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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise crítica do decaimento no nível do paratormônio intra-operatório para prognóstico de sucesso da paratireoidectomia no controle precoce do hiperparatireoidismo secundário e terciário / Critical analysis of the decrease in the level of intraoperative parathyroid hormone for the prognosis of successful parathyroidectomy in the early control of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism

André Albuquerque Silveira 12 December 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A monitorização do paratormônio rápido (PTHr) é padrão no tratamento cirúrgico do hiperparatireoidismo primário, para garantir a retirada da paratireoide doente e preservação das saudáveis. Sua utilidade no tratamento cirúrgico do hiperparatireoidismo secundário à doença renal crônica é controversa. Esse estudo tem como objetivo verificar: 1) se a medida PTHr auxilia na predição do resultado cirúrgico precoce; 2) se existem diferenças de comportamento do PTHr entre pacientes dialíticos e transplantados; 3) se existem diferenças de comportamento do PTHr entre modalidades de operações distintas; 4) a acurácia do método em predizer controle do hiperparatireoidismo renal. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de coorte retrospectiva e prospectiva observacional, de pacientes com diagnóstico de HPTr, dialítico ou persistência após transplante renal, submetidos a paratireoidectomia total ou subtotal em único centro, no período de 2011 a 2016. Durante a cirurgia, realizamos coletas seriadas do PTHr, sendo três dessas amostras antes da exérese das glândulas paratireoides (basal periférico, basal central e pré-retirada), e duas após ressecção (10 min e 15 min). O critério de queda porcentual igual ou maior a 80% do maior valor entre as amostras basais, em 10 minutos, foi arbitrado preditor de êxito intra-operatório. Os pacientes foram seguidos durante intervalos regulares (15 dias, 3, 6 e 12 meses). Foram divididos em dois grupos (sucesso e falha da operação) de acordo com o controle dos níveis de PTH, cálcio e fósforo conforme consensos internacionais, ao término do seguimento de 1 ano. RESULTADOS: Duzentos e vinte e oito pacientes foram elegíveis, sendo 186 (81,6%) dialíticos e 42 (18,4%) transplantados. A paratireoidectomia alcançou sucesso em 92,1% (210/228) e falha em 7,9% (18/228) dos pacientes, sem diferenças de resultados entre grupos de diagnósticos diferentes e/ou tipos de operações distintas. O principal motivo de falha foi presença de glândula supranumerária, em 61,1% dos casos (11/18). A amostra basal central (BC) representou o real maior valor basal do PTHr para ambos os diagnósticos, porém com maior chance de picos do PTHr na amostra pré-retirada (PRE) nos pacientes transplantados. Após remoção da massa de tecido paratireóideo doente, os níveis de PTHr foram menores em 10 minutos quando comparados com as amostras basais (resultado estatisticamente significativo) para todos diagnósticos, tipos de operações e desfechos terapêuticos. No grupo sucesso, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa, entre as medidas de 10 e 15 minutos entre si, com valores menores em 15 minutos, enquanto que no grupo falha, sem distinção de 10 e 15 minutos entre si e com valores médios maiores em 15 min. Os valores do PTHr foram maiores no paciente dialítico quando comparados com transplantado, em todas as amostras (p < 0,001). No grupo sucesso, os pacientes dialíticos e transplantados, e os pacientes dialíticos submetidos a exérese total e subtotal apresentaram porcentual de queda do PTHr semelhantes em 10 e 15 minutos para as amostras BC e PRE; o paciente transplantado obteve decaimentos porcentuais menores quando houve ressecção subtotal. O grupo falha apresentou queda porcentual nitidamente menor e com significância estatística (p < 0,001), para todas amostra basais e em qualquer momento, quando comparado ao grupo sucesso. A função renal pré-operatória dos transplantados não influenciou a cinética de decaimento do PTHr (não teve correlação, p=0,09). A monitorização do PTHr influenciou a conduta cirúrgica em 7% (16/228) da casuística; o principal motivo foi a ocorrência de localização ectópica de umas das quatros paratireoides, responsável por 75% (12/16) dos casos. A paratireiodectomia bem sucedida exibiu impacto negativo na função do enxerto renal no pós-operatório, porém com posterior recuperação ao término de 1 ano. O método da dosagem do PTHr com o critério de 80% de queda, apresentou acurácia de 87%, sensibilidade de 88% e especificidade de 67% para a amostra BC em 15 minutos, e melhor especificidade (74%) na amostra PRE em 10 min. CONCLUSÕES: Em pacientes com hiperparatireoidismo renal, uso de medidas intra-operatórias do PTHr apresenta alta sensibilidade para indicar o sucesso da operação quando há redução de 80% dos valores iniciais. Apesar de valores absolutos diferentes, as taxas de redução desse hormônio após uma paratireoidectomia bem sucedida não são significativamente diferentes em pacientes dialíticos e transplantados, em operação total com auto-enxerto ou subtotal, com efetiva queda em 10 minutos de amostragem. A utilização de uma medida adicional 15 minutos após a retirada das glândulas aumenta a acurácia do método. A medida intra-operatória do PTHr pode auxiliar na tomada de decisões durante a operação desses pacientes / INTRODUCTION: Rapid Parathyroid Monitoring (rPTH) is standard in the surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism, to ensure the excision of the diseased parathyroid and preservation of healthy parathyroid glands. Its usefulness in the surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism secondary to chronic kidney disease is controversial. This study aims to verify: 1) whether the rPTH measure assists in the prediction of the early surgical outcome; 2) whether there are differences in rPTH pattern between dialytic and transplanted patients; 3) if there are differences in the decay of the rPTH between different operations modalities; 4) the accuracy of the method in predicting control of renal hyperparathyroidism. METHODS: This is a retrospective and prospective observational cohort study of patients with a diagnosis of PTH, dialysis or persistence after renal transplantation, who underwent total or subtotal parathyroidectomy in a single center from 2011 to 2016. During surgery, we performed serial samples of the rPTH, three of these were before excision of the parathyroid glands (peripheral basal, central basal and pre-withdrawal), and two after resection (10 min and 15 min). The criterion of percentage drop equal to or greater than 80% of the highest value of the basal samples, in 10 minutes, was arbitrated predictor of intraoperative success. Patients were followed at regular intervals (15 days, 3, 6 and 12 months). They were divided into two groups (success and failure of the operation) according to the control of the levels of PTH, calcium and phosphorus according to international consensus, at the end of the 1 year follow-up. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-eight patients were eligible, being 186 (81.6%) dialytic and 42 (18.4%) transplanted. Parathyroidectomy achieved success in 92.1% (210/228) and failure in 7.9% (18/228) of the patients, with no differences in results between groups of different diagnoses and/or different types of operations. The main reason for failure was the presence of supernumerary glands, 61.1% of the cases (11/18). The central basal (CB) sample represented the actual higher baseline PTHr for both diagnoses, but with a higher chance of rPTH peaks in the pre-withdrawal sample (PRE) in the transplanted patients. After removal of the diseased parathyroid tissue mass, rPTH levels were lower in 10 minutes compared to baseline (statistically significant) for all diagnoses, types of operations and therapeutic outcomes. In the success group, there was a statistically significant difference between the 10 and 15 minutes measurements, with smaller values in 15 minutes, while in the failure group, there was no distinction of 10 and 15 minutes between them and with mean values greater in 15 min. The rPTH values were higher in the dialytic patient when compared to transplanted in all samples (p < 0.001). In the success group, dialytic and transplanted patients, and dialytic patients submitted to total and subtotal excision, presented similar percent drop in rPTH at 10 and 15 minutes for CB and PRE samples; the transplanted patient had lower percentage decreases when subtotal resection. The failure group had a significantly lower percentage drop and with statistical significance (p < 0.001), for all baseline and at any time, when compared to the success group. The preoperative renal function of the transplanted patients did not influence the kinetics of rPTH decay (had no correlation, p=0.09). The rPTH monitoring influenced the surgical management in 7% (16/228) of the series; the main reason was the occurrence of ectopic localization of one of the four parathyroid glands, responsible for 75% (12/16) of the cases. In transplanted patients, successful parathyroidectomy had a negative impact on renal graft function in the postoperative period, but with a subsequent recovery at the end of 1 year. The rPTH dosage method with the 80% drop criterion showed an accuracy of 87%, a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 67% for the CB sample in 15 minutes and a better specificity (74%) in the PRE sample in 10 min. CONCLUSION: In patients with renal hyperparathyroidism, the use of intraoperative measurements of rPTH has a high sensitivity to indicate the success of the operation when there is a reduction of 80% of the initial values. In spite of different absolute values, the rates of reduction of this hormone after successful parathyroidectomy are not significantly different in dialytic and transplant patients, in total autograft or subtotal operation, with an effective drop in 10 minutes of sampling. The use of an additional measurement 15 minutes after removal of the glands increases the accuracy of the method. The intraoperative measurement of rPTH may aid in decision making during the operation of these patients

Minimaliai invazinė endokrininių liaukų chirurgija / Minimally invasive surgery of endocrine glands

Beiša, Virgilijus 11 June 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamoje mokslo darbų apžvalgoje apibendrinama minimaliai invazinės endokrininių liaukų chirurgijos patirtis Vilniaus universiteto Pilvo chirurgijos centre. Apžvelgtos minimaliai invazinės skydliaukės operacijos, išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti dviejų klinikinių studijų rezultatai. 2004-2006 m. atliktoje perspektyvioje atsitiktinių imčių studijoje ,,Endoskopinės adrenalektomijos dviejų metodų įvertinimas“ pateikti ir išanalizuoti 70 pacientų, operuotų dėl įvairios antinksčių patologijos dviem minimaliai invaziniais būdais (laparoskopiniu bei endoskopiniu retroperitoniniu), rezultatai. Išanalizuota operacijos trukmės priklausomybė nuo antinksčio naviko dydžio, paciento kūno masės, palyginta kraujo netektis operacijos metu, operacinių komplikacijų skaičius. Įvertinus visus duomenis, prieita išvados, kad abu operacijos būdai geri, tačiau laparoskopinės adrenalektomijos išmokstama greičiau. 2005-2007 m. atliktame darbe ,,Minimaliai invazinė fokusuota ir tradicinė paratiroidektomija, gydant pirminį hiperparatiroidizmą: perspektyvioji, atsitiktinių imčių studija“ pateikiami pirminiu hiperparatiroidizmu sergančių pacientų, operuotų dviem būdais, gydymo rezultatai. Atsitiktinių imčių būdu 47 pacientai suskirstyti į dvi grupes: operuotų minimaliai invaziniu būdu (24 pacientai) ir operuotų tradiciniu Kocherio būdu (23 pacientai). Išanalizuota prieskydinės liaukos adenomos instrumentinių tyrimų diagnostinė vertė, palyginta operacijos trukmė, komplikacijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The experience of minimally invasive endocrine surgery accumulated at Vilnius University Centre of Abdominal Surgery is presented in this review of scientific publications submitted for habilitation procedure. The material concerning minimally invasive thyroid gland operations is summarized and the results of two clinical trials are evaluated. The results of prospective randomized study “Evaluation of two methods endoscopic adrenalectomy” were presented and analyzed; this study included 70 patients who underwent surgery for various pathology of adrenal glands; one group of the patients underwent laparoscopic minimally invasive operation and another one – endoscopic retroperitoneal minimally invasive surgery. The relationship between the size of adrenal gland tumour, patients’ body weight and duration of operation was analyzed; blood loss and rate of operative complications were compared. The evaluation of all data showed that both methods of surgery were acceptable; however, laparoscopic adrenalectomy was more was easier to learn. Clinical study “Minimally invasive focused and traditional parathyroidectomy for treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism: a prospective randomized study” was performed during the period since 2005 till 2007; the results of treatment of patients by means of two methods of surgery were presented. The patients (n = 47) were randomized into two groups; one group included 24 patients who were operated on using minimally invasive technique and another... [to full text]

Molecular and clinical genetic studies of a novel variant of familial hypercalcemia

Szabo, Eva January 2002 (has links)
Familial primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a rare disorder that is treated surgically and mostly occurs in association with tumor-susceptibility syndromes, like multiple endocrine neoplasia and the hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome. Familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) is another cause of hereditary hypercalcemia that generally is considered to require no treatment and is genetically and pathophysiologically distinct from HPT. Inactivating mutations in the calcium receptor gene cause FHH, whereas the down-regulated expression of the CaR in HPT never has been coupled to CaR gene mutations. Family screening revealed a hitherto unknown familial condition with characteristics of both FHH and HPT. The hypercalcemia was mapped to a point mutation in the intracellular domain of the CaR gene that was coupled to relative calcium resistance of the PTH release by transient expression in HEK 294 cells. Unusually radical excision of parathyroid glands was required to normalise the hypercalcemia. The mildly enlarged parathyroid glands displayed hyperplasia with nodular components. Frequent allelic loss on especially 12q was found and contrasts to findings in HPT. Allelic loss was also seen in loci typical for primary HPT like 1p, 6q and 15q, but not 11q13. Quantitative mRNA analysis showed that the glands had mild increase in a proliferation index (PCNA/GAPDH mRNA ratio) and mild reduction in genes important to parathyroid cell function, like CaR, PTH, VDR and LRP2. A previously unrecognized variant of hypercalcemia is explored that could be one explanation for persistent hypercalcemia after apparently typical routine operations for HPT. It also raises the issue of possibilities to treat FHH with parathyroidectomy provided it is radical enough.

Fatores preditivos da hipofunção do autoimplante de paratireóide em pacientes submetidos à paratireoidectomia total por hiperparatireoidismo secundário à insuficiência renal crônica / redictive factors of parathyroid auto-implant hypofunction in patients with chronic kidney disease submitted to totalparathyroidectomy due to secondary hyperparathyroidism

Santos, Stenio Roberto de Castro Lima 06 November 2012 (has links)
O hiperparatireoidismo (HPT) secundário é uma complicação da doença renal crônica. A paratireoidectomia total com autoimplante proporciona bons resultados no seu tratamento, mas alguns doentes não desenvolvem níveis adequados de hormônio da paratireóide (PTH) após a operação. Os objetivos, do presente estudo, foram analisar fatores que poderiam interferir no funcionamento do autoimplante de glândula paratireóide e quantificar a taxa de hipofunção segundo alguns critérios. Casuística e Métodos: em um estudo prospectivo e observacional, foram analisados a idade, sexo, peso, altura e a etnia. A causa da doença renal crônica (DRC), tempo de DRC antes da paratireoidectomia, tempo de diálise, antecedente de intoxicação por alumínio e tempo de diagnóstico do HPT. Os dados bioquímicos estudados foram os níveis pré-operatórios de fósforo, cálcio total, cálcio iônico, PTH e fosfatase alcalina e aos 6 meses e 1 ano de pós-operatório. Registrada a quantidade de cálcio (gluconato e carbonato) e calcitriol ofertada no pós-operatório sendo realizada durante a primeira semana, no primeiro, terceiro sexto mês de pós-operatório. A histologia da glândula implantada foi analisada. Os pacientes foram divididos, segundo os níveis preconizados de PTH para indivíduos normais e segundo as recomendações da Fundação Nacional do Rim dos Estados Unidos da América (K/DOQI), em grupos hipofuncionante (grupo 1) e funcionante ( grupo 2). Resultados: Entre julho de 2007 e dezembro de 2008, 48 pacientes (18 homens e 30 mulheres) foram submetidos à paratireoidectomia total com autoimplante imediato. A média de idade dos indivíduos foi 44,7 anos (EP: 12,6), a do tempo de diálise foi 9,6 anos (EP: 5,1), a média do tempo de diagnóstico do hiperparatireoidismo de 2,6 anos (EP: 2). A principal causa da doença renal crônica foi a hipertensão arterial em 16 indivíduos (33,3%) seguida de causa indefinida em 12 (25%), GESF em 5 (10,4%), diabetes mellitus em 4 (8,3%). Com relação ao número de fragmentos implantados, houve tendência a uma diferença entre os grupos 1 e 2 (p= 0,14). Houve tendência a uma diferença entre os grupos 1 e 2 (p= 0,1) no que diz respeito a histologia da glândula implantada. O índice de hipofunção do auto implante, em 1 ano, foi de 21,27% no critério do nível de PTH para indivíduos normais e de 72,9% segundo as recomendações do KDOIQ. As complicações e óbitos por causa cardiovascular não diferiram entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: a frequência de hipofunção do implante imediato de paratireóide foi de 21,27% e de 72,9% segundo as recomendações do KDOQ e não houve a identificação de fatores preditivos para sua hipofunção. / The secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a complication of chronic kidney disease. A total parathyroidectomy with autograft provides good results in treatment, but some patients do not develop adequate levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) after operation. The objectives of study were to analyze factors that could interfere with the function of the parathyroid gland autograft and measure the rate of hypofunction according several criteria. Patients and Methods: a prospective observational study were analyzed age, sex, weight, height and ethnicity. The cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD), duration of CKD prior to parathyroidectomy, duration of dialysis, previous aluminum intoxication and time of diagnosis of HPT. The biochemical data studied : preoperative levels of phosphorus, total calcium, ionized calcium, PTH and alkaline phosphatase and 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. Recorded the amount of calcium (gluconate and carbonate) and calcitriol offered postoperative being held during the first week, the first, third, sixth month postoperatively. Histology of the implanted gland was analyzed. Patients were divided according to the recommended levels of PTH for normal individuals and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Foundation Kidney the United States of America (K / DOQI) in hypofunction groups (group 1) and functional (group 2). Results: Between July 2007 and December 2008, 48 patients (18 men and 30 women) underwent total parathyroidectomy with immediate autograft. The mean age was 44.7 years (SE: 12.6), the duration of dialysis was 9.6 years (SE: 5.1), the average time of diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism 2.6 years (EP: 2). The main cause of chronic renal disease was hypertension in 16 patients (33.3%) followed by unknown cause in 12 (25%), FSGS in 5 (10.4%), diabetes mellitus in 4 (8.3%.). The number of implanted fragments, there was a trend to a difference between groups 1 and 2 (p = 0.14). There was a trend to a difference between groups 1 and 2 (p = 0.1) as regards the histology of the gland implanted. The rate of self hypofunction implant at 1 year was 21.27% at the discretion of the PTH level in normal individuals and 72.9% according to the recommendations of KDOIQ. Complications and deaths from cardiovascular causes did not differ between groups. CONCLUSION: The rate of hypofunction of the parathyroid immediate implant was 21.27% and 72.9% according to the recommendations of KDOIQ and there was no identification of predictive factors for its hypofunction.

Molecular and clinical genetic studies of a novel variant of familial hypercalcemia

Szabo, Eva January 2002 (has links)
<p>Familial primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a rare disorder that is treated surgically and mostly occurs in association with tumor-susceptibility syndromes, like multiple endocrine neoplasia and the hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome. Familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) is another cause of hereditary hypercalcemia that generally is considered to require no treatment and is genetically and pathophysiologically distinct from HPT. Inactivating mutations in the calcium receptor gene cause FHH, whereas the down-regulated expression of the CaR in HPT never has been coupled to CaR gene mutations. </p><p>Family screening revealed a hitherto unknown familial condition with characteristics of both FHH and HPT. The hypercalcemia was mapped to a point mutation in the intracellular domain of the CaR gene that was coupled to relative calcium resistance of the PTH release by transient expression in HEK 294 cells. Unusually radical excision of parathyroid glands was required to normalise the hypercalcemia. The mildly enlarged parathyroid glands displayed hyperplasia with nodular components. Frequent allelic loss on especially 12q was found and contrasts to findings in HPT. Allelic loss was also seen in loci typical for primary HPT like 1p, 6q and 15q, but not 11q13. Quantitative mRNA analysis showed that the glands had mild increase in a proliferation index (PCNA/GAPDH mRNA ratio) and mild reduction in genes important to parathyroid cell function, like CaR, PTH, VDR and LRP2. </p><p>A previously unrecognized variant of hypercalcemia is explored that could be one explanation for persistent hypercalcemia after apparently typical routine operations for HPT. It also raises the issue of possibilities to treat FHH with parathyroidectomy provided it is radical enough.</p>

Vitamin D and its receptor in parathyroid tumors

Correa, Pamela January 2002 (has links)
<p>Correa, P. 2002. Vitamin D and its receptor in parathyroid tumors. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 1186. 49 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-541-0 </p><p>Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is characterized by tumor development in the parathyroid glands and excessive production of parathyroid hormone. Parathyroidectomy is the only considered therapy for the majority of patients. </p><p>LOH (loss of heterozygosity) analysis revealed putative tumor suppressor genes on chromosome regions 1p and 11q in tumors from patients with truly mild hypercalcemia.</p><p>Active vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D3] and its receptors, the vitamin D receptor (VDR), are essential regulators of the calcium homeostasis and are involved in HPT development. The VDR-FokI polymorphism, coupled to bone mineral density, was found not to be associated to development of primary HPT (pHPT). The total VDR mRNA levels is reduced in adenomas of pHPT as well as in hyperplastic glands of secondary HPT (sHPT). The VDR exon 1f transcripts were exclusively downregulated in the adenomas of pHPT, suggesting default regulation of the tissue-specially expressed VDR 1f promoter. The cytochrome P450 enzymes responsible for synthesis and degradation of 1,25(OH)2D3, namely vitamin D3 25-hydroxylase (25-hydroxylase), 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1a-hydroxylase (1a-hydroxylase) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase (24-hydroxylase) were found to be expressed in normal and pathological parathyroid glands. Tumors of pHPT and sHPT demonstrated increased 1a-hydroxylase and reduced 24- and 25-hydroxylase expression, suggesting an augmented local production of active vitamin D. In contrast, parathyroid carcinomas displayed reduced expression of all three hydroxylases. The gained knowledge of vitamin D metabolism and catabolism in parathyroid tumors may indicate possibilities for novel treatment of sHPT and perhaps pHPT.</p>

Metabolic Disturbances in Relation to Serum Calcium and Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Hagström, Emil January 2006 (has links)
<p>Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT), characterized by elevated serum levels of calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH), is associated with a number of metabolic derangements causing secondary manifestations. These include osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures, but also risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. These risk factors include impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), dyslipidemia, increased body mass index and hypertension. While the skeletal abnormalities are mainly due to elevated PTH, the latter disturbances are still unexplained. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), IGT, dyslipidemia and hypertension are all included in the metabolic syndrome, also associated with morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular diseases.</p><p>In this thesis, decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and variables of the metabolic syndrome are explored in patients with mild and normocalcemic pHPT before and after parathyroidectomy. To further investigate the relationship between insulin sensitivity and calcium, a community-based cohort was investigated.</p><p>In two different patient cohorts of pHPT, lipoprotein alterations with decreased levels of HDL-cholesterol and elevated triglycerides were found in association with a high frequency of IGT, NIDDM and decreased insulin sensitivity. Parathyroidectomy had effects on the dyslipidemia and in part on the glucose metabolism. The disturbed glucose metabolism in pHPT was substantiated by results from the general population by a negative association between insulin sensitivity, measured by hyperinsulinemic clamp, and serum calcium.</p><p>In conclusion, normocalcemic, mild and overt pHPT are associated with a range of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, development of NIDDM and decreased BMD in cortical as well as trabecular bone. These findings explain, at least in part, the elevated morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease as well as fractures, reported in pHPT patients. Moreover, in the general population, serum calcium is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity. Parathyroidectomy has positive effects on several, but not all, of the investigated metabolic parameters.</p>

Wnt/β-Catenin Signalling in Parathyroid Tumours

Björklund, Peyman January 2007 (has links)
<p>Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) due to parathyroid tumours with hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone and hypercalcaemia is a common disease with incompletely understood etiology affecting more than 1 % of the population, primarily postmenopausal women. In secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT), parathyroid tumours develop in response to calcium and vitamin D deficiency generally in patients with uraemia. HPT is usually treated by surgical removal of enlarged parathyroid glands.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to examine the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in parathyroid tumours.</p><p>Aberrantly accumulated β-catenin was found in all analysed pHPT and sHPT tumours, with a stabilising homozygous mutation (Ser37Ala) in 7.3% of the pHPT tumours. Truncation of the APC protein was not found. MYC, a β-catenin target gene was overexpressed in a substantial fraction of pHPT and sHPT parathyroid tumours. </p><p>A parathyroid tumour cell line (sHPT-1) was established from a hyperplastic gland removed at operation of a patient with sHPT. The cells produced parathyroid hormone and grew with a doubling time of approximately 72 hours. Stabilised nonphosphorylated transcriptionally active β-catenin was expressed. Efficient transfection of siRNA against β-catenin decreased expression of cyclin D1 and MYC, and inhibited cell growth with ensuring cell death. </p><p>The Wnt coreceptor LRP5 was found expressed with an internal deletion of 142 amino acids (LRP5Δ) in 86% and 100% of pHPT and sHPT tumours, respectively. Stabilising mutation of β-catenin and expression of LRP5Δ was mutually exclusive. Expression of LRP5Δ was required to maintain the nonphosphorylated transcriptionally active ß-catenin level, MYC expression, parathyroid cell growth in vitro, and tumour growth in transplanted SCID mice. Wnt3 ligand and LRP5Δ strongly activated transcription, and LRP5Δ was insensitive to inhibition by DKK1.</p><p>Aberrant accumulation of β-catenin by stabilising mutation or expression of LRP5Δ appears as a common pathogenic pathway for hyperparathyroid disease. LRP5Δ in particular presents a potential target for therapeutic intervention.</p>

Molecular and clinical genetic studies of a novel variant of familial hypercalcemia

Szabo, Eva January 2002 (has links)
Familial primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a rare disorder that is treated surgically and mostly occurs in association with tumor-susceptibility syndromes, like multiple endocrine neoplasia and the hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome. Familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) is another cause of hereditary hypercalcemia that generally is considered to require no treatment and is genetically and pathophysiologically distinct from HPT. Inactivating mutations in the calcium receptor gene cause FHH, whereas the down-regulated expression of the CaR in HPT never has been coupled to CaR gene mutations. Family screening revealed a hitherto unknown familial condition with characteristics of both FHH and HPT. The hypercalcemia was mapped to a point mutation in the intracellular domain of the CaR gene that was coupled to relative calcium resistance of the PTH release by transient expression in HEK 294 cells. Unusually radical excision of parathyroid glands was required to normalise the hypercalcemia. The mildly enlarged parathyroid glands displayed hyperplasia with nodular components. Frequent allelic loss on especially 12q was found and contrasts to findings in HPT. Allelic loss was also seen in loci typical for primary HPT like 1p, 6q and 15q, but not 11q13. Quantitative mRNA analysis showed that the glands had mild increase in a proliferation index (PCNA/GAPDH mRNA ratio) and mild reduction in genes important to parathyroid cell function, like CaR, PTH, VDR and LRP2. A previously unrecognized variant of hypercalcemia is explored that could be one explanation for persistent hypercalcemia after apparently typical routine operations for HPT. It also raises the issue of possibilities to treat FHH with parathyroidectomy provided it is radical enough.

Vitamin D and its receptor in parathyroid tumors

Correa, Pamela January 2002 (has links)
Correa, P. 2002. Vitamin D and its receptor in parathyroid tumors. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 1186. 49 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-541-0 Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is characterized by tumor development in the parathyroid glands and excessive production of parathyroid hormone. Parathyroidectomy is the only considered therapy for the majority of patients. LOH (loss of heterozygosity) analysis revealed putative tumor suppressor genes on chromosome regions 1p and 11q in tumors from patients with truly mild hypercalcemia. Active vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D3] and its receptors, the vitamin D receptor (VDR), are essential regulators of the calcium homeostasis and are involved in HPT development. The VDR-FokI polymorphism, coupled to bone mineral density, was found not to be associated to development of primary HPT (pHPT). The total VDR mRNA levels is reduced in adenomas of pHPT as well as in hyperplastic glands of secondary HPT (sHPT). The VDR exon 1f transcripts were exclusively downregulated in the adenomas of pHPT, suggesting default regulation of the tissue-specially expressed VDR 1f promoter. The cytochrome P450 enzymes responsible for synthesis and degradation of 1,25(OH)2D3, namely vitamin D3 25-hydroxylase (25-hydroxylase), 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1a-hydroxylase (1a-hydroxylase) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase (24-hydroxylase) were found to be expressed in normal and pathological parathyroid glands. Tumors of pHPT and sHPT demonstrated increased 1a-hydroxylase and reduced 24- and 25-hydroxylase expression, suggesting an augmented local production of active vitamin D. In contrast, parathyroid carcinomas displayed reduced expression of all three hydroxylases. The gained knowledge of vitamin D metabolism and catabolism in parathyroid tumors may indicate possibilities for novel treatment of sHPT and perhaps pHPT.

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