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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Doma na sídlišti? Lokální identita a identifikace s místem v odlišných typech městského prostředí / At home at the large housing estate? Local identity and place identification in different types of urban environment

Veselý, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Martin Veselý At home at the large housing estate? Local identity and place identification in different types of urban environment The thesis is concerned with the question of local identity and place identification in urban environment on the example of Prague's Southern Town representing a large, centrally planned housing estate, and "old" Vršovice as an example of a traditional city quarter. The author distinguishes two theoretical-methodological approaches to the analysis of urban environment. The first approach is ontological-historical, ethic perspective describing the city with the use of theoretical devices of urbanism and phenomenology of architecture. The second approach - anthropological - is an emic approach studying the interpretation of a place by social agents. The author shows on numerous examples, how do the people identify with a place and what is the role of the physical attributes of the place and its memory in the process of place identification. The relation between ontological-historical and anthropological perspective is according to the author dialogic and he is looking for points of intersection. He shows that the consequence of one-sided way of interpretation is insufficient understanding for place identity. In other words, it is not able to answer convincingly the...

Protiimigrační rétorika a koncept národní identity v kampani prezidentských kandidátů ve Francii v roce 2012 / Anti-immigrant Rhetoric and the Concept of National Identity in the French Presidential Campaign in 2012

Žižková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis Anti-immigrant Rhetoric and the Concept of National Identity in the French Presidential Campaign in 2012 is focused on the political discourse of three main candidates of the French presidential campaign in 2012 (Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande). The aim of the research is to analyze the image of immigration and immigrants and on the other hand French and national identity in the discourse of the politicians. As methodological basis for the research critical discourse analysis was selected, completed by analysis of metaphors. The thesis is based on the theoretical framework composed of the following concepts: 1/ discursive reproduction of the racism by so called symbolic elites, 2/ new racism and 3/ construction of national identity. The thesis also presents the social and political context of the election. The main objective of the research is to answer the following research questions: How does the political discourse of presidential candidates deepen the gap between positive self-presentation and negative presentation of the others? And to which extent in the discourse of individual candidates can it be seen? The thesis describes specific topics, topoi and discursive strategies which are used by the candidates.

Prostředí a specifika turecké občanské společnosti / Social environment and specifics of Turkish civil society

Šreinová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis 'Social environment and specifics of Turkish civil society' focuses on the possibilities of the environment in which is civil society in Turkey embedded. The thesis summarizes the main theoretical factors, present social phenomena and historical conditions, since these influence the foundations from which civil society arises and in which civil activities are conducted. Different approaches contemplating usage of the civil society concept in countries without stable democracy are thus compared. The thesis further considers social and political factors influencing possibilities of civil activity since the time Turkey was established. Additionally, the actual legal situation and civil society classification is described. The acting and motivation of civil society organizations is further considered with the help of their internet presentations. The appearing and repeating data in the organizations' own explanations are sorted out using content and discourse analysis. This way, their own definitions, descriptions of activity and the way of informing about their activities is assessed. The way of self-presenting and the previously defined theoretical motivation for acting is compared.

Narativní identita v biografických vyprávěních představitelů extremistické scény ve střední Evropě / Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe

Zelenda Kupcová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe Mgr. Adéla Zelenda Kupcová Abstract: Dissertation Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe deals with analysis of biographical narratives of the extremist scene's prominent leaders in select Central European countries (the former German Democratic Republic, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). It is based on the theory of social constructivism, and its aim is to analyze how and under what experience the leading representatives of the extremist scene construct their narrative identities, what life events have influenced their attitudes and worldviews, how they present themselves and how they understand themselves and their roles in life. It is focused mainly on the narrators' personal myths and life themes that they indicate as essential. Key words: political extremism, narrative, identity, personal myth, value, cultural pessimism

Konstrukce a management identity striptýzových tanečnic / Construction and Management Identity of Exotic Dancers

Kvapilová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Diplomová práce "Výchova tancem. Evaluace dopadů předmětu taneční a pohybové výchovy se zabývá zhodnocením efektů předmětu taneční a pohybové výchovy, který byl před několika lety zařazen do RVP (Rámcově vzdělávací program) pro základní školy. Cílem této práce je podat přehled o oblastech, v nichž může taneční a pohybová výchova být přínosem a naopak poukázat na případné negativní nebo problematické stránky tohoto předmětu. Informace o této problematice byly získávány prostřednictvím kvalitativních výzkumných metod, tedy pomocí polostrukturovaných a skupinových interview a také metod zúčastněného a nezúčastněného pozorování v hodinách taneční a pohybové výchovy. Informátory/kami v tomto výzkumu byli lektoři/ky taneční výchovy, pedagogové/žky tříd, v nichž je tento předmět vyučován a také žáci/kyně. Největší přínosy taneční a pohybové výchovy lze shledat ve sféře sociálních vztahů, ale i v oblastech seberozvoje jedinců a rozvoje některých klíčových kompetencí. Taneční výchova například přináší potenciál pro transformaci nefunkčních kolektivních vztahů, stává se v některých případech nástrojem začlenění jedinců upozaděných nebo vyčleněných z kolektivu. Taneční a pohybová výchova také stimuluje dětskou fantazii a do určité míry může vést k rozvoji kreativních schopností u některých jedinců. Podporuje...

Řekové poválečného Berounska. Životní příběhy obyvatel řecké národnosti Berouna a jeho okolí po druhé světové válce / Greeks in the postwar Beroun. The life stories of the Greek residents in Beroun and its surroundings after the World War II

Zálom, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the selected aspects regarding the presence of the Greek community in the Berounsko region, who settled here in connection with the Greek post-war immigration into the Czechoslovakia in the late 40s and 50s of the 20th century. It is a historical and anthropological research in the field of contemporary history, elements of ethnology are also included. This project is seen as a contribution to the local contemporary history, as well as the history of the selected ethnic group in the Czech Republic. The key method used is the oral history. Due to the narrow definition of the topic were found only a limited amount of archival material that was reflected in the work. The literature was also used. To collaborate on the project agreed six male narrators and two female narrators of the Greek origin. Archival research was conducted at the National Archive in Prague, in the archives of the Czech Red Cross and the State Regional Archive in Beroun. The core of this paper consists of the selected thematic areas that should enable the achievement of the objective of the thesis. Among other things, the areas relate to memories of stories of parents in connection with the Greek civil war, their coming to Beroun and living here, the topics of their relationship to...

Jak se stát opravdovým Italem? Úsilí potomků imigrantů o změnu italského zákona o občanství. / How Does One Become a True Italian? The Struggle of Second Generation Immigrants to Change the Italian Citizenship Law.

Fejerová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to examine the phenomenon of second-generation immigrant associations in Italy and focuses on their efforts to change the 1992 Citizenship Law between 2005 and 2014. The goal of the thesis is to determine whether the style of their argumentation is nationalistic or multicultural. The nationalistic style would point to their identification with Italy as a classical nation state, reflecting an acceptance of Italy's autostereotypes. The multicultural argumentation style would show that their primary frame of reference is the culture of their parents' country of origin and reflect a desire to see Italian society transformed according to multicultural principles, where all cultures are equally respected and esteemed. Christian Joppke's theory of three-dimensional citizenship (status, rights, identity) serves as an instrument for research. Anne-Marie Thiesse's national identity checklist serves as a guideline for distinguishing between nationalistic and post-nationalistic argumentation style. The analysis shows that the dimension these associations refer to the most is identity, which they use to prove their "Italianicity." They conduct their argumentation in a very classical nationalistic style, using themes such as Italian language, national territory, and national cuisine....

Metal - hudba, kultura, identita / Metal - music, culture, identity

Hudcová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is how listeners of metal identify themselves with metal as a music genre and which form of colectivity they generate on the basis of their common musical taste. At first I introduce a short history and development of metal music and then I characterize the concepts of social sciences, that deals with the study of musical cultures and also the concepts of subcultural capital and identity, which I use in my work. The main part of my work constitutes an interpretation of data from my research between metalists, which took place on metal concerts in Prague and on metal festivals in the Czech Republic in the form of participant observation and half-structured and non-formal interviews with listeners of this genre. My research ascertained what does it mean to be a metalist, how important part of life metal represents for its listeners, which shared attitudes and values metal generates, what produces the sense of belonging of metalists and if there is any inner division between them.

Genderová rovnost v předškolním vzdělávání / Gender Equality in Preschool Education

Kinclová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with gender aspects of preschool education from kindergartens leading's view. The main aim was to research situation and approach to gender equality in preschool education. Because of it I have decided to focus on knowledge and attitude of leading of kindergartens and their importance to preschool curriculum and also to order of children group from the gender perspective. The theoretical part summarizes findings about school socialization, preschool institutions and documents about curriculum. This part also focus on viewpoint of character of institutional children education, studies of school and preschool socialization and the aspects which are cause for feminization of preschool education. The empirical part introduces the methodological steps of the research. That means method, data collecting or the way of questioning which work on the constructivism and critical theory. This offers the results of analysis of semi-structured interviews. The main part of the thesis includes the results of twelve research and refers to occurrence of gender topics in the space of kindergartens - construction of professional identity of leading schools or definition of teaching and preschool education. The research refers to understanding of gender issues by preschool leaders in connection...

Jazyk nacionálně-socialistické propagandy v lužickosrbském tisku 30. let / The language of Nazi propaganda in the Sorbian press of the 1930s

Tomčík, Stanislav January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of nazi ideology on language in the Sorbian press of the 1930s. The predominantly Upper Sorbian material presents lexemes that were associated with the terminology of the nazi regime. While some lexemes have persisted in the language and have not changed their form ever since, others are completely forgotten. Furthermore, some ideologemes of nazi propaganda and their adaptation in the Sorbian environment are presented. In particular, the areas of identity are unique to the Sorbian context, as they shift the meanings contained in the official conception of ideology. Furthermore literature which was published on the pages of the Sorbianpress is presented as a specific area where the language influenced by nazi ideology has penetrated. Key words: Sorbian press, Upper Sorbian, totalitarian language, propaganda, identity, ideology

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