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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Analysis of Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers in High Poverty Urban and Rural Areas

Campbell, Stephen Patrick 30 April 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide a descriptive analysis comparing highly qualified and non-highly qualified special education teachers in the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey. It examined how the qualifications of special education teachers varied among K-12 public schools according to the urbanicity of the school and the proportion of students in poverty within a school. Variables included those related to teacher qualifications, demographic characteristics, and school characteristics. The findings demonstrated that there were differences in the demographic characteristics of highly qualified and non-highly qualified special education teachers. There were no statistically significant differences found for urbanicity alone. There were statistically significant differences found for poverty levels. Statistically significant differences were also found for both highly qualified and non-highly qualified special education teachers when poverty quartiles were analyzed by urbanity locales. The findings emphasize the need to provide targeted interventions to promote, retain, and supply all schools with qualified special education teachers. The findings also indicate there is an unequal distribution of highly qualified special education teachers within identified poverty levels and urbanicity. / PHD / The purpose of this study was to provide a descriptive analysis comparing highly qualified and non-highly qualified special education teachers in the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey. It examined how the qualifications of special education teachers varied among K-12 public schools according to the location of the school and the proportion of students in poverty within a school. Variables included those related to teacher qualifications, demographic characteristics, and school characteristics. The findings demonstrated that there were differences in the demographic characteristics of highly qualified and non-highly qualified special education teachers with regard to school poverty levels and poverty levels by urbanicity.

A descriptive analysis of the relationship between specific teacher characteristics and teacher efficacy in Florida's low-performing public high schools

Craig, Pamela S 01 June 2006 (has links)
This study was designed to collect data to determine the specific characteristics (gender, level and area of degree status, certification status, pedagogical training, gender, number of years of teaching experience, number of years teaching at the current school, and courses currently taught) of language arts teachers at Florida's low-performing pubic high schools and compare these characteristics to teachers' sense of efficacy (the extent to which teachers' believe they have the ability to bring about changes in student achievement independent of the student's background, behaviors, or motivation level). A total of 615 teachers representing 84 schools in 36 districts participated in the study. Teachers completed a researcher-created survey questionnaire and the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale Long (Tschannen-Moran and Hoy, 2001). The data were collected and analyzed using descriptive and multiple regression statistics.The majority of the respondents meet the minimum re quirements of highly qualified teachers as defined by NCLB. However, only 37% of responding language arts teachers at Florida's low-performing public high schools have degrees in English education, and only 15% of responding reading teachers have degrees in reading or reading education. Additionally, the majority of the responding teachers have been only been teaching at the school site for five or fewer years.Although the majority of responding teachers reported moderate to high sense of classroom management and instructional practice efficacy, over 43% reported low sense of student engagement efficacy, suggesting the teachers do not believe they possess the skills or knowledge necessary to engage students in learning. The study suggests that improving student achievement for our lowest-performing students may require more than providing students with highly qualified teachers defined by NCLB. Districts and schools must examine more closely the characteristics of highly effective teac hers in order to recruit and retain teachers who can truly impact student achievement for students who have previously demonstrated a lack of success. Additionally, schools would benefit from professional development designed to provide teachers with classroom strategies that engage students in learning and which helps develop a school-wide literacy culture reflecting high expectations for student achievement.

Consequential Validity and Social Studies Education: An Examination of Standards, Assessment Policies, and Teacher Preparation

Learn, Michael Scott January 2019 (has links)
Educational quality is a way to influence the future of the American economy (Hanushek, 1986). Large-scale assessments are designed to determine quality in education by measuring student achievement. A connection exists between the standards, teachers, and assessments that form a system of accountability within education. State and national accountability policies place value in certain educational fields, thereby preferring some while excluding others. As a result, accountability systems influence the field of social studies in several unanticipated ways. Consequential validity suggests that assessments should include value implications and relevance (Messick, 1989). While assessment research examines the disciplines of mathematics, science, and language arts in a more holistic manner, the few social studies assessments are often divided among the field’s various disciplines. The purpose of social studies, and its development of standards, is firmly linked to the current state of disunity within the social studies field. These issues are reflected in teacher preparation policies as well as state assessment policies. Social studies advocates have proven that, in other subjects, teachers and instructional methods are influenced by assessment. Fortunately, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) provides an opportunity to determine whether the exclusion of social studies within the state/national accountability system is impacting student achievement in social studies. The current systems make social studies uniquely positioned for studying the effects of large-scale assessment upon the field. Uses and interpretations of assessment data by researchers have been limited in social studies because the subject is not incorporated into most accountability policies. State policy governs educational standards, teacher licensure, and the extent of assessments upon students. For this study, the social studies NAEP assessment is divided into three separate tests (U.S. History, Geography, and Civics). By looking at data from the fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade 2010 social studies NAEP tests, this study will investigate some of the unintended consequences of educational assessment culture. I will examine social studies through different lenses and apply the concept of consequential validity to social studies in order to understand the value of social studies within education.

Perceived Indicators of Support Leading to the Successful Attainment of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification.

Bales, Richard W. 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
There has been limited research completed to identify supports or supporting behaviors that assisted candidates while they were completing the national board certification process. Identifying support factors that assisted national board certified teachers to the successful completion of the process was the primary focus of this study. A qualitative research method was used to interview national board certified teachers, their teaching colleagues, and their administrators. Questions were posed from the interview guides developed for each of the three targeted groups. Information derived from the interviews focused on the perceived supports that lead to the successful attainment of the national board certification. Each interview was audio taped and transcribed verbatim and then systematically coded and analyzed. The thick and rich descriptions provided an opportunity for professionals to identify with the study's participants and therefore established the applicability of the study. The specific findings were organized and clustered around the research questions. Subtopics that emerged from the data analysis process were also addressed as they related to the five researched topics. The information that accumulated prompted the formation of specific recommendations. This study should be of interest to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) as they continue to revisit their set of rigorous standards and the certification process. It should also be of interest to prospective teachers seeking the certification along with their administrators as supporters. The study could also be of interest to school system administrators who seek to promote staff development experiences for their teachers or to those individuals who desire to assist teachers in becoming highly qualified. Prompted by the No Child Left Behind legislation, our nation began to focus on the effects of teacher quality and students' achievement. The national board certification provided by the NBPTS is one means of meeting the criteria set forth to be deemed highly qualified.

Highly Qualified Secondary Special Education Co-teachier Definitions Among The Fifty States

Sena, Leslie 01 January 2006 (has links)
Rationale for this research was based on recent legislative requirements that all teachers must meet the No Child Left Behind of 2001 and Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004 highly qualified requirements by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which state Department of Education officials representing the 50 states addressed the issue of NCLB of 2001 highly qualified personnel provisions for secondary special education co-teachers. Information for this study was represented by online documents that were retrieved from DOE websites across the United States. Findings suggested that information provided in online documents from state DOE websites that represented the 50 states included a variety of options for special education co-teachers who were required to demonstrate core subject provisions. This study presented five themes regarding the definitions of special education co-teachers. Results in this study showed that depending upon the theme of co-teaching definition cited in online documents a range of six highly qualified options were provided. The information in this study was intended to describe current state policies and aid researchers in the review of the status of secondary special education co-teachers, analysis of current policies, and development on new policies.

Технологии работы с высококвалифицированными специалистами в Югорском филиале Газпром Трансгаз : магистерская диссертация / Technologies of work with highly qualified specialists in the Yugra branch of Gazprom Transgaz

Мягкова, С. Е., Myagkova, S. E. January 2022 (has links)
Тема представленной магистерской диссертации посвящена чрезвычайно актуальной проблеме сопровождение высококвалифицированных сотрудников. В теоретической части представлен обзор ключевых понятий в области управления талантами, ключевые подходы и технологии работы с высококвалифицированными сотрудниками, опыт работы с высококвалифицированным персоналом в зарубежных и российских компаниях. В практической части проведен анализ системы сопровождения талантов в организации и оценка технологий работы с ними. На основе полученных данных разработаны предложения по совершенствованию технологий работы с высококвалифицированными специалистами и кандидатами в ВКС. / Тема представленной магистерской диссертации посвящена чрезвычайно актуальной проблеме сопровождение высококвалифицированных сотрудников. В теоретической части представлен обзор ключевых понятий в области управления талантами, ключевые подходы и технологии работы с высококвалифицированными сотрудниками, опыт работы с высококвалифицированным персоналом в зарубежных и российских компаниях. В практической части проведен анализ системы сопровождения талантов в организации и оценка технологий работы с ними. На основе полученных данных разработаны предложения по совершенствованию технологий работы с высококвалифицированными специалистами и кандидатами в ВКС.

How States are Meeting the Highly Qualified Teacher Component of NCLB

Pinney, Jean 20 May 2005 (has links)
As part of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act the federal government has added the requirement that all schools receiving Title I funds must have "highly qualified teachers" in every classroom. The term "highly qualified teacher" comes from the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. What exactly is a "highly qualified" teacher? This part of the law is widely debated throughout the fifty states, but most agree that a teacher's subject-matter knowledge and experience result in increased student achievement.(Ansell& McCase, 2003) Some states have made progress in meeting the "highly qualified" requirement of NCLB. However, most states have merely established the criteria for determining if a teacher is highly qualified (Keller, 2003). The Education Trust has called for clarification from the Department of Education on the guidelines for the teacher quality provision of the law. Ten states have put into law all the requirements of the federal law, 22 have done some work toward that goal, and 18 states still have a long way to go (Keller). With so many states still grappling with compliance to the law, this study may well give policy makers in those states options that are being used in other states to consider. In addition, the study focuses on middle school and the possible impact these requirements will have on staffing of middle schools. Policy makers would do well to look at this aspect closely since middle school is often where education "loses" many students to dropping out. Also, the middle school is where the greatest number of non-certified teachers are working and where the greatest percentage (44%) of teachers are teaching without even a minor in the subject they teach (Ingersoll, 2002).

L'avenir des professions libérales en commun / The perspectives of evolution of highly qualified independent professionals working in groups and partnerships

Ndiaye, Chloé 25 November 2017 (has links)
Les professions libérales sont définies par la loi du 22 mars 2012 et sont caractérisées par leur degré de qualification, leur indépendance et leur grande ancienneté pour certaines comme les médecins ou les avocats. En effet, leurs racines peuvent remonter jusqu' à l'Antiquité gréco-romaine et de ce fait, elles sont profondément ancrées dans nos sociétés occidentales.Les professions libérales ont surmonté les grandes crises des siècles passés tout en conservant les règles et traditions qui leurs sont intrinsèques comme l'indépendance ou le respect de règles déontologiques. Néanmoins, ces professions se sont peu à peu rapprochées des modèles classiques du monde des affaires en s'assimilant elles-mêmes à des entrepreneurs et en se regroupant pour exercer. Actuellement, elles font face à de nouveaux changements initiés par la volonté des institutions de l'Union européenne de les rendre plus compétitives et de les soumettre aux règles du droit de la concurrence. La récente et difficile adoption de la loi dite "Macron" en est la parfaite illustration. Ainsi, l'étude de leurs origines et de leur développement permet, d'une part, de comprendre les raisons de l'existence de structures d'exercice qui leurs sont propres et d’autre part, de se questionner sur leur nature, la préservation de leurs caractéristiques et les potentielles limites à l'évolution de leurs modes d'exercice en commun. / Independent professions, which are called in french « professions libérales », are a certain type of professionals highly qualified such as lawyers or medical doctors, for instance.Their common roots are deeply attached to the long history of occidental societies starting from the Greek and Roman Antiquity.They faced and overcame several crisis during their evolution but they managed to preserve their main features such as independence or specific codes of ethics.Indeed, step by step, they started to merge with the common classic business structures and adapt their specificities to the modern economy.Nowadays, they still have to adapt themselves to new major economic stakes including those coming from the European Union requirements of becoming more competitive and follow the rules of competition law.On the one hand, studying the origins of those professions and the way they built themselves, allow us to understand why they needed their own structures and ways of working together. On the other hand, this approach leads us to the following question: Are the independent high qualified professions, or liberal professions, doomed to reach limits in their evolution toward modernity because of their own nature?In France, it seems like they are, and will be, undergoing changes for years to come and maybe their legal definition will also have to evolve with them.

The Effects of National Board Certified Teachers on Student Achievement in Mississippi High Schools

Morgigno, Raymond C 11 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of National Board Certified Teachers on student performance on Mississippi’s Subject Area Testing Program (SATP) English II assessment, an end-of-course exam that assesses 10th grade students in Mississippi school districts. The researcher sought to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the SATP English II scores of two groups of students (those taught by National Board Certified Teachers and those who were not). If there was a difference, the researcher sought to determine how the difference could be explained based on selected teacher demographic data (sex, race, highest degree received, years of experience, and National Board Certification status) and selected student demographic data (sex; race; previous scores on the Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition; and free- or reduced-lunch status). The results indicated that students who were taught by National Board Certified Teachers were more likely to have higher SATP English II scores than students who were taught by non-National Board Certified Teachers. Though previous researchers have concluded that teachers’ years of experience and highest degree received play a vital role in the difference in student achievement, this study did not confirm those findings. The results of this study, however, indicated that teacher and student demographic data were potentially important predictors of the language arts standardized test scores. Though these data can be used as predictors, the combined effect of teacher gender, teacher race, and years of experience, along with student race, student gender, student lunch status, and prior Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition Language Arts scores were not found to be statistically significant in this study.

Perceived Teacher Self-Efficacy in Early Childhood Settings: Differences between Early Childhood and Elementary Education Candidates.

Billheimer, Bradley Carroll 06 May 2006 (has links)
This study examined the degree of perceived teacher self-efficacy between early childhood preservice teachers and elementary education pre-service teachers. There were 88 participants: 44 elementary education pre-service teachers and 40 early childhood pre-service teachers. Participants were mostly white, female pre-service teachers enrolled at East Tennessee State University. Using Bandura's 30-item "Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale" pre-service teachers rated their perceived self-efficacy on 7 subscales: decision-making, influence on school resources, instructional efficacy, disciplinary efficacy, enlisting parent involvement, enlisting community involvement, and creating a positive school climate. Significant differences were found between groups for 3 of the 7 subscales. Early childhood education pre-service teachers reflected higher levels of efficacy in influencing decision making, t(86)=3.36, p<.001; enlisting parental involvement, t(86)= 2.14, p < .05; and creating a positive school climate, t(86) = 3.01, p < .01. No significant differences between groups were found in overall perceived teacher self-efficacy, t(86)=1.44, n.s.

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