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Monte Carlo based statistical approach to solve Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) has become a norm to investigate heat transport in semiconductors at sub-micron regime, owing mainly to its ability to characterize realistically sized device geometries qualitatively. One of the primary issues with this technique is that the approach predominantly uses empirically fitted phonon dispersion relations as input to determine the properties of phonons so as to predict the thermal conductivity of specified material geometry. The empirically fitted dispersion relations assume harmonic approximation thereby failing to account for thermal expansion, interaction of lattice waves, effect of strain on spring stiffness, and accurate phonon-phonon interaction. To circumvent this problem, in this work, a coupled molecular mechanics-Monte Carlo (MM-MC) platform has been developed and used to solve the phonon Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) for the calculation of thermal conductivity of several novel and emerging nanostructures. The use of the quasi-anharmonic MM approach (as implemented in the open source NEMO 3-D software toolkit) not only allows one to capture the true atomicity of the underlying lattice but also enables the simulation of realistically-sized structures containing millions of atoms. As compared to the approach using an empirically fitted phonon dispersion relation, here, a 17% increase in the thermal conductivity for a silicon nanowire due to the incorporation of atomistic corrections in the LA (longitudinal acoustic) branch alone has been reported. The atomistically derived thermal conductivity as calculated from the MM-MC framework is then used in the modular design and analysis of (i) a silicon nanowire based thermoelectric cooler (TEC) unit, and (ii) a GaN/InN based nanostructured light emitting device (LED). It is demonstrated that the use of empirically fitted phonon bandstructure parameters overestimates the temperature difference between the hot and the cold sides and the overall cooling efficiency of the system, thereby, demanding the use of the BTE derived thermal conductivity in the calculation of thermal conductivity. In case of the light-emitting device, the microscopically derived material parameters, as compared to their bulk and fitted counterparts, yielded ~3% correction (increase) in optical efficiency. A non-deterministic approach adopted in this work, therefore, provides satisfactory results in what concerns phonons transport in both ballistic and diffusive regimes to understand and/predict the heat transport phenomena in nanostructures.
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Secagem de papel produzido a partir do pseudocaule de bananeira. / Drying process for paper sheet produced from the bananas tree\'s pseudostalk.Marcio Chertman 19 July 2007 (has links)
O descarte do pseudocaule da bananeira após a retirada do fruto é uma prática constante que tem como objetivo evitar a propagação da Cosmopolites Sordidus (popularmente conhecido como broca), que é um inseto que se prolifera em regiões com abundância deste tipo de cultivo. O Brasil, terceiro maior produtor mundial de bananas, é responsável pelo descarte de milhões de toneladas por ano de pseudocaules. Dentre as várias possibilidades de utilização deste material de descarte, algumas comunidades como a da Região de Itariri, litoral sul de São Paulo, estão aproveitando o pseudocaule para a fabricação artesanal de papeis especiais. No entanto as limitações inerentes às comunidades carentes, a escassez de recursos energéticos e as restrições ambientais são obstáculos às possibilidades de crescimento de suas produções. O conhecimento dos processos utilizados pelas grandes indústrias de papel e celulose, associado ao estudo das condições específicas da fábrica artesanal de Itariri pode fornecer subsídios e alternativas aplicáveis aos processos artesanais. Um estudo dos processos de transferência de calor e massa para os casos aqui propostos fornece uma estimativa para o desempenho da produtividade da fábrica artesanal estudada, mais precisamente o desempenho da secagem, que é o ponto crítico (gargalo) do processo de fabricação artesanal. No processo atual, os fabricantes locais dependem das condições climáticas, principalmente da irradiação solar, para a secagem. Ao final do trabalho é proposto um processo alternativo de secagem do papel empregando os cálculos aqui desenvolvidos, que visa minimizar o consumo energético e a diminuição da dependência das condições climáticas. / The discharging of the banana tree´s pseudostalk after the withdrawal of the fruit is one practical mesure that has as the main objective of preventing the propagation of the Cosmopolites Sordidus (popularly known as broca, wich means drill), wich is an insect that proliferates in regions with abundance of this type of plantation. Brazil, third world-wide producer of bananas, is responsible for the discharging of millions of metric tons per year of pseudostalk. Among several possibilities for using the discharging material, some communities, as the one from Itariri´s area, São Paulo´s southern coast, are using the pseudostalk for special paper sheets. However the inherent limitations of the needy communities, as the local shortage of energy resources and restrictive environment rules are the main hurdles to the possibilities of local paper productions growth. The knowledge of processes used by the pulp and paper industries, associated with the study of specific conditions of the small artisan production of Itariri, can provide subsidies and results in alternatives to the artisan processes. A fundamental study of heat and mass transport for the cases considered here can provide an estimative of the performance of the productivity of the studied case. The work is focused on the papersheets drying process performance, which is the critical stage in the process of artisan manufacture. In the current process, the local manufacturers depend on the climatic conditions for the drying, mainly the solar irradiation. In the end of this work, an alternative process for the paper drying is proposed using the calculation procedure here developed, having the aim at reducing the energy consumption and eliminating the climatic conditions dependence.
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Beitrag zur Grundwassermengen- und Wärmebewirtschaftung unter dem Aspekt sich verändernder anthropogener und natürlicher Randbedingungen am Beispiel des Dresdner ElbtalsGottschalk, Thomas 21 October 2014 (has links)
Veränderungen des Klimas, zunehmende Grundwassernutzungen sowie die Verdichtung der städtischen Strukturen wirken sich auf Temperaturen, Mengenbilanzen und den Wasserspiegel des Grundwassers aus. Schon heute lassen sich anthropogene Einflüsse wie tief liegende Gebäudestrukturen und Einleitungen von Wasser-Wasser-Wärmepumpen auf das Temperaturniveau des Grundwassers nachweisen.
Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen dieser natürlichen und anthropogenen Effekte in Dresden und die Aufstellung von Ansätzen eines Grundwasser-Temperaturmanagements.
Auf der Grundlage aktueller Daten zu Grundwassernutzung und zur Grundwasserneubildung wurden Ist-Zustands-Berechnungen sowie Projektionen künftiger Systemzustände mit dem Grundwassermodell Dresden realisiert. Aufgrund des von TESCH (2013) in Szenarienberechnungen projizierten Rückgangs der Grundwasserneubildung um ca. zwei Drittel bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts ist ein deutlich geringeres Grundwasserdargebot zu erwarten. Defizite in der Grundwasserbilanz werden jedoch durch einen höheren Anteil an Uferfiltrat zum Teil ausgeglichen. Wesentlich ist, dass in den Szenarienberechnungen die maximale Entnahmemenge einen größeren Einfluss auf die Grundwasserbilanzen ausübt als der projizierte Rückgang der Grundwasserneubildung. Die Gewinnung von ausreichend Grundwasser für die Deckung des Trink- und Brauchwasserbedarfs von Bevölkerung, Gewerbe und Industrie scheint auch künftig sicher.
Wärmeeinträge in das Grundwasser wurden anhand von Daten aus Stichtagsmessungen der Jahre 2009 und 2011 (FUGRO HGN; 2009 und SCHOLZ UND LEVIS, 2011) identifiziert. Hierbei konnte eine Reihe von Temperaturanomalien im Stadtgebiet den Quellen eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Anhand der Untersuchung von drei Teilgebieten zeigte sich, dass das Temperaturniveau des Grundwassers im Stadtzentrum (Teilgebiet Altstadt) gegenüber den anderen untersuchten Teilgebieten (Elbbogen Übigau und Johannstadt/Striesen) erhöht ist, was zuerst auf die Vielzahl von Bauwerken zurück geführt wird, die bis in das Grundwasser reichen. Des Weiteren zeigte sich ein deutlicher Zusammenhang von Messstellendichte und Ergebnisqualität. Während in der Altstadt die Identifikation von Wärmequellen gut möglich war, sind die Ergebnisse zu anderen Teilgebieten aufgrund der deutlich geringeren Messstellendichte weniger belastbar.
Temperaturen im Boden und in der Luftsäule einer Grundwassermessstelle in der Dresdner Altstadt wurden über einen Zeitraum von ca. 2 Jahren ausgewertet. Die Untersuchungen belegen die Durchprägung des Jahresgangs der Lufttemperatur bis zum Grundwasser mit einer zeitlichen Verzögerung des Eintreffens der Extremwerte von ca. drei Monaten. Mit den Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das gleichzeitig angewendete Verfahren der Messung von Temperaturen in der Luftsäule einer Grundwassermessstelle zur Identifizierung der vertikalen Temperaturverteilung im Boden praktisch anwendbar ist.
Der Wärmetransport im Boden wurde mit dem Programm HYDRUS 1-D für den Ist-Zustand auf Basis der Bodentemperaturmesswerte und für die Zukunftsszenarien auf der Basis von WETTREG 2010-Daten abgebildet. Die Berechnungen ergaben im Vergleich zum Ist-Zustand erhöhte Bodentemperaturen. Besonders interessant ist, dass die Änderungssignale der Bodentemperaturen für alle berechneten Tiefen bei den Minima deutlicher ausfallen als bei den Maxima. Des Weiteren zeigt sich ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Berechnungsergebnissen der beiden untersuchten Zeitscheiben (2021 bis 2050 und 2071 bis 2100). Die höheren Bodentemperaturen im Winter bieten gegebenenfalls Ansatzpunkte zur Nutzung dieses Wärmeangebots, die erhöhten Temperaturen im Sommer können gegebenenfalls zu einer Erhöhung der Temperaturen des Wassers in Abschnitten des Trinkwassernetzes mit zeitweise größeren Aufenthaltsdauern führen. Die gefundenen Ergebnisse implizieren zudem künftig höhere Grundwassertemperaturen.
Die Auswirkungen von Wärmeeinträgen auf das Grundwasser wurden mit Hilfe von MODFLOW/SEAWAT-Konzeptmodellen untersucht. Für den Ist-Zustand berücksichtigen diese Konzeptmodelle bereits Wärmeeinträge durch Gebäude und thermische Grundwassernutzungen (MIX, 2013). In den Szenarienberechnungen wurden projizierte erhöhte mittlere Lufttemperaturen aufgeprägt und weitere, zum Teil fiktive Nutzungen und Wärmeeinträge durch Gebäude implementiert. Die mit dem Anstieg der Lufttemperatur erwartete Erhöhung der mittleren Grundwassertemperatur und somit die Wirkung der natürlichen Anteile der Wärmeeinträge wird für die weniger anthropogen beeinflussten Grundwasserleiterabschnitte am deutlichsten. Die Modellergebnisse zeigen, dass unter den angenommenen Voraussetzungen mittlere Grundwassertemperaturen über 20°C nicht erreicht werden und modellgestützte Managementmaßnahmen für größere Grundwasserleiterabschnitte hinsichtlich der Bewertung energetischer Nutzungen des Grundwassers zielführend sind.
Aufgrund des heutigen Standes der Forschungen zur Auswirkung von Wärmeeinträgen auf die Grundwasserqualität kann noch kein Handlungszwang abgeleitet werden, gleichsam fehlt ohne verbindliche Temperaturrichtwerte ein rechtlicher Rahmen. In der Klärung dieser Fragen, der verstärkten Wärmerückgewinnung aus dem Grundwasser und dem modellgestützten Grundwasserwärmemanagement sind zukünftige Aufgabenfelder der Grundwasserbewirtschaftung erkennbar.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
1.1 Rezente und erwartete künftige Grundwasserhaushaltssituation 1
1.2 Mögliche Auswirkungen natürlicher und anthropogener Wärmeeinträge auf die zukünftige Grundwassernutzung 2
2.1 Zielstellung der Arbeit 3
2.2 Struktur der Arbeit 3
4.1 Ungesättigte Bodenzone 9
4.2 Grundwasserleiter und Grundwasserhemmer 9
4.3 Grundwasser 9
4.4 Wasserbewegung in der ungesättigten Zone 10
4.5 Grundwasserströmung in Porengrundwasserleitern 10
4.6 Grundwasserbewirtschaftung 12
4.7 Grundwasservorsorge und Grundwasserschutz 13
4.8 Grundwassernutzungen 13
4.9 Modell 13
4.10 Quellen und Senken 15
4.11 Kalibrierung und Validierung 16
4.12 Epignose, Prognose und Projektion 18
4.13 Temperaturanomalie im Grundwasser 18
4.14 Grundlagen des Wärmetransports in porösen Medien 19
5.1 Auswertung von rezenten Daten zur Grundwassertemperatur 23
5.2 Messtechnische Erfassung von Bodentemperaturen 23
5.2.1 Messstellenauswahl – Methodik der Standortanalyse 23
5.2.2 Konzept der Pilotmessstelle 25
5.3 Szenarioberechnungen mit dem Grundwassermodell Dresden 27
5.3.1 Grundwassermodell und Konzeption der modelltechnischen Arbeiten 27 Das Grundwassermodell Dresden 27 Ergänzung der Methodik zur Ausweisung zukünftiger Grundwasserüberschuss-, gleichgewichts und defizitgebiete 29 Bilanzierung der Grundwasservolumenströme 35 Berechnung maximaler Grundwasserflurabstände 36
5.3.2 Beschreibung der Szenarien 36
5.4 Modellierung des Wärmetransports in der Aerationszone 36
5.4.1 Modellvorstellung 36
5.4.2 Beschreibung der Szenarien 38
5.5 Konzeptmodelle zur Berechnung des Wärmetransports im Grundwasser 38
5.6 Untersuchungsgebiet 39
5.6.1 Geologische und hydrogeologische Einordnung 39
5.6.2 Überblick zur urbanen Grundwassernutzung 40 Trink- und Brauchwassernutzung 40 Energetische Grundwassernutzung 40
6.1 Temperaturbezogene großräumige Grundwasserüberwachung 43
6.2 Grundwassertemperaturen und Temperaturanomalien 45
6.2.1 Grundwassertemperaturen 45
6.2.2 Ursachen von Temperaturunterschieden und -anomalien 46 Temperaturunterschiede in der Innenstadt und am Stadtrand 46 Natürliche Temperaturanomalien 47 Anthropogene Temperaturanomalien 47
6.2.3 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 55
6.3 Messtechnische Erfassung der Wärmemigration in der Aerationszone 56
6.3.1 Zielstellung der Messungen 56
6.3.2 Auswahl des Messstellenstandortes 57
6.3.3 Durchführung der Messungen 58
6.3.4 Ergebnisse der Messungen 59
6.3.5 Vergleichbarkeit der Messergebnisse in Boden und Luftsäule 66
6.3.6 Weitere Messungen an Grundwassermessstellen 67
6.3.7 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 70
7.1 Zielsetzung der modelltechnischen Arbeiten 71
7.2 Modellierung der Grundwasserströmung 71
7.2.1 Grundwassernutzung für den Epignose- und Projektionszeitraum 71
7.2.2 Aktualisierung der Eingangsgröße Grundwasserneubildung für den Epignose- und Projektionszeitraum 71
7.2.3 Ableitung der Größe rezenter und künftiger Randzuflüsse aus der Grundwasserneubildung 74
7.2.4 Rohrnetzverluste 74
7.2.5 Fließgewässer 75
7.2.6 Simulation der Grundwasserströmung mit dem Grundwassermodell 76
7.2.7 Güte der Modellanpassung 77
7.2.8 Ergebnisse der Szenarienberechnung 78 Abgrenzung von Grundwasserbilanzgebieten 78 Grundwasserbilanzen 79 Grundwasserflurabstände 82
7.2.9 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 85
7.3 Modellierung des Wärmetransports 86
7.3.1 Teilmodellansatz 86
7.3.2 Berechnung des vertikalen Wärmetransports in der Aerationszone mit HYDRUS 1D 86 Epignose 86
7.3.3 Projektionen 91 Datenbasis der Modellierung 91 Ergebnisse 94
7.3.4 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 96
7.4 Berechnung des Wärmetransports im Grundwasser 97
7.4.1 MODFLOW/SEAWAT – Konzeptmodelle 97 Szenarienberechnung 100 Konzeptmodell „Altstadt“ 100 Konzeptmodell „Elbbogen Übigau“ 102 Konzeptmodell „Johannstadt/Striesen“ 102
7.4.2 Ergebnisse der Modellierung 103 Konzeptmodell „Altstadt“ 103 Konzeptmodell „Elbbogen Übigau“ 106 Konzeptmodell „Johannstadt/Striesen“ 107
7.4.3 Bewertung der Ergebnisse 108 Einschätzung der Ergebnisse und Nutzung der Modelle 108 Beschränkungen der Modellaussagen und Schritte zum Detailmodell 109
8.1 Grundwassermenge 110
8.2 Grundwasserwärmehaushalt 110
8.3 Grundwasserwärmemanagement 111
10 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 114 / Climate change, the rise of energetic groundwater use and the compact city structures cause an impact to the groundwater temperatures, groundwater quantity balance and the groundwater table. Today impacts of anthropogenic influences like deep basements of big buildings and the infiltration of heated or cooled water from groundwater using heat pumps were already detected.
The target of this dissertation has been the investigation of these natural and anthropogenic effects in Dresden and planning steps for a groundwater temperature management.
Basing on existing data of groundwater use and recharge in Dresden, a modelling of the recent and future system status scenarios with the three-dimensional model has been done. According to the latest results of the regional climate model WETTREG 2010 and a work by Tesch about the groundwater recharge until the end of the 21st Century, a significant reduction in resources are expected. Partly the balance deficit will be regulated by bank filtration. It is an important fact that the maximum discharge rate, which is larger than the permitted real use, has a bigger influence in the balance than the lower groundwater recharge. The water catchment to supply inhabitants and industrial units seems to be secure in the future.
Heat impacts to the groundwater were detected by measurements in 2011 and 2012. With the results of these measurements anomalies of the temperature field and the emission points of heat inputs were distinctly located. Based on the investigation of three subareas, a higher level of groundwater temperatures in the city center (subarea Altstadt) compared to the other subareas (Übigau and Jogannstadt/Striesen) was detected. The reason of this fact is the multitude of big buildings which are reaching the aquifer. The investigation has also showed the relationship between the quantity of the measuring points and the quality of the results. In the subarea Altstadt an identification of heat inputs could be very well found. The results in the other subareas with a lower amount of sampling points have not the same level of validity.
Information from time series over two years about soil and air column temperatures of a close-by groundwater measurement point were analyzed. The research documents the heat transport from the air to the groundwater with a retardation of the extreme values along about three months. With this analysis, the method of measurement air column temperatures in groundwater measurement points aiming to identify the vertical soil temperature distribution could be attested.
The measured heat transport in the unsaturated soil was reproduced with the HYDRUS 1-D program. After this, future scenarios on the basic of WETTREG 2010 results were computed. The findings are higher soil temperature levels in the future with higher alteration signals in the minimum than in the maximum values.
The modeling results have also showed a significant difference in the investigated time series (2021 - 2050 and 2071 - 2100). The higher temperatures in winter could be a chance to use this heat. In the summer it could partly affect parts of the water supply. Furthermore the findings implicate higher ground water temperatures in the future.
To investigate heat impacts to the ground water concept, models of MIX (2013) were used for the heat transport in the aquifer which combines the heat impact of buildings and heat pumps with the natural air temperature rise.
The WETTREG2010 result (air temperatures), heat inputs and possible new energetic groundwater use systems were implemented in the conceptual models. Results of the modeling has showed that the expected rise of the ground water temperature will be more significant for the less anthropogenic influenced parts of the urban aquifer than the parts with high initial level of heat pollution.
In the model results, the temperatures do not reach mean values of 20°C (LAWA guideline). An important finding is also that these models could be used for a more efficient groundwater heat management and for the evaluation of energetic groundwater projects of its use.
Because of the recent stand of research on the impacts of higher ground water temperatures to the ground water quality, a need for action can’t be indicated at the moment. At present there are no guideline values neither standard of law for the energetic use of groundwater. This facts and the question of heat recycling from the urban aquifer are fields for the groundwater management in the future.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
1.1 Rezente und erwartete künftige Grundwasserhaushaltssituation 1
1.2 Mögliche Auswirkungen natürlicher und anthropogener Wärmeeinträge auf die zukünftige Grundwassernutzung 2
2.1 Zielstellung der Arbeit 3
2.2 Struktur der Arbeit 3
4.1 Ungesättigte Bodenzone 9
4.2 Grundwasserleiter und Grundwasserhemmer 9
4.3 Grundwasser 9
4.4 Wasserbewegung in der ungesättigten Zone 10
4.5 Grundwasserströmung in Porengrundwasserleitern 10
4.6 Grundwasserbewirtschaftung 12
4.7 Grundwasservorsorge und Grundwasserschutz 13
4.8 Grundwassernutzungen 13
4.9 Modell 13
4.10 Quellen und Senken 15
4.11 Kalibrierung und Validierung 16
4.12 Epignose, Prognose und Projektion 18
4.13 Temperaturanomalie im Grundwasser 18
4.14 Grundlagen des Wärmetransports in porösen Medien 19
5.1 Auswertung von rezenten Daten zur Grundwassertemperatur 23
5.2 Messtechnische Erfassung von Bodentemperaturen 23
5.2.1 Messstellenauswahl – Methodik der Standortanalyse 23
5.2.2 Konzept der Pilotmessstelle 25
5.3 Szenarioberechnungen mit dem Grundwassermodell Dresden 27
5.3.1 Grundwassermodell und Konzeption der modelltechnischen Arbeiten 27 Das Grundwassermodell Dresden 27 Ergänzung der Methodik zur Ausweisung zukünftiger Grundwasserüberschuss-, gleichgewichts und defizitgebiete 29 Bilanzierung der Grundwasservolumenströme 35 Berechnung maximaler Grundwasserflurabstände 36
5.3.2 Beschreibung der Szenarien 36
5.4 Modellierung des Wärmetransports in der Aerationszone 36
5.4.1 Modellvorstellung 36
5.4.2 Beschreibung der Szenarien 38
5.5 Konzeptmodelle zur Berechnung des Wärmetransports im Grundwasser 38
5.6 Untersuchungsgebiet 39
5.6.1 Geologische und hydrogeologische Einordnung 39
5.6.2 Überblick zur urbanen Grundwassernutzung 40 Trink- und Brauchwassernutzung 40 Energetische Grundwassernutzung 40
6.1 Temperaturbezogene großräumige Grundwasserüberwachung 43
6.2 Grundwassertemperaturen und Temperaturanomalien 45
6.2.1 Grundwassertemperaturen 45
6.2.2 Ursachen von Temperaturunterschieden und -anomalien 46 Temperaturunterschiede in der Innenstadt und am Stadtrand 46 Natürliche Temperaturanomalien 47 Anthropogene Temperaturanomalien 47
6.2.3 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 55
6.3 Messtechnische Erfassung der Wärmemigration in der Aerationszone 56
6.3.1 Zielstellung der Messungen 56
6.3.2 Auswahl des Messstellenstandortes 57
6.3.3 Durchführung der Messungen 58
6.3.4 Ergebnisse der Messungen 59
6.3.5 Vergleichbarkeit der Messergebnisse in Boden und Luftsäule 66
6.3.6 Weitere Messungen an Grundwassermessstellen 67
6.3.7 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 70
7.1 Zielsetzung der modelltechnischen Arbeiten 71
7.2 Modellierung der Grundwasserströmung 71
7.2.1 Grundwassernutzung für den Epignose- und Projektionszeitraum 71
7.2.2 Aktualisierung der Eingangsgröße Grundwasserneubildung für den Epignose- und Projektionszeitraum 71
7.2.3 Ableitung der Größe rezenter und künftiger Randzuflüsse aus der Grundwasserneubildung 74
7.2.4 Rohrnetzverluste 74
7.2.5 Fließgewässer 75
7.2.6 Simulation der Grundwasserströmung mit dem Grundwassermodell 76
7.2.7 Güte der Modellanpassung 77
7.2.8 Ergebnisse der Szenarienberechnung 78 Abgrenzung von Grundwasserbilanzgebieten 78 Grundwasserbilanzen 79 Grundwasserflurabstände 82
7.2.9 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 85
7.3 Modellierung des Wärmetransports 86
7.3.1 Teilmodellansatz 86
7.3.2 Berechnung des vertikalen Wärmetransports in der Aerationszone mit HYDRUS 1D 86 Epignose 86
7.3.3 Projektionen 91 Datenbasis der Modellierung 91 Ergebnisse 94
7.3.4 Bewertung der Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen 96
7.4 Berechnung des Wärmetransports im Grundwasser 97
7.4.1 MODFLOW/SEAWAT – Konzeptmodelle 97 Szenarienberechnung 100 Konzeptmodell „Altstadt“ 100 Konzeptmodell „Elbbogen Übigau“ 102 Konzeptmodell „Johannstadt/Striesen“ 102
7.4.2 Ergebnisse der Modellierung 103 Konzeptmodell „Altstadt“ 103 Konzeptmodell „Elbbogen Übigau“ 106 Konzeptmodell „Johannstadt/Striesen“ 107
7.4.3 Bewertung der Ergebnisse 108 Einschätzung der Ergebnisse und Nutzung der Modelle 108 Beschränkungen der Modellaussagen und Schritte zum Detailmodell 109
8.1 Grundwassermenge 110
8.2 Grundwasserwärmehaushalt 110
8.3 Grundwasserwärmemanagement 111
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Thermal and thermoelectric properties of nanostructured materials and interfacesLiao, Hao-Hsiang 19 December 2012 (has links)
Many modern technologies are enabled by the use of thin films and/or nanostructured composite materials. For example, many thermoelectric devices, solar cells, power electronics, thermal barrier coatings, and hard disk drives contain nanostructured materials where the thermal conductivity of the material is a critical parameter for the device performance. At the nanoscale, the mean free path and wavelength of heat carriers may become comparable to or smaller than the size of a nanostructured material and/or device. For nanostructured materials made from semiconductors and insulators, the additional phonon scattering mechanisms associated with the high density of interfaces and boundaries introduces additional resistances that can significantly change the thermal conductivity of the material as compared to a macroscale counterpart. Thus, better understanding and control of nanoscale heat conduction in solids is important scientifically and for the engineering applications mentioned above.
In this dissertation, I discuss my work in two areas dealing with nanoscale thermal transport: (1) I describe my development and advancement of important thermal characterization tools for measurements of thermal and thermoelectric properties of a variety of materials from thin films to nanostructured bulk systems, and (2) I discuss my measurements on several materials systems done with these characterization tools.
First, I describe the development, assembly, and modification of a time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) system that we use to measure the thermal conductivity and the interface thermal conductance of a variety of samples including nanocrystalline alloys of Ni-Fe and Co-P, bulk metallic glasses, and other thin films. Next, a unique thermoelectric measurement system was designed and assembled for measurements of electrical resistivity and thermopower of thermoelectric materials in the temperature range of 20 to 350 °C. Finally, a commercial Anter Flashline 3000 thermal diffusivity measurement system is used to measure the thermal diffusivitiy and heat capacity of bulk materials at high temperatures. With regards to the specific experiments, I examine the thermal conductivity and interface thermal conductance of two different types of nanocrystalline metallic alloys of nickel-iron and cobalt-phosphorus. I find that the thermal conductivity of the nanocrystalline alloys is reduced by a factor of approximately two from the thermal conductivity measured on metallic alloys with larger grain sizes. With subsequent molecular dynamics simulations performed by a collaborator, and my own electrical conductivity measurements, we determine that this strong reduction in thermal conductivity is the result of increased electron scattering at the grain boundaries, and that the phonon component of the thermal conductivity is largely unchanged by the grain boundaries.
We also examine four complex bulk metallic glass (BMG) materials with compositions of Zr₅₀Cu₄₀Al₁₀, Cu<sub>46.25</sub>Zr<sub>44.25</sub>Al<sub>7.5</sub>Er₂, Fe₄₈Cr₁₅Mo₁₄C₁₅B₆Er₂, and Ti<sub>41.5</sub>Zr<sub>2.5</sub>Hf₅Cu<sub>42.5</sub>Ni<sub>7.5</sub>Si₁. From these measurements, I find that the addition of even a small percentage of heavy atoms (i.e. Hf and Er) into complex disordered BMG structures can create a significant reduction in the phonon thermal conductivity of these materials. This work also indicates that the addition of these heavy atoms does not disrupt electron transport to the degree with which thermal transport is reduced. / Ph. D.
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Control of Hyperbolic Heat Transfer Mechanisms Application to the Distributed Concentrated Solar CollectorsElmetennani, Shahrazed 04 1900 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the flow control problem in hyperbolic heat transfer mechanisms. It raises in concentrated distributed solar collectors to enhance their production efficiency under the unpredictable variations of the solar energy and the external disturbances. These factors which are either locally measured (the solar irradiance) or inaccessible for measurement (the collectors’ cleanliness) affect the source term of the distributed model and represent a major difficulty for the control design. Moreover, the temperature in the collector can only be measured at the boundaries. In this dissertation, we propose new adaptive control approaches to provide the adequate level of heat while coping with the unpredictable varying disturbances. First, we design model based control strategies for a better efficiency, in terms of accuracy and response time, with a relatively reduced complexity.
Second, we enhance the controllers with on-line adaptation laws to continuously
update the efficient value of the external conditions. In this study, we approach the control problem using both, the infinite dimensional model (late lumping) and a finite dimensional approximate representation (early lumping). For the early lumping approach, we introduce a new reduced order bilinear approximate model for system analysis and control design. This approximate state representation is then used to derive a nonlinear state feedback resorting to Lyapunov stability theory. To compensate for the external disturbances and the approximation uncertainties, an adaptive controller is developed based on a phenomenological representation of the system dynamics. For the late lumping approach, we propose two PDE based controllers by stabilization of the reference tracking error distributed profile.
The control laws are explicitly defined as functions of the available measurement. The
first one is obtained using a direct approach for error stabilization while the second one
is derived through a nonlinear mapping. Furthermore, we endow the nonlinear controllers with an adaptation law to cope with the unpredictable unmeasured disturbances. The proposed adaptation law is based on a Proportional plus Integral correction feedback. We show that the control objectives with the required performance can be achieved following both approaches, but yet are conditioned with the physical limitations of the system.
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Experimental studies of heat transport across material interfaces at the nano and micro scalesRodrigo, Miguel Goni 23 October 2018 (has links)
Heat generated by electronic devices must be dissipated in order to ensure reliability and prevent device failure. In order to design devices properly, it is important to have precise knowledge of materials' thermal properties at the nano and micro scales. Here we present a series of experimental studies of heat transport for two different types of material: a two dimensional (2D) material such as MoS2 and micron scale particles. We used frequency domain thermoreflectance (FDTR) to conduct all thermal property measurements. This technique can measure thin film thermal properties as well as characterize the interface between two materials.
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a transition metal dichalcogenide, is a 2D material that has potential applications as a transistor in nanoelectronics due to its semiconductor properties. We studied cross plane thermal transport across exfoliated monolayer and few layer MoS2 deposited on two distinct substrates: SiO2 and Muscovite mica. The cross plane direction is critical in layer structure devices since the largest thermal resistances are found along this way. The results show enhanced thermal transport across monolayer MoS2 on both substrates indicating that monolayer MoS2 has superior thermal properties for its use in electronic devices. On the other hand, thermally conductive micro particles are used as fillers in composite materials in order to improve the thermal conductivity of the host or matrix material. They can be embedded in polymers for die attach applications as well as in metals to create more efficient heat sinks. We developed new FDTR based thermal models that apply to isolated particles as well as particles surrounded by another material. We tested the models with isolated diamond and silicon micron size particles and with diamond particles embedded in tin. We were able to obtain the thermal conductivity of individual particles, an effective particle volume and the thermal interface conductance between a particle and its surrounding matrix. This technique could have important applications in industry since it could be used to measure in situ the thermal interface conductance between particles and their matrix, often the highest thermal resistance in composite materials.
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Étude du devenir des tourbillons des Aiguilles et de leur transport dans l’océan Atlantique Sud à partir d’observations satellitaires et in situ / Assessments on the fate of the Agulhas Rings and their transport in the South Atlantic estimated by combining satellite altimetry and in situ observationsLaxenaire, Rémi 28 February 2019 (has links)
Les échanges de chaleur entre les océans Indiens et Atlantiques sont étroitement liés à la circulation globale et au climat. Ceux-ci sont principalement réalisés par les Anneaux des Aiguilles (AR pour "Agulhas Rings'') qui sont étudiés dans cette thèse à l'aide de cartes quotidiennes d'altimétrie satellitaire et de profils hydrologiques de flotteurs Argo.En développant et appliquant l'algorithme d'identification et de suivi des tourbillons TOEddies à 24 années de cartes de la topographie dynamique absolue, nous estimons les origines, les trajectoires et la durée de vie des AR. La principale nouveauté réside dans la détection de nombreux événements de fractionnement et de fusion des tourbillons. Cette innovation conduit à la définition d'un réseau de trajectoires au lieu d'une identification biunivoque entre un tourbillon et une trajectoire. Les résultats ainsi obtenus diffèrent considérablement des évaluations précédentes en connectant des tourbillons formés dans l'océan Indien en amont du courant des Aiguilles à d'autres dans le courant du Brésil.La collocation des segments reconstruits des trajectoires des AR avec les profileurs Argo donne accès à leur structure thermohaline ce qui permet d'en estimer l'évolution au cours de leur propagation. En particulier, nous montrons la modification d'un AR passant d'une structure de surface à une de sub-surface dû à sa subduction lors de son entrée dans le gyre subtropical de l'Atlantique Sud. Cette transformation se traduit par la création de deux cœurs d'eau Modale qui concentrent la majeure partie du contenu de chaleur de cet AR.Enfin, une estimation de la répartition géographique de plusieurs AR est obtenue à partir des tourbillons détectés dans le bassin du Cap et dans l'océan Atlantique Sud. Cette répartition géographique montre que, en général, les AR subductent lorsqu'ils quittent le bassin du Cap. De plus, pour chaque tourbillon suffisamment échantillonné par les flotteurs Argo, nous estimons son anomalie de contenu thermique calculée en fonction de son environnement. Ces anomalies s'avèrent être importantes tout au long de leur trajectoire bien que les AR perdent de la chaleur en se propageant. En combinant des méthodes eulériennes et lagrangiennes, nous estimons le transport de chaleur en sub-surface effectué par les AR lors de leur propagation dans l'Atlantique Sud. / The Indo-Atlantic interocean heat exchanges are tightly linked to global ocean circulation and climate. They are principally achieved by the Agulhas Rings (AR) which are investigated in this thesis by means of 24 years of daily satellite-altimetry maps and Argo floats profiles.By applying the TOEddies eddy identification and tracking algorithm, developped in this study, to daily maps of Absolute Dynamical Topography (ADT), we estimate Agulhas Rings origins, paths and lifetime. The main novelty lies in the detection of numerous eddy splitting and merging events that leads to the definition of a network of trajectories instead of a biunivocal identification between an eddy with a single trajectory. The results obtained by the network differ considerably with previous estimates connecting eddies formed in the Indian Ocean upstream of the Agulhas Current to eddies in the Brazil Current.The collocation of the reconstructed segments of AR trajectories with Argo profiling floats gives access to their thermohaline structure which allows to estimate their in-route evolution. In particular, we show modification of an AR, transitioning from a surface to a subsurface intensified eddy while it subduct when entering the South Atlantic subtropical gyre. This transformation results in the creation of two Mode Water cores which concentrate most of the heat content of this AR.Finally, an estimate of AR geographical distribution was obtained from the numerous eddies detected in the Cape Basin and South Atlantic Ocean. It shows that AR generally subduct when they leave the Cape Basin. Moreover, for each eddy sufficiently sampled by Argo floats, we were able to estimate its heat content anomaly with respect of the environment. AR heat content anomalies result to be important all along their trajectories even if they release heat along their path. Combining both eulerian and lagrangian methods, we estimate the sub-surface heat transport achieved by their AR while they propagate in the South Atlantic.
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Accuracy of the Firebird-III Computer Code Pump ModelBrunner, K.S. January 1981 (has links)
Part A of this thesis by K. S. Brunner is titled "Two-Phase Flow Regime Transitions Under a D.C. Electric Field" and has the following link on MacSphere: < http://hdl.handle.net/11375/16329 >
This report is Part B. / The PUMPANC subroutine in the FIREBIRD-III thermal hydraulic computer code models pump behaviour. The accuracy of this model is examined on the basis of available pump tests. Single phase test results on the Gentilly-2 primary heat transport pumps are compared to FIREBIRD-III predictions. As well, various two-phase pump tests are examined for the applicability of scaling small pump results to large pump results. Further areas of investigation are outlined. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)
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Heat Transport across Dissimilar MaterialsShukla, Nitin 08 June 2009 (has links)
All interfaces offer resistance to heat transport. As the size of a device or structure approaches nanometer lengthscales, the contribution of the interface thermal resistance often becomes comparable to the intrinsic thermal resistance offered by the device or structure itself. In many microelectronic devices, heat has to transfer across a metal-nonmetal interface, and a better understanding about the origins of this interface thermal conductance (inverse of the interface thermal resistance) is critical in improving the performance of these devices. In this dissertation, heat transport across different metal-nonmetal interfaces are investigated with the primary goal of gaining qualitative and quantitative insight into the heat transport mechanisms across such interfaces. A time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) system is used to measure the thermal properties at the nanoscale. TDTR is an optical pump-probe technique, and it is capable of measuring thermal conductivity, k, and interface thermal conductance, G, simultaneously.
The first study examines k and G for amorphous and crystalline Zr47Cu31Al13Ni9 metallic alloys that are in contact with poly-crystalline Y2O3. The motivation behind this study is to determine the relative importance of energy coupling mechanisms such as electron-phonon or phonon-phonon coupling across the interface by changing the material structure (from amorphous to crystalline), but not the composition. From the TDTR measurements k=4.5 W m-1 K-1 for the amorphous metallic glass of Zr47Cu31Al13Ni9, and k=5.0 W m-1 K-1 for the crystalline Zr47Cu31Al13Ni9. TDTR also gives G=23 MW m-2 K-1 for the metallic glass/Y2O3 interface and G=26 MW m-2 K-1 for the interface between the crystalline Zr47Cu31Al13Ni9 and Y2O3. The thermal conductivity of the poly-crystalline Y2O3 layer is found to be k=5.0 W m-1 K-1. Despite the small difference between k and G for the two alloys, the results are repeatable and they indicate that the structure of the alloy plays a role in the electron-phonon coupling and interface conductance.
The second experimental study examines the effect of nickel nanoparticle size on the thermal transport in multilayer nanocomposites. These nanocomposites consist of five alternating layers of nickel nanoparticles and yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) spacer layers that are grown with pulsed laser deposition. Using TDTR, thermal conductivities of k=1.8, 2.4, 2.3, and 3.0 W m-1 K-1 are found for nanocomposites with nickel nanoparticle diameters of 7, 21, 24, and 38 nm, respectively, and k=2.5 W m-1 K-1 for a single 80 nm thick layer of YSZ. The results indicate that the overall thermal conductivity of these nanocomposites is strongly influenced by the Ni nanoparticle size and the interface thermal conductance between the Ni particles and the YSZ matrix. An effective medium theory is used to estimate the lower limits for the interface thermal conductance between the nickel nanoparticles and the YSZ matrix (G>170 MW m-2 K-1), and the nickel nanoparticle thermal conductivity. / Ph. D.
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Nanoscale thermal transport through solid-solid and solid-liquid interfacesHarikrishna, Hari 03 July 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents an experimental investigation of heat transport through solid- solid and solid-liquid interfaces. Heat transport is a process initiated by the presence of a thermal gradient. All interfaces offer resistance to heat flow in the form of temperature drop at the interface. In micro and nano scale devices, the contribution of this resistance often becomes comparable to, or greater than, the intrinsic thermal resistance offered by the device or structure itself. In this dissertation, I report the resistance offered by the interfaces in terms of interface thermal conductance, G, which is the inverse of Kapitza resistance and is quantified by the ratio of heat flux to the temperature drop. For studying thermal transport across interfaces, I adapted a non-contact optical measurement technique called Time-Domain Thermoreflectance (TDTR) that relies on the fact that the reflectivity of a metal has a small, but measurable, dependence on temperature.
The first half of this dissertation is focused on investigating heat transport through thin films and solid-solid interfaces. The samples in this study are thin lead zirconate- titanate (PZT) piezoelectric films used in sensing applications and dielectric films such as SiOC:H used in semiconductor industry. My results on the PZT films indicate that the thermal conductivity of these films was proportional to the packing density of the elements within the films. I have also measured thermal conductivity of dielectric films in different elemental compositions. I also examined thermal conductivity of dielectric films for a variety of different elemental compositions of Si, O, C, and H, and varying degrees of porosity. My measurements showed that the composition and porosity of the films played an important role in determining the thermal conductivity.
The second half of this dissertation is focused on investigating heat transport through solid-liquid interfaces. In this regard, I functionalize uniformly coated gold surfaces with a variety of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Heat flows from the gold surface to the sulfur molecule, then through the hydrocarbon chain in the SAM, into the terminal group of the SAM and finally into the liquid. My results showed that by changing the terminal group in a SAM from hydrophobic to hydrophilic, G increased by a factor of three in water. By changing the number of carbon atoms in the SAM, I also report that the chain length does not present a significant thermal resistance. My results also revealed evidence of linear relationship between work of adhesion and interface thermal conductance from experiments with several SAMs on water. By examining a variety of SAM-liquid combination, I find that this linear dependency does not hold as a unified hypothesis. From these experiments, I speculate that heat transport in solid-liquid systems is controlled by a combination of work of adhesion and vibrational coupling between the omega-group in the SAM and the liquid. / Ph. D.
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