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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exercise programs as determinants of well-being : a holistic view

May, Murray, n/a January 1982 (has links)
This field study is about well-being. It examines the proposition that exercise is a pathway to well-being. Participants in two "keep fit" groups at the Australian National University Sports Union and members of Lifestyle health and fitness club in Woden, Canberra, A.C.T. provided the population for the study. A critical review of the literature on well-being suggests that a number of differing perspectives exist and that these should be clarified before commencing such a study. The existence of multidimensional indices of well-being points to the use of a holistic model of well-being but did not provide an existing methodology. Therefore an experimental method was attempted using established and open-ended questionnaires. In addition, a short participant observation study of exercise programming in the A.N.U. groups was carried out. Implications for future studies of well-being are drawn, particularly suggesting that existing tools designed for special unidimensional examinations are inherently unsuitable. The development of new research tools to evaluate the different dimensions of well-being which together form the whole are foreshadowed.

A holistic tent ministry with American volunteers to assist new churches in urban contexts

Bledsoe, David Allen. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-152).

”Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” : - En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar TV-reklam -

Norberg, Lotta January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Titel: “Some kids really love those commercials” -A study of how children experience and construe commercials. (Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” – En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar tv-reklam.)</p><p>Number of pages: 40</p><p>Author: Lotta Norberg</p><p>Tutor: Amelie Hössjer</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn term 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study of how children experience and construe commercials. Key questions to be answered are; can children distinguish commercials from TV programmes? What do the children think of commercials? How do they watch commercials? What do they think about a ban against commercials directed to children? Do they understand the purpose of commercials? Do their buying habits change?</p><p>Material/Method: A qualitative method with 18 interviews and 3 observations with 7, 9 and 11 year old children.</p><p>Main results: The children in my study can distinguish commercials from TV programs. What they think about commercials and how they watch commercials depend on their stage of development and from previous experience. The younger children do not understand the purpose of commercials, they think it is funny to watch them and important so they know what to buy. Most of the 9- and 11 year olds understand that the companies want to sell their products.</p><p>Keywords: Children, commercials, attitudes, experience, holistic view, socialization, consumer, development.</p>


Drabo, Maxime K 08 December 2008 (has links)
Résumé exécutif Introduction. La prise en charge (PEC) des malades de tuberculose a été confiée à des institutions spécialisées et réduite aux seuls aspects biomédicaux du problème. En associant une revue de littérature sur les dimensions du problème posé par la tuberculose et un état des lieux sur la prise de charge de la tuberculose, les besoins non couverts par les centres de diagnostic et de traitement (CDTs) ont été identifiés dans trois districts sanitaires (DS) ruraux du Burkina Faso. Le recueil des évidences sur les interventions à même de corriger ces insuffisances (dans la littérature), associé à l’expérience des acteurs sur le terrain ont conduit à la mise en place d’un dispositif de soins. Ce dispositif intègre i) la décentralisation de la prise en charge des malades des CDTs vers les centres de santé de 1er échelon (CS), ii) l’organisation d’un soutien psychosocial au profit des malades en traitement et iii) la mise en contribution de personnes ressources pour offrir un soutien socioéconomique aux malades. Le présent travail s’intéresse à la conception et le test du dispositif au cours d’une phase pilote. La question générale de recherche était de savoir si un tel dispositif pouvait améliorer significativement non seulement les résultats biomédicaux, mais aussi le confort physique, psychologique et matériel des malades pendant leur traitement. Trois hypothèses, faisant référence aux interventions clé du dispositif de soins, ont guidé l’investigation de cette question : i) Une décentralisation du diagnostic, de l’administration des médicaments et du suivi du traitement de la tuberculose, des CDT vers les CS va contribuer à réduire pour les malades la distance à parcourir et accroitre de ce fait le taux de dépistage. ii) Un soutien psychosocial va renforcer l’estime de soi des patients tuberculeux et réduire la stigmatisation ressentie par eux. Elle contribuera à améliorer le confort psychologique des malades ainsi que les résultats de traitement. iii) Un soutien socioéconomique bien coordonné va résoudre les besoins de base des patients tuberculeux (transport, nourriture, habillement, etc.). Il va contribuer à améliorer les conditions de vie des malades ainsi que les résultats de traitement. Le contenu du présent document comprend cinq parties. La première propose une introduction, la démarche générale et le contexte où le test du dispositif a été mis en place. La seconde présente les dimensions du problème posé par la tuberculose, un état des lieux sur l’offre actuelle de soins et les interventions potentiellement efficaces pour combler les besoins non couverts. La troisième partie décrit comment le dispositif de soin a été conçu et modélisé. La quatrième partie décrit le processus d’implantation et le fonctionnement du dispositif. Enfin, la dernière partie propose une discussion générale et quelques leçons apprises. Première partie : Introduction, contexte et approche méthodologique générale. Dans un chapitre introductif, nous mettons en exergue les défis que représente la promotion de la santé, le centre d’intérêt de la thèse, l’énoncé de la question de recherche et le cheminement méthodologique. Le cheminement utilisé est emprunté au modèle proposé par Campbell et Loeb pour la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation des interventions complexes. Il comporte quatre phases : i) la phase de modélisation, ii) la phase pilote, iii) la phase d’expérimentation définitive et iv) la phase d’implantation à long terme. La conception-modélisation et le test du dispositif de soins au cours d’une phase pilote ont fait l’objet du présent travail. Le second chapitre présente le site de l’expérience. Six districts sanitaires ruraux sont répartis en un site d’intervention (3 districts couvrant un total de 8 453 km2 avec une population de 726 651 habitants en 2005) et en un site contrôle (3 autres districts couvrant un total de 9636 km2 avec une population de 719946). Les 2 sites partagent les mêmes réalités concernant l’organisation des soins en deux échelons (centres de santé de 1er échelon et hôpitaux de référence), la couverture en infrastructures (avec un rayon moyen de couverture par CS d’environ 6 kilomètres), l’organisation de la prise en charge de la tuberculose et les résultats du contrôle de cette maladie. La fréquentation des services de soins curatifs est considérée faible dans les 2 sites, comme dans les autres DS ruraux du pays. Elle se justifierait par les barrières financières, les pesanteurs socioculturelles, les perceptions négatives des populations vis à vis des services de santé et l’absence de système performant pour la prise en charge des urgences et des indigents. Dans le troisième chapitre, un cadre général d’analyse de l’implantation du dispositif et de l’évaluation de son efficacité est proposé. Des précisions sont données à propos des centres d’intérêt, du but final de l’expérience et des méthodes utilisées pour vérifier les hypothèses de recherche. Une étude du processus d’implantation sert à analyser les interactions entre les acteurs et à identifier les obstacles rencontrés de même que les insuffisances du dispositif. Une étude quasi expérimentale sert à évaluer l’efficacité du dispositif. Deuxième partie : Phase théorique. Dans le quatrième chapitre, les insuffisances de l’offre de soins par les CDTs sont décrites et une revue de littérature sur les dimensions du problème posé par la tuberculose est présentée. Les 3 interventions susceptibles de couvrir les lacunes de l’offre actuelle de soins sont alors identifiées. Troisième partie : Phase de modélisation du dispositif de soins. Dans un cinquième chapitre, le processus de modélisation du dispositif est décrit. Une simulation du fonctionnement du dispositif permet de prévoir les effets directs et indirects. Les outils de documentation et d’évaluation du dispositif sont présentés. Quatrième partie : Développement de la phase pilote. Cette partie se compose de 4 chapitres qui sont: la présentation des interventions, des résultats intermédiaires, des interactions entre ces interventions et le système de santé. L’évaluation des effets observés termine cette partie. Le sixième chapitre présente la manière dont le dispositif a été mis en place et son fonctionnement. En partant d’une démarche standardisée, obtenue après une concertation entre les différents acteurs (professionnels de santé et personnes issues du milieu de vie des malades), trois interventions ont été implantées dans les districts d’intervention. Il s’agit de la décentralisation du diagnostic et du traitement de la tuberculose dans 24 CS (8 / district), la mise en place de sessions de groupes de parole dans chaque CDT au profit des malades et la mise en place d’un comité de soutien dont les membres sont issus de l’environnement socioculturel des malades. Le septième chapitre présente les résultats intermédiaires de chaque intervention. Le huitième chapitre an alyse les interactions entre les interventions et le système de santé en place, sous forme des adaptations opérées sur le dispositif et sous forme des changements constatés dans l’organisation des soins. -Au titre des adaptations, les sessions de groupes de paroles ont été organisées dans les CDTs plutôt que dans les CS. La coordination du dispositif a été assurée par les responsables CDTs au lieu des ECDs dans deux des trois DS d’intervention. Les procédures de gestion des fonds alloués aux comités de soutien ont été allégées suites aux problèmes rencontrés. -Sur le plan managérial, le premier changement a été l’adjonction au paquet minimum d’activité (PMA) des CS, de la collecte des crachats chez les suspects et de l’administration du traitement aux malades confirmés. Les CDTs ont continué à confirmer le diagnostic (à travers l’examen microscopique systématique des crachats provenant des CS) et à contrôler la qualité du suivi des malades (à travers les supervisions dans les CS). Le second changement a été la responsabilisation des CDTs pour l’organisation des sessions de groupes de paroles avec les malades en traitement. Le troisième changement a été le soutien matériel, financier et social proposé aux malades par les comités de soutien. -Sur le plan stratégique, les pouvoirs des équipes cadres de district (ECDs) sont restés stables. Ils étaient de type bureaucratique et liés à la planification mécanique des activités, à l’allocation des ressources et à la coordination des activités. Le pouvoir d’action des malades tuberculeux s’est renforcé au cours des sessions d’accompagnement psychosocial, avec la mise en place d’associations de malades tuberculeux à Boussé et Ziniaré. Malgré les difficultés et les conflits, une dynamique de groupe s’est mise en place progressivement au niveau de chaque comité de soutien. Le neuvième chapitre présente les résultats de l’étude quasi expérimentale pour l’évaluation de l’efficacité du dispositif après 2 années de fonctionnement (2006 et 2007). On note un accroissement significatif du taux de détection des tuberculeux dans les 3 DS d’intervention, comparaison faite avec les 3 DS contrôles. Dans la cohorte des malades de 2006 et 2007, la comparaison des proportions d’échec au traitement, de malades ayant suspendu le traitement et de décès, n’a pas montré de différence significative entre les deux sites. Le dispositif a eu un impact positif sur le niveau d’estime de soi et celui du stigma ressenti, surtout des malades en traitement ayant un faible statut économique. Le dispositif semble n’avoir pas eu un effet sur la fréquentation des 24 CS d’intervention. Cinquième partie : Discussion générale et conclusion. Le dixième chapitre propose une discussion du processus d’expérimentation du dispositif de soins. Elle présente d’abord les limites et les contraintes de l’étude. Le dispositif a permis d’améliorer l’accessibilité géographique de l’offre de soins et d’enrichir son contenu, en y apportant quelques stratégies de résolution des problèmes psychosociaux rencontrés par les malades. Cependant il a eu un faible impact sur la continuité des soins quoiqu’ils aient été mieux intégrés au niveau des CS qu’au niveau des CDTs. La suite de la discussion révèle que la modélisation du dispositif est restée imparfaite, n’ayant pas pris en compte l’ensemble des facteurs pouvant potentiellement influencer les résultats attendus. Cependant, même si la prise en compte de tous ces facteurs au cours de cette phase avait été l’approche la plus probante, sa faisabilité dans le temps imparti n’était pas assurée, au regard de la complexité du dispositif qui en aurait découlé. Les conditions d’optimisation du dispositif de soins sont proposées. Elles concernent la correction des insuffisances majeures caractérisées par i) l’absence d’un circuit de l’information approprié entre les intervenants et ii) la faible intégration des composantes du dispositif conséquence directe des lacunes dans la coordination des soins. Pour optimiser ce dispositif, la coordination des soins devrait être confiée aux équipes de soins des CS. Ce chapitre se termine par la proposition d’un modèle révisé du dispositif. Le onzième et dernier chapitre, propose un retour aux hypothèses de recherche et quelques leçons à retenir. La formulation des hypothèses de recherche a facilité la mise en place des interventions, mais il a été difficile d’isoler l’effet de chaque composante du dispositif sur les résultats obtenus. Compte tenue de l’imprévisibilité et de l’incertitude qui caractérise la logique systémique, les simulations de la phase de conceptualisation-modélisation se sont révélées insuffisantes au point de rendre nécessaire la révision du modèle de départ. Cette expérience pilote peut soutenir le changement positif dans le système d’offre de soins. Elle a montré l’importance du rôle du CS de 1er échelon, pour que le dispositif soit efficace. Responding to the medical and psychosocial needs of tuberculosis patients in Burkina Faso - what strategies to adopt? Executive summary Introduction. Care for tuberculosis (TB) patients has for a long time been the responsibility of specialised institutions (sanatorium, diagnosis and treatment centre…) and reduced to only the biomedical aspects of the problem. Today the comfort and quality of life, during and after medical treatment are viewed as a legitimate concern for the tuberculosis patient. It is therefore, indispensable to adopt a method capable of improving the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, taking into consideration the physical, mental and social states of the patient. A new health care system that integrates strategies capable of significantly improving, testing and treatment of tuberculosis and tackling the psychosocial problems of the patient, has been implemented in the rural context of Burkina Faso. This research work provides information on the model of care tested during a pilot phase. The research question sought to find out if such a care system could significantly, improve not only biomedical results, but also the well being of TB patients during the treatment. The investigation of the research question was guided by three hypotheses that border on the key interventions of the model of care, as follows: i) Decentralising the diagnosis, the drugs’ delivery from the diagnosis and treatment centres (DTCs), to first line health centres (FLHCs), must contribute to reducing the distance that patients cover and increase the TB detection rate. ii) Structured psychological support must improve the self confidence of patients and reduce the feeling of stigmatisation thereby, contributing to improving the well being during treatment; iii) Structured socio economic support for tuberculosis patients (transportation, food, clothing, love from neighbours, etc) must contribute to improving the well being of the TB patients and the treatment outcomes. The content of the document has been divided into five sections. The first section is the introduction, general approach and the context where the care system has been tested. The second one presents shortcomings of the TB care system in place. The third discusses the effectiveness of some interventions to improve TB care. The fourth one describes the design-modelling of the new care delivery system. The fifth one details the implementation of the care system. The fifth section looks at a general discussion of the experimental approach and some lessons learnt. Section One: Introduction, context and general approach to the trial. The weaknesses of the biomedical approach being used currently in the medical treatment strategies of TB patients are highlighted. Areas not covered by proposed DTCs in Burkina Faso are generally psychological and socio-economic. The site where the new care system was tested in the form of a quasi experimental study is presented. It is six rural health districts divided into two groups: the implementation site (3 districts covering a total of 8 453 km2 with a population of 726651 inhabitants in 2005) and a control site (3 other districts covering a total of 9636 km2 with a population of 719946 inhabitants). The number of people seeking curative care is considered very low in the two sites, just as it is in the other rural health districts in the country. This could be explained by financial barriers, socio cultural burdens, negative perceptions of the people, vis-à-vis health services and lack of efficient system for emergency treatments, and treatment for the poor. In the two sites, the organisation of health care for tuberculosis patients is based on the application of the norms and procedures enacted at the central level and on the standardisation of tasks. The same weaknesses are observed in the organisation of TB care and a low detection rate. The populations on the 2 sites base their beliefs on tuberculosis and these beliefs influence their individual and/or collective health seeking behaviours. A general methodological approach has been proposed to assess the efficacy of the new care system, at inducing positive and durable changes in health care quality and access, for TB patients. This is the model called the «continuum of accumulating evidences» proposed by Campbell and Loeb, which includes four phases: i) the modelling phase; ii) the pilot phase; iii) the final experimental phase and iv) the long-term implantation phase. The two first phase of testing the new care system are documented into the present study. Section Two: Seeking evidences of the effectiveness of the care system. Using literature reviews, the experiences aiming at tackling the problem of TB in the holistic manner have been analysed. The results of that analysis associated with the experiences of the field actor facilitated the identifying of the new care system’ key components. The theoretical care system is composed of three key components: i) decentralising the diagnosis and treatment of TB from DTCs to FLHC, geographically nearer to the people; ii) a psychosocial support to the patient during treatment and iii) socio economic support obtained with the involvement of the civil society. Section Three: Phase one: Designing and modelling of the care system. The integration of the 3 interventions is planned. It comprises a description of stakeholders, their tasks, relationships between them, and a simulation of the functions of the care system. A presentation of the expected effects on the control of the disease, on the patients and on the curative performances of HC, on the one hand, and data collection tools, on the other hand, ends this modelling phase. Section Four: Phase two: Pilot Phase. The implementation of the key interventions of the care system is described. The three interventions have been implanted in the standardised manner, in the intervention districts. It has lead to the decentralisation of the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in 24 FLHC (8 districts), to the creation of parole groups in each DTC, for the benefit of TB patients, and the creation of a support committee whose members live under the same socio-cultural environments as the patients. The role of the latter is to offer socioeconomic support to TB patients. The district executive teams (DET) could not carry out the coordination of the car system as planned. Procedures for managing funds allocated to support committees were reduced, due to problems encountered. The FLHCs collected sputum samples from suspected sick people and provided TB treatment to those confirmed as being sick. The DTCs still confirmed the diagnosis (through microscopic analysis of sputum samples from FLHCs) and ensured supervision in the FLHCs. In addition, DTCs managed the parole group sessions with TB patients. TB patients benefited of material, financial and social support from the support committee. There have been an improvement in the work into DTCs and an enhanced feeling of responsibility of care providers, vis-à-vis their patients. The strength of the TB patients improved with the formation of TB patients’ clubs at Boussé and at Ziniaré. After two years of operating the care system (2006 and 2007), the results have been relatively satisfactory at the biometrical level with a significant increase in the TB detection rate in the intervention site. Comparison of rates of unsuccessful treatments, deaths and patients suspending their treatments between 2006 -2007, between the intervention and the control sites, did not show any significant difference. The care system has had a positive impact on the level of self confidence and the stigma felt, especially on TB patients with low economic status. Section Five: General Discussion and Conclusion. First of all, the limits and difficulties encountered during the experimental stage are presented. The limits are in connection with lack of precision of some measuring indicators, some techniques of data collection and the level of changes detection. The difficulties are associated with logistics produced by the health administration system in place, the relative short period of time allocated and the use of relay persons who are not the best for obtaining the sound results. The mechanism has come to improve the geographical accessibility to health care and enriched the content of health care, bringing in its wake some strategies to resolve psychosocial problems encountered by patients. However, there has been little impact on the continuity of health care in the form of organisation, even though health care integration has improved more in FLHCs, than in the district hospital. During the discussions, it came to light that designing the care system has still not been perfect, because it did not take into consideration all factors capable of influencing the expected results. Conditions for optimising the health care system are correcting the major short falls, characterised by i) lack of appropriate information channel among the actors and ii) the low level of integration of its components. To optimise this care system, health care coordination must be assigned to the health care teams in FLHCs. Meetings of the health delivery services (DTCs and FLHCs), members of the support committee and members of TB associations must be formalised. These meetings would permit the detailed analysis of the concerns of each patient and jointly contribute to finding the expected solution. This type of meeting would contribute to solving the needs of patients from all angles at the same time.

”Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” : - En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar TV-reklam -

Norberg, Lotta January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Titel: “Some kids really love those commercials” -A study of how children experience and construe commercials. (Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer” – En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar tv-reklam.) Number of pages: 40 Author: Lotta Norberg Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn term 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study of how children experience and construe commercials. Key questions to be answered are; can children distinguish commercials from TV programmes? What do the children think of commercials? How do they watch commercials? What do they think about a ban against commercials directed to children? Do they understand the purpose of commercials? Do their buying habits change? Material/Method: A qualitative method with 18 interviews and 3 observations with 7, 9 and 11 year old children. Main results: The children in my study can distinguish commercials from TV programs. What they think about commercials and how they watch commercials depend on their stage of development and from previous experience. The younger children do not understand the purpose of commercials, they think it is funny to watch them and important so they know what to buy. Most of the 9- and 11 year olds understand that the companies want to sell their products. Keywords: Children, commercials, attitudes, experience, holistic view, socialization, consumer, development.

Automated Crowd Behavior Analysis For Video Surveillance Applications

Guler, Puren 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Automated analysis of a crowd behavior using surveillance videos is an important issue for public security, as it allows detection of dangerous crowds and where they are headed. Computer vision based crowd analysis algorithms can be divided into three groups / people counting, people tracking and crowd behavior analysis. In this thesis, the behavior understanding will be used for crowd behavior analysis. In the literature, there are two types of approaches for behavior understanding problem: analyzing behaviors of individuals in a crowd (object based) and using this knowledge to make deductions regarding the crowd behavior and analyzing the crowd as a whole (holistic based). In this work, a holistic approach is used to develop a real-time abnormality detection in crowds using scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) based features and unsupervised machine learning techniques.

The Heart and Soul of Language Teaching: Making (Inter)connections between Holistic and Second Language Education in the Post-secondary Context

Charles, Merlin 20 August 2012 (has links)
While much research has been conducted on the cognitive and methodological aspects of language pedagogy, there has been little research on the other essential aspects of teaching and learning, such as teacher presence. The aim of this doctoral research study was to discover, describe and document the various ways in which holistic education is operationalized in the Canadian post-secondary language teaching-learning context. Using French as a second language (FSL) instruction as a concrete example, the study was further aimed at developing a comprehensive understanding of what teachers do to facilitate holistic engagement in learning a second, foreign or additional language in the post-secondary classroom and beyond. Particular attention was paid to the various holistic interconnections and relationships involved in language teaching and the ways in which these helped to foster a spirit of inclusiveness, balance and connectedness in the language teaching-learning environment. This qualitative research inquiry utilized a blend of narrative and case study methodologies, and included a variety of data sources such as face-to-face (individual and focus group) interviews, classroom observations, and surveys. The research has been primarily informed by a core group of participants comprising of six FSL university instructors as well as a peripheral group of five other language instructors from both the college and university contexts. Students of the core participant group also lent their voices to this endeavor, thus providing a rich understanding of how they perceive their experiences of post-secondary language teaching. On the one hand, beliefs and assumptions underlying teachers’ approaches as well as the methods and strategies that they employ, constituted an important aspect of the investigation. However, on the other hand, significant emphasis was placed on the participants’ perspectives on teaching presence and how they seek to engage the whole student -- body, mind and spirit. The findings highlight the centrality of teaching presence as a fundamental element for maintaining flow and connectedness within and beyond the classroom. Implications include rethinking the relevance of teaching presence in the post-secondary language classroom and its potential for enhancing the teaching and learning experience, fostering positive emotions, building relationships and encouraging lifelong learning.

The Effects of Up-regulated Happiness on Others’ Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Cultural Thinking Style

Hideg, Ivona 13 December 2012 (has links)
Past research has suggested that up-regulating displays of happiness leads to positive social outcomes. In my dissertation research, I suggest that whether the up-regulation of displays of happiness leads to positive outcomes depends on observers’ culture. I developed and tested a model of how one aspect of observers’ culture, analytic-holistic thinking, influences the relation between expressers’ displays of happiness and observers’ prosocial behavior. In two studies, I examined how observers’ analytical-holistic thinking moderates the effect of expressers’ inauthentic displays of happiness (regulated through surface acting) and expressers’ authentic displays of happiness (regulated through deep acting) on observers’ prosocial behavior and trust inferences. In a laboratory experiment (Study 1), observers’ analytical-holistic thinking moderated the effect of project leaders’ inauthentic displays of happiness (vs. neutral emotional displays) on observers’ trust in the expresser, but not on observers’ prosocial behavior (time taken to edit a cover letter). In a field fundraising experiment (Study 2), observers’ analytical-holistic thinking moderated the effect of fundraisers’ inauthentic displays of happiness (vs. authentic displays of happiness) on observers’ trust in fundraisers, intentions to volunteer for the charity organization, and monetary donations to the charity organization. Further, observers’ trust in fundraisers mediated the moderating effect of observers’ analytical-holistic thinking on the relation between fundraisers’ inauthentic displays of happiness and observers’ intention to volunteer. Contributions to the literature on the social effects of emotions and to the literature on fundraising and helping as well as practical implications are discussed.

Living on the Edge: The Predicament of a Rural Indigenous Santal Community in Bangladesh

Debnath, Mrinal Kanti 28 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the ways in which the legacy of colonialism continues to shape the material and non-material conditions of rural indigenous communities in Bangladesh. This research examines the complex confluence of power, politics, economics, and identities in rural Bangladesh; it explores the web of local, national, and global mechanisms that (re)create and maintain oppressive systems and structures. Adopting an anti-colonial discursive framework and a case study approach, this research incorporates data from semi-structured and informal, in-depth individual interviews, focus-group interviews, an observational journal, and a review of relevant literature to study a remote Santal village in the Rajshahi division of Bangladesh. This study focuses on the voices of the local people, their experiences and narratives, and analyzes the data within the wider contexts of history, politics, and culture. The anti-colonial discursive framework that guides this study acknowledges the material and intellectual agency of local people and the value of their knowledge and lived experiences; it contributes to understanding local history and culture and the saliency of local resistance to oppressive practices. The research findings reveal that colonial structures of oppression are perpetuated by the devaluation of indigenous peoples’ mother tongue, education, culture, and religion and by distancing them from the land that has belonged to them for centuries. The findings present a shift from the ritual-based, cultural matrix of the rural indigenous community and its tradition-oriented socio-political and education systems. Exclusionary policies and practices of the nation state and Christian aggression have fragmented the Santal community, devalued their collectivist mode of living, and alienated them from their traditional ways of life. The process of land alienation has perpetuated the colonial legacy of terra nullius and displaced the indigenous Santal community’s sense of belonging and its inherent connection to Mother Earth, the bongas , and the spirits of their ancestors. This dissertation suggests that there is urgent need for activism to resist colonial structures of oppression that continue to this day. This study contributes to literature on anti-colonial struggles across the globe and offers a framework for understanding other colonial and indigenous contexts.

Architecture And Disaster: A Holistic And Risk-based Building Inspection Professional Training Model For Practicing Architects In Turkey

Ozden, Ali Tolga 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Interaction of human-induced factors with natural hazards results in diverse uncertainties and risks among the built environment. Impacts of disaster events experienced in Turkey have revealed the vulnerability of the social, economic, and physical environments along with the various insufficiencies of awareness, legislation, practice and building inspection concepts. The shift towards risk-based disasters policy among the international agenda influences the national disaster policies and efforts. Parallel to this, it is expected from practicing architects to enhance their capacities through disaster risk-based professional training programs in order to develop disaster resilient built environments. Building Inspection System (BIS) is one of the important components of risk reduction approach which ensures the safety of built environment and occupants. The effective BIS has important gaps and deficiencies within the administrative, legal, and technical structures which results in failure of building production process in Turkey. Among the other problems, the main concern related to the ongoing BIS is its fragmented and missing risk-based understanding. The critical analysis indicates the deficient points of administrative and technical issues within the BIS conducted with the certification and professional training model which are not consistent with shifting comprehensive disasters policy and risk-based understanding in Turkey, and proposing a holistic and risk-based certification and training model for practicing architects in Turkey which focuses on disaster resilient built environment development through the comparison of some international best-practiced training model examples with Turkish context. The proposed professional training model has a three-step knowledge acquisition levels (awareness-detailed knowledge-advanced knowledge) which aims to approach to the architectural built environment problems, develop awareness, build-up knowledge and support practice through the holistic disaster risk reduction understanding, and in addition to attend on the complementary and supportive strategies (such as building and environment, building and material, structure and construction contexts) between related issues.

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