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As transferências intergovernamentais no federalismo fiscal brasileiro / The intergovernmental transfers in the Brazilian fiscal federalismLuiz Carlos Fróes Del Fiorentino 07 May 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar as normas que disciplinam as transferências intergovernamentais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro implantado com o advento da Constituição Federal de 1988, mostrando a sua importância como instrumento tendente a assegurar a autonomia dos entes federativos. O trabalho tem início com o estudo do Estado Federal e suas principais características, do estudo do Federalismo Fiscal, assim como a definição, principais características, objetivos e justificativas das transferências intergovernamentais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Em seguida, haverá a demonstração e a sistematização de algumas das transferências intergovernamentais no federalismo fiscal implantado pela Constituição Federal de 1988, verificando as formas de distribuição de receita entre os entes federativos, de modo a possibilitar o alcance da efetiva autonomia financeira de cada um. Por fim, os principais pressupostos teóricos decorrentes da análise do texto positivo serão aplicados na prática, com o breve exame de alguns casos controvertidos na doutrina e na jurisprudência. / This masters´ thesis has the purpose of analyzing the provisions which rule the intergovernmental transfers in the Brazilian legal order implemented with the establishment of the Federal Constitution of 1988, showing its importance as instrument to ensure the independence of the federal units. The work started with the study of the Federal State and its main characteristics, the study of the Fiscal Federalism, as well as the definition, main characteristics, goals and justifications of the intergovernmental transfers in the Brazilian legal order. Then, there comes the demonstration and systematization of some intergovernmental transfers in the fiscal federalism implemented by the Federal Constitution of 1988, checking the income distribution of forms between the federative units, in order to allow each one to achieve its effective financial independence. Finally, the main theoretical assumptions resulting from the analysis of the positive text will apply in practice, with the brief examination of some controversial cases in the doctrine and in the jurisprudence.
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Caracterização elétrica temporal de transistores de filmes finos de nanopartículas de óxido de zincoBecker, Thales Exenberger January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, são discutidas as características de transistores de filmes finos (TFTs) nos quais nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO) são empregadas como material ativo na camada semicondutora. O crescimento contínuo do interesse por este componente está associado à busca pelo desenvolvimento da tecnologia de dispositivos eletrônicos flexíveis, transparentes e de baixo custo. TFTs integrados com nanopartículas de ZnO são apresentados, e uma extensa rotina de caracterização elétrica transiente é realizada para avaliar como estes dispositivos se comportam e degradam ao longo do tempo. Foram medidas, ao total, 80 amostras de transistores integrados em duas configurações distintas: inverted staggered e inverted coplanar. A partir das medidas analisadas foram identificados dois grupos de comportamentos elétricos dominantes, os quais foram classificados em: efeitos abruptos e efeitos de memória. A partir dos dados coletados, foram formuladas hipóteses para modelar o comportamento típico observado. Para tanto, utiliza-se dos mecanismos de atividade de traps, de interação da camada semicondutora com o meio ambiente, de polarização de dipolos e difusão de cargas móveis no dielétrico, de formação de caminhos percolados paralelos pelas nanopartículas e de difusão de vacâncias de oxigênio e íons metálicos que podem estar associados ao comportamento elétrico observado. / In this work, the characteristics of thin-film transistors (TFTs) employing nanoparticulated zinc oxide (ZnO) as the active semiconductor channel layer are discussed. The growing interest in this component is associated to the development of low-cost, flexible and transparent electronic devices. The TFTs integrated with ZnO nanoparticles are presented and an extensive transient electrical characterization campaign was performed in order to evaluate how these devices behave and degrade over time. The measurement was performed for 80 samples of two different integration setups: inverted staggered and inverted coplanar. In the performed tests two main disturbances were identified, which were classified as abrupt and memory effects. From the collected data, hypothesis to model the observed typical behavior are formulated. Trapping activity, ambient interaction, dielectric dipoles, mobile charges, formed parallel-paths, oxygen vacancies and metallic ions diffusion are mechanisms that may be associated to the observed behavior.
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Markovo grandinių dviejų paprastų hipotezių asimptotinis tikrinimas / Asymptotic testing of two simple hypothesis of markov chainsAkonaitė, Marta 29 January 2013 (has links)
Markovo proceso tikimybinio mato absoliutaus tolydumo nesudėtingos sąlygos leidžia gauti atitinkamų statistinių eksperimentų tikėtinumo santykio pavidalą, kurio asimptotinės savybės susijusios su dviejų paprastų hipotezių asimptotiniais atskyrimo uždaviniais, kai yra taikomas maksimalaus tikėtinumo arba minimakso kriterijus. Tų paprastų hipotezių asimptotinis atskyrimas yra charakterizuojamas 1-os ir 2-os rūšies klaidos tikimybėmis, kurių asimptotinis elgesys priklausomai nuo optimalaus statistinio kriterijaus parinkimo užsirašo dvejomis formulėmis. Maksimalaus kriterijaus atveju tokia formulė buvo gauta bendriausiu atveju, tik nebuvo pritaikyta Markovo procesui su dideliu būsenų skaičiumi. Šiame darbe kaip tik parodyti šie taikymai. Taikant maksimalaus tikėtinumo kriterijų (Neimono-Pirsono) atitinkamas rezultatas buvo gautas tik tuo atveju, kai stebėjimai yra nepriklausomi ir vienodai pasiskirstę. Analogiškas rezultatas gautas bendriausiu atveju – gautos sąlygos, kada galioja atitinkama asimptotinė formulė. Kartu, pavyzdžiuose yra parodyti šios asimptotinės formulės taikymai, kai stebimas Markovo procesas su dideliu būsenų skaičiumi. / Absolute continuity simple conditions of probabilistic measure of Markov process allows you to get relevand statistical experiments likelihood ratio form, which asymptotic properties is associated with the asymptotic separation of the two simple hypotheses tasks, when is applied maximum likelihood (Neiman-Pirson) or minimax criterion. That asymptotic separation of the two simple hypothesis is characterized by type I and type II errors of probability, which asymptotic behavior depending on the optimal statistical criterion selection note down by two formulas. In maximum likelihood criterion case, formula was obtained on a very general case, not only been applied of the Markov process with a large number of states. These applications are shown at this work. Using maximum likelihood criterion (Neiman-Pirson) corresponding result was obtained only in that case, when observations are independent and identically distributed. Analogous result were obtained on a very general case – from conditions, when is valid the asymptotic formula. In examples of this work are shown that asymptotic formula applications, when is observed Markov process with a large number of states.
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Corroboration and the Popper debate in phylogenetic systematicsBzovy, Justin 27 August 2012 (has links)
I evaluate the methods of cladistic parsimony and maximum likelihood in phylogenetic systematics by their affinity to Popper‘s degree of corroboration. My work analyzes an important recent exchange between the proponents of the two methods. Until this exchange, only advocates of cladistic parsimony have claimed a basis for their method on epistemological grounds through corroboration. Advocates of maximum likelihood, on the other hand, have based the rational justification for their method largely on statistical grounds. In Part One I outline corroboration in terms of content, severity of test and explanatory power. In Part Two I introduce the two methods. In Part Three I analyze three important debates. The first involves the appropriate probability interpretation for phylogenetics. The second is about severity of test. The third concerns explanatory power. In Part Four I conclude that corroboration can decide none of these debates, and therefore cannot decide the debate between cladistic parsimony and maximum likelihood.
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Corroboration and the Popper debate in phylogenetic systematicsBzovy, Justin 27 August 2012 (has links)
I evaluate the methods of cladistic parsimony and maximum likelihood in phylogenetic systematics by their affinity to Popper‘s degree of corroboration. My work analyzes an important recent exchange between the proponents of the two methods. Until this exchange, only advocates of cladistic parsimony have claimed a basis for their method on epistemological grounds through corroboration. Advocates of maximum likelihood, on the other hand, have based the rational justification for their method largely on statistical grounds. In Part One I outline corroboration in terms of content, severity of test and explanatory power. In Part Two I introduce the two methods. In Part Three I analyze three important debates. The first involves the appropriate probability interpretation for phylogenetics. The second is about severity of test. The third concerns explanatory power. In Part Four I conclude that corroboration can decide none of these debates, and therefore cannot decide the debate between cladistic parsimony and maximum likelihood.
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What do I know? : scepticism - reasoning and knowledgeCarrick, Laurence January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concerns approaches to solving the problem of paradoxical sceptical arguments from ignorance within contemporary epistemology. In chapter 1, I critically discuss three frameworks for approaching the sceptical problem, and argue that theoretical responses are unsatisfactory. In chapter 2, I critically examine recent accounts of sceptical hypotheses, and argue against them on the grounds of generality, and in favour of my own account. In chapter 3, I critically examine recent accounts of the epistemic principles underwriting sceptical arguments from ignorance, and argue against them on the grounds of generality, and in favour of my own account. In chapter 4, I critically evaluate the adequacy of resolutions to sceptical paradoxes suggested by three prominent versions of epistemological contextualism. In chapter 5, I examine a central objection to the error theories implied by contextualist resolutions of sceptical paradoxes, which focuses on the notion of semantic blindness. Two assessments of the objection are set out, and contextualist responses to each. I argued that considerations of semantic blindness count against contextualist resolutions of sceptical paradoxes in favour of invariantists. In chapter 6, I assess the potential for an invariantist to provide an adequate error-theory concerning, and resolving, sceptical paradoxes. I critically assess approaches based on aspects of the heuristics and biases paradigm, and of dual-process theories of mindreading. I propose, instead, a novel anti-sceptical error-theory in terms of the default-interventionist model of dual-process theory of judgement and reasoning, together with my conclusions from chapters 2 and 3.
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Caracterização elétrica temporal de transistores de filmes finos de nanopartículas de óxido de zincoBecker, Thales Exenberger January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, são discutidas as características de transistores de filmes finos (TFTs) nos quais nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO) são empregadas como material ativo na camada semicondutora. O crescimento contínuo do interesse por este componente está associado à busca pelo desenvolvimento da tecnologia de dispositivos eletrônicos flexíveis, transparentes e de baixo custo. TFTs integrados com nanopartículas de ZnO são apresentados, e uma extensa rotina de caracterização elétrica transiente é realizada para avaliar como estes dispositivos se comportam e degradam ao longo do tempo. Foram medidas, ao total, 80 amostras de transistores integrados em duas configurações distintas: inverted staggered e inverted coplanar. A partir das medidas analisadas foram identificados dois grupos de comportamentos elétricos dominantes, os quais foram classificados em: efeitos abruptos e efeitos de memória. A partir dos dados coletados, foram formuladas hipóteses para modelar o comportamento típico observado. Para tanto, utiliza-se dos mecanismos de atividade de traps, de interação da camada semicondutora com o meio ambiente, de polarização de dipolos e difusão de cargas móveis no dielétrico, de formação de caminhos percolados paralelos pelas nanopartículas e de difusão de vacâncias de oxigênio e íons metálicos que podem estar associados ao comportamento elétrico observado. / In this work, the characteristics of thin-film transistors (TFTs) employing nanoparticulated zinc oxide (ZnO) as the active semiconductor channel layer are discussed. The growing interest in this component is associated to the development of low-cost, flexible and transparent electronic devices. The TFTs integrated with ZnO nanoparticles are presented and an extensive transient electrical characterization campaign was performed in order to evaluate how these devices behave and degrade over time. The measurement was performed for 80 samples of two different integration setups: inverted staggered and inverted coplanar. In the performed tests two main disturbances were identified, which were classified as abrupt and memory effects. From the collected data, hypothesis to model the observed typical behavior are formulated. Trapping activity, ambient interaction, dielectric dipoles, mobile charges, formed parallel-paths, oxygen vacancies and metallic ions diffusion are mechanisms that may be associated to the observed behavior.
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Zjištění konzumace výživových doplňků u sportující veřejnosti / Finding of consuming nutritional supplements for sporting publicPERNÍK, TOMÁŠ January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to determine the consumption of nutritional supplements of sporting public. For processing were used methods of content analysis, synthesis and method of questioning. By the method of content analysis was studied available literature, and internet resources, focusing on nutritional supplements and concepts associated with it. By means of content synthesis was prepared a literature search, where was split and describe the means of support and legislation associated with them. A questionnaire was prepared, which makes it possible to obtain the necessary data from the sporting public. In April 2014 was conducted electronic survey - data collection. The questionnaire was made public through the pages docs.google.com and was placed on the social network Facebook. After almost 2 weeks we obtain 105 questionnaires of, which was used to evaluate all 105. We found that most are used in sports nutrition supplements to accelerate the regeneration and then supplements for joint nutrition.
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Caracterização elétrica temporal de transistores de filmes finos de nanopartículas de óxido de zincoBecker, Thales Exenberger January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, são discutidas as características de transistores de filmes finos (TFTs) nos quais nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO) são empregadas como material ativo na camada semicondutora. O crescimento contínuo do interesse por este componente está associado à busca pelo desenvolvimento da tecnologia de dispositivos eletrônicos flexíveis, transparentes e de baixo custo. TFTs integrados com nanopartículas de ZnO são apresentados, e uma extensa rotina de caracterização elétrica transiente é realizada para avaliar como estes dispositivos se comportam e degradam ao longo do tempo. Foram medidas, ao total, 80 amostras de transistores integrados em duas configurações distintas: inverted staggered e inverted coplanar. A partir das medidas analisadas foram identificados dois grupos de comportamentos elétricos dominantes, os quais foram classificados em: efeitos abruptos e efeitos de memória. A partir dos dados coletados, foram formuladas hipóteses para modelar o comportamento típico observado. Para tanto, utiliza-se dos mecanismos de atividade de traps, de interação da camada semicondutora com o meio ambiente, de polarização de dipolos e difusão de cargas móveis no dielétrico, de formação de caminhos percolados paralelos pelas nanopartículas e de difusão de vacâncias de oxigênio e íons metálicos que podem estar associados ao comportamento elétrico observado. / In this work, the characteristics of thin-film transistors (TFTs) employing nanoparticulated zinc oxide (ZnO) as the active semiconductor channel layer are discussed. The growing interest in this component is associated to the development of low-cost, flexible and transparent electronic devices. The TFTs integrated with ZnO nanoparticles are presented and an extensive transient electrical characterization campaign was performed in order to evaluate how these devices behave and degrade over time. The measurement was performed for 80 samples of two different integration setups: inverted staggered and inverted coplanar. In the performed tests two main disturbances were identified, which were classified as abrupt and memory effects. From the collected data, hypothesis to model the observed typical behavior are formulated. Trapping activity, ambient interaction, dielectric dipoles, mobile charges, formed parallel-paths, oxygen vacancies and metallic ions diffusion are mechanisms that may be associated to the observed behavior.
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Frivillig miljökompensation : Klädkonsumentens vilja att täcka plaggets fulla kostnad / Voluntary Environmental Offset for ClothingJohansson Tapper, Erik, Svensson, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Det är känt att modeindustrin har ett stort anspråk på miljön, men trots det finns det inga fungerande lösningar på problemet i dagsläget. Ett sätt att komma till bukt med problemet äratt låta konsumenten miljökompensera vid köptillfället. Den här studien undersöker konsumenters inställning till en frivillig miljökompensation vid klädköp. Liknande studier har gjorts tidigare, då på flygresenärers vilja att frivilligt klimatkompensera för koldioxidutsläpp. Det har därför varit av intresse att testa liknande undersökningsmetod på konsumenter imodeindustrin. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att ett flertal variabler är betydande för konsumentens vilja göra grönare konsumtionsval. Detta har mynnat ut i fyra hypoteser som testar hur konsumenters attityd till miljökompensation, upplevda konsumenteffektivitet, upplevda miljökunskap samt kön korrelerar med viljan att miljökompensera. Studien har även undersökt hur konsumenternas vilja att kompensera påverkar det ekonomiska värdet som konsumenten sätter på miljöproblemen kopplade till klädproduktion. Undersökningen bygger på 225 enkätsvar från studenter vid en medelstor svensk högskola. Resultaten från studien visar på signifikanta samband mellan flera av de förklarande variablerna och viljan att delta i frivillig miljökompensation. Den genomsnittliga kompensationsnivån uppgår till halva plaggets försäljningspris, vilket är en uppseendeväckande siffra. Respondenternas preferenser visar även att miljökompensationen bör fördelas lika över olika projekt för bättre miljö. / Although it’s known what footprint the global fashion industry has, few solutions have effectively managed to tackle the problem. One solution is to let the consumer participate in avoluntary environmental offset. This study investigates what variables affecting the consumer’s willingness to participate in such offset. Similar studies on air travelers’ voluntarycarbon offset have been done before. It’s therefore of interest to use the same preference method on consumers of the fashion industry. Previous research present a number of independent variables affecting the willingness to participate in voluntary offset. This study uses four hypotheses to explain consumers’ stated preferences. These include attitudes, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived ecoliteracy and gender. The study uses a contingent valuation method to explain how the willingness to participate correlates with the hypothetical value of the voluntary environmental offset. An online survey was conducted and included data of 225 respondents. The results show significant correlations among several of the independent variables and the willingness to participate in voluntary environmental offset. The average value of offset reached about half the selling price of a simulated garment, which is staggering. The respondents’ preferences on how the money from the offset should be allocated tell of an equal share among projects for a better environment. The study is a bachelor thesis written in Swedish.
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