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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions des fondations et des sols gonflants : pathologie, calculs et études expérimentales

Ejjaaouani, Houssine 09 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire comporte six chapitres. Le premier chapitre passe en revue les problèmes des sols argileux gonflants dans le monde et au Maroc, décrit leurs propriétés physiques et mécaniques, leur nature minéralogique et leur structure, en insistant sur leur comportement lors de l'humidification. Le deuxième chapitre analyse, sur la base des travaux de l'auteur, les différentes pathologies induites dans les bâtiments par le gonflement des sols argileux du Maroc. Les deux chapitres suivants portent sur le calcul des efforts dans les fondations superficielles et de leurs tassements ou gonflements : le chapitre 3 analyse les modifications des contraintes qui sont induites dans les fondations superficielles en béton armé par le gonflement non homogène du sol que provoque l'humidification du massif de sol à partir d'une source d'eau qui peut avoir une position quelconque par rapport à la structure. Le chapitre 4 étudie l'effet de la charge transmise par la fondation sur l'état des contraintes dans le sol et sur les déformations qui se développent en cas d'humidification, qui peuvent être des tassements ou des gonflements suivant les valeurs de la pression de gonflement et de la contrainte verticale dans le sol. Les deux derniers chapitres du mémoire décrivent une étude expérimentale de chargement de fondations superficielles sur des sols gonflants, réalisée dans la ville d'Ouarzazate : le chapitre 5 présente les résultats de l'étude en laboratoire et leur interprétation en termes d'effet de la teneur en eau sur les déformations, la perméabilité et la résistance des sols à deux niveaux sous les fondations. Le chapitre 6 décrit l'expérimentation en vraie grandeur, donne les résultats des essais réalisés sur les quatre fondations superficielles à différents instants du processus d'humidification et de séchage du sol et les interprète à la lumière des résultats des essais de laboratoire et des formules de calcul développées dans les chapitres précédents.

Stabilisation de la matière organique au cours du compostage de déchets urbains : influence de la nature des déchets et du procédé de compostage - recherche d'indicateurs pertinents

FRANCOU, Cédric 18 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Le compostage est un procédé de traitement et de valorisation des déchets organiques qui reproduit en accéléré le processus d'humification de la matière organique (Mo) dans les sols. Actuellement en France, seulement 7 % des déchets urbains sont compostés, alors que la part organique représente 50 % des 47 millions de tonnes produites annuellement. Les composts sont avant tout utilisés en agriculture pour augmenter ou entretenir les teneurs en MO des sols, et le niveau de stabilité de leur MO conditionne leur comportement après incorporation au sol. Notre projet se proposait d'étudier l'évolution des caractéristiques de la MO de composts au cours du compostage, en la reliant à leur origine (nature des déchets compostés et procédé de compostage), et d'en déduire leur aptitude à entretenir le stock de MO d'un sol (valeur amendante). Les conséquences de la biodégradabilité résiduelle des composts sur la disponibilité potentielle de l'azote ont été également étudiées. Une dizaine de composts issus de plates-formes de compostage industrielles, comprenant des composts de déchets verts. des co-composts de déchets verts et boues, des composts de biodéchets (fraction fermentescible des ordures ménagères collectée sélectivement), et des composts d'ordures ménagères résiduelles (après collecte sélective des emballages propres et secs), ont été échantillonnés après trois, quatre et six mois de compostage. Afin de s'affranchir de la variable procédé de compostage, des composts ont également été élaborés en réacteurs de laboratoire à partir d'un procédé unique de compostage d'une durée de 3 mois et des proportions variables de déchets verts, biodéchets, et papiers-cartons. Une gamme de cinq classes de stabilité de la MO des composts a été définie sur la base de la minéralisation résiduelle du carbone des composts étudiés au cours d'incubations dans un sol de référence. La caractérisation de la Mo des composts a été réalisée à partir de fractionnement chimique (extraction des acides humiques et fulviques) et biochimique (composition en lignine, cellulose, hémicellulose, substances solubles), et par analyse en spectrométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF), et a permis d'interpréter les différences de vitesse de stabilisation. Le degré de maturité étant défini par le niveau de stabilisation de la MO des composts, le classement de stabilité défini précédemment a servi de référence pour la validation d'indicateurs de maturité. Au cours du compostage, les composts évoluent vers des produits aux caractéristiques de plus en plus proches, indépendantes de leur origine, mais les vitesses de stabilisation dépendent de l'origine des composts. On observe généralement une disparition rapide de la cellulose quand l'azote n'est pas facteur limitant. La dégradation plus lente de la lignine par rapport à la MO totale conduit à son enrichissement relatif au cours du compostage. Les mesures IRTF confirment l'augmentation du rapport d'aromaticité au cours du compostage. La prédominance dans les déchets initiaux, de déchets verts par nature riches en lignine, entraîne la stabilisation rapide de la MO des composts, que le procédé soit accéléré ou non. Les caractéristiques de la MO de ces composts évoluent peu entre trois et six mois de compostage. A l'opposé, la prédominance dans les déchets initiaux, de papiers par nature riches en cellulose, requiert une durée de compostage plus longue pour arriver à des composts stabilisés, sans doute en raison d'un déficit en azote. De ce fait, les composts d'ordures ménagères, plus riches en papiers -cartons, sont encore instables au bout de trois mois, et nécessitent au moins six mois de compostage, avec retournements réguliers, pour se stabiliser. L'influence des biodéchets sur la vitesse de stabilisation des composts n'a pas pu être mise en évidence, car ils ne représentent qu'une faible proportion de la masse sèche des mélanges initiaux. A partir du fractionnement biochimique, on définit l'indice de stabilité biologique (ISB) des composts, indicateur de la proportion de matière organique susceptible d'entretenir la MO des sols. Pour les composts de déchets verts, la faible augmentation de leur ISB couplée à la minéralisation de leur MO au cours du compostage, se traduit par une légère diminution de leur valeur amendante en fin de compostage. En revanche, l'importante stabilisation de la MO des composts d'ordures ménagères au cours du compostage entraîne une augmentation de leur valeur amendante entre trois et six mois qui reste toutefois plus faible que celle des composts de déchets verts. La biodisponibilité potentielle de l'azote des composts, évaluée à partir d'incubations de mélanges sol-compost apparaît faible. L'azote des composts stabilisés se minéralise lentement. L'incorporation au sol des composts instables provoque une forte immobilisation de l'azote du sol, suivi d'une phase de minéralisation à des vitesses supérieures à celles observées avec les composts stables. Parmi les indicateurs de maturité étudiés, le rapport d'humidification (RH=CAH/CAF) est le seul indicateur chimique fiable, un RH inférieur à 1 désignant un degré de maturité faible, et un RH supérieur à 1.3 désignant un degré de maturité élevé. Le test d'auto-échauffement est le test de terrain le plus pertinent. Ces deux indicateurs permettent d'évaluer de façon fiable le degré de stabilisation des composts, et d'en déduire des conseils sur leur période d'apport, en tenant compte des risques d'immobilisation de l'azote dans les sols liés à leur utilisation

Étude du potentiel de rafraîchissement d'un système évaporatif à désorption avec régénération solaire

Maalouf, Chadi 13 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le développement de la climatisation lié notamment à l'amélioration des conditions de vie entraîne l'augmentation de la consommation énergétique avec tous ses effets néfastes sur l'environnement. Il est donc urgent de trouver des alternatives viables à la climatisation traditionnelle. Si l'optimisation de la conception architecturale permet une nette amélioration des conditions de confort, elle peut s'avérer incompatible avec les besoins des architectes ou elle atteint ses limites pendant les périodes de canicule. Dans ce cas, le concept de rafraîchissement évaporatif couplé à l'énergie solaire constitue une alternative fiable et éprouvée qui contribue à la préservation de l'environnement.<br />Notre travail concerne l'étude du potentiel de rafraîchissement d'un système évaporatif par désorption couplé à une installation solaire. Ce système appelé « desiccant cooling » permet de réduire les consommations électriques et utilise l'énergie solaire qui est une énergie propre et gratuite.<br />la première partie de ce document est consacrée à l'étude des différentes technologies liées à ce système et à la description des différents composants en vue d'optimiser les choix pour la réalisation d'une installation expérimentale.<br />La deuxième partie est consacrée au développement d'un modèle de l'installation dessicante solaire. Ce modèle a été implémenté dans l'environnement modulaire SimSPARK, adapté à la résolution des systèmes d'équations non linéaires. Les simulations réalisées avec cet environnement ont permis d'étudier l'interaction système – bâtiment – climat. Les simulations saisonnières effectuées pour différentes villes françaises ont montré l'importance de la ventilation nocturne couplée à l'humidification pour réduire les besoins du système en énergie primaire. De plus, il s'est avéré que le système est adapté aux régions où l'humidité absolue dépasse rarement le seuil de 16g/kg d'air sec. <br />Enfin, la dernière partie de ce document confronte les résultats des simulations avec l'expérimentation in situ réalisée au sein de la première installation de ce type en France à la maison des énergies à Chambéry.

Caracterização da matéria orgânica em processo de compostagem por métodos convencionais e espectroscópicos / Characterization of organic matter in composting process by conventional and spectroscopic methods

Lucimar Lopes Fialho 10 December 2007 (has links)
A produção de resíduos orgânicos tem aumentado em anos recentes e uma alternativa para o seu aproveitamento é o processo de compostagem, no qual se desenvolvem reações bioquímicas para estabilização do material que estão diretamente associadas com a humificação da matéria orgânica. Considerando a complexidade das transformações no processo de humificação e a importância de se conhecer com maior precisão estas reações e as características dos materiais gerados, foi proposto neste trabalho um estudo detalhado do processo de compostagem. A combinação de métodos convencionais e técnicas espectroscópicas permitiu o monitoramento contínuo da compostagem, de diferentes resíduos orgânicos. Para execução dos experimentos foram montadas 6 leiras (L) de 3,6 m3 com os seguintes resíduos: poda de árvores, esterco bovino fresco, bagaço de laranja, torta de filtro e solução de ácido pirolenhoso (como possível catalisador do processo). O monitorado foi realizado por 7 meses com medidas diárias de temperatura, controle semanal do teor de umidade e coletas mensais das amostras para extração de ácidos húmicos e análises químicas. Foram observadas as fases típicas da temperatura em todas as leiras, exceto na L1 (constituída apenas de poda de árvores). Na fase termofílica a temperatura atingiu os 60 o C e esta fase permaneceu por, aproximadamente, 90 dias. Este também foi o tempo necessário para a estabilização da relação da capacidade de troca catiônica pelo teor de carbono do composto (CTC/C), que alcançou valores acima de 2,2 mmolc g-1 . As análises de macro e micronutrientes evidenciaram o potencial fertilizante dos compostos produzidos, cujos valores, para alguns elementos, estão acima dos limites exigidos pela Instrução Normativa no 23 do Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Já nas análises espectroscópicas foram encontrados índices de estabilização a partir dos espectros de fluorescência de luz UV - Vis. Estes apresentaram boa correlação com a razão C/N e os radicais livres orgânicos do tipo semiquinona, detectados por Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica. As correlações dos índices com a razão C/N mostraram que este último parâmetro tem limitação para monitorar a compostagem, pois a partir de 60 dias a relação C/N estabiliza, ainda na fase termofílica do processo, enquanto que os índices espectroscópicos continuam variando, indicando que o processo não se estabilizou completamente. Dentre as informações obtidas por fluorescência, foi possível identificar reações de transformação de moléculas orgânicas mais simples para estruturas mais complexas, detectadas através da diminuição de intensidade das bandas de emissão em comprimentos de onda menores (em torno de 300 nm) com simultâneo aumento da intensidade em regiões de maiores comprimentos de onda (próximos de 400 nm). Este comportamento também foi observado nos espectros de absorção UV - Vis. A partir dos dados de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN de 13 C) foi possível evidenciar a decomposição de estruturas como carboidratos, polissacarídeos e grupos alquil, assim como um aumento das estruturas aromáticas, durante o processo de humificação. Assim através da combinação das análises por métodos convencionais e espectroscópicos foram propostos indicadores analíticos mais sensíveis para o monitoramento e a caracterização da compostagem de resíduos orgânicos. / The production of organic residues has increased in recent years and an alternative to their recycling is the composting process, where various biochemical reactions are developed for the material stabilization. These reactions are directly associated with organic matter humification. Considering the complexity of the transformations occurred during the humification process and the importance of knowing these reactions and the characteristics of the produced materials more precisely, this work has proposed a detailed study of the composting process. The combination of conventional methods and spectroscopic techniques allowed the continuous composting assessment and monitoring from different organic residues. Six piles (P) of 3.6 m3 were assembled using the following residues: garden trimming, fresh cattle manure, orange pomace, filter cake and pyroligneous acid solution (used as possible catalyst of the process). The process was monitored for 7 months with daily measurements of temperature, weekly moisture control and monthly collection of samples for humic acid (HA) extraction and chemical analyses. Typical phases of temperature in all piles were observed, except for P1 (composed only garden trimming). In the thermophilic phase the temperature reached 60 o C and this phase remained for about 90 days. This was also the time necessary for stabilization of cation exchange capacity and total carbon ratio (CEC/C), which reached values above of 2.2 mmolc g-1 . The macro- and micronutrient analyses showed the fertilizer potential of the produced composts. Concentration values for same elements are above those required by Normative Instruction number 23 of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply. As a result of the spectroscopic analyses, stabilization indices were obtained from fluorescence spectra of UV-Visible light. These indices showed good correlation with C/N ratio and with the semiquinone-type free radical, detected by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The correlation of the indices with C/N ratio showed that the latter parameter has limitation to monitor the composting, because after 60 days the C/N ratio stabilizes and this occurs during the thermophilic phase, while the spectroscopic indices continue to change, which is an indicative that the process was not completely stabilized. Among several observations by fluorescence of UV-Visible light it was possible to identify transformation reactions of simpler organic molecules to more complex structures, which were detected by decrease in emission band intensity in shorter wavelengths (near 300 nm) with simultaneous increase in band intensity in longer wavelengths (near 400 nm). This behavior was also observed in the UV - Visible absorption spectra. It was possible to show the decomposition of carbohydrate type structures, polysaccharides and alkyl groups and the increase in aromatic structures, by 13 C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C NMR), during humification process of the organic residues. Therefore, more sensible analytic indicators were proposed for monitoring and characterization of the composting of organic residues through the combination of conventional and spectroscopic methods.

Turbomachinery in Biofuel Production

Görling, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim for this study has been to evaluate the integration potential of turbo-machinery into the production processes of biofuels. The focus has been on bio-fuel produced via biomass gasification; mainly methanol and synthetic natural gas. The research has been divided into two parts; gas and steam turbine applications. Steam power generation has a given role within the fuel production process due to the large amounts of excess chemical reaction heat. However, large amounts of the steam produced are used within the production process and is thus not available for power production. Therefore, this study has been focused on lowering the steam demand in the production process, in order to increase the power production. One possibility that has been evaluated is humidification of the gasification agent in order to lower the demand for high quality steam in the gasifier and replace it with waste heat. The results show that the power penalty for the gasification process could be lowered by 18-25%, in the specific cases that have been studied. Another step in the process that requires a significant amount of steam is the CO2-removal. This step can be avoided by adding hydrogen in order to convert all carbon into biofuel. This is also a way to store hydrogen (e.g. from wind energy) together with green carbon. The results imply that a larger amount of sustainable fuels can be produced from the same quantity of biomass. The applications for gas turbines within the biofuel production process are less obvious. There are large differences between the bio-syngas and natural gas in energy content and combustion properties which are technical problems when using high efficient modern gas turbines. This study therefore proposes the integration of a natural gas fired gas turbine; a hybrid plant. The heat from the fuel production and the heat recovery from the gas turbine flue gas are used in a joint steam cycle. Simulations of the hybrid cycle in methanol production have shown good improvements. The total electrical efficiency is increased by 1.4-2.4 percentage points, depending on the fuel mix. The electrical efficiency for the natural gas used in the hybrid plant is 56-58%, which is in the same range as in large-scale combined cycle plants. A bio-methanol plant with a hybrid power cycle is consequently a competitive production route for both biomass and natural gas. / QC 20110128

Optical Chemical Sensing Device for In-situ Non-Invasive Gas Monitoring

Badmaarag, Ulzii-Orshikh 09 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of Multistage Humidification and Dehumidification Desalination Plant Using Solar Energy. Performance Evaluation and Improvement of the Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination Process through Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Techniques

Kaunga, Damson L. January 2022 (has links)
Serious social and economic disruptions are unfolding worldwide over the finite water and energy resources; hence, securing fresh water supply and employing renewable energy sources will help avoid catastrophic conflicts, continue modern lifestyles, and circumvent global warming and pollution. For this reason, a new method known as Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) desalination process has been developed to address the challenge of water shortage. The aim of this research was to build the detailed mechanistic models with the increased capability to predict more accurately as well as to simulate and optimise the Multistage Humidification-Dehumidification (MHDH) desalination plant which is powered by solar energy. The poor prediction accuracy is major bottleneck for most of conventional models. Mechanistic models for HDH desalination process derived from non-linear mathematical equations offers a promising solution to overcome this challenge. This study proposes a mechanistic model which is formulated by combining the enthalpy equations with the models which govern the mass and heat transfer across a thin film that separates water and air phases within the humidifier and dehumidifier. The proposed model is validated by using the data which were obtained from the physical experiments. Moreover, an experimental rig was designed and fabricated to specifically generate the physical data. From the experimental and mathematical analysis, it was observed that the Recovery Ratio (RR) attained was increasing as temperature of the feed water increased. The RR was also increasing with the increase of dehumidifier’s surface area while it decreased with an increase of the packing size. Moreover, through a sensitivity analysis the highly influential parameters to the process model were identified to better understand the energy-efficient design principles and operating strategies for the maximum performance of the system. Finally, a two stages HDH hybrid system that uses solar and biomass as source of energy is proposed whereby, an optimisation problem is solved to achieve the optimum RR. A maximum of 2 stages were required for a system to operate optimally. / Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) under PhD Scholarships Plan for Low and Middle Income Countries

Effects of Heat and Moisture Exchangers Designed to Allow Aerosol Delivery on Airflow Resistance and Aerosol Deposition

Bowers, William Sonny, II 23 April 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Several problems arise when HMEs are used while giving aerosolized medication including increased airway resistance (Raw) or the need to open the ventilator circuit. Recently, heat and moisture exchangers designed to allow aerosol delivery (HME-AD) have been developed to solve this problem, but no tests have been performed to confirm their effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of HME-ADs on aerosol deposition and Raw. Methods: An in-vitro lung model consisting of an 8.0 mm ID endotracheal tube (ETT) connected to a standard ventilator circuit and ventilator was connected to a rubber test lung via cascade humidifier set to deliver 37˚C and 100% relative humidity. The ventilator settings were as follows: Vt 450 ml, RR 20/min, PIF 50 L/min, PEEP 5 cm H2O, and I:E ratio 1:2. HME-ADs used in this study include Circuvent HME/HCH bypass (Smiths-Medical, Keene, NH), Gibeck Humid-Flo HME (Hudson RCI, Arlington Heights, IL), and Airlife BHME (Carefusion, San Diego, CA). As a control, albuterol sulfate (2.5 mg/3mL) was delivered with a vibrating mesh nebulizer (Aeroneb Solo, Aerogen Inc) placed at the wye without any HME-AD in the circuit. Then, the aerosol and HME configurations of each HME-AD were tested by measuring pre-post Raw and aerosol deposition at the end of each run. Each condition was repeated in triplicate (n=3). Aerosol deposition between the aerosol and HME configurations of each HME-AD was compared with a series of student t-tests. Then, differences both in aerosol deposition and in airway resistance among the HME-ADs were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significance was determined as p<0.05. Results: Raw increased after each albuterol treatment with every HME-AD. In the aerosol configuration, the Circuvent and Humid-Flo delivered significantly less aerosol compared to the control (p=.004 and p=.002, respectively), while there was no significant difference on aerosol delivery between the Airlife and the control (p=.084). The Airlife gave the highest aerosol deposition which was not significantly different than control (p=.084). When aerosol delivery between the HME and aerosol configurations in each HME-AD was compared, aerosol deposition with the Humid-Flo was not significantly different (p=.078) but both the Airlife and the Circuvent showed a statistically significant reduction in aerosol deposition with the HME configuration (p=.002 and p=.005). Conclusions: Aerosol delivery and Raw with each HME-AD differ in simulated mechanically ventilated patients. Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of these devices over time and with different aerosol generating devices.

Theoretical And Experimental Investigation Of A Humidification-dehumidification Desalination System Using Solar Energy

Solmus, Ismail 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to investigate the performance of a solar desalination system working on humidification-dehumidification principle under the climatological conditions of Ankara, Turkey. The desalination unit was configured mainly by a double-pass flat plate solar air heater with two glass covers, pad humidifier, storage tank and dehumidifying exchanger. The system used in this work is based on the idea of closed water and open air cycles. A computer simulation program based on the mathematical model was developed by means of MATLAB software to study the effect of different environmental, design, and operational parameters on the desalination system productivity. In this simulation program, the fourth order Runge-Kutta method was used to solve the energy balance equations simultaneously and numerically. In order to compare the obtained theoretical results with experimental ones and validate of the developed mathematical model of the system, an experimental study has been carried out. For that, an experimental set-up was designed, constructed and tested at the solar house of the Mechanical Engineering Department of METU. In addition, the existing solar desalination system was integrated with an evacuated tubular solar water heater unit (closed water circulation) and performance of the system has been studied experimentally.

Untersuchung verschiedener Atemgasklimatisierungssysteme unter Hochfrequenzoszillationsbeatmung / Determination of airway humidification in high- frequency oscillatory ventilation using an artificial lung model

Freifrau von Richthofen, Esther 23 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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