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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historielärare och film - Lärares erfarenheter av att använda film i historieundervisningen

Barnell, Anton, Bergström, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka historielärares syften med att använda film i sin undervisning. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår från historiskt tänkande i form av Peter Seixas och Tom Mortons teori i The big six men också Klas-Göran Karlssons teori om historiebruk. Empirin utgår från en kvalitativ metod i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med fem historielärare på gymnasiet. För att analysera datan används en tematisk dataanalys, där de olika teman kategoriseras och ordnas efter studiens teoretiska perspektiv. Resultatet visar att lärarna använder sig av film när de arbetar med historiskt tänkande då det går att urskilja samtliga tankebegrepp ur The big six i deras svar. Dock är de vanligaste tankebegreppen historiska perspektiv och belägg. Studiens resultat visar också på att de flesta lärarna arbetar med historiebruk när de använder sig av film. En av studiens slutsatser är att lärarna främst utvecklar förmågorna 1, 4 och 5 i ämnesplanen för historia på gymnasiet. Studien mynnar ut i tankar kring vidare forskning om att förena elevers och lärares perspektiv om att använda film i historieundervisningen.

Interkulturell historieundervisning

Stucker, Rebecca, Turesson Kathy, Judit January 2020 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om hur historieundervisning kan främja interkulturell kompetens. Vi undersöker också varför in-terkulturell utbildning i historia är eftersträvansvärt. Vi har utfört kunskapsöversikten ge-nom att ta del av andras forskning, sammanställt denna och försökt utröna mönster kring undervisningsstrategier som främjar interkulturell kompetens. Sammanställningen skedde utifrån tre underfrågor; varför lärare bör bedriva interkulturell undervisning; vad undervis-ningen bör innehålla och hur undervisningen kan läggas upp. Det råder stor konsensus kring varför vi bör undervisa interkulturellt. Många forskare anser interkulturell historie-undervisning vara nödvändigt för att skapa demokratiska, aktiva, samhällsmedborgare i skolan. Detta då samtidens samhälle är mångkulturellt och för att kunna agera och hantera detta krävs interkulturell kompetens. Även när det gäller den interkulturella undervisning-ens innehåll ser vi mönster: flera perspektiv bör tas upp, mikro- och makroperspektiv samt inom- och utomeuropeiska perspektiv; historiekanon bör ifrågasättas. Läraren själv måste också ha interkulturell kompetens. Det finns även en del förslag kring hur en ska undervisa interkulturellt även om detta område är mindre utforskat. Bland annat bör undervisningen vara inriktad på att eleverna ska tolka historia och själva resonera över hur historien kan säga något om samtiden.

Att träna elever i historical thinking genom museibesök

Agronius, Rebecca, Börjesson Sundquist, Dennis January 2020 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research overview is to look into previous research on how teachers use physical or virtual visits to museums in order to stimulate learners’ historical thinking skills. In this paper we use Peter Seixas and Tom Morton’s (2013) definition of the framework historical thinking. The paper is based on the research question: What does previous research say about how history teachers can stimulate learners in historical thinking in a physical or virtual museum environment? In order to find the research for this overview several databases were used, such as ERC, ERIC, Swepub and the search engine Libsearch. To meet the requirements there were several inclusion and exclusion criteria applied in the search for relevant articles. The researchers agree that there is potential to stimulate learner’s historical thinking skills during physical or virtual museum visits, and they also call for the need of preparation and cooperation between schools and museums. The results of this paper may be used by teachers to assess whether a trip to a museum or exploring a virtual reality museum is worth all the relevant preparations.

Lärares tankar om förändring och kontinuitet i historieundervisningen

Robertson, Christian, Axelsson, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how history teachers talk about the historical thinking concepts change and continuity. In this study, four teachers from three different secondary schools in Sweden were interviewed. The theoretical perspectives are Seixas and Morton’s guidelines for teaching change and continuity, and these have been used as a tool to categorize and analyze the teachers’ responses and reflections. From this, five categories or topics that the teachers’ discussions covered were formulated. The most common method that the teachers talked about was to use a timeline or some other form of chronological illustration to provide a solid foundation for the students. The teachers could then use this to consolidate higher levels of understanding of the concepts. The chronological understanding enabled the teachers to address the process of change in terms of variation in paces, patterns and turning points, which the teachers emphasized had a relation to where we look and who it affects. Concerning the discussion of how teachers instruct students about historical progress and decline, it became clear that this is strongly related to language comprehension. It was also evident that students view history as a constant process of improvement. When it comes to historical periodization, all teachers agreed that critical reflection on why and on what premises these divisions has been made is important to consider. However, this was primarily applied to the concept of change, and continuity was most commonly referred to when the historical content was discussed in relation to the history of attitudes or mentalities. The teachers explained different didactical methods while discussing these topics, and they also used different ways to exemplify these with historical content and metaphors. What also became clear was the relationship between the teachers’ educational background and their variation of teaching.

A Case Study of the Driven 2 Teach Program: Site-Based Experiential Professional Development for History Teachers

Call, Hadyn Bowen 01 May 2019 (has links)
Driven 2 Teach is a privately funded program for history teachers in the state of Utah. The program emphasizes the importance of teacher travel to educate history teachers in the places where history happened. This study investigated the program’s influence on participant gains in learning about history and how to best teach about the past, social studies professional development, teacher beliefs, and changes in instructional practices. This study utilized a case study methodology, autoethnography, and six interconnected frameworks: Professional development, experiential education, site-based learning, pedagogical content knowledge, teacher beliefs, and professional learning communities. This study helps demonstrate the effectiveness of travel as a teaching method. Data from this study were used to answer the following questions: How do history teachers perceive their pedagogical content knowledge as changing as a result of participating in the Driven 2 Teach program? How do the experiences with Driven 2 Teach differ from other professional development experiences? How do history teacher beliefs about social studies education contribute to the changes in pedagogical content knowledge and instructional practice? How do these history teachers plan on changing instructional practices based on their new pedagogical content knowledge? The results of this study show that participants’ knowledge of historical content and how to best teach that content increased significantly. This study also found that more social studies professional development is needed in the state of Utah. Teachers’ confidence levels increased because of their experience with this program in regard to teaching history and social studies skills to their students. Participants, as a result of participation with Driven 2 Teach, are more likely to teach students’ skills using social studies content rather than merely teaching social studies through rote memorization. Participants want to incorporate more hands-on learning experiences for students, and use more primary source documents in their lessons. Traveling together to historical sites and other important places with other social studies teachers enhanced the learning of all involved and increased the retention of what was learned. Participants benefited from both planned and unplanned events, and had experiences that made them realize even more, the importance of social studies education and incorporating multiple perspectives when learning about the past.

”Ska det vara så jäkla svårt att ha med en ledande kvinna…” : En undersökning om gymnasielevers syn på genus, historiemedvetande och historisk identitet i deras lärobok. / ”Should it be so damn hard to have a leading lady…” : A survey on high school students’ views on gender, historical consciousness, and historical identity in their textbook.

Magnusson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this essay was to interview students to get an idea of what their views of images with women in their history textbook is and how the representation, or the lack of, can affect their historical consciousness and historical identity. In order to find out this information, an unstructured interview in form of a focus group, with four students in high school, was used as well as an own review of their textbook to give a picture of the students’ perspective. The main theoretical starting point was based on gender theory with a focus on the distinction between the sexes which was used to help illuminate how the book differentiates between the sexes in terms of representation. Two theories, historical consciousness and historical identity, were also used to highlight how students are actually affected by the potentially unequal gender representation in images in their textbooks. What this essay shows is that there is a very skewed representation with a majority of men in the pictures in the book and when it is a woman she is in a position of less significance of a man. This is something the students are not happy with in general and it shows that they want a better representation in the pictures in their textbook. This has to some extent also affected their view of their historical identity as well as the students’ view of the past, present and future from a historical perspective.

"Vi ses bakom kulisserna" : Hur historielärare engagerar sina elever genom att göra historien levande / "See You Behind the Scenery" : How History-teachers Engage Their Students by Bringing History to Life

Juth, Simon, Nilsson, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
In this study we wanted to compare how history teachers working in various stages in the compulsory school and high school bring history to life through artifacts and narrations and how it differed based on the students’ cognitive maturity. We also studied how the combination of artifacts, role-playing games and stories can affect students’ learning of history. Semi-structured interviews with five teachers ranging from middle school up to high school were implemented and we coded the results through materialistic and narrative theories. Our findings conclude that authentic artifacts are rarely used because teachers do not have the resources to administer them. Instead photographs and generated artifacts are most used. Narrations in the form of stories and role-playing games are used to help students understand how history is used today and to help the students understand past actors in their own contexts. Our research also shows that popular history is present in history education because teachers believe it is engaging for the students. Popular themes such as the Viking-age and the World Wars are easier for the students to engage with. Therefore, narratives from popular historical themes are easier to bring to life in history education. The higher the education, the more abstract use of history brought to life. In our findings we concluded that when history was brought to life in middle school education it was to make learning more entertaining. In the higher stages it was used to bring actual artifacts as tools to work with abstract didactical themes such as uses of history and critical analysis of sources. This correlates with the cognitive maturity of the students’ ages. Combined, artifacts and narrations give a more holistic view of the past since it provided multimodal teaching opportunities for the students regarding their historical empathy and historical understanding.

A Comparison of the Seventh and Eighth Grade American History Textbooks Adopted for use in the Indiana Public Schools from 1854 to 1946

Atkins, Edythe Dale 01 January 1947 (has links)
The purpose of this study…is to compare the seventh and eighth grade American history textbooks adopted for use in the Indiana public schools during the past century, more specifically, from 1854 to 1946.

Att hantera historia med ett öga stängt : Samstämmighet mellan historia A och lärares prov och uppgifter

Rosenlund, David January 2011 (has links)
I denna licentiatavhandling undersöks för det första de redskap för atthantera historia som samhället vill att eleverna skall tillgodogöra sig. För detandra kastar den ljus över i vilken utsträckning eleverna ges möjlighet atttillgodogöra sig dessa redskap. I undersökningen jämförs lärares skriftligainstruktioner för insamlande av bedömningsunderlag, till exempel prov ochuppgifter, med kursplanen för historia A.Resultaten visar på en låg grad av samstämmighet mellan detlärarkonstruerade materialet och de mål och kriterier som anges ikursplanen. I ljuset av historiedidaktisk forskning framkommer i materialetmönster i fråga om hur lärarna i undersökningen hanterar historieämnet.För att förstå orsakerna till de funna mönstren intervjuas fem lärare.Intervjuerna tillsammans med undersökningens övriga resultat ger vidhanden att lärarnas ämneskonstruktion är en central faktor. / In this licentiate thesis is the focus is on what tools for handling historical information that is mentioned in the standards for history education in the Swedish upper-secondary school. To what extent these tools are made available for the students by their teachers is also investigated. That is done, by looking at teachers assessment materials. The results show a very low degree of alignment between the standards and the teacher made assessment materials. Theories of history didactics are used to shed light on the results. The pattern that evolves show that most teachers only handle a small part of the standards.

Att undervisa i historia utifrån skönlitteratur - ett fältarbete

Bergenholtz, Lene January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att genom ett fältarbete i två sjundeklasser få kunskap om undervisning med skönlitteratur har gett elever i den ena klassen andra förutsättningar att skriva en essä än i den andra klassen. Essäuppgiftens uppgift var att fungera som avslutning på arbetsområdet ”Egypten för 5000 år” sedan för eleverna. Jag har valt att genom en enkät undersöka skillnaderna i elevernas upplevelse av arbete med skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen. När det gäller enkäten och essäuppgiften i de båda klasserna skilde sig resultatet av dessa inte nämnvärt från varandra vilket jag hade förväntat mig. Anledningen till att det inte förekom några skillnader anser jag ligger i att för att eleverna ska kunna genomföra den dubbla tankeoperation, i vilken de genetiska och genealogiska perspektiven kommer fram i elevernas historiemedvetande, krävs det aktiva samtal. Dessa ger eleverna möjlighet att analysera och reflektera i klassrummet med andra elever och lärare omkring texter som eleverna läser. Detta stämmer överens med Mary Ingemanssons studie av yngre barn. Dessa samtal ingick inte i min undervisning. En viktig iakttagelse som däremot gjordes i min undersökning var att med skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen tenderar eleverna till att framföra tidlösa fantasiberättelser eller faktalistor. / I have in this study worked whit two seventh grade classes. The purpose of this study has been to examine if teaching with the complement of fiction novel has given the pupils in one of the classes better conditions to write an essay than in the other class. The assignment ended the course “Egypt -5000 years ago”. I’ve also created a survey to find out if there were any differences between the classes that worked with creative writing, and the class that didn’t do it. The conclusion of my work is that the differences between the two classes did not come out as big as I expected. The reason to the small difference in skills between the classes may lay in the dual thinking operation, in which the genetic such as the genealogic perspective comes through the pupils in forming a dependent historical perception. This kind of thinking creates an active conversation where the pupils obtain the prospective to analyse and reflect with other pupils and teachers about the text that they had been reading. This kind of thinking agrees with the views of Mary Ingemanssons study on younger children. Conversations of this kind did not occur in my lessons. Another important observation which I noticed in my study was that when using fiction in history teaching, the pupils tended to present timeless fantasy stories or list of facts.

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