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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Integrated Approach to Detecting Communicative Intent amid Hyperkinetic Movements in Children

McCarthy, Andrea 12 January 2011 (has links)
Hyperkinetic movement (HKM) can encumber nonverbal communication of preference. Caregiver and clinician interpretation of preference are recognized as a valuable but limited proxy translation. It is known that biomechanical signals can differentiate among movement patterns in various populations. We hypothesize that preference is encoded in HKM; to test this hypothesis we propose a unified approach to detect preference within HKM, fusing observational and quantitative techniques while incorporating caregiver and clinician perspectives. We illustrate this method through two case studies; in the first case preference is detectable by both visual (fair agreement) and accelerometer classification (68.5% accuracy) whereas in the second case preference is only detectable by accelerometer-based classification with 62.9% accuracy. The proposed procedure may enable researchers to effectively explore communicative movement patterns in children with HKM. The findings warrant further investigation into potential communicative patterns in HKM.

An Integrated Approach to Detecting Communicative Intent amid Hyperkinetic Movements in Children

McCarthy, Andrea 12 January 2011 (has links)
Hyperkinetic movement (HKM) can encumber nonverbal communication of preference. Caregiver and clinician interpretation of preference are recognized as a valuable but limited proxy translation. It is known that biomechanical signals can differentiate among movement patterns in various populations. We hypothesize that preference is encoded in HKM; to test this hypothesis we propose a unified approach to detect preference within HKM, fusing observational and quantitative techniques while incorporating caregiver and clinician perspectives. We illustrate this method through two case studies; in the first case preference is detectable by both visual (fair agreement) and accelerometer classification (68.5% accuracy) whereas in the second case preference is only detectable by accelerometer-based classification with 62.9% accuracy. The proposed procedure may enable researchers to effectively explore communicative movement patterns in children with HKM. The findings warrant further investigation into potential communicative patterns in HKM.

Vaikų turinčių hiperkinezinį sindromą socializacijos ypatumai pradinėse klasėse / Socialisation peculiarities of primary school pupils with hyperkinetic syndrome: master`s thesis in special pedagogy

Volodkovič, Stanislava 30 June 2009 (has links)
Daugeliui žmonių vaikai yra ne tik didžiausia gyvenimo palaima, bet ir rimčiausias iššūkis. Šioje grupėje ypač išsiskiria negebantys sutelkti dėmesio, judrūs, impulsyvūs vaikai. Kuo labiau padidėjęs vaiko aktyvumas ir impulsyvumas, tuo dažniau jam kyla psichosocialinės adaptacijos sunkumų, ypač vaikų kolektyve. Sutrikusio elgesio, nedėmesingų, impulsyvų vaikų socializacija mokykloje yra svarbi ir sudėtinga pedagoginė problema, kartu tai vienas iš dažniausiai pasitaikančių elgesio ir socialinės raidos sutrikimų tarp vaikų. Išanalizuotoje literatūroje radau, kad visuomenėje yra nuo 3 iki 10 procentų vaikų turinčių hiperkinezinį sindromą. Tirtose mokyklose buvo nustatyta 8% vaikų, turinčių hiperkinezinį sindromą. Nemažas procentas yra impulsyvių, nedėmesingų, neklusnų vaikų. Mokinių, turinčių hiperkinezinį sindromą, tėvai ne visada supranta šio sutrikimo esmę ir dažnai nereaguoja į vaiko hiperaktyvumą, dėmesio stoką ir impulsyvumą. Dauguma vaikų tirtose mokyklose negali pakankamai ilgai susikaupti dėmesį ruošiant pamokas. Tokiems vaikams ne tik sunku paruošti pamokas, bet ir mokytis mokykloje, atlikti tam tikrą veiklą.. Pradinių klasių mokytojai negeba naudotis teisingumu dirbdami su tokiais mokiniais, turinčiais hiperkinezinį sindromą: pernelyg retai vaikas iš anksto supažindinamas su tinkamo elgesio taisyklėmis, retai jam deferencijojamos ir dozuojamos užduotis, vaikas pernelyg retai gauna teigiamą įvertinimą. Mokyklose nėra specialiųjų pedagogu, niekas neužsiima vaiko... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem. Socialisation of primary school pupils with hyperkinetic syndrome. The object of research. Primary school pupils with hyperkinetic syndrome. The aim of research. Analyse the peculiarities and problems of socialisation of Polish primary school pupils with hyperkinetic syndrome. Objectives: 1. To give general characteristics of children with hyperkinetic syndrome. 2. To reveal the problems of Polish – speaking children with hyperkinetic syndrome and suggest some ways to their solution. 3. To define the role of an educator in helping the children with hyperkinetic syndrome. Most people`s children are not only the greatest blessing but also the most serious challenge. This group includes excessively active and impulsive children with attention – deficit. The more active and impulsive are children, the more often they have psychosocial adaptation difficulties, especially in a children`s group. Socialisation of inattentive, impulsive school children with disruptive behaviour is an important and complicated pedagogical problem. Moreover, it is one of the most often disorders of behaviour and social development in children. Having analysed some literary resources, I have found out that in some western countries, as well as in the USA, there are 3 to 10 per cent of children with hyperkinetic syndrome. Such statistical researches have not been conducted in Lithuania. The research which I have conducted can`t be considered to... [to full text]

A Biochemical and Parent Education Approach to Treating the Hyperkinetic Child

Ward, Shirley Ann 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation examined the effect of a biochemical and parent education program emphasizing the physiological aspects of the hyperkinetic disorder and the effect of a parent education program teaching parenting skills found in Systematic Training for Effective Parenting on the behavior of hyperkinetic children. The following conclusions are presented as a result of these findings: 1. The intake of nutrients in conjunction with parent education groups which teach physiological reasons for hyperkinesis has an effect on the behavior and physiological symptoms of hyperkinetic children. 2. The education of parents using Systematic Training for Effective Parenting is effective in changing the behavior of hyperkinetic children. 3. Aberrant behavior in children, in some cases, may be due to a condition, or conditions, subject to manipulation.

Correlação entre semiologia clínica e achados do SPECT ictal nas crises epilépticas hipercinéticas / Ictal SPECT of Hyperkinetic Seizures: correlation between clinical patterns and functional image findings

Costa, Ursula Thomé 29 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A classificação recente das Crises Hipercinéticas (CH) proposta por Rheims et al. (2008) sugere dois padrões de CH, baseado na semiologia ictal (Tipos I e II): no Tipo I, a zona epileptogênica foi identificada na região ventral pré-frontal, enquanto que no Tipo II, na região mesial pré-motora. Estudos com SPECT ictal em pacientes com CH evidenciaram hiperperfusão nas regiões frontais e extrafrontais, incluindo ínsula e lobo temporal, além de áreas subcorticais, tais como cerebelo, tálamo, gânglios da base e tronco encefálico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a rede neural ativada nas CH através do SPECT ictal, correlacionando-a aos dois subtipos de CH (Tipos I e II). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Uma amostra de 25 pacientes com idade entre 0 e 60 anos com CH que realizaram SPECT ictal foi submetida a análise do VEEG e das imagens do SPECT ictal a fim de determinar o tipo de CH e as áreas de hiperpefusão ativadas, bem como sua correlação. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes (36%) tiveram CH do Tipo I, dez (40%), do Tipo II e seis (24%), do Tipo Misto. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tipos de CH e a presença de semiologia ictal não hipercinética durante as crises, bem como o tempo de doença, frequência das crises, história familiar positiva e exame de neuroimagem anormal. A duração média do tempo de injeção do RF foi de 32,2 segundos. O SPECT demonstrou ativação difusa, com predomínio nas regiões subcorticais, temporal lateral, occipital mesial e frontal dorsolateral. Não houve correlação entre os diferentes tipos de CH e as áreas hiperperfundidas, exceto pela região occipital mesial, que foi significativamente maior no Tipo II. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação proposta por Rheims et al. (2008) é útil porém simplista, já que as CH abrangem uma fenomenologia complexa, não sendo possível classificar todos os pacientes em somente dois tipos (I e II). O SPECT ictal nesta amostra demonstrou a presença de hiperperfusão em diferentes áreas cerebrais, reforçando a hipótese de que uma rede neural ampla, que engloba as regiões frontais e possivelmente extrafrontais, incluindo áreas subcorticais, está envolvida na gênese destas crises. / BACKGROUND: The recent classification of hyperkinetic seizures (HS) proposed by Reims et al (2008) suggests two patterns of HS based on ictal symptomatology (Type I and II), whereas in Type I epileptogenic zone was identified in the ventromesial frontal córtex while in Type II, in the mesial premotor córtex. Ictal SPECT studies in patients with HS showed hyperperfusion in frontal and extrafrontal regions, including insula and temporal lobe, and subcortical areas, such as cerebellum, thalamus, basal ganglia and brain stem. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the neural network activated in HS through the ictal SPECT and to correlate it to the two subtypes of HS (Type I and II). METHODS: We retrospective analyzed ictal signs and ictal SPECT data in 25 patients with HS aged between 0 and 60 years in order to determine the type of HS and the hyperperfused areas, as well as their correlation. RESULTS: Nine patients (36%) were classified as Type I, ten (40%) as Type II and 6 (24%) as a mixed type. There were no significant differences between the types of HS and the presence of non-hyperkinetic ictal semiology, as well as epilepsy duration, frequency of seizures, positive family history and abnormal neuroimage. The average injection duration time was 32.2 seconds. The ictal SPECT showed diffuse activation, predominantly in subcortical regions and the following areas: lateral temporal, mesial occipital and dorsolateral frontal cortex. There was no correlation between the different types of HS and the hyperperfused areas but the mesial occipital region that was significantly higher in Type II. CONCLUSION: The classification proposed by Rheims et al (2008) is useful but simplistic. Since the HS consists of a complex phenomenology, it is not possible to classify all patients in only two types (I and II). The ictal SPECT in this sample showed the presence of hyperperfusion in different brain areas, reinforcing the hypothesis that a broad neural network, which includes the frontal and possibly extrafrontal regions, including subcortical areas, are involved in the genesis of these seizures.

Heterogeneity in hyperkinetic disorder

Coghill, David Rockwell January 2010 (has links)
It is increasingly recognised that the broadly defined behavioural phenotype of attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a heterogeneous condition and that this heterogeneity is seen across all levels of analysis from the genetic and environmental causes to the associated neuropsychological deficits, the clinical presentation and response to treatment. This work investigated whether the more restrictive and clinically homogeneous hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) phenotype is associated with reduced neuropsychological heterogeneity compared with the broader ADHD phenotype. Using a well known, broad based battery of neuropsychological tasks from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) and a computerised Go/NoGo task in a large well described group of boys with rigorously diagnosed HKD who were stimulant medication naïve at baseline, it was demonstrated that the neuropsychological heterogeneity in the HKD boys was very similar to that seen previously in children with ADHD. Interestingly, and contrary to popular opinion, the strongest associations were with more simple recognition memory tasks with a low executive demand. Although there were significant associations between HKD and deficits on a range of tasks with high executive demands these were less strong. Could this neuropsychological heterogeneity be a function of different developmental issues or comorbidity? With respect to development there was evidence that boys with HKD lagged behind the healthy boys with respect to the development of their neuropsychological performance. However the pattern of development was similar with the performance of the HKD boys paralleling that of the healthy boys, suggesting that the neuropsychological heterogeneity seen in HKD is not accounted for by developmental issues. With respect to the relationship between neuropsychological functioning and comorbidity, the impact of comorbid oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conductdisorder (CD), it was found that all three clinical groups (pure HKD, HKD + ODD and HKD + CD) demonstrated deficits on several tasks compared with the healthy boys. Compared with healthy boys each of the three clinical groups was associated with at least one unique neuropsychological deficit. This suggests that comorbidity between HKD and both ODD and CD may contribute to the neuropsychological heterogeneity in the HKD boys. Is there an association between clinical and neuropsychological responses to the treatment of HKD with the stimulant drug methylphenidate (MPH)? Detailed analyses were conducted to investigate heterogeneity of clinical and neuropsychological response in these boys to MPH. As predicted in previous studies there is evidence for clinical heterogeneity in response with between 68 and 78% of boys with HKD responding to MPH treatment at either one or both of the doses. The precise proportion responding was dependent on the scale and definition of response used. Clinical response was not predicted by age but was predicted to a degree by severity of symptoms at baseline and it was generally true that better response was predicted by lower (better) scores at baseline. Baseline performance on a component reflecting recognition memory performance at baseline predicted clinical response to the lower (0.3 mg/kg/dose), but not the higher (0.6, mg/kg/dose) dose of MPH with poorer baseline neuropsychological performance predicting a better clinical response. Whilst there was improvement on some neuropsychological measures following administration of MPH there was little association between clinical and neuropsychological responses to medication. Clinical response was only associated with neuropsychological response on a single measure from a single task (Go/NoGo Block 2 Errors to Distractors), a task that did not itself discriminate between the HKD boys and healthy Controls at baseline.

Hyperaktivní a "hyperaktivní" dítě ve škole / Hyperactive and ,,hyperactive" child at school

ARNICANOVÁ, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation focus on problems connected with ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder. First part describes ADHD, it?s symptoms, utterances in different parts of children?s evolution, diagnosis and treatment. Main part focuses on foreknowledge, right usage of term ADHD and hyperactivity of different groups of people. As next, it focuses on finding how is the situation with recognizing of ADHD and diagnosis and consecutive work with these children.

Correlação entre semiologia clínica e achados do SPECT ictal nas crises epilépticas hipercinéticas / Ictal SPECT of Hyperkinetic Seizures: correlation between clinical patterns and functional image findings

Ursula Thomé Costa 29 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A classificação recente das Crises Hipercinéticas (CH) proposta por Rheims et al. (2008) sugere dois padrões de CH, baseado na semiologia ictal (Tipos I e II): no Tipo I, a zona epileptogênica foi identificada na região ventral pré-frontal, enquanto que no Tipo II, na região mesial pré-motora. Estudos com SPECT ictal em pacientes com CH evidenciaram hiperperfusão nas regiões frontais e extrafrontais, incluindo ínsula e lobo temporal, além de áreas subcorticais, tais como cerebelo, tálamo, gânglios da base e tronco encefálico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a rede neural ativada nas CH através do SPECT ictal, correlacionando-a aos dois subtipos de CH (Tipos I e II). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Uma amostra de 25 pacientes com idade entre 0 e 60 anos com CH que realizaram SPECT ictal foi submetida a análise do VEEG e das imagens do SPECT ictal a fim de determinar o tipo de CH e as áreas de hiperpefusão ativadas, bem como sua correlação. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes (36%) tiveram CH do Tipo I, dez (40%), do Tipo II e seis (24%), do Tipo Misto. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os tipos de CH e a presença de semiologia ictal não hipercinética durante as crises, bem como o tempo de doença, frequência das crises, história familiar positiva e exame de neuroimagem anormal. A duração média do tempo de injeção do RF foi de 32,2 segundos. O SPECT demonstrou ativação difusa, com predomínio nas regiões subcorticais, temporal lateral, occipital mesial e frontal dorsolateral. Não houve correlação entre os diferentes tipos de CH e as áreas hiperperfundidas, exceto pela região occipital mesial, que foi significativamente maior no Tipo II. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação proposta por Rheims et al. (2008) é útil porém simplista, já que as CH abrangem uma fenomenologia complexa, não sendo possível classificar todos os pacientes em somente dois tipos (I e II). O SPECT ictal nesta amostra demonstrou a presença de hiperperfusão em diferentes áreas cerebrais, reforçando a hipótese de que uma rede neural ampla, que engloba as regiões frontais e possivelmente extrafrontais, incluindo áreas subcorticais, está envolvida na gênese destas crises. / BACKGROUND: The recent classification of hyperkinetic seizures (HS) proposed by Reims et al (2008) suggests two patterns of HS based on ictal symptomatology (Type I and II), whereas in Type I epileptogenic zone was identified in the ventromesial frontal córtex while in Type II, in the mesial premotor córtex. Ictal SPECT studies in patients with HS showed hyperperfusion in frontal and extrafrontal regions, including insula and temporal lobe, and subcortical areas, such as cerebellum, thalamus, basal ganglia and brain stem. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the neural network activated in HS through the ictal SPECT and to correlate it to the two subtypes of HS (Type I and II). METHODS: We retrospective analyzed ictal signs and ictal SPECT data in 25 patients with HS aged between 0 and 60 years in order to determine the type of HS and the hyperperfused areas, as well as their correlation. RESULTS: Nine patients (36%) were classified as Type I, ten (40%) as Type II and 6 (24%) as a mixed type. There were no significant differences between the types of HS and the presence of non-hyperkinetic ictal semiology, as well as epilepsy duration, frequency of seizures, positive family history and abnormal neuroimage. The average injection duration time was 32.2 seconds. The ictal SPECT showed diffuse activation, predominantly in subcortical regions and the following areas: lateral temporal, mesial occipital and dorsolateral frontal cortex. There was no correlation between the different types of HS and the hyperperfused areas but the mesial occipital region that was significantly higher in Type II. CONCLUSION: The classification proposed by Rheims et al (2008) is useful but simplistic. Since the HS consists of a complex phenomenology, it is not possible to classify all patients in only two types (I and II). The ictal SPECT in this sample showed the presence of hyperperfusion in different brain areas, reinforcing the hypothesis that a broad neural network, which includes the frontal and possibly extrafrontal regions, including subcortical areas, are involved in the genesis of these seizures.

ADHD in historical and comparative perspective : medical, educational and public approaches to childhood hyperactivity in the US and the UK, 1960-2010

Reinholdt, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Adding a much needed historical and comparative dimension to current debates about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the present thesis provides an analysis of the changing construction and treatment of childhood hyperactivity in Britain and the United States, focusing on the period from 1960 to 2010. The focal point is the historical discrepancy between the two countries in diagnostic and therapeutic practices, and the question of how and why perspectives have increasingly converged over the past 20 years. Whereas British medical and educational professionals continued to rely on environmental explanations and interventions for the vast bulk of disruptive behaviour in school children, the American concept of hyperactivity disorder from the 1960s onwards became increasingly inclusive and biomedical in orientation. This expansion was closely related to the rise of psycho-stimulants as a widely employed treatment for hyperactivity and attention problems in the US. British and other European clinicians, on the other hand, resisted drug treatments up until the mid-1990s, when rates of diagnosis and prescription grew dramatically on both sides of the Atlantic. A key aim of this study is to explore and explain the rise of ADHD and Ritalin in both the American and British contexts, looking at the interplay of political, professional, institutional and socio-cultural factors that have contributed in each case. The study concentrates on three distinct but interconnected spheres which, both separately and in combination, have underpinned and shaped approaches to hyperactivity in the two countries: medicine, education and the wider public arena, represented by parent support groups. While chapters 2, 3 and 4 focus on the medical debates and practices surrounding hyperactivity, and the points of connection and disconnection between the two medico-psychiatric communities, chapters 5 and 6 examine the role of schooling, disability activism, and educational policy, especially that relating to special educational needs. Finally, chapter 7 explores the issue of parent activism which has been an important factor in the growth and critique of ADHD in both settings.

Akustická analýza přednesu básně u pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí / Acoustic analysis of poem recitation in patients with Parkinson's disease

Mucha, Ján January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the acoustic analysis of poetry recitation in patients with Parkinson's disease. This disease is associated with speech disorder called hypokinetic dysarthria. One objective of this thesis was familiarization with process, symptoms and treatment of these diseases. In thesis is described preprocessing and parametrization of the speech signal and the binary classification methods. Subsequently, it is the above proposal modular system of auto-diagnosis of Parkinson's disease based on acoustic analysis of the speech. The proposed system is implemented in MATLAB. Classification of calculated parameters is realized using the method of Random forest and Support vector machine. The results of these methods are compared and listed in the thesis. The main objective and the result of this thesis is a system of automatic diagnosis of Parkinson's disease based on acoustic analysis of the poem recitation.

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