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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbanisticko – architektonická studie konverze vojenského brownfieldu / Urban Architectural Study of Conversion of Military Brownfield

Zedka, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
This is the transformation of the former military camp near Český Krumlov to the KRUMLOVIA training center, which should be a source of inspiration not only in the field of education but also a source of inspiration for the creation of a modern urban space with a significant social and ecological overlap.

Urbanisticko – architektonická studie konverze vojenského brownfieldu / Urban Architectural Study of Conversion of Military Brownfield

Poláková, Katarína January 2018 (has links)
This is the transformation of the former military camp near Český Krumlov to the KRUMLOVIA training center, which should be a source of inspiration not only in the field of education but also a source of inspiration for the creation of a modern urban space with a significant social and ecological overlap.

Urbanisticko architektonická studie městského nízkopodlažního bydlení / Urban architectural study of urban low-rise housing

Krůpa, Miloslav January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is to propose urban efficient comfortable living in a quiet natural environment between the original settlement of Líšeň and the panel housing estate from the 1980s. The design of the new residential complex will be in line with the current trends and needs of healthy living. The land lot which the buildings will be constructed on has a trapezoidal shape with a longer side in the west-east direction, narrowing and sloping towards the east. The elevation is about 22 m to 330 m of the length of the land lot. An important feature of Líšeň is the "chapel" (Chapel of Virgin Mary the Helpful) on the opposite eastern hill. The aim of the urban study was to create a smooth transition between the old part of Líšeň (so called "Stará Líšeň") and the new part of Líšeň (so called "Nová Líšeň”), with an emphasis on environmental and social aspects. The territory is divided by compositional and a viewing axes, which are meeting in the social space, formed by the social center with a dominant open space and covered facilities in an adjacent building located in its highest western part. In front of this building, there is a small square followed by the central area with a residence lawn, a public grill and a playground for children. This part finishes in the east with a new water surface in the form of a bathing biotope, which is bridged by two footbridges following the compositional axes. The west side of the stairs between the footbridges continues in a landing stage. Selected combination of low-floor apartment houses and low-floor family houses elevates in height and volume from the eastern and southern boundaries of the territory towards its northwest corner. Along the western border of Novolíšeňská street, a barrier house is designed and it performs also a function of an optical dividing line from the existing panel houses. Emphasis was also put on the minimum of traffic areas. The main routes are designed as one-way roads so as to simplify the orientation in the area. Parking areas are preferably designed as covered and subterranean parking. The main priorities were the greatest extend of greenery (in the form of growing plants and green roofs) on the one hand, and the utmost preservation of a non-built-up area. The result of this study is a low-rise housing in the greenery area with the open views from the buildings to their surroundings, a generous amount of sunshine in living rooms, and an extensive social life for its inhabitants and for inhabitants of surrounded areas. Energetic efficiency was also taken into account while designing the houses. Objects are designed as simple block-shaped blocks with a rectangular or square ground plan. Residential buildings usually have a common or conjoined underground floor. The object of the barrier house has a linear character and roughly copies the western border of the territory. Its parterre is regularly interrupted in four places by passages which serve as a connection with the Novolíšeňská service road. Wood and stone were chosen as materials because of their natural character. Family houses at the southern border are terraced (in groups of 2 x 4 and 1 x 5) and intended as passive houses. Separate family houses around the water area are accessible only by foot, as no car-traffic around the water surface is allowed (however, the arrival of vehicles is possible on a walkway with a width of 3.0 m). These houses are considered as low-energy houses.

Urbanisticko – architektonická studie konverze vojenského brownfieldu / Urban Architectural Study of Conversion of Military Brownfield

Tomcová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
This is the transformation of the former military camp near Český Krumlov to the KRUMLOVIA training center, which should be a source of inspiration not only in the field of education but also a source of inspiration for the creation of a modern urban space with a significant social and ecological overlap.

Urbanisticko – architektonická studie konverze vojenského brownfieldu / Urban Architectural Study of Conversion of Military Brownfield

Beránková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This is the transformation of the former military camp near Český Krumlov to the KRUMLOVIA training center, which should be a source of inspiration not only in the field of education but also a source of inspiration for the creation of a modern urban space with a significant social and ecological overlap.

Grönområdets funktioner i urban miljö : En studie baserad på grönområden i Sundbybergs stad / Green area features in urban environment : A study based on green areas in thecity of Sundbyberg

Biel, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
Allt fler bostäder byggs i Sverige och städerna växer ständigt, klimatet förändras med ett väder som utsätter samhällsfunktioner för prövning. Allt större fokus läggs på hållbarhet och klimatet. Agenda2030 har hållbar stadsutveckling som ett av världens viktigaste hållbarhetsmål. Sveriges befolkning växer och allt fler människor bosätter sig i städer, detta bidrar till att allt färre grönytor och grönområden bevaras i framförallt tätbefolkade storstäder. Incitamenten för bostäder är stort framförallt i städer däremot finns det en utmaning för bevarande av grönytor i stadsmiljö. Detta examensarbete belyser grönområdens viktiga funktioner samt genom en rad verktyg tittar på rörelsemönster i grönområdet och bostadsprisutveckling av bostadsrätter beroende på avstånd och antal grönområden. Denna studie undersöker tolv grönområden i Sundbybergs stad och genom en fältstudie identifierar intressanta funktioner som dessa grönområden erbjuder. Funktionerna delas in i tre olika kategorier:klimat, aktivitet och social. Funktioner definieras utifrån befintliga faciliteter i grönområdet och tidigare forskning. Studiens syfte är att identifiera skillnader mellan grönområden. Vidare undersöka eventuell relation mellan bostadspriser och avstånd till grönområden. Studien tittar även på verktyget Datscha Footfall och dess möjligheter till vidare analyser av stadsstruktur och grönområden. Framställt resultat i studien har inte hittat tydliga relationer mellan bostadspriser och avstånd till grönområden. Studien kan däremot påstå att storlek på grönområden kan bidra till att grönområdet erbjuder fler funktioner och kan anses mer attraktiv. Verktyget Datscha footfall har visat stor potential i utvärdering av befintlig stadsstruktur och framtida utveckling av nya stadsdelar. Detta verktyg saknar idag data på rörelse utanför gatusystem vilken gör att verktyget är svårt att tillämpa på grönområden där det inte finns något vägnät. / Demand on housing in Sweden is growing together with the population. Many people are settling inand close to large cities, which means that cities are densifying and expanding. That is leading to many new construction projects to fulfill the demand. Climate is changing with extreme weather that exposes societies functions and flooding and temperature highs are not unusual. Agenda 2030 has set sustainable development as one of the world's most important goals. The incentives for housing a relarge, especially in cities, however, there is a challenge for the conservation of green spaces in urban environments. This thesis highlights the important functions of the green areas and through a series oftools looks at the movement patterns in the green area and housing prices depending on the distance and number of green areas close by. This study examines twelve green areas in Sundbyberg city and through a field of studies, identifies interesting features that these green areas offer. The functions are divided into three different categories: climate, activity and social. Functions are defined based on existing facilities in the green area and previous research. The purpose of the study is to identify differences between green areas.Further investigate any relationship between housing prices and distance to green areas. The study also examines the tool datscha footfall and its possibilities for further analyzes of urban structure and greenareas. Results obtained in the study have not found clear relationships between housing prices and distances to green areas. The study, on the other hand, can claim that the size of green areas can contribute to the green area amount of functions and can be considered more attractive. The datscha footfall tool has shown great potential in evaluating existing urban structure and future development of new neighborhoods. This tool currently lacks data on movement outside street systems, which makes itdifficult to apply to green areas where there is no large street system.

Trygga torg : En studie av torg ur ett trygghetsperspektiv / Perceived safety in squares : A study of squares with a perceived safety perspective

Jarlegård, Hanna, Lacombe, Bastien January 2019 (has links)
Trygghetsarbete ärnågot som både statliga myndigheter och kommuner intresserar sig för. Kommunernämner gärna i sina översiktsplaner att trygghetsfrämjande åtgärder ska vidtasoch att områden ska utvecklas med hänsyn till tryggheten. Hur dettatrygghetsarbete tar sig form i den fysiska miljön är mindre tydligt och syftetmed denna studie har således varit att ta fram aspekter som går att arbeta medför att främja trygghet. Dessa aspekter har sedan använts för att analyseratorg i Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun och Vaxholm stad för att se hur väl torgensvarar mot dessa aspekter. Aspekterna som tagits fram med hjälp av enlitteraturstudie och den fallstudie som har utförts har sedan legat till grundför att ta fram tips för hur trygga torg kan utformas.Litteraturstudien ledde till att fem aspekter av stor betydelse för trygghetentogs fram: närhet till andra människor, synlighet och överblickbarhet,belysning, grönska och skötsel av allmän plats. Inget av de torg som omfattadesav fallstudien uppnådde samtliga trygghetsaspekter, men vissa uppfyllde fler änandra. Utöver de slutsatser som har dragits kring vilka aspekter som är trygghetsfrämjandeså ledde studien till slutsatser kring vilka torg som uppfyller vilka aspekter.Slutligen ledde studien fram till konkreta förbättringsförslag för trygghetenpå de torg som fallstudien omfattade och handfasta tips för hur torg kanutformas med hänsyn till trygghet / Working with perceived safety is something that both government agencies and municipalities are interested in. Municipalities gladly mention in their general plans that perceived safety actions is something that should be prioritised and that new areas should be developed with regard to the perceived safety. Exactly how these perceived safety actions takes shape in the physical environment is less clear and the purpose has thus been to identify aspects that are possible to work with and that promotes the perceived safety. The identified aspects have then been used to analyse squares in Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun and Vaxholm stad to see how well these places correspond to the these aspects. Tips on how squares that are perceived as safe was then formulated based on the case study and the aspects that was identified in the literature study.The literature study led to the identification of five aspects with great significance to the perceived safety: closeness to other people, visibility and overview, lightning, greenery and maintenance of public space. None of the observed squares fulfill all the aspects, but some fulfill more than others. Other than the conclusions that were drawn concerning which aspects that are promoting for the perceived safety, the study also led to conclusions regarding which squares that fulfill which aspects. Finally the study led to improvement-proposals for perceived safety on the squares of the case study and concrete tips on how squares can be designed with regard to perceived safety.

Zeleň jako indikátor kvality urbánního prostředí / Greenery an indicator of urban space quality

Pondělíček, Michael January 2013 (has links)
The Ph.D. Thesis is based on the principle of open approach into the urban greenery in the frame of sustainability improvement in inner cities. Sustainable inner city planning and management brings also the supply for indicators of sustainability and life quality in urban space. The Ph.D. thesis is interested in evaluation of positive and negative impact of greenery into life quality in the inner city. There is studied the impact of greenery into the human being in the city and what has influence on urban greenery too. The thesis observes existing indicators whose describe urban greenery quality and its utilizing from the point of view of sustainability and collaterally observe the greenery perception from the city inhabitant’s point of view. On the basement of analysis and theoretical knowledge including in the thesis is for urban life quality measurement constructed new aggregated indicator – the Indicator of Common Urban Greenery Quality. This indicator is in the thesis valuated on the data set of 70 Czech cities and medium sized towns. There is valuated its possibility to describe urban greenery potential. The relationship between the indicator and clime change and other urban development changes is also solved. The indicator and its mathematical construction brings new information about urban greenery potential and its impact and usage in city sustainability and urban life quality increasing.

Principy formování zeleně jako součásti městského interiéru / Principles of formation of urban greenery as a part of urban interior

Hrubanová, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
Urban interior environment mostly serves as a place for various meetings and social events. Thus, these spaces come alive thanks to people, who give them reason and meaning. However, the question is what role urban interior has in the present day, which, at the beginning of the new millennium, is characterized by a high degree of individualism. Within the deurbanization tendencies, buildings and adjoining areas in central parts of cities are often abandoned and the activities move to the periphery. If we want to return the social function to the urban interior, as a place of pleasant encounters and relationships, we need to approach its formation with respect to current trends in the development of human society. From the perspective of sustainable development, it is also necessary not to extend the boundaries of urbanized area to adjacent landscape, while abandoning the central locations in cities, but to maintain their intensive character. From this point of view, it is necessary to realize, that it is the greenery that gives the city an opportunity to perceive public spaces as an integral part of urban life and not just as places that people walk through having no reason to stay longer than necessary. Application of greenery in urban interior provides many positive features to the city. Greenery is an added value that can also operate independently as a functional unit that links the other functions of the urban organism. Both in its solitary form and in line or area applications. Along with water elements, urban furniture, various hard surfaces and landscaping, greenery creates a pleasant and interesting living environment in the city that can be desirable and sought-after again.

Towards environmental sustainability in the metropolitan zone of Mexico City : indicators and projections to 2030

Fernández, Cassio Luiselli 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis develops quantitative indicators of environmental sustainability for Mexico City and its metropolitan zone of influence (MCMZ). These indicators of sustainability were developed by taking into account seven key variables for the urban environment: the water supply situation, air pollution, transportation and roads, energy, solid wastes, the housing supply and green areas. Based on these indicators and the history of the city's physical evolution since it was founded seven centuries ago, a desirable type of urban form is proposed, one in which there is a "decentralized concentration" which would allow Mexico City to approach sustainability in a time frame that concludes in or about the year 2030. Accordingly, the thesis proposes urban policy measures that, while addressing issues of sustainability, permit Mexico City to face the challenges of globalisation, which would entail transforming it into a "global city'' within a worldwide network of great cities. The urban policy and environmental measures that are recommended anticipate the largest economic, demographic and technological changes that will affect Mexico City, but are above all in harmony with the natural ecosystems of the elevated endorheic basin in which it lies. They do no call for a break with or the alteration of the city's natural landscape or its already constructed historical patrimony and, when possible, they presuppose a new sustainable hydraulic model, capable of restoring lakes and recharging the underground aquifer. Finally, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the recuperation of green areas in accordance with the basin's original natural vegetation. / Geography / D.Litt. et Phil. (Geography)

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