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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdpersonalens upplevelser i vården av papperslösa : Ett vårdetiskt perspektiv / Experiences of health professionals’ in caring for undocumented migrants : An ethics of care perspective

Schmidt, Amanda, Gräfe, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: En människa som saknar uppehållstillstånd, saknar ofta vissa rättigheter till vård. Vårdpersonal möter papperslösa patienter i olika sammanhang vilket skapar en stor variation av inställningar och uppfattningar om deras rätt till vård. För att uppnå en rättvis och fungerande vård för denna utsatta grupp krävs bland annat tydliga riktlinjer och flexibilitet av sjuksköterskan. Syfte: Att skildra vårdpersonalens, med inriktning mot sjuksköterskans, upplevelser och etiska argument i vårdandet av papperslösa. Metod: Litteraturöversikt baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade i databaserna SwePub, CINAHL with Full Text och Academic Search Premier. Artiklarna har analyserats enligt Fribergs (2012a) modell. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fem huvudkategorier och två underkategorier. Första huvudkategorin är Vårdpersonalens inställning till att vårda papperslösa vilket visar att åsikter går isär kring papperslösas rätt till vård. Andra huvudkategorin är Upplevelser kring regelverk och riktlinjer där det framkommer att det råder oklarheter kring dessa. I den tredje kategorin Vårdrelation framkommer det att flexibilitet krävs av sjuksköterskan i mötet med papperslösa. Den fjärde huvudkategorin är Vårdpersonalens upplevda barriärer i vården som har två underkategorier. Den femte och sista huvudkategorin är Organisationer och deras samarbete och visar på ett behov av samarbete mellan vårdinstanser, myndigheter och frivilligorganisationer.   Diskussion: Resultatet analyseras utifrån Beauchamp och Childress (2013) vårdetiska teori om de fyra principerna om autonomi, att inte skada, att göra gott samt rättviseprincipen. Diskussionen visar att konflikter uppstår mellan principer och att lagar och restriktioner leder till etisk stress och etiska kostnader. / Background: A person without a residence permit, often lacks certain rights to care. Health professionals encounter undocumented patients in different contexts which generates a large variety of perceptions of their right to health care. Clear guidelines and flexibility is required by the nurse in order to achieve a fair and effective care for this vulnerable group.   Aim: To describe the experiences and ethical arguments of health professionals and nurses in particular in the care of undocumented migrants.  Method: A literature review based on eleven scientific articles were used and selected from the databases SwePub, CINAHL plus with Full Text and Academic Search Premier. The articles have been reviewed and analyzed by the Friberg model (2012a). Results: The results are presented in five main categories and two subcategories. The first main category Health professionals’ attitudes towards caring for undocumented migrants indicates that opinions differ about their rights and access to health care. Ambiguities towards the regulations are shown in the second main category Experiences surrounding regulations. The third category Caring relationship shows that flexibility is required by the nurse when caring for undocumented migrants. The fourth category presents Barriers perceived by health care professionals. The fifth and final category Organizations and cooperation demonstrates a need for health care institutions, government agencies and NGO’s to collaborate. Discussions: The result is analysed according to Beauchamp and Childress (2013) care ethical theory concerning the four principles: respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. The discussion shows that conflicts occur between the principles. Laws and limits lead to ethical stress and costs.

"AVRÄTTAS ej BENÅDAS" : en kvalitativ studie av migrationsmyndigheternas bedömning av synnerligen ömmande omständigheter i ärendena för sex funktionshindrade migranter

Shamilova, Saida January 2012 (has links)
This study is aimed to increase the knowledge about the Swedish immigration authorities’ assessment of the asylum applications based on particularly distressing circumstances, submitted by disabled undocumented migrants. Making an attempt to explain the reasons of asylum-seekers’ health deterioration during the asylum process, this study determines the factors in migration authorities proceedings affecting such deterioration. Documents in five personal files concerning six disabled asylum-seekers, whose applications were declined, were studied by applying two observational methods: content analysis of the documents in the personal files and non-participant observations made during receptions of undocumented migrants at the Swedish Asylum Committee. The results of the study have shown that migration authorities' way of applying the principle of child’s best interests have a declarative character, while the disability perspective is completely ignored. The migrations authorities make free interpretations of the information on the countries of asylum-seekers' origin, while adaptation to Swedish conditions does not work at all as cause for residence permit. Advocates, who neglect their prior duties, have also a negative influence on the asylum process. Analyzed from the perspective of appropriate sociological concepts, the results of this study have shown that the above mentioned observations cause disabled undocumented migrants health deterioration.

Le parcours de vie des enfant isolés étrangers en France : contextes et situations / The life course of unaccompanied children in France : contexts and situations

Kobanda Ngbenza, Dieudonné 13 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 1990, on assiste de plus en plus à l’arrivée en nombre important des enfants étrangers sur le territoire français et européen. Ils viennent de tous les continents et personne ne détient sur eux l’autorité parentale. Un phénomène sans précédent dans l’histoire de l’immigration européenne qui attise des tensions entre les pouvoirs publics et les associations de défense de droits de l’enfant. Le statut de ces mineurs isolés sur le territoire national demeure flou et leur intégration ressemble plus à ce que les associations qualifient de« parcours de combattant ». Relativement protégés par leur minorité, ils ne peuvent sereinement envisager de poursuivre ni un projet scolaire adapté, ni une insertion professionnelle fiable si leur situation administrative n’a pas été régularisée avant d’atteindre l’âge de 18 ans.En suivant le parcours institutionnel d’une dizaine des jeunes pendant près de 5 ans, cette thèse analyse le profil des jeunes migrants, les atouts et écueils de leur prise en charge dans une société d’accueil en pleine mutation législative, institutionnelle et sociétale. L’étude reconstitue, questionne et analyse les enjeux de parcours et de construction de vie pour les mineurs d’une part, les défis d’accompagnement de ce public pour les acteurs sociaux et institutionnels de l’autre. Enfin, cette thèse interroge et analyse également les pratiques belges relatives à l’accueil et à la prise en charge de ces enfants, permettant ainsi une comparaison des réponses apportées par les deux pays à la situation de ce public / Since the end of the 1990’s, we more and more attend to the arrival in huge numbers of foreign children on the French and European territory. They come from all continents and no one detains on them parental authority. An unprecedent phenomenon in the European immigration history which whips up tensions between authorities and defence associations of children’s rights.The status of these isolated minors on the national territory remains fuzzy and their integration is like more of what is qualified as an « obstacle course » by the associations. Relatively protected by their minority, they can’t ensure positively to carry on with neither an appropriate school project, nor a reliable professional insertion if their administrative situation hasn’t been regularised before they turn age 18. By following the institutional path of about ten youths for nearly 5 years, this thesis analyses the profile of young migrants, assets and pitfalls taken care in a society in legislative, institutional and societal transition.The study reconstructs, questions and analyses path’s stakes and life construction for minors on one hand, support challenges of this population for social actors and institutionals on the other hand. In short, this thesis interrogates and analyses too Belgian practices relating to receiving and caring for these children, thus enabling a comparison with answers brought by both countries to the situation of this public.

Bakomliggande faktorer och hinder av vuxna papperslösas tillgång och möjlighet till vård i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Undocumented adults and underlying obstacles and challenges in accessing healthcare in Sweden

Sado, Michelia January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the underlying factors and barriersinfluencing undocumented adults' access to healthcare in Sweden. By focusing on the experiences of five respondents associated with the Swedish Red Cross, the essay seeks to shed light on and enhance the understanding of the limitations faced by undocumented adults, regarding their access to healthcare in Sweden. This study has a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews. The studyaddresses three theories for understanding the factors and barriers that affect the access to healthcare by using Goffman (1963) stigma, Young (2011) social justice and Rothstein (2003) trust and social contract theory. The result of the study shows insights information from five respondents of the factors affecting undocumented adults' healthcare access in Sweden. The study ultimately reveals that stigmatization, trust, fear, and social networks are underlying factors that impact the access to healthcare for undocumented adults in Sweden. Additionally,socio-economic barriers are identified as limiting the opportunities for undocumented adults to access healthcare in Sweden. The research highlights that these challenges are not merely individual choices or priorities but rather a result of complex factors and structural impediments. Therefore, addressing the obstacles and underlying factors requires a collective approach to observe and understand the root causes affecting the access to healthcare in Swedenfor undocumented adults.

Le migrant clandestin : entre répression et protection / An illegal immigrant : between deterrence and protection

Amshere, Karema 01 October 2011 (has links)
Suite à la croissance du phénomène migratoire clandestin, la prise de conscience publique et officielle de ce phénomène et du trafic des migrants est évidente. En conséquence, la signature du Protocole de l‘ONU contre le trafic de migrants et l‘adoption d‘une directive et d‘une décision-cadre au niveau européen sont conçues pour faire face à ceux qui profitent de ce phénomène, à savoir les trafiquants. Le droit français quant à lui, a accru la répression contre les tierces personnes impliquées, de près ou de loin, dans les activités clandestines de l‘immigration. Malgré l‘objectif affiché par ledit Protocole de « lutte contre le trafic illicite de migrants », les mesures adoptées et la large liberté laissée aux États membres, indiquent clairement le vrai but de cet instrument international, à savoir la lutte contre l‘immigration clandestine elle-même, but qui est le même pour l‘UE. Mais quel est le statut accordé par le protocole et par les dispositions européennes ainsi que françaises aux migrants qui font appel aux services des passeurs ? À travers cette étude nous pouvons entrevoir que la formulation des dispositions du Protocole et celle des dispositions européennes visent à n‘assurer aucun statut juridique aux migrants clandestins. Il n‘y a pas de statut juridique, ni victime, ni coupable, le migrant est en détresse. En revanche, en droit français, le migrant clandestin n‘est presque jamais regardé comme un homme, mais plutôt comme un délinquant. Le législateur français a choisi la loi pénale face à ces migrants. Cependant, les sanctions et la sévérité ne pourront rien contre un homme torturé, affamé, méprisé dans son pays. La loi pénale, à elle seule, ne permettra sans doute pas d‘apporter une solution. La préservation de l‘équilibre nécessairement fragile entre le respect de la liberté individuelle et le maintien de l‘ordre public est rarement prise en considération. En revanche les considérations économiques ont justifié une plus grande rigueur à l‘encontre des clandestins, au niveau de leur entrée, de leur séjour. / As a result of the ever increasing illegal migration phenomenon, Public opinion and officials are now clearly aware of it and of the trafficking involved. Therefore, the signing of the UN Protocole against the smuggling of migrants and the adoption of a directive together with a decision framework at European level are tailor made to fight against the traffickers taking advantage of this phenomenon. French law, as it is concerned, has increased repression against whoever might be involved in this clandestine smuggling and trafficking. Despite the objective stated in the, so called, Protocol of ―fighting against the smuggling of migrants‖ The measures adopted and the large freedom given to the members states, clearly indicate that the true purpose of this international instrument is indeed the same as the E.U‘s that is to say : fighting against illegal immigration. But what is the status granted by the protocol and the European as well as French provisions to the migrants who use the services of smugglers? All through this study we can see that the formulations of the provisions of the protocol and that of the European provisions are intended to ensure that no legal status is granted to clandestine migrants. As far as they are concerned they have no legal status so there is no victim and no offender: a clandestine migrant is just in distress. However in the French law a clandestine migrant is seen as an offender but not as a man in distress. The French parliament has chosen to enforce criminal law against these migrants but, will this stop migrants who are tortured, despised and starving in their country of origin? Choosing to see them only as offenders won‘t probably bring any solution to the problem. The necessary preservation of the delicate balance between respect for individual freedom and the maintenance of public order is rarely taken into consideration. However economic considerations justify rigour againt illegal immigrants concerning who is allowed to enter the country and how long they will be allowed to stay.

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