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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How does the layout of info graphics affect the experience of presentation material? A study conducted for Holmen Paper Braviken / Hur påverkar utformning av informationsgrafik upplevelsen av presentationsmaterial? En undersökning för Holmen Paper Braviken.

Olin Svensson, Emma, Sandell, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Holmen Paper Braviken har nyligen ändrat sitt produktutbud till viss del, deras kundkrets kommer därför förändras. Braviken vill uppdatera det presentationsmaterial som används vid kundbesök för att skapa en mer intressantväckande känsla samt kunna fokusera sin kommunikation på de delar som anses mer viktiga. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka hur olika utformningar av informationsgrafik kan påverka intressenternas upplevelse av presentationsmaterial. Detta görs för att ta reda på om en annan typ av grafik kan uppnå det Braviken vill förmedla. För att kunna besvara detta syfte är tre stycken frågeställningar formulerade. Ett antal undersökningar som ämnar svara på frågeställningarna genomfördes och litteratur inom området samlades in. Först samlades litteratur in, sedan data från uppdragsgivaren och sist gjordes en fokusgrupp för att se vad respondenterna tyckte om den nya respektive den gamla grafiken. Då undersökningarna var avklarade och datan sammanställd och analyserad kunde en slutsats dras som även diskuterades. Utformningen har stor inverkan på upplevelsen, vilken utformning som ansågs bra berodde dock på vilken typ av användningsområde som respondenterna i fokusgruppen diskuterade. Detta tyder på att det finns rum för ytterligare studier inom området för Braviken. Det var möjligt att ta fram ett antal punkter som Braviken böra ta hänsyn till under skapandet av presentationsmaterial, dessa är: • Naturlig och verklighetstrogen färgsättning ökar förståelse och intresse. • Enkelhet uppskattas till en viss grad, den får inte inverka negativt på förståelsen. • Användningsområde styr utformning, a) Beskärning kan vara uppskattat vid utförliga muntliga presentationer b) Ramar är överlag alltid uppskattat c) Formen på ramar styrs av hur bilden ska användas, till exempel om illustrationerna skall vara klickbara uppskattas en bekant form. • Indikatorer för läsriktning bör användas med försiktighet då dessa lätt kan bli störande moment. • Uppfattningen av materialet kan påverkas om det presenteras i samband med ett muntligt framförande. Då den här studien var väldigt inriktad på ett specifikt fall är den svår att generalisera. Det går dock att applicera samma grund på andra studier, till viss del. Det är möjligt att undersöka huruvida eller till vilken grad resultaten i den här studien stämmer överens med lösningar för andra företag. Det kan gälla liknande företag inom samma bransch, företag över en viss storlek eller liknande.

Mapping and analysis of an internal heating network at Holmen Paper Braviken

Forsell, Ludwig, Samuelsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
The pulp and paper industry is the most energy intensive industry in Sweden. Most of the energy usedaims to supply the large amount of heat to the production processes that is required to produce pulp andpaper . By increasing the energy efficiency of paper mills, there is great potential to reduce productioncosts and reduce its environmental impact. This project involves mapping, analyzing and investigation ofmeasures that can contribute to increased thermal efficiency of an internal heating network at Holmen’spaper mill, Braviken. The heating network, called VVG, utilises excess heat from the pulp and paperproduction and supplies heat to production processes and premises at the factory. When the heat demandof the VVG-system exceeds the available recovered heat, heat from live steam is transferred. This projectaim at identifying measures with potential to reduce demand of live steam supply. The project started bymapping the entire VVG-system to identify which consumers are included and how it is connected. Thenthe consumers were studied and data was collected to determine their power and energy demands. Basedon the mapping and collected data, proposals for measures that have the potential to increase thermalenergy efficiency were noted which in turn can reduce the need for live steam supply. The measures havebeen focused on reducing the return temperature of the VVG-system and reducing the heat demand of thesystem. Reduced return temperatures are achieved by more efficient use of the existing heat flow. Thisleads to increased heat recovery potential which means that more excess heat can be utilised.The proposed measures that were identified as having potential to contribute to reduction of the returntemperatures of the VVG-system are as follow: • Utilising return flows with high flow rates and high temperatures to provide other consumers inVVG with heat. This allows the hot flow to be used instead of going directly into the return line. • Eliminate short circuits in the system where the supply line goes directly into the return line. Thesewere detected in the forms of three-way valves and flows through consumers that were not running. The proposed measures that have been identified as having the potential to contribute to reduction of theheating demand of the VVG are as follows: • Turning off flows passing through consumers that are not in use to reduce unnecessary temperaturedrops which will result in decreased power losses. • Preheating via residual flows at consumers where raw water tempered circuits is heated. As theraw water is cold during large parts of the year, a lot of heat can be saved by preheating it with aflow of lower energy quality than VVG. • Shut down the VVG flow through heat exchangers in the heat recovery system when the heatrecovery process not are running to avoid negative heat transfer. By implementing these measures, large improvements regarding the thermal efficiency of the VVG-system can be achieved at Holmen Paper Braviken. How much the return temperatures decrease and howmuch the heat recovery potential increases with the proposed measures has not been quantified during thisproject. However, the measures aimed at lowering the heat demand in the VVG-system can be quantifiedto contribute to an predicted energy saving of at least 2.8 GWh annually, but the investigations of themeasures indicates that significantly larger energy savings can be achieved. To ensure the potential of theproposed measures to contribute to the reduction of the demand for live steam supply, Holmen needs tocarry out further studies of the VVG system where this work is intended to form the basis for their furtherwork.

Miljöredovisning : en studie av olika branscher

Andersson, Angela, Lindberg, Maria January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Miljöredovisning : en studie av olika branscher

Andersson, Angela, Lindberg, Maria January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Gamification in the new web / Spelifiering i nya webben

Gunnarsson, Joacim January 2014 (has links)
Den här rapporten är ett resultat av ett examensarbete som är utfört på institutionen för teknik- och naturvetenskap vid Linköpings universitet inom civilingenjörsutbildningen medieteknik i Norrköping. Rapporten är på teknisk kandidatnivå. Examensarbetet utfördes på det uppmärksammade spelföretaget Proactive Gaming i Norrköping där uppdraget var att skapa ett webbaserat spel med modern teknik till papperstillverkaren Holmen. Holmen ville använda sig av spelet i marknadsföringssyfte för deras nya papper Holmen View. Rapporten tar upp hur det webbaserade spelet utformas rent tekniskt med HTML5, Canvas-element och KineticJS. Inspiration till spellogiken hämtades från X-COM: Enemy Unkown, Civilization-serien, Tiny Towers och Game Dev Story. Spelet är ett realtidsstrategispel inom spelifiering och handlar om att användaren är chef över ett tidningsförlag och ska försöka tjäna pengar genom att sälja sin tidning till så många läsare som möjligt genom en balans mellan att investera i journalister, forskning och de anställdas gladhet. Under utvecklingen av spelet så användes utvecklingsmetodiker som vattenfallsmetoden och agila metodiker. Ett mindre användbarhetstest gjordes för att försäkra sig om produktens kvalité. Slutprodukten blev ett roligt spel som Holmen kan visa upp på mässor för att skapa intresse för företaget och pappersindustrin.

Development of ESD paperboard laminate : A material study with focus on coating and design

Larsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Due to the rapid development of technology, electrical products are being shipped all over the world. The electronic components have gotten greater in capacity but are smaller in size, making them sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD packaging protects sensitive components from electrostatic discharge and electrical fields. There are different types of packaging solutions depending on the sensitivity of the product. Rigid packaging of insulating paperboard, impregnated with a thin, conductive carbon layer was used in this study. The conductive material is supposed to lead the static electricity away from the product, to the packaging which is insulated, where it safely can discharge. The inside of the packaging, normally dressed in a foam to protect the device inside, is supposed to be replaced with paperboard. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate whether or not an ESD-packaging can be created by coating a paperboard with a dispersion containing nanographite and nanocellulose. Solid Bleached Board is a paperboard made by the mill Iggesund Paperboard, used for graphical products and packaging of high quality. Paperboard is made from cellulose, an environmentally sustainable raw material from the forest. Classifications of materials used in ESD packaging-solutions are divided into how quickly electricity moves through the material. Carbon is normally within the range of 10^2 to 10^6 Ω for sheet- and volume resistance. Maximal charge and maximal electrical discharge of the packaging are by standard not supposed to exceed 100 V and 50 nJ. Two different nanographite dispersions with different binders (polyvinyl alcohol and cellulose nanofibres) have been made. These have been coated onto the paperboard using a bench-coater. Measurements of ESD- and paperboard-properties have been performed onto the paperboard. The measured values were within the range of what was considered acceptable to be able to create an ESD packaging. The prototype was designed materially with solid bleached board, coated with a dispersion made of 220g nanographite, 22g cellulose nanofibres and 3791g water with a solid content of 8,2%. The design has been developed with the company's existing packaging in mind together with information about the already existing ESD packages. The results from the measurements show that it is fully possible to create and produce ESD-packaging, but needs further testing after this thesis. Societal, ethical and environmental aspects have been considered during the entire study. / På grund av den snabba tekniska utvecklingen transporteras elektriska produkter över hela världen. Elektroniska komponenter har fått större kapacitet men är mindre i storleken vilket gör dem känsliga för elektrostatisk urladdning (ESD). ESD-förpackningar skyddar känsliga komponenter från elektrostatisk urladdning och elektriska fält. Det finns olika typer av förpackningslösningar beroende på produktens känslighet. Styva förpackningar av isolerande kartong, impregnerade med ett tunt, elektriskt ledande kolskikt användes i denna studie. Det ledande materialet leder den statiska elektriciteten bort från produkten, till förpackningen som är isolerad, där den säkert kan urladdas. Förpackningens insida, som normalt är klädd med ett skum för att skydda produkten inuti, är tänkt att ersättas med kartong. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om en ESD-förpackning kan skapas genom att bestryka ett kartongark med en dispersion innehållande nanografit och nanocellulosa. Homogen helblekt kartong (Solid Bleached Board, SBB) är en kartong tillverkad av pappersbruket Iggesund Paperboard, som används för grafiska produkter och förpackningar av hög kvalitet. Kartong är tillverkad av cellulosa, ett miljövänligt och hållbart material från skogen. Klassificeringar av material som används i ESD-förpackningar är indelade i hur snabbt elektricitet rör sig genom materialet. Kol ligger normalt inom intervallet 10^2 till 10^6 Ω för yt- och volymresistans. Maximal uppladdning och maximal elektrisk urladdning av förpackningen ska inte överstiga 100 V och 50 nJ. Två olika dispersioner med olika bindemedel (polyvinylalkohol och cellulosa nanofibrer) har tillverkats. Dessa har bestrukits på kartongen med en bänkbestrykare. Mätningar av ESD- och kartong-egenskaper har utförts på kartongen. Mätdata låg inom det intervall som ansågs vara acceptabelt för att kunna skapa en ESD-kartong. Prototypen, sample B, är designad materiellt med homogen helblekt kartong, bestruken med en dispersion gjord av 220g nanografit, 22g cellulosa nanofibrer och 3791g vatten med en torrhalt på 8,2%. Designen har utvecklats med företagets befintliga förpackningar i åtanke tillsammans med information om de redan existerande ESD-förpackningarna. Resultaten från mätningarna visar att det är fullt möjligt att skapa och producera ESD-kartong, men det kräver ytterligare tester efter denna studie. Samhälleliga-, etiska- och miljöaspekter kommer att beaktas under hela studien.

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry. The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process. The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place. The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand. The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women. At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry. All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry / <p>QC 20101129</p>

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
<p>. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry.</p><p>The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process.</p><p>The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place.</p><p>The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand.</p><p>The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women.</p><p>At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry.</p><p>All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry</p>

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