Spelling suggestions: "subject:"identitaire"" "subject:"identitaires""
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Židovská identita a její vývoj v reflexi slovenské literatury / Jewish identity and its development in reflexion of Slovak literatureBabúsová, Julianna January 2018 (has links)
The Jewish theme and its various aspects are slightly processed in the Slovak literature. The aim of this thesis is to point out the importance of the topic. The main guideline of each interpretation is the term of identity, which is also a relevant aspect when presenting a broader range of contexts. Identity, in this case, is a phenomenon that can be best seized in the opposition of "we" versus "them", when its meaning and content (who and what am I, who and what are you?) are reflected in the most accurate way. The Slovak-Jewish relations are a representative example of such a binary opposition. The hypothesis of the work is that the representation practice of Slovak literature regarding the Jewish topic may be related to the non-literary context. The focus of the research is the examination of the constructions of Jewish identities that appeared in various interpretative and compositional layers of works of Slovakian high literature. The works of non-Jewish authors are considered to be hetero-interpretations, while the works of Jewish authors are self-interpretations of the same phenomenon, Jewish identity. Using the notion of tradition, the diachronic aspect of the phenomenon is taken into account. In the thesis two relevant definitions are confronted: Gadamer's rather positive steady and a...
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Identita salesiána - kněze a její prožívání ve specifických činnostech v české salesiánské provincii / The Identity of the Salesian Priest, Living out of that Identity through the Specific Activities of the Salesian Province in the Czech RepublicVŠETULA, Libor January 2009 (has links)
The identity of the Salesian priest and living out of that identity in the Salesian province of the Czech Republic Key words: the Salesian priest; the identity of a Salesian; the identity; the priesthood; religious priest; living out of that identity. This thesis deals with the specific elements which make up the identity of Salesian priest. First the concept ``identity{\crq}q is defined from the point of view of the psychology of religion and from ethics and then identity is studied in the context of whole work. Next it is a treatise on the elements that are generally crucial for the identity of a Salesian: the salesian mission, community life, religious consecration. The Salesian can live these elements either as priest or as coadjutor. The next chapter is deal with the coadjutor. Later the topic of priesthood as service and the various characteristics common to the religious priest are covered. Finally, drawing from all that has been presented above, a summary of what it is to be a Salesian priest in ministry are clarified. At the end of the thesis are included the results of a research conducted among active Salesians as to whether they agree with the findings of the thesis in practice.
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Česká emigrace v západní Evropě, USA a Kanadě; národní vědomí a vztah k vlasti v porovnání s postoji Čechů žijících v hranicích národního státu / Czech Emigration in Western Europe, USA and Canada; National Consciousness and Relationship to Homeland in Comparation with Attitudes of Czechs Living in National StateFeitl, David January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a diversified conception of Czechishness. The main proposition is a comparison of types and aspects of relation to the country in the case of (political) emigrants after 1948 in contrast with the "home-based" non-emigrant Czech population. The thesis will briefly mention also the preceding periods of Czech emigration, the socio-economic situation at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, the 1950s etc. All this will be put into the context of the historical turning of the Czech lands away from the West, despite the latter being the destination of the post-February emigrants. In this respect the description of social-political events as perceived by the citizens at the time, by the official propaganda and by emigrants is crucial. The image of the West or emigrants as perceived then together with other conclusions will be compared with the basic theories of migration and migration policy. In the section on political emigration legislation of the period incl. its wording will be quoted. The thesis focuses exclusively on emigrants to the West, especially to Western Europe, the USA and Canada, but also to Australia and Israel. It reflects the direction and the main centres of emigration, checks the relevance of information on the numbers of exiled Czechs, their...
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Koncepty kulturní a náboženské identity v oboru MV. Případ evropské identity v interakcích EU a Římskokatolické církve / Cultural and religious identities as concepts in the IR discipline. The case of European identity in interactions of the EU and the Roman Catholic ChurchDoležal, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The text deals with the relation between religion and politics, in particular, with the conceptualization of religious identity in the discipline of International Relations from the position of postmodern approaches. The main goal is to examine whether and how feasible, useful, and usual is to work with the religious (and inseparable cultural) dimension of identity. The author claims that the concept of religious identity well reveals an important link between the religious and the political and represents a useful analytical tool. A categorisation and a model of identity are introduced and applied. The application is twofold, the categories are used in the academic discourse analysis and then once again it is used for the case of European identity in interactions of the EU and the RCC. Finally, the concept of the religious actor is discussed on this empirical basis and also the political construction of the religious, in general, is debated.
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Semiologická analýza loga spoločnosti Starbucks / Corporate Logo of Starbucks and its Semiological AnalysisGundová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focus on semiological analysis of selected corporate logo. Logo is visual identity of brand. Visual identity is a part of corporate identity. Logo is a conjunction of graphic design and marketing strategies. This thesis is based on semiotics theories, although incorporating marketing basics and marketing semiotics take on this problem. Within the practical part the logo analyzed using denotation and connotation. Researched brand is US coffee chain Starbucks, which is one of the most successful coffee companies worldwide. Their corporate logo went through a long development and its strikingly successful.
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Semiologická analýza loga spoločnosti Starbucks / Corporate Logo of Starbucks and its Semiological AnalysisGundová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focus on semiological analysis of selected corporate logo. Logos are part of the corporate identity and they are surrounding us all the time. Logo is visual identity of brand. Our society is overloaded with logos and that is main reason why logo has to be well remembered, easily recognized and connected with the brand. Logo is a conjunction of graphic design and marketing strategies. This thesis is based on semiotics theories, although incorporating marketing basics and marketing semiotics take on this problem. Within the practical part the logo analyzed using denotation and connotation. Researched brand is US coffee chain Starbucks, which is one of the most successful coffee companies worldwide. Their corporate logo went through a long development and its strikingly successful.
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Víra a křesťanská výchova jako východiska při hledání osobní identity a životní cesty mladých / Faith and Christian education as a starting point of young people seeking personal Identity and life journeyKavanová, Blanka January 2019 (has links)
KAVANOVÁ, Blanka. Faith and Christian Education as a Basis of the Youth's searching for Personal Identity and Life Journey. Prague, 2018. Diploma work. Charles University, Catholic Theological Faculty, Department of Theological Ethics and Spiritual Theology. ABSTRACT Key words: Christian education, the youth's identity, Christian identity, discipline, preordination, practised faith, moral education The diploma is concerned with the relation between Christian education provided mainly in the family and the youth's identity construction. The first chapter of the work is focused on the theoretical bases. It outlines the situation of education as a space of meeting of freedom and autonomy of the educator and the child/teenager and shows the factors influencing the future form of the youth's identity. The following chapters demonstrate the role of parents as the primary education providers, the role of the youths themselves as the creators of their own identity and the possible obstacles that can make education more complicated. The work shows that Christian values applied in education and practised in the family life can help children in creating their own meaningful life oreintation and identity. In the process of education, freedom and increasing autonomy of the child and the youth must be taken into account,...
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Představení národa: slovenská národní identita v době mass produced image / Picturing the Nation: Slovak National Identity in the Age of the Mass Produced ImageHudac, Nicholas January 2020 (has links)
1.1 ABSTRACT This dissertation focuses on the role that the mass produced image (e.g. lithographs, photographs, and cinema) played in the creation and solidification of Slovak national and ethnic identity not only among Slovaks living in Slovakia, but also Slovaks living abroad in America from the 19th to the mid-20th centuries. Given the problems inherent in using the written Slovak language to form a sense of national and ethnic unity, Slovak culture drew widely on visual sources that could be rapidly reproduced, easily transmitted in Slovakia and abroad, and were affordable to a wide variety of social and economic classes. This dissertation also focuses on some of the problems of this approach which will require further study and examination. Keywords: Slovakia, Slovak nationalism, ethnic identity, photography, lithography, cinema, ethnography, mass media,
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Identita a mezietnické vztahy mladých Sarajevanů: Kdo stojí na opačných stranách mostu? / The identity of young Sarajevans: Who is standing at the opposite sides of the bridge?Tučková, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Sarajevo is a city in which, for centuries, people of different religions and ethnicities have lived together. But the war in the early 1990s partitioned the country into almost ethnically homogenous parts. The aim of this work is to find out, how young people between the ages of 18 - 29 years old perceive the identity of contemporary Sarajevo and to what extent they identify with the official narrative of Sarajevo as a multi-ethnic city. An online survey was conducted in March 2016 by a sample of 66 young Bosniaks, Bosnian Serbs, and Bosnian Croats. The research examines how they identify with the Sarajevan urban identity and the influential factors, such as ethnic categorization, religious beliefs, origin, or dominant information sources. To provide a deeper insight, the online survey was extended to include 15 in-depth interviews with young Sarajevans. There, the author uses a metaphor of a bridge to analyze the young Sarajevans' point of view regarding inter-ethnic relations and identity of their city. The outcome of the research is recognition that young Sarajevans often deny the ethnic categorization and perceive the every- day contact between different ethnic groups as non-problematic. As a consequence, the participants see Sarajevo as a unique city in the Bosnian context and typically distinguish...
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Národní a regionální identita maďarských středoškoláků na Slovensku / Sense of National and Regional Identity of Hungarian High School Students in SlovakiaOrosz, Örs January 2010 (has links)
Klíčová slova: identita, vlast, diskriminace, slovensko-maďarské vztahy, volební chování, Maďaři na Slovensku, percepce budoucnosti Práce se zabývá výzkumem národní a regionální identity maďarských středoškoláků na Slovensku. Je zaměřená na příčiny vzniku různých postojů, ale též se pokusí prezentovat vnímání a plánování budoucnosti cílové skupiny. Co považují respondenti za vlast a s jakými řádovostními úrovněmi (od místa bydliště až po Evropu) cítí sounáležitost? Jaký mají vztah k většinovému národu? Šetření provedené na 32 středních školách jižního Slovenska s účastí 1142 maturujících studentů, hledá odpovědi na takové a jim podobné otázky. Výsledky výzkumu poukazují na složitost slovensko-maďarských vztahů, na něž nelze nahlížet dichotomicky, jak to dělají aktéři vysoké politiky. Dvě třetiny maďarských maturantů si představuje svoji budoucnost ve své vlasti. Stát se ale stává vlastí tehdy, pokud vytvoří pocit domova pro své občany a respektuje jejich lidskou důstojnost, svobodu a identitu. S vytvářením tolerantního prostředí pro menšinu, by se ve velké míře dalo přispět k přesvědčení i té třetiny, která plánuje svou budoucnost mimo území Slovenska. Dle našich výsledků je mládež otevřená a je připravená na aktivní kooperaci.
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