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Potential AI Application In The Swedish Army And Its Relation To The Holiness Of Life : A study of army officers' narratives on the military experience in the face of AI / Potentiell AI-tillämpning i den svenska armén och dess relation till Livets Helighet : En studie av arméofficers inställningen gentemot införande av AI i militärt brukBrodrej, Pepule Majken January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis examines army officer's view of the social implications of AI within the Swedish Army, as well as what is required of researchers to understand the implications of AI. The thesis is based on an interpretive study of the army officers' narrative and is supported by contemporary research on AI for military use. The theoretical framework includes ideas on social contracts, transrational sentiments, emotions (like love) as meaning making, human life as Holy and bounded rationality. The theme of the Holiness of human life opens up a discussion about the value of trust, hope and love within the activities of the Swedish Army. The analysis describes how the view of AI is partly positive, while simultaneously containing skepticism and fear that technical optimism will lead to a destructive use of it. Participants in the study describe AI's rationality in contrast to human rationality, and war is presented as a non-rational social process. This leads the study to an interpretation of the meaning of the officers distancing and fear towards AI. It addresses the risks of a higher AI usage rate in war, which include; decision makers loss of credibility, devaluation of life and the appearance of war as nonsensical and meaningless, which could contribute to an indifference towards human life and suffering. The conclusion addresses human life as a human responsibility because its meaning and value is socially constructed, the benefits of exploring AI capabilities and the significance of understanding the social culture where the AI is to be used - as it affects the application outcome. / Uppsatsen undersöker arméofficerarens syn på de sociala implikationerna som AI medför inom den militära kontexten, samt vad som krävs av forskare för att förstå implikationerna av AI. Uppsatsen baseras på en tolkningsstudie av armeofficerarnas narrativ. Uppsatsen stöds av forskning kring AI inom militärt bruk i vår samtid. I det teoretiska ramverk ingår teorier kring sociala kontrakt, transrationella upplevelser, känslor som meningsskapande, mänskligt liv som heligt och begränsad rationalitet (bounded rationality). Temat kring människans personliga värde (Helighet) öppnar för en diskussion kring värdet av tillit, hopp och kärlek inom svenska arméns verksamhet. Analysen beskriver hur synen på AI är delvis positiv, och samtidigt innehåller en skepticism och rädsla för att teknisk optimism ska leda till ett destruktivt användande av den. Deltagarna i studien beskriver AIs rationalitet i kontrast till människans, och krig presenteras som en icke-rationell social process. Detta leder studien till en tolkning av vad avståndstagandet och rädslan gentemot AI innebär. Uppsatsen tar upp risker av en högre AI-användningsgrad vid krigets (beslutsfattar)processer. Dessa är bland annat; att beslutsfattaren ska förlora trovärdighet, att liv ska devalveras och att krig ska förefalla oförståeligt och meningslöst, vilket kan bidra till en likgiltighet kring mänskligt liv och lidande. Slutsatsen tar upp att mänskligt liv är ett mänskligt ansvar eftersom mening med och värdet av liv är socialt skapad, att det är gynnsamt att utforska AIs kapacitet samt att kulturen där AI bör framkomma som en betydelsefull aspekt vid utforskandet - eftersom det påverkar beslutsfattandet i sin helhet, tillit mellan soldater, motivationen till och synen på liv.
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Le coût d'opportunité de la guerre : application au cas du Liban / The opportunity cost of war : the case of LebanonYammine, Jamilée 07 July 2011 (has links)
Nombreux sont les pays qui vivent aujourd’hui dans un état de guerre et de conflits violents. Ces pays supportent ainsi des coûts importants qu’ils soient directs ou indirects. Toutefois, les effets de la guerre sont encourus sur le long terme et empêchent le processus de développement économique du pays concerné. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’analyse du coût d’opportunité de la guerre. Cette analyse est reliée à la fois au prix de la vie humaine et au prix des destructions matérielles.Plusieurs économistes ont définit et ont estimé le coût d’opportunité de la guerre. Ce type d’estimation exige des hypothèses sur la manière dont l’économie aurait fonctionné en absence de la guerre. Cependant, ce genre de calcul n’est pas très élaboré. Notre travail de recherche se concentre sur le calcul de ce coût pour la guerre que le Liban a vécu entre 1975 et 1990. Nous nous intéressons au fonctionnement de l’économie libanaise, non pas uniquement pour la période de la guerre mais aussi pour la période postérieure à celle-ci. Les méthodes de calcul que nous utilisons sont inspirées des définitions du coût d’opportunité données par Jean Baptiste Say et par la Banque mondiale. / Nowadays, many countries live in a constant state of war and violence. They suffer from both direct and indirect costs that will have a long term impact on their economic development and progress. In this thesis, we are going to analyze the opportunity-cost of war. This analysis stresses both the value of human beings as well as the cost of material damages. Many economists have tried to define and estimate the opportunity-cost of wars. These estimations take into consideration several hypotheses on how the economy would have functioned in the absence of war. However, these calculations were never elaborate. Our work focuses on the calculation of the opportunity cost of the Lebanese civil war which started in 1975 and lasted for sixteen years. We will examine how the Lebanese economy functioned during the civil war as well as after it was done. The methods of calculation that we used are inspired from the work of Jean Baptiste Say and the World Bank.
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Podstata a význam klinické pastorační péče v perinatologických centrech (se zaměřením na rodinu) a možnosti následné pastorační péče / The nature and importance of clinical pastoral care in perinatal centres (with an emphasis on family support) and the possibility of subsequent pastoral careHRACHOVCOVÁ, Hana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the essence and importance of clinical pastoral care in perinatal centers (focusing on the family) and the possibilities of subsequent pastoral care. This problematics opens up brief descriptions of the family and the treatise on the pregnancy and the child. The following is an introduction by field of perinatology and outline of care in the perinatal centers (with a preferential view of the risk department and pathological pregnancy, the obstetrical hall, neonatological JIRP and the puerperology department). The selected are risk and pathological conditions in the perinatology are mentioned , as well as the specific conflicting situations in perinatology . The following outline is problematics at the beginning of an individual human life, which goes into another very controversial question, touching the human right to a (healthy) child and a look at ethical reproduction problems. Furthermore, the work is already focused on the definition of the essence and importance of clinical pastoral care in the perinatal centers and in the area of possibilities of subsequent pastoral care. The chapter on human freedom and its responsibility for decisions is closed by the topic.
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Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR / Ethical dilemmas of babyboxes for abandoned children in the Czech republicChvílová Weberová, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra Teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, PhD., Th.D. Konzultant: MUDr. František Schneiberg Praha 2014 Prohlášení 1. Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracovala samostatně a použila jen uvedené prameny a literaturu. 2. Prohlašuji, že práce nebyla využita k získání jiného titulu. 3. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zpřístupněna pro studijní a výzkumné účely. V Havlíčkově Brodě, dne 3. 12. 2013 Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Bibliografická citace Babyboxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR [rukopis]: Diplomová práce /Magdalena Chvílová Weberová vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, Ph.D., Th.D. Praha, 2014 --184 s. -- Abstract Baby box is a box for anonymous postponement of unwanted newborns. The existence of baby boxes is being justified by it is declared purpose - saving human lives. Newborn's life is highest good and even just delivered newborn is a bearer of human rights. The work discusses the claim of saving the life of the newborn within the context of the best interests of the child and within the context of the incidence of...
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A selection of constitutional perspectives on human kidney salesVenter, Bonnie 13 November 2012 (has links)
There are thousands of desperate people globally who need a kidney for
transplantation. The number of people who require a kidney transplant continues to
escalate faster than the number of kidneys available for a transplant. The aim of this
dissertation is to examine and analyse the judicial framework pertaining to kidney
transplants in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the
South African Constitution and the National Health Act 61 of 2003. The specific focus of
this dissertation is to determine whether the payment of kidney donors could be
regarded as constitutionally acceptable. A comparative study is undertaken, with
Singapore and Iran as a background against which recommendations for the South
African regulatory framework are made. The most important finding is that people should
at least be granted the choice whether they would prefer to receive payment for their
kidney donations or not. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.
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Identifikace náročných životních situací a jejich zvládání u adolescentů /gymnasistů/. / The identification of difficult life situations and their overcoming by adolescents (grammer school students).HANDLÍŘOVÁ, Ludmila January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work consists of theorethical and practical part. The theorethical part contains general characteristics of difficult life situations as stress, frustration and conflict. There are also mentioned techniques and factors for coping difficult life situations. The practical part contains a research, which deals perception difficult life situations by adolescents. The research was carried out by two questionnaires. At the end of the practical part there is a summary and an evaluation of results.
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A selection of constitutional perspectives on human kidney salesVenter, Bonnie 13 November 2012 (has links)
There are thousands of desperate people globally who need a kidney for
transplantation. The number of people who require a kidney transplant continues to
escalate faster than the number of kidneys available for a transplant. The aim of this
dissertation is to examine and analyse the judicial framework pertaining to kidney
transplants in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the
South African Constitution and the National Health Act 61 of 2003. The specific focus of
this dissertation is to determine whether the payment of kidney donors could be
regarded as constitutionally acceptable. A comparative study is undertaken, with
Singapore and Iran as a background against which recommendations for the South
African regulatory framework are made. The most important finding is that people should
at least be granted the choice whether they would prefer to receive payment for their
kidney donations or not. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.
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Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani / Slovene National Theatre in LjubljanaHýl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
SLOVENE NATIONAL THEATRE IN LJUBLJANA Author Report Of The Diploma Work Author: Bc. Petr Hýl Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Zdeněk Makovský
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