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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geochemical studies of base and noble metal compounds

Elvy, Shane Brett, University of Western Sydney, Faculty of Science and Technology, School of Science January 1998 (has links)
The research in this study consisted of two strands. The first consists of noble metal geochemical studies and the second involves base metal supergene processes. The precious metal geochemistry carried out in the scope of this thesis involves palladium and tellurium geochemistry, surface chemistry studies of palladium-bismuth- and tellarium-bearing synthetic minerals, and electrochemical determinations of the inactivity of a variety of primary telluride minerals and alloys. Two new minerals have been found in deposits near Broken Hill, N.S.W. The second section of the research concerns itself with supergene processes in two copper-bearing orebodies. This was carried out by designing a method utilising solution equilibria to predict whether secondary mineral species are precipitating or dissolving in the supergene zones of the Girilambone, N.S.W. and North Mungana, Qld. orebodies. Results found could be used to develop new geochemical prospecting methods in the regions discussed. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Foot soldiers for capital: the influence of RSL racism on interwar industrial relations in Kalgoorlie and Broken Hill

Gregson, Sarah, School of Industrial Relations & Organisational Behaviour, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
The historiography of Australian racism has principally "blamed" the labour movement for the existence of the White Australia policy and racist responses to the presence of migrant workers. This study argues that the motivations behind ruling class agitation for the White Australia policy have never been satisfactorily analysed. To address this omission, the role of the Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) in race relations is examined. As an elite-dominated, cross-class organisation with links to every section of society, it is argued that the RSL was a significant agitator for migrant exclusion and white unity in the interwar period. The thesis employs case studies, oral history and qualitative assessment of various written sources, such as newspapers, archival records and secondary material, in order to plot the dynamics of racist ideology in two major mining centres in the interwar period. The results suggest that, although labour organisations were influenced by racist ideas and frequently protested against the presence of migrant workers, it was also true that mining employers had a material interest in sowing racial division in the workplaces they controlled. The study concludes that labour movement responses to migrant labour incorporated a range of different strategies, from demands for racist exclusion to moves towards international solidarity. It also reveals examples of local and migrant workers living, working, playing and striking together in ways that contradict the dominant view of perpetual tension between workers of different nationalities. Lastly, the case studies demonstrate that local employers actively encouraged racial division in the workplace as a bulwark against industrial militancy.

Quantifizierung von Oberflächenabfluss und Erosion auf Böden mit hydrophoben Eigenschaften / Quantification of surface runoff and soil erosion on water repellent soils

Kuhnert, Matthias January 2009 (has links)
Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beschreibung hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften und deren Auswirkungen auf Oberflächenabfluss und Erosion auf verschiedenen Skalen. Die dazu durchgeführten Untersuchungen fanden auf einer Rekultivierungsfläche im Braunkohlegebiet Welzow Süd (Südostdeutschland) statt. Die Prozesse wurden auf drei Skalen untersucht, die von der Plotskala (1m²) über die Hangskala (300m²) bis zur Betrachtung eines kleinen Einzugsgebietes (4ha) reichen. Der Grad der hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften wurde sowohl direkt, über die Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkel, als auch indirekt, über die Bestimmung der Persistenz, ermittelt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Boden im Winterhalbjahr hydrophil reagierte, während er im Sommerhalbjahr hydrophobe Bodeneigenschaften aufwies. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass ansteigende Bodenwassergehalte, die in der Literatur häufig als Ursache für einen Wechsel der Bodeneigenschaften angegeben werden, auf dieser Fläche nicht zu einem Umbruch der Bodenbedingungen führen. Stattdessen kam es als Folge des Auftauens von gefrorenem Boden zu hydrophilen Bodeneigenschaften, die zu einem Anstieg des Bodenwassergehalts führten. Räumliche Unterschiede zeigten sich in den geomorphologischen Einheiten. Rinnen und Rillen wiesen seltener hydrophobe Eigenschaften als die Zwischenrillenbereiche und Kuppen auf. Diese räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilitäten wirkten sich auch auf den Oberflächenabfluss aus, der als Abflussbeiwert (ABW: Quotient aus Abfluss und Niederschlag) untersucht wurde. Der ABW liegt auf Böden mit hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften (ABW=0,8) deutlich höher als bei jenen mit hydrophilen Eigenschaften(ABW=0,2), wie sie im Winter oder auf anderem Substrat vorzufinden sind (diese Werte beziehen sich auf die Plotskala). Betrachtet man die Auswirkungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalen, nimmt der Abflussbeiwert mit zunehmender Flächengröße ab (ABW = 0,8 auf der Plotskala, ABW = 0,5 auf der Hangskala und ABW = 0,2 im gesamten Gebiet), was in den hydrophil reagierenden Rillen und Rinnen auf der Hangskala und dem hydrophilen Substrat im Einzugsgebiet begründet ist. Zur Messung der Erosion wurden verschiedene, zum Teil neu entwickelte Methoden eingesetzt, um eine hohe zeitliche und räumliche Auflösung zu erreichen. Bei einer neu entwickelten Methode wird der Sedimentaustrag ereignisbezogen über eine Waage bestimmt. In Kombination mit einer Kippwaage ermöglicht sie die gleichzeitige Messung des Oberflächenabflusses. Die Messapparatur wurde für Gebiete entwickelt, die eine überwiegend grobsandige Textur aufweisen und nur geringe Mengen Ton und Schluff enthalten. Zusätzlich wurden zwei Lasersysteme zur Messung der räumlichen Verteilung der Erosion eingesetzt. Für die erste Methode wurde ein punktuell messender Laser in einer fest installierten Apparatur über die Fläche bewegt und punktuell Höhenunterschiede in einem festen Raster bestimmt. Durch Interpolation konnten Bereiche mit Sedimentabtrag von Akkumulationsbereiche unterschieden werden. Mit dieser Methode können auch größere Flächen vermessen werden (hier 16 m²), allerdings weisen die Messungen in den Übergangsbereichen von Rinne zu Zwischenrille große Fehler auf. Bei der zweiten Methode wird mit einer Messung ein Quadratmeter mit einer hohen räumlichen Auflösung komplett erfasst. Um ein dreidimensionales Bild zu erstellen, müssen insgesamt vier Aufnahmen von jeweils unterschiedlichen Seiten aufgenommen werden. So lassen sich Abtrag und Akkumulation sehr genau bestimmen, allerdings ist die Messung relativ aufwendig und erfasst nur eine kleine Fläche. Zusätzlich wurde der Sedimentaustrag noch auf der Plotskala erfasst. Die Messungen zeigen, korrespondierend zu den Bodeneigenschaften, große Sedimentausträge während des Sommerhalbjahrs und kaum Austräge im Winter. Weiterhin belegen die Ergebnisse eine größere Bedeutung der Rillenerosion gegenüber der Zwischenrillenerosion für Niederschlagsereignisse hoher Intensität (>25 mm/h in einem zehnminütigem Intervall). Im Gegensatz dazu dominierte die Zwischenrillenerosion bei Ereignissen geringerer Intensität (<20 mm/h in einem zehnminütigem Intervall), wobei mindestens 9 mm Niederschlag in einer Intensität von mindesten 3,6 mm/h nötig sind, damit es zur Erosion kommt. Basierend auf den gemessenen Abflüssen und Sedimentausträgen wurden Regressiongleichungen abgeleitet, die eine Berechnung dieser beiden Prozesse für die untersuchte Fläche ermöglichen. Während die Menge an Oberflächenabfluss einen starken Zusammenhang zu der Menge an gefallenem Niederschlag zeigt (r² = 0,9), ist die Berechnung des ausgetragenen Sedimentes eher ungenau (r² = 0,7). Zusammenfassend beschreibt die Arbeit Einflüsse hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften auf verschiedenen Skalen und arbeitet die Auswirkungen, die vor allem auf der kleinen Skala von großer Bedeutung sind, heraus. / The objective of the thesis is the investigation of water repellent soil conditions and their consequences on surface runoff and erosion by water on different scales. The test site is a lignite mining area situated in Welzow Süd (south east Germany). The processes are to investigate on three different scales, starting with a plot scale (1 m²), then a hill slope scale (300 m²) and, finally, with a small catchment area (4 ha). The level of water repellency was quantified by both direct (contact angle) and indirect measurement (persistence of the soil). The results show seasonal differences with hydrophilic soil conditions during winter and water repellent reactions during summer. For this change in soil conditions, the soil water content is pronounced in literature to be the most important factor. On the test site, the soil water content changed instead as a consequence of the thawing of the soil which affects the hydrophilic conditions of the soil itself. The spatial differences of the soil water content are related to rill and channel areas (hydrophillic) and to knoll areas (water repellent). Both the spatial as well as the temporal variation of the soil conditions affect surface runoff which is investigated as a runoff coefficient (RC: ratio of amount of surface runoff to amount of precipitation). The RC shows higher values on soil with water repellent conditions (RC=0.8) in comparison with the values on hydrophilic soils (RC=0.2). The hydrophilic conditions predominate in areas with different substrates and during the winter. Observations on different scales show a decreasing RC as the size of the area increases (RC = 0.8 on the plot scale, RC = 0.5 on the hill slope scale and RC = 0.2 for the entire catchment area). The reasons for this are the hydrophilic rill in the hill slope area and the hydrophilic substrate in the entire catchment area. The measurement of erosion, based on different methods, some of them just newly developed, quantifies in a good resolution sediment transport spatially as well as temporally. The central part of one of the newly developed approaches is a balance which quantifies an event based sediment output. This approach is coupled with a tipping bucket to measure surface runoff. The system has been developed for coarse textured areas with little amounts of sand and silt. Additionally, two laser systems are used to detect changes in the soil surface over the spatial distribution. The first method contains a laser which measures only a single point and has to be moved in a fixed apparatus above the soil surface in a well defined raster. The areas of sediment abrasion and the detachment areas are restricted by interpolation of the measurement results. This method enables measurements on large areas (16 m² in this project), but tends to result in a high level of errors in the transition zone between rill and interrill. The second laser system covered an area of 1 m² in high resolution. To construct a three-dimensional picture, four different pictures have to be taken from four different directions. This defines the abrasion and detachment areas in a very detailed manner, but the method is very time-consuming and covers only a small area. In addition, measurements on the plots collected the amount of sediment output on a small scale. These results show, corresponding to the water repellent soil conditions, high rates of sediment output during summer, but low rates during winter season. The results show also the dominance of rill erosion in comparison with interrill erosion during high intensity rainfall events (>25 mm/h during one interval of ten minutes). On the contrary, interrill erosion becomes more important during low intensity rainfall events (<20 mm/h during at one interval of ten minutes). At least a 9 mm amount of precipitation with a minimum intensity of 3.6 mm/h is necessary to provoke erosion on this test site. Based on the measurement results regression empirical equations were developed to quantify surface runoff and sediment output. While, surface runoff correlates well with the amount of precipitation (r² = 0,9), sediment output shows little correlation to the amount and intensity of the precipitation (r² = 0,7). In summary, the thesis described effects of water repellent soil conditions on surface runoff and erosion on different scales. The effects on the smaller scales especially are of high interest to hydrological processes.

Apport de l'eau souterraine aux cours d'eau et estimation de la recharge sur le mont Covey Hill

Gagné, Sylvain 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude a été réalisée sur le mont Covey Hill (Québec, Canada) afin de quantifier les échanges entre l'eau souterraine et trois cours d'eau (Outardes, bassin versant : 23 km2 ; Allen, bassin versant : 26 km2 ; Schulman, bassin versant : 9,5 km2) et d'estimer la recharge vers l'aquifère régional. L'analyse des séries temporelles de débits, de précipitations et de niveaux de la nappe phréatique a été utilisée afin de déterminer la dynamique hydrologique de la zone d'étude. Un bilan hydrique a été calculé et un modèle d'infiltration verticale a été construit afin de calculer les différents flux d'eau sur les bassins versant des rivières Allen et Outardes. Les résultats montrent que le débit de base représente 32, 40 et 4% du débit total des rivières Allen, Outardes et Schulman respectivement. Les analyses corrélatoires et spectrales montrent que les cours d'eau ont un effet mémoire de moins de 10 jours i.e. que le système hydrologique est très dynamique et peu influencé par l'aquifère. Les niveaux piézométriques montrent quant à eux un cycle annuel. Des liens précipitations-débits très clairs, mais de courte durée ont été mis en évidence, de même que des liens précipitations-niveaux piézométriques plus diffus. Ces analyses n'ont pas permis de confirmer la présence d'un lien aquifère-cours d'eau. Un échantillonnage hebdomadaire d'eau de surface a permis l'analyse géochimique de l'eau pendant les saisons estivales de 2007 et 2008. Cette analyse montre que durant l'étiage, la rivière Outardes et le ruisseau Schulman sont alimentés par l'eau provenant du roc fracturé des grès du Potsdam tandis que la rivière Allen est alimentée par l'eau contenue dans les sédiments. Par ailleurs, l'utilisation du 222Rn a montré que la contribution de l'aquifère est faible et très localisée sur les trois bassins. Le calcul du bilan hydrique indique que la rivière Allen est caractérisée par une prépondérance de l'infiltration tandis que la rivière Outardes est surtout alimentée par le ruissellement de surface. Les milieux humides présents sur le bassin de la rivière Allen jouent un rôle important pour ralentir les écoulements et favoriser ainsi la recharge tandis que la présence de grès peu perméable verticalement (Flat Rock) semble favoriser le ruissellement sur le bassin Outardes. La recharge modélisée au moyen du Modèle d'infiltration verticale (MIV) est de 227 ± 73 mm pour la rivière Allen et de 240 ± 79 mm pour la rivière Outardes, mais cette dernière valeur est probablement surestimée en raison du manque de précision du MIV pour simuler le ruissellement. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : échanges nappe-rivière, recharge, séries temporelles, Covey-Hill.

Förfädernas berg? : en tolkning av fornborgen på Halleberg / Mountain of the ancestors? : an interpretation of the hill-fort on Halleberg

Trollklint, Emil January 2011 (has links)
The essay deals with the hill-fort on the mountain Halleberg, Sweden, its wall design, functionality, dating and its possible function as a central location and a place of worship of the ancestors. The Halleberg hill-fort consists of a 1500 meters long at times cohesive stonewalls which together blocked the mountain from its surroundings. Hallberg's natural vertical scree and cliffs along with the masonry blocked the whole mountain from the surroundings. The hill-forts, with few exceptions are largely not investigated archaeologically and its functionality and role in the ancient society is based on outdated research on the subject. The current archaeological interpretation is that hill-forts served as temporary defense in times of unrest or served as center of power for a social elite. The prevailing view in the archaeological sphere is that the hill-forts had a variety of functions and that its functionality and role in ancient society has varied. Halleberg´s strongest wall sections are at the mountain's south-eastern part where the natural driveway, Storgårdsklev is located. Along with the massive masonry of the walls in Bokedalen Storgårdsklev functioned as the hill-forts main entrance. At places along the walls are the remains of what could be interpreted as stacked rocks and possible fire cracked stone. These structural features indicate that the walls were built during the early Iron Age. Very likely has its function like other hill-forts have been varied and changed based on the community, organization and internal and external disturbances. The essay's main interpretation is that the hill-fort served as a defensive fortress. Moreover it is possible that walls of the hill-fort had a symbolic role as a border between two separate rooms in the landscape. The fencing of Halleberg turned the whole mountain to a closed landscape, separated from the surroundings. It may have been a place where people worshiped their ancestors, a place where life's events, life and death was the focus point.

Simulation Of A 1-d Muscle Model In Simulink

Zeren, Zekai Uygur 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The most basic property of a muscle is its ability to contract and produce force when stimulated. A muscle is mainly composed of cells consisting of myofibrils with its basic unit called as a sarcomere. A sarcomere is composed of actin and myosin responsible for the muscle contraction. The Hill-type muscle model is the most commonly used model to simulate the behavior of a muscle. A muscle can produce its maximum force at isometric conditions. The level of force produced in the muscle is determined by the the frequency of the signals from the CNS. The force production is also a function of force-muscle current velocity and force-muscle current length relations. A muscle contains two types of sensors / i.e. muscle spindle and golgi tendon organ, which give rise to the feedback control of the muscle length and muscle contraction velocity. In this study a 1-D model of a muscle is formed step by step in Simulink. In the models the muscle mechanics has been investigated and the results are compared with the previous works.

Bounds On The Anisotropic Elastic Constants

Dinckal, Cigdem 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, mechanical and elastic behaviour of anisotropic materials are inves- tigated in order to understand the optimum mechanical behaviour of them in selected directions. For an anisotropic material with known elastic constants, it is possible to choose the best set of e&curren / ective elastic constants and e&curren / ective eigen- values which determine the optimum mechanical and elastic properties of it and also represent the material in a speci.ed greater material symmetry. For this reason, bounds on the e&curren / ective elastic constants which are the best set of elastic constants and e&curren / ective eigenvalues of materials have been constructed symbollicaly for all anisotropic elastic symmetries by using Hill [4,13] approach. Anisotropic Hooke.s law and its Kelvin inspired formulation are described and generalized Hill inequalities are explained in detail. For di&curren / erent types of sym- metries, materials were selected randomly and data of elastic constants for them were collected. These data have been used to calculate bounds on the e&curren / ective elastic constants and e&curren / ective eigenvalues. Finally, by examining numerical results of bounds given in tables, it is seen that the materials selected from the same symmetry type which have larger interval between the bounds, are more anisotropic, whereas some materials which have smaller interval between the bounds, are closer to isotropy.

Border and Identity: Construction of the Thai Community and It¡¦s Challenges

Hsiao, Wen-hsuan 27 August 2009 (has links)
Nominally, Thailand has never been colonized by western imperial states. However, just as Benedict Anderson stated that ¡§it¡¦s borders were colonially determined, therefore, one can see unusually clearly the emergence of a new state-mind within a ¡¥traditional¡¦ structure of political power¡¨. In order to resist the invasion of imperialism, Siam¡¦s rulers bent their attention to build a polity corresponded with the game rule of the Sovereign State System. It required that Siam¡¦s political and cultural boundaries must be overlapping. Then Thainess which was based on the trinitarian mystery of ¡§Nation, Religion, and King¡¨ was created, and became the central value of Thailand¡¦s national identity. During the last one hundred years, Thai rulers impose the Thai nationalism on their people within border. Consequently, there are so many conflicts between the dominant ethnic group and the ethnic minorities while the policy of national assimilation is put into practice by way of national education system, religion, and the mass media. Recently, with the tides of de-territorialization, and de-nationalization, the capability of nation-state as a basic unit of international system is questionable. It¡¦s the best time to rethink the constituents of nation-sate, especially the role of boundary and identity. Undoubtedly, Thailand is the best object of study because of it¡¦s distinctive historical legacy.

Complicit institutions representation, consumption and the production of school violence /

Saltmarsh, Sue. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Society, Culture, Media & Philosophy, Department of Critical and Cultural Studies, 2004. / Bibliography: leaves 310-325.

Envisioning self-emptying practices for the Union Hill Church of Christ

Martin, Steven D., January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Abilene Christian University, 2008. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-65).

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