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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de software como ferramenta de confiabilidade para a análise da água subterrânea do IPEN / Software development as a tool for reliability analysis of groundwater of IPEN

SILVA, RENAN de A. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste estudo foi proposto o desenvolvimento de um software para automatizar o processo de estimativa da incerteza de medição pelo método descrito no Guia EURACHEM. Com a finalidade de testar a eficácia do software, foi desenvolvido um procedimento analítico para a determinação de compostos fenólicos na água subterrânea do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares a fim de se obter dados reais de um processo. Para tanto, a determinação dos compostos foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao detector de espectrometria de massas, GC/MS. Para garantir a qualidade dos dados gerados, o procedimento analítico foi submetido ao processo de validação, onde foram avaliados os parâmetros: seletividade/especificidade, faixa de trabalho e faixa linear de trabalho, linearidade, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação, precisão, exatidão, recuperação e robustez. A estimativa da incerteza da medição foi realizada pelo software desenvolvido e manualmente, confirmando que o mesmo é adequado para o processo. Além disso, o software foi testado utilizando dados da literatura, o que confirmou sua eficácia. Os resultados da análise da água subterrânea demonstraram que não há a presença de compostos fenólicos nos níveis estudados. A utilização de sistemas automatizados para a estimativa da incerteza diminui ou minimiza erros sistemáticos e permite trabalhar com mais organização e controle do processo. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Analise critica da determinacao da condutividade hidraulica do solo utilizando atenuacao da radiacao gama monoenergetica

PORTEZAN FILHO, OTAVIO 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 05388.pdf: 9818517 bytes, checksum: bdfdbbcb4aa099f55674248bc43a1c69 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Estudo da contaminacao do solo e agua subterranea por elementos toxicos originados dos rejeitos das minas de carvao de Figueira no Estado do Parana

SHUQAIR, SHUQAIR M.S. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:47:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 08354.pdf: 6557210 bytes, checksum: 0c6cea793150b2683fda13b9ec421168 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Avaliação da contaminação da água subterrânea de poços tubulares, por combustíveis fósseis, no município de Santo André, São Paulo: uma contribuição à gestão ambiental

MINDRISZ, ANA C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A contaminação de águas subterrâneas por hidrocarbonetos provenientes de postos de abastecimento de combustível tem sido objeto de crescente preocupação dos organismos ambientais de todo o mundo. Os compostos Benzeno, Tolueno, Etilbenzeno e Xilenos (BTEX), presentes nesses combustíveis, são extremamente tóxicos à saúde humana e podem inviabilizar a exploração de aqüíferos por eles contaminados e conseqüentemente os poços utilizados para abastecimento. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um diagnóstico da qualidade da água, com informações e análises, com o objetivo de retratar a situação dos poços artesianos destinados ao abastecimento de água, doméstico e comercial, na área urbana do município de Santo André, São Paulo. Foram avaliadas a presença dos micro poluentes BTEX, após a ocorrência de vazamentos de gasolina de tanques de armazenamento de combustível próximos a estes poços, em diferentes locais do município. Foram avaliados também parâmetros físico-químicos (cor, turbidez e cloro residual) bem como os elementos-traço, metais e os ânions fluoreto, sulfato, cloreto, nitrato e fosfato, como também os bacteriológicos (coliformes totais e termotolerantes, bactérias heterotróficas). Na definição dos locais amostrados, procurou-se primeiramente avaliar a série histórica de contaminação ambiental por postos de gasolina, avaliando o conjunto de informações do órgão ambiental do Estado e a representatividade espacial do problema. Para gerenciamento da qualidade da água subterrânea foi adotada a metodologia utilizada pela Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB), sendo realizado uma identificação prévia de Áreas Potenciais (AP) de contaminação, organizando um banco de dados sobre lixões e locais abandonados; cadastramento dos postos de serviço e poços utilizados pela população e inventário industrial com plantas ativas e abandonadas, levando-se em consideração o porte e a geração de resíduos (com o SEMASA), dessa forma priorizando os locais de monitoramento. Foi feito um cadastro dos locais e realizada uma investigação preliminar das áreas suspeitas. A amostragem e o monitoramento foram realizados e os resultados foram comparados com os valores orientadores para água subterrânea estabelecidos pela CETESB. Os resultados mostraram que nos doze poços avaliados, não foram encontrados valores de BTEX acima do permitido pela Portaria 518/2004 do Ministério de Saúde, em que o teor máximo permitido para o benzeno é de 5 µg L-1. Foi observado que em três poços há contaminação por nitrato, que é responsável pela indução da metaemoglobinemia. Foram avaliados também os possíveis processos ou mecanismos de remediação natural (biodegradação) ou induzida. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Avaliação de compostos orgânicos semi-voláteis em amostras de águas subterrâneas via CG/EM utilizando microextração líquido-líquido dispersivo - DLLME / Evaluation of semi-volatite organic compounds in groundwater samples by GC/MS using liquid-liquid microextraction dispersive - DLLME

GOMES, RAPHAEL F. 19 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2014-12-19T17:05:43Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-19T17:05:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A contaminação das águas subterrâneas e recursos hídricos superficiais nas últimas décadas representam uma ameaça para a saúde pública. No Brasil, as águas subterrâneas desempenham importante papel no abastecimento público e privado, suprindo as mais variadas necessidades de água em diversas cidades e comunidades. Com a finalidade de garantir a qualidade da água consumida, o ser humano vem desenvolvendo desde a década de 70 diversas técnicas analíticas para monitorar a presença de contaminantes. No entanto, algumas dessas técnicas podem gerar resíduos piores ao meio ambiente do que as já existentes. Desta maneira a partir da década de 90, surge uma nova tendência na forma como conduzir as análises químicas, com o intuito de reduzir o impacto ambiental. No presente trabalho, foi explorada uma técnica de extração que atende tais objetivos, denominada como microextração líquido-líquido dispersivo DLLME, desenvolvida por M.Rezaee e colaboradores. Onde foram validados os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, atingindo limites entre 0,04 a 1,56 μgL-1, também foram analisadas amostras de águas subterrâneas coletadas aleatoriamente, em 4 postos de gasolina localizados na cidade de São Paulo. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

The presence of stygobitic macroinvertebrates in karstic aquifers: a case study in the cradle of humankind world heritage site

Tasaki, Sayomi 20 June 2008 (has links)
Subterranean ecosystems are regarded as the most extensive biome on earth, comprising terrestrial and aquatic systems - the latter constituting freshwater, anchialine and marine systems. This system plays a key role in the distribution and storage of freshwater, once it contains 97% of the world’s total liquid freshwater (Chapter 1), which has been progressively explored in quality and amount. Initial observation of the subterranean environment began with speleological studies by the recognition of a typical fauna adapted to live inside caves. The first studies to provide information about aquatic subterranean fauna commenced in Slovenia, with the description of the Proteus aguinus by Laurenti in 1768. After an initial faunal classification by the Danish zoologist Schiödte (1849), the Austrian naturalist Schiner (1854) established the most commonly used classification for cave fauna and a great portion of modern research dealing with ecobilogy of aquatic subterranean fauna has mostly evolved from the European biospeleology (Chapters 1 and 3). Studies in biospeleology have made a significant contribution to the progressive knowledge in aquatic subterranean ecology, especially in those circumstances where the access of the underground through smaller voids (e.g. crevicular spaces) is not possible. Accessibility to the underground environment is in fact a negative factor that has led a large number of studies consider about subterranean fauna initially being limited to caves. Spatial constraint was (and still is) a limiting factor in accessing a diverse range of subsurface habitats, although during the last decade, modern research has been using advance technology as a tool to overcome the physical barriers to subterranean research. For a long time the classification of subterranean aquatic organisms was an unclear subject, with the classification subterranean fauna mostly related to terrestrial cave fauna (troglofauna). The classification system dealing with aquatic subterranean groups (stygofauna) is more recent. A few nomenclature schemes have been proposed to describe these relationships, based on morphological, behavioural, and ecological adaptations of animals to the underground life and their level of relationship with groundwater (Chapter 4). The prefix “stygo” is suggested as the most descriptive to refer ecologically to a group of animals related to groundwater habitats. Groundwater related fauna (stygofauna) is comprised by groups of animals encompassing aquatic surface, intermediate and subterranean habitats. They represent diverse group of animals that have different interactive relationships with the groundwater habitat. Some may transact between surface water and groundwater systems, while others spend the whole life cycle in the subterranean voids (Gibert et al., 1994). This transition zone between surface streams and groundwater is recognized as a critically important boundary or ecotone, constituted by a habitat that contains a reservoir of invertebrate fauna biodiversity. It is therefore from the study of karst systems that most information on groundwater ecobiology is resourced, once the open structure of most karsts terrains promotes a number of caves, streams, crevices, sinkholes, and springs to allow human access. Karst systems are well fractured because of the relation between the rock mass and the action of meteoric water, as well as the dissolution rate of calcium carbonate rocks that high. The latter increases with time, producing a terrain with a great drainage potential (Chapter 2). Once porosity is high and the flow of percolating water is fast, it allows good vagility for subterranean fauna and nutrients, as well as penetration of contaminants. In subterranean karsts, much water saturates some areas inside rock spaces. The saturation in the rock in turn promotes large water pockets, known as aquifers. When these groundwater aquifers are found to be interconnecting with the adjacent ecosystems, they became active eco-hydrological components, due to their key participation in the surface-groundwater continuum. Groundwater has different degrees of importance, depending on the available sources of surface water. In many countries it supplies a significant proportion of urban and rural drinking water, industrial, and agricultural. Yet, groundwater systems are “hidden”, difficult in access and to study (Chapter 4, 5 and 7), consequently the recognition of the groundwater aquifer as a natural resource that needs to be protected is largely ignored. Moreover, studies in the ecobiology and distribution of stygobitic invertebrates (Chapter 5), and the need to identify a frame of methods for quality assessment and the suitability of groundwater invertebrates as bioindicative elements, has not been developed (Chapter 6). Finally, strong management and public education programs are required to emphasize the need for a better understanding of the nature of groundwater resources, their participation and complexity (Chapter 8), with the conceptualization of the groundwater aquifer integrity as an ecosystem still receiving little attention in South Africa. / Dr. J.F. Durand Prof. G.J. Steyn

Extraction and characterisation of colloids in waste repository leachate

Verrall, Karen Elizabeth January 1998 (has links)
Inorganic colloids are ubiquitous in environmental waters and are thought to be potential transporters of radionuclides and other toxic metals. Colloids present large surface areas to pollutants and contaminants present in waters and are therefore capable of sorbing and transporting them via groundwater and surface water movement. Much research has been and is currently being undertaken to understand more fully the stability of colloids in different water chemistries, factors which affect metal sorption onto colloids, and the processes which affect metal-colloid transport. This thesis first investigates ground water and surface water sampling and characterisation techniques for the investigation of the colloids present in and around a low-level waste repository. Samples were collected anaerobically using micro-purge low-flow methodology (MPLF) and then subjected to sequential ultrafiltration, again anaerobically. After separation into size fractions the solids were analysed for radiochemical content, colloid population and morphology. It was found that colloids were present in large numbers in the groundwaters extracted from the trench waste burial area (anaerobic environment), but in the surface drain waters (aerobic environment) colloid population was comparable t6 levels found in waters extracted from' above the trenches. There was evidence that the non-tritium activity was associated with the colloids and particulates in the trenches, but outside of the trenches the evidence was not conclusive because the activity and colloid concentrations were low. Secondly this thesis investigates the stability of inorganic colloids, mainly haematite, in the presence of humic acid, varying pH and electrolyte concentrations. The applicability of the Schulze-Hardy rule to haematite and haematitelhumic acid mixtures was investigated using photon correlation spectroscopy to measure the rate of fast and slow coagulation after the addition of mono, di and trivalent ions. It was found that humic coated colloids follow the Schulze-Hardy rule for mono and divalent cations, with the exception of copper ions. Trivalent ions do not follow the Schulze-Hardy rule because of their relatively strong complexation with humates. It was also found that the size of the ion has an effect on destabilisation, irrespective of charge.

Jämförande studie av två parameterskattningsmetoder i ett grundvattenmagasin / Comparative study of two parameter estimation methods in a groundwater aquifer

Eriksson, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
Syfte med examensarbetet har varit att upprätta en grundvattenmodell överEnköpingsåsen med hjälp av programvaran MODFLOW för att därefter försöka skattagrundvattenmagasinets parametrar. Parameterskattningen utfördes med detmodelloberoende programmet PEST. Parallellt med detta gjordes även enpumptestutvärdering av dessa parametrar där typkurvor passades till en tidigare utfördprovpumpning av akviferen. Därefter jämfördes dessa båda metoder. Vidare utfördesäven en känslighetsanalys av grundvattenmodellen i MODFLOW för att försökalokalisera nya undersökningsplatser.Grundvattenmodellen uppfördes över Enköpingsåsen i och kring Enköping. Där är åsenlokaliserad i nord sydlig riktning och strax söder om Enköpings centrala delar korsasåsen av Enköpingsån. Det råder osäkerhet angående grundvattenmagasinetsvattenbalans och var åsen får sitt tillskott av vatten ifrån. Enköpingsåsen fungerar somhuvudvattentäkt i Enköpings stad vilket gör att detta har ansetts viktigt att utreda.Grundvattenmodellen byggdes upp genom att främst använda redan insamlad data frångeotekniska, geofysiska och hydrogeologiska undersökningar utförda i området samtdata från SGU och SMHI. Därifrån togs data om områdets uppbyggnad och struktursamt dess yttre betingelser som till exempel nederbörd och Mälarens vattenstånd för attskapa en numerisk modell i MODFLOW.Resultaten visar på ett överensstämmande resultat mellan parameterskattningen gjord iMODFLOW och pumptestutvärderingen. Vidare tyder resultaten i MODFLOW på attde största osäkerheterna i modellen ligger kring Enköpingsån och är då beroende av omvattnet tillförs från grundvattenmagasinets laterala delar eller från Enköpingsån.Känslighetsanalysen tyder även på att för ytterligare undersökningar av åsenshydrogeologiska betingelser bör fokus ligga på förhållandena i Enköpingsåns sedimentoch dess genomsläpplighet. / The purpose of this thesis is to establish a groundwater model of the Enköping eskerusing MODFLOW simulation and then estimate groundwater parameters with themodel-independent program PEST. In parallel, a pump test evaluation of theseparameters where type curves are fitted to a previously performed pump test of theaquifer is done to estimate the aquifer parameters. Eventually, these two methods arecompared. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis of the groundwater model is performed totry to locate additional measurement points.The groundwater model was built for the Enköping esker in and around Enköping. Theesker is located in the north-south direction and just south of Enköpings central partswhere Enköpingsån crosses the esker. There is uncertainty regarding the water balanceof the aquifer and where the esker recharges its water from. Enköping esker serves asthe main water source in Enköping city and this is why it is considered important toinvestigate.The groundwater model was constructed primarily by using already collected data fromgeotechnical, geophysical and hydrogeological studies conducted in the area as well asdata from the SGU and SMHI. The data on the area's composition and structure as wellas its external conditions is taken to create a numerical model in MODFLOW.The results show consistent outcomes between parameter estimates made withMODFLOW/PEST and the pump test evaluation.The results made with MODFLOW makes it possible to do further analysis. Resultsshow large model uncertainties around Enköpingsån and the esker is dependent onwater supplied from either the groundwater aquifer’s lateral parts or Enköpingsån. Thesensitivity analysis also suggests that further studies of the hydrogeological conditionsshould be concentrated to Enköpingsån’s sediments and its water penetration capacity.

Analyse des signaux piezométriques et modélisation pour l'évaluation quantitative et la caractérisation des échanges hydrauliques entre aquifères alluviaux et rivières - Application au Rhône. / Piezometric head signals analysis and modelling for characterisation and quantitative assessment of water exchange between alluvial aquifers and rivers -Application to the Rhône

Lalot, Eric 27 January 2014 (has links)
Pour une meilleure gestion de l’eau, la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau requiert la prise en compte des relations entre les masses d’eau superficielles et souterraines. Dans ce cadre, la dynamique des échanges entre eaux de surface et eaux souterraines est étudiée, pour un aquifère alluvial du Rhône. Deux approches sont utilisées: une analyse des séries temporelles de niveaux de nappes et de rivières, à l’aide de techniques de traitement du signal, et des modèles d’écoulements numériques, déterministes, à base physique. Ces techniques sont mises en œuvre sur un secteur (Péage-de-Roussillon) à forts enjeux socio-économiques pour l’usage de la ressource en eau. Les résultats sont analysés du point de vue de leurs complémentarités.Une analyse en composantes principales, à partir des signaux piézométriques, a montré que les fluctuations de niveaux du Rhône expliquent la majeure partie des variations de niveau de la nappe. Les analyses corrélatoires et spectrales, ont permis de caractériser la relation existant entre les niveaux du Rhône et de la nappe. Des comportements particuliers de l’hydrosystème ont été identifiés : colmatage du fond des cours d’eau, écoulements transverses aux cours d’eau,…. Ces comportements ont ensuite pu être étudiés, plus en détail, à l’aide d’un modèle hydrodynamique de la nappe qui intègre un module de calcul des écoulements surfaciques. Le modèle permet également de quantifier les flux échangés entre la nappe et le cours d’eau. / For better water management, the Water Framework Directive requires to take into account the relationships between surface water and groundwater bodies.In this frame, the exchanges dynamic between surface water and groundwater is studied, for a Rhône alluvial aquifer. Two sets of tools are employed: a time series analysis of groundwater and rivers levels, using signal processing techniques, and numerical flow models, deterministic and physically based. These techniques are implemented on an area (Péage-de-Roussillon) with high socio-economic stakes regarding water resources. The complementarities among the results are analysed.A principal component analysis, based on piezometric head signals, showed that the fluctuations of the Rhône water level explain most of the groundwater variations. Correlative and spectral analysis were used to characterise the relationship between the Rhône and the groundwater level. Specific behaviours of the hydrosystem were identified: clogging of river beds, transversal flows below river beds,… These behaviours were then studied, in details, using a hydrodynamic model of the aquifer, which incorporates a surface runoff calculation module. The model also allows quantifying the exchange rates between rivers and groundwater.

Nejlepší dostupné prvky pro vodojemy / Best available elements for water tanks

Hrubý, Ladislav January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of particular elements of ground water storage tanks, their comparison and describtion of their characteristic. Basic information of designing volume of accumulation tank is included in the first part followed by a key section where particular construction parts and elements are described. In the next section, new types of water tanks are mentioned. In the final section of this thesis, study of 5 existing water tanks was accomplished. A technical recommendation is summed up in the final part that can be taken into account when constructing a new water storage tank.

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