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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arqueología del curso inferior del Río Colorado : estudio tecnológico de las colecciones líticas de Norpatagonia Oriental durante el Holoceno tardío : departamentos de Villarino y Patagones, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina / Archéologie du Cours inférieur du Fleuve Colorado : étude technologique des collections lithiques de patagonie nord-est pendant l’Holocène Tardif : départements Villarino et de Patagones, Province de Buenos Aires. Argentine / Archaeology of the lower course of the Colorado River : technological study of the lithic collections of oriental Norpatagonia during the late Holocene : Villarino departments and Patagones, province of Buenos Aires. Argentina

Armentano, Gabriela Marisol 15 May 2012 (has links)
La partie inférieure de la rivière Colorado constitue une frontière naturelle entre les régions argentines de la Pampa et de la Patagonie. Dans cette zone géographique, carrefour entre diverses provinces et régions, les études phytogeographiques et zoogéographiques ont montré l’existence de caractéristiques environnementales particulières. Le projet « Investigations archéologiques dans la partie inférieure de la rivière Colorado », au sein duquel s’inscrit ce travail, a pour objectif principal d’étudier la culture matérielle des chasseurs-cueilleurs de cette zone géographique afin de comprendre leur adaptation et leur évolution durant l’Holocène entre 3 000 et 250 ans BP. Les dynamiques de peuplement de la Pampa et de la Patagonie à la fin de l’Holocène (environ 1000-250 ans BP) ont été décrites par plusieurs chercheurs comme une mosaïque de groupes qui témoigne de contacts inter-ethniques et d’échanges à différentes échelles (locale, extra-régionale, trans-andine). L’objectif de cette thèse est de définir l’organisation technologique des groupes de chasseurs-cueilleurs qui occupent la zone géographique concernée durant la fin de l’Holocène. Pour y répondre, les matières premières exploitées sont caractérisées. De plus, les méthodes de débitage et l’analyse économique des assemblages lithiques sont identifiées par le biais de l’approche théorique et méthodologique de la chaîne opératoire. Les résultats de cette thèse montrent une constance des savoir-faire technologiques tout au long de la fin de l’Holocène. Les changements technologiques perçus dans les comportements à la fin de l’Holocène tardif (environ 1000-250 ans BP) sont dus aux choix parmi les méthodes, les matières premières et les types d’outils connus ou disponibles de ceux les plus efficaces pour lesquels la production s’intensifie à partir de 1000 BP. Les changements comportementaux discernés dans le système de la technologie lithique sont accompagnés voire résultent d’une réorganisation du système social dans son ensemble. Plus généralement, cette situation est également observée dans les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs des zones ou régions voisines (Pampa et Nord Patagonie) à la fin de l’Holocène tardif. / The lower Colorado River is considered the geographical boundary between [the Argentinean regions of Pampa and Patagonia]. In this area converges various provinces and regions, as well as phytogeographical and zoogeographical sub-domains that give to the environment ecotonal characteristics. The project Archaeological Investigations in the Lower Colorado River, which is part of this work, has as its central objective the study of the material culture, adaptation and evolution of hunter-gatherer peoples who occupied the area during the Holocene-3000-250 years BP. The population’s dynamics of the Pampas and Patagonia regions in the final late Holocene (ca. 1000-250 years BP) was described by several researchers as a complex map of inter-ethnic contacts and networks between groups at local, extra-regional and transandean range scale. The aim of this thesis is to define the technological patterns of hunter-gatherer groups who inhabited the studied area during the late Holocene. In order to do so, the nature and presentation of raw materials exploited is stated, and the different methods of debitage and economic analysis of the lithic assemblages are identified, within the theoretical and methodological approach of chaîne opératoires. The results of this thesis allow concluding that during the late Holocene the basis of technological knowledge is kept constant. The technological changes experienced in behavior toward the final late Holocene (ca. 1000-250 years BP) are due to the choice among methods, materials, and types of instruments known and available, of those with proven efficacy, whose production was intensified in the last 1000 years B.P. The behavioral changes linked to lithic technological system are accompanied by -or produced as a result of- reorganization of the social system as a whole. In general terms, this situation is also observed in hunters gathered societies in neighboring areas and regions (Pampean and Northen Patagonic regions) towards final late Holocene.

Entre chasse et pastoralisme, l'art rupestre de la région d'Arica-Parinacota (Chili) / Between hunting and pastoralism, the rock art of the Arica-Parinacota region (Chile)

Dudognon, Carole 15 June 2016 (has links)
A l’extrême nord du Chili, dans la région d’Arica-Parinacota, ce travail de recherche, axé sur l’étude de trois abris ornés (Vilacaurani, Incani et Anocariri), vise à mettre en évidence les étapes de la transformation culturelle et socio-économiques des populations andines en lien avec le processus de la domestication animale. Entre 2800 et 3800 m dans le piémont andin, l’implantation humaine semble correspondre à l’écosystème de certaines espèces, telles que le guanaco et le taruca, abondamment chassées pendant les périodes les plus anciennes. Les plus importants témoignages, actuellement connus, de cette occupation se retrouvent au cœur d’abris sous roche ou sur de larges panneaux à travers d’imposantes fresques polychromes. Les artistes ont mis l’accent sur la figure animale, principalement les camélidés de genre lama (guanaco et lama) et sur la représentation de scènes variées telles la chasse, le piégeage ou encore la pâture. Ces représentations sont significatives, car elles évoquent des possibles phases de la domestication des camélidés qui a débuté autour de 6000 BP dans les Andes centrales (Wings, 1986 ; Wheeler et al., 1977 ; Lavallée et Julien, 1980 ; Lavallée et al., 1995) débouchant sur le développement des sociétés pastorales et d’une économie de production dans les hautes terres andines. Pourtant, les mécanismes de cette transformation restent encore mal connus. Cette recherche offre une nouvelle lecture des manifestations artistiques comme source première d’information pour comprendre la transition socio-économique et culturelle des populations des hautes terres. A travers l’étude des scènes picturales et l’imposant système de superposition des figures, nous sommes en mesure de décrire le glissement progressif, autant sur le plan technique que symbolique, et les étapes transitoires qui caractérisent le passage d’une économie principalement fondée sur la chasse à une économie pastorale. / In the far north of Chile, in the region of Arica-Parinacota, this research, centered on the study of three decorated shelters (Vilacaurani, Incani and Anocariri), aim at highlighting the socioeconomic and cultural stages of the transformation of the Andean populations in connection with the process of the animal domestication. Between 2800 and 3800 m in Andean Piedmont, the human settling seems to correspond to the ecosystem of certain species such as the guanaco and the taruca abundantly hunted during the most ancient periods. The most important testimonies of this activity, so far known, are found at the heart of shelters or on wide panels through impressive polychromatic frescoes. The artists put the accent on the animal figure, mainly Camelidae of the genus Lama (guanaco and llama) and on the representation of varied scenes such hunting, capture or grazing. These representations are significant because they evoke possible phases of the Camelid’s domestication which began around 6000 BP in the central Andes (Wings, 1986 ; Wheeler et al., 1977 ; Lavallée et Julien, 1980 ; Lavallée et al., 1995) which result in the development of the pastoral societies and the economy of production in the Andean highlands. Nevertheless, mechanisms working in this transformation remain badly known. This research offers a new reading of the artistic manifestations as first source of information to understand the socioeconomic and cultural transition of the populations in the highlands. Through the study of the pictorial scenes and the impressive system of overlapping of figures, we are capable of describing the progressive sliding, both on the technical plan and the symbolism, and the transitory stages which characterize the passage of an economy mainly based on hunting to a pastoral economy.

Estudo comparativo dos sambaquis Caipora, Lageado e Jaboticabeira I: interpretações acerca da mudança de material construtivo ao longo do tempo / Comparative Study of Capiora, Lageado and Jaboticabeira I sambaquis: interpretations about the change of constructive material along time.

Tânia Ferraz de Oliveira 26 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o estudo das camadas estratigráficas de três sambaquis situados nos municípios de Jaguaruna e Treze de Maio, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Partimos do princípio de que eles são estruturas erigidas intencionalmente por uma população que habitou a região por aproximadamente 6000 anos, e que para a construção de seus cemitérios se apropriavam do material malacológico disponível na região. O desmembramento dos componentes de cada camada nos forneceu informações a respeito do material construtivo dos sítios, e a partir destes resultados foi possível testar algumas hipóteses sobre a mudança da matriz construtiva verificada nos sambaquis. / This work presents the study of stratigraphical layers of three sambaquis located on Jaguaruna and Treze de Maio, Santa Catarina, Brazil. We assume that such structures were intentionally built by a population that inhabited the region for over 6000 years, and that for the pilling up of their burial grounds they gathered malacological material available within the area. The breakdown of the elements of each layer provided us information regarding the construction material of the sites, and based on these results it was possible to test some hypothesis regarding a change on the constructive matrix recorded on the sambaquis.

Building blocks of marketing strategy for targeting local biltong hunters: an evaluation

Van Eyk, Marlé January 2003 (has links)
Game ranch owners are spoilt by the high prices overseas hunters are prepared to pay, and tend to forget that in the long term it is the local market that may ensure the survival of the game industry. More effort should therefore be put into marketing hunting opportunities for the local hunter. This research focused on analysing the typical building blocks of marketing strategy applicable to service organizations. This was done to determine and evaluate the building blocks of marketing strategy applicable to game ranches in the Eastern Cape Province who are targeting local biltong hunters. A literature review was conducted to determine the ideal building blocks of marketing strategy for service organizations such as game ranches. Thereafter, a survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire to determine the ranchers' perceptions of marketing and evaluate their marketing strategies. Most of the respondents: had a fair idea of what marketing entails; were unaware of the thread that links customer expectations, satisfaction and loyalty; realized the importance of relationship marketing with external markets, but not with internal markets; perceived direct competition as their biggest threat, while other travel opportunities were seen as the most important substitute for hunting; mainly positioned themselves based on the features the ranch offered, and believed that the standard of service delivery and physical features of the ranch (the nature of the offering) were their important competitive advantages. The study proposes that the framework of building blocks of marketing strategy, designed by the researcher be used as a tool with which marketing strategies for game ranches in the Eastern Cape Province targeting local biltong hunters could be developed. Additional research on topics such as advertising and the various market opportunity strategies of diversification and product development, could lead to improvement and modification of this framework, making it an even more powerful tool in developing marketing strategies.

How Hunters’ Harvest Rate Varies in Response to Population Densities of Fallow Deer (Dama dama), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), and Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)

Skorsdal, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
For many species, population size data is difficult to obtain or even unavailable. Therefore, estimations or indirect abundance measures of populations are crucial for ungulate management. Hunting has an important role in wildlife management, and is a partnership between state, landowners, and hunting communities. In ungulate management harvest statistics, as well as ungulate-vehicle collisions (UVCs) and observations, are often used as proxies for population densities and provide detailed information on a spatial and temporal scale. A Bayesian approach was used to model hunters’ response to population densities of fallow deer (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and wild boar (Sus scrofa). The results indicate that the variability in number of individuals observed and the non-linearity of both hunters’ harvest and UVCs response varies between roe deer, fallow deer, and wild boar. Both hunters’ harvest and UVC display a sub-linear response to population densities to all three species. Additionally, roe deer show a low variability in the number of individuals observed compared to the other two species. Predictions of population densities by using proxies like harvest statistics and UVC statistics need to be species-specific to be reliable, and by considering a potential sub-linearity and temporal trends for the species of interest more confident and realistic estimates can be developed.

Keeping A Straight Face

Kutuchief, Britny Chanel 12 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Viltbetesproblematiken : en studie om skillnader i toleransnivå av betesskadorbland skogsägande jägare och icke-jägare / The problem of game browsing : a study on differences in tolerance level of browsing damage among forest-owning hunters and non-hunters

Sjöquist, Kim, Svensson, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Årligen förlorar det svenska skogsbruket 1,25 miljarder kronor till följd avviltbetesskador. Betesskadorna orsakar även försämrad kvalitet på virket ochminskad tillväxt. Konflikten mellan jägare, skogsägare och skogsbolagen ärkopplad till deras olika intressen och värderingar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnaden i toleransnivå gällandebetesskador på tall och gran, ur perspektivet skogsägande jägare och icke-jägare iKalmar län. Studien syftade också till att undersöka om skogsägare gör något föratt minska andelen betesskador på sina fastigheter. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning där empiriska data samlades in.Urvalet i studien kännetecknas av privata skogsägare i Kalmar län som varmedlemmar i Södra Skogsägarna när studien genomfördes. Slutsats i studien bekräftar att skogsägande jägare har en högre toleransnivå motbetesskador. Vidare slutsats visar att båda grupperna gör något för att minskabetesskador.

Historien om jägarna : En fallstudie om rapporteringen av Kalixhärvan i lokala medier / The story of the hunters : A case study about the reporting of Kalixhärvan in local media

Ruthberg, Sara January 2014 (has links)
This study focus on how two local news papers in the northen part of Sweden reported about the investigation of illegal hunting, called Kalixhärvan, in the years of 1983-1984. The study also adress how this newspapers presented the agents that is mentioned in the newsarticles, who played an importent part during the investigation. The study is based on the analysis of eight articles involving the investigation. The aricales is selected from march 1983 to march 1984. The analys is made using the method of critical linguistics and with the theoretical ground in theories of masculinity and stereotypes. Critical linguistics has five methodological tools which are used in the study. The results of this study showed that the news articles uses stereotypes, language and words to make the news more thrilling. The study also showed that the police goes against the given stereotype in the way that the are portrayed as criminales. The hunters are mostley portrayed as an northern-Swedish stereotype, which are a person who loves the nature, hunting, snowmobiles, weapons and lives in a macho-culture. But they are also portrayed as a criminal group of pepole, who are hunting illegaly with illegal weapones. The study also shows how the witness of the crime are threatened by both hunters and police officers.

Official records pertaining to blacks in the Transvaal, 1902 - 1907

Setumu, Tlou Erick January 2001 (has links)
Historians use different types of sources when reconstructing the past. of the two major categories of sources, the primary sources are of major importance for attaining information, as they are contemporary to the period which is being researched. They are often more reliable than the other category, namely secondary sources, which are literally second-hand information. However, all possible sources, both primary and secondary, must be approached critically so as to obtain a balanced version of the past. In the South African situation, for an extensive period of time, most of the historical writing on the early periods was based on the records which were made by the Europeanoriginated Whites who had the advantage of being able to put their accounts in writin~. This led to the European-White perspective dominating and monopolising the historiographical stage for quite a long time. The perspective of the indigenous inhabitants of South Africa had been overshadowed owing to their inability to read and write. The written sources on the Blacks in South Africa date back to the time when the first Europeans set foot here. The early European travellers (traders, hunters, natural scientists, etc.) came into contact with the Black communities and they made records on them. Obviously these travellers based such records on their own interests and also wrote from a Eurocentric position, with cultural differences as well as racial prejudices and superior attitudes towards the Blacks. The missionaries, who were mostly of European origin, also made records about the Blacks among whom they worked. The missionaries also had their own agenda, although different from that of the travellers. The records which they kept mostly reflected their "fight" against what they thought were barbaric and backward ways of the Blacks' lifestyle. In addition to the records made by the early travellers and missionaries about the Blacks, there were records which were made by the Boer and British government officials. In this study the official records pertaining to the Blacks in the Transvaal between 1902 and 1907 are discussed. Firstly, a historiographical overview is presented and secondly, the official records themselves are analysed and evaluated. The importance of those records as sources of information on the Blacks in the Transvaal, especially the Northern Sotho, is evaluated by using different criteria, including the Principle of internal criticism. There are numerous flaws and limitations found in these records about Blacks such as cultural differences, subjectivity, prejudice, bias, etc. However, even though these records contain such flaws, they are still important sources of information. Their most important value is that they form the basis and point of departure from where historical reconstruction is made. Research, even in future, would still heavily depend on these records as sources of information. But, as already pointed out, the information obtained in them has to be tested by different criteria in order to detect the limitations, so that a more balanced reconstructions can be achieved. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2001. / gm2014 / Historical and Heritage Studies / Unrestricted

Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Opportunities for Reducing Human-Wolf Conflicts in Mongolia

Sukhbaatar, Tuul 29 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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