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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Family policy in the context of education : an integrated perspective on family policy

O'Flaherty, Patrick, n/a January 1984 (has links)
The statement by the Director of the Australian Institute of Family Studies - that Australia needs a Family Policy in order to make Australians more aware of the crucial role of the family in the development of human competence - provides the benchmark for this study, A content analysis of Australian and overseas family policy documents reveals that present approaches are ad hoc and fragmented - although there is a definite move towards a developmental and integrated approach. In this study it is argued that family policy has a valid role in providing the context of education throughout the life cycle of individuals, simply because, together with education (in its widest sense of human development) it provides the construction of social reality for members of Australian society. Three metaphorical models of reality promoted by different education approaches are delineated: (i) The Clockwork world of the megamachine and the image of education as a means of production, (ii) the Secular Humanistic world of dichotomies and the image of education as a means of intellectual growth, and (iii) The World of Interrelationships and Wholeness and the image of education as a life long journey A review of the literature on the relationship between family and education reveals an historial development from separation, through collaboration to integration of these two important influences in human development. The central issue identified for policy is that of the twin horns of a dilemma. Either the terms of policy are so strictly defined that it becomes a self-limiting selffulfiling prophecy, or there is no basis at all for constructive discussion because of the present mass of unorganised detailed material. A way out of this dilemma is proposed with the design of an integrated perspective on the family for use by policy makers, educators and families themselves. Six interrelated models of the family (Cultural, Functional, Survival, Developmental, Legal and Structural) are defined and their links to the dynamics of an actual family are described. The implications of this new conceptual tool are briefly discussed and it is argued that any approach in policy or practice that ignores the mutlifaceted dimensions of this integrated perspective on the family is incomplete. Attached to this Field Study are: (A) A content analysis of twenty years of family policy with an emphasis on Australian material; (5) A comprehensive bibliography cf Australian and overseas material. Each of these attachments could act as source documents in themselves for further research in this area.

Samskapande datortillämpningar : en systemteoretisk ansats för lösning av vissa förändringsproblem vid administrativ datoranvändning / Constructive computer applications : a systems approach for solution of certain change problems in administrative computer applications

Forsgren, Olov January 1988 (has links)
This thesis starts by observing a change problem in a medical computer application. The change problem occurs when data and rules that make up the core of a computer application, degenerate. Sometimes the process is slow, but it is not unusual for the application to be out of date even before it has been put into use. The aim of this work is to develop a theoretical framework in which it is possible to formulate the change problem such that it becomes more accessible for conscious consideration and a base for design principles. Accordingly, the thesis follows a theoretical approach. In order to place the work in a historical perspective, some major lines of research in administrative data processing are outlined. The change problem has led the author to investigate the birth and change of facts. The result of this investigation is that two fundamental points of view can be identified. One is closely related to a view of knowledge that is characteristic of the age of enlightenment. The basic idea in this "depictive" view is that facts are more or less depictions of reality. The other point of view can be associated with philosophers such as Kant and Hegel. The fundamental idea in this "constructive" view is that facts are related to measuring systems that are created by man. The constructive view is developed to include computer applications, encompassing a concept with seven key elements. To demonstrate the usefulness of the concept, two case studies are discussed: a computer aided travel agency and the argumentation around a computer aided social research project. An attempt is then made to use the constructive view as an approach to the change problem. One important result of this work is that the change problem shifts into a problem of justice. The conclusion is that a depictive view of facts gives theoretical support for transforming every human activity into deterministic machinery. When this fails, we experience a change problem. A constructive view of facts gives theoretical support for participation in a redesigning process. When this fails we experience a problem of injustice among clients. Following that conclusion, one way to approach the injustice problem is to encourage clients to take part in a continuous reconstruction of the activity. This is the same thing as looking for solutions to the change problem. The focus of the thesis then turns to different strategies to encourage clients to participate in the reconstructive work, which is also knovyn as the question of implementation. The following complementary strategies for implementation are considered: The Metaphorical Strategy, the Heuristic Strategy, the Documentation Strategy, the Computer Application Strategy, the Education Strategy. These strategies are then applied to the first mentioned medical computer application. The thesis concludes with some outlines for further research and some fundamental questions conceiving constructive computer applications. These questions focused on the necessity for further work on ethical aspects of a constructive view. / digitalisering@umu

Idea and Practice in Master Sheng Yen's "Pure Land on Earth'

Lee, Chih-liang 25 January 2011 (has links)
Humanistic Buddhism in Taiwan has become a mainstream in recent 2 decades. It¡¦s from local form to international organization, and uses the way of commercial management. On the other side, the Buddhist adopt a ¡§inner transformation¡¨ strategy to turn difficult words in the Buddhist Scripture into understandable saying. When Master Sheng Yen was a novice, he had already realized that ¡§the Buddha dharma is so great, but many people misunderstand it and so few people are willing to accept it.¡¨ Therefore, he decided to develop and promote Buddhist higher education. Master Sheng Yen held the religious spirit of universal delivery ,tireless in all his efforts. He established the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education in Jinshan Township, Taipei County, in order to practice the Threefold Education¡XExtensive Academic Education, Extensive Public Buddhist Education, and Extensive Social Care Education¡Xwhich is the foundation on which to realize the vision of ¡§uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on Earth¡¨. The Master would like to spread the Dharma in language and ideas that people can relate to. For this reason, the Master proposed a series of social movements, hoped to provide concepts and methods applicable in today¡¦s life. These methods include ¡§the Spiritual Environment¡¨,¡¨ Four Kinds of Environmentalism¡¦, ¡§the Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign¡¨, and ¡§the Six Ethics of the Mind¡¨. The Master is a legendary people. The vision of ¡§uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on Earth¡¨ has opened a new sight in Taiwan.

Sense of Place in an Unincorporated Community:

Sanderson, Samuel Scott 01 January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Residents of communities that are at the edge of the rural-urban divide are likely to have many senses of place reflective of the changes occurring around them. As the place where they have resided in and identify with becomes transformed by changes in land use and social composition, these residents may be forced to either adapt or leave. Often overlooked, these individuals may feel as if the place where they have long resided is no longer their home. As the familiar routes, stores, and neighborhoods give way to new highways, big name stores, and exclusive subdivisions, their understanding of its sense of place becomes challenged. This thesis seeks to understand changing senses of place among residents in Lutz, an unincorporated community at the edge of the city of Tampa in Florida. Using a humanistic geography approach which focuses on individual perceptions, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted on questions related to community boundaries, everyday experiences of demographic and land use transformations, and possible futures of the community. Further background on the community was collected by traveling through it and analyzing media accounts which provided both historical and contemporary perspectives on its cultural landscapes. One of the main findings of this thesis is that the unincorporated nature of this community adds a unique dimension to discussions of its socio-spatial transformations since the role of boundaries in sense of place becomes complicated here. Thus, in contrast to firm lines drawn by cartographers or postal agencies, cultural boundaries have a high degree of subjectivity and are often at odds with official demarcations. Overall, this thesis highlights the value of focusing on residents of unincorporated communities in order to build more complex notions of place-based identities.

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų,pedagogų ir tėvų santykiai: humaniškumo aspektas / The relationships between the preschool children,educators, and their parents: the aspect of humanity education

Juodvalkienė, Vita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas buvo atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir tėvų santykius kaip humaniškumo ugdymo šeimoje prielaidą. Darbe, remiantis ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, jų tėvų ir pedagogų tyrimo duomenimis bei literatūros šaltiniais, parodoma, kad šeima tuo laikotarpiu vaidina pagrindinį vaidmenį formuodama vaikų humanišką elgesį. Vaikai humaniškai elgiasi su kitais žmonėmis tik tada, kai šeimoje vyrauja tinkama atmosfera, tėvai yra jautrūs, atviri ir atsakingi savo vaikams, išlieka prieš juos orūs. Tėvai gana humaniškai elgiasi su ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikais, glaudžiai su jais bendrauja, paguodžia, supranta, yra jautrūs jų išgyvenimams, pagiria vaikų nuopelnus, su jais dalinasi ir sako tiesą, skatina ir patį vaiką elgtis humaniškai. Šeima duoda pirmą supratimą apie vaiką supantį pasaulį, jame esančius žmonių tarpusavio santykius. Šeima pirmoji padeda dorovinius pamatus, duoda pirmą supratimą apie humaniškus santykius tarp žmonių, ugdo tokius būdo bruožus, kaip atvirumą, jautrumą, užuojautą kitam. orumą, sąžiningumą ir t.t. Tyrimo metodika: L tipo (standartizuotas pokalbis su vaikais) ir Q tipo (uždaro tipo anketos pedagogams ir tėvams) diagnostinių duomenų. Ji padėjo tiksliai sužinoti tėvų, vaikų ir pedagogų nuomonę apie tėvų humanišką elgesį su vaikais. Tyrimo metodika buvo patikima, nes visas humaniško elgesio vertinimas buvo tik iš tiriamųjų ir nebuvo kito žmogaus subjektyvumo, primestos nuomonės. Tyrime dalyvavo 60 vaikų ir 60 tėvų bei 20 pedagogų iš estetinio lavinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of research was to reveal the relationships between the preschool children and their parents, as the prerequisite of humanity education in a family. Based on the research data on the preschool children, their parents and educators and according to the sources of literature, work presents that in the given period of time family plays the fundamental role in forming the humane behavior of children. Children behave humane with other people only when there is the proper atmosphere at home, when parents are sensitive, open and responsible to their children and remain dignified in their eyes. The behavior of parents is enough humanistic with the preschool children, they closely communicate, comfort, understand their children, are sensitive to their empathies, commend the children’s merits, share with them, tell the truth and motivate the child to behave humane. Family gives the first understanding of the surrounding the child world and the people relations in it. Family is the first to lay the moral foundation; it gives the first understanding of the humane relations between people, and nurtures such characteristics as openness, sensitivity, compassion to other person, dignity, honesty and etc. Methods of research: L type (standardized conversation with children) and Q type (closed type questionnaires for educators and parents) diagnostic data. It specifically helped to find out the opinion of parents, children and educators on the humane behavior with the children... [to full text]

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose / Humanistic education of junior schoolchildren in physical education lessons

Jančiauskas, Rolandas 17 January 2014 (has links)
Dabarties iššūkių akivaizdoje itin opi tampa asmens integralumo, jo gyvenimo darnos ir prasmingumo problema, todėl ypač svarbios darosi švietimo pastangos humanizuoti žmonių gyvenimą, padėti kelti ir ieškoti atsakymų į žmonių gyvenimo prasmės ir paskirties klausimus. Šiandieninei mokyklai keliamas reikalavimas organizuoti ugdymo procesą, kuriant bendražmogiškomis vertybėmis pagrįstus, humaniškus tarpusavio santykius. Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams pradėjus lankyti mokyklą, plečiasi pažintinės galimybės, turtėja jų emocinis pasaulis, formuojasi empatija ir elgesys. Tačiau pradinių klasių mokiniai neretai patiria bendravimo sunkumų, nes šio amžiaus vaikų tarpusavio santykiuose neretai pasigendama pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam. Kūno kultūros pamokose žaidybinių situacijų metu, pergalės ar pralaimėjimo akimirkomis aktyviai reiškiasi mokinių emocijos, jų vertybinės orientacijos, fizinės, verbalinės ir neverbalinės vaikų agresyvumo formos bei rūšys. Dėl žaidybinių situacijų metu dažnai kylančių konfliktų ir vaikų pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam stokos jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose yra labai svarbus ir aktualus. Pats svarbiausias amžiaus tarpsnis ugdant humanistines asmens vertybes yra jaunesnysis mokyklinis amžius, nes tai yra intensyvaus vaiko asmenybės, jo savivaizdžio raidos periodas, tai jo santykis su savimi ir pasauliu bei naujos patirties ir informacijos kaupimas. Todėl būtina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the face of the present-day challenges such issues as personal integrity, life harmony and meaningfulness are becoming a key concern, thus, educational efforts to humanize people's lives, to help raise and seek answers to the questions of life meaning and purpose are particularly important. Modern school is required to organize the educational process by creating human values-based relationship. After starting the school junior schoolchildren expand their cognitive opportunities, enrich their emotional world, and form their empathy and behavior. However, primary school pupils often experience difficulty in communicating, because the relationship between this age group children often lacks support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Schoolchildren’s emotions, their value orientation, physical, verbal and non-verbal forms of aggression are revealed in physical education lessons during play situations, and the moments of victory or defeat. Junior school age is the most important phase of developing humanistic values of an individual, because it is an intense period of child's personality development, their relationship with oneself and the world, the collection of new experience and information. Junior schoolchildren’s humanistic education in physical education lessons is a very important and relevant issue due to the conflicts during play situations and the lack of children’s support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Therefore, a scientific problem emerges:... [to full text]

Humanistic education of junior schoolchildren in physical education lessons / Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose

Jančiauskas, Rolandas 17 January 2014 (has links)
In the face of the present-day challenges such issues as personal integrity, life harmony and meaningfulness are becoming a key concern, thus, educational efforts to humanize people's lives, to help raise and seek answers to the questions of life meaning and purpose are particularly important. Modern school is required to organize the educational process by creating human values-based relationship. After starting the school junior schoolchildren expand their cognitive opportunities, enrich their emotional world, and form their empathy and behavior. However, primary school pupils often experience difficulty in communicating, because the relationship between this age group children often lacks support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Schoolchildren’s emotions, their value orientation, physical, verbal and non-verbal forms of aggression are revealed in physical education lessons during play situations, and the moments of victory or defeat. Junior school age is the most important phase of developing humanistic values of an individual, because it is an intense period of child's personality development, their relationship with oneself and the world, the collection of new experience and information. Junior schoolchildren’s humanistic education in physical education lessons is a very important and relevant issue due to the conflicts during play situations and the lack of children’s support, attentiveness and respect for each other. Therefore, a scientific problem emerges:... [to full text] / Dabarties iššūkių akivaizdoje itin opi tampa asmens integralumo, jo gyvenimo darnos ir prasmingumo problema, todėl ypač svarbios darosi švietimo pastangos humanizuoti žmonių gyvenimą, padėti kelti ir ieškoti atsakymų į žmonių gyvenimo prasmės ir paskirties klausimus. Šiandieninei mokyklai keliamas reikalavimas organizuoti ugdymo procesą, kuriant bendražmogiškomis vertybėmis pagrįstus, humaniškus tarpusavio santykius. Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams pradėjus lankyti mokyklą, plečiasi pažintinės galimybės, turtėja jų emocinis pasaulis, formuojasi empatija ir elgesys. Tačiau pradinių klasių mokiniai neretai patiria bendravimo sunkumų, nes šio amžiaus vaikų tarpusavio santykiuose neretai pasigendama pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam. Kūno kultūros pamokose žaidybinių situacijų metu, pergalės ar pralaimėjimo akimirkomis aktyviai reiškiasi mokinių emocijos, jų vertybinės orientacijos, fizinės, verbalinės ir neverbalinės vaikų agresyvumo formos bei rūšys. Dėl žaidybinių situacijų metu dažnai kylančių konfliktų ir vaikų pagalbos, dėmesingumo ir pagarbos vienas kitam stokos jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų humaniškumo ugdymas kūno kultūros pamokose yra labai svarbus ir aktualus. Pats svarbiausias amžiaus tarpsnis ugdant humanistines asmens vertybes yra jaunesnysis mokyklinis amžius, nes tai yra intensyvaus vaiko asmenybės, jo savivaizdžio raidos periodas, tai jo santykis su savimi ir pasauliu bei naujos patirties ir informacijos kaupimas. Todėl būtina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Patients' Narratives of Open-heart Surgery: Emplotting the Technological

Lapum, Jennifer Lynne 24 September 2009 (has links)
The steady increase of technology has become particularly ubiquitous in environments of heart surgery. Patients in these environments come into close contact with technology in its many guises. Often, practitioners may be deterred from engaging with patients because technology and the associated routines of care become the focus. As a result, it is important to understand how patients make sense of the technological situations encountered during treatment and recovery with attention to the constitution of identity and emerging moral issues. A narrative methodology was employed to examine patients’ experiential accounts of the technological in open-heart surgery and recovery. Sixteen patients were interviewed 3-4 days after surgery and 4-6 weeks after discharge, in addition participant journals were employed. Study results pointed to the technological as the dominant discourse in heart surgery and recovery, strongly organizing health care practices and patients’ recovery. These discursive influences shaped participants’ stories resulting in two temporal shifts of authorial voice. Authorial voice reflects the dominant discourse and structured how stories unfolded. The first temporal shift exhibited how technology acted as the authorial voice, structuring stories of the preoperative and early postoperative period. Although participants were the narrators of their own stories, they were strongly influenced by the dominant discourse of the technological and its associated dimensions of care. Participants’ stories revealed how patients were at the centre of activity, but passive, universal and undifferentiated. Although technology continued to influence stories of the later postoperative period and recovery at home, there was a shift of authorial voice to participants. Narratives reflected how the technological was incorporated into participants’ daily lives, but their stories included more personal elements rooted in their own particularities. Study implications involve a critical uptake of technology that emphasizes the balance between technologically- and humanistically-focused practices in heart surgery and recovery. A key implication is the critical need to encompass affective and social dimensions of patients within the technologically-driven practices of heart surgery. Of great significance is how practitioners, particularly nurses, can act as supporting characters in helping with transitions of authorial voice from the technological back to the participant.

Patients' Narratives of Open-heart Surgery: Emplotting the Technological

Lapum, Jennifer Lynne 24 September 2009 (has links)
The steady increase of technology has become particularly ubiquitous in environments of heart surgery. Patients in these environments come into close contact with technology in its many guises. Often, practitioners may be deterred from engaging with patients because technology and the associated routines of care become the focus. As a result, it is important to understand how patients make sense of the technological situations encountered during treatment and recovery with attention to the constitution of identity and emerging moral issues. A narrative methodology was employed to examine patients’ experiential accounts of the technological in open-heart surgery and recovery. Sixteen patients were interviewed 3-4 days after surgery and 4-6 weeks after discharge, in addition participant journals were employed. Study results pointed to the technological as the dominant discourse in heart surgery and recovery, strongly organizing health care practices and patients’ recovery. These discursive influences shaped participants’ stories resulting in two temporal shifts of authorial voice. Authorial voice reflects the dominant discourse and structured how stories unfolded. The first temporal shift exhibited how technology acted as the authorial voice, structuring stories of the preoperative and early postoperative period. Although participants were the narrators of their own stories, they were strongly influenced by the dominant discourse of the technological and its associated dimensions of care. Participants’ stories revealed how patients were at the centre of activity, but passive, universal and undifferentiated. Although technology continued to influence stories of the later postoperative period and recovery at home, there was a shift of authorial voice to participants. Narratives reflected how the technological was incorporated into participants’ daily lives, but their stories included more personal elements rooted in their own particularities. Study implications involve a critical uptake of technology that emphasizes the balance between technologically- and humanistically-focused practices in heart surgery and recovery. A key implication is the critical need to encompass affective and social dimensions of patients within the technologically-driven practices of heart surgery. Of great significance is how practitioners, particularly nurses, can act as supporting characters in helping with transitions of authorial voice from the technological back to the participant.

Gérard Roussel: An Irenic Religious Change Agent

Schoeber, Axel Uwe 18 April 2013 (has links)
Gérard Roussel was a prominent French ecclesiastical leader in the sixteenth century and yet is little known. The Catholic, Protestant and Enlightenment historical narratives have all ignored him. A member of the renewal-minded Circle of Meaux from 1521 to 1525, he collaborated with the famous humanist, Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples, to produce an evangelical preaching manual. This study examines its emphases. When this Circle was crushed, Roussel fled to Strasbourg and admired the Reformation taking place there. Marguerite de Navarre recalled him to France and became his patron in various ways. He translated into French a children’s catechism originally published by the German reformer Johann Brenz. The translation puzzles readers today, because it is too complicated for children. This study suggests it was targeted at the royal children to influence their future rule. Roussel became the Lenten preacher in Paris in 1533, experiencing great success. John Calvin was one of his admirers. While traditionalists reacted with tumult, the crowds flocking to hear Roussel suggest that the French evangelicals were more significant in the first third of the century than is commonly understood. They offered a “third option” in France, in addition to the traditionalists and the rising Protestants. Consistently, these evangelicals sought reform of the French church and society through gospel preaching and irenic living. They strongly rejected church schism. Roussel accepted the Bishopric of Oloron in 1536, where he diligently taught, preached and modeled his irenic evangelical emphases. Calvin viciously turned on him as one practising dissimulation. Roussel prepared both a guide for episcopal visitation of a diocese and an extensive catechism for theological students that had the same goal as the preaching manual produced in Meaux. Traditionalist opposition ensured they would not be published, but we have a manuscript available. This study examines them, finding that Roussel was intent on building bridges between all reformers, both Protestant and Catholic. He avoids, as a key example, embracing any of the hotly contested positions on the Lord’s Supper that surrounded him. He instead constructed a simplified biblical Mass, consistent with much traditional piety, but clearly emphasizing gospel preaching as well. Killed in an attack by a Catholic traditionalist in 1555, his life points to the French evangelical embrace of both gospel preaching and irenic living. Recent scholarship has discovered that such irenic impulses had a greater impact on Christian society in this era than has often been recognized. This study deepens that awareness. / Graduate / 0330 / 0335 / 0320 / aschoeber@shaw.ca

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