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Mosaicing of Fetoscopic Acquired Images using SIFT and FAST / Skapande avfetoskopiska översiktsbilder med SIFT och FASTFransson, Simon January 2017 (has links)
This is a study exploring how robust one feature descriptors, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), and one feature detector, feature accelerated segmentation test (FAST), are in terms of handling fetoscopic acquired data when mosaicing. Today’s treatment of severe Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome at Karolinska University Hospital is fetoscopic guided laser occlusion of chorioangiopagous vessels (FLOC) where intersecting blood vessels causing a transfusion (Anastomoses) in between the fetuses are occluded. These blood vessels are located somewhere on the placenta. The fetoscopy includes navigation of a relatively large area where the field of view (FOV) is limited. The limited FOV during the fetoscopy makes it cumbersome to navigate and identify intersected blood vessels. The motivation of this study is to explore ways of dealing with the complications during FLOC by mosaicing an overview of the placenta that can be used as an assisting map to make the procedure safer by improving navigation of the fetoscope and identification of blood vessels during FLOC. In this study, the steps of mosaicing are defined based on mosaicing frameworks to explore how these methods perform in terms of being able to mosaic a map of the placenta. The methods have been tested on non-fetoscopic acquired data as well as fetoscopic acquired data to create a relative measure in between the two. Three tests on non- fetoscopic data were performed to explore how well the methods handled mosaicing of data with distinctive characteristics. The same methods were then tested on unprocessed fetoscopic data before being tested on preprocessed fetoscopic data to see if the results were affected by external preprocessing. The results showed that there were differences in between the methods. SIFT and FAST showed that they have potential of mosaicing non-fetoscopic data of varying extent. SIFT gave an impression of being more robust during all of the tests. SIFT especially performed better during the tests on data with few potential keypoints which is an advantage when speaking of fetoscopic acquired data. SIFT also managed to mosaic a larger area than FAST when mosaicing preprocessed fetoscopic data. Preprocessing the data improved the mosaicing when using SIFT but further improvements are needed. / Denna studie utforskar hur robust en intressepunktsbeskrivare, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), och enintressepunktsdetektor, feature accelerated segmentation test (FAST), hanterar digitala bilder insamlade av ett fetoskop med syfte att sy ihop dessa till en översiktskarta. Dagens behandling av tvillingtransfusionsyndrom vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset är fetoscopic guided laser occlusion of chorioangiopagous vessels (FLOC). Under denna fetoskopi bränner man och därmed blockerar korsande blodkärl som orsakar en transfusion (anastomoses) och obalans i blodomloppet mellan två tvillingfoster. Dessa blodkärl är lokaliserade på placentan. Fetoskopin omfattar navigering av en relativt stor area med ett begränsat synfält. Det begränsade synfältet under FLOC gör det svårt att orientera fetoskopet och identifiera korsande blodkärl som orsakar transfusionen. Syftet med studien är att utforska ett sätt att hantera komplikationerna med FLOC igenom att utforska sätt att skapa en översiktskarta av placentan under FLOC. Denna översiktskarta kan nyttjas under FLOC och därmed göra proceduren säkrare igenom att kartan underlättar orienteringen av fetoskopet och identifiering av orsakande blodkärl. I denna studie är stegen för att skapa en översiktskarta baserade på olika datorseende ramverk för att se hur dessa tillvägagångssätt presterar när det gäller att skapa en översiktskarta. Metoderna för att skapa en översiktskarta har testats på data insamlad med webkamera och data insamlad med fetoskop för att skapa en relativ uppfattning om hur de står sig beroende på indata. Tre tester på data insamlad med webkamera genomfördes för att utforska hur väl metoderna hanterade data med många potentiella intressepunkter, rörelse orsakad av handhållen enhet/kamera, repetitiva mönster, översiktskartor som resulterande i större upplösning, och liten möjlighet att hitta intressepunkter. Samma metoder testades sedan på icke behandlad data insamlad med fetoskop innan den testades på förbehandlad data insamlad med fetoskop för att se förbehandlingensnödvändighet och prestation. Resultaten visar att det är skillnader mellan de två metoderna använda i denna studie, både när det gäller data insamlad med fetoskop och webkamera. SIFT och FAST visar potential av olika grad när det gäller att skapa en översiktskarta med data insamlad av webkamera. SIFT visade sig vara mer robust under alla tester inklusive data insamlad med fetoskop. SIFT presterade speciellt bättre under testen som omfattade få antal möjliga intressepunkter vilket är en fördel när det gäller data insamlad med fetoskop. SIFT lyckades också skapa översiktskartor med större area än FAST när förbehandlad fetoskopisk data testades. När det gäller SIFT så visade resultaten en förbättring när data insamlad med fetoskop förbehandlades men att ytterligare förbättringar är nödvändiga.
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Development of algorithms and architectures for driving assistance in adverse weather conditions using FPGAs / Développement d'algorithmes et d'architectures pour l'aide à la conduite dans des conditions météorologiques défavorables en utilisant les FPGABotero galeano, Diego andres 05 December 2012 (has links)
En raison de l'augmentation du volume et de la complexité des systèmes de transport, de nouveaux systèmes avancés d'assistance à la conduite (ADAS) sont étudiés dans de nombreuses entreprises, laboratoires et universités. Ces systèmes comprennent des algorithmes avec des techniques qui ont été étudiés au cours des dernières décennies, comme la localisation et cartographie simultanées (SLAM), détection d'obstacles, la vision stéréoscopique, etc. Grâce aux progrès de l'électronique, de la robotique et de plusieurs autres domaines, de nouveaux systèmes embarqués sont développés pour garantir la sécurité des utilisateurs de ces systèmes critiques. Pour la plupart de ces systèmes, une faible consommation d'énergie ainsi qu'une taille réduite sont nécessaires. Cela crée la contrainte d'exécuter les algorithmes sur les systèmes embarqués avec des ressources limitées. Dans la plupart des algorithmes, en particulier pour la vision par ordinateur, une grande quantité de données doivent être traitées à des fréquences élevées, ce qui exige des ressources informatiques importantes. Un FPGA satisfait cette exigence, son architecture parallèle combinée à sa faible consommation d'énergie et la souplesse pour les programmer permet de développer et d'exécuter des algorithmes plus efficacement que sur d'autres plateformes de traitement. Les composants virtuels développés dans cette thèse ont été utilisés dans trois différents projets: PICASSO (vision stéréoscopique), COMMROB (détection d'obstacles à partir d'une système multicaméra) et SART (Système d'Aide au Roulage tous Temps). / Due to the increase of traffic volume and complexity of new transport systems, new Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are a subject of research of many companies, laboratories and universities. These systems include algorithms with techniques that have been studied during the last decades like Simultaneous Lo- calization and Mapping (SLAM), obstacle detection, stereo vision, etc. Thanks to the advances in electronics, robotics and other domains, new embedded systems are being developed to guarantee the safety of the users of these critical systems. For most of these systems a low power consumption as well as reduced size is required. It creates the constraint of execute the algorithms in embedded devices with limited resources. In most of algorithms, moreover for computer vision ones, a big amount of data must be processed at high frequencies, this amount of data demands strong computing resources. FPGAs satisfy this requirement; its parallel architecture combined with its low power consumption and exibility allows developing and executing some algorithms more efficiently than any other processing platforms. In this thesis different embedded computer vision architectures intended to be used in ADAS using FPGAs are presented such as: We present the implementation of a distortion correction architecture operating at 100 Hz in two cameras simultaneously. The correction module allows also to rectify two images for implementation of stereo vision. Obstacle detection algorithms based on Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) and classiffication based on Color/Texture attributes are presented. The IPM transform is based in the perspective effect of a scene perceived from two different points of view. Moreover results of the detection algorithms from color/texture attributes applied on a multi-cameras system, are fused in an occupancy grid. An accelerator to apply homographies on images, is presented; this accelerator can be used for different applications like the generation of Bird's eye view or Side view. Multispectral vision is studied using both infrared images and color ones. Syn- thetic images are generated from information acquired from visible and infrared sources to provide a visual aid to the driver. Image enhancement specific for infrared images is also implemented and evaluated, based on the Contrast Lim- ited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). An embedded SLAM algorithm is presented with different hardware acceler- ators (point detection, landmark tracking, active search, correlation, matrix operations). All the algorithms were simulated, implemented and verified using as target FPGAs. The validation was done using development kits. A custom board integrating all the presented algorithms is presented. Virtual components developed in this thesis were used in three different projects: PICASSO (stereo vision), COMMROB (obstacle detection from a multi-cameras system) and SART (multispectral vision).
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3D Vision Geometry for Rolling Shutter Cameras / Géométrie pour la vision 3D avec des caméras Rolling ShutterLao, Yizhen 16 May 2019 (has links)
De nombreuses caméras CMOS modernes sont équipées de capteurs Rolling Shutter (RS). Ces caméras à bas coût et basse consommation permettent d’atteindre de très hautes fréquences d’acquisition. Dans ce mode d’acquisition, les lignes de pixels sont exposées séquentiellement du haut vers le bas de l'image. Par conséquent, les images capturées alors que la caméra et/ou la scène est en mouvement présentent des distorsions qui rendent les algorithmes classiques au mieux moins précis, au pire inutilisables en raison de singularités ou de configurations dégénérées. Le but de cette thèse est de revisiter la géométrie de la vision 3D avec des caméras RS en proposant des solutions pour chaque sous-tâche du pipe-line de Structure-from-Motion (SfM).Le chapitre II présente une nouvelle méthode de correction du RS en utilisant les droites. Contrairement aux méthodes existantes, qui sont itératives et font l’hypothèse dite Manhattan World (MW), notre solution est linéaire et n’impose aucune contrainte sur l’orientation des droites 3D. De plus, la méthode est intégrée dans un processus de type RANSAC permettant de distinguer les courbes qui sont des projections de segments droits de celles qui correspondent à de vraies courbes 3D. La méthode de correction est ainsi plus robuste et entièrement automatisée.Le chapitre III revient sur l'ajustement faisceaux ou bundle adjustment (BA). Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme basé sur une erreur de projection dans laquelle l’index de ligne des points projetés varie pendant l’optimisation afin de garder une cohérence géométrique contrairement aux méthodes existantes qui considère un index fixe (celui mesurés dans l’image). Nous montrons que cela permet de lever la dégénérescence dans le cas où les directions de scan des images sont trop proches (cas très communs avec des caméras embraquées sur un véhicule par exemple). Dans le chapitre VI nous étendons le concept d'homographie aux cas d’images RS en démontrant que la relation point-à-point entre deux images d’un nuage de points coplanaires pouvait s’exprimer sous la forme de 3 à 7 matrices de taille 3X3 en fonction du modèle de mouvement utilisé. Nous proposons une méthode linéaire pour le calcul de ces matrices. Ces dernières sont ensuite utilisées pour résoudre deux problèmes classiques en vision par ordinateur à savoir le calcul du mouvement relatif et le « mosaïcing » dans le cas RS.Dans le chapitre V nous traitons le problème de calcul de pose et de reconstruction multi-vues en établissant une analogie avec les méthodes utilisées pour les surfaces déformables telles que SfT (Structure-from-Template) et NRSfM (Non Rigid Structure-from-Motion). Nous montrons qu’une image RS d’une scène rigide en mouvement peut être interprétée comme une image Global Shutter (GS) d’une surface virtuellement déformée (par l’effet RS). La solution proposée pour estimer la pose et la structure 3D de la scène est ainsi composée de deux étapes. D’abord les déformations virtuelles sont d’abord calculées grâce à SfT ou NRSfM en assumant un modèle GS classique (relaxation du modèle RS). Ensuite, ces déformations sont réinterprétées comme étant le résultat du mouvement durant l’acquisition (réintroduction du modèle RS). L’approche proposée présente ainsi de meilleures propriétés de convergence que les approches existantes. / Many modern CMOS cameras are equipped with Rolling Shutter (RS) sensors which are considered as low cost, low consumption and fast cameras. In this acquisition mode, the pixel rows are exposed sequentially from the top to the bottom of the image. Therefore, images captured by moving RS cameras produce distortions (e.g. wobble and skew) which make the classic algorithms at best less precise, at worst unusable due to singularities or degeneracies. The goal of this thesis is to propose a general framework for modelling and solving structure from motion (SfM) with RS cameras. Our approach consists in addressing each sub-task of the SfM pipe-line (namely image correction, absolute and relative pose estimation and bundle adjustment) and proposing improvements.The first part of this manuscript presents a novel RS correction method which uses line features. Unlike existing methods, which uses iterative solutions and make Manhattan World (MW) assumption, our method R4C computes linearly the camera instantaneous-motion using few image features. Besides, the method was integrated into a RANSAC-like framework which enables us to detect curves that correspond to actual 3D straight lines and reject outlier curves making image correction more robust and fully automated.The second part revisits Bundle Adjustment (BA) for RS images. It deals with a limitation of existing RS bundle adjustment methods in case of close read-out directions among RS views which is a common configuration in many real-life applications. In contrast, we propose a novel camera-based RS projection algorithm and incorporate it into RSBA to calculate reprojection errors. We found out that this new algorithm makes SfM survive the degenerate configuration mentioned above.The third part proposes a new RS Homography matrix based on point correspondences from an RS pair. Linear solvers for the computation of this matrix are also presented. Specifically, a practical solver with 13 point correspondences is proposed. In addition, we present two essential applications in computer vision that use RS homography: plane-based RS relative pose estimation and RS image stitching. The last part of this thesis studies absolute camera pose problem (PnP) and SfM which handle RS effects by drawing analogies with non-rigid vision, namely Shape-from-Template (SfT) and Non-rigid SfM (NRSfM) respectively. Unlike all existing methods which perform 3D-2D registration after augmenting the Global Shutter (GS) projection model with the velocity parameters under various kinematic models, we propose to use local differential constraints. The proposed methods outperform stat-of-the-art and handles configurations that are critical for existing methods.
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Constructing Panoramic Scenes From Aerial VideosErdem, Elif 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we address the problem of panoramic scene construction in which a single image covering the entire visible area of the scene is constructed from an aerial image video.
In the literature, there are several algorithms developed for construction of panoramic scene of a video sequence. These algorithms can be categorized as feature based and featureless algorithms. In this thesis, we concentrate on the feature based algorithms and comparison of these algorithms is performed for aerial videos. The comparison is performed on video sequences captured by non-stationary cameras, whose optical axis does not have to be the same. In addition, the matching and tracking performances of the algorithms are separately analyzed, their advantages-disadvantages are presented and several modifications are proposed.
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Fundamental numerical schemes for parameter estimation in computer vision.Scoleri, Tony January 2008 (has links)
An important research area in computer vision is parameter estimation. Given a mathematical model and a sample of image measurement data, key parameters are sought to encapsulate geometric properties of a relevant entity. An optimisation problem is often formulated in order to find these parameters. This thesis presents an elaboration of fundamental numerical algorithms for estimating parameters of multi-objective models of importance in computer vision applications. The work examines ways to solve unconstrained and constrained minimisation problems from the view points of theory, computational methods, and numerical performance. The research starts by considering a particular form of multi-equation constraint function that characterises a wide class of unconstrained optimisation tasks. Increasingly sophisticated cost functions are developed within a consistent framework, ultimately resulting in the creation of a new iterative estimation method. The scheme operates in a maximum likelihood setting and yields near-optimal estimate of the parameters. Salient features of themethod are that it has simple update rules and exhibits fast convergence. Then, to accommodate models with functional dependencies, two variant of this initial algorithm are proposed. These methods are improved again by reshaping the objective function in a way that presents the original estimation problem in a reduced form. This procedure leads to a novel algorithm with enhanced stability and convergence properties. To extend the capacity of these schemes to deal with constrained optimisation problems, several a posteriori correction techniques are proposed to impose the so-called ancillary constraints. This work culminates by giving two methods which can tackle ill-conditioned constrained functions. The combination of the previous unconstrained methods with these post-hoc correction schemes provides an array of powerful constrained algorithms. The practicality and performance of themethods are evaluated on two specific applications. One is planar homography matrix computation and the other trifocal tensor estimation. In the case of fitting a homography to image data, only the unconstrained algorithms are necessary. For the problem of estimating a trifocal tensor, significant work is done first on expressing sets of usable constraints, especially the ancillary constraints which are critical to ensure that the computed object conforms to the underlying geometry. Evidently here, the post-correction schemes must be incorporated in the computational mechanism. For both of these example problems, the performance of the unconstrained and constrained algorithms is compared to existing methods. Experiments reveal that the new methods perform with high accuracy to match a state-of-the-art technique but surpass it in execution speed. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Mathemtical Sciences, Discipline of Pure Mathematics, 2008
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Reconnaissance d'activités humaines à partir de séquences multi-caméras : application à la détection de chute de personne / Recognition of human activities based on multi-camera sequences : application to people fall detectionMousse, Ange Mikaël 10 December 2016 (has links)
La vision artificielle est un domaine de recherche en pleine évolution. Les nouvelles stratégies permettent d'avoir des réseaux de caméras intelligentes. Cela induit le développement de beaucoup d'applications de surveillance automatique via les caméras. Les travaux développés dans cette thèse concernent la mise en place d'un système de vidéosurveillance intelligente pour la détection de chutes en temps réel. La première partie de nos travaux consiste à pouvoir estimer de façon robuste la surface d'une personne à partir de deux (02) caméras ayant des vues complémentaires. Cette estimation est issue de la détection de chaque caméra. Dans l'optique d'avoir une détection robuste, nous avons fait recours à deux approches. La première approche consiste à combiner un algorithme de détection de mouvements basé sur la modélisation de l'arrière plan avec un algorithme de détection de contours. Une approche de fusion a été proposée pour rendre beaucoup plus efficiente le résultat de la détection. La seconde approche est basée sur les régions homogènes de l'image. Une première ségmentation est effectuée dans le but de déterminer les régions homogènes de l'image. Et pour finir, nous faisons la modélisation de l'arrière plan en se basant sur les régions. Une fois les pixels de premier plan obtenu, nous faisons une approximation par un polygone dans le but de réduire le nombre d'informations à manipuler. Pour l'estimation de cette surface nous avons proposé une stratégie de fusion dans le but d'agréger les détections des caméras. Cette stratégie conduit à déterminer l'intersection de la projection des divers polygones dans le plan de masse. La projection est basée sur les principes de l'homographie planaire. Une fois l'estimation obtenue, nous avons proposé une stratégie pour détecter les chutes de personnes. Notre approche permet aussi d'avoir une information précise sur les différentes postures de l'individu. Les divers algorithmes proposés ont été implémentés et testés sur des banques de données publiques dans le but de juger l'efficacité des approches proposées par rapport aux approches existantes dans l'état de l'art. Les résultats obtenus et qui ont été détaillés dans le présent manuscrit montrent l'apport de nos algorithmes. / Artificial vision is an involving field of research. The new strategies make it possible to have some autonomous networks of cameras. This leads to the development of many automatic surveillance applications using the cameras. The work developed in this thesis concerns the setting up of an intelligent video surveillance system for real-time people fall detection. The first part of our work consists of a robust estimation of the surface area of a person from two (02) cameras with complementary views. This estimation is based on the detection of each camera. In order to have a robust detection, we propose two approaches. The first approach consists in combining a motion detection algorithm based on the background modeling with an edge detection algorithm. A fusion approach has been proposed to make much more efficient the results of the detection. The second approach is based on the homogeneous regions of the image. A first segmentation is performed to find homogeneous regions of the image. And finally we model the background using obtained regions.
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Skládání snímků panoramatického pohledu / Panoramatic View ReconstructionKuzdas, Oldřich January 2008 (has links)
This paper deals step by step with process of stitching images taken by perspective camera rotated by its optical center into the panoramic image. There are described keypoint searching algorhytms, possibilities of calculating homography matrix and methods of eliminating unwanted seams between source images in final panoramic image. A part of this paper is also standalone application in which are implemented some algorhytms described in the work.
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Detekce odpovídajících si bodů ve dvou fotografiích / Detection of Corresponding Points in ImagesKomosný, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is interested in detection of corresponding points in images, which display the same object, eventually some of important elements and synchronizing these images. The aim of this thesis is to find, study and choose suitable algorithm for detecting interesting points in image. This algorithm will be apply at couple of images and in these images will find couples of corresponding points across these images. Functional output of this thesis will be application which will realize choosen interesting points detector, algorithm for finding correspondencies of regions and their synchronizing and joint them to one output image.
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Real-Time Implementation of Vision Algorithm for Control, Stabilization, and Target Tracking for a Hovering Micro-UAVTippetts, Beau J. 23 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A lightweight, powerful, yet efficient quad-rotor platform was designed and constructed to obtain experimental results of completely autonomous control of a hovering micro-UAV using a complete on-board vision system. The on-board vision and control system is composed of a Helios FPGA board, an Autonomous Vehicle Toolkit daughterboard, and a Kestrel Autopilot. The resulting platform is referred to as the Helio-copter. An efficient algorithm to detect, correlate, and track features in a scene and estimate attitude information was implemented with a combination of hardware and software on the FPGA, and real-time performance was obtained. The algorithms implemented include a Harris feature detector, template matching feature correlator, RANSAC similarity-constrained homography, color segmentation, radial distortion correction, and an extended Kalman filter with a standard-deviation outlier rejection technique (SORT). This implementation was designed specifically for use as an on-board vision solution in determining movement of small unmanned air vehicles that have size, weight, and power limitations. Experimental results show the Helio-copter capable of maintaining level, stable flight within a 6 foot by 6 foot area for over 40 seconds without human intervention.
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Cycle-GAN for removing structured foreground objects in images / Cycle-GAN för att ta bort strukturerade förgrundsobjekt i bilderArriaza Barriga, Romina Carolina January 2020 (has links)
The TRACAB Image Tracking System is used by ChyronHego for the tracking of ball and players on football fields. It requires the calibration of the cameras around the arena which is disrupted by fences and other mesh structures that are positioned between the camera and the field as a safety measure for the public. The purpose of this work was the implementation of a cycle consistent Generative Adversarial Network (cycle-GAN) for removing the fence from the image using unpaired data. Cycle-GANs are part of the state-of-the-art of image-to-image translation and can solve this kind of problem without the need of paired images. This makes it an exciting and powerful method and, according to the latest investigations in the current work, it has never been used for this kind of application before. The model was able to strongly attenuate, and in some cases completely remove, the net structure from images. To quantify the impact of the net removal a homography matching was performed. Then, it was compared with the homography associated to the baseline of blurring the image with a gaussian filter and the original image without the use of any filter. The results showed that the identification of key-points was harder on synthetic images than on the original image with or without small Gaussian filters, but it showed a better performance against images blurred with filters with a standard deviation of 3 pixels or more. Despite the performance not being better than the baseline in all the cases it always added new key-points, and sometimes, it was able to find correct homographies where the baseline could not. Therefore, the cycle-GAN model proved to complement the baseline. / TRACAB Image Tracking System används av ChyronHego för spårning av bollen och spelaren påfotbollsplaner. Detta kräver kalibrering av kamerorna runt arenan som störs av staket och andra nätstrukturer som är placerade mellan kameran och fältet som en säkerhetsåtgärd för publiken. Detta examensabrete fokuserar påimplementeringen av en cycle-GAN för borttagning av nätet från bilden med hjälp av oparade data. Cycle-GAN är en bild-till-bild-översättning state-of-the-art teknik och det kan lösa denna typ av problem utan parade bilder. Detta gör det till en spännande och kraftfull metod och enligt den senaste forskningen har det aldrig använts för denna typ av tillämpning förut. Modellen kunde kraftigt dämpa och i vissa fall helt ta bort nätstrukturen från bilder. För att kvantifiera effekterna av avlägsnandet av nätet utfördes en homografimatchning. Därefter jämfördes det med homografin associerad med baslinjen där bilden görs suddig med ett gaussiskt filter och originalbilden utan användning av något filter. Resultaten visade att identifieringen av nyckelpunkter var svårare påsyntetiska bilder än påoriginalbilder med eller utan småGauss-filter, men det visade bättre prestanda än bilder som var suddigt med filter med en standardavvikelse på 3 pixlar eller mer. Trots att prestandan inte var bättre än baslinjen i alla fall lade versionen utan nätet alltid till nya nyckelpunkter, och ibland kunde den hitta korrekta homografier där baslinjen misslyckades. Därför, cycle-GAN-modellen kompletterar baslinjen.
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