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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Local Government Financing and Provision in an Institutionally Constrained Decentralized System: The Case of Agricultural Extension in Uganda

Muwonge, Abdu 17 May 2007 (has links)
Decentralization is a key governance reform which many developing countries have embarked on. Local governments are expected to use their informational advantage to improve the delivery of public goods. This result implied by Tiebout’s (1956) model requires fully informed citizens who “vote with their feet.” The model’s application to developing countries has been limited, since local decisions may not be responsive to local demands. Practitioners are shifting to innovations that minimize institutional constraints so that decentralized programs can lead to improved outcomes. Examples of such innovative ways include decentralized agricultural extension programs, which embrace farmers’ empowerment, local government, and private sector participation. Few impact evaluation studies on agricultural extension have combined qualitative and quantitative methods. This dissertation contributes to the literature by applying these methods and survey data to study the impact of a decentralized extension program in Uganda, known as the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) on the value of farm production per acre. The program is non-randomly assigned to local governments and farmers self-select in or out within participating sub-counties. Using a sample of 305 participating and non-participating farmers and local government assessment indicators as instruments, we cannot reject the null that the NAADS program has had an impact. The 2SLS results show no program impact; however, the OLS results show that the program had a positive impact on the value of farm production per acre of about 20 percent. Qualitative results show that NAADS farmers: participate in local decision making processes through farmers’ institutions; have increased knowledge on farming; and practice enterprise diversification. The quantitative finding must be treated with caution; for example, the study did not account for spillover effects. The NAADS program faces challenges inherent in Uganda’s decentralized structure; particularly the low financial and human capacity, and the weak monitoring at the local level. The policy implications include: the need to strengthen farmers’ institutions; development of a marketing strategy; clear policy guidelines for local government support to NAADS; improved coordination of NAADS activities among line ministries; need for additional resources for NAADS activities; and improved capacity of service providers.

Chipping and Wear of Glass Edges by the Low VelocityIimpact of Spherical Particles

Mohajerani, Amirhossein 31 August 2011 (has links)
The edge rounding of brittle materials by vibratory finishing, VF, was investigated. Borosilicate glass and silicon nitride specimens were processed in two typical VF setups. In all cases, the processed specimens exhibited wear and chipping at their edges, whereas their flat surfaces remained intact. Edge chipping was strongly affected by the edge geometry and process parameters such as the media size and vibration amplitude of the finisher. Therefore, to achieve smooth chip-less edge, samples were processed in several steps, starting with the least energetic conditions, followed by more energetic ones as the edge became progressively blunter. The analysis of edge wear by VF revealed a new mechanism of wear, not previously reported in the literature. A stochastic numerical model was subsequently developed to model this mechanism of wear. To confirm the validity of the model, the model predictions were compared to the experimental observations of wear in the vibratory finisher. The model was used to investigate the effect of various VF process parameters on the edge wear of brittle materials. A VF simulator was used to investigate wear and chipping under more controlled conditions. The VF simulator launched particles against the specimens at adjustable velocities and impact angles. The effect of particles’ shape, and impact velocity and angle, on the wear of glass edges was investigated. Fundamental differences were observed between wear by abrasive and smooth particles. These differences were attributed to the mechanisms of material removal by abrasive iii and smooth balls. Abrasive balls remove material by the sharp indentation of their surface asperities, whereas smooth particles lack such sharp peaks and hence apply blunt indentation on the edges. To identify the fundamental differences between material removal by sharp and blunt indenters, a series of indentation experiments were carried out on glass edges. Subsequently, these differences were discussed in terms of their implications on wear by abrasive and smooth particles.

Frequency and Clinical Importance of Pathological Discordance in Lymphoma

Kukreti, Vishal 14 February 2010 (has links)
We conducted a retrospective review of discordant pathology for lymphoma patients treated at the Princess Margaret Hospital between 2000 and 2003. We identified 2818 lymphoma patients of which 1567 (38%) met inclusion criteria with 167 discordant cases (discordance rate 15.7%). Six reviewers blinded to clinical management rated potential for harm on a minimal to severe scoring. The majority (67.6%) received a rating of moderate to severe. Review of actual clinical management revealed unnecessary surgical procedures, incorrect chemotherapy and under or over treatment of patients. For discordant cases, 8.4% were identified as having severe actual harm. This means that 1/6 patients diagnosed with lymphoma may have a change in diagnosis after pathologic review, 1/9 will have discordance with the potential to cause moderate to severe consequences, and 1/75 will experience significant clinical harm. We conclude that pathologic discordance in lymphoma is common and can lead to patient harm.

Chipping and Wear of Glass Edges by the Low VelocityIimpact of Spherical Particles

Mohajerani, Amirhossein 31 August 2011 (has links)
The edge rounding of brittle materials by vibratory finishing, VF, was investigated. Borosilicate glass and silicon nitride specimens were processed in two typical VF setups. In all cases, the processed specimens exhibited wear and chipping at their edges, whereas their flat surfaces remained intact. Edge chipping was strongly affected by the edge geometry and process parameters such as the media size and vibration amplitude of the finisher. Therefore, to achieve smooth chip-less edge, samples were processed in several steps, starting with the least energetic conditions, followed by more energetic ones as the edge became progressively blunter. The analysis of edge wear by VF revealed a new mechanism of wear, not previously reported in the literature. A stochastic numerical model was subsequently developed to model this mechanism of wear. To confirm the validity of the model, the model predictions were compared to the experimental observations of wear in the vibratory finisher. The model was used to investigate the effect of various VF process parameters on the edge wear of brittle materials. A VF simulator was used to investigate wear and chipping under more controlled conditions. The VF simulator launched particles against the specimens at adjustable velocities and impact angles. The effect of particles’ shape, and impact velocity and angle, on the wear of glass edges was investigated. Fundamental differences were observed between wear by abrasive and smooth particles. These differences were attributed to the mechanisms of material removal by abrasive iii and smooth balls. Abrasive balls remove material by the sharp indentation of their surface asperities, whereas smooth particles lack such sharp peaks and hence apply blunt indentation on the edges. To identify the fundamental differences between material removal by sharp and blunt indenters, a series of indentation experiments were carried out on glass edges. Subsequently, these differences were discussed in terms of their implications on wear by abrasive and smooth particles.

L'obésité et les salaires au Canada

Thevenin, Sylvie January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'augmentation soutenue de l'obésité au cours des dernières décennies est un phénomène partagé, à différents degrés, par tous les pays développés et en voie de développement. L'obésité constitue un problème majeur de santé qui a un impact notable sur l'économie. D'une part, au niveau macroéconomique, les coûts d'un système de santé public sont affectés par l'obésité. D'autre part, au niveau microéconomigue, le fait d'être obèse peut avoir un effet sur les résultats économiques individuels. À ce titre, ce document vise à étudier l'effet d'être obèse sur les salaires au Canada. Plusieurs études existantes ont abordé cette question en utilisant des données sur la population des États-Unis et de certains pays d'Europe. Cependant, au moment de la rédaction de ce mémoire, il n'existe aucune étude sur l'obésité en lien avec les questions salariales au Canada. Les premiers résultats issus de la présente étude révèlent qu'il existerait un impact négatif de l'obésité sur le salaire des canadiens et des canadiennes. D'un point de vue qualitatif, ces résultats sont en ligne avec diverses études américaines traitant de ce sujet. Toutefois, l'impact quantitatif apparaît comme étant plus important au Canada. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Obésité, Obèse, Société, Salaire, Santé.

Étude exploratoire sur l'influence de la publicité chez quatre adolescentes

Girard, Chantale 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude exploratoire cherche à mettre à jour l'influence de la publicité chez les adolescentes. Cette influence est envisagée d'une part en ce qui concerne l'achat de vêtements et de produits de beauté et d'autre part en relation avec des facteurs sociologiques tels que l'estime de soi et la recherche identitaire. C'est par les éclairages tirés de la sociologie, de la communication, de la psychologie et de l'anthropologie que l'influence publicitaire sur les adolescentes est articulée au fil des chapitres. À partir de cet ensemble, une grille de dimensions est induite et élaborée pour notre méthodologie de recherche qualitative. Ainsi, quatre Montréalaises entre 12 et 17 ans ont été retenues pour contribuer à notre étude. C'est au moyen d'une analyse de leur discours confronté au recensement des recherches que nos constats furent réalisés. Ces derniers révèlent un désir de singularisation plus fort que l'influence des amis et de la publicité dans le désir d'acheter. Notre analyse confirme l'action des stéréotypes de beauté sur la dimension de l'estime de soi, mettant en lumière l'esprit vif et critique des jeunes filles envers les stratégies commerciales. Nous y découvrons l'importance de la famille et des garçons dans le comportement d'achat et d'habillement. En conclusion est soulignée l'ampleur grandissante du placement de produit et d'Internet semblant influencer davantage les adolescentes dans leur comportement d'achats que la publicité traditionnelle. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : adolescence, singularisation, identité, estime de soi, publicité, famille, pairs, achat, marque.

Facteurs prévisionnels du développement de l'état de stress post-traumatique à la suite d'un événement traumatique chez les policiers

Martin, Mélissa January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les événements traumatiques (ÉT) peuvent susciter des séquelles psychologiques importantes pour les individus qui en sont victimes, comme un état de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT). Les policiers représentent une population à risque d'être exposée à des ÉT dans le cadre de leur travail et sont donc susceptibles de développer un ÉSPT. Ce trouble peut amener des répercussions considérables sur le fonctionnement psychosocial, la qualité de vie des individus qui en souffrent, entraîner une interférence marquée au niveau du travail et peut conduire à des coûts sociaux exorbitants. Ainsi, après l'exposition à un ÉT, il importe de pouvoir distinguer les facteurs qui influencent le développement et le maintien de réactions post-traumatiques (facteurs de risque) de ceux qui favorisent un retour plus rapide à une vie normale en prévenant l'apparition de symptômes post-traumatiques ou en atténuant leur intensité (facteurs de protection). L'identification des prédicteurs de l'ÉSPT chez une population policière s'avère primordiale et permettra de développer ultérieurement des stratégies de prévention et d'intervention efficaces. Le chapitre I présente une recension des principaux facteurs prévisionnels pouvant influencer l'ÉSPT dans la population générale et chez les policiers. Le chapitre II comprend un article empirique qui porte sur les facteurs de risque et de protection qui prédisent les réactions post-traumatiques chez une population de policiers. Le chapitre III dévoile les résultats d'un deuxième article empirique qui examine l'impact de l'exposition à un ÉT et l'impact d'un ÉSPT chez les policiers. Finalement, le chapitre IV présente une discussion générale et une analyse critique des résultats obtenus dans les deux articles empiriques tout en exposant des considérations méthodologiques, des pistes de recherche futures et des implications cliniques. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : État de stress post-traumatique, Prédicteurs, Facteurs de risque, Facteurs de protection, Policiers, Facteurs prévisionnels.

Simulation as a means of providing input to the CSMT

Harrysson, Frida January 2010 (has links)
The Collaborative Synchronization Management Tool (CSMT) is an analysis tool that enables morphological and statistical analysis of plans. Input to the CSMT consists of a Cross Impact Matrix (CIM) where the relationships between the different activities of a plan are reflected as its values. This thesis proposes Modeling and Simulation as an alternative method of generating the CIM-values. The usage of this method will hopefully increase traceability and limit subjectivity, and it will also be less time-consuming. Determining the level of detail of the models was shown to be a challenge, as well as finding a suitable case scenario to validate the generation method more thoroughly. The results have provided positive indicators to the usefulness of the generation method of input to the CSMT but the evaluation remains somewhat inconclusive.

CRM Impact - Experiences from some multinational companies

Yayintas, Hakan, Bjelevac, Jasmina January 2010 (has links)
Problem Discussion:  CRM has a growing trend of popularity in recent years within the multinational industrial companies, but at the same time; CRM initiatives achieved high failure rates to the point that it has become more common for CRM implementations to fail than to succeed. Thus as a result, the majority of companies fail to achieve CRM Impact in their organizations. Research Question:  Which basic elements are important to achieve CRM Impact within the chosen multinational industrial companies? Purpose: The thesis aims to describe and analyze CRM Impact within the chosen multinational industrial companies, by using the chosen theoretical framework. Methodology: Several company experiences are investigated through an exploratory qualitative investigation, and then analyzed with the help of theoretical framework. Conclusion: Authors have found that the most important basic elements to achieve CRM Impact within the chosen multinational industrial companies are: a supportive top management, and well-established knowledge management capabilities.

The Economics of Sport : The impact of professional sports on the local economy

Kloow, Christopher January 2011 (has links)
Economics of sport is not an extensively well covered subject in Sweden and the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of professional sport on the local economy, and also shed some light on the situation of this subject in Sweden. Seven municipalities housing a professional hockey team and seven municipalities without any hockey team was compared and analysed to view any differ-ence of two sets of local economies. The finding was that professional sport has no effect on the number of workers in the restaurant sector. This sector act as an indicator on how the local economy was affected. Therefore, the local government should not motivate investments and subsidies aimed at profes-sional sport with the promises that it will increase income and job in the municipalities.

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