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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecologie de la transmission de parasites (virus, nématodes) au sein d'une communauté de rongeurs cycliques. Conséquences pour la santé humaine.

Deter, Julie 26 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
De nombreuses espèces de rongeurs montrent des variations cycliques de leurs densités. Ces cycles ont un rôle important dans l'émergence de zoonoses en augmentant les contacts entre l'Homme et l'animal. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de l'écologie de la santé qui étudie les interactions entre santé humaine, santé animale et dynamique des écosystèmes. Dans ce cadre, j'ai étudié la communauté de parasites d'une communauté de rongeurs à dynamique cyclique afin d'identifier les réservoirs d'agents de zoonoses et les parasites potentiellement impliqués dans les cycles de cette communauté. Je me suis intéressée à trois espèces de campagnols et à deux espèces de mulots en Franche-Comté. Les résultats et les suivis épizootiologiques réalisés permettent d'inférer les facteurs de risques biotiques et abiotiques associés à l'émergence de ces zoonoses.<br />Trois agents de zoonoses sont présents : deux hantavirus (virus Puumala et Tula) et le virus Cowpox. La dispersion et le comportement social des rongeurs sont importants pour la transmission de ces virus spécifiques (hantavirus) et non spécifique (virus Cowpox). Ces virus sont majoritairement trouvés en milieu forestier. Les communautés de parasites détectées en forêt et en prairie sont différentes. Les infestations par des helminthes sont plus nombreuses en prairie qu'en forêt. Une étude immunogénétique montre l'existence d'allèles de susceptibilité et de résistance aux agents de zoonoses étudiés. Des helminthes ou des acariens pourraient aussi intervenir dans l'infection par ces virus. Un de ces helminthes pourrait être impliqué dans la dynamique de ses hôtes. Mes travaux expérimentaux et de modélisation montrent l'impact du nématode non spécifique Trichuris arvicolae sur la reproduction du campagnol des champs et son rôle régulateur pour les populations d'arvicolinés. <br />Cette thèse contribue à montrer l'importance de la biodiversité et de l'écologie des communautés pour évaluer et gérer les risques pour l'Homme vis-à-vis de zoonoses.

Patogênese da síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose humana / Pathogenesis of leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome in human

Croda, Julio Henrique Rosa 17 December 2008 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de alta morbidade em humanos e um importante problema de saúde pública. Causada por bactérias do gênero Leptospira, a doença apresenta diversas formas clínicas e é especialmente importante em países em desenvolvimento. Síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica é a maior causa de óbito em pacientes com formas severas da doença. Os mecanismos patogênicos relacionados à síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose humana são desconhecidos. Com o objetivo de avaliar estes mecanismos patogênicos, 30 necrópsias (tecido pulmonar) de pacientes com síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose e 7 controles foram avaliados. Para determinar a participação os mecanismos patogênicos envolvidos, experimentos de histologia e imunohistoquímica (IgM, IgG, IgA, and C3) foram realizados em amostras de tecidos pulmonares, bem como dosagem sérica de auto-anticorpos específicos (anticardiolipina e anti-membrana basal) de amostras pareadas de soros de pacientes com leptospirose com e sem síndrome hemorrágica pulmonar e de indivíduos doadores de banco de sangue. Nos achados patológicos, os pacientes com síndrome hemorrágica pulmonar na leptospirose diferem dos controles com hemorragia pulmonar em alguns aspectos: moderada ou intensa presença de macrófagos na luz alveolar (97% versus 29%, respectivamente; p < 0.01); presença de membrana hialina na superficie alveolar (100% versus 0% respectivamente; p < 0.01); intensa necrose e regeneração de pneumócitos II (100% versus 0%, respectivamente; p < 0.01); e presença de plasmócitos no septo aveolar (80% versus 29%; p < 0.02). Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi observada em relação ao número de outras células no septo alveolar. Leptospiras intactas foram raramente observadas. A detecção de antígeno de leptospira não foi correlacionada com a intensidade de hemorragia pulmonar. Em nenhum dos tecidos pulmonares estudados foi evidenciado alterações microscópicas sugestivas de coagulação intravascular disseminada. Deposição de imunoglobulina foi detectada na superfície alveolar de 18 de 30 pacientes com síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose. Três padrões de marcação de imunoglobulina e complemento foram observados em tecido pulmonar de pacientes com hemorragia pulmonar e leptospirose: (A) marcação linear delicada, como uma membrana, recobrindo a superfície luminal alveolar de pneumócitos I e II; (MF) marcação multifocal, aleatória ao longo do septo; e (I) marcação fraca granular, focal, intra-alveolar. Não houve diferenças significativas na concentração de auto-anticorpos contra membrana basal nos diferentes grupos estudados. Observamos diferenças significativas nos títulos de anticorpos IgM anticardiolipina entre a primeira e segunda amostra, nos pacientes com e sem hemorragia pulmonar (p<0.01 e p=0.04, respectivamente). Aumento significativo nos títulos de anticorpos anti-cardiolipina da classe IgG, bem como na relação IgG/IgM, foi observado apenas nos pacientes com hemorragia pulmonar (p=0.01 e p=0.01). Nós concluímos que o comprometimento pulmonar na leptospirose humana grave ocorre principalmente sob a forma de uma pneumopatia hemorrágica com características peculiares, cujo quadro morfológico difere de outras hemorragias pulmonares. Caracteriza-se pela deposição linear de imunoglobulina (IgM, IgG e IgA) e complemento(C3) na superfície luminal alveolar de pneumócitos I e II e multifocal nos septos alveolares. Associa-se à intensa necrose de pneumócitos I e II, regeneração de pneumócitos II, além de inflamação septal e alveolar / Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that is a cause of high morbidity and mortality in humans and is an important public health problem. Caused by bacteria of Leptospira genus, this disease presents diverse clinical manifestations and is especially important in developing countries. Leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome is the major cause of death in patients with the severe form of leptospirosis. The pathogenic mechanisms of this syndrome are unknown. With the purpose of identifying these pathogenic mechanisms, 30 necropsies (pulmonary samples) from patients with leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome and seven controls were evaluated. . To determine whether the immune system is involved, histology and immunohistochemistry (IgM, IgG, IgA, and C3) experiments were performed on lung tissue samples, as well sera measurements of autoantibodies (against the basal membrane and anti-cardiolipin) were performed in leptospirosis patients with and without pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome (in paired samples) and in healthy donors from a blood bank. We found that patients with leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome differed from control pulmonary hemorrhage patients in several features: the presence of moderate to high levels of macrophages in the alveolar space (77% versus 29%, respectively; p = 0.02), the presence of the focal hyaline membrane on alveolar surface (100% versus 0%; p < 0.01), extensive necrosis and regeneration of pneumocyte II cells (100% versus 0%; p < 0.01) and the presence of plasma cells in the alveolar septum (77% versus 29%, respectively; p =0.02). No statistically significant differences were observed in the number of others cells in the alveolar septae. Intact leptospires were rarely detected. Leptospiral antigen was not correlated with the intensity of the lesions. None of the patients showed microscopic evidence for disseminated intravascular coagulation. Immunoglobulin deposits were detected on the alveolar surface of 18/30 leptospirosis patients with pulmonary hemorrhage. Three staining patterns were observed for the immunoglobulins and C3 in the lung tissues of leptospirosis patients with pulmonary hemorrhage syndrom: (A) delicate linear staining adjacent to the alveolar surface, like a membrane covering the luminal surface of type I and II pneumocyte cells; (MF) random, multifocal staining along the alveolar septum; and (I) weak, focal intra-alveolar granular staining.. We were not able to show any significant difference in autoantibodies concentration in the different groups. We found significant difference between the titles of anticardiolipin IgM antibodies in the first and second sera sample from leptospirosis patients with and without pulmonary hemorrhage (p<0.01 e p=0.04, respectively). The increased in the titles of anti-cardiolipin IgG antibodies, as well IgG/IgM ratio was observed only in patients with pulmonary hemorrhage(p=0.01 and p=0.01). We concluded that the pulmonary involvement on severe human leptospirosis have particular characteristics, which the morphologic aspect differ from the others causes of lung hemorrhage. It was distinguished by linear deposition of immunoglobulin and complement (C3C) on the luminal alveolar surface of pneumocyte I and II cells. This event was associated with pneumocyte I and II cells necrosis, pneumocyte II regeneration and septal and alveolar inflammation

Patogênese da síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose humana / Pathogenesis of leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome in human

Julio Henrique Rosa Croda 17 December 2008 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de alta morbidade em humanos e um importante problema de saúde pública. Causada por bactérias do gênero Leptospira, a doença apresenta diversas formas clínicas e é especialmente importante em países em desenvolvimento. Síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica é a maior causa de óbito em pacientes com formas severas da doença. Os mecanismos patogênicos relacionados à síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose humana são desconhecidos. Com o objetivo de avaliar estes mecanismos patogênicos, 30 necrópsias (tecido pulmonar) de pacientes com síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose e 7 controles foram avaliados. Para determinar a participação os mecanismos patogênicos envolvidos, experimentos de histologia e imunohistoquímica (IgM, IgG, IgA, and C3) foram realizados em amostras de tecidos pulmonares, bem como dosagem sérica de auto-anticorpos específicos (anticardiolipina e anti-membrana basal) de amostras pareadas de soros de pacientes com leptospirose com e sem síndrome hemorrágica pulmonar e de indivíduos doadores de banco de sangue. Nos achados patológicos, os pacientes com síndrome hemorrágica pulmonar na leptospirose diferem dos controles com hemorragia pulmonar em alguns aspectos: moderada ou intensa presença de macrófagos na luz alveolar (97% versus 29%, respectivamente; p < 0.01); presença de membrana hialina na superficie alveolar (100% versus 0% respectivamente; p < 0.01); intensa necrose e regeneração de pneumócitos II (100% versus 0%, respectivamente; p < 0.01); e presença de plasmócitos no septo aveolar (80% versus 29%; p < 0.02). Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi observada em relação ao número de outras células no septo alveolar. Leptospiras intactas foram raramente observadas. A detecção de antígeno de leptospira não foi correlacionada com a intensidade de hemorragia pulmonar. Em nenhum dos tecidos pulmonares estudados foi evidenciado alterações microscópicas sugestivas de coagulação intravascular disseminada. Deposição de imunoglobulina foi detectada na superfície alveolar de 18 de 30 pacientes com síndrome pulmonar hemorrágica na leptospirose. Três padrões de marcação de imunoglobulina e complemento foram observados em tecido pulmonar de pacientes com hemorragia pulmonar e leptospirose: (A) marcação linear delicada, como uma membrana, recobrindo a superfície luminal alveolar de pneumócitos I e II; (MF) marcação multifocal, aleatória ao longo do septo; e (I) marcação fraca granular, focal, intra-alveolar. Não houve diferenças significativas na concentração de auto-anticorpos contra membrana basal nos diferentes grupos estudados. Observamos diferenças significativas nos títulos de anticorpos IgM anticardiolipina entre a primeira e segunda amostra, nos pacientes com e sem hemorragia pulmonar (p<0.01 e p=0.04, respectivamente). Aumento significativo nos títulos de anticorpos anti-cardiolipina da classe IgG, bem como na relação IgG/IgM, foi observado apenas nos pacientes com hemorragia pulmonar (p=0.01 e p=0.01). Nós concluímos que o comprometimento pulmonar na leptospirose humana grave ocorre principalmente sob a forma de uma pneumopatia hemorrágica com características peculiares, cujo quadro morfológico difere de outras hemorragias pulmonares. Caracteriza-se pela deposição linear de imunoglobulina (IgM, IgG e IgA) e complemento(C3) na superfície luminal alveolar de pneumócitos I e II e multifocal nos septos alveolares. Associa-se à intensa necrose de pneumócitos I e II, regeneração de pneumócitos II, além de inflamação septal e alveolar / Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that is a cause of high morbidity and mortality in humans and is an important public health problem. Caused by bacteria of Leptospira genus, this disease presents diverse clinical manifestations and is especially important in developing countries. Leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome is the major cause of death in patients with the severe form of leptospirosis. The pathogenic mechanisms of this syndrome are unknown. With the purpose of identifying these pathogenic mechanisms, 30 necropsies (pulmonary samples) from patients with leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome and seven controls were evaluated. . To determine whether the immune system is involved, histology and immunohistochemistry (IgM, IgG, IgA, and C3) experiments were performed on lung tissue samples, as well sera measurements of autoantibodies (against the basal membrane and anti-cardiolipin) were performed in leptospirosis patients with and without pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome (in paired samples) and in healthy donors from a blood bank. We found that patients with leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome differed from control pulmonary hemorrhage patients in several features: the presence of moderate to high levels of macrophages in the alveolar space (77% versus 29%, respectively; p = 0.02), the presence of the focal hyaline membrane on alveolar surface (100% versus 0%; p < 0.01), extensive necrosis and regeneration of pneumocyte II cells (100% versus 0%; p < 0.01) and the presence of plasma cells in the alveolar septum (77% versus 29%, respectively; p =0.02). No statistically significant differences were observed in the number of others cells in the alveolar septae. Intact leptospires were rarely detected. Leptospiral antigen was not correlated with the intensity of the lesions. None of the patients showed microscopic evidence for disseminated intravascular coagulation. Immunoglobulin deposits were detected on the alveolar surface of 18/30 leptospirosis patients with pulmonary hemorrhage. Three staining patterns were observed for the immunoglobulins and C3 in the lung tissues of leptospirosis patients with pulmonary hemorrhage syndrom: (A) delicate linear staining adjacent to the alveolar surface, like a membrane covering the luminal surface of type I and II pneumocyte cells; (MF) random, multifocal staining along the alveolar septum; and (I) weak, focal intra-alveolar granular staining.. We were not able to show any significant difference in autoantibodies concentration in the different groups. We found significant difference between the titles of anticardiolipin IgM antibodies in the first and second sera sample from leptospirosis patients with and without pulmonary hemorrhage (p<0.01 e p=0.04, respectively). The increased in the titles of anti-cardiolipin IgG antibodies, as well IgG/IgM ratio was observed only in patients with pulmonary hemorrhage(p=0.01 and p=0.01). We concluded that the pulmonary involvement on severe human leptospirosis have particular characteristics, which the morphologic aspect differ from the others causes of lung hemorrhage. It was distinguished by linear deposition of immunoglobulin and complement (C3C) on the luminal alveolar surface of pneumocyte I and II cells. This event was associated with pneumocyte I and II cells necrosis, pneumocyte II regeneration and septal and alveolar inflammation

Spatial and integrated modelling of the transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic infections

Linard, Catherine 23 January 2009 (has links)
Several vector-borne and zoonotic diseases have emerged or re-emerged in Europe over these last decades. Besides climate change that influences disease risk at a regional scale, landscape changes could be responsible for local heterogeneities in disease risk. Spatial epidemiology tries to understand and predict spatial variations in disease risk by using spatial tools and spatially-explicit modelling methods. This study investigated the impact of fine-grained landscape patterns on the transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic infections in terms of habitat suitability for vectors and/or hosts and of exposure of people to infectious agents. This was studied through three human diseases emerging or at risk of re-emergence in Europe: the rodent-borne Puumala hantavirus, the tick-borne Lyme borreliosis and the mosquito-borne malaria infections. Statistical models were first used to study the relationships between environmental variables and host abundance, host prevalence, and human cases of Puumala hantavirus. Environmental factors were also combined with socio-economic factors to explain Puumala hantavirus and Lyme borreliosis incidence rates. The combination of factors explaining disease transmission and the complexity of such systems led to the development of an innovative, spatially-explicit modelling method: multi-agent simulation (MAS). The MALCAM simulation model was developed to assess the risk of malaria re-emergence in southern France and simulates spatial and temporal variations in contact rate between people and potential malaria vectors. The effect of changes in potential drivers of malaria re-emergence was also simulated. The different case studies showed that fine-grained landscape patterns influence the presence and abundance of vectors and hosts. Moreover, environmental conditions may also influence disease transmission through pathogen dispersal and the exposure of people to infectious agents. Finally, this study showed that people-vector contacts not only depend on the spatial distribution of people and potential vectors, but also on their behaviours and interactions.

Genetic and serologic characterization of a Swedish human hantavirus isolate

Lindkvist, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Hantaviruses are found practically all over the world and cause hemorrhagic fevers in man. Each year about 150,000 people are hospitalized in these zoonotic infections which can be of two types: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) or hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS), depending on the infecting virus. Hantavirus infections are emerging infectious diseases. That is, the number of reported cases of hantaviral disease is increasing, new hantaviruses are discovered continually, and already known hantaviruses are expected to spread to new areas. Therefore, knowledge and monitoring of these viruses are imperative from a public health perspective. In this thesis, the characterization of a local human Puumala (PUUV) virus isolate is described. Genetic and serological relationships to other hantaviruses are investigated and the viral protein interactions, critical for genome packaging and assembly, are studied. We found that the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the local PUUV strains are significantly different from the PUUV prototype strain Sotkamo, a difference that indicates that there might be a risk of misdiagnosing PUUV infected patients when using reagents derived from the prototype strain. These data contributed to the introduction of locally derived diagnostic tools to the Laboratory of Clinical Virology at the Umeå University hospital, which is the reference centre for hantaviral diseases in Sweden. Furthermore, when studying the underlying mechanisms of genome packaging, we identified several regions and amino acids absolutely required for nucleocapsid protein interactions. Also, a region that appeared to regulate this interaction was discovered. Finally, the serological immune responses in DNA-vaccinated mice and PUUV infected patients were investigated. We found that the cross-reactive antibody response in vaccinated mice and in infected individuals was unique and independent of homologous titres. Furthermore, four immunodominant epitopes with specific cross-reactive characteristics were identified. Our findings have highlighted the complexity of the serological immune responses to hantavirus infections, and they emphasize the importance of customizing the diagnostic tools and performing clinical analyses on locally derived strains. In conclusion, we believe that these results are valuable in the development of new serological, genetic, and epidemiological tools.

Cardiopulmonary involvement in Puumala hantavirus infection

Rasmuson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) causes hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Europe. After inhalation of virus shed by bank voles, the virus systemically targets the vascular endothelium leading to vascular dysfunction and leakage. Many patients with PUUV infection experience cardiopulmonary manifestations but the underlying mechanisms have not been determined. The aims of the studies presented were to describe cardiopulmonary manifestations, investigate pathogenetic mechanisms including presence of virus in the lungs and the local immune response in PUUV infection. The results showed cardiopulmonary involvement of varying severity in almost all studied patients. High-resolution computed tomography frequently revealed vascular leakage into the lungs or pleural cavities. Pulmonary function tests generally showed reduced gas diffusing capacity, evidenced in patients as dyspnea, poor oxygenation and frequent need of oxygen treatment. Among patients who were not fully recovered at 3 months follow-up, remaining decreased gas diffusing capacity was highly common. Echocardiography revealed mainly right heart dysfunction which was related to manifestations within the lungs, in terms of increased estimated pulmonary vascular resistance, mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension, and reduced right ventricular systolic function in patients with more pronounced lung involvement, as indicated by need of oxygen treatment. Analyses on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and bronchial biopsies revealed a highly activated cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response in the lungs. The CTL response was not balanced by the expansion of regulatory T cells and high numbers of CTLs were associated with more severe disease. PUUV RNA was detected in almost all patients’ BAL samples and the viral load was inversely correlated to the number of CTLs. Three patients presenting with severe and fatal cardiopulmonary distress were also described. Autopsies revealed PUUV protein in vascular endothelium in all investigated organs, including the heart and lungs, along with a massive CTL response mainly in the lungs. In conclusion, cardiopulmonary involvement of varying severity was present in almost all patients with PUUV infection. Cytotoxic immune responses could contribute to disease development but also help in clearing the infection. Long lasting fatigue after hantavirus infection may be explained by remaining manifestations within the lungs.

Estudos populacionais e filogenéticos de Oligoryzomys nigripes e o status taxonômico de Oligoryzomys utiaritensis (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)

Costa, Rodrigo Agrellos January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alessandra Portugal (alessandradf@ioc.fiocruz.br) on 2013-09-20T16:04:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL CARVALHO TORRES.pdf: 4075176 bytes, checksum: 19fc00e0161a371b5fb7c118bba5a10a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-20T16:04:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL CARVALHO TORRES.pdf: 4075176 bytes, checksum: 19fc00e0161a371b5fb7c118bba5a10a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Os roedores neotropicais do gênero Oligoryzomys possuem ampla distribuição geográfica, distribuindo-se por toda América Latina. No Brasil, existem pelo menos 12 espécies, com representantes em todos os domínios morfoclimáticos. Entre essas espécies, Oligoryzomys nigripes possui a distribuição mais ampla, ocorrendo por toda a Mata Atlântica, do Rio Grande do Norte ao Rio Grande do Sul (incluindo regiões adjacentes do Paraguai e Argentina), nos Pampas gaúchos e uruguaios e regiões de Cerrado em São Paulo e Goiás. Membros do gênero Oligoryzomys desempenham papel fundamental na dispersão e transmissão de hantaviroses, e estudos populacionais e filogenéticos de espécies de mamíferos reservatórios ajudam a entender a distribuição e a dinâmica dos ciclos de transmissão da doença. Com esse trabalho, pretendemos estudar a diversidade genética de Oligoryzomys, através de filogenias moleculares com marcadores mitocondriais (genes citocromo b e citocromo oxidase subunidade I) e um marcador nuclear (íntron 7 do gene beta-fibrinogênio); analisar a diversidade intraespecífica de O. nigripes, através de análises populacionais e filogeográficas de subpopulações de Goiás, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul e Paraguai, com os dois marcadores mitocondriais citados acima; revisar o status taxônomico de O. utiaritensis, considerado atualmente sinônimo júnior de O. nigripes, através de análises filogenéticas e morfométricas; e investigar se existem inserções nucleares de genes mitocondriais em espécies de Oligoryzomys, um estudo importante levando-se em consideração que a maior parte dos estudos evolutivos desse grupo incluem o sequenciamento de genes mitocondriais. Os resultados mostram que Oligoryzomys é um gênero monofilético, contendo pelo menos quatro grupos de espécies. A diversidade de Oligoryzomys é subestimada, e existem pelo menos quatro espécies não descritas, além da presença de espécies crípticas. Oligoryzomys diferenciou-se dos outros orizomíneos no final do Mioceno e início do Plioceno, há aproximadamente 6,5 milhões de anos, sendo a espécie O. microtis a espécie mais antiga (2,5 milhões de anos) e O. destructor a espécie mais recente (23 mil anos). As análises populacionais indicam uma estruturação genética incipiente entre subpopulações de O. nigripes do Sudeste e Sul do Brasil, mas a diferenciação entre as subpopulações dentro dessas regiões é pequena. A área de diferenciação original de O. nigripes é a região do sul do Brasil, e pelo menos duas frentes de colonização ocorreram: uma em direção ao Paraguai e outra em direção ao centro e sudeste do Brasil. Oligoryzomys utiaritensis é uma espécie válida, distinta de O. nigripes através da morfologia, morfometria, filogenia molecular e citogenética. Existem inserções de sequências mitocondriais no genoma nuclear de pelo menos cinco espécies de Oligoryzomys. Estudos evolutivos devem vir acompanhados de outros tipos de marcadores moleculares, além de informações morfológicas, geográficas e citogenéticas, para um melhor entendimento das relações complexas entre as espécies de Oligoryzomys. / The neotropical rodents of genera Oligoryzomys have a wide distribution, extending throughout Latin America. In Brazil, there are at least 12 species, with representatives in all morphoclimatic domains. Among these species, Oligoryzomys nigripes has the widest distribution, occurring throughout Atlantic Forest of Rio Grande do Norte to Rio Grande do Sul (including adjacent areas of Paraguay and Argentina), Pampas from Brazil and Uruguay, and Cerrado regions of São Paulo e Goiás. Some Oligoryzomys species play a fundamental role in the dispersion and transmission of hantaviruses, and population and phylogenetics studies of mammal reservoirs help to understand the distribution and dynamics of disease transmission cycles. In this work, we intend to study the genetic diversity of Oligoryzomys through molecular phylogeny with mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase subunit I genes) and a nuclear marker (intron 7 of beta-fibrinogen gene); analyze the intraspecific diversity of O. nigripes via population and phylogeographic studies of subpopulations of Goiás, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraguay, with the two mitochondrial markers cited above; review the taxonomic status of O. utiaritensis, currently considered a junior synonym of O. nigripes, by morphometric analyses and molecular phylogenetics; and investigate whether there are insertions of mitochondrial genes in nuclear genome of Oligoryzomys species, a relevant study if we account that the most evolutionary studies of this group relies on sequencing mitochondrial genes. Results showed here indicate that Oligoryzomys is a monophyletic genus, containing at least four groups of species. The diversity of Oligoryzomys is underestimated, and there are at least four undescribed species, and the presence of cryptic species. Oligoryzomys has differentiated from other oryzomyinies in late Miocene and early Pliocene, about 6.5 million years ago, O. microtis is the oldest species (2.5 million years) and O. destructor the most recent (23.000 years). Population analyzes indicate an incipient genetic structure between subpopulations of O. nigripes from southeast and south of Brazil, but differentiation among subpopulations within these regions is small. The original area of original differentiation of O. nigripes is the region of southern Brazil, and there were at least two fronts of colonization: one to Paraguay and another toward center and southeast of Brazil. Oligoryzomys utiaritensis is a valid species, distinct from O. nigripes by morphology, morhometrics, cytogenetics and molecular phylogeny. There are insertions of mitochondrial origin into nuclear genome of at least five species of Oligoryzomys. Evolutionary studies should be followed by other types of molecular markers, and morphological, geographical and cytogenetics data, to a better understanding of the complex relationships among Oligoryzomys species.

Caracterização genética dos hantavírus em roedores sigmodontíneos e humanos em área endêmica de síndrome cardiopulmonar por hantavírus no estado de Minas Gerais

Limongi, Jean Ezequiel 06 May 2013 (has links)
The hantaviruses are among the most important zoonotic pathogens of humans, especially due to high fatality, those associated with Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). In Brazil, more than 1600 cases of HPS have been confirmed since 1993, with a fatality rate of 40%. The viral genotypes associated with HPS in humans, as well as those present in wild rodents were investigated in an endemic area of the state of Minas Gerais in this study. Furthermore, the seroprevalence for hantaviruses, the karyotyping of rodent species captured and the population dynamics of these animals on the Cerrado vegetation types were also evaluated in an ecoepidemiological approach. The ELISA and / or RT-PCR were used to test sera from human cases of SPH and wild rodents and rodent lung fragments. In our study, six patients were evaluated, of these six (100%) were seroreactive in ELISA in six (100%) was possible to amplify viral genetic material and in five (83.3%) was possible sequencing. Were observed in all the viral genotype Araraquara (ARAV), but with the formation of two well-defined clusters. The case fatality rate was 50%. Regarding rodents, 258 specimens were captured. Nine taxa were identified to species level and seven in genus level, all belonging to the subfamily Sigmodontinae. Necromys lasiurus was the most abundant (70.2). We observed a greater diversity of rodents in a fitofisionomy called semi-deciduous dry forest (07 taxa in species level and four in genus level). The winter dry season was associated with the highest capture success (p <0.0001). There was a higher prevalence of pregnancy during the rainy season (p <0.0001). There was a prevalence of IgG antibodies against hantavirus of 1.6%, all specimens of N. lasiurus. Among the four seroreactive rodents, three (75%) was possible to amplify viral genetic material and two (50%) was possible sequencing. Only ARAV viral genotype was observed. Samples of rodents had higher phylogenetic identity with the genotype sequenced of the human sample of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, where the rodents were also captured. Samples identified with ARAV analyzed in this study were distributed at a distance of approximately 400 kilometers. Despite the geographical distance, we observed a high phylogenetic identity between two samples 384 km distant from each other. The environmental and demographic changes that have occurred in recent decades in the study area affected the ecology of wild rodents and facilitated the occurrence of hantavirus infections in humans and the emergence of HPS in this region, mainly ARAV transmitted by N. lasiurus. The observation in this study only the genotype ARAV in specimens of N. lasiurus and humans, does not exclude the possibility of co-circulation of other viral genotypes in this area, beyond the possibility of the existence of other reservoirs of hantaviruses, including non-rodents. / Os hantavírus estão entre os patógenos zoonóticos mais importantes para o homem, especialmente devido a alta letalidade, daqueles associados à Síndrome Pulmonar por hantavírus (SPH). No Brasil, mais de 1600 casos de SPH foram confirmados desde 1993, com uma taxa de letalidade de 40%. Os genótipos virais associados à SPH em humanos, bem como os presentes nos roedores silvestres foram investigados em uma área endêmica do estado de Minas Gerais neste estudo. Além disso, a soroprevalência para hantavírus, a cariotipagem das espécies de roedores capturadas e a dinâmica populacional destes animais nas fitofisionomias do Cerrado também foram avaliadas em uma abordagem ecoepidemiológica. O ELISA e/ou o RT-PCR foram utilizados para testar amostras de soro de casos humanos suspeitos de SPH e de roedores silvestres e fragmentos de pulmão de roedores. Em nossa casuística, seis pacientes foram avaliados, destes (100%) foram sororreativos no ELISA, e em seis (100%) foi possível amplificar material genético viral e em cinco (83,3%) foi possível o sequenciamento. Em todos foram observados o genótipo viral Araraquara (ARAV), porém com a formação de dois clusters bem definidos. A taxa de letalidade dos casos foi de 50%. Em relação aos roedores, 258 espécimes foram capturados. Nove táxons foram identificados a nível específico e sete a nível genérico, todos pertencentes à subfamília Sigmodontinae. Necromys lasiurus foi a espécie mais capturada (70,2). Foi observada maior diversidade de roedores na fitofisionomia Mata seca semidecídua (07 táxons a nível específico e quatro a nível genérico), A estação inverno seco esteve relacionada com o maior sucesso de captura (p < 0,0001). Houve maior prevalência de prenhez durante a estação chuvosa (p<0,0001). Observou-se uma prevalência de anticorpos IgG contra hantavírus de 1,6%, todos espécimes de N. lasiurus. Dentre os quatro roedores sororreativos, em três (75%) foi possível amplificar material genético viral e em dois (50%) foi possível o sequenciamento. Somente o genótipo viral ARAV foi observado. Estes tiveram maior identidade filogenética com o genótipo viral sequenciado de uma amostra humana do município de Uberlândia-MG, local onde também os roedores foram capturados. As amostras identificadas com ARAV analisados no presente estudo foram distribuídas a uma distância de aproximadamente 400 quilômetros. Apesar da distância geográfica, observamos uma alta identidade filogenética entre duas amostras distantes 384 km entre si. As alterações ambientais e demográficas ocorridas nas últimas décadas na área de estudo afetou a ecologia dos roedores silvestres e facilitou a ocorrência de infecções humanas por hantavírus e a emergência da SPH nesta região, principalmente por ARAV transmitido por N. lasiurus. A observação neste estudo apenas do genótipo ARAV em espécimes de N. lasiurus e humanos, não exclui a possibilidade de cocirculação de outros genótipos virais nesta área, além da possibilidade da existência de outros reservatórios de hantavírus, inclusive não roedores. / Doutor em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas


Oliveira, Flávio César Gomes de 28 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:55:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FLAVIO CESAR GOMES DE OLIVEIRA.pdf: 312182 bytes, checksum: 15ed8223a704aec6c70a1c4e4e0602e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-28 / The objective of this study was to evaluate possible environmental impacts caused by the construction and filling of the Espora hydroelectric power plant s reservoir (localized in Aporé, Serranópolis and Itarumã GO, Brasil) on small mammal fauna and their Hantavirus and Trypanosoma cruzi infection rates. Small mammals were captured in periods pre- and postfilling of the reservoir between 2003 and 2007. The taxonomic identification of rodents and marsupials was performed through morphology and karyotyping. Serological diagnostic of Hantavirus infection was performed through IgG (Andes antigen) Enzime Immunoassay (ELISA), while indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) and hemoculture were used to diagnose T. cruzi infection. In total, among rodents and marsupials, 358 specimens were captured, resulting in a total species richness of 17 species. Didelphis albiventris, Gracilinanus agilis and Marmosa murina were the most abundant marsupial species, being responsible for 94.5% of the captures. Among rodents, Hylaeamys megacephalus, Calomys tener and Necromys lasiurus were the most abundant, representing 44.04% of the captures. Of all captured specimens, 145 were serologically tested for T. cruzi infection, being 33.8% found positive. Out of 104 hemoculture testing performed for T. cruzi infection 10 were positive. Of the 193 rodents captured, 26.4% were tested for Hantavirus serum prevalence, from which only 2 specimens of Rattus rattus were found positive. In the post-filling period, there was a reduction in the proportion of captured rodents in relation to captured marsupials, and also in male to female ratio of G. agilis, M. murina and N. lasiurus. Species richness did not change with reservoir filling. T. cruzi and Hantavirus infection rates in the post-filling period were not statistically different than in the pre-filling period. The small mammals low infection rates, by either etiological agent, after filling the reservoir indicate a low probability of Hantavirus and Chagas Disease emergence after implementation of the Espora hydroelectric power plant in the area. Also, our results indicate that this undertaking does not cause a great impact on small mammal fauna, considering the relatively high species richness after filling the reservoir. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os possíveis impactos ambientais sobre a fauna de pequenos mamíferos e suas taxas de infecção por Trypanosoma cruzi e hantavírus, causados pela construção e enchimento do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica Espora, localizada nos municípios de Aporé, Serranópolis e Itarumã GO, Brasil. Pequenos mamíferos foram capturados nos períodos pré e pós-enchimento do reservatório entre 2003 e 2007. A identificação taxonômica foi realizada por morfologia e cariotipagem. O diagnóstico sorológico da infecção por hantavírus foi realizado por Imunoensaio Enzimático (ELISA) IgG (antígeno Andes), e para infecção por T. cruzi por Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) e hemocultivos. Um total de 358 espécimes foram capturados entre roedores e marsupiais, resultando em uma riqueza total de 17 espécies. As espécies mais abundantes de marsupiais foram Didelphis albiventris, Gracilinanus agilis e Marmosa murina, representando 94,5% dos espécimes capturados. Entre os roedores Hylaeamys megacephalus, Calomys tener e Necromys lasiurus representaram 44,04% dos espécimes capturados. Do total de espécimes capturados, 145 foram analisados quanto à soro-prevalência para infecção por T. cruzi, sendo que 33,8% apresentaram-se positivos. Dos 104 hemocultivos realizados para pesquisa de T. cruzi, 10 foram positivos. De um total de 193 roedores capturados em todo o estudo, 26,4% foram testados quanto a soro-prevalência para hantavírus, sendo que apenas dois espécimes de Rattus rattus estavam positivos. Considerando os períodos pré e pósenchimento, foi observado uma diminuição na proporção de espécimes de roedores capturados em relação a de marsupiais no período pós enchimento, bem como alterações na proporção sexual de machos e fêmeas das espécies de G. agilis, M. murina e N. lasiurus. A riqueza de espécies de pequenos mamíferos na área de estudo permaneceu a mesma após o enchimento do reservatório. Em relação as taxas de infecção por T. cruzi (soroprevalência e hemocultivos) e por hantavírus (soroprevalência) não foram observadas alterações estatisticamente significativas entre os períodos pré e pós-enchimento. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma baixa probabilidade de emergência de hantavirose e da doença de chagas após a implantação do empreendimento, considerando a manutenção da alta diversidade de pequenos mamíferos e das baixas taxas de infecção pelos agentes etiológicos estudados, no período pós-enchimento do reservatório.

Hantavirus transmission risk in function of climate and landscape structure / O risco de transmissão da Hantavirose em função do clima e da estrutura da paisagem

Paula Ribeiro Prist 14 December 2016 (has links)
Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS) is a disease caused by Hantavirus, which are negative-sense RNA viruses in the family Bunyaviridae. These viruses are highly virulent to humans, taking about 50% of infected people to death. The main Hantavirus reservoir is constituded by generalist rodents species, which increase in abundance in agricultural and fragmented landscapes, potencially augmenting the transmission risk of the disease. Climate can also affect rodent population dynamics and the virus survival in the environment, as well as the time it remains virulent, while social factors may regulate the processes of transmitting viruses from reservoirs to humans. However, despite the high virulence of these viruses and the lack of vaccine is not yet well established how these different factors linked to landscape structure, climate and social conditions affect the dynamics of transmission of the disease. Thus, this study aimed to: 1) identify which social and ecological factors affect the transmission of HCPS, identifying the areas of greatest risk in the state of São Paulo and 2) predict how climate change (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and expansion of sugarcane scenarios influence the transmission of HCPS. To answer these questions the study system corresponded to the 645 municipalities that compose the state of São Paulo. To achieve our goals, in a first chapter, we conducted a literature review to understand how landscape structure and climate variables affect the risk of HCPS. In a second chapter we used a Bayesian model to quantify the association between HCPS annual incidence in the state of São Paulo, obtained by the number of cases confirmed by the Ministry of Health, between the years 1993-2012, and climate variables (total annual precipitation and mean annual temperature), landscape structure (percentage of native vegetation, number of fragments and percentage of area occupied with sugarcane), chosen in the literature review, and social factors (number of rural men over 14 years - risk population, and the Human Development Index - HDI). We build separate models for the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado. In both biomes, the risk of HCPS increased mainly with the proportion of land cultivated with sugarcane and the HDI, but the proportion of native habitat, mean annual temperatures and risk population also showed positive relationships to Atlantic Forest. The average risk of HCPS for the state of São Paulo was 1.3%, with 6% of the municipalities being classified as medium to high risk (>= 5%). In a third chapter we used sugarcane expansion and extracted temperature anomalies of RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios of general circulation models (GCMs) of IPCC5 to predict HCPS risk. With sugarcane expansion, average risk for HCPS increases from 1.3 to 1.5%, while RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios increased the risk to 1.6% and 1.7%, respectively. RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios alone are responsible for the largest increase in the maximum risk of infection (46.1% to 51.4% and 51.7%), while the sugarcane expansion combined with climate scenarios are causing the larger expansion in the number of municipalities at high risk, which goes to 7%. Our analyzes provide the first evidence on the action of landscape, climate and social factors in HCPS incidence in the Neotropics. Moreover, our risk maps can be used to optimize the correct allocation of resources, allowing actions to be taken to reduce the impacts of sugarcane expansion and climate change over this disease propagation / A Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por Hantavirose (HCPS) é uma doença causada por Hantavírus, um conjunto de vírus com RNA negativo pertencentes à família Bunyaviridae. Esses vírus são altamente virulentos para os seres humanos, levando cerca de 50% dos infectados a óbito. O principal reservatório de HCPS é constituído por espécies de roedores generalistas, que aumentam em abundância em paisagens agrícolas e fragmentadas, potencialmente elevando o risco de transmissão dessa doença. O clima também pode afetar a dinâmica populacional dos roedores e a sobrevivência do vírus no ambiente, assim como o tempo em que este se mantém virulento, enquanto que fatores sociais podem regular os processos de transmissão dos vírus dos reservatórios para os seres humanos. No entanto, apesar da alta virulência destes vírus e da falta de vacina, não está ainda bem estabelecido como esses diferentes fatores ligados à estrutura da paisagem, ao clima e às condições sociais afetam a dinâmica de transmissão dessa doença. O presente trabalho teve assim como objetivos: 1) identificar quais fatores ecológicos e sociais afetam a transmissão de HCPS, identificando as áreas de maior risco no estado de São Paulo e 2) prever como cenários de mudanças climáticas (RCP4.5 e RCP8.5) e de expansão de cana-de-açúcar influenciam a transmissão de HCPS. Para responder aos nossos objetivos, o sistema de estudo compreendeu os 645 municípios que compõe o estado de São Paulo. Num primeiro capítulo, realizamos uma revisão bibliográfica para entender como as variáveis de paisagem e de clima afetam o risco de HCPS. Num segundo capítulo, utilizamos um modelo Bayesiano para quantificar a associação entre a incidência anual de HCPS no estado de São Paulo, obtida através do número de casos confirmados pelo Ministério da Saúde, entre os anos de 1993 a 2012, e as variáveis de clima (precipitação total anual e temperatura anual média), estrutura da paisagem (porcentagem de vegetação nativa, número de fragmentos e porcentagem de área ocupada com cana-de-açúcar), escolhidas na revisão bibliográfica, além de fatores sociais (número de homens rurais acima de 14 anos - população de risco, e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano - IDH). Construimos modelos separados para a Mata Atlântica e o Cerrado. Em ambos os biomas, o risco de HCPS aumentou principalmente com a proporção de terra cultivada com cana-de-açúcar e com o IDH, mas a proporção de habitat nativo, temperatura anual média e população de risco também mostraram relações positivas para Mata Atlântica. O risco médio de HCPS para o estado de São Paulo foi de 1.3%, com 6% dos municípios sendo classificados como de médio a alto risco (>= 5%). Num terceiro capítulo, utilizamos cenários de expansão de cana-de-açúcar e anomalias de temperatura extraidas dos cenários RCP4.5 e RCP8.5 de 32 modelos de circulação geral (GCMs) do IPCC5 para prever os riscos futuros de HCPS. Com a expansão de cana-de-açúcar, o risco médio de HCPS para o estado aumenta de 1.3 para 1.5%, enquanto que os cenários RCP4.5 e RCP8.5 aumentam o risco para 1.6% e 1.7%, respectivamente. RCP4.5 e RCP8.5 sozinhos são os cenários que mais aumentam o risco máximo de infecção (46.1% para 51.4% e 51.7%), enquanto que a expansão de cana-de-açúcar combinada com os cenários climáticos são os que mais provocam o aumento da expansão do risco no estado de São Paulo, expandindo o número de municípios em alto risco para 7%. Nossas análises fornecem as primeiras evidências sobre a ação de fatores da paisagem, climáticos e sociais na incidência de HCPS nos Neotrópicos. Também, nossos mapas de risco podem ser utilizados para otimizar a correta alocação de recursos, permitindo que ações sejam tomadas para reduzir os impactos da expansão da cana e das mudanças climáticas sobre a propagação da doença

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