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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Bioengineering of S-layers: molecular characterization of the novel S-layer gene sslA of Sporosarcina ureae ATCC 13881 and nanotechnology application of SslA protein derivatives / Bioengineering von S-layern: Molekulare Charakterisierung eines neuen S-layer Gens sslA aus Sporosarcina ureae ATCC 13881 sowie nanotechnologische Anwendung von SslA-Protein Derivaten

Ryzhkov, Pavel 27 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
S-layer proteins of S. ureae ATCC 13881 form on the cell surface an S-layer lattice with p4 square type symmetry and a period of about 13.5 nm. These lattices were shown to be the excellent nanotemplates for deposition of regular metal clusters. The synthesis of the S. ureae S-layer protein is highly efficient, the protein accounts for approximately 10-15 % of the total cell protein content, judged by the SDS-PAGE results. Besides, the S-layer protein production is tightly regulated, since only negligible amounts of S-layer proteins are observed in the medium at different cell growth phases. At the same time, mechanisms of the regulation of S-layer protein synthesis are poorly understood. As several hundreds of S-layer proteins are produced per second during the cell growth, the S-layer gene promoters are among the strongest prokaryotic promoters at all. However, little is known about factors regulating the expression of S-layer genes, furthermore, no experimental identification of other upstream regulatory sequences except for -35/-10 and RBS sequences was presented to our knowledge to date. A sequence of the S-layer gene of S. ureae ATCC 13881, encoding the previously described S-layer protein, was identified in this work by combination of different approaches. The largest part of the gene, excluding its upstream regulatory and ORF 5’ regions, was isolated from a genomic library by hybridization. The sequence of the isolated fragment proved to contain additionally an 1.9 kb non-coding region and an incomplete 0.8 kb ORF region in its 3’-part. No RBS sequence and apparent promoter regions could be identified in front of the latter sequence, suggesting that it might represent a pseudogene sequence. The sequences of the 5’ and upstream regions of the S. ureae ATCC 13881 S-layer gene were identified by combination of PCR-sequencing and chromosome walking. Totally, a sequence of the 6.4 kb long region of S. ureae genomic DNA was established. The sequence of the S. ureae S-layer protein was deduced from the respective gene sequence and agreed with the peptide sequences, obtained after N-terminal sequencing of tryptic peptides of the S. ureae ATCC 13881 S-layer protein. For the protein the name SslA was proposed, which is an abbreviation for “Sporosarcina ureae S-layer protein A”. Several specific features were observed in gene organisation of sslA, which are also characteristic for other S-layer genes. The distance between the -35/-10 region and the ATG initiation codon is unusually long and a 41 bp palindromic sequence is present in the immediate vicinity of the -35/-10 region. Besides, a distant location of the rho-independent transcription terminator, which is 647 bp remote from the stop codon, will result in the mRNA transcripts with unusually long trailer region. Both the long 5’ UTR and the long 3’ trailer may have a regulatory function, either by conferring increased mRNA stability and/or by affecting translation efficiency. Potentially these sequences may define the binding sites of regulatory proteins. For example, palindromic sequences constitute the regulatory sites in several bacterial operons and may act as the binding sites of regulatory dimeric proteins. In respect to the conservation of the sslA sequence high similarity to the sequences of other functional S-layer genes, especially the slfA and slfB genes of B. sphaericus, was observed, whereas the results of phylogenetic analysis support the hypothesis that S-layer genes may have evolved via the lateral gene transfer. Based on the sslA sequence, several recombinant proteins with truncations of the terminal protein parts or C-terminal fusion of either EGFP or histidine tags were constructed. For all the truncated or EGFP-fusion SslA derivatives high level overexpression in E. coli was possible. For native SslA a moderate level of expression was observed suggesting that its high intracellular concentration may downregulate the protein synthesis. Interestingly, fluorescence microscopy indicates the same intracellular localization for heterologously produced recombinant proteins with fusions of EGFP either to the precursor or to the native SslA protein, suggesting that SslA secretion signal is not functional in E. coli. Heterologously produced SslA derivatives with truncations of N-, C- or both N- and C-terminal parts were shown to self- assemble in vitro, although the size of self-assembly structures was different from that observed upon the self-assembly of the native SslA. In the latter case extended self-assembly layers with the size up to 5x10 µm were observed, with a surface area of up to two orders of magnitude higher than that of S-layer patches, routinely isolated from S. ureae surface. Dependent on the applied recrystallization conditions preferential formation of single- or multilayer self-assembly structures was observed.

Bioengineering of S-layers: molecular characterization of the novel S-layer gene sslA of Sporosarcina ureae ATCC 13881 and nanotechnology application of SslA protein derivatives

Ryzhkov, Pavel 17 October 2007 (has links)
S-layer proteins of S. ureae ATCC 13881 form on the cell surface an S-layer lattice with p4 square type symmetry and a period of about 13.5 nm. These lattices were shown to be the excellent nanotemplates for deposition of regular metal clusters. The synthesis of the S. ureae S-layer protein is highly efficient, the protein accounts for approximately 10-15 % of the total cell protein content, judged by the SDS-PAGE results. Besides, the S-layer protein production is tightly regulated, since only negligible amounts of S-layer proteins are observed in the medium at different cell growth phases. At the same time, mechanisms of the regulation of S-layer protein synthesis are poorly understood. As several hundreds of S-layer proteins are produced per second during the cell growth, the S-layer gene promoters are among the strongest prokaryotic promoters at all. However, little is known about factors regulating the expression of S-layer genes, furthermore, no experimental identification of other upstream regulatory sequences except for -35/-10 and RBS sequences was presented to our knowledge to date. A sequence of the S-layer gene of S. ureae ATCC 13881, encoding the previously described S-layer protein, was identified in this work by combination of different approaches. The largest part of the gene, excluding its upstream regulatory and ORF 5’ regions, was isolated from a genomic library by hybridization. The sequence of the isolated fragment proved to contain additionally an 1.9 kb non-coding region and an incomplete 0.8 kb ORF region in its 3’-part. No RBS sequence and apparent promoter regions could be identified in front of the latter sequence, suggesting that it might represent a pseudogene sequence. The sequences of the 5’ and upstream regions of the S. ureae ATCC 13881 S-layer gene were identified by combination of PCR-sequencing and chromosome walking. Totally, a sequence of the 6.4 kb long region of S. ureae genomic DNA was established. The sequence of the S. ureae S-layer protein was deduced from the respective gene sequence and agreed with the peptide sequences, obtained after N-terminal sequencing of tryptic peptides of the S. ureae ATCC 13881 S-layer protein. For the protein the name SslA was proposed, which is an abbreviation for “Sporosarcina ureae S-layer protein A”. Several specific features were observed in gene organisation of sslA, which are also characteristic for other S-layer genes. The distance between the -35/-10 region and the ATG initiation codon is unusually long and a 41 bp palindromic sequence is present in the immediate vicinity of the -35/-10 region. Besides, a distant location of the rho-independent transcription terminator, which is 647 bp remote from the stop codon, will result in the mRNA transcripts with unusually long trailer region. Both the long 5’ UTR and the long 3’ trailer may have a regulatory function, either by conferring increased mRNA stability and/or by affecting translation efficiency. Potentially these sequences may define the binding sites of regulatory proteins. For example, palindromic sequences constitute the regulatory sites in several bacterial operons and may act as the binding sites of regulatory dimeric proteins. In respect to the conservation of the sslA sequence high similarity to the sequences of other functional S-layer genes, especially the slfA and slfB genes of B. sphaericus, was observed, whereas the results of phylogenetic analysis support the hypothesis that S-layer genes may have evolved via the lateral gene transfer. Based on the sslA sequence, several recombinant proteins with truncations of the terminal protein parts or C-terminal fusion of either EGFP or histidine tags were constructed. For all the truncated or EGFP-fusion SslA derivatives high level overexpression in E. coli was possible. For native SslA a moderate level of expression was observed suggesting that its high intracellular concentration may downregulate the protein synthesis. Interestingly, fluorescence microscopy indicates the same intracellular localization for heterologously produced recombinant proteins with fusions of EGFP either to the precursor or to the native SslA protein, suggesting that SslA secretion signal is not functional in E. coli. Heterologously produced SslA derivatives with truncations of N-, C- or both N- and C-terminal parts were shown to self- assemble in vitro, although the size of self-assembly structures was different from that observed upon the self-assembly of the native SslA. In the latter case extended self-assembly layers with the size up to 5x10 µm were observed, with a surface area of up to two orders of magnitude higher than that of S-layer patches, routinely isolated from S. ureae surface. Dependent on the applied recrystallization conditions preferential formation of single- or multilayer self-assembly structures was observed.

Photochemie und Signaltransduktion von Blaulichtrezeptorproteinen aus photosynthetisierenden Mikroorganismen

Mathes, Tilo 03 January 2008 (has links)
Die lichtaktivierte Kinase Phototropin aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, die photoaktivierte Adenylatcyclase (PAC) aus Euglena gracilis und das BLUF-Protein Slr1694 aus Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wurden in Hinblick auf die molekularen Details der primären photochemischen Prozesse sowie der Signalweiterleitung untersucht. Phototropin wurde mit Hilfe von Arginin aus Escherichia coli in Milligramm Mengen isoliert. Ohne Arginin wurde E. coli cAMP Rezeptorprotein assoziiert aufgefunden, welches eine hohe Homologie zu einer cAMP aktivierten Kinase aus C. reinhardtii besitzt. Volllängen Phototropin bildet wie einzelne LOV-Domänenkonstrukte ohne Kinasedomäne den Flavin-Triplettzustand und das kovalente Cysteinyl-Addukt. Der Zerfall des Signalzustandes ist in Anwesenheit von ATP beschleunigt und deutet auf Photorezeptor-Kinase Interaktion hin. Strukturelle Änderungen in der Kinasedomäne wurden durch FTIR-Differenzspektroskopie gezeigt. Über ELDOR-Spektroskopie wurde der Abstand der Photorezeptordomänen auf etwa 25 Angstrom bestimmt. Mutationen in Slr1694 an S28, N31 und W91 zeigten keine konservierten Einfluss auf die Dynamik des Signalzustands. Die Entfernung der Seitenkette von S28 führte zu einer 15 nm Rotverschiebung des Absorptionsspektrums aufgrund veränderter Wasserstoffbrückenkoordination des Kofaktors. Die Einführung von positiv geladenen Seitenketten an Stelle von N31 erhöhte die Kofaktorbindung von phosphorylierten Flavinen. Künstliche Kofaktoren wie Roseoflavin konnten in Slr1694 durch Koexpression eines prokaryotischen Flavintransporters erreicht werden. Die Rolle von M152 in PAC für die Signalweiterleitung wurde anhand der lichtaktivierten cAMP Synthese-Aktivität gezeigt. Durch ultraschnelle IR-Spektroskopie wurde die Beteiligung der Seitenketten von Y8 sowie Q50 bestätigt und eine genauere Beschreibung der Wasserstoffbrücken im langlebigen Signalzustand ermöglicht. / The light activated kinase Phototropin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the photoactivated adenylylcyclase (PAC) from Euglena gracilis and the BLUF protein Slr1694 from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were investigated concerning the molecular details of the primary photochemistry as well as signal transduction. Phototropin was isolated from Escherichia coli in mg amounts after solubilization with arginine. Without arginine E. coli cAMP receptor protein, which shows high homology to a cAMP activated kinase from C. reinhardtii, was copurified. Full length Phototropin shows similar photochemistry to LOV-domain containing proteins without the kinase including triplet and covalent cysteinyl adduct formation. Signaling state decay is accelerated in the presence of ATP and suggests photoreceptor-kinase interaction. FTIR spectroscopy showed light induced structural changes in the kinase domain. The distance of the photoreceptor domains of 25 Angstrom was determined by ELDOR spectroscopy. Mutation of the side chains of S28, N31 and W91 in Slr1694 showed no conserved influence on the dynamic of the signaling state. Removal of the hydroxyl group of S28 lead to a 15 nm red shift of the absorption spectrum as a result of altered hydrogen bond coordination of the cofactor. Introduction of positively charged side chains at the position of N31 strengthened the binding of phosphorylated flavins. An artificial flavin like roseoflavin was introduced in Slr1694 by coexpression of a bacterial flavin transporter. The essential role of M152 in PAC for signal transduction was shown by determination of light activated cAMP synthesis activity. Ultrafast IR spectroscopy confirmed the contribution of Y8 and Q50 in the photocycle and gave a more detailed description of the hydrogen bonding situation in the signaling state.

Regulation of heterologous subtilin production in Bacillus subtilis W168

Zhang, Qian, Kobras, Carolin M., Gebhard, Susanne, Mascher, Thorsten, Wolf, Diana 22 April 2024 (has links)
Background: Subtilin is a peptide antibiotic (lantibiotic) natively produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633. It is encoded in a gene cluster spaBTCSIFEGRK (spa-locus) consisting of four transcriptional units: spaS (subtilin pre-peptide), spaBTC (modification and export), spaIFEG (immunity) and spaRK (regulation). Despite the pioneer understanding on subtilin biosynthesis, a robust platform to facilitate subtilin research and improve subtilin production is still a poorly explored spot. Results: In this work, the intact spa-locus was successfully integrated into the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis W168, which is the by far best-characterized Gram-positive model organism with powerful genetics and many advantages in industrial use. Through systematic analysis of spa-promoter activities in B. subtilis W168 wild type and mutant strains, our work demonstrates that subtilin is basally expressed in B. subtilis W168, and the transition state regulator AbrB strongly represses subtilin biosynthesis in a growth phase-dependent manner. The deletion of AbrB remarkably enhanced subtilin gene expression, resulting in comparable yield of bioactive subtilin production as for B. subtilis ATCC6633. However, while in B. subtilis ATCC6633 AbrB regulates subtilin gene expression via SigH, which in turn activates spaRK, AbrB of B. subtilis W168 controls subtilin gene expression in SigH-independent manner, except for the regulation of spaBTC. Furthermore, the work shows that subtilin biosynthesis in B. subtilis W168 is regulated by the two-component regulatory system SpaRK and strictly relies on subtilin itself as inducer to fulfill the autoregulatory circuit. In addition, by incorporating the subtilin-producing system (spa-locus) and subtilin-reporting system (PpsdA-lux) together, we developed “online” reporter strains to efficiently monitor the dynamics of subtilin biosynthesis. Conclusions: Within this study, the model organism B. subtilis W168 was successfully established as a novel platform for subtilin biosynthesis and the underlying regulatory mechanism was comprehensively characterized. This work will not only facilitate genetic (engineering) studies on subtilin, but also pave the way for its industrial production. More broadly, this work will shed new light on the heterologous production of other lantibiotics.

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