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Um sonho distante: reflex?es sobre acessibilidade nos conjuntos habitacionais do pmcmv faixa 1 na regi?o metropolitana de NatalSilva, Analucia de Azevedo 04 April 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-04 / This dissertation seeks to reflect on the accessibility of the governmental
program Minha Casa Minha Vida, track 1, which comprehends people who made 0 to
3 minimum wages within the metropolitan region of Natal RN between the years of
2009 and 2012. The research covers the municipalities benefited by the program:
Cear?-Mirim, Extremoz, Maca?ba, Monte Alegre, Natal, N?sia Floresta, Parnamirim
and S?o Gon?alo do Amarante. We have investigated the extensions of PMCMV on
the context of the access to the city, debating some concepts attached to the
capitalist mode of production such as residential segregation and peripherization. We
have aimed to identify the accessibility conditions in the new housing complexes from
three primal categories, namely, the localization of the complexes, the disponibility of
public equipments, services, leisure and cultural properties on the neighborhood and
the offer of public transport. Our theorical references are based on the ideas of the
british geographer David Harvey on his work Social Justice and the City , from 1980.
Harvey s studies made us debate on the locational choice for the social-matter
habitation, and also let us discuss the price to accessibility on these new programs
and its implications on the income of those who are benefited by them, specially
because this is about a low-income population. To the achievement of these
objectives, we made use of case study, including desk research, photographic
documentation, records of field observations and informal conversations with locals,
composing a qualitative study. In light of what has been researched and considering
the guiding research questions, we reflect on aspects of the program that can greatly
influence the processes of residential segregation and housing periphery of the lowincome
population from the precarious conditions of accessibility to the referred
population / A presente disserta??o busca refletir sobre a acessibilidade nos conjuntos
habitacionais do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, Faixa 1, que compreende as
pessoas que recebem de 0 a 3 sal?rios m?nimos, no ?mbito da Regi?o Metropolitana
de Natal RMNatal - entre os anos de 2009 e 2012. A pesquisa abrange os
munic?pios beneficiados pelo programa: Cear?-Mirim, Extremoz, Maca?ba, Monte
Alegre, Natal, N?sia Floresta, Parnamirim e S?o Gon?alo do Amarante. Investigamos
os desdobramentos do PMCMV no que se refere ao acesso ? cidade, discutindo
alguns conceitos ligados ao modo de produ??o capitalista como segrega??o
residencial e periferiza??o. Buscamos identificar as condi??es de acessibilidade nos
novos conjuntos habitacionais a partir de tr?s categorias que consideramos
fundamentais, a saber, a localiza??o dos empreendimentos, a oferta de transporte
p?blico coletivo e a disponibilidade de equipamentos p?blicos, servi?os, lazer e bens
culturais no entorno desses. Nosso referencial te?rico se concentra nas ideias do
ge?grafo brit?nico David Harvey na obra A Justi?a Social e a Cidade , de 1980. Os
estudos desenvolvidos por Harvey nos levaram a debater sobre a escolha locacional
para a habita??o de interesse social, bem como nos permitiu discutir o pre?o da
acessibilidade a esses novos empreendimentos e suas implica??es na renda dos
indiv?duos beneficiados pelo programa, principalmente porque tratamos de uma
popula??o de baixa renda. Para a consecu??o desses objetivos, nos valemos do
estudo de caso, incluindo pesquisa documental, documenta??o fotogr?fica, registros
de observa??es de campo e conversas informais com moradores, compondo um
estudo de natureza qualitativa. ? luz do que foi pesquisado e, considerando as
quest?es norteadoras da pesquisa, buscamos refletir sobre os aspectos do
programa que podem influenciar sobremaneira nos processos de segrega??o
residencial e periferiza??o da habita??o da popula??o de baixa renda a partir da
precariza??o das condi??es de acessibilidade para a referida popula??o
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Constituições do habitar = reassentamento do Jd. São Marcos para o Jd. Real / Constitutions of dwelling : ressentlement from Jd. São Marcos to Jd. RealDe Paula, Fernanda Cristina, 1984- 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Daniel Joseph Hogan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T09:54:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DePaula_FernandaCristina_M.pdf: 2670582 bytes, checksum: 62636450b3c2286e39d0a872d7153b4b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O município de Cubatão (SP) ainda lida com as conseqüências de sua expressiva industrialização. Dentre elas, associado ao conjunto significativo de impactos ambientais, está o problema habitacional: praticamente, metade das famílias do município vive em habitações precárias. Uma das medidas que vêm sendo tomadas, nesta década, para a resolução deste problema é o reassentamento urbano. Em Cubatão, esta política remove a população da área de risco e promove a mudança das famílias para conjuntos habitacionais construídos especificamente para estes moradores; oferecendo moradia fisicamente mais estável, junto a bairros consolidados. O último reassentamento concretizado neste município foi o das famílias do Jd. São Marcos para o Jd. Real. Do ponto de vista dos moradores, o reassentamento implica uma reestruturação da vida, na medida em que muda o espaço em que está a casa. A qualidade desta reestruturação é que responde à eficácia e justiça desta política pública do ponto de vista da população envolvida. Clarificar o devir e os fatores envolvidos deve ajudar na reflexão das conseqüências do reassentamento para os moradores, auxiliando na reflexão e planejamento desta política pública. A reestruturação se dá no cotidiano, nas pequenas ou nas fundamentais atividades que centramos na casa; em outras palavras, o cerne da reestruturação da vida em função do reassentamento está na articulação entre espaço, indivíduo e o modo como habitamos. A partir desta constatação, trazemos o habitar como categoria para apreender as conseqüências do reassentamento. Apoiados nas formulações sobre sentido do habitar de Heidegger, que auxiliam a refletir sobre a articulação entre espaço, indivíduo e morar, discutimos sobre o papel da casa, do bairro, da articulação entre lugares privados e públicos e da apropriação do espaço como fenômenos que compõe o habitar e que entram em xeque frente ao reassentamento / Abstract: The City of Cubatão (SP) still deals with the consequences of its expressive industrialization. Among them, associated with a set of significant environmental impacts, is the habitation problem: almost half of the families in the city live in precarious residences. The urban resettlement is one of the measures that are being taken in this decade to solve this problem. In Cubatão, this policy removes the population in risk areas and promotes the displacement of the families to habitation sets constructed specifically for these residents; providing housing physically more stable, within consolidated neighborhood. The last resettlement achieved in this city involved the families of Jd. São Marcos to Jd. Real. From the residents' perspective, the resettlement implies restructuring of life, in as much as it changes the space of the house. The quality of this restructuring direct responds to the efficiency and justice of this public policy from the residents' perspective subjected to this. Clarify the destiny and the factors involved should help in the reflection of resettlements' consequences to residents, helping the studies and planning of such public policy. The restructuring happens in daily life, in small or fundamental activities that we concentrate in the house; in other words, the heart of the restructuring of life in the light of resettlement is in the articulation between space, individual and the way that we live. From this observation, we bring 'dwelling' as a category to embrace the consequences of resettlement. Supported in formulations on "dwelling" discussed by Heidegger and his aid to reflect the articulation between space, individual and settlement we discuss the role of home, neighborhood, articulation between private and public places and space appropriation as phenomena that compose the dwelling and confront the resettlement focus / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia
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Hållbar lokalisering av nya bostäder på landsbygd : En fallstudie över Skärplinge i Tierps kommunLindgren, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys kan användas för att föreslå en hållbar lokalisering av ny bebyggelse på landsbygd. Covid-19 pandemin har utmanat invanda beteendemönster och värderingar. Social distansering och att arbeta på distans har blivit det nya normala och det finns anledning att tro att distansarbete kommer att vara mer accepterat även efter det att pandemin är över. Redan innan pandemin fanns en svagt uppåt-gående trend med befolkningsökning i tätortsnära landsbygdssamhällen. Om attraktionen för bostäder inom tätortsnära landsbygdssamhällen ökar blir det viktigt att fundera på hur en nyetablering av bebyggelse kan ske på ett så håll-bart sätt som möjligt. En fallstudie genomfördes över ett mindre landsbygds-samhälle med fokus på att identifiera utmaningar ur hållbarhetssynpunkt och vilka kriterier som är viktiga att beakta vid lokalisering av nya bostäder. Plats-analys, enkät och intervju användes för att välja ut kriterier till den GIS-baserade multikriterieanalysen och för att utvärdera resultatet. En enklare känslighetsanalys genomfördes för att bedöma om den valda metoden var robust och vilken inverkan de olika kriterierna och deras viktning hade på slut-resultatet. Fem platser med en area större än 1000 m² pekades ut i analysen som de bäst lämpade platserna för lokalisering av nya bostäder. Vid utvärde-ringen av platserna i verkligheten visade sig samtliga ha brister som förbisetts i analysen. När slutresultatet vidgades till att inkludera även de näst bästa plat-serna uppvisade flera av platserna potential för etablering av nya bostäder. Slutsatsen av studien var att GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys innebär många osäkerhetsfaktorer och att det är viktigt att valet av kriterier anpassas till för-utsättningarna inom studieområdet för att resultatet ska bli tillförlitligt. Resul-tatet från GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys behöver utvärderas noggrant och be-slutsfattare bör inte enbart koncentrera sig på platserna med de högsta värdena i analysen utan behålla ett bredare perspektiv och även utvärdera de näst bästa platserna. Ett spektrum av kriterier som inbegriper såväl miljömässiga som so-ciala och ekonomiska aspekter av hållbarhet ökar förutsättningarna för att den föreslagna lokaliseringen ska bli så hållbar som möjligt. GIS-baserad multi-kriterieanalys kan, rätt använd, vara ett värdefullt verktyg för att hitta en så hållbar lokalisering som möjligt för nya bostäder på landsbygd. / The aim of the study was to examine how GIS-based multicriteria analysis can be used to propose a sustainable location for new buildings in rural areas. The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged behavior patterns and values. Social distancing and remote work have become the new normal and there is reason to believe that remote working will be more accepted when the pandemic is over. There was an upward trend of population growth in rural communities close to urban areas even before the Covid-19 pandemic. If the attraction for housing in rural communities increases, it will be important to consider how a new establishment of buildings can take place in a sustainable way. A case study was conducted over a small rural community. Focus for the study was identification of challenges from a sustainability point of view and conside-ration of the most important criteria when locating new houses. Place ana-lysis, questionnaire and interview were methods used to select criteria for the GIS-based multicriteria analysis, and evaluation of the results. A simplified sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the robustness of the chosen method and impact of criteria weighting on the result. Five sites with an area larger than 1000 m² were pointed out in the analysis as the most suitable for new housing. In the evaluation of the sites, they all turned out to have short-comings that were overlooked in the analysis. When the result was expanded to include even the second-best places, several of the places showed potential for new housing establishment. The conclusion of the study was that GIS-based multicriteria analysis involves many uncertainty factors and study area conditions must be considered then criteria choices are made for the result to be reliable. The result of the analysis needs to be carefully evaluated and de-cision-makers should not only concentrate on the places with the highest value in the analysis but maintain a broader perspective and evaluate the second-best places as well. A criteria spectrum including both environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability increase the probability for the proposed locations to be truly sustainable. GIS-based multi-criteria analysis can be a valuable tool in finding a location as sustainable as possible for new housing in rural areas, if used correctly.
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