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Návrh vačkového hřídele pro motor s Millerovým cyklem / Camshaft design for Miller cycle engineDúlovcová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is the analysis of influence of inlet valve opening length and compression ratio on performance and thermodynamic parameters of Miller cycle using GT-SUITE software. Next step was an optimization of inlet and exhaust valve timing with goal of increasing motor effective power. For chosen option was designed cam shaft with regard of kinematic and dynamic magnitude courses.
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Model Predictive Control for Automotive Engine Torque Considering Internal Exhaust Gas RecirculationHayakawa, Yoshikazu, Jimbo, Tomohiko 09 1900 (has links)
the 18th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control, Milano (Italy), August 28 - September 2, 2011
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Les effets combinés de l'hydrogène et de la dilution dans un moteur à allumage commandé / Combined effects of hydrogen and dilution in a spark ignition engineTahtouh, Toni 15 December 2010 (has links)
Une des solutions pour diminuer les émissions polluantes émises par un moteur à combustion interne est de réinjecter une partie des gaz d’échappement (Exhaust Gas Recirculation, EGR) à l'admission. Cependant, dans le cas d’une dilution du mélange air-carburant trop importante, la combustion est plus instable voire ne pas s’entretenir. L’ajout d’une faible quantité d’hydrogène a le potentiel de contrer cet effet négatif de forte dilution. C’est dans ce contexte que ce travail de thèse est basé sur une étude détaillée des effets combinés de l’ajout de l’hydrogène et de la dilution dans un moteur à allumage commandé alimenté par du méthane ou de l’iso-octane. Dans la première partie de ce travail, le potentiel de l’ajout de l’hydrogène combiné à la dilution, en termes d’émissions polluantes et de rendement global du moteur, est montré. Dans la deuxième partie, afin de mieux comprendre l’effet de l’hydrogène et de la dilution dans un moteur à combustion interne et leurs influences sur les propriétés fondamentales de la combustion, la vitesse de combustion laminaire, paramètre fondamentale, a été déterminée expérimentalement pour des mélanges isooctane ou méthane avec de l’air contenant différents pourcentages d’hydrogène et de dilution. Des corrélations ont pu ainsi être formulées permettant d’estimer la vitesse fondamentale de combustion laminaire pour ces mélanges. Dans la dernière partie, l’utilisation de deux diagnostics optiques (la chemiluminescence de la flamme et la tomographie par plan laser du front de flamme couplé à la mesure de vitesse par vélocimétrie par imagerie de particules) a permis de quantifier l’effet de l’hydrogène et de la dilution sur la propagation de flamme turbulente dans un moteur à allumage commandé muni d’accès optiques. Nous avons ainsi montré que le la vitesse de combustion laminaire a un effet prépondérant, comparé au nombre de Lewis, sur la vitesse de combustion turbulente dans un moteur à allumage commandé. / Optimization of the intake air-fuel mixture composition is one way to reduce pollutant emissions in Spark-Ignition (SI) engines. This can be achieved by operating with a diluted mixture, i.e by recirculating the exhaust. There are however limitations on the level of dilution that can ensure the smooth running of SI engines since diluting the air-fuel mixture induces an increase in combustion duration and in cyclic variations which impair engine performance. Adding an amount of hydrogen to the fuel can extend the dilution and the lean engine operability limits, which is beneficial in reducing both emission levels and fuel consumption. The objective of this study is to investigate the combined effects of hydrogen addition and nitrogen dilution in an SI engine fuelled with iso-octane or methane. In the first part of this study, we proved that high values of indicated engine efficiency and low values of pollutant emissions can be achieved by combining hydrogen addition and diluted air-fuel mixtures in the case of SI engines. In the second part, we provided experimental values of laminar burning velocity for diluted methane or iso-octane/hydrogen/air mixtures for a better understanding of the hydrogen and dilution effects on the fundamental properties of laminar combustion. New correlations to estimate laminar burning speeds of these mixtures were also presented. In the last part, the effects of hydrogen addition, with and without nitrogen dilution, on the turbulent flame propagation were investigated in an optical SI engine fuelled with iso-octane or methane. This study was done by using two different experimental techniques (direct flame radiation visualization and laser tomography images with Particle Image Velocimetry). The main conclusion is that the laminar burning velocity, rather than the Lewis number, has the dominant effect on the turbulent burning velocity in an SI engine.
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[pt] Há algum tempo biocombustíveis renováveis são potenciais soluções sugeridas às questões de emissão de poluentes e dependência da sociedade aos derivados fósseis. Biodiesel e etanol são combustíveis comerciais renováveis candidatos à substituição das fontes fósseis, especialmente, em motores de ignição por compressão, os quais são tipicamente mais eficientes do que aqueles de ignição por centelha. Misturas ternárias de diesel, biodiesel e etanol formam estratégias de substituição parcial do diesel aplicáveis em motores de ignição por compressão sem a necessidade de grandes adaptações. Nesta dissertação realizaram-se avaliações experimentais em um motor multi-cilíndrico de ignição por compressão (MWM 4.10 TCA), abastecido com misturas de diesel, biodiesel (até 15 por cento em teor volumétrico) e etanol anidro (até 20 por cento em teor volumétrico). Cada mistura ternária é composta por diferentes proporções do álcool e sempre com a concentração volumétrica de 1 por cento de um aditivo estabilizador da mistura. Portanto, os testes associam substituições parciais do diesel por biocombustíveis a avaliações de desempenho do motor e da combustão das misturas, sob algumas condições de carga, regimes de rotação e instantes de injeção de combustível. Os testes realizados indicam que misturas com 20 por cento em volume de concentração de etanol experimentam inícios de combustão até 4,7 graus CA mais atrasados. Porém, a busca de instantes otimizados na injeção de combustível trouxe melhorias ao desempenho do motor, permitiu conversões energéticas mais vantajosas do etanol na ignição por compressão frente à ignição por centelha, além de minimizar efeitos do etanol em retardar o início da combustão. / [en] Renewable biofuels have been proposed for a long time as an alternative to the issues concerned to pollutants emission and also society s liability to fossil fuels. Biodiesel and ethanol are renewable commercial fuel candidates for fossil fuels substitution, especially, in compression ignition engines, which are typically more efficient than the spark ignition ones. Diesel s partial replacement, such as the substitution by ternary blends formed by diesel, biodiesel and ethanol, is a strategy applicable to compression ignition engines without the need of further modifications. In this dissertation tests were run in a multi-cylinder compression ignition engine (MWM 4.10 TCA), fueled with diesel, biodiesel (up to 15 percent in volumetric content) and anhydrous ethanol (up to 20 percent in volumetric content) blends. Each mixture should be composed by different alcohol s proportions and always containing a 1 percent volumetric concentration of additive in order to ensure ternary s blend stability. Therefore, tests try to ally diesel s partial replacement by biofuels with engine performance and blends combustion assessment, under some combinations of load, engine speed and injection timing conditions. The tests performed indicate that the start of the combustion experienced up to 4.7 degrees CA postponements, when fueled with a 20 percent ethanol volumetric concentration blend. Still, optimized injection timing investigation brought improvements to engine performance, allowed better ethanol energetic conversions through compression ignition when compared to spark ignition and could also minimize delays caused by ethanol s presence in the beginning of the combustion.
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Optimalizace sacího potrubí zážehového motoru / Optimalization of Intake Manifold for SI EngineVondráček, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to design two different types of air throttles in the intake manifold and compare their influence on a loss of dynamics of the flow of drawn air. The main purpose is to compare the mass flow for wholly opened air throttle. It deals with creating CDF model of intake manifold by using 3D scanner Atos and software Pro/Engineer WF5. During the work, the results of the CFD analysis were used for a real testing.
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Návrh škrticí klapky zážehového motoru / Design of Throttle body for SI engineJantač, František January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of the throttle body of the intake manifold of a spark-ignition engine with regards to minimizing throttle loses at full engine load. The first part of this thesis focuses on the elements of intake tract structure on contemporary combustion engine including their design solutions and the theory of flow. The thesis also describes the creation of the 3-D CAD model of intake manifold with a throttle body and the description of the CFD flow simulation with the evaluation of resul.
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Simulation aux Grandes Echelles d'un moteur à allumage commandé - Evaluations des variabilités cycliques / Large Eddy Simulation of a Spark-Ignition engine - Evaluations of cycle-to-cycle variationEnaux, Benoît 16 June 2010 (has links)
La réduction des émissions de polluants et la diminution de la consommation sont deux challenges fortement liés auxquels les constructeurs automobiles doivent faire face tout en maintenant les performances des moteurs. Les nouvelles stratégies telle que la réduction de la cylindrée associée à une optimisation de la boucle d'air (forte suralimentation et recirculation de gaz brûlés) possèdent ce potentiel. Cependant elles affectent la stabilité du moteur en favorisant les variations cycle à cycle (VCC) qui correspondent à une fluctuation de la combustion d'un cycle sur l'autre. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthodologie s'appuyant sur la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) capable de prédire les VCC d'un moteur à allumage commandé. Les prédictions sont validées grâce à une base de données expérimentale conçue à l'IFP qui leur est dédiée. Une approche graduelle est employée : l'outil numérique est tout d'abord évalué sur une configuration simplifiée de moteur à piston sans combustion, puis appliqué à un moteur à allumage commandé entraîné pour valider la prédiction de l'aérodynamique interne. Sur cette dernière configuration le couplage avec le modèle de combustion DTFLES est rajouté pour simuler deux points de fonctionnement réactifs. Chacune de ces simulations intègre un ou plusieurs points de modélisation (les tétraèdres en maillage mobile, les modèles de choc et d'allumage, et la cinétique chimique) au préalable testés sur des configurations académiques. Ce travail de recherche montre que l'approche SGE, dans un contexte de calcul massivement parallèle, est un outil prometteur dans l'étude des VCC d'un moteur à allumage commandé de conception récente. / A major challenge for the development of internal combustion engines is to improve fuel economy and to reduce pollutant emissions while maintaining or enhancing engine performances. New strategies using downsizing with high levels of exhaust gas recirculation have this potential, but can impact on the combustion stability and trigger high cycle-to-cycle variations (CCV). The objective of this thesis is to set a methodology based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to study CCV of a Spark-Ignition (SI) engine. A gradual approach is used : the numerical tool is first evaluated on a motored axisymmetric piston-cylinder assembly, and then applied on a motored SI engine to validate the in-cylinder aerodynamic predictions. On this last configuration, the coupling with the turbulent combustion model DTFLES is added to simulate two operating points of the indirect injection engine mode. Each of these simulations takes into account one or several modeling key points (tetrahedra with moving mesh, the modelings of shock and ignition, and chemical kinetics) previously tested in academic configurations. This research work shows that LES approach, in the context of massively parallel computing, can be used to study the CCV of a realistic SI engine.
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La Simulation aux Grandes Echelles : un outil pour la prédiction des variabilités cycliques dans les moteurs à allumage commandé ? / Is Large Eddy Simulation a suitable tool to predict cycle-to-cycle variations in spark ignition engines?Granet, Victor 20 September 2011 (has links)
L'amélioration des moteurs à allumage commandé représente un défi de première importance pour les ingénieurs afin de produire plus d'énergie, de consommer moins de matière première et de réduire les émissions polluantes. Les nouvelles technologies apparues ces dernières années amènent les moteurs de plus en plus proches de leurs limites de fonctionnement, favorisant ainsi des phénomènes néfastes qui doivent être contrôlés. Parmi ces phénomènes, les variations cycle-à-cycle (VCC) doivent être minimisées pour garder une performance optimale et éviter une dégradation rapide du moteur. La Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) est un outil prometteur afin de prédire numériquement les niveaux de variabilités obtenues lors du design d'un moteur (limitant ainsi les coûteuses campagnes de mesures expérimentales). Ce manuscrit s'est attaché à développer une méthodologie numérique pour la prédiction des variabilités cycliques, à simuler un nombre suffisant de cycles pour pouvoir estimer les niveaux de VCC et à valider les résultats obtenus par rapport aux résultats expérimentaux. La SGE semble capter les points de fonctionnements stable et instable étudiés. Les sources qui provoquent ces VCC ont aussi été analysées et une modification du fonctionnement du moteur a été proposée afin de réduire les VCC. / The improvement of the spark ignition engines is a major challenge for engineers in order to produce more energy, to minimize fuel consumption and to reduce the pollutant emissions. The new technologies which appear in the last years bring the engines closer to their stability limit while increasing various unwanted phenomena. Among these phenomena, cycle-to-cycle variation (CCV) need to be minimized in order to keep the performances as high as possible and avoid damages on the engines. Large Eddy Simulation (LES), which is a very promising tool in order to predict the level of CCV of a given engine, has been used in the present document to simulate a mono-cylinder spark ignition engine. The present document presented a numerical methodology for the prediction of CCV, numerous engine cycles were simulated by LES in order to validate the results in comparison to the experimental findings. The LES seems to be able to capture stable and instable (in terms of CCV) operating points of the engine. In addition, the sources of CCV were also analyzed and a modification of the engine has been proposed to reduce CCV.
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Desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controle de detonação para otimização do torque em um motor de combustão interna flex. / Development of knock control strategy for torque optimization in a internal combustion engine flex.Hayashida, Paulo Alexandre Pizara 29 June 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o gerenciamento eletrônico de motores de combustão interna flex, com foco no desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controle do avanço de ignição em função da ocorrência de combustão anormal conhecida como detonação, para se maximizar o torque de saída do motor. Primeiramente, é desenvolvido um método para a medição da composição de combustível e correção dos parâmetros de tempo de injeção e avanço de ignição, através de um sensor de composição de combustível. Tais parâmetros são definidos através de mapas que trabalham como um sistema de malha aberta. Em seguida, é desenvolvido um método para a leitura e detecção de detonação, em que são estudadas as particularidades do fenômeno para diferentes composições de combustível e a sua relação com a variação da temperatura do gás de escape e torque de saída do motor. Através do método de detecção e do estudo do fenômeno, é desenvolvido uma estratégia para controle do avanço de ignição em função da ocorrência da detonação. Esta abordagem permite ao sistema aumentar o avanço quando não há ocorrência de detonação, mas este avanço adicional é cancelado quando ocorre detonação. O gerenciamento do motor é realizado através de uma ECU de desenvolvimento modelo Flex-ECU, as estratégias de gerenciamento são desenvolvidos através da plataforma ASCET e a aquisição de dados e calibração de parâmetros são executados em uma ferramenta de medição e calibração. Os benefícios que o controle do avanço de ignição traz ao torque do motor são analisados e discutidos em função da rotação e da composição de combustível utilizado. / The present investigation explores the electronic management of internal combustion engines flex fuel, in which the focus is the development of a strategy for the spark advance angle as function of the abnormal combustion occurrence known ad Knock, in order to maximize the output torque. First, a method is developed for measuring the fuel composition and correction of the injection time and spark advance angle parameters through a fuel composition sensor. This parameter is defined through maps that work as an open loop system. Then, a method for detection of knock is developed, the peculiarities of the phenomenon are studied for different fuel compositions and the relationship of the phenomenon with the variation of the exhaust gas temperature and the engine output torque. Through the method of detection and the study of the phenomenon, an algorithm is developed to control the spark advance angle due to the knock occurrence, in which the approach allows the system to increase the angle when there is no occurrence of knock, but this additional angle is reduced when knock is detected. Engine management is performed through a development ECU model Flex-ECU, management algorithms are developed through the ASCET platform and data acquisition and calibration of and parameters is performed through a measurement and calibration platform. The result that the spark advance angle control brings to the engine torque output is analyzed and discussed depending on the rotation and the fuel composition used.
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Desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controle de detonação para otimização do torque em um motor de combustão interna flex. / Development of knock control strategy for torque optimization in a internal combustion engine flex.Paulo Alexandre Pizara Hayashida 29 June 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o gerenciamento eletrônico de motores de combustão interna flex, com foco no desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controle do avanço de ignição em função da ocorrência de combustão anormal conhecida como detonação, para se maximizar o torque de saída do motor. Primeiramente, é desenvolvido um método para a medição da composição de combustível e correção dos parâmetros de tempo de injeção e avanço de ignição, através de um sensor de composição de combustível. Tais parâmetros são definidos através de mapas que trabalham como um sistema de malha aberta. Em seguida, é desenvolvido um método para a leitura e detecção de detonação, em que são estudadas as particularidades do fenômeno para diferentes composições de combustível e a sua relação com a variação da temperatura do gás de escape e torque de saída do motor. Através do método de detecção e do estudo do fenômeno, é desenvolvido uma estratégia para controle do avanço de ignição em função da ocorrência da detonação. Esta abordagem permite ao sistema aumentar o avanço quando não há ocorrência de detonação, mas este avanço adicional é cancelado quando ocorre detonação. O gerenciamento do motor é realizado através de uma ECU de desenvolvimento modelo Flex-ECU, as estratégias de gerenciamento são desenvolvidos através da plataforma ASCET e a aquisição de dados e calibração de parâmetros são executados em uma ferramenta de medição e calibração. Os benefícios que o controle do avanço de ignição traz ao torque do motor são analisados e discutidos em função da rotação e da composição de combustível utilizado. / The present investigation explores the electronic management of internal combustion engines flex fuel, in which the focus is the development of a strategy for the spark advance angle as function of the abnormal combustion occurrence known ad Knock, in order to maximize the output torque. First, a method is developed for measuring the fuel composition and correction of the injection time and spark advance angle parameters through a fuel composition sensor. This parameter is defined through maps that work as an open loop system. Then, a method for detection of knock is developed, the peculiarities of the phenomenon are studied for different fuel compositions and the relationship of the phenomenon with the variation of the exhaust gas temperature and the engine output torque. Through the method of detection and the study of the phenomenon, an algorithm is developed to control the spark advance angle due to the knock occurrence, in which the approach allows the system to increase the angle when there is no occurrence of knock, but this additional angle is reduced when knock is detected. Engine management is performed through a development ECU model Flex-ECU, management algorithms are developed through the ASCET platform and data acquisition and calibration of and parameters is performed through a measurement and calibration platform. The result that the spark advance angle control brings to the engine torque output is analyzed and discussed depending on the rotation and the fuel composition used.
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