Spelling suggestions: "subject:"holders""
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Adaptação da agricultira familiar à aptidão física das terras: distribuição geográfica e fatores determinantes / Adaptation of Brazilian small-scale \"family farming\" to different agricultural land suitability conditions: spatial distribution and explaining factorsDiléia Santana dos Santos 04 February 2015 (has links)
A Agricultura Familiar brasileira constitui uma categoria diversificada e heterogênea que congrega um conjunto plural de detentores de posse da pequena e média propriedade e que produz parte significativa dos alimentos que vão à mesa das pessoas. A agricultura familiar normalmente concentra-se em locais de maior incidência de pobreza rural e em terras de baixo potencial produtivo, que por vezes, apresenta alto valor para a conservação. Essas características conferem uma capacidade de adaptação dos sistemas de produção familiares frente às restrições do meio físico. Esse contexto faz com que a agricultura familiar torne-se o foco do desenvolvimento de políticas públicas específicas e de estudos acadêmicos e institucionais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar as principais características intrínsecas e extrínsecas da agricultura familiar através de avaliações das dinâmicas estabelecidas em torno da produtividade e do melhor aproveitamento das condições do meio físico. Primeiramente, fizemos um levantamento dessas características de interesse, mobilizando dados oficiais e de livre acesso, avaliando a correlação entre as variáveis através de estatística multivariada, nos seguintes contextos territoriais: nacional, regionais e estaduais. Posteriormente, avaliamos uma proposta de classificação territorial da agricultura familiar que se baseia na resposta produtiva às diferentes condições do meio físico, analisando a distribuição das características em cada classe produtiva. Nesta etapa, os valores municipais de produtividade (R$.ha-1) foram correlacionados com os valores de aptidão física das terras nos três contextos estudados (Estados, Grandes Regiões e Brasil), o que propiciou a classificação dos municípios em quatro classes: Alto desempenho, Baixo desempenho, Adaptado e Pouco Adaptado. As características da agricultura familiar em cada classe foram submetidas à Análise de Componentes Principais e à Análise de Variância com teste de comparação entre as médias. Os resultados mostraram que o método de classificação foi efetivo nos três contextos territoriais estudados, sugerindo que as políticas públicas de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar são de grande importância para a relativização das limitações do meio físico. E ainda, os fatores relacionados ao melhor aproveitamento das terras disponíveis, a inserção destas políticas em municípios mais desenvolvidos, com oferta efetivas de trabalhos fora das propriedades fomentam o melhor desempenho e adaptação produtiva na maioria dos contextos territoriais estudados. / The Brazilian small scale \"Family Farming\" (ScFF) is a diverse and heterogeneous category that brings together a plural set of small and medium property ownership holders and produces significant part of the food available to table the people. ScFF usually focuses on sites with the highest incidence of rural poverty and low productive potential lands, which sometimes has a high conservation value. These characteristics confer adaptability of family production systems facing the constraints of the physical environment. This context makes the ScFF become the focus of development of specific public policies and academic and institutional studies. The aim of this work was to analyze the main intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of ScFF through the assessment of the dynamics established around productivity and better performance in restricted environments. First, we conducted a survey of these features of interest, using official and free access data, evaluating the correlation between the variables through multivariate analysis in the following territorial contexts: national, regional and state. Subsequently, we evaluated a proposal for territorial classification of ScFF, which is based on the productive response to different conditions of the environment, analyzing the distribution of ScFF characteristics inserted in each productive class. In this step, the municipal productivity values (R$ .ha-1) were correlated with physical performance values of land in the three contexts studied (National, Major Regions and Brazil), which provided the classification of municipalities into four classes: High Performance, Low performance, adapted and Less Adapted. The characteristics of ScFF in each class were subjected to principal component analysis and analysis of variance followed by comparison tests between the means. Results showed that the method was effective in rating the three territorial contexts studied, suggesting that public policies for strengthening ScFF are of great importance to the relativization of the limitations of the physical environment. It also indicates that the factors related to better use of the land available and the inclusion of such policies in most developed municipalities, with effective job offers outside the property, could promote better performance and yield adaptation in most territorial contexts studied.
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Verificação de procedimentos para obtenção de suportes porosos para regeneração óssea utilizando a liga Ti-13Nb-13Zr / Verification of procedure to obtain scaffolds for bone regeneration using the Ti-13Nb-13ZrPérsio Mozart Pinto 06 June 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal o processamento da liga Ti-13Nb-13Zr (com porcentagens em peso) pela técnica da metalurgia do pó denominada space-holder, para se obter scaffolds (suportes porosos ou arcabouços) para osseointegração. Assim primeiramente realizou-se moagens da mistura de pós elementares de Ti, Nb e Zr pesados na proporção em peso da liga Ti-13Nb-13Zr, utilizando-se jarros e esferas de carbeto de tungstênio nos moinhos Fritsch Pulverisette e SPEX. Em todas as moagens utilizou-se álcool isopropílico para avaliar e otimizar sua aplicação como agente controlador de processo. Observou-se que o álcool isopropílico foi eficiente como agente controlador de processo, e que a moagem em moinho SPEX por 8 horas foi a que permitiu a obtenção do pó pré-ligado com a composição da liga Ti-13Nb-13Zr em todas as partículas do pó. Os pós produzidos no moinho Fritsch Pulverisette foram prensados, e as peças a verde obtidas foram sinterizadas em várias condições de tempo e temperatura. Todas as amostras sinterizadas no presente trabalho foram caracterizadas via MEV+EDS, DRX, FRX, microscopia óptica, metalografia quantitativa, e ensaio de dureza. Observou-se que as peças sinterizadas a 1000°C por uma hora foram as que apresentaram maior porosidade, cerca de 30% na amostra na condição álcool, de tal forma que a dureza desta amostra foi de 981 MPa, não muito inferior à dos materiais sinterizados nas demais condições. O pó moído no moinho SPEX por 8h, e o pó elementar de Nb, foram misturados ao pó de naftaleno (50% em volume da peça final), prensados e sinterizados nas condições menos agressivas de sinterização. Além das caracterizações já citadas, estas amostras também foram caracterizadas pelo método de Arquimedes e picnometria de He, para avaliação da porosidade. Destes estudos observou-se que o naftaleno, com tamanhos de partículas entre 500 ?m e 1 mm, gerou de 30 a 50% em volume de porosidade, e permitiu a obtenção de uma estrutura de poros grandes e interconectados, ideais para a aplicação pretendida. Por fim, concluiu-se que é possível obter-se scaffolds da liga de Ti-13Nb-13Zr utilizando-se as técnicas desenvolvidas no presente trabalho. / The present study has, as main goal, the processing of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy (percentages in weight) using the space-holder powder metallurgy technique, to obtain scaffolds for osseointegration. Firstly, elementary powders of Ti, Nb, and Zr weighted to obtain the 74wt.%Ti+13wt.%Nb+13wt.%Zr composition were milled in Fritsch Pulverisette and SPEX mills, using grinding media of tungsten carbide. In all millings, isopropyl alcohol was used to evaluate and optimize its application as process controlling agent. It was observed that the isopropyl alcohol was efficient as process controlling agent, and that the milling by 8 hours in a SPEX mill allowed the production of a pre-alloyed powder with the 74wt.%Ti+13wt.%Nb+13wt.%Zr composition in all particles. The powders produced in the Fritsch Pulverisette mill were pressed, and the obtained green bodies were sintered in several time and temperature conditions. All the samples sintered in the present work were characterized using SEM-EDX, XRD, XRF, optical microscopy, quantitative metallography, and microhardness test. It was observed that the samples sintered at 1000°C for one hour presented the highest porosity, around 30% for the alcohol condition, presenting a microhardness of 981 MPa, not so distant of the values found for samples sintered using other conditions. The powder milled in the SPEX mill for 8 hours, and the niobium powder, were mixed with naphtalene powder (50% in volume), pressed and sintered using the less aggressive sintering conditions. Besides the characterization techniques already cited, these samples were also characterized by Archimedes test and He picnometry, to evaluate the porosity. From these studies, it could be observed that the naphtalene, with particle size ranging from 500 ?m to 1 mm, produced samples with 30 to 50% of porosity in volume, and allowed the formation of a structure of large and interconnected pores. It could be concluded that it is possible to obtain scaffolds of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy using the techniques developed in the present work.
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Framing Caribbean Cultural Identity: an Intercultural Curriculum for Adolescents Based on the Art Work of Geoffrey HolderFifi, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
The following dissertation presents a historical narrative and an arts (music, dance, and visual arts) curriculum based on the artwork of the quintessential Caribbean-American artist, Geoffrey Holder. The dissertation is a response to a reported lack of research and teaching materials on Caribbean artists. That is, arts educators at the secondary and postsecondary levels as well as art museum educators reported a lack of, and need for, curriculum and teaching materials grounded in Caribbean content and reflective of Caribbean cultural epistemologies. Through the qualitative research methodology of historiography, an historical analysis of Holder’s artwork was conducted to develop a historical narrative, and through the instructional design approach of ADDIE an arts curriculum on music, dance, and visual arts was developed. The framing of the historical narrative was based in concepts drawn from Third Space theory into conversation with creolization to form the conceptual grounding for my exploration into Caribbean epistemologies. The curriculum development is grounded in concepts of intercultural education and inclusive arts education curriculum design. The results of this dissertation confirm the research gap of teaching resources for arts educators and needed for the supplemental materials provided through this research.
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Technologie výroby plastové součásti pro automobilový průmysl / Production technology of plastic parts for automotive industryŠobáň, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents a production technology design of an automotive industry component – a resonator holder. The initial production run of the part is 500 000 pcs. Injection production has been selected based on variant analysis of available technologies. Technological calculations have been performed. The selected material PP 56M10 will be used for operation in granules. A quadruple shaped cavity injection mold with a tunnel gate has been designed. Based on estimated technological properties an Arburg Allrounder 470 A machine has been selected. The break-even point (BEP) shows economic return at the production of 185 595 pcs.
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Návrh přenosné vakuové komory pro zakládání vzorků do vysokofrekvenčního paramagnetického rezonančního spektrometru / Design of mobile vacuum chamber for loading samples into high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometerLáznička, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Aby bylo možné charakterizovat atmosfericky citlivé vzorky ve vysokofrekvenčním elektronovém paramagnetickém rezonančním spektrometru (z angl. high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, HF-EPR), je potřebné mít vakuový transportní systém. Cílem této práce je navrhnout a vyvinout tento vakuový přepravní systém, který umožní tuto přepravu. Vakuový systém, který se skládá z mobilního vakuového kufru, držáku palety a přechodové komory, byly navrženy, sestaveny a testovány. Bylo dosaženo tlaku 4,3 10^{-10}mbar, což zajistí inertní podmínky pro transport vzorků. Byl proveden transport vzorku ze systému ultravysokého vakua (UHV) do HF-EPR spektrometru. Kontaminace testovacích vzorků byla charakterizována pomocí rentgenové fotoelektronové spektroskopie. Bylo zjištěno, že nedochází téměř k žádné detekovatelné kontaminaci, pokud je vzorek přepravován pomocí vakuovém systému méně než 16 hodin. Bylo navrženo rozšíření pro přepravu vzorků z rukavicového boxu a paletky pro grafen, ale jejich výroba dosud nebyla provedena. Vyvinutý vakuový systém je plně funkční a poskytuje alternativu ke komerčně dostupným produktům, a proto bude dále používán při zkoumání vzorků citlivých na atmosféru v laboratořích CEITEC Nano.
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Manipulátor nástrojů pro svislý zásobník nástrojů / Manipulator of Tools used for vertical tool magazineFiebiger, Radek January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design different variants, choose an optimal one and the constructional solution of a tool manipulator for vertical lathe from SKG line by TOS HULÍN a.s. This thesis also includes technical and economical report. There is a solution of a basic conception, main dimensions, functional calculations and calculations of rigidity of chosen parts of this manipulator. All computations and methods are in accord with valid standards.
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Výroba držáku objemovým tvářením / Production of holder by solid formingNejedlý, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The project elaborated in frame of engineering studies branch 2307. The project is submitting design of technology production of holder by solid forming of steel 12 020.0. Pursuant to of the literary pursuit a problem of die forging and calculation was designed forging on a vertical cranked press LMZ 1600 and with nominal forging force 16MN (producer ŠMERAL Brno). The lower ejector is using for extrusion component.Heating billet is accomplished by using induction furnance type SOP 400kW.For trimming is used trimmning press LKOA 200 with force 2 MN. For holding of dies is used holder QLZK 1600/UC, dies are made of instrumental steel 19 552.9. A part of this project is economic estimation of production and produce of manufacturing drawings.
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Výroba výkovku držáku rejdového čepu / Forging production of Holder of steering pivotMoudrý, Michal January 2011 (has links)
MOUDRÝ Michal: Forging production of holder of steering pivot The project was elaborated in frame of engineering studies branch 2307. The aim of the project was to propose design of technology production of steering pivot holder using solid forming of steel 12 040.0. Based on literary study on die forging and made calculations forging on a vertical crank press LMZ 1000 with nominal forging force of 10MN was designed (producer ŠMERAL Brno). Lower and upper ejectors are used for ejection of components. Induction furnace type SOP 250/6-A30 P/L/T will be used for heating of the raw material. Trimming will be performed using trimming press LDO 315 A/S with press force of 3,15 MN. Dies are made of instrumental steel 19 663.9, for their clamping die clamping device QLZK 1000/UC will be used. A part of this project is economic evaluation of the production and development of production drawings. Keywords: solid forming, die forging, steel forging, holder
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Výroba držáku objemovým tvářením / Production of holder by solid formingŠimon, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to design an optimal technological processing of a given component by solid forming. This work includes a bibliographic study, which is the source of information for the solutions. Another important topic is the global technological processing of the given component: to begin with gear blank design until the final product. The best option seems to be the die forging on forging press in three steps. From an economical point of view, the die forging realized according to the designed technological processing appears to be the best solution.
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Extraction of tool reaction forces using LS-DYNA and its use in Autoform sheet metal forming simulationZachén, Esbjörn January 2019 (has links)
In product development there is still potential to decrease lead times with faster and more accurate simulations. The objective of this thesis was to study whether Finite Element (FE) simulations using explicit LS-DYNA to extract reaction forces from sheet metal forming tools during forming, could be used to improve existing FE models in sheet metal forming software AutoForm.To begin with, the solid CAD-model of the stamping dies were meshed with tetrahedral elements in CATIA and imported into LS-DYNA. In combination with sheet mesh and milling surface meshes from AutoForm, an explicit model was realized. Contacts between sheet mesh and milling surface meshes used the so-called sheet forming contact. The resulting reaction forces were extracted and used in a simulation using the AutoForm software. Resulting simulation was compared to a scan of the physical sheet metal after forming.The direct transfer of reaction forces from LS-DYNA to AutoForm did however not result in the same pressure distribution in AutoForm. The AutoForm simulations using results from LS-DYNA were slightly worse than standard AutoForm simulations.Further work is needed to try and perhaps implement an implicit solution after an initial explicit solution. / Inom produktutveckling finns möjligheter att förkorta ledtider genom snabbare och mera korrekta simuleringar. Syftet med detta arbetet var att undersöka huruvida resultat från explicit LS-DYNA kunde användas för att förbättra nuvarande plåtformningssimuleringar i AutoForm.Den solida CAD-modellen av verktyget meshades med tetraediska element i CATIA och importerades till LS-PrePost, tillsammans med fräsytsmeshar och plåtmesh från AutoForm. Kontakter etablerades mellan plåt och fräsytsmeshar med så kallad sheet forming contact. Modellen löstes sedan explicit. Resulterande reaktionskrafter på plåthållare exporterades till AutoForm och implementerades där. Resulterande simulering jämfördes mot en inskannad fysisk plåt efter plåtformning.Direkt implementering av reaktionskrafter på plåthållaren i AutoForm gav resultat som avvek mer mot inskannad plåt än nuvarande simuleringsstrategi. Direkt implementering av reaktionskrafter gav heller inte en tryckfördelning som liknade den som rapporterades av LS-DYNA.Mer arbete krävs för att om möjligt implementera en implicit lösning efter en initial explicit lösning.
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