces considérations, ces travaux de thèse présentent la construction d’un modèle de successionbasé sur des processus, décrit par un système d’équations différentielles ordinaires, qui représente ladynamique de la végétation aérienne des prairies tempérées. Ce modèle intègre les principaux facteursécologiques impactant la croissance et la compétition des espèces herbacées, et peut s’ajuster à n’importequel niveau de diversité, par le choix du nombre et de l’identité des espèces initialement présentes dansl’assemblage. Ce formalisme mécaniste de modélisation nous permet alors d’analyser les relations qui lientdiversité, productivité et stabilité, en réponse à différentes conditions climatiques et différents modes degestion agricole.[...]Ces résultats soulignent alors le besoin de prendre en compte le rôle clé joué par la biodiversité dansles modèles de l’écosystème prairial, de par son impact sur le comportement des dynamiques simulées.De plus, pour rendre correctement compte des interactions au sein de la végétation, le nombre d’espècesconsidéré dans le modèle doit être suffisamment important. Enfin, nous comparons les simulations devégétation de ce modèle à des mesures issues de deux sites expérimentaux, la prairie de fauche d’Oensingen,et le pâturage de Laqueuille. Les résultats de ces comparaisons sont encourageants et soulignentla pertinence du choix et de la représentation des processus écologiques clés qui composent ce modèlemécaniste.Ce travail de thèse propose donc un modèle, en total adéquation avec les besoins actuels en terme demodélisation de l’écosystème prairial, qui permet de mieux comprendre la dynamique de la végétationherbacée et les interactions entre productivité, diversité et stabilité. / Dynamic modelling of ecological systems is an essential method to understand, predict and control thedynamics of semi-natural ecosystems, which involves complex processes. The main objective of this PhDthesis is to develop a simulation model of the medium- and long-term dynamics of the herbaceous vegetationin permanent grasslands, taking into account both biodiversity and productivity. Grasslandecosystems are often hot spots of biodiversity, which contributes to the temporal stability of their services.On an agricultural perspective, this important biodiversity contributes to the forage quality, andbesides, it induces a higher ability of the vegetation cover to resist to different climatic scenarios (globalwarming, heat and drought waves).However, this key aspect of biodiversity is only poorly included in grassland models : often absent ofmodelling or included in a very simple form. Building on those considerations, this PhD work exposes thewriting of a process-based succession model, described by a system of Ordinary Differential Equationsthat simulates the aboveground vegetation dynamics of a temperate grassland. This model implementedthe main ecological factors involved in growth and competition processes of herbaceous species, and couldbe adjust to any level of diversity, by varying the number and the identity of species in the initial plantcommunity. This formalism of mechanistic models allows us to analyse relationships that link diversity,productivity and stability, in response to different climatic conditions and agricultural management.In mathematical grassland models, plant communities may be represented by a various number of statevariables, describing biomass compartments of some dominant species or plant functional types. The sizeof the initial species pool could have consequences on the outcome of the simulated ecosystem dynamicsin terms of grassland productivity, diversity, and stability. This choice could also influence the modelsensitivity to forcing parameters. To address these issues, we developed a method, based on sensitivityanalysis tools, to compare behaviour of alternative versions of the model that only differ by the identityand number of state variables describing the green biomass, here plant species. This method shows aninnovative aspect, by performing this model sensitivity analysis by using multivariate regression trees. Weassessed and compared the sensitivity of each instance of the model to key forcing parameters for climate,soil fertility, and defoliation disturbances. We established that the sensitivity to forcing parameters ofcommunity structure and species evenness differed markedly among alternative models, according tothe diversity level. We show a progressive shift from high importance of soil fertility (fertilisation level,mineralization rate) to high importance of defoliation (mowing frequency, grazing intensity) as the sizeof the species pool increased.These results highlight the need to take into account the role of species diversity to explain the behaviourof grassland models. Besides, to properly take into account those interactions in the grassland cover, theconsidered species pool size considered in the model needs to be high enough. Finally, we compare modelsimulations of the aboveground vegetation to measures from two experimental sites, the mowing grasslandof Oensingen, and the grazing grassland of Laqueuille. Results of these comparison are promising andhighlight the relevance of the choice and the representation of the different ecological processes includedin this mechanistic model.Thus, this PhD work offers a model, perfectly fitting with current needs on grassland modelling, whichcontribute to a better understanding of the herbaceous vegetation dynamics and interactions betweenproductivity, diversity and stability.

Conséquences de l'assemblage des communautés végétales sur la décomposition de leur litière / Consequences of plant-community assembly on litter decomposition

Barbe, Lou 08 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de son assemblage, une communauté végétale va subir de nombreux changements : immigration de nouvelles espèces de plantes possédant de nouveaux traits, disparition de certaines espèces de plantes avec d’autres traits, immigration de nouveaux organismes associés aux plantes (insectes, champignons…), changements de traits chez les espèces présentes… Tous ces changements sont susceptibles de modifier la décomposition de la litière produite par la communauté végétale. En effet, la décomposition de la litière est gouvernée par les traits des espèces végétales, par l’activité des organismes décomposeurs, et par le degré d’adaptation de ces organismes aux traits des espèces végétales. Cependant, les conséquences de l’assemblage de la communauté végétale pour la décomposition de la litière demeurent inconnues. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer les conséquences de l’assemblage des communautés végétales prairiales sur la décomposition de leur litière, et ce à différentes échelles. Tout d’abord, nous avons étudié, très localement, les conséquences des plantes voisines que possèdent un individu pour la décomposition de sa litière (i.e. échelle intraspécifique). Nous avons distingué le cas où la litière de l’individu était seule, du cas où sa litière était mélangée à de la litière provenant d’autres espèces végétales. Puis, nous avons étudié les conséquences de l’assemblage sur la décomposition de la litière au niveau plus global de l’ensemble de la communauté végétale (i.e. échelle interspécifique). Enfin, nous avons exploré la rétroaction de la décomposition sur l’assemblage de la communauté. Deux grandes démarches expérimentales ont été développées, la première utilisant un dispositif de mésocosmes permettant de manipuler le voisinage local des individus, la seconde utilisant un dispositif Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) impliquant un vaste réseau de prairies avec différentes durées d’assemblage. À l’échelle locale, nos résultats indiquent qu’un individu qui possède des plantes voisines fonctionnellement dissemblables produit une litière plus décomposable et peut également abriter des décomposeurs plus efficaces. Lorsque la litière de cet individu est mélangée avec de la litière d’autres espèces, la décomposition du mélange est accélérée par des effets synergiques lorsque les plantes voisines sont évolutivement dissemblables et fonctionnellement éloignées du mélange. À l’échelle globale de l’ensemble de la communauté, nos résultats indiquent que tout au long de l’assemblage, de nombreux changements de traits fonctionnels des espèces végétales ont lieu (ratio C:N foliaire, teneur en matière sèche des feuilles, etc.) ainsi que des changements dans la composition de la communauté de décomposeurs (ratio C:N microbien). Ces changements impactent fortement la décomposition de la litière de la communauté prairiale mais s’annulent, maintenant le même taux global de décomposition. Enfin, nos résultats indiquent que plus la litière de couples d’espèces se décompose vite, notamment via des effets synergiques, plus ces espèces coexistent entre elles. Cette thèse met en évidence l’influence majeure de l’assemblage des communautés végétales prairiales sur la décomposition de leur litière, de l’invidu jusqu’à la communauté végétale toute entière. L’assemblage des communautés végétales peut donc influencer les processus écosystémiques d’après-vie tels que la décomposition de la litière. Cette influence se produit via les traits des plantes et l’activité de leurs décomposeurs. En retour, la décomposition de la litière impacte l’assemblage de la communauté végétale. La décomposition de la litière ne semble donc pas une conséquence collatérale des traits des espèces végétales, mais bien un élément important de leur stratégie écologique et de leurs interactions biotiques, situé au coeur d'une boucle de rétroaction avec les processus d'assemblage des communautés. / During its assembly, a plant community will be strongly modified: immigration of new plant species with new traits, disappearance of particular species with other traits, immigration of new plant-associated organisms (insects, fungi…), trait changes in existing species… All these changes are likely to drive the decomposition of litter produced by the plant community. Litter decomposition is indeed controlled by plant traits, activity of decomposer community, and adaptation of decomposer organisms to plant traits. However, the consequences of plant-community assembly on plant litter decomposition remain entirely unknown. This thesis aims at determining the consequences of plant-community assembly on plant litter decomposition, at distinct scales. First of all, we studied, locally, the consequences of neighboring plants on litter decomposition of plant individuals (i.e. intraspecific scale). We distinguished the case where litter of plant individuals was alone from the case where litter of plant individuals was mixed with litter from other species. Then we studied, more globally, the consequences of plant-community assembly on decomposition at the scale of the entire plant community (i.e. interspecific scale). Finally, we investigated whether plant litter decomposition feedbacks on plant-community assembly. We used two experimental approaches, the first one using a long-term mesocosm experiment for manipulating the local plant neighborhood of plant individuals, and the second one using of Long Term Ecological Research network involving grasslands with different time for assembly. At the local scale, our results indicate that plant individuals grown in functionally dissimilar neighborhood produce a more decomposable litter, and can also harbor more efficient decomposers. When the litter of these individuals is mixed with litter from other species, the decomposition of the litter mixture is accelerated by synergistic effects when neighboring plants are phylogenetically diverse, and functionnally dissimilar to the litter mixture. At the scale of whole plant community, our results show that numerous trait changes occur during assembly (leaf C:N ratio, leaf dry matter content…), as well as changes in the composition of the decomposer community (soil microbial C:N ratio). These changes strongly affect litter decomposition but offset each other, maintaining litter decomposition constant. Finally, our result show that the faster the decomposition of mixed-litter from two species is, the more both species coexist. This thesis demonstrates the major influence of plant-community assembly on plant litter decomposition in grassland ecosystems, from the scale of plant individuals to the scale of entire plant community. Plant-community assembly hence affects after-life ecosystem processes like litter decomposition. This influence occurs through plant traits and decomposer activity. In turn, litter decomposition feedbacks on plant-community assembly. Consequently, litter decomposition does not seem to be a collateral consequence of plant traits, but rather an important part of their ecological strategies and biotic interactions, participating to a feedback loop involving community assembly processes.

Grassland type and seasonal effects have a bigger influence on plant functional and taxonomical diversity than prairie dog disturbances in semiarid grasslands

Rodriguez-Barrera, Maria Gabriela, Kühn, Ingolf, Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo, Cord, Anna F. 21 May 2024 (has links)
Prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) are considered keystone species and ecosystem engineers for their grazing and burrowing activities (summarized here as disturbances). As climate changes and its variability increases, the mechanisms underlying organisms' interactions with their habitat will likely shift. Understanding the mediating role of prairie dog disturbance on vegetation structure, and its interaction with environmental conditions through time, will increase knowledge on the risks and vulnerability of grasslands. Here, we compared how plant taxonomical diversity, functional diversity metrics, and community-weighted trait means (CWM) respond to prairie dog C. mexicanus disturbance across grassland types and seasons (dry and wet) in a priority conservation semiarid grassland of Northeast Mexico. Our findings suggest that functional metrics and CWM analyses responded to interactions between prairie dog disturbance, grassland type and season, whilst species diversity and cover measures were less sensitive to the role of prairie dog disturbance. We found weak evidence that prairie dog disturbance has a negative effect on vegetation structure, except for minimal effects on C4 and graminoid cover, but which depended mainly on season. Grassland type and season explained most of the effects on plant functional and taxonomic diversity as well as CWM traits. Furthermore, we found that leaf area as well as forb and annual cover increased during the wet season, independent of prairie dog disturbance. Our results provide evidence that grassland type and season have a stronger effect than prairie dog disturbance on the vegetation of this short-grass, water-restricted grassland ecosystem. We argue that focusing solely on disturbance and grazing effects is misleading, and attention is needed on the relationships between vegetation and environmental conditions which will be critical to understand semiarid grassland dynamics under future climate change conditions in the region.

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