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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Småskalig vattenkraft i Tyresån : En undersökning av ekologiska åtgärder utifrån de globala hållbarhetsmålen / Small scale hydro power in Tyresån : Evaluating ecological measures based on the sustainable development goals

Pirak Kuoljok, Simon, Wallin, Tony January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige finns det ungefär 2 100 vattenkraftverk som står för ca 40 % av Sveriges elproduktion.Ungefär 1 700 av dem är småskaliga vattenkraftverk och utgör 2,1 % av vattenkraftens elproduktion.Vattenkraften har negativa ekologiska konsekvenser på vattendragets konnektivitet vilket skaparproblem för den biologiska mångfalden. Tyresån vattensystem ligger i Stockholms län och är reglerat.Vattensystemet har tre vandringshinder, inklusive ett småskaligt vattenkraftverk – Uddby kvarn,vilket medför att vattensystemet har en dålig ekologisk status utifrån konnektivitet. Syftet medrapporten är att sammanställa de nyttor och problem som finns kopplade till den småskaligavattenkraften i Sverige och utifrån detta ta reda på vilka av FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål som påverkasav den småskaliga vattenkraftens verksamhet. För att undersöka det genomförs en litteraturstudiesamt en fallstudie, med inslag av intervjuer från sakkunniga informanter, som fokuserar på Tyresånsvattensystem. Platsbesök har även förekommit vid två tillfällen. De värden som är kopplade till småskalig vattenkraft är betydelsen för elsystemet, ekologiskaeffekter samt sociala och kulturella värden. I nedre Tyresån finns de tre strömmarnaFollbrinksströmmen, Nyfors och Uddby kvarn som alla är reglerade på olika sätt. Uddby kvarnlevererar el till ungefär 500 hushåll. Utifrån intervjuerna är närheten till höga naturvärden samt högakulturvärden positivt i Tyresån och bör behållas. Tyresåns ekologiska status utifrån konnektivitet ochfisk är dålig samt näringsämnen och bottenfaunan är måttlig. De åtgärder som tas upp för förbättradkonnektivitet är inlöp, anpassad reglering, återställning i Nyfors, biotopvård i Follbrinksströmmen,fingaller och uppsamling av ål. Sex globala hållbarhetsmål har tagits fram som går att koppla tillTyresåns vattensystem. Målkonflikter och synergier diskuteras, likaså ekologiska effekter kontra elproduktion och betydelsenav den småskaliga vattenkraften i Sverige. Den åtgärd som skulle gynna alla globala målen förTyresån är en återställning i Nyfors. Det finns även synergier mellan de globala målen rent vatten ochekologisk mångfald samt hållbar energi och bekämpa klimatförändringarna. Den störstamålkonflikten mellan de globala målen hållbar energi för alla och ekosystem och biologisk mångfald. / In Sweden, there are approximately 2 100 hydropower plants, which account for about 40 % ofSweden's electricity. Approximately 1 700 of them are small-scale hydropower plants and constitute2,1 % of the hydroelectric power generation. Hydroelectric power has negative ecologicalconsequences on the water's connectivity, which creates problems for biodiversity. Tyresån islocated in Stockholm County and is regulated. The water system has three migratory obstacles,including a small-scale hydropower plant - Uddby kvarn, which means that the water system has apoor ecological status based on connectivity. The aim of the report is to compile the benefits andproblems associated with the small-scale hydropower in Sweden and investigate which of the UN'ssustainable development goals that are affected by the small-scale hydropower. A literature study isconducted along with a case study which focus on Tyresån’s water system where two interviews andtwo site visits has been carried out. The values linked to small-scale hydropower are the importance for the electricity system, ecologicaleffects as well as social and cultural values. In the lower Tyresån there are the three streamsFollbrinksströmmen, Nyfors and Uddby kvarn which are all regulated in different ways. Uddby kvarnsupplies electricity to approximately 500 households. Based on the interviews, the proximity tonature and high cultural values are positive in Tyresån and should be sustained. Tyresån's ecologicalstatus is poor, due to lack of connectivity, fish, nutrients and bottom fauna. The actions suggested forimproved connectivity are inlets, custom regulation, restoration in Nyfors, biotope care inFollbrinksströmmen, grid and collection of eels. Six sustainable development goals can be linked tothe Tyresån water system. Conflicts and synergies are discussed. The main conflict is between ecological effects versuselectricity production and the importance of small-scale hydropower in Sweden. The action thatwould benefit all sustainable development goals for Tyresån is a restoration in Nyfors. There are alsosynergies between the sustainable development goals of clean water and sanitation and life on land,as well as affordable and clean energy and climate action. The largest conflict between thesustainable development goals related to small scale hydro power are affordable and clean energyand life on land.

Vattennivåreglering i Avesta Lillfors : På uppdrag av Fortum Generation AB / Water Level Control in Avesta Lillfors : On behalf of Fortum Generation AB

Karnik Macaya, Yohanna January 2014 (has links)
I denna rapport utreds olika metoder för att kunna reglera vattennivån i vattenkraftverket Avesta Lillfors i Dalarna. Två kraftverk ligger endast 900 m uppströms och detta gör att svarstiderna blir korta och regleringen blir lätt nervös. Att använda sig av vattennivåreglering i ett kraftverk för-enklar dess styrning då anpassning till inflödet sker automatiskt. En flödestabell har tagits fram genom mätningar i turbinen, med hjälp av Winter-Kennedy-metoden. Denna tabell används för att kunna fram-koppla regulatorn och därmed dämpa stora variationer i inflödet. Dessu-tom har en modell av älven skapats och testats med en återkopplad PID-regulator. Utefter dessa tester har lämpliga parametrar tagits fram, som ger önskad stabilitet, noggrannhet och snabbhet. Simuleringar har även gjorts med reglermetoden Fuzzy logic. / This report evaluates different methods to create a stable regulation of the water level in the hydro power plant Avesta Lillfors, in county Dalar-na. Another pair of plants are located just 900 m up the stream, which is why the regulation has to act fast. If the water level can be regulated and automatically adjust to the incoming flow, it facilitates the control of the plant. A flow chart is created from measurements in the turbine, using the Win-ter-Kennedy method. The results are used for feedforward control. A PID-regulator with feedback is also simulated in a model of the river. This helps finding the parameters that provide a stable, accurate and fast regu-lation. Fuzzy logic control has also been simulated.

Optimering av passagelösningar för juveniler av europeisk ål (Anguilla anguilla) / Optimizing passage solutions for juveniles of European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Brandelind, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Förlorad biologisk mångfald är ett av de största hoten mot vår planet, och i sötvatten har populationer av migrerande fiskarter minskat med 76 % sedan 70-talet. Ålen är en art som hotas av utrotning på grund av antropogen inverkan, framför allt på grund av kraftverksdammar som fragmenterar habitat och förhindrar artens livsnödvändiga migration upp- och nedströms vattendrag genom avsaknad av passagelösningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheten att vidareutveckla ålpassagelösningar med substratet EF-16, detta genom att testa klättringsframgången för glasålar vid två olika passageramper och två olika flöden (3 l/min och 9 l/min). Varje passagelösning bestod av fyra passageramper positionerade i bredd, med EF-16 monterat varannan ramp antingen rakt eller lateralt v-format. Resultatet från studien visade att de optimerade v-formade passageramperna gav signifikant fler klättringar vid höga flöden, samt att placeringen av ramperna också hade signifikant betydelse för valet av ramp. Kroppsvikten för ålar hade däremot ingen effekt för passageframgången. Denna studie betonar vikten av framtagandet av effektiva passagelösningar för glasålar som fungerar vid stora variationer av flöde vid kraftverksdammar. Genom att fler ålar kan migrera uppströms vattendrag förbi kraftverksdammar till sina uppväxtområden, kan förhoppningsvis ålstammen räddas. / Biodiversity loss is one of the biggest threats to our planet, and in freshwater, populations of migratory fish species have declined by 76% since the 1970s. The eel is a species threatened with extinction due to anthropogenic impact, mainly due to power plant dams that fragment habitat and prevent the species' vital migration up and down streams through lack of passage solutions. The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibility of further developing eel passage solutions with the substrate EF-16, by testing the climbing success of glass eels at two different passage ramps and at two different flows (3 l/min and 9 l/min). Each passage solution consisted of four passage ramps positioned widthwise, with EF-16 mounted either flat or lateral v-shaped every other ramp. The study shows that the optimized v-shaped passage ramps gave significantly more climbs at high flows, and that the location of the ramps also had a significant impact on the choice of ramp. The body weight of eels, on the other hand, had no effect on passage success. This study emphasizes the importance of the development of efficient passage solutions for glass eels that can be applied at large variations in flow at power plant dams. By allowing more eels to migrate upstream watercourses past hydropower plants to their spawning grounds, the eel population can hopefully be saved. / Optimerade passagelösningar för ål, 52096-1

Valtavirta muutoksessa:vesivoima ja paikalliset asukkaat Kemijoella

Autti, O. (Outi) 15 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract The construction of human-controlled watercourses to meet the need for hydroelectric power has substantially changed freshwater ecosystems, as well as the cultural dynamics of local communities along the Kemi River. At the moment there are 21 hydropower plants in the Kemi River basin, and further building is still topical. The construction of hydropower plants gave benefits but it also caused damages to the people living along the Kemi River. It was a deathblow to salmon migration. The alteration of the river has radically changed the water environment, the landscape and the usage of the river environment. The processed conflicts and paid compensations are always connected to economic losses, but the river has also many other aspects and meanings from the viewpoint of a riverman. The planning and building of hydroelectric plants took place at the same time with other significant events in northern Finland. The rise of the forestry industry, the Second World War, post-war reconstruction and structural changes in society framed the electrification of northern rivers. The transformation from an agrarian society to a service and information society happened unusually fast in Finland. It involved every aspect of local people’s lives, as the physical environment, local culture, social relations, means of income and the surrounding society changed in a short period of time. In my research I examine the changes caused by the electrification of the Kemi River in their temporal and spatial context. The focus is on the perspectives of local people and their personal relationships with the environment, but on the other hand also on the power relations within various actor groups. From my interview data I have identified four different adaptation strategies: compliant builders, those in denial, resigned bystanders and opposing resisters. These strategies may be found overlapping in the stories of the interviewees. Local residents have had an opportunity to realign themselves with various available subject positions, as well as decline or remould them. Remoulding takes place in various situations, and local people broadmindedly understand the benefits and disadvantages of hydropower, in spite of their own attitude. The alteration of the Kemi River has been a cultural trauma for the people living along the river, and the ones who experienced the change maintain a constant negotiation with the matter. / Tiivistelmä Kemijoen ensimmäinen voimalaitos valmistui vuonna 1949 sodanjälkeisen voimakkaan sähköntarpeen sanelemana. Kemijoen valuma-alueella on nyt yhteensä 21 voimalaitosta, ja jatkorakentaminen on yhä ajankohtainen asia. Vesivoimarakentaminen aiheutti hyötyjen lisäksi myös vahinkoa jokivarren asukkaille. Joen rakentaminen esti vaelluskalojen nousun jokiin ja muutti vesiympäristöä, maisemaa ja joen käyttöä voimakkaasti. Kemijoen kalakorvauskiista lienee tunnetuin rakentamisen aiheuttama konflikti, mutta myös muita ristiriitoja, pettymyksiä ja vahinkoja on paljon. Käsitellyt ristiriidat liittyvät aina taloudellisiin menetyksiin. Joella on sen rannalla asujalle kuitenkin myös muita kuin taloudellisia merkityksiä. Samanaikaisesti voimalaitostöiden kanssa käynnistyi yhteiskunnallinen rakennemuutos, joka tapahtui Suomessa poikkeuksellisen myöhään ja nopeasti. Muutos löi läpi koko elämänalan, kun fyysinen ympäristö, paikalliskulttuuri, sosiaaliset suhteet, toimeentulo ja yhteiskunta muuttuivat lyhyessä ajassa. Vesivoimarakentaminen vauhditti jokivarsien modernisaatiota entisestään, eikä nopea muutos tarjonnut asukkaille yhtä pitkää sopeutumisaikaa kuin muualla. Käsittelen tutkimuksessani vesivoimarakentamisen aiheuttamia muutoksia Kemijoen vesistöalueella. Tarkastelen muutosta paikallisten asukkaiden näkökulmasta sekä sidottuna rakentamisajan historialliseen ja tilalliseen kontekstiin. Tutkimuksen keskiössä on paikallisen asukkaan henkilökohtainen ympäristösuhde mutta toisaalta myös eri toimijaryhmien väliset ja sisäiset valtasuhteet. Jaan aineistosta esille tulleet jokivarren asukkaiden sopeutumisstrategiat neljään kategoriaan: rakentajiin, selänkääntäjiin, alistujiin ja vastustajiin. Tilanteesta riippuen suhtautumistapoja saattoi ilmetä limittäisesti, ja ne saattoivat olla keskenään myös ristiriidassa. Jokivarren asukkailla on ollut mahdollisuus omaksua tai torjua erilaisia tarjolla olleita toimija-asemia tai muokata niitä erilaisiksi. Muokkausta tapahtuu tilanteesta riippuen, ja jokivarren asukkaat ymmärtävät hyvin joen rakentamisen sekä hyvät että huonot puolet, vastustuksesta, puolustamisesta tai vetäytymisestä riippumatta. Joen muutos on ollut paikallisille asukkaille kulttuurinen trauma, ja muutoksen kokeneet ovat sen kanssa jatkuvassa neuvottelusuhteessa.

Hydraulicky poháněné česle pro malou vodní elektrárnu / Hydraulic powered screens for small hydropower plant

Snášelová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of hydraulic cleaning machine of fine screens located in the supply channel of small hydropower plant. The part of this thesis is also the design of hydraulic circuit and strength analysis using finite element method. The thesis also deals with the optimal debris removal. The thesis is attached by drawing documentation of selected parts of the mechanism.

Tvorba a estimace modelu malé vodní elektrárny v programu PSCAD / Creation and estimation of small hydro power plant model in PSCAD

Razyapova, Aygul January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focused on creating a model of a small hydropower plant model (SHPP) and a part of the electricity network in the simulation software "PSCAD" (basing on real sources). The model will be specified on the basis of the data obtained from the measurements to correspond with the real equipment.

Analýza kostry synchronního generátoru / The analysis of frame synchronous generator

Marada, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the examination of the utility of a synchronous generator of a small hydroelectric power station in the case of a change of working position of the machine. The utility will be measured on the basis of the examination of deformations and state of stress of the frame of the generator for the present running (with vertical axis of rotation of the generator) and subsequently for modified running (with horizontal axis of rotation). This will be accomplished partly on the static shell model by finite element method and consequently on the simplified dynamic model.

The Relationship of Weather with Electricity Prices: A Case Study of Albania / Förhållandet mellan Väder och Elpriser: En Fallstudie av Albanien

Greku, Evgjenia, Xie, Zhuohan January 2020 (has links)
Electricity markets may become more sensitive to weather conditions because of higher penetration of renewable energy sources and climatic changes. Albania is 100% reliant on hydropower for its domestic energy generation, making this country compelling to investigate as it is highly sensitive to changing weather conditions. We use an ARMA-GARCH model to investigate whether weather and economic factors had a relationship with monthly hydroelectricity prices in the Albanian Energy Market in the period 2013-2018. We find that electricity price is affected by variations in weather and is not utterly robust to extreme hydrological changes. Generally, our dependent variable appears to be particularly influenced by air pressure followed by temperature and rainfall. We also perceive that there is a relationship between economic factors and hydroelectricity prices, where residual supply appears to have a significant negative relationship with our dependent variable. However, we were originally anticipating a higher dependency of electricity prices on weather conditions, due to the inflated hydro-power reliance for electricity production in the Albanian Energy Market. This effect is offset by several factors, where the state monopolized behaviour of the energy sector occupies a predominant influence on our results.

The climate impact of fishways : A life cycle assessment of Blyberg’s and Spjutmo’s up- and downstream fishways

Lundin, Ellen, Liljenberg, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish national plan for reapproval of hydropower describes that hydropower plants (HPPs) are required to be reassessed to ensure that modern environmental conditions are set for the permits. Since dams and HPPs create barriers for migrating fish and consequently disfavor biological diversity, one consequence of the national plan is that fishways are being constructed. This, in combination with an old, unfinished approval procedure from the 1960’s, resulted in the construction of three up- and downstream fishways in Mora municipality, at the HPPs in Spjutmo, Blyberg and Väsa. To fulfill requirements in regard to the fishway’s incline and safety, but at the same time minimize the need of space, the fishways have new, innovative and not yet tested design features. One of these features is the “parking garage” layout of the upstream fishway. Despite these features, the fishways take up a large amount of space and thus require large amounts of blasting, excavation and materials such as concrete and steel parts. These are climate impact influence intensive procedures and materials, but the construction has so far not been evaluated from a climate impact perspective. This, in combination with a lack of studies on the climate impact of fishways, has resulted in this project.The aim of this project was to examine the climate impact caused by the fishways in Spjutmo and Blyberg, to identify what affects the total climate impact as well as providing measures that could reduce the climate impact for future similar fishways. To provide an extensive overview of the climate impact that the fishways cause during their entire lifetime, the method life cycle analysis (LCA) was used. The construction of the fishways at Väsa HPP starts later than for Spjutmo and Blyberg, and therefore Väsa is excluded from the scope due to the lack of required information.The fishways in Spjutmo and Blyberg have the same design features, but the material consumptions differ due to their differences in head. Spjutmo’s head is 21,4 meter and Blyberg’s is 11 meter. A larger head generally results in a longer fishway which in turn results in a more material consuming construction. This resulted in the total life cycle climate impact being twice as big for Spjutmo as for Blyberg, 2 807 tonne CO2-eq respectively 1 361 tonne CO2-eq. The resource extraction is the LCA- phase that contributes the most. Concrete and its reinforcement have the biggest share of that impact, followed by mechanical parts and other steel products, road construction process in Spjutmo and the excavation process in Blyberg. Based on this result, it can be concluded that the materials and components contribute more to the fishways’ total climate impact, rather than processes. Roughly 80 % of the total climate impact origins from the upstream fishway, while the rest either stems from the downstream fishway or others. Sensitivity analyses include the climate impact caused by the fishways using some water that otherwise could have been used to generate electricity from, and the result indicates that all examined alternative energy sources would result in larger climate impact compared to if the electricity was generated by hydropower.One of the result’s uncertainties is that the fishways were under construction while this project was performed. Therefore some assumptions was made to compensate for lack of data. For example, the future electricity consumption was scaled up based off the then used electricity data. However, even if some amounts of required materials and processes changed as time went by, the changes did not make a significant difference from the bigger perspective. Sensitivity analyses that examined the climate impact of a delay in the construction also showed that the processes that are most likely to continue turned out to have a relatively small climate impact. Thus, this issue might not be as problematic as initially thought.Although the result is presented in total values, the result is also provided per a functional unit (FU) level in accordance with traditional LCA methodology. This was to facilitate a comparison for future LCAs on other fishways. The FU in this project was decided to be “One meter head for a technical, stationary, up- and downstream fishway in connection to a medium or large run-of-river hydropower plant in a cold tempered climate zone”. For future studies, LCAs on different types of fishways using the proposed FU is recommended.

Stochastic Adaptive Robust Approach in the Optimal Bidding Behavior of a Virtual Power Plant in the Multi-Market Setup

Manivong, Nina January 2022 (has links)
Hydropower in Sweden is a powerful and efficient source of energy due to its flexibility, usually used to balance the Swedish power system. With the transition of power system into more intermittent power sources, the role of hydro-power as producers will become more important. Thus the optimal scheduling of hydropower units, with other assets, holds an important place in electric power systems, which is significantly investigated as a research issue. This thesis presents an optimization model that aims at maximizing the income of that producer. The model is implemented on a virtual power plant trading in both day-ahead and mFRR balancing markets in the SE2 bidding zone in Sweden. The virtual power plant comprises hydo-power plants located on the Swedish river Skellefteälven, a wind power unit, and a storage unit. This system participates in electricity market as a single entity in order to optimize the use of energy resources. As feature, uncertainty in electricity market price, wind power production and in active-time duration in the mFRR energy market are modeled in order to formulate a so-called stochastic adaptive robust optimization model. The latter is solved using a column-and-constraint generation algorithm, solved by GAMS and Matlab. A bid curve analysis is performed showing the optimal strategy in case of low/high price scenario and the level of conservativeness. After that, a revenue assessment is carried out which in turn leads to an investigation of the interaction between the three assets and the impact of the storage facility in the revenue. Results demonstrate the advantage of the battery in increasing profit in some cases and its flexibility in the use of storing energy and selling it to the markets at suitable times, e.g., it saves energy from the wind in hours of comparatively low prices, while it sells it in hours of comparatively high prices. Finally, an assessment on variation of imbalance costs is held with and without battery, comparing how such virtual power plants reduce the imbalance costs. / Vattenkraften i Sverige är en kraftfull och effektiv energikälla tack vare sin flexibilitet, används vanligtvis för att balansera det svenska kraftsystemet. I och med att kraftsystemet övergår till mer intermittenta energikällor kommer vattenkraftens roll som producent att bli viktigare. Den optimala schemaläggningen av vattenkraftsenheter har därför tillsammans med andra tillgångar en viktig plats i elkraftsystemen, vilket är en viktig forskningsfråga. I denna avhandling presenteras en optimeringsmodell som syftar till att maximera inkomsten för den producenten. Modellen implementeras på ett virtuellt kraftverk som handlar på både day-ahead- och mFRR-balanseringsmarknader i budzonen SE2 i Sverige. Det virtuella kraftverket består av vattenkraftverk belägna vid den svenska Skellefteälven, en vindkraftsenhet och en lagringsenhet. Systemet deltar på elmarknaden som en enda enhet för att optimera användningen av energiresurser. Som en funktion kan osäkerheten i elmarknadspriset, vindkraftsproduktionen och den aktiva tiden i kraftverket användas. mFRR-marknaden modelleras för att formulera en så kallad stokastisk adaptiv robust optimeringsmodell. Den sistnämnda löses med hjälp av en kolumn-och-bindningsgenerering algoritm, som löses med GAMS och Matlab. En analys av budkurvan utförs och visar att optimala strategin vid scenarier med lågt/hög pris och nivån av försiktighet. Efter därefter görs en intäktsbedömning som i sin tur leder till en undersökning av interaktionen mellan de tre tillgångarna och lagringsanläggningens inverkan på intäkterna.Resultaten visar att batteriet i vissa fall är en fördel när det gäller att öka vinsten och att dess flexibilitet när det gäller att lagra energi och sälja den på marknaden vid lämpliga tidpunkter, Det sparar t.ex. energi från vinden under timmar med jämförelsevis låga priser, medan det säljer den. när priserna är jämförelsevis höga. Slutligen görs en bedömning av variationen i obalansen. med och utan batteri, där man jämför hur sådana virtuella kraftverk minskar kostnaderna för obalans.

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