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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv přeshraniční spolupráce na regionální identitu obyvatel (modelová studie Euroregion Šumava) / An Influence of the Cross-border Cooperation on the Inhabitants' Regional Identity (Case Study Euroregion Šumava)

Sarauer, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of the cross-border cooperation on the inhabitant's regional identity in Euroregion Šumava. Although this form of cooperation in the countries of Western Europe's long tradition in the Czech Republic formed and the first Euro-regions until the early 90 years. Such example is the Euroregion Šumava. To what extent are the residents of this Euroregion informed of its activities? It is already possible to speak of so called Euro-regional cross-border identity of the population? If so, it is possible to find the Euroregion its spatial differentiation? There are also present on the territory of Euroregion some barriers, which have a negative impact on the greater integrity? These and other questions seeking answers submitted work. To this end, it was realized the questionnaire, the main results are discussed and compared with the conclusions of other specialized publications. Key words: regional identity, cross-border cooperation, euroregion Šumava

Obraz ženy v současném českém umění / Depiction of women in contemporary Czech art

Zimmermannová, Vladimíra January 2011 (has links)
Zimmermannová, V. Depiction of Women in Contemporary Czech Art. /Graduation Thesis/ Prague 2010. Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Education. Department of Fine Art Education. Supervisor J. Bláha. This graduation thesis aims to describe and reflect on the views relating to the depiction of women, female corporality, identity, sexuality and other elements related to the topic of women in contemporary Czech art. The thesis tries to explore characteristic methods of expression and topical schemes that connect contemporary works of art, and at the same time puts them into the context of art history, sociocultural theories of sex and gender, and current media production. Furthermore, it presents a variety of ways to apply this theme in fine art education lessons at secondary and special art school. key words women, art, depiction, corporality, body, identity, sexuality, gender, meaning, stereotype

Vnímání etnické identity na rozhraní dvou kultur / Perception of the Ethnic Identity on the Frontier Between Two Cultures

Jonáš, Juraj January 2011 (has links)
Synopsis The aim of this work is to analyse the difference between two different perceptions of ethnicity. On the one side there are people living in places relativlely homogenous in sence of the ethnic diversity, on the other side there are people living in places relatively heterogenous in the same sence. The assumption of this work is that the environment where this people live (ethnic heterogeneity/ homogeneity) has influence to their perception of the ethnicity itself. The core of the work is a research focused at the comparison of the mental model of the ethnicity of the people living in two different environments. First group are citizens of Košice and Trebišov. In both cities predominate Slovak population. Second group is the people living in the region of Horné Medzibodrožie where the big part of population is Hungarian. For the ascertainment have been used the survey mapping the respondent's enviroment and related traits. Respondent's implied model of ethnicity (the one which determines in a big part his acts related to this subject), explicit model of ethnicity (the one which is claimed by the respondent), the intensity of the interethnic relationship, national symbols and the importance of the respondent's ethnic identity. This respondent's point of view have been put in context with other his...

Konstrukce genderové identity v seriálu Dokonalý svět / Construction of gender identity within the series Dokonalý svět /the perfect world

Mlynářová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the instruments of gender stereotypes reproduction and gender identity construction in Czech TV series Dokonalý svět. Is the media content gendered? With which instruments of gender stereotypes reproduction and gender identity construction is TV viewer confronted and on which levels? I use the theory of social construction of reality, the theory of the lenses of gender or the characters and narrative structure of the TV series (soup opera) to come to a conclusion. The thesis focuses on the fact that Dokonalý svět does not only reflect the stereotypes on the other hand. It confronts the standard gender orders by the comic character. The comedy character ridicules some gender stereotypes and shakes their social status.

Smrt a intersubjektivita / Death and Intersubjectivity

Härtel, Filip Hanuš January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a relation between two constitutive aspects of out existence: death and intersubjectivity. The way how to research these issues is an interpretation of main concepts and notions contained in these texts. On the basis of the comparison of these concepts, notions and whole philosophical stands offers this thesis a perspective of comprehension to the topic of death and intersubjectivity.

Historickogeografická česko-moravská zemská hranice: rekonstrukce, percepce, významy / Historic-geographical land border between Bohemia and Moravia: reconstruction, perception, meanings

Chalupa, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with relict land border between Bohemia and Moravia in the context of Moravistic movement which appeared in Czechia after 1989. Aim of the thesis is to assess the existence of relict land border in the minds of people and to reflect the role of the land border in relation to the revival of regionalism and nationalism. The first part of the thesis discusses the theory of relict border, regional identity and nation in the literature. The second part compares the course of the land border with territorial reach of declaring Moravian nationality by inhabitants of the districts adjacent to the border in contemporary censuses and also with the range of the success of Moravistic politic parties in elections. The objective is to compare the border with one of the possible contemporary zones which could delimitate Moravia. The third part of the thesis analyzes the forms and contexts of Moravian identity in two selected municipalities adjacent to the land border. These municipalities represent distinct types of the Czech-Moravian borderland which differ by declaring the nationality, achievements of Moravistic parties in elections, population change after 1945 and inclusion to administrative units in Bohemia or in Moravia. Finally, awareness of the course of the land border in these...

Ženská identita v československém tisku 1948-1960: Analýza časopisu "Vlasta" / Women's Identity in Czechoslovakian Press 1948-1960: Content Analysis of "Vlasta" Journal

Javorský, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals on the example of the magazine Vlasta with the means of construction of female identity in Czechoslovakian press in 1948 - 1960. It analyses the norm-making examples of female identity, their changes during the watched period and examines the extent to which the examples disrupt or fortify traditional gender relations. Given issue is put into historical and social context of post-February Czechoslovakia, while it focuses especially on implementation of so called soviet model in Czechoslovakia. In particular it focuses on the analysis of solution of women's question in Marxist-Leninist theory. Further it formulates the elemental forms of norm-making examples of female identity and analyses their changes during the watched period and their impact on gender relations. Further it focuses on the solution of question, to what extent were they slavishly taken over soviet model, respectively if it is possible to find some specifics dependent on the distinctive Czechoslovakian conditions. Key words: gender history, women's history, gender, woman, Czechoslovakia, press, identity, emancipation.

Charakteristiky užití sociální sítě Facebook mezi teenagery: psychografická analýza / Patterns of usage of online social network Facebook: a psychographic analysis

Pokorný, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I explore the topic of publics on online social networking sites. I also focused on how the concept of publics affects how users behave and present themselves on online social networking sites, taking Facebook as an example. Identity management is an extensively researched area. However, less attention is paid to understanding the ways how users define their audience and how precise such a concept can actually be. In this thesis I set to understand how teenagers think and conceptualize different types of audiences they may encounter and how such imagined audience influences the way they use Facebook. Since this is a topic considerably difficult to think of let alone speak about, especially for young people, I chose projective techniques used in a focus group to overcome these obstacles. Using this method I tried to get answers on the research questions and obtain an insight as to how people imagine their audiences on online social networking sites, what are the most prominent types of users, and how it affects, in turn, their usage of Facebook. A similar type of research can be conducted also for other groups of online social networking sites users as well as for other online social networking sites. The next possible step can be a quantitative study assessing the stated...

Psychologické aspekty přeměny genderové role u trans-lidí v českém kontextu / Psychological aspects of the transformation of gender role of transgenders in Czech context

Čechová, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The thesis presents the processes of gender role transition and sex reassignment from the perspectives of psychology, medicine, and sociology. Its main focus is on the various aspects influencing the psyche of a person undertaking transition. The thesis investigates why trans identity is commonly viewed as a pathology and the impact of pathologization on the self-perception of trans people. Furthemore, the traditional outline of the transition process in Czech sexology is compared to some current international approaches. A section of the text addresses psychotherapy as a key factor in transition. A significant component of the thesis is that it takes a sociocultural viewpoint on gender identity and gender roles. One of the goals is to understand how medical experts dealing with trans identity conceptualize transition and how trans people themselves conceptualize it. The overall aim is to investigate how both of these sides influence each other and what psychological aspects enter the processes of gender role transition and sex reassignment. Key words: transsexuality, transgender, sex reassignment, gender identity, gender role.

Osobnost značky Škoda Auto a její vliv na sponzorované mezinárodní sportovní události / Brand personality Škoda Auto and its influence on sponsored international sport events

Višněvský, Andrej January 2015 (has links)
Title: Brand personality Škoda Auto and its influence on sponsored international sport events Objective: The aim of this thesis is to measure the brand personality of Škoda Auto and to define its effect on the sponsored international sport events Ice Hockey World Championship and Tour de France. The level of concordance of the personality characteristics will be measured by comparing the results of brand personality between the brand Škoda Auto and the brands of sponsorship. High level of concordance of personality characteristics of brands is assumed in long-term sponsorship. Methods: To identify the brand personality, the standardized method of measuring brand personality by Belgian authors Geuens, Weijters, De Wulf 2009 is utilized, which allows to measure and compare brands of different product categories. The agreement rate of personality characteristics gets measured by comparison of averages of brand personality characteristics and regression and correlation analysis. Results: Škoda Auto is perceived as a stable and responsible brand. International sport events Ice Hockey World Championships and the Tour de France are perceived as active and dynamic brand. During comparison of averages of brand personality characteristics, a higher level of concordance between the brands Škoda Auto and Ice...

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