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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influences of resource distribution on ecology and behaviour

Collett, Matthew January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Small Mammal Communities and Multicohort Stand Structure in Boreal Northeastern Ontario

Sharkey, Charlotte Alicia 30 July 2008 (has links)
Although boreal forest management typically results in an increased frequency of even-aged forest stands in managed landscapes, fire history research suggests that much of the natural forest mosaic is composed of stands characterised by multiple cohorts of trees. To aid in the development of multicohort management, I investigated stand structural characteristics and small mammal communities as a function of their tree cohort structures. I also tested key alternatives: stand age, productivity, and tree species composition, as correlates of structural variation and small mammal communities. Results reveal that in mixedwood and black spruce forests, three-dimensional structure of boreal forests is strongly correlated with small mammal community structure, and indicate that tree diameter distribution is a succinct descriptor of such structural variation, performing better than alternative stand characteristics. This represents a new approach to characterising habitat supply as a function of within-stand heterogeneity, contrasting with existing approaches that focus on among-stand characteristics.

Small Mammal Communities and Multicohort Stand Structure in Boreal Northeastern Ontario

Sharkey, Charlotte Alicia 30 July 2008 (has links)
Although boreal forest management typically results in an increased frequency of even-aged forest stands in managed landscapes, fire history research suggests that much of the natural forest mosaic is composed of stands characterised by multiple cohorts of trees. To aid in the development of multicohort management, I investigated stand structural characteristics and small mammal communities as a function of their tree cohort structures. I also tested key alternatives: stand age, productivity, and tree species composition, as correlates of structural variation and small mammal communities. Results reveal that in mixedwood and black spruce forests, three-dimensional structure of boreal forests is strongly correlated with small mammal community structure, and indicate that tree diameter distribution is a succinct descriptor of such structural variation, performing better than alternative stand characteristics. This represents a new approach to characterising habitat supply as a function of within-stand heterogeneity, contrasting with existing approaches that focus on among-stand characteristics.

Arboreal Habitat Structure Affects Locomotor Speed and Path Choice of White-footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus)

Hyams, Sara E. 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Three-dimensional Interstitial Space Mediates Predator Foraging Success in Different Spatial Arrangements

Hesterberg, Stephen Gregory 09 March 2016 (has links)
Habitat structure modifies the strength of predator-prey interactions, but it remains unclear how to describe the three-dimensional spatial arrangement of structural components in a way that consistently predicts outcomes. Interstitial space may provide a useful target for measurement, but most studies use only two-dimensional methods to describe 3D space, limiting their predictive power. Using a novel technology to produce identical components, this study tests whether the 3D interstitial space of oyster shell mimics modifies the ability of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) to capture their mud crab prey (Eurypanopeous depressus) in mesocosms and a variety of reef-associated predators to capture tethered mud crabs in the field. To accomplish this, individual interstices were manipulated by changing either the orientation or internal shape of 3D printed shell mimics, representing possible ways natural oyster shells differ spatially on a reef. In mesocosms, 3D interstitial space strongly affected prey survivorship in both spatial arrangements, but striking variation in the ability of individual blue crabs to consume their prey in the Shape 1 structures was notable. Field tethering experiments mostly corroborated mesocosm findings, except in the shell shape treatment. These unexpected results were likely an artifact of differences in predation between field experiments and highlight the specificity of predator-prey interactions in structured habitats. Together, these results demonstrate that the 3D interstitial space created from the spatial arrangement of structural components can mediate predator foraging success independent of the widely studied density attribute, but these outcomes are further dependent on both predator and prey identity as well as individual variation. This study also identifies a potential target for quantifying the spatial arrangement of structural components and proposes that such a measure should be three-dimensional, capture both the size and shape of an interstice, and scaled to the specific predator-prey interaction in question.

Role of spatial and temporal vegetation heterogeneity from fire-grazing interactions to the assembly of tallgrass prairie spider communities

Gómez, Jesús Enrique January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / Anthony Joern / North American tallgrass prairie is a dynamic ecosystem that evolved with variable regimes of fire and grazing interactions (pyric herbivory), and variable mid-continental weather. Combined, these ecological factors create a shifting mosaic of plant communities that create heterogeneous and structurally complex habitats that move around across the landscape in time and space. The overarching goal of my dissertation was to study how bottom-up habitat templates created in response to fire-grazing interactions influence the community structure of spiders, key arthropod predators in grassland food-webs. Spiders are a ubiquitous and diverse group of terrestrial predators that partition their habitat at fine scales with species distributions and abundances that are sensitive to habitat structure. Primary hypotheses examined include: (H1) Spider density, species diversity, species evenness and functional richness of hunting strategies should increase as the spatial heterogeneity of habitat structure and overall habitat productivity increases, as predicted by the habitat complexity and heterogeneity hypothesis. (H2) Pyric herbivory indirectly determines spider community structure through is effect on vegetation structure and spatial heterogeneity, thereby promoting the formation of a mosaic of spider species assemblages that track changes in the distribution of key habitat resources. My research takes advantage of a long-term, watershed-level manipulations of fire frequency and bison grazing across a topographically variable landscape at Kansas State University’s Konza Prairie Biological Station, a tallgrass prairie research site near Manhattan KS. Spider communities were sampled for three years at 23 sites representative of multiple habitat types ranging from low-stature grass-dominated sites to grassland-gallery forest transition zones. In addition, a field experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that vegetation structure contributes directly to web-builder abundance and web-type richness of spiders in open grasslands. Here, the availability of structure for web placement was increased by adding dead woody stems along transects in three watersheds that differed in burn histories and existing habitat structure in the absence of grazing. Results were consistent with the three key hypotheses. Species diversity and the functional diversity of spiders increased as the spatial heterogeneity and overall structure of habitat increased in response to fire-grazing interactions. Vegetation heterogeneity influenced spider community responses most strongly in the summer. Structural complexity of vegetation influenced spider diversity, species evenness and richness of hunting strategies throughout the growing season, becoming most important by the end of the growing season. The transitional ecotone between grasslands and woodlands supported a hotspot for spider density, species diversity and richness of hunting strategies along vegetation gradients (H1), and among habitat types (H2). Increasing the availability of web-anchoring structures in open grasslands led to increased web-builder density in open grassland, particularly for small and medium sized orb-web species that took advantage of increased physical structure. Disturbance from pyric herbivory indirectly promoted dynamic and malleable assemblages of spider species that coexisted in syntopy through effects on vegetation structure and its availability in time and space. Changes in habitat structure and heterogeneity as spatially and temporally shifting mosaics of habitat type increased the overall spider diversity at the landscape scale.

Herbivore Abundance in Simple and Diverse Habitats: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Plant Diversity and Habitat Structure

Altfeld, Laura F 16 July 2003 (has links)
Herbivore abundances are determined by a set of interacting factors that vary among different habitat types. Specifically, herbivore abundances in monocultures and polycultures may be governed by the same set of factors but with varying influences in the different habitats. In addition, monophagous and polyphagous herbivores may respond differently to the same set of influencing factors. I examined several abiotic and biotic factors in manipulated monocultures and polycultures of Borrichia frutescens in a west central Florida salt marsh. The experimental plots differed in both plant diversity and aboveground habitat structure to see how each component of diversity contributed to variability in the abiotic and biotic factors and how those factors were related to differences in herbivore abundances. The monoculture treatment involved clipping all above ground non-host plant material to achieve a host plant monoculture. The polyculture treatments involved pinning all non-host plant material to achieve a polyculture with reduced above ground habitat structure. The second polyculture treatment was a control in which the naturally diverse plots were unmanipulated. Two monophagous and one polyphagous herbivores were chosen for this study because of their abundance and availability in the field. The two monophagous herbivores on the host plant Borrichia frutescens were Pissonotus quadripustulatus (Homoptera:Delphacidae) and Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) both of which have been well studied in the field where the current experiment took place. The polyphagous herbivore was Cyarda acutissima (Homoptera: Flatidae), a poorly known invasive from Cuba. Soil salinity and host plant leaf nitrogen content were the abiotic factors measured. Herbivore abundances, percent egg and gall parasitism by parasitoids, spider abundances on host plant stems and ground spider abundances were the biotic factors measured. Both salinity and host plant leaf nitrogen were significantly different among the different treatments with clipped plots having the highest salinity and leaf nitrogen content. Population densities of both of the monophagous herbivores were not significantly different between treatments. The polyphagous herbivore had significantly higher abundances in the pinned and control plots than in the clipped plots. Stem spider abundances were not significantly different among treatments. Ground spiders, however, were significantly more abundant in control and pinned plots than clipped plots. Parasitism of both monophagous herbivores was not significantly different between treatments but was generally higher in the control plots. The results suggest that for monophagous herbivores bottom-up and top-down factors act antagonistically in monocultures but for the polyphagous herbivore, the presence of multiple host plants is more influential in diverse plots even given the higher abundances of generalist predators.

Ecologia e conservação de aves em ambientes costeiros do Rio Grande do Sul

Accordi, Iury de Almeida January 2008 (has links)
Os ambientes costeiros se incluem entre os mosaicos de paisagens mais complexos e mais produtivos do mundo. As interações entre fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos que ocorrem nestes ambientes geram padrões específicos de heterogeneidade que podem influenciar na composição de uma comunidade. A Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul é formada por uma extensa planície que ocupa uma área de quase 50.000 km2 e se estende por 640 km cuja conformação geomorfológica originou um complexo mosaico de paisagens. Foram registradas nos últimos 30 anos 452 espécies continentais e costeiras e trinta e nove pelágicas na planície costeira ou ao largo dela. Outras 22 espécies só possuem registros históricos. Embora a composição das espécies na planície costeira seja razoavelmente bem conhecida, a estrutura das assembléias que fazem parte do mosaico de ambientes da planície costeira só recentemente começou a ser descrita, As assembléias de aves que ocupam o mosaico formado pelos ambientes paralelos alinha de praia ainda não foram objeto de nenhum estudo. Além das assembléias, pelo menos 56 espécies costeiras e continentais que ocupam a planície costeira requerem atenção específica, seja por estarem ameaçadas ou por não serem ainda suficientemente conhecidas no Rio Grande do Sul. Visando investigar aspectos da ecologia e conservação de assembléias e de populações de aves na planície costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, o presente estudo foi dividido em duas partes, uma com ênfase em assembléias e outra em populações. Objetiva-se: 1)descrever a estrutura da assembléia de aves em uma paisagem costeira formada por um mosaico de praia, dunas e campo e analisar a variação na riqueza e abundância de espécies nestes ambientes; 2) apresentar registros referentes à sua distribuição na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul; 3) indicar locais de ocorrência potencial da espécie para a região; 4) divulgar novas informações sobre a sua biologia, e 5) comparar o uso de hábitat e territorialidade durante o período reprodutivo em duas áreas campestres, uma dentro de uma unidade de conservação e outra em uma área de uso privado sem nenhum objetivo conservacionista. Percorreram-se várias áreas em busca de hábitats apropriados e ocorrências de Eleothreptus anomalus. Em duas áreas foram realizados estudos sobre uso de hábitat e territorialidade através de busca por ninhos, por indivíduos em repouso e em atividade, capturas, mapeamentos de territórios e medidas de estrutura de micro-hábitat.Em Tramandaí, realizaram-se contagens mensais ao longo de um ano através de transecções em ambientes de praia, areal e campo. Comparou-se a variação da riqueza e abundância de aves em cada área amostrada. Eleothreptus anomalus foi encontrado em quatro áreas na planície costeira. A territorialidade observada e a disposição dos territórios evidenciam um sistema de acasalamento do tipo lek com machos dispostos em territórios dentro de arenas de exibição. A distância média entre os territórios e a área dos mesmos variou significativamente entre as áreas amostradas. A composição e abundância das espécies em Tramandaí apresentaram um padrão de ordenação fortemente influenciado pelas espécies aquáticas e campestres. Áreas campestres com certo grau de distúrbio fora de unidades de conservação podem abrigar populações de Eleothreptus anomalus, mas é preciso conhecer quais distúrbios seriam negativos e quais poderiam vir a ser positivos para a viabilidade da espécie em tais áreas. Movimentações regionais e migrações podem explicar as variações observadas nas assembléias de aves em Tramandaí. O ambiente de praia se mostrou como importante área de invernagem e condicionamento para diversos migrantes boreais. A integridade do mosaico ao longo da costa do sul do Brasil, a despeito da crescente urbanização, torna-se imperativo para a conservação da biodiversidade de aves e a manutenção de rotas e áreas de condicionamento de espécies migratórias. / The Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul state is composed of an extensive plain occupying an area of nearly 50,000 km2 and extending across 640 km along the coast. The geomorphological conformation originated a complex landscape mosaic. During the last 30 years, 452 continental and coastal, and 39 pelagic bird species were registered in or around the coastal plain. Other 22 species count only historical records. Although species composition in the region is reasonably known, descriptions of the assemblage structures contained in the environmental mosaic only recently took place. Bird assemblages occupying coastal adjacent enviroments were not subjects of any research. Besides assemblages, at least 56 coastal and continental species require specific attention, either because they are threatened or because the lack of knowledge about them in Rio Grande do Sul. Aiming to investigate ecological and conservation aspects of bird assemblages and populations in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, the present study was divided in two parts, one emphasizing assemblages and other populations. Objectives were: 1) to describe the bird assemblage structure in a costal landscape composed of a mosaic of beaches, dunes and grasslands, and analyse the variation in species richness and abundance in these enviroments; 2) to present records referring the species distributions in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul; 3) to indicate potential places of occurrence of one threatened species in the region (Eleothreptus anomalus); 4) to reveal new informations about its biology; and 5) to compare the habitat use and territoriality during reproductive period in two grassland areas, one inside a conservation unit and other in a private area without any conservation purpose. To achieve these goals, several areas were covered in search of adequate habitats and occurrences of Eleothreptus anomalus. In two areas, studies were carried out on habitat use and territoriality by nest searches, resting and active individuals, captures, territory mapping, and micro-habitat structure measurements. What concerns the assemblages occurring in the coastal plain, it was realized monthly counts during one year by the utilization of transections in beach, sand and grasslands in Tramandaí municipality. The variation in richness and abundance in each area was compared. Eleothreptus anomalus was encountered in four areas of coastal plain. The observed territoriality and the distribution of territories showed clearly a lek mating system with male territories inside exhibition arenas. The mean distance between territories and their areas presented significant variation between the sampled areas. The species composition and abundance occurring in Tramandaí presented an ordination pattern strongly influenced by aquatic and grassland species. The grassland areas presenting certain degree of disturbance outside conservation units may shelter Eleothreptus anomalus populations, but there is a need to know which disturbances could be negative or positive to species feasibility in the areas. Regional movements and migrations could explain the observed variations in bird assemblages in Tramandaí. The beach environment was important as an overwintering area and conditioning to many boreal migrants. Despite the increasing urbanization, it is imperative to maintain the landscape integrity along the south coast of Brazil in order to conserve bird biodiversity and maintain migratory species routes and conditioning areas.

Ecologia e conservação de aves em ambientes costeiros do Rio Grande do Sul

Accordi, Iury de Almeida January 2008 (has links)
Os ambientes costeiros se incluem entre os mosaicos de paisagens mais complexos e mais produtivos do mundo. As interações entre fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos que ocorrem nestes ambientes geram padrões específicos de heterogeneidade que podem influenciar na composição de uma comunidade. A Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul é formada por uma extensa planície que ocupa uma área de quase 50.000 km2 e se estende por 640 km cuja conformação geomorfológica originou um complexo mosaico de paisagens. Foram registradas nos últimos 30 anos 452 espécies continentais e costeiras e trinta e nove pelágicas na planície costeira ou ao largo dela. Outras 22 espécies só possuem registros históricos. Embora a composição das espécies na planície costeira seja razoavelmente bem conhecida, a estrutura das assembléias que fazem parte do mosaico de ambientes da planície costeira só recentemente começou a ser descrita, As assembléias de aves que ocupam o mosaico formado pelos ambientes paralelos alinha de praia ainda não foram objeto de nenhum estudo. Além das assembléias, pelo menos 56 espécies costeiras e continentais que ocupam a planície costeira requerem atenção específica, seja por estarem ameaçadas ou por não serem ainda suficientemente conhecidas no Rio Grande do Sul. Visando investigar aspectos da ecologia e conservação de assembléias e de populações de aves na planície costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, o presente estudo foi dividido em duas partes, uma com ênfase em assembléias e outra em populações. Objetiva-se: 1)descrever a estrutura da assembléia de aves em uma paisagem costeira formada por um mosaico de praia, dunas e campo e analisar a variação na riqueza e abundância de espécies nestes ambientes; 2) apresentar registros referentes à sua distribuição na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul; 3) indicar locais de ocorrência potencial da espécie para a região; 4) divulgar novas informações sobre a sua biologia, e 5) comparar o uso de hábitat e territorialidade durante o período reprodutivo em duas áreas campestres, uma dentro de uma unidade de conservação e outra em uma área de uso privado sem nenhum objetivo conservacionista. Percorreram-se várias áreas em busca de hábitats apropriados e ocorrências de Eleothreptus anomalus. Em duas áreas foram realizados estudos sobre uso de hábitat e territorialidade através de busca por ninhos, por indivíduos em repouso e em atividade, capturas, mapeamentos de territórios e medidas de estrutura de micro-hábitat.Em Tramandaí, realizaram-se contagens mensais ao longo de um ano através de transecções em ambientes de praia, areal e campo. Comparou-se a variação da riqueza e abundância de aves em cada área amostrada. Eleothreptus anomalus foi encontrado em quatro áreas na planície costeira. A territorialidade observada e a disposição dos territórios evidenciam um sistema de acasalamento do tipo lek com machos dispostos em territórios dentro de arenas de exibição. A distância média entre os territórios e a área dos mesmos variou significativamente entre as áreas amostradas. A composição e abundância das espécies em Tramandaí apresentaram um padrão de ordenação fortemente influenciado pelas espécies aquáticas e campestres. Áreas campestres com certo grau de distúrbio fora de unidades de conservação podem abrigar populações de Eleothreptus anomalus, mas é preciso conhecer quais distúrbios seriam negativos e quais poderiam vir a ser positivos para a viabilidade da espécie em tais áreas. Movimentações regionais e migrações podem explicar as variações observadas nas assembléias de aves em Tramandaí. O ambiente de praia se mostrou como importante área de invernagem e condicionamento para diversos migrantes boreais. A integridade do mosaico ao longo da costa do sul do Brasil, a despeito da crescente urbanização, torna-se imperativo para a conservação da biodiversidade de aves e a manutenção de rotas e áreas de condicionamento de espécies migratórias. / The Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul state is composed of an extensive plain occupying an area of nearly 50,000 km2 and extending across 640 km along the coast. The geomorphological conformation originated a complex landscape mosaic. During the last 30 years, 452 continental and coastal, and 39 pelagic bird species were registered in or around the coastal plain. Other 22 species count only historical records. Although species composition in the region is reasonably known, descriptions of the assemblage structures contained in the environmental mosaic only recently took place. Bird assemblages occupying coastal adjacent enviroments were not subjects of any research. Besides assemblages, at least 56 coastal and continental species require specific attention, either because they are threatened or because the lack of knowledge about them in Rio Grande do Sul. Aiming to investigate ecological and conservation aspects of bird assemblages and populations in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, the present study was divided in two parts, one emphasizing assemblages and other populations. Objectives were: 1) to describe the bird assemblage structure in a costal landscape composed of a mosaic of beaches, dunes and grasslands, and analyse the variation in species richness and abundance in these enviroments; 2) to present records referring the species distributions in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul; 3) to indicate potential places of occurrence of one threatened species in the region (Eleothreptus anomalus); 4) to reveal new informations about its biology; and 5) to compare the habitat use and territoriality during reproductive period in two grassland areas, one inside a conservation unit and other in a private area without any conservation purpose. To achieve these goals, several areas were covered in search of adequate habitats and occurrences of Eleothreptus anomalus. In two areas, studies were carried out on habitat use and territoriality by nest searches, resting and active individuals, captures, territory mapping, and micro-habitat structure measurements. What concerns the assemblages occurring in the coastal plain, it was realized monthly counts during one year by the utilization of transections in beach, sand and grasslands in Tramandaí municipality. The variation in richness and abundance in each area was compared. Eleothreptus anomalus was encountered in four areas of coastal plain. The observed territoriality and the distribution of territories showed clearly a lek mating system with male territories inside exhibition arenas. The mean distance between territories and their areas presented significant variation between the sampled areas. The species composition and abundance occurring in Tramandaí presented an ordination pattern strongly influenced by aquatic and grassland species. The grassland areas presenting certain degree of disturbance outside conservation units may shelter Eleothreptus anomalus populations, but there is a need to know which disturbances could be negative or positive to species feasibility in the areas. Regional movements and migrations could explain the observed variations in bird assemblages in Tramandaí. The beach environment was important as an overwintering area and conditioning to many boreal migrants. Despite the increasing urbanization, it is imperative to maintain the landscape integrity along the south coast of Brazil in order to conserve bird biodiversity and maintain migratory species routes and conditioning areas.

Ecologia e conservação de aves em ambientes costeiros do Rio Grande do Sul

Accordi, Iury de Almeida January 2008 (has links)
Os ambientes costeiros se incluem entre os mosaicos de paisagens mais complexos e mais produtivos do mundo. As interações entre fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos que ocorrem nestes ambientes geram padrões específicos de heterogeneidade que podem influenciar na composição de uma comunidade. A Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul é formada por uma extensa planície que ocupa uma área de quase 50.000 km2 e se estende por 640 km cuja conformação geomorfológica originou um complexo mosaico de paisagens. Foram registradas nos últimos 30 anos 452 espécies continentais e costeiras e trinta e nove pelágicas na planície costeira ou ao largo dela. Outras 22 espécies só possuem registros históricos. Embora a composição das espécies na planície costeira seja razoavelmente bem conhecida, a estrutura das assembléias que fazem parte do mosaico de ambientes da planície costeira só recentemente começou a ser descrita, As assembléias de aves que ocupam o mosaico formado pelos ambientes paralelos alinha de praia ainda não foram objeto de nenhum estudo. Além das assembléias, pelo menos 56 espécies costeiras e continentais que ocupam a planície costeira requerem atenção específica, seja por estarem ameaçadas ou por não serem ainda suficientemente conhecidas no Rio Grande do Sul. Visando investigar aspectos da ecologia e conservação de assembléias e de populações de aves na planície costeira do Rio Grande do Sul, o presente estudo foi dividido em duas partes, uma com ênfase em assembléias e outra em populações. Objetiva-se: 1)descrever a estrutura da assembléia de aves em uma paisagem costeira formada por um mosaico de praia, dunas e campo e analisar a variação na riqueza e abundância de espécies nestes ambientes; 2) apresentar registros referentes à sua distribuição na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul; 3) indicar locais de ocorrência potencial da espécie para a região; 4) divulgar novas informações sobre a sua biologia, e 5) comparar o uso de hábitat e territorialidade durante o período reprodutivo em duas áreas campestres, uma dentro de uma unidade de conservação e outra em uma área de uso privado sem nenhum objetivo conservacionista. Percorreram-se várias áreas em busca de hábitats apropriados e ocorrências de Eleothreptus anomalus. Em duas áreas foram realizados estudos sobre uso de hábitat e territorialidade através de busca por ninhos, por indivíduos em repouso e em atividade, capturas, mapeamentos de territórios e medidas de estrutura de micro-hábitat.Em Tramandaí, realizaram-se contagens mensais ao longo de um ano através de transecções em ambientes de praia, areal e campo. Comparou-se a variação da riqueza e abundância de aves em cada área amostrada. Eleothreptus anomalus foi encontrado em quatro áreas na planície costeira. A territorialidade observada e a disposição dos territórios evidenciam um sistema de acasalamento do tipo lek com machos dispostos em territórios dentro de arenas de exibição. A distância média entre os territórios e a área dos mesmos variou significativamente entre as áreas amostradas. A composição e abundância das espécies em Tramandaí apresentaram um padrão de ordenação fortemente influenciado pelas espécies aquáticas e campestres. Áreas campestres com certo grau de distúrbio fora de unidades de conservação podem abrigar populações de Eleothreptus anomalus, mas é preciso conhecer quais distúrbios seriam negativos e quais poderiam vir a ser positivos para a viabilidade da espécie em tais áreas. Movimentações regionais e migrações podem explicar as variações observadas nas assembléias de aves em Tramandaí. O ambiente de praia se mostrou como importante área de invernagem e condicionamento para diversos migrantes boreais. A integridade do mosaico ao longo da costa do sul do Brasil, a despeito da crescente urbanização, torna-se imperativo para a conservação da biodiversidade de aves e a manutenção de rotas e áreas de condicionamento de espécies migratórias. / The Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul state is composed of an extensive plain occupying an area of nearly 50,000 km2 and extending across 640 km along the coast. The geomorphological conformation originated a complex landscape mosaic. During the last 30 years, 452 continental and coastal, and 39 pelagic bird species were registered in or around the coastal plain. Other 22 species count only historical records. Although species composition in the region is reasonably known, descriptions of the assemblage structures contained in the environmental mosaic only recently took place. Bird assemblages occupying coastal adjacent enviroments were not subjects of any research. Besides assemblages, at least 56 coastal and continental species require specific attention, either because they are threatened or because the lack of knowledge about them in Rio Grande do Sul. Aiming to investigate ecological and conservation aspects of bird assemblages and populations in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, the present study was divided in two parts, one emphasizing assemblages and other populations. Objectives were: 1) to describe the bird assemblage structure in a costal landscape composed of a mosaic of beaches, dunes and grasslands, and analyse the variation in species richness and abundance in these enviroments; 2) to present records referring the species distributions in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul; 3) to indicate potential places of occurrence of one threatened species in the region (Eleothreptus anomalus); 4) to reveal new informations about its biology; and 5) to compare the habitat use and territoriality during reproductive period in two grassland areas, one inside a conservation unit and other in a private area without any conservation purpose. To achieve these goals, several areas were covered in search of adequate habitats and occurrences of Eleothreptus anomalus. In two areas, studies were carried out on habitat use and territoriality by nest searches, resting and active individuals, captures, territory mapping, and micro-habitat structure measurements. What concerns the assemblages occurring in the coastal plain, it was realized monthly counts during one year by the utilization of transections in beach, sand and grasslands in Tramandaí municipality. The variation in richness and abundance in each area was compared. Eleothreptus anomalus was encountered in four areas of coastal plain. The observed territoriality and the distribution of territories showed clearly a lek mating system with male territories inside exhibition arenas. The mean distance between territories and their areas presented significant variation between the sampled areas. The species composition and abundance occurring in Tramandaí presented an ordination pattern strongly influenced by aquatic and grassland species. The grassland areas presenting certain degree of disturbance outside conservation units may shelter Eleothreptus anomalus populations, but there is a need to know which disturbances could be negative or positive to species feasibility in the areas. Regional movements and migrations could explain the observed variations in bird assemblages in Tramandaí. The beach environment was important as an overwintering area and conditioning to many boreal migrants. Despite the increasing urbanization, it is imperative to maintain the landscape integrity along the south coast of Brazil in order to conserve bird biodiversity and maintain migratory species routes and conditioning areas.

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