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Grande distribution, commerce traditionnel : quelle concurrence ? / Big grocery retailers, small retailers : which competition ?Pagot, Audrey 17 June 2011 (has links)
"Le Droit c'est l'instrument de réalisation d'un choix économique qui prolonge, lui-même, un choix politique fondamental" écrivait le Professeur Jean-Marc MOUSSERON. Poursuivant un choix politique de relance du pouvoir d'achat et / ou de lutte contre l'inflation, le droit économique a en effet cherché à protéger puis à encadrer la grande distribution. La prohibition du refus de vente, la prohibition de la majoration discriminatoire des prix ainsi que la prohibition des prix minimums imposés avaient ainsi pour objectif de protéger la concurrence de la grande distribution. La fragilisation du commerce indépendant traditionnel apparaît néanmoins comme un effet pervers de cette protection législative. Les pouvoir publics ont alors tenté de protéger cette forme de commerce traditionnel par des barrières à l'entrée légales anticoncurrentielles. En somme, soit les pouvoirs publics protègent la grande distribution au profit de la concurrence mais au détriment du commerce traditionnel, soit ils protègent le commerce traditionnel au détriment de la concurrence. Face à cette alternative il apparaît alors que seule une action législative tournée vers l'intérêt du consommateur -comme acteur de concurrence- permettra une régulation du marché de la distribution au profit tant de la concurrence de la grande distribution que du commerce traditionnel. / The French lecturer Jean-Marc MOUSSERON wrote that “law is the tool bringing economic choices into being, these economic choices themselves following fundamental political ones”. It is indeed by pursuing political choices such as the increase of the purchasing power or the reduction of consumer price that economic law protects and controls big retailers' action. By prohibiting the refusal to sell, the price discrimination practice and the minimum prices' resale practice, the French government tried indeed to protect the competition from grocery retailers. However as a consequence of this protection, small independent retailers lost their competitiveness. The French government tried hence to protect them by introducing anticompetitive legal barriers. To sum up, the government either protects the competition of grocery retailers to the detriment of traditional retailers or protects the small traditional retailers to the detriment of the competition. Bearing that alternative in mind, it seems that only a legislative action aiming to protect consumers will bring about a satisfyingly regulated retail market for the benefit of both the competition of grocery retailers and small retailers.
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Hållbarhetsrapporteringen inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : hur engageras intressenter / Sustainability reporting within Swedish grocery retailers : how stakeholders are engagedKristensson, Lovisa, Carlsson, Cajsa January 2019 (has links)
Hållbarhet bygger på att företag tar ett socialt, miljömässigt och ekonomiskt ansvar. Med hjälp av hållbarhetsrapporten kommunicerar företag sitt hållbarhetsarbete och resultaten av det. Användarna av hållbarhetsrapporterna är företagets intressenter, vilka påverkar och påverkas av företagets verksamhet. För att företaget ska veta vilka frågor som intressenterna anser väsentliga behöver företaget engagera sina intressenter. Intressentengagemang är processen som används av företag för att engagera relevanta intressenter i hållbarhetsarbetet och för att välja ut vilka frågor som är väsentliga att ta med i hållbarhetsrapporten. Denna studie fokuserar på dagligvaruhandelsföretag och deras intressentengagemang. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur dagligvaruhandelsföretag i Sverige engagerar sina intressenter i hållbarhetsrapporterna genom att utgå ifrån de tre principerna inkluderbarhet, väsentlighet och respons samt att jämföra hur engagemanget har förändrats under de senaste åren. För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ ansats valts i form av innehållsanalys av hållbarhetsrapporter. Resultatet från studien visar att dagligvaruhandelsföretagen generellt är tydliga med vilka intressenter som inkluderas samt vilka frågor som anses väsentliga av intressenterna. De är dock inte lika transparenta med hur själva intressentengagemanget ser ut. Studien visar även att de metoder som främst används är one-way och two-way. / Sustainability is based on companies taking social, environmental and financial responsibility. With the help of a sustainability report, companies communicate their sustainability work and the results of it. The users of the sustainability reports are the company's stakeholders, which affect and are affected by the company's operations. In order for the company to know which issues stakeholders consider important, the company needs to engage its stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement is the process used by companies to engage relevant stakeholders in the sustainability work and to select which issues are essential to include in the sustainability report. This study focuses on grocery retailers and their stakeholder engagement. The purpose of this study is to investigate how grocery retailers in Sweden engage their stakeholders in the sustainability reports by using the three principles inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness and comparing how the engagement has changed during the recent years. To fulfil the purpose a quantitative approach has been chosen in the form of content analysis of sustainability reports. The results of the study show that the grocery retailers are generally clear about which stakeholders are included and which issues are considered essential by the stakeholders. However, they are not as transparent about how the stakeholder engagement itself looks. The study also shows that the methods that are mainly used are one-way and two-way.
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A Study of Open Code Dating in Grocery Retailing in Dallas CountyMcGown, Kirby Lee 12 1900 (has links)
This study deals with "open code dating," the movement by grocery manufacturers and distributors toward dating perishable food packages in such a manner that consumers can readily determine product freshness or length of time on store shelves. The study explores the desirability and feasibility of open code dating, placing greatest importance upon the response of the consumer to the concept. It was found that consumers were aware of open code dating and generally strongly desired its universal adoption. Shoppers were also confused by open dating and failed to understand freshness dates properly. The strongest desire for open dating was found in shoppers at the upper end of the socio-economic scale. Grocery retailers expressed satisfaction with open coding, believing it an aid in stock rotation and customer satisfaction. Possible disadvantages, such as increased throwaway costs and large conversion costs, were not perceived as being significant. The businessmen favored widespread adoption of open code dating. On the basis of data from interviews with shoppers, it is concluded that consumers desire adoption of open code dating and do use this service. It is also concluded that adoption of open code dating would be an economically sound decision which would constitute a desirable marketing strategy.
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