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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina / Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina.

Makaron, Paula Matos 14 May 2012 (has links)
MAKARON, Paula. Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Energia) - Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Energia - EP/FEA/IEE/IF da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo 2012. Esta dissertação analisa os pontos críticos de sucesso de projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétrica da perspectiva econômico-financeira. Para tal, foram percorridas três etapas. A primeira delas visou à análise dos contextos mundial e nacional desse segmento de geração de energia, seguindo os conceitos técnicos que caracterizam os empreendimentos de geração hidrelétricos de pequeno porte. Nessa etapa analisou-se o processo de implementação de uma PCH, desde o levantamento de potencias de aproveitamento de um rio até a sua entrada em operação comercial. A segunda etapa debruçou-se sobre a metodologia aplicada no cálculo da viabilidade de um projeto de infraestrutura e as adequações metodológicas necessárias para o caso de uma usina de pequeno porte. Tais adequações incluíram a seleção de componentes específicos do fluxo de caixa e de critérios para a escolha das variáveis-chave em projetos de PCHs. Outro importante conceito discutido nessa etapa foram os riscos inerentes a esses projetos e a forma como a materialização de cada risco pode afetar seus resultados. Por fim, na terceira etapa, à luz da teoria previamente visitada nas fases anteriores, foram analisados dois estudos de casos práticos de projetos reais localizados no Estado de Santa Catarina. Tais estudos de caso incluíram a análise de viabilidade para: (a) a construção da PCH Fartura e (b) a aquisição da PCH Santa Ana, estando essa última já em operação comercial. Em ambos os estudos foram testadas variações de algumas premissas tais como: o preço de venda da energia; o custo do capital; e aumento do custo da construção. Da análise realizada foi possível concluir que, no cenário do período estudado, a construção de uma PCH não é viável, o preço praticado nos ambientes livre e regulado de contratação não tem sido suficiente para pagar os investimentos realizados. Por outro lado, a compra de uma usina já em operação comercial se mostrou um ótimo negócio, uma vez que os principais riscos do período de construção já haviam sido superados no e a usina apresentava fluxo de receita garantido. Como as variáveis analisadas permeiam a maioria dos projetos de PCH, estima-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da crise que o segmento de geração de pequenas usinas vem atravessando no Brasil nesses anos compreendidos entre 2008 e 2012. / MAKARON, Paula. Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Masters Dissertation Graduate Program on Energy, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2012. This dissertation analyzes critical points of success of projects in Small Hydro Power Plants (SHP) from the economic/financial perspective. For this, three stages were drawn up. The first aimed at the analysis of world and national contexts of this segment of energy generation following the technical concepts which characterize the small-sized hydroelectric generating businesses. During this stage, the implementation process of a SHP was analyzed; starting with the survey of the potential of a river until the plant enters into commercial operation. The second stage focused on the methodology applied to calculating the viability of an infrastructure project and the necessary methodological adjustments for a small-sized plant. These adjustments include a selection of components specific to the cash flow and the criteria for choosing key-variants in SHC projects. Another important concept discussed during this stage was the inherent risks involved in these projects and the way in which each risk can affect the results. Finally, during the third stage, in light of the theory reviewed in previous stages, two practical case studies of real projects from the state of Santa Catarina were analyzed. Such case studies included the viability analysis for decision making regarding: (a) the construction of the SHP Fartura and (b) the acquisition of the SHP Santa Ana, the latter already in full commercial operation. In both studies, it was tested a variation of some key elements such as: the price of energy; the capital cost; the cost overruns. From the aforementioned analysis, it was possible to conclude that in studied scenario, the construction of a SHP is not viable. The energy price level in the free hiring and in the regulated environments has not been sufficient to pay back original investment. On the other hand, buying a plant already in commercial operation proved to be a good business proposition, once the main development risks during the construction period had been overcome and the plant presented a flow of guaranteed income. Seeming as the variables permeate most SHP projects, it is foreseen that this work can contribute to the better understanding of the crisis in which this segment of small generation plants are going through here in Brazil during the years 2008 to 2012.

Implementation of Hydro Power Plant Optimization for Operation and Production Planning

Tengberg, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
Output power of hydro power plant was modelled and an optimization algorithm was implemented in a tool for optimizing hydro power plants. The tool maximizes power output of a hydro power plant by distributing water over a set of active units in the power plant which will be used in planning of electricity production. This tool was built in a MATLAB environment, using the optimization toolbox, and a GUI was developed for Vattenfall. The optimization tool was based on the same architecture as the current tool used for this kind of optimization which is to be replaced by the work presented in this thesis. Therefore, the goal was to achieve the same optimal results as the current optimization tool. Power output of three of Vattenfall’s hydro power plants were computed and two of these plants were optimized. These power output results were compared to results from the optimization tool currently used. This showed differences within the inaccuracy of measurements of ≤ 0.3%. These three power plants proved that the new tool is sufficient to replace the current tool but further testing is recommended to be conducted on more of Vattenfall’s hydro power plants to prove its consistency.

Wind Power Integration in Power Systems with Transmission Bottlenecks

Matevosyan, Julija January 2006 (has links)
During the last two decades, the increase in electricity demand and environmental concern resulted in fast growth of power production from renewable sources. Wind power is one of the most efficient alternatives. Due to the rapid development of wind turbine technology and increasing size of wind farms, wind power plays a significant part in the power production mix of Germany, Spain, Denmark, and some other countries. The best conditions for the development of wind farms are in remote, open areas with low population density. The transmission system in such areas might not be dimensioned to accommodate additional large-scale power infeed. Furthermore a part of the existing transmission capacity might already be reserved for conventional power plants situated in the same area. In this thesis four alternatives for large-scale wind power integration in areas with transmission bottlenecks are considered. The first possibility is to revise the methods for calculation of available transmission capacity. The second solution for large-scale integration of wind power in such areas is to reinforce the network. This alternative, however, may be expensive and time consuming. As wind power production depends on the wind speed, the full load hours of wind turbine generator are only 2000-4000 hours per year. Therefore reinforcing a transmission network in order to remove a bottleneck completely is often not economically justified. Wind energy curtailments during congestion situations is then the third solution for large-scale wind power integration with less or no grid reinforcement. The fourth solution is to store excess wind energy. Pumped hydro storage or battery storage for the large-scale wind farms are still rather expensive options, but existing conventional power plants with fast production control capabilities and sufficient storage capacity, e.g., hydro power plants, could be used for this purpose. As there is a lot of research work on the first two alternatives, the thesis provides a review and summarizes the main conclusions from the existing work. The thesis is then directed towards the development of the methods for estimation of wind energy curtailments, evaluation of wind energy storage possibility in hydro reservoirs and development of short term hydro power production planning methods, considering coordination with wind power. Additionally in the thesis the strategy that minimizes imbalance costs of a wind power utility, trading wind power on the short term power market is elaborated and analyzed. / QC 20100608

Korttidsregleringsmönster i Ångermanälvens avrinningsområde : Har elmarknadens avreglering påverkat regleringsintensiteten?

Ahonen, Jani January 2013 (has links)
The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations. Zero flow events increased substantially when the periods 1993-2007 and 2008-2011 were compared. Significant correlations were detected in the summer periods between dry years and high magnitudes for the indices that measured variation in volume and low magnitudes for subdaily flow reversals. Zero flow events in the summer periods increased during dry years if the period 2008-2011 were excluded. The major conclusions are that the deregulation of the electricity market has not affected the subdaily regulation of the Ångerman River and that the regulated sites show highly unnatural subdaily variations. Regulation intensity and zero flows events increases during summertime in dry years and the latter also increased substantially after 2007. The current regulation regime is considered harmful for riverine ecosystems and the high and increasing levels of subdaily flow alteration shows the urgent need of national directives for subdaily hydropower operation.

Transfer of technical training know-how : a study of consultancy services in aid practice

Johansson, Sigurd January 1999 (has links)
In this thesis an aid financed attempt to transfer technical training know- how in the form of consultancy support is described and analysed. Between 1992 and 1996 Swedish consultants acted as advisers during the establishment phase of the Aswan training centre. The primary aim of the centre was to supply the hydro power plants on the Nile with skilled staff. The general aim of the study was to describe, analyse and explain issues shaping the training at the centre and the influence of the consultants. The organisation of work at plants in Sweden and Egypt was investigated, as was the Swedish training centre where the consult­ants worked. Theories about development, aid and technology transfer are used to explore the theoretical base underpinning decisions to use aid resources in the form of consultancy services. Data was collected through participatory research during eight months. The empirical ana­lysis is inspired by Basil Bernstein's conceptual framework on the reconstruction of society, while the wider perspective relies on a world system theory. The findings reveal that a gap theory with a presumed trickle down effect justified the use of aid-resources. The use of con­sultants is explained by a market oriented approach, both in the Swe­dish aid authority and the Swedish training centre. In Sweden, the work was earned out by autonomous groups under market conditions with explicit time control. In Egypt, work was hierarchically organised with a plan economy system and strict control of material. In both countries the focus was on reliable production and optimal maintenance of equip­ment. In Egypt, creation of employment opportunities and staff social security was emphasised. Courtesy rules, the local staff's view of the consultants presence as a gift, the consultants view of themselves as salesmen and the contractual stipulation positioning them as advisers contributed to disguising inherent conflicts. Although the operational goals were reached, the training developed into a system where the local order of work was recreated. The findings indicate that dependency decreased regarding planning and implementation of training while it increased with respect to training equipment and learning material. / digitalisering@umu

Solar cells on hydro power plants : A feasibility study

Lenner, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Parts of the auxiliary power systems at Fortum's hydro power stations are usingdirect current, which is fed from the generators at the plant and converted byrectifiers. As photovoltaic solar cells produce direct current there are severalhypothetical advantages to use solar power for the auxiliary power supply, e.g.enabling more of the power from the generator to be sold to the grid. It eliminatesthe need of an inverter, conversion losses are avoided and less load is put on therectifiers. However the exclusion of an inverter also prevents the solar cells to have adirect connection to the grid, which in turn makes them ineligible for the Swedishgovernmental solar power investment support program. The lesser load on therectifiers will not affect their lifetime according to manufacturers and thus achieves noeconomic gain. Avoiding conversion losses will increase the gain from the producedelectricity by enabling even more power to be sold to the grid. The economic gainfrom avoiding conversion losses is however too small to gain any feasibility in a smallsolar power installation at a hydro power plant, as the small size will make itexpensive in terms of investment per Wp.

Förstudie för kontrollanläggningsutrustningi mindre vattenkraftstationer för Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB / Prestudy of protection, monitoring and controlequipment in small hydroelectric power plants for Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB

Karlsson, Sanne, Maurer, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Uddevalla Energi AB äger fem vattenkraftstationer uppförda från 1920 och framåt. De är lokaliserade i Bäveån i Uddevalla kommun. Den totala installerade effekten i vattenkraftstationerna uppgår till omkring 2 MW. Vattenkraftstationen K4 Fossumsberg,vars installerade effekt uppgår till 1 MW, är den största utav anläggningarna ur denna aspekt. Utöver energiproduktion ska anläggningarna även svara för reglering av vattenståndet i Öresjö och i Bäveån. På uppdrag av Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB utförs detta examensarbete för att fastställa vilken utrustning som rekommenderas till kontrollanläggningarna för vattenkraftstationerna. De huvudområden som undersöks är generatorskydd, reglering, kommunikation och HMI. Krav från Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB ställs på olika skyddsfunktioner som exempelvi söverströmsskydd, jordfelsskydd, över- och underspänningsskydd, samt bakeffektskydd.Vidare önskas även att ny utrustning ska vara kompatibel med protokoll som stödjer MicroSCADA och har möjligheter för framtida användning av protokollet IEC 60870-5 för kommunikation mellan stationsutrustning och SCADA-systemet i driftcentralen. En rad produkter, varav ett flertal skulle kunna lämpa sig väl för ändamålen, undersöks från leverantörerna Schneider Electric, ABB och DEIF. Slutsatser dras bland annat om att Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB bör investera i separata enheter för reglering och för generatorskydd och inte kombinerade lösningar. Detta för att uppnå större säkerhet i händelse av fel i anläggningarna. Vidare konstateras att för att få ett komplett underlag att luta sig mot vid val av utrustning bör priser undersökas ytterligare, för att kunna väga in denna aspekt. / Five small hydroelectric power plants, constructed 1920 and later, are owned by UddevallaEnergi AB. The hydroelectric power plants are located in Bäveån in Uddevalla. The total installed power is approximately 2 MW. K4 Fossumsberg is the largest hydroelectric powerplant and has a production capacity of 1 MW. The hydroelectric power plants is not only used for energy production but also for regulation of the water levels in Bäveån and Öresjö. On behalf of Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB this bachelor thesis has been done to specify which equipment is preferable as the station monitoring and control equipment. The key areas ofthe report is generator protection, control and regulation, communication and HMI in the plants. There are demands from Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB regarding for instance overcurrent protection, earth fault protection, over- and under voltage protection and reversepower protection. Furthermore it is requested that the new station monitoring and controlequipment is compatible with MicroSCADA and has further options for using the protocol IEC 60870-5 for communication between station and the SCADA system used in the operating centre. Numerous products has been studied and many of them fulfil the requirements stated by Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB. The manufactures mentioned in this report are Schneider Electric, ABB and DEIF. Conclusions are made that Uddevalla Energi Elnät AB should invest in separate units for control and generator protection to achieve a higher level of safety in case of a fault in either generator protection or control equipment. Furthermore it is concluded that to obtain a more complete specification to use when choosing equipment one should consider the cost. More research is needed to take this into account.

Cálculo em elementos finitos das frequências naturais dos modos de flexão de uma linha de eixo de unidade geradora hidráulica em escala / Scaled model of hydro power rotor - finite element analysis of bending natural frequencies and mode shapes

Mazer, Thiago Tazinazzo [UNESP] 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by THIAGO TAZINAZZO MAZER null (thiago.mazer@gmail.com) on 2016-03-29T01:38:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mestrado_TMazer_Defesa_v5.pdf: 2788915 bytes, checksum: 06d3dd7e4de2bccbf1a112feee83a4ed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-29T19:10:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mazer_tt_me_guara.pdf: 2788915 bytes, checksum: 06d3dd7e4de2bccbf1a112feee83a4ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-29T19:10:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mazer_tt_me_guara.pdf: 2788915 bytes, checksum: 06d3dd7e4de2bccbf1a112feee83a4ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / A evolução das unidades geradoras hidráulicas é constante, sempre visando a redução de custos, mantendo ou melhorando os fatores de desempenho já alcançados. Em consequência disso têm-se em geral máquinas menores, com velocidade de rotação mais elevada e maiores solicitações mecânicas, além de estruturas com massa otimizada e consequentemente mais flexíveis. Nesse contexto, conhecer o comportamento dinâmico dos rotores das turbinas hidráulicas e ter a capacidade de simulá-los com precisão passa a ser fundamental. No presente estudo é desenvolvido um modelo em escala representativo de uma linha de eixo rotativo de turbina hidráulica de grande porte com o objetivo de avaliar o seu comportamento dinâmico, permitindo que os resultados teóricos possam ser comparados com resultados experimentais, este último não faz parte do escopo do presente trabalho. Em uma primeira etapa as dimensões do modelo em escala são determinadas por uma análise dimensional, que permite elaborar os desenhos tanto do rotor quanto de seus suportes. Os parâmetros de rigidez dos suportes são então determinados por meio de análise estrutural estática em elementos finitos (EF). Esses parâmetros são utilizados então na análise dinâmica do rotor, também em EF, permitindo obter o diagrama de Campbell (frequências naturais e seus respectivos modos em função da rotação do eixo) e a resposta harmônica ao desbalanceamento. Diferentes valores de amortecimento e desbalanceamento são assumidos nessa análise, e suas influências no comportamento dinâmico do rotor são avaliadas e discutidas. Também são avaliados os efeitos da estrutura base que suporta os mancais (fundação) na dinâmica da máquina rotativa como um todo. Por fim uma bancada experimental foi construída, sendo que a análise experimental fica como proposta para trabalhos futuros. / The evolution of hydro power units is constant, always aiming to reduce costs while maintaining or improving performance already achieved. Consequently the sizes of the components have being reduced, while rotational speed and mechanical stresses have being increased. Also, supporting structures have being optimized in weight, becoming more flexible. In this context, it is crucial to know the dynamic behavior of the rotors of hydro power units and to have the ability to simulate them accurately. In this study a representative model of a large hydro power rotor is developed in order to evaluate its dynamic behavior, allowing the comparison between theoretical results with experimental results, the latter is not part of scope of this work. In a first stage the scale model geometry is determined by a dimensional analysis, which allows elaborate the designs of the scaled rotor and its supports. The supports stiffness parameters are then determined by static structural finite element analysis (FEA). These parameters are used in rotor dynamic analysis, also in FEA, enabling the construction of Campbell diagram (natural frequencies and their respective modes shaft rotation function) and the harmonic response to unbalance. Different values of damping and unbalance are assumed in these analyses, and their influence on the rotor dynamic behavior are evaluated and discussed. The effects of the base structure supporting the bearings (also known as foundation) on the dynamics of the rotating machine as a whole are also evaluated. Finally an experimental bench was built, however the experimental analysis is proposed for future work.

Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina / Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina.

Paula Matos Makaron 14 May 2012 (has links)
MAKARON, Paula. Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Energia) - Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Energia - EP/FEA/IEE/IF da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo 2012. Esta dissertação analisa os pontos críticos de sucesso de projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétrica da perspectiva econômico-financeira. Para tal, foram percorridas três etapas. A primeira delas visou à análise dos contextos mundial e nacional desse segmento de geração de energia, seguindo os conceitos técnicos que caracterizam os empreendimentos de geração hidrelétricos de pequeno porte. Nessa etapa analisou-se o processo de implementação de uma PCH, desde o levantamento de potencias de aproveitamento de um rio até a sua entrada em operação comercial. A segunda etapa debruçou-se sobre a metodologia aplicada no cálculo da viabilidade de um projeto de infraestrutura e as adequações metodológicas necessárias para o caso de uma usina de pequeno porte. Tais adequações incluíram a seleção de componentes específicos do fluxo de caixa e de critérios para a escolha das variáveis-chave em projetos de PCHs. Outro importante conceito discutido nessa etapa foram os riscos inerentes a esses projetos e a forma como a materialização de cada risco pode afetar seus resultados. Por fim, na terceira etapa, à luz da teoria previamente visitada nas fases anteriores, foram analisados dois estudos de casos práticos de projetos reais localizados no Estado de Santa Catarina. Tais estudos de caso incluíram a análise de viabilidade para: (a) a construção da PCH Fartura e (b) a aquisição da PCH Santa Ana, estando essa última já em operação comercial. Em ambos os estudos foram testadas variações de algumas premissas tais como: o preço de venda da energia; o custo do capital; e aumento do custo da construção. Da análise realizada foi possível concluir que, no cenário do período estudado, a construção de uma PCH não é viável, o preço praticado nos ambientes livre e regulado de contratação não tem sido suficiente para pagar os investimentos realizados. Por outro lado, a compra de uma usina já em operação comercial se mostrou um ótimo negócio, uma vez que os principais riscos do período de construção já haviam sido superados no e a usina apresentava fluxo de receita garantido. Como as variáveis analisadas permeiam a maioria dos projetos de PCH, estima-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da crise que o segmento de geração de pequenas usinas vem atravessando no Brasil nesses anos compreendidos entre 2008 e 2012. / MAKARON, Paula. Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Masters Dissertation Graduate Program on Energy, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2012. This dissertation analyzes critical points of success of projects in Small Hydro Power Plants (SHP) from the economic/financial perspective. For this, three stages were drawn up. The first aimed at the analysis of world and national contexts of this segment of energy generation following the technical concepts which characterize the small-sized hydroelectric generating businesses. During this stage, the implementation process of a SHP was analyzed; starting with the survey of the potential of a river until the plant enters into commercial operation. The second stage focused on the methodology applied to calculating the viability of an infrastructure project and the necessary methodological adjustments for a small-sized plant. These adjustments include a selection of components specific to the cash flow and the criteria for choosing key-variants in SHC projects. Another important concept discussed during this stage was the inherent risks involved in these projects and the way in which each risk can affect the results. Finally, during the third stage, in light of the theory reviewed in previous stages, two practical case studies of real projects from the state of Santa Catarina were analyzed. Such case studies included the viability analysis for decision making regarding: (a) the construction of the SHP Fartura and (b) the acquisition of the SHP Santa Ana, the latter already in full commercial operation. In both studies, it was tested a variation of some key elements such as: the price of energy; the capital cost; the cost overruns. From the aforementioned analysis, it was possible to conclude that in studied scenario, the construction of a SHP is not viable. The energy price level in the free hiring and in the regulated environments has not been sufficient to pay back original investment. On the other hand, buying a plant already in commercial operation proved to be a good business proposition, once the main development risks during the construction period had been overcome and the plant presented a flow of guaranteed income. Seeming as the variables permeate most SHP projects, it is foreseen that this work can contribute to the better understanding of the crisis in which this segment of small generation plants are going through here in Brazil during the years 2008 to 2012.

Podnikatelský plán - malá vodní elektrárna / Business plan - hydro power station

Možná, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
Subject of this graduation thesis is an assessment of business plan for hydro power station conctruction. The purpose of this thesis is to elaborate feasibility study to fullfill application form for financial support from the EU Structural Funds. First theoretical chapter is focused on conception of renewable resources, hydraolic power, qualification of process preparation and realization of business plan. Second chapter is an elaboration of chosen business plan. The structure of this business plan follows requirements specified by current EKO-ENERGIE aid program appell. In conclusion the thesis analyses and comments the obtained results given by the elaborated feasibility study.

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