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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of secularization theory upon the cultural critiques of American evangelicalism, 1980-1994

Koons, Matthew S. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Trinity International University, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-159).

Impact of secularization theory upon the cultural critiques of American evangelicalism, 1980-1994

Koons, Matthew S. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Trinity International University, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-159).

Il Gravettiano dell’Italia tirrenica nel contesto mediterraneo : definizione delle strategie di insediamento e mobilità attraverso lo studio delle materie prime e delle industrie litiche / The Gravettian of Tyrrhenian Italy in the Mediterranean context : definition of settlement and mobility strategies through the study of raw materials and lithic industries

Santaniello, Fabio 10 June 2016 (has links)
Le Gravettien est le deuxième ensemble chrono-culturelle du Paléolithique supérieur après l’Aurignacien. La diffusion du Gravettien en Europe s’est produite rapidement, entre 30.000 et 20.000 ans BP. Pendant cette période, l’instabilité climatique due à l’approche du LGM a engendré la formation d’environnements différents. En particulier, la péninsule italienne était divisée en deux régions par la chaîne des Apennins: la côte adriatique, froide et aride à Est et la côte tyrrhénienne plus tempérée, à Ouest. Cette dernière fait l’objet de la présente étude. Dans le but de comprendre les stratégies de mobilité adoptées par les groupes gravettiens et leur développement, plusieurs assemblages lithiques ont été analysés. Notamment, la séquence gravettienne du Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Ligurie – Italie), qui livre une des plus importantes stratigraphies du Paléolithique supérieur italien, a été entièrement étudiée. À l’intérieur du complexe archéologique des Balzi Rossi, une comparaison directe a été faite avec la collection gravettienne de la Grotte des Enfants. Plusieurs collections mineures provenant de sites provençaux ont été examinées, en permettant d’effectuer une comparaison avec les données des Balzi Rossi. Enfin, l’analyse du site de Bilancino situé en Toscane (Italie) a rendu possible de contextualiser le Gravettien entre l’arc liguro-provençal et l’Italie. La relation entre les aspects techno-typologiques et la provenance des matières premières fournit des avancées importantes dans notre compréhension du comportement des chasseur-cueilleurs qui ont habités ces sites et permet de discuter la chronologie et la mobilité territoriale du Gravettien tyrrhénien. / The Gravettian is the second chrono-cultural complex of the Upper Paleolithic after the Aurignacian. The Gravettian diffusion, throughout Europe, took place in a short span of time between 30.000 and 20.000 years BP. During this period, the climate instability due to the LGM approach created different environments. Particularly, Italy was split in two regions separated by the Apennine mountains: the cold and arid Adriatic coast on the first hand and the more temperate Tyrrhenian coast on the other hand. The latter region is the main object of this research. With the aim to understand the development and the mobility strategies used by the Gravettian groups in this area, several lithic assemblages have been analyzed. Specifically, the Gravettian sequence of Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Liguria - Italy), providing one of the most important stratigraphy of the Italian Upper Paleolithic, has been entirely studied. Inside the Balzi Rossi archaeological complex a direct comparison has been provided by the Gravettian collection of Grotta dei Faniculli. Moreover, some other smaller collections coming from the Provence area have been studied, allowing a comparison with the Balzi Rossi area. Finally, the site of Bilancino located in Tuscany let to contextualize the Gravettian between the liguro-provençal arc and Italy. The relation between techno-typological aspects and the raw materials provenance gives important advances in our comprehension of the behavior of the hunter-gatherer groups who inhabited the sites, discussing the timing and territorial mobility of the Tyrrhenian Gravettian.

Triagem para formas atenuadas de mucopolissacaridose em pacientes com problemas ósteo-articulares de etiologia desconhecida

Siqueira, Thabata Caroline da Rocha January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: As mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são um conjunto de sete doenças genéticas incluídas dentro das Doenças Lisossômicas que por sua vez fazem parte dos Erros Inatos do Metabolismo (EIM). São doenças multissistêmicas que afetam todo o organismo, com variações conforme o tipo de MPS, sendo que algumas delas possuem tratamento específico. Quase todas comprometem, em graus variados, o sistema osteoarticular, e praticamente todos os pacientes apresentam excreção alterada de glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) na urina. As MPS são doenças raras que podem ser subdiagnosticadas em função do pouco conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre elas, do pouco acesso aos métodos de triagem e diagnóstico e da sua ampla heterogeneidade clínica, podendo ocorrer formas atenuadas nas quais pode ser difícil de levantar a suspeita clínica de MPS. Material e métodos: o presente estudo foi realizado no período de março de 2012 à janeiro de 2014, tendo incluído 55 pacientes atendidos em serviços de Reumatologia e/ou Ortopedia de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil e que, apresentavam como principal queixa, manifestações articulares sem etiologia definida. Esses pacientes foram inicialmente investigados através da avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa dos GAGs urinários. Resultados e Discussão: entre os 55 casos investigados, em 1 paciente de 15 anos de idade foi observada na análise dos GAGs urinários excreção aumentada e alteração do padrão qualitativo, sendo posteriormente confirmado o diagnóstico de uma forma atenuada de MPS II, a qual não havia sido suspeitada anteriormente. Conclusão: embora a proporção de pacientes identificados com MPS na amostra estudada tenha sido pequena (1/55), este estudo mostra que ocorre subdiagnóstico dessas doenças e que a triagem sistemática pode contribuir para a identificação de pacientes, os quais podem se beneficiar das medidas de tratamento disponíveis. / Introduction: Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a set of 7genetic diseases including Lysosomal Diseases , which in turn are part of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM). The MPS are multisystemic conditions that affect the entire body, with variations depending on the type, some of which have specific treatment. Almost all affect, in variable degrees, the osteo-articular system, and virtually all patients have abnormal excretion of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in urine. The MPS are rare diseases that are being underdiagnosed due to the little knowledge of health professionals about them, the poor access to screening and diagnostic methods and their extensive clinical heterogeneity. Also, attenuated forms may occur in which it may be difficult to raise the clinical suspicion of MPS. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted from March 2012 to January 2014 and included 55 patients from Rheumatology and/or Orthopedics services of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil and which had, as main complaint, articular manifestations without defined etiology. These patients were screened by quantitative and qualitative assessment of urinary GAGs. Results and Discussion: Among the 55 cases investigated, in 1 patient 15 years of age was observed in the analysis of urinary GAG excretion and increased change in qualitative standard and subsequently confirmed the diagnosis of an attenuated form of MPS II, which had not previously been suspected. Conclusion: Although the proportion of patients with MPS identified in the study sample was small (1/55), this study shows that occurs underdiagnosis of these diseases and that systematic screening can help to identify patients who may benefit from measures treatment available.

Human responses to climate change during the Younger Dryas in Northwest Europe

Andrews, Christopher James January 2018 (has links)
This study discusses the extent to which hunter-gatherer mobility strategies are changed by abrupt climate change events by monitoring changes in lithic assemblage compositions through the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition, from ca. 14,000 cal BP to 10,000 cal BP in northwest Europe, with a focus on the Younger Dryas Stadial event, which occurred around 12,900 cal BP to 11,700 cal BP. A set of predicted archaeological indicators were formed from existing theoretical models, based largely on Binford’s logistical and residential mobility model, with the expectation that a more residential mobility strategy would be used by hunter-gatherer-populations during warmer climatic phases (i.e. the Allerød and Preboreal) and a more logistical mobility strategy would be used during cold climatic phases (i.e. the Younger Dryas). The lithic assemblages from sites across northwest Europe were then compared with these expectations in order to determine if a shift from a more residential strategy to a more logistical strategy can be seen from the lithic record. Additionally, a further comparative dataset was collected from south Europe in order to determine if there were differences in the response to the Younger Dryas at lower latitudes where the impact of this event is assumed to be less severe. The results found that in northwest Europe there is evidence to suggest there was indeed a shift from a more residential strategy during the warm Allerød interstadial to a more logistical strategy during the Younger Dryas Stadial, and the adoption of a more residential strategy with the return of warmer conditions during the Preboreal. However, it appears that the Preboreal Interstadial shows significant differences between the Allerød Interstadial, with the Preboreal sharing more characteristics in common with the Younger Dryas. This has been interpreted as a response to the unstable climatic conditions reported from the environmental evidence in this region during the Preboreal, which may have limited the ability of hunter-gatherer populations to return to similar levels of residential mobility seen during the Allerød. The south Europe dataset provides evidence that the lesser impact of the Younger Dryas at lower latitudes brought about a more muted response by hunter-gatherer populations to this event when compared with the northwest. However, there appears to be a reversal of that seen in the northwest, with more logistically mobile populations during the Allerød and especially the Preboreal, and more residentially mobile populations during the Younger Dryas. This is despite the environmental evidence showing a very similar environmental response to the northwest, with a distinct opening of the landscape during the Younger Dryas. The apparent difference in mobility strategies appear to be more related to the available faunal species within a region and their behaviour within their environment rather than directly to the climate. In the south, species such as red deer and ibex are the main source of faunal subsistence throughout the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition, unchanged by shifts in temperature and environment, but the way in which hunter-gatherers would hunt such species would be expected to change in more wooded environments compared with more open environments. If we compare this with the northwest, there is evidence of a distinct change from hunted prey, such as red deer, during the Allerød and Preboreal, to reindeer and horse during the Younger Dryas (although faunal preservation is poor in this region). With this shift to a more mobile prey species, along with a harsher, more open environment it may be more suitable to practise a more logistical strategy. Additionally, the instability of the Preboreal may have also changed the environment on a smaller scale, which would have required the hunting of warmer climate prey in shifting local environments, much like that of the Younger Dryas in south Europe. This might explain the differences seen between the Allerød and the Preboreal. Overall, there appears to be strong evidence supporting the theory that colder, harsher climates promote a more logistically mobile response from hunter-gatherer populations as seen in the northwest of Europe, and that there was a more muted, different response to the Younger Dryas in the lower latitudes of south Europe. However, it is the opinion here that changes in human mobility are not controlled directly be climatic conditions, rather controlled by the available major prey species and their behaviour in changing environments.

Caracterização da doença articular e óssea em camundongos com mucopolissacaridose II (Síndrome de Hunter)

Silva, Lilian Corrêa da January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: A Mucopolissacaridose II (MPS II) é uma doença genética recessiva ligada ao X causada por mutações no gene IDS. Como consequência, há acúmulo dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) no lisossomo, fato que é responsável pelo fenótipo de MPS II. Anormalidades articulares e ósseas são conhecidas nos pacientes com MPS II e os tratamentos existentes não são eficientes para sanar tais anormalidades, portanto, realizamos este estudo de caracterização da doença articular e óssea, buscando evidenciar possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela progressão da doença. Objetivo: Avaliar a progressão das alterações osteoarticulares em animais com MPS II dos dois aos oito meses de idade. Métodos: Foram utilizados camundongos nocaute B6N.Cg-Idstm1Muen/J, adquiridos do Jackson’s Lab. Os machos foram genotipados para compor o grupo controle (normal) ou o grupo de animais com MPS II. Ambos foram avaliados aos 2, 4, 6 e 8 meses de idade. Foi realizada análise histológica da articulação tíbio-femural, avaliando presença de infiltrado inflamatório, reabsorção óssea, reabsorção cartilaginosa e proliferação fibrocartilaginosa. Também foi realizada a mensuração do tamanho total da placa de crescimento e suas zonas e avaliação de anormalidades ósseas mediante exame de imagem por Raio-X dos ossos fêmur e zigomático. Resultados: Nos animais MPS II foi observado que o focinho era menos afilado (mais arredondado) e, em comparação com os animais controle, os animais MPS II apresentaram peso significativamente maior a partir dos 4 meses de idade. O escore histológico teve como principal característica a presença de reabsorção cartilaginosa, presente em 80% (4/5 animais) dos animais aos 8 meses, outras anormalidades encontradas neste tempo foram presença de infiltrado inflamatório (2/5 animais aos 8 meses) e proliferação fibrocartilaginosa (1/5 animais) Não houve diferença significativa entre animais normais e MPS II no tamanho das zonas de cartilagem da placa de crescimento ósseo. As medidas em diâmetro do osso zigomático apresentaram-se significativamente superiores nos animais MPS II aos 4, 6 e 8 meses. Quanto ao comprimento do fêmur não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. Já, na medida da espessura do fêmur, os animais MPS II do grupo de 6 meses de idade mostraram diferença significativa. Conclusões: Anormalidades na articulação tíbio-femural foram detectadas nos animais aos 8 meses de idade. Não foram encontradas anormalidades óbvias na estrutura da placa de crescimento. Foi observado aumento na espessura do fêmur e do zigomático nos animais MPS II, sem alterações do tamanho do fêmur. / Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) is a recessive X-linked genetic disease caused by mutations in the IDS gene. Consequently, there is an accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the lysosome, fact that is responsible by the MPS II phenotype. Joints and bone abnormalities are known in MPS II patients and existing treatments are not efficient in correcting these abnormalities. Therefore, this study was performed to evidence bone and joint disease description in the animal model, searching for mechanisms responsible for disease progression. Objective: To evaluate the progression of osteoarticular changes in animals with MPS II from two to eight months of age. Methods: Male animals from the MPS II colony (B6N.Cg-Idstm1Muen/J) were genotyped to form the control (normal) group or MPS II group. Both groups were evaluated at the 2, 4, 6 or 8 months. Histological analysis of knee joint (presence of inflammatory infiltrate, bone resorption, cartilaginous reabsorption and fibrocartilaginous proliferation), measurement of total growth plate size and its zones, and evaluation of bone abnormalities by X-ray imaging of the femur and zygomatic bones were performed. Results: MPS II mice presented progressive abnormal features, such as a more rounded snout and a significative increased weight from 4 months of age. The main histological alteration was the presence of cartilage reabsorption, present in 80% (4/5 animals) of the eighth-month old animals. Other abnormalities found at this period were the presence of inflammatory infiltrate (2/5 animals at the eighth months old) and fibrocartilaginous proliferation (1/5 animals). There was no significant difference in the growth plate between normal and MPS II animals. The zygomatic bone diameter was increased in MPS II at fourth, sixth and eighth months There were no significant differences in femur length between groups. Thickness of the femur was increased in MPS II at six months. Conclusions: Abnormalities in the joint were detected in the animals at 8 months of age. No obvious abnormalities were found in the growth plate structure. An increase in femur and zygomatic thickness was observed in MPS II animals, with no changes in femur size.

Triagem para formas atenuadas de mucopolissacaridose em pacientes com problemas ósteo-articulares de etiologia desconhecida

Siqueira, Thabata Caroline da Rocha January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: As mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são um conjunto de sete doenças genéticas incluídas dentro das Doenças Lisossômicas que por sua vez fazem parte dos Erros Inatos do Metabolismo (EIM). São doenças multissistêmicas que afetam todo o organismo, com variações conforme o tipo de MPS, sendo que algumas delas possuem tratamento específico. Quase todas comprometem, em graus variados, o sistema osteoarticular, e praticamente todos os pacientes apresentam excreção alterada de glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) na urina. As MPS são doenças raras que podem ser subdiagnosticadas em função do pouco conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre elas, do pouco acesso aos métodos de triagem e diagnóstico e da sua ampla heterogeneidade clínica, podendo ocorrer formas atenuadas nas quais pode ser difícil de levantar a suspeita clínica de MPS. Material e métodos: o presente estudo foi realizado no período de março de 2012 à janeiro de 2014, tendo incluído 55 pacientes atendidos em serviços de Reumatologia e/ou Ortopedia de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil e que, apresentavam como principal queixa, manifestações articulares sem etiologia definida. Esses pacientes foram inicialmente investigados através da avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa dos GAGs urinários. Resultados e Discussão: entre os 55 casos investigados, em 1 paciente de 15 anos de idade foi observada na análise dos GAGs urinários excreção aumentada e alteração do padrão qualitativo, sendo posteriormente confirmado o diagnóstico de uma forma atenuada de MPS II, a qual não havia sido suspeitada anteriormente. Conclusão: embora a proporção de pacientes identificados com MPS na amostra estudada tenha sido pequena (1/55), este estudo mostra que ocorre subdiagnóstico dessas doenças e que a triagem sistemática pode contribuir para a identificação de pacientes, os quais podem se beneficiar das medidas de tratamento disponíveis. / Introduction: Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a set of 7genetic diseases including Lysosomal Diseases , which in turn are part of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM). The MPS are multisystemic conditions that affect the entire body, with variations depending on the type, some of which have specific treatment. Almost all affect, in variable degrees, the osteo-articular system, and virtually all patients have abnormal excretion of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in urine. The MPS are rare diseases that are being underdiagnosed due to the little knowledge of health professionals about them, the poor access to screening and diagnostic methods and their extensive clinical heterogeneity. Also, attenuated forms may occur in which it may be difficult to raise the clinical suspicion of MPS. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted from March 2012 to January 2014 and included 55 patients from Rheumatology and/or Orthopedics services of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil and which had, as main complaint, articular manifestations without defined etiology. These patients were screened by quantitative and qualitative assessment of urinary GAGs. Results and Discussion: Among the 55 cases investigated, in 1 patient 15 years of age was observed in the analysis of urinary GAG excretion and increased change in qualitative standard and subsequently confirmed the diagnosis of an attenuated form of MPS II, which had not previously been suspected. Conclusion: Although the proportion of patients with MPS identified in the study sample was small (1/55), this study shows that occurs underdiagnosis of these diseases and that systematic screening can help to identify patients who may benefit from measures treatment available.

Caracterização da doença articular e óssea em camundongos com mucopolissacaridose II (Síndrome de Hunter)

Silva, Lilian Corrêa da January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: A Mucopolissacaridose II (MPS II) é uma doença genética recessiva ligada ao X causada por mutações no gene IDS. Como consequência, há acúmulo dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) no lisossomo, fato que é responsável pelo fenótipo de MPS II. Anormalidades articulares e ósseas são conhecidas nos pacientes com MPS II e os tratamentos existentes não são eficientes para sanar tais anormalidades, portanto, realizamos este estudo de caracterização da doença articular e óssea, buscando evidenciar possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela progressão da doença. Objetivo: Avaliar a progressão das alterações osteoarticulares em animais com MPS II dos dois aos oito meses de idade. Métodos: Foram utilizados camundongos nocaute B6N.Cg-Idstm1Muen/J, adquiridos do Jackson’s Lab. Os machos foram genotipados para compor o grupo controle (normal) ou o grupo de animais com MPS II. Ambos foram avaliados aos 2, 4, 6 e 8 meses de idade. Foi realizada análise histológica da articulação tíbio-femural, avaliando presença de infiltrado inflamatório, reabsorção óssea, reabsorção cartilaginosa e proliferação fibrocartilaginosa. Também foi realizada a mensuração do tamanho total da placa de crescimento e suas zonas e avaliação de anormalidades ósseas mediante exame de imagem por Raio-X dos ossos fêmur e zigomático. Resultados: Nos animais MPS II foi observado que o focinho era menos afilado (mais arredondado) e, em comparação com os animais controle, os animais MPS II apresentaram peso significativamente maior a partir dos 4 meses de idade. O escore histológico teve como principal característica a presença de reabsorção cartilaginosa, presente em 80% (4/5 animais) dos animais aos 8 meses, outras anormalidades encontradas neste tempo foram presença de infiltrado inflamatório (2/5 animais aos 8 meses) e proliferação fibrocartilaginosa (1/5 animais) Não houve diferença significativa entre animais normais e MPS II no tamanho das zonas de cartilagem da placa de crescimento ósseo. As medidas em diâmetro do osso zigomático apresentaram-se significativamente superiores nos animais MPS II aos 4, 6 e 8 meses. Quanto ao comprimento do fêmur não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. Já, na medida da espessura do fêmur, os animais MPS II do grupo de 6 meses de idade mostraram diferença significativa. Conclusões: Anormalidades na articulação tíbio-femural foram detectadas nos animais aos 8 meses de idade. Não foram encontradas anormalidades óbvias na estrutura da placa de crescimento. Foi observado aumento na espessura do fêmur e do zigomático nos animais MPS II, sem alterações do tamanho do fêmur. / Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) is a recessive X-linked genetic disease caused by mutations in the IDS gene. Consequently, there is an accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the lysosome, fact that is responsible by the MPS II phenotype. Joints and bone abnormalities are known in MPS II patients and existing treatments are not efficient in correcting these abnormalities. Therefore, this study was performed to evidence bone and joint disease description in the animal model, searching for mechanisms responsible for disease progression. Objective: To evaluate the progression of osteoarticular changes in animals with MPS II from two to eight months of age. Methods: Male animals from the MPS II colony (B6N.Cg-Idstm1Muen/J) were genotyped to form the control (normal) group or MPS II group. Both groups were evaluated at the 2, 4, 6 or 8 months. Histological analysis of knee joint (presence of inflammatory infiltrate, bone resorption, cartilaginous reabsorption and fibrocartilaginous proliferation), measurement of total growth plate size and its zones, and evaluation of bone abnormalities by X-ray imaging of the femur and zygomatic bones were performed. Results: MPS II mice presented progressive abnormal features, such as a more rounded snout and a significative increased weight from 4 months of age. The main histological alteration was the presence of cartilage reabsorption, present in 80% (4/5 animals) of the eighth-month old animals. Other abnormalities found at this period were the presence of inflammatory infiltrate (2/5 animals at the eighth months old) and fibrocartilaginous proliferation (1/5 animals). There was no significant difference in the growth plate between normal and MPS II animals. The zygomatic bone diameter was increased in MPS II at fourth, sixth and eighth months There were no significant differences in femur length between groups. Thickness of the femur was increased in MPS II at six months. Conclusions: Abnormalities in the joint were detected in the animals at 8 months of age. No obvious abnormalities were found in the growth plate structure. An increase in femur and zygomatic thickness was observed in MPS II animals, with no changes in femur size.

Economic Intensification and Social Complexity of South Andean Hunters and Gatherers / Intensificación económica y complejidad social en cazadores-recolectores surandinos

Yacobaccio, Hugo D. 10 April 2018 (has links)
The central issue of this paper is that social complexity in South Andean hunter-gatherers is related to an emergent process of regional economic intensification that began in the Middle Holocene period. This process involved a strategy of economic specialization in the use of wild camelids, followed by a diversifying strategy related to the domestication of plants and animals, and the subsequent establishment of long-distance exchange networks. Taking into account this model, this paper assesses the social strategies involved in the generation of heterogeneous social organization and its main components. / En este trabajo se propone que la complejidad social en los grupos de cazadores-recolectores surandinos es un producto del proceso de intensificación económica que se dio en la región a partir del Holoceno Medio. Este proceso involucró una estrategia de especialización económica en el uso de los camélidos silvestres, seguida por otra de diversificación relacionada con la domesticación de animales y plantas, y el establecimiento de un sistema de intercambio a larga distancia. A partir de esta propuesta se tratarán de evaluar las estrategias sociales involucradas en la generación de una organización social heterogénea y se discutirán sus componentes más relevantes.

Diet as a Double-Edged Sword: The Pharmacological Properties of Food Among the Waorani Hunter-Gatherers of Amazonian Ecuador

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Food system and health characteristics were evaluated across the last Waorani hunter-gatherer group in Amazonian Ecuador and a remote neighboring Kichwa indigenous subsistence agriculture community. Hunter-gatherer food systems like the Waorani foragers may not only be nutritionally, but also pharmaceutically beneficial because of high dietary intake of varied plant phytochemical compounds. A modern diet that reduces these dietary plant defense phytochemicals below levels typical in human evolutionary history may leave humans vulnerable to diseases that were controlled through a foraging diet. Few studies consider the health impact of the recent drastic reduction of plant phytochemical content in the modern global food system, which has eliminated essential components of food because they are not considered "nutrients". The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory nature of the food system may not only regulate infectious pathogens and inflammatory disease, but also support beneficial microbes in human hosts, reducing vulnerability to chronic diseases. Waorani foragers seem immune to certain infections with very low rates of chronic disease. Does returning to certain characteristics of a foraging food system begin to restore the human body microbe balance and inflammatory response to evolutionary norms, and if so, what implication does this have for the treatment of disease? Several years of data on dietary and health differences across the foragers and the farmers was gathered. There were major differences in health outcomes across the board. In the Waorani forager group there were no signs of infection in serious wounds such as 3rd degree burns and spear wounds. The foragers had one-degree lower body temperature than the farmers. The Waorani had an absence of signs of chronic diseases including vision and blood pressure that did not change markedly with age while Kichwa farmers suffered from both chronic diseases and physiological indicators of aging. In the Waorani forager population, there was an absence of many common regional infectious diseases, from helminthes to staphylococcus. Study design helped control for confounders (exercise, environment, genetic factors, non-phytochemical dietary intake). This study provides evidence of the major role total phytochemical dietary intake plays in human health, often not considered by policymakers and nutritional and agricultural scientists. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2012

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