Spelling suggestions: "subject:"identitaire"" "subject:"identitaires""
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Přestavby Skopje a formování makedonské národní identity / The Reconstructions of Skopje and the Formation of Macedonian National IdentityNedbalová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
The capital city of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, has undergone two important architectural changes during the last half a century. Both of these, the renewal of the city after the devastating earthquake of 1963 and the extensive architectural project "Skopje 2014" launched in 2010, included content which focused on the formation of Macedonian national identity. The diploma thesis The Reconstructions of Skopje and the Formation of Macedonian National Identity analyses how architecture and urbanism was used to form Macedonian national identity. As these two events had very different initial conditions, the nature of these reconstructions, together with the promoted visions of national identity and their presentation, differed considerably. The rebuilding of Skopje after the earthquake presented Macedonian national identity to a greater extent through a strong ideological content based solely on visions of the future. In comparison, the project "Skopje 2014" presented an interpretation of national identity through specific symbols. This construction was based on the interpretation of historical events, resulting in a new understanding of the historical continuity of the Macedonian nation. The fact that two vastly different visions of Macedonian national identity, presented through the recreation...
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Způsoby využívání anonymizační sítě Tor / Ways of using Tor anonymous networkSchamberger, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ways of using Tor anonymization network both from the point of view of the use in the positive sense and the use in the negative sense, the abuse. The aim of this work is to identify different ways of using the network and to quantify network abuse based on analyzed abuse reports. First, the basic concepts are defined and the development of the Internet and identification technologies in its environment are briefly described. Then, the concept of Onion routing, based on which the Tor network works, together with more technical details about the functioning of the network, is introduced. Last but not least, the Tor Browser is described as the most common tool for using the Tor network along with the types of users who use it. The last chapter of the theoretical part introduces the problem of network abuse. The practical part is primarily solved in the form of a quantitative analysis of abuse, due to their volume of almost 3 million. Quantitative analysis is done using the statistical language R and basic mining data, text mining and statistical methods. The analyzed data are related to several large nodes of the Tor network and contains several years of history. Although the total number of complaints increases almost exponentially over time, complaints about malicious...
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Proměny kulturní identity v kontextu interkulturní komunikace / Transformations of cultural identity in the context of intercultural communicationManová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is a theoretical and empirical analysis of the transformations of cultural identity in the context of intercultural communication. In the course of processing the chosen topic the author used the theoretical knowledge acquired by studying professional books and other relevant sources as well as the empirical data which were gathered by the author during her anthropological field research over her two-year stay in Berlin. The main objective of the dissertation was to describe, analyse and interpret the phenomenon of cultural identity in the context of migration processes, globalization and the European refugee crisis. Special attention was, therefore, paid to the situation of foreigners who find themselves in a new different culture and are going through a difficult process of adaptation to a new environment. Transformations of the foreigners identity and their relationship to the majority culture are also being studied in terms of different types of immigration policies in host countries. In the focus of the research interest were the questions of the efficiency of assimilation, integration and multicultural policy. Among the sub-objectives of the work are included the description and analysis of the processes of formation, reproduction and transformation of...
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Identita po historické změně. Protihitlerovská emigrace výtvarných umělců z Německa a Československa ve Velké Británii (1933-1945) / Identity after historical change. Anti-Hitler Emigration of Fine Artists from Germany and Czechoslovakia in Great Britain (1933-1945)Duchková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Identity after Historical Change. Anti-Hitler Emigration of Fine Artists from Germany and Czechoslovakia to Great Britain (1933-1945). Mgr. Zuzana Duchková This dissertation thesis deals with a group of German and Czechoslovak fine artists (Erich A. Bischof, Kurt Lade, John Heartfield, Ludwig Meidner, Heinz Worner, Bedřich Feigl and Karel Vogel) who decided or were forced to exile from their home countries to Great Britain after Hitler came to power and stayed there during the Second World War. Research methods adopted from historical anthropology, approaches used in exile research and identity theory have been used to examine the impact of the extensive historical change on their personality as well as "artistic identity". A key area of the research is the period of 1933-1945, however, the lives of the artists before emigration have been outlined too.
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Etnicita v podnikání: Sociální vztahy v tureckých restauracích v Praze / Ethnicity and entrepreneurship: Social relations in Turkish restaurants in PragueHora, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
Matěj Hora horamat@gmail.com Stránka 1 z 3 Abstrakt: Práce přispívá do současného stavu poznání na poli výzkumu etnického podnikání a etnických restaurací. Pomocí etnografického přístupu a kombinace terénního výzkumu a opakovaných rozhovorů tato práce blíže zkoumá turecké kuchaře v pražských restauracích. Přesto, že turecká menšina není v České republice početná, restaurací nabízejících turecká jídla je zde mnoho. Nejprve je tedy analyzován prostor, ve kterém se výzkumník pohybuje, poté je rozdělen na dva hlavní typy restauračních zařízení. Hlavní identifikovaní aktéři jsou zasazeni do v sítě vztahů a tyto vztahy s tureckými kuchaři jsou následně interpretovány. Těchto významných vztahů je v práci identifikováno celkem šest. Vztahy s tureckými dodavateli, s rodinou a tureckými zákazníky, jsou označeny jako vztahy intraetnické. Vztahy s ostatními dodavateli, českými zákazníky, netureckými muslimskými zákazníky a ostatními prodejci, jsou potom označeny jako vztahy interetnické. Zachycené vztahy jsou vzájemně propojeny pomocí jídla a procesů s ním spojených. Pomocí důvěrně známých chutí, receptů a ingrediencí se kuchaři vztahují k domovu a skrze jejich nabídku, a to zejména domácími jídly, se prezentují českým zákazníkům. Prostřednictvím jídla nabízeného českým zákazníkům vnímají Čechy jako konzervativní,...
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Sekuritizace migrace v roce 2017 v prezidentských volbách ve Francii / Securitization of Migration in the 2017 French Presidential ElectionKrutá, Gréta January 2018 (has links)
Far-right parties and anti-immigration moods were on the rise in 2017 European politics. After Brexit vote and Donald Trump's triumph in the US elections, whole world was watching the 2017 French presidential election with great vigilance. Using the method of discourse analysis, the principal objective of this master thesis is to identify to what extent was the immigration constructed as security threat in presidential election and how did major presidential candidates use political discourse for identity construction - positive representation of French Self and negative representation of Migrant Other. For the purpose of analysis, first three presidential candidates with the largest share of votes were chosen: François Fillon, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Concerning the theoretical framework, all research stems from Copenhagen school which defines vital concepts for our research: societal security and securitization process. From methodological point of view, Lene Hansen's Self/Other identity construction model is used. Keywords Securitization, Islam, migration, France, presidential election, discourse analysis, national identity
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Práce s multikulturními tématy v nízkoprahových zařízeních pro děti a mládež / Multicultural Topics in Youth Club Using Treshold PrinciplesVladyková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
There are many aproaches to coexistence people from different culture, in the context of modern world. One of the aproaches is multicultural education. Significant attention has been given to multicultural education in school context, but only little attention has been given to multicultural education in context out of school environment. The aim of this work is presented view to field multicultural education in context out of school environment, specifically in youth club using the treshold principles. Main research method is semi-structure interviews with coordinators of youth club using the treshold priciples in Plzeňský and Karlovarský region, next method is document analysis.
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Jazykové biografie a sociální sítě příslušníků české národnostní menšiny (na příkladu česko-chorvatského a chorvatsko-českého bilingvismu Čechů v Chorvatsku / Language biographies and social networks of Czech minority members (on example of Czech-Croatian and Croatian-Czech bilingualism Czechs in CriationStranjik, Helena January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the thesis Language biographies and social networks of the Czech minority members (on example of Czech-Croatian and Croatian-Czech bilingualism of Czechs in Croatia) is to contribute to the knowledge of language behavior of the Czech minority members from Czech or mixed Czech-Croatian families living in Croatia. Language is one of the basic identity attributes of both individual and group of individuals. Being a social phenomenon, language has got two basic functions: the communicative function (as a communication device) and the identifying function (an individual identifies themselves with a group through the use of a certain language). The author of the thesis strives to describe the language processes that are going on in compatriot families, and the factors which affect maintaining the language within the national minorities, on the example of the Czech minority in Croatia. The first part of the thesis introduces the Czech minority in Croatia since the times of the Czech's moving into Croatia, their organizing within the minority or founding of Czech associations and schools, up to the present form of existence, minority organization and Czech minority status in the laws and statutes of the Republic of Croatia. The author also describes the Czech minority language and summarizes...
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Seznamování mladých lidí pomocí sociálních sítí / Social Networks and Relationships of Young PeopleLučan, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Depending on technological progress and the nature of the actual period characterised by speed, individualism and the fragility of connections, there is an expansion of establishing relations by means of Internet social sites, especially among young people. Meeting people is not concentrated on specialized serves (Tinder, Badoo) but considering the diversity of functions and the amount of users, some people contact others using common websites like Facebook or Instagram. In virtual space, there is a risk of differences between online and offline self-presentation. Individuals tend to accentuate their strong points, and hide their weak points. Regarding the heterogenity of society, the space is occupied by people who expect diverse gratifications, which are reflected in their way of communication. The research is conducted by virtue of half structured interviews with the users of social websites between 20 and 30 years old. Those people profit from the opportunity of easy selection of a partner in a wide spectrum of various profiles without the condition of geographical proximity. As the weakest point of online dating they consider the occurrence of individuals with a deceptive virtual presentation of their identity. The illusion and subsequent disclosure of physical and moral differences can cause...
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Příspěvek realisticko-konstruktivistické teorie k vysvětlení ukrajinské krize roku 2014 / How a Realist-Constructivist Theory Can Contribute to Understanding the 2014 Ukraine CrisisRigby, Sophia January 2018 (has links)
How a Realist-Constructivist Theory Can Contribute to Understanding the 2014 Ukraine Crisis Abstract Realism has been the predominant paradigm for analysing Russian foreign policy in recent times, however, it can sometimes appear lacking in convincing power. Constructivism offers some explanation for the motivation behind policy, however, again appears lacking in convincing power alone. Realist-constructivsm has been suggested to bridge the gap, as it were, between traditional notions of power, and cultural influences. The main argument for realist-constructivism is that some of the basic principles of realism must have a constructivist base, for example, in order to define the 'us' and 'them' in international politics and to determine with whom one is competing for power and influence, there first must be an understanding of how one defines the 'us'. This analysis examines the realistconstructivist theory as put forward by Barkin (2004; 2010), analyses its advantages and disadvantages, and seeks to view the Ukraine crisis of 2014 through a realist-constructivist lens, hoping to contribute something to the still young and developing discussion around a realist- constructivist theory. Keywords Realist-constructivist theory; NATO; national identity; Ukraine; Crimea; the EU; 2014; annexation
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