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Pragmatisk språkstörningLöfgren, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker kännedom om och syn på pragmatiska språkstörningar bland lärare. Allt högre krav ställs på att kunna kommunicera och samspela med andra människor på ett skickligt och lämpligt sätt. I dagens informationssamhälle, med dess stora flöde av envägskommunikation, hamnar det goda samtalet, dialogen, på undantag. I dialogen lär man sig tidigt att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation utifrån samhällets fastlagda normer. Intresset för pragmatik har ökat de senaste decennierna, och följaktligen intresset för pragmatiska språkstörningar. Forskning i främst Storbritannien och USA visar att det finns barn som har problem att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation, där inga andra språksvårigheter föreligger. Även Sverige ligger långt fram inom forskningen om språkstörning. Vid Lunds universitet har man översatt ett frågeformulär som är till hjälp för att kartlägga barn med pragmatisk språkstörning. Fem lärare, verksamma i år F-9, intervjuades och med sina skiftande utbildningsbakgrunder uttryckte de sina uppfattningar om pragmatisk språkstörning. Studien visar att kännedom om symptom på pragmatisk språkstörning finns, men till diagnosen PLI ställde man sig mer tveksam. Samtidigt som det är viktigt för barn att få hjälp med de svårigheter de har, måste utbildade lärare lita till sin kompetens och inte låta experter och läkare få ensamrätt på att bedöma mänskligt beteende.
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Sentence repetition as a tool to measure grammatical progress in English-dominant bilingual children with language and/or reading impairmentLongo, Beata Korytkowski 17 June 2011 (has links)
In this thesis four children, between the ages of 6 and 7, identified as at risk for language or reading impairment, participated in a bilingual intervention. The bilingual literacy intervention included a grammatical component that incorporated past tense verb, noun phrase, and prepositional phrase instruction. The children completed a sentence repetition test (SRT), which allowed examiners to measure grammatical progress over the coarse of the intervention. Overall SRT results showed that moderate grammatical gains were made during the intervention. The study also provided data on the sensitivity of SRT in targeted grammatical areas. The results showed that the past tense verb and noun phrase portions of the SRT had low sensitivity to progress. These findings suggest that clinicians can use SRT to measure overall progress; however, supplemental tasks should be used to evaluate past tense verb and noun phrase abilities in English-dominant bilingual children with language or reading impairment. / text
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Relações entre processamento fonológico e alterações de leitura e escrita em crianças com Distúrbio Específico de LinguagemAna Paola Nicolielo 21 August 2009 (has links)
A compreensão da relação entre linguagem oral e escrita tem se concentrado nos estudos sobre o processamento fonológico (PF). Limitações neste processamento são apontadas como responsáveis pelas dificuldades fonológicas, lexicais, de compreensão e de escrita das crianças com Distúrbio Especifico de Linguagem (DEL). Os objetivos desta dissertação foram: verificar a ocorrência de alteração nas habilidades da linguagem escrita e nas habilidades do PF em crianças com DEL; comparar o desempenho entre crianças com DEL e com Desenvolvimento Típico de Linguagem (DTL) quanto as habilidades do PF e verificar se ha associação entre as habilidades do PF e as de linguagem escrita em crianças com DEL, e ainda, se ha uma habilidade do PF que se destaca nesta associação. Participaram deste estudo 40 sujeitos: 20 com diagnostico de DEL (GE) e 20 com DTL (GC) com idades entre 7 e 10 anos de ambos os sexos. Para avaliação das habilidades do PF foram aplicados os seguintes procedimentos: prova de repetição de não palavras para avaliação da Memória de Trabalho Fonológica (MTF), Teste de Nomeação Automatizada Rápida (RAN) para avaliação do Acesso Lexical (AL) e Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas para avaliação da Consciência Fonológica (CF). Para avaliação da linguagem escrita os seguintes sub-testes do Teste de Analise de Leitura e Escrita (TALE) foram utilizados: leitura e compreensão de texto, ditado e escrita espontânea. Para analise estatística foi utilizado o teste Qui Quadrado, sendo adotado nível de significância estatística 0,05. A ocorrência de alterações na linguagem escrita na grande maioria dos sujeitos com DEL na amostra estudada foi constatada. As crianças deste grupo apresentaram desempenhos significantemente piores nas provas do PF quando comparadas as do GC. A existência de associação entre desempenho em provas de leitura e escrita e o desempenho em provas do PF foi confirmada. As analises estatísticas evidenciaram que a MTF foi aquela que apresentou maior nível de significância com as provas de leitura e de escrita. Pode-se concluir que a grande maioria das crianças com DEL apresentam alteração nas habilidades de linguagem escrita e do PF; elas apresentaram desempenho significantemente pior em relação aquelas com DTL nas habilidades do PF; ha associação entre desempenho em provas de leitura e escrita e provas do PF, sendo que as dificuldades nas habilidades do PF podem justificar as dificuldades de linguagem escrita; a MTF foi aquela que apresentou maior associação, o que reforça a hipótese de que defasagem na MTF e um forte marcador psicolingüístico nos quadros de DEL. / The understanding of the relationship between oral language and written language hás focused on studies on the phonological processing (PP). Limitations in this area have been identified as one of those responsible, in addition for lexical difficulties and comprehension difficulties, for the phonological disorders of children with specific language impairment (SLI) and the consequent alteration in the written language. This study aimed: verifying the occurrence of alterations in the written language skills and abilities of the PP in children with SLI; compare the performance between children with SLI and typical language development (TLD) and the abilities of the PP; check the association between the PP and the skills of written language in children with SLI, and, if there is one skill of the PP that stands out in these association. Participated of these study 40 subjects: 20 with SLI (EG) and 20 with TDL (CG), with ages between 7 and 10 years old, of the both sexes. For evaluation of the PP the following procedures had been used: non words repetition proof of the Prova de Memoria de Trabalho Fonologica, Teste de Nomeacao Automatizada e Rapida (RAN), for evaluation the lexical acces, and the Perfil de Habilidades Fonologicas, for evaluate the phonological awareness. For evaluation of written language the following subtests of the Teste de Analise de Leitura e Escrita TALE had been used: reading and understanding of text, dictated and spontaneous writing. Statistical analysis was performed using the Qui Quadrado test, and adopted level of statistical significance 0.05. The occurrence of alteration in the written language in most of the subjects with SLI in the sample was found. Children in this group had significantly worse performance in tests of PP when compared to the CG. The existence of the association between performance in tests of reading and writing and performance in tests of PP was confirmed. Statistical analysis showed that the phonological working memory (PWM) was one that showed higher level of significance with the proof reading and writing. It was observed that the majority of children with SLI have alterations in the skills of written language and the PP, they performed significantly worse for those with skills in TDL of PF; there is association between performance in tests of the PP and evidence reading and writing, and that difficulties in the abilities of the PP may explain the difficulties of written language. The PWM was what stood out most in this association, which reinforces the hypothesis, that deficit the PWM is a strong psycholinguistics marker of SLI.
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Perda do valor de recuperação em ativos de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás / Impairment in oil and gas exploration and production assetsJoão Carlos de Aguiar Domingues 09 February 2010 (has links)
A atividade de exploração e produção (E&P) de óleo e gás caracteriza-se por ser tipicamente de capital intensivo, envolver altos riscos e longos prazos de maturação dos investimentos, evidenciando valores significativos dos ativos empregados e apresentando, consequentemente, dificuldade na recuperação dos valores capitalizados. Assim, o teste para verificar a recuperação dos valores dos ativos impairment tem importância acentuada para o setor. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou identificar o impacto das variações no preço do petróleo e no volume de reservas provadas sobre a perda do valor de recuperação (impairment) atribuída aos ativos de E&P de empresas petrolíferas listadas na NYSE, durante o período que correspondeu aos relatórios contábeis de 2003 a 2008. Para tal: (i) foram caracterizadas a indústria e a contabilidade para o setor petrolífero, sobretudo o seu principal segmento, de E&P; (ii) foram levantadas as principais normas norte-americanas, internacionais e brasileiras que orientam a metodologia do teste de impairment, evidenciando suas diferenças; (iii) foi apresentada a aplicação do teste de impairment especificamente na indústria petrolífera e (iv) foram levantadas evidências empíricas para serem identificadas as influências das variáveis selecionadas sobre a despesa de impairment atribuída ao segmento de E&P. Na caracterização da indústria petrolífera e de sua contabilidade ficaram evidentes características peculiares como, por exemplo, a possibilidade de escolha de um dos dois métodos de contabilização para os gastos incorridos nas atividades de E&P. Na análise das normas que orientam o teste de impairment, constatou-se que, apesar das consideráveis semelhanças, as diferenças observadas podem distorcer o real objetivo do instrumento, que é o de garantir que os registros contábeis retratem o valor mais acurado possível dos benefícios econômicos futuros que os ativos podem gerar à entidade. Na análise da aplicação do teste na indústria petrolífera, ficou evidente o risco existente na atividade de E&P, o que atribui a seus ativos uma incerteza na realização dos fluxos de caixas futuros. E, por fim, na análise de como as variáveis selecionadas se relacionam e, consequentemente, influenciam as Despesas de Impairment de E&P, observou-se, principalmente, a relação inversa dessa variável com os valores de Descobertas. Esses resultados dão indícios de que a variável Descoberta deve ser premissa levada em consideração no cálculo do valor de recuperação de um ativo de E&P. / Oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) is characterized as an activity that is typically capital-intensive, involves high risks and long investment maturity terms, with high values of assets used and, consequently, difficulties to recover capitalized amounts. Hence, impairment tests are very important to the sector. In that context, this research aimed to identify the impact of variations in oil prices and proven reserve volumes in the impairment of E&P assets of oil companies listed on NYSE, during the period corresponding to the financial statements between 2003 and 2008. Therefore, (i) the industry and accounting for the oil sector were characterized, particularly its main segment, which is E&P, (ii) the main North American, international and Brazilian standards were survey which guide the impairment test method, evidencing differences, (iii) the application of the impairment test was presented, specifically in the oil industry, and (iv) empirical evidence was raised to identify the influences of the identified variables on impairment expense attributed to the E&P segment. In the characterization of the oil industry and its accounting, peculiar characteristics were evidenced, such as, for example, the possibility to choose between one of two methods to account for costs incurred in E&P activities. In the analysis of the standards guiding the impairment test, it was verified that, despite considerable similarities, the observed differences can distort the true goal of this instrument, which is to guarantee that accounting records picture the value of the future economic benefits the assets can create for the entity as precisely as possible. In the analysis of the test application to the oil industry, the risk of E&P activities was evidenced, which entails uncertainty for the realization of these assets future cash flows. And, finally, in the analysis of how the selected variables are related and, consequently, influence Impairment Expenses of E&P, the main observation was related to the inverse relation between this variable and the values of Discoveries. These results indicate that the Discovery variable should be a premise taken into account when calculating the recovery value of an E&P asset.
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L’adoption des normes IFRS : l’harmonisation inachevée / IFRS adoption : an unachieved harmonisationBrébisson, Hélène de 20 November 2017 (has links)
Malgré une large adoption des normes comptables internationales, les pratiques restent diversifiées. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse explorent les raisons possibles à cette harmonisation inachevée. Un premier chapitre identifie les politiques d’adoption des IFRS menées dans le monde et leurs déterminants. Les chapitres suivants analysent le rôle de la langue, du système juridique et de l’usage de l’information comptable par les préparateurs, comme obstacles possibles à l’harmonisation des pratiques. Les résultats mettent en évidence un certain nombre de difficultés : les normes IFRS n’ont pas toujours la même place dans les réglementations locales ; la traduction des normes achoppe sur la difficulté majeure de traduction de principes fondateurs ; les normes doivent s’adapter à des systèmes juridiques divers ; enfin l’information comptable sert à la fois pour des besoins externes et internes, ce qui peut donner lieu à des pratiques hétérogènes. Des pistes d’amélioration émergent toutefois. Certaines politiques d’adoption semblent plus propices à une application cohérente du référentiel, en particulier lorsque les entités soumises à ces normes peuvent les utiliser pour tous leurs jeux de comptes. Certains pays européens ont mis en oeuvre une pratique continentale du principe de substance, sous une forme différente du système anglo-saxon, mais avec une même finalité en termes de traitements comptables. En France où le principe n’est pas formellement intégré en comptabilité, cette prééminence de la substance est déjà prise en compte dans d’autres domaines réglementaires, réduisant la difficulté pressentie à son introduction dans le droit comptable / Despite a wide adoption of international standards, IFRS practice remains diverse. The studies presented in this thesis explore the possible reasons for this unachieved harmonisation. The first chapter identifies the IFRS adoption policies throughout the world and their determinants. The following chapters analyse the role of language, legal system and usage of financial information by preparers, as potential obstacles to practices’ homogeneity. The result unveil some issues: IFRS standards do not have the same function in local regulations; standards’ translation stumbles over the major difficulty related to fundamental principles; standards need to adapt to various legal systems; finally the financial information is used both for internal and external use which can result in heterogeneous practices. Ways to improve still appeared. Some adoption policies appear to conduct to a coherent application of IFRS, in particular when entities have the possibility to follow the same standards for all their accounts. Some European countries have found a continental way to use the substance over form principle, different from the Anglo-Saxon, yet with the same target in terms of accounting rules. In France where the substance principle is not formally integrated in accounting, this principle is already used by other regulatory fields, which comforts the feasibility of its introduction in our accounting law.
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Reading acquisition in pupils with visual impairments in mainstream educationFellenius, Kerstin January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is based on five empirical studies of pupils with visual impairments, their reading ability and processes of reading acquisition within the framework of mainstream education in comprehensive schools. The aim of the thesis is to increase our understanding and knowledge of reading acquisition in pupils with visual impairments in mainstream education. A further aim is to find factors, which influence reading acquisition from an individual, as well as an environmental, perspective. Developmental theories regarding the individuals' possibilities to acquire an optimal development in interaction with their environment offer a theoretical framework for the thesis. Different research designs, descriptive and explorative, have been used to fulfil the purpose. The studies have revealed a heterogeneous group of readers with visual impairments bearing in mind functional visual ability, reading media (print and braille) and reading ability. As a result of these studies, it was possible to divide the readers into three groups with regard to reading performance. About one quarter of the population was average or high achievers, another quarter extremely low achievers, irrespective of visual acuity, reading media or reading devices. In most cases, additional impairments, intellectual impairment or language problems caused low achievement. The largest group, about half of the population, consisted of readers who were able to read but demonstrated difficulties in other ways. Visual acuity and reading media varied greatly in this group. There were uncertain readers, readers with low reading rate but good comprehension, readers with less stamina and readers who did not use their reading ability except for schoolwork. The pupils were well equipped with optical devices, lighting and special desks but seldom used the facilities for reading. In general, the pupils with visual impairments read less compared with their sighted peers. Nor were they exposed to text in natural situations in society, which decrease their incidental reading training. Consequently, a large group of readers with visual impairments need an adapted reading program in order to stimulate reading from the start and to use their potential ability. Competence in the school and home environment is necessary for compensating lack of training and preventing the visual impairment being the reason for reading difficulties. Reading disabilities due to biological factors were significant for a smaller group. Visual impairment as a reading handicap is, in this thesis, identified when a person, able to read, does not have access to the text in an appropriate reading medium or format, reading and writing tools are missing or reading must be performed in a badly adapted environment. Increased knowledge and effective environmental measures could reduce a reading handicap caused by a visual impairment for a larger group of children and young people. / <p>Härtill 5 uppsatser. Endast sammanfattning s. 1-93 i fulltext.</p><p></p>
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Using the right tool for the right situation: tailoring remediation plans for problem trainees within accredited marriage and family therapy programsMcDaniel, Kara Z. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Anthony Jurich / Within the field of medicine and clinical/counseling psychology, there has been an overabundance of research and literature devoted to specific areas of focus such as trainee impairment, remediation, and dismissal procedures. Although literature does exist in relation to the specific types of remediation methods being used by graduate training programs, no research to date, however, has addressed what types of remediation methods would be most effective in response to the various types of impairment experienced by therapists-in-training (Russell & Peterson, 2003; Forrest et al., 1997). Using a modified version of the Delphi method, the present study seeks to bridge this existing gap by exploring the types of remediation methods deemed most effective for the specific types of impairment experienced by trainees within master’s and doctoral level accredited Marriage and Family Therapy graduate training programs.
The purpose of the study was to answer the following questions:
1. What, given a list of impairments and
remediation methods would, supervisors
and/or professors within MFT graduate
training programs list as the most
effective type of remediation method for
a specific type of impairment?
2. Given the initial answers of experts,
once they are provided the answers from
their colleagues, can they come to a
greater consensus about the most
effective remediation methods for
specific types of impairment?
Those remediation methods chosen by panelists that had a median of 6.00 to 7.00
and interquartile range of 0.00 to 1.50 made the final profile. Results indicated that, given the initial answers of experts, the panel of experts was able to reach a greater consensus about which types of remediation methods they deemed most effective in responding to the corresponding types of impairment. Furthermore, during the first phase of questioning, the panel of experts also generated relevant commentaries with regard to responding to student impairment. Finally, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
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Analyse des troubles de la métamémoire de la phase pré-symptomatique de la maladie d'Alzheimer / Analysis disorders of metamemory in the pre-symptomatic phase of Alzheimer's diseaseSambuchi, Nathalie 17 December 2014 (has links)
La difficulté de la plainte mnésique est son aspect subjectif et son évaluation. Le concept de Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI) est une réalité épidémiologique. Nous rapportons ici notre expérience, au sein du service de neurologie Comportementale des Hôpitaux sud de MARSEILLE d'une cohorte de sujets consultants sur une période de plus de 6 ans, sur le plan neurologique, neuropsychologique et de la neuroimagerie. Le SCI représente un état anatomo-clinique défini, qu'on peut séparer à la fois des Contrôles Normaux (CN) et des Mild Cognitive Impairment-Amnésiques (MCI-A), sur le plan neuropsychologique, anatomique en IRM. Un suivi, sur une relativement courte période, permet de noter le passage de SCI en MCI-A, voir beaucoup plus rarement de SCI en Maladie d'Alzheimer-Légère (MA-L). Ces sujets évolutifs peuvent être repérés dès le premier bilan, par un test de mémoire épisodique verbale, comme le RAVLT RD. Ce test permet de prédire l'évolutivité des SCI et de caractériser les sujets susceptibles d'évoluer vers un MCI-A à 1 an. Pour améliorer l'étude de la plainte cognitive, il est important d'avoir un outil adapté. Le Memory Functioning Questionnaire (MFQ) est incomparablement plus efficace et plus précis que le Subjective Cognitive Deficit (SCD), dans l'approche diagnostique CN / SCI. L'atteinte directe de l'aire 10, qui sous-tendrait la métamémoire, à ce stade n'est pas prouvée mais pourrait être dû à une dysconnexion par atteinte de la substance blanche du faisceau cingulaire, dans sa partie antérieure. A ce stade, les sujets vont donc se plaindre du fonctionnement de leur mémoire, à cause des mauvaises informations reçues et traitées par l'aire 10. / The difficulty of the memory complaint is its subjective expression and its evaluation. The concept of Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI) is an epidemiological reality. We report our experience in the neurology department of Behavioral Hôpitaux Sud in Marseille a cohort of subjects over a period of more than 6 years, neurologically, neuropsychological and neuroimaging. SCI is a clinicopathological state defined wich can be separated from both Normal Controls (NC) and amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (A-MCI). MRI does not distinguish between CN and SCI. The SCI are different from the MCI-A, in terms of cognitive-behavioral and neuropsychological tests. Anatomically, MRI, differ A-MCI from SCI, by lesions of cerebral diffuse atrophy of hippocampal atrophy, anterior cingulated and atrophy, indicating a more intense underlying neurobiological processes. We can observe on a relatively short period, allows you to note the passing of SCI in A-MCI, or more rarely in Alzheimer‟s Disease (AD). These evolutionary topics can be identified as the first assessment, a test of verbal episodic memory, as RAVLT DR. This test predicts the scalability of SCI and characterizes subjects likely to progress to A-MCI to 1 year. To improve the study of cognitive complaint, it is important to have a suitable tool. The Memory Functioning Questionnaire (MFQ) is incomparably more efficient and accurate than the Subjective Cognitive Deficit (SCD) in the diagnostic CN / SCI approach. The direct interference of area 10, wich underlies metamemory, at this point is not proven but could be due to a disconnection by reaching the white matter of the cingulated bundle in its anterior region.
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Psigososiale aspekte van persone met gesiggestremdheid binne die werkplek : 'n MaatskaplikewerkperspektiefJansen van Rensburg, Maria Elizabeth 05 April 2007 (has links)
The goal of this study was to explore the psychosocial aspects within the workplace of people with visual impairment, after mobility training at Optima College Pretoria. The objectives of this study were: To build up a theoretical framework by means of a literature study as well as consultation with experts on the psychosocial aspects of people with visual impairment within the workplace after mobility training at Optima College. To conduct an empirical study of the psychosocial aspects of people with visual impairment within the workplace after mobility training at Optima College. To come to conclusions and to make recommendations for improved adaptation of people with visual impairment within the workplace. This qualitative study endeavoured to answer the following research question: What are the psychosocial aspects experienced by people with visual impairment within the workplace and what are the viewpoints of supervisors and colleagues in this regard? By answering this question, the researcher aimed to document these experiences to understand the phenomenon and to make recommendations for improved adaptation within the workplace. Non-probability sampling methods were used to select the five respondents. Data was gathered by conducting interviews, using semi-structured interview schedules with five people with visual impairment, as well as a supervisor and colleague for each of the five respondents. These interviews were taped and transcribed and subsequently analysed, extracting themes as well as sub-themes. The study was feasible, as it was within the financial and practical means of the researcher. She had access to the target group and she had permission from Optima College to conduct the study, using their resources, clients and data. Five main themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: 1.The adaptation at Optima College and the experience of the training 2.Adaptation at the workplace and investments made by the employers 3.Psychosocial aspects experienced within the workplace as well as in the community 4.The experiences of the supervisor of the person with visual impairment 5.The experiences of the colleague of the person with visual impairment. From the research findings, recommendations were made on micro, macro and meso-levels. On micro-level, people with visual impairment can play a role by telling supervisors and colleagues about their needs and problems. On macro-level, recent employers of people with visual impairment can motivate other employers to employ people with visual impairment. When stigmatization as well as prejudices are removed from society, employers will be more motivated to employ people with visual impairment. On meso-level, Optima College, the South African National Council for the Blind, as well as public media, can play a leading role in publishing positive articles regarding people with visual impairment in the workplace. Optima College must continue with the training of people with visual impairment. / Dissertation (MSD (Health Care))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted
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The automatic segmentation of the human amygdala in amnestic mild cognitive impairmentMurati, Anastasia 17 July 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical condition that is characterized by mild changes in cognition. The amnestic form of MCI (aMCI) primarily affects memory and is thought to represent a stage between healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The medial temporal lobe (MTL) and the limbic system are two areas of the brain that have been implicated in the amnestic form of MCI. While MCI represents a risk factor for AD, it does not always lead to dementias. Being a carrier of the APOE Ɛ4 allele has also shown to increase chances of progression from MCI to AD.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the subnuclei of the amygdala, along with other specific regions within the MTL, can differentiate between cognitively normal individuals and age-matched subjects with aMCI.
METHODS: T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from two sources, the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center (BU-ADC) and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), was compiled for cross-sectional analysis. 95 scans in total from 45 cognitively normal participants and 50 diagnosed with aMCI were analyzed and the volumes of interest were automatically generated by the developmental version of FreeSurfer v6.0. To evaluate how well the volumes could predict either group membership (i.e. control group or MCI group) or APOE Ɛ4 status (i.e. carrier or noncarrier), the variables were assessed by nominal logistic regression models.
RESULTS: Six of the nine nuclei of the amygdala had significantly reduced volumes in the aMCI group compared to controls. The whole amygdala and the perirhinal cortex also demonstrated reduced volumes in the aMCI group compared to the control group. The whole amygdala was a good predictor of group membership (R2 = 0.1386, whole model test chi square = 18.21558, p = 0.0004), but none of the subnuclei were good predictors individually. A model containing the 9 nuclei, the entorhinal cortex, and the perirhinal cortex provided a good fit for predicting APOE Ɛ4 status fit (R2 = 0.3000, whole model test chi square = 36.29563, p = 0.0002) and the best predictor was the corticoamygdaloid transition area of the amygdala.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study confirm previous findings of reduced whole amygdala volume and add to the limited literature of reduced perirhinal cortex and amygdaloid nuclei volumes in MCI compared to healthy controls. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first time the automatic segmentation atlas was used to analyze the volumes of nine subnuclei of the amygdala in a population of aMCI. Our model testing the volume of the whole amygdala accurately predicted aMCI subjects with 58% accuracy and controls with 70% accuracy; the accuracy rose to 69% when the entorhinal cortex and the perirhinal cortex were added to the model to predict aMCI subjects from controls. Additionally, the model for predicting APOE Ɛ4 status identified noncarriers of the allele at 85% accuracy. Future studies should consider increasing the sample size to better assess small ROIs and assess for differences in the separate hemispheres.
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