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Marketing a management ubytovacího zařízení v udržitelném cestovním ruchu / Marketing and management of an accommodation establishment in conditions of sustainable tourismMAŘÍKOVÁ, Karla January 2017 (has links)
The thesis investigates potential improvements of the competitiveness of accommodation in the tourism in the context of sustainability and responsibility based on an analysis of internal and external business environment. The theoretical part deals with the tourism market, a company in tourism, the business environment of the company and its analysis and the reader is also presented with the process and the types of marketing research. In the practical part the selected accommodation is presented and subsequently examined by means of the individual analyses of its internal and external business environments. One analysis also includes the survey conducted among business customers. Analyses of business environment showed that the company has a great potential for further development. Its strengths outweigh the weaknesses. The practical part includes a structured interview with the owner of the company. The research showed that customers are generally very satisfied and recommend the company further. Despite these positive facts it was estab- lished that the occupancy of this accommodation is much lower than it could be. There- fore the measures were suggested that should help the company to solve this problem and also to further develop in the future. It was recommended for example to introduce an online contextual advertising, to use modern volunteer tourism, or crowdfunding.
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Inclusão no ensino superior : itinerários de vida de acadêmicos com necessidade educionais especiaisMomberger, Moana Meinhardt January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo compreender como os sujeitos com necessidades educacionais especiais vêem e percebem os movimentos em prol da educação inclusiva, bem como identificar quais suas perspectivas com relação à inclusão, explorando, ainda, os processos inclusivos no Ensino Superior. Para tanto, utilizou-se como estratégia metodológica a análise dos itinerários de vida de três acadêmicos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A escolha desses sujeitos se deu devido ao fato de possibilitarem a análise das práticas de inclusão tanto na educação básica quanto no contexto universitário. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os três sujeitos investigados e os dados coletados foram analisados a partir dos pressupostos da teoria sócio-histórica e dos estudos sobre defectologia de Vygotski. Considerando que não foram estabelecidas categorias de análise a priori, os dados coletados foram agrupados, num esforço que buscou identificar aspectos recorrentes, referenciados nas entrevistas que fossem ao encontro dos objetivos traçados para a pesquisa. Isto posto, foram elencadas as seguintes categorias: o reconhecimento dado pelos sujeitos às suas famílias; os entraves e avanços no fazer inclusivo; as contribuições dos sujeitos para a qualificação das práticas inclusivas em educação e a inclusão no ensino superior. Os três itinerários demonstram a superação do estereotipo de deficiente a partir do investimento nas interações sociais dos sujeitos. A partir da análise dos dados pôde-se observar ainda que o preconceito apresenta-se como um dos principais entraves ao fazer inclusivo, o que por sua vez origina-se da falta de conhecimento e contato com as pessoas com necessidades especiais. Da mesma forma, a inclusão no ensino superior mostrou-se como um tema que precisa ser incorporado à pauta de estudos e debates da sociedade e, principalmente das instituições universitárias. Por fim, cabe ressaltar que os sujeitos com necessidades especiais se mostram abertos ao debate e à construção de uma sociedade inclusiva e muito tem a nos dizer e a contribuir. / The recent research had as a main objective to understand how individuals with educational disabilities see and realize the movements in favor of inclusive education, as well as to identify what are their perspectives towards this inclusion, exploring still, inclusive processes in higher education. Therefore, we used as methodology strategy the analyses of life itineraries of three students with special educational needs. These individuals were chosen due to the fact of making possible the analysis of inclusive practices in fundamental education as much as in the university context. There were made semi structured interviews with the three investigated persons and the collected data was analyzed from the postulates of the social-historical theory and the studies about Vygotski`s defectology. Considering that no categories of analysis a priori, were determined, the collected data was grouped in an effort that aimed to identify the recurrent aspects, regarding the interviews that were going to meet the objectives outlined for the research. After that, the following categories were listed: recognition given by the individuals to their families; the obstacles and improvements in the inclusive practice; contributions of the individuals to qualify the inclusive practice in education and the inclusion in higher education. The three itineraries demonstrate there has to be done investment in the social interactions of disabled people in order to overcome the stereotypes carried by them. From the data analyzed, we could observe still that the prejudice, which originated from the lack of knowledge and contact with people in special needs, comes as one of the main impediments of the inclusion. In the same way, the inclusion in higher education revealed as a subject that needs to be incorporated to the guideline of studies and debates of the society and, mainly of the university institutions. To sum up, it is important to stand out that the individuals with special needs are open to the debate and to the construction of an inclusive society and that they have a lot to say and to contribute.
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Inclusão no ensino superior : itinerários de vida de acadêmicos com necessidade educionais especiaisMomberger, Moana Meinhardt January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo compreender como os sujeitos com necessidades educacionais especiais vêem e percebem os movimentos em prol da educação inclusiva, bem como identificar quais suas perspectivas com relação à inclusão, explorando, ainda, os processos inclusivos no Ensino Superior. Para tanto, utilizou-se como estratégia metodológica a análise dos itinerários de vida de três acadêmicos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A escolha desses sujeitos se deu devido ao fato de possibilitarem a análise das práticas de inclusão tanto na educação básica quanto no contexto universitário. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os três sujeitos investigados e os dados coletados foram analisados a partir dos pressupostos da teoria sócio-histórica e dos estudos sobre defectologia de Vygotski. Considerando que não foram estabelecidas categorias de análise a priori, os dados coletados foram agrupados, num esforço que buscou identificar aspectos recorrentes, referenciados nas entrevistas que fossem ao encontro dos objetivos traçados para a pesquisa. Isto posto, foram elencadas as seguintes categorias: o reconhecimento dado pelos sujeitos às suas famílias; os entraves e avanços no fazer inclusivo; as contribuições dos sujeitos para a qualificação das práticas inclusivas em educação e a inclusão no ensino superior. Os três itinerários demonstram a superação do estereotipo de deficiente a partir do investimento nas interações sociais dos sujeitos. A partir da análise dos dados pôde-se observar ainda que o preconceito apresenta-se como um dos principais entraves ao fazer inclusivo, o que por sua vez origina-se da falta de conhecimento e contato com as pessoas com necessidades especiais. Da mesma forma, a inclusão no ensino superior mostrou-se como um tema que precisa ser incorporado à pauta de estudos e debates da sociedade e, principalmente das instituições universitárias. Por fim, cabe ressaltar que os sujeitos com necessidades especiais se mostram abertos ao debate e à construção de uma sociedade inclusiva e muito tem a nos dizer e a contribuir. / The recent research had as a main objective to understand how individuals with educational disabilities see and realize the movements in favor of inclusive education, as well as to identify what are their perspectives towards this inclusion, exploring still, inclusive processes in higher education. Therefore, we used as methodology strategy the analyses of life itineraries of three students with special educational needs. These individuals were chosen due to the fact of making possible the analysis of inclusive practices in fundamental education as much as in the university context. There were made semi structured interviews with the three investigated persons and the collected data was analyzed from the postulates of the social-historical theory and the studies about Vygotski`s defectology. Considering that no categories of analysis a priori, were determined, the collected data was grouped in an effort that aimed to identify the recurrent aspects, regarding the interviews that were going to meet the objectives outlined for the research. After that, the following categories were listed: recognition given by the individuals to their families; the obstacles and improvements in the inclusive practice; contributions of the individuals to qualify the inclusive practice in education and the inclusion in higher education. The three itineraries demonstrate there has to be done investment in the social interactions of disabled people in order to overcome the stereotypes carried by them. From the data analyzed, we could observe still that the prejudice, which originated from the lack of knowledge and contact with people in special needs, comes as one of the main impediments of the inclusion. In the same way, the inclusion in higher education revealed as a subject that needs to be incorporated to the guideline of studies and debates of the society and, mainly of the university institutions. To sum up, it is important to stand out that the individuals with special needs are open to the debate and to the construction of an inclusive society and that they have a lot to say and to contribute.
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Förframtida förbättringar : Kvalitetsutveckling med eleven i fokusViksten, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Detoffensiva kvalitetsarbetet i skolan studerades i detta arbete avseende kunden icentrum. Genom en kvalitativ fallstudie innehållande en enkät och studier avstyrdokument har Samernas utbildningscentrum i Jokkmokk studerats rörande omeleverna är nöjda med utbildningen eller ej samt hur utbildningen kanutvecklas. De öppna frågorna i enkäten fokuserade på områden vilka ärbetydelsefulla för att lärande ska kunna ske på ett optimalt sätt. Studienvisade att eleverna var nöjda med lärarinsatsen och sitt egetkunskapsförvärvande. Vidare hade eleverna god insikt i hur de kan använda sigav sina studier och en önskan att studera vidare. Inflytandet ochtillgängligheten var eleverna missnöjda med. För att förbättra elevernasstudiesituation föreslogs att eleverna får ett reellt inflytande över sinstudiesituation och att kommunikationen förbättras. / In the centre of this study about Total Quality Management was thecustomer. Through a qualitative case-study containing studies of policydocuments and a blank at Samernas utbildningscentrum in Jokkmokk has thepupils´ satisfaction with their education been studied. The questions in theblank were based on up-to-date research and literature concerning quality workwithin and outside school. Focus was on factors meaningful for optimallearning. The study´s result was that the pupils were satisfied with the workof the teacher and their own learning. Furthermore, the pupils understood howthey can use their inherited knowledge and they have a desire to progress evenmore through education. The influence and the availability were areas of greatdissatisfaction. To improve the situation for the pupils´ work actions shouldtake place increasing the pupils´ influence and make communication better. / <p>2017-10-13</p>
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Inclusão no ensino superior : itinerários de vida de acadêmicos com necessidade educionais especiaisMomberger, Moana Meinhardt January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo compreender como os sujeitos com necessidades educacionais especiais vêem e percebem os movimentos em prol da educação inclusiva, bem como identificar quais suas perspectivas com relação à inclusão, explorando, ainda, os processos inclusivos no Ensino Superior. Para tanto, utilizou-se como estratégia metodológica a análise dos itinerários de vida de três acadêmicos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A escolha desses sujeitos se deu devido ao fato de possibilitarem a análise das práticas de inclusão tanto na educação básica quanto no contexto universitário. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os três sujeitos investigados e os dados coletados foram analisados a partir dos pressupostos da teoria sócio-histórica e dos estudos sobre defectologia de Vygotski. Considerando que não foram estabelecidas categorias de análise a priori, os dados coletados foram agrupados, num esforço que buscou identificar aspectos recorrentes, referenciados nas entrevistas que fossem ao encontro dos objetivos traçados para a pesquisa. Isto posto, foram elencadas as seguintes categorias: o reconhecimento dado pelos sujeitos às suas famílias; os entraves e avanços no fazer inclusivo; as contribuições dos sujeitos para a qualificação das práticas inclusivas em educação e a inclusão no ensino superior. Os três itinerários demonstram a superação do estereotipo de deficiente a partir do investimento nas interações sociais dos sujeitos. A partir da análise dos dados pôde-se observar ainda que o preconceito apresenta-se como um dos principais entraves ao fazer inclusivo, o que por sua vez origina-se da falta de conhecimento e contato com as pessoas com necessidades especiais. Da mesma forma, a inclusão no ensino superior mostrou-se como um tema que precisa ser incorporado à pauta de estudos e debates da sociedade e, principalmente das instituições universitárias. Por fim, cabe ressaltar que os sujeitos com necessidades especiais se mostram abertos ao debate e à construção de uma sociedade inclusiva e muito tem a nos dizer e a contribuir. / The recent research had as a main objective to understand how individuals with educational disabilities see and realize the movements in favor of inclusive education, as well as to identify what are their perspectives towards this inclusion, exploring still, inclusive processes in higher education. Therefore, we used as methodology strategy the analyses of life itineraries of three students with special educational needs. These individuals were chosen due to the fact of making possible the analysis of inclusive practices in fundamental education as much as in the university context. There were made semi structured interviews with the three investigated persons and the collected data was analyzed from the postulates of the social-historical theory and the studies about Vygotski`s defectology. Considering that no categories of analysis a priori, were determined, the collected data was grouped in an effort that aimed to identify the recurrent aspects, regarding the interviews that were going to meet the objectives outlined for the research. After that, the following categories were listed: recognition given by the individuals to their families; the obstacles and improvements in the inclusive practice; contributions of the individuals to qualify the inclusive practice in education and the inclusion in higher education. The three itineraries demonstrate there has to be done investment in the social interactions of disabled people in order to overcome the stereotypes carried by them. From the data analyzed, we could observe still that the prejudice, which originated from the lack of knowledge and contact with people in special needs, comes as one of the main impediments of the inclusion. In the same way, the inclusion in higher education revealed as a subject that needs to be incorporated to the guideline of studies and debates of the society and, mainly of the university institutions. To sum up, it is important to stand out that the individuals with special needs are open to the debate and to the construction of an inclusive society and that they have a lot to say and to contribute.
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Aplicação do metodo de produção enxuta em processos administrativos / Application of lean manufacturing method in the administrative processScuccuglia, Marcelo 24 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Correa Lima / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T17:23:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Scuccuglia_Marcelo_M.pdf: 2240484 bytes, checksum: c02fc51b6008243d159c694c4346bcc0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O panorama atual do mundo dos negócios exige das empresas manter um elevado nível de qualidade nos produtos e serviços oferecidos, garantindo, dessa forma, a satisfação plena dos seus clientes. Além da qualidade exigida, as empresas estão, cada vez mais, atuando em função de seus clientes; procurando atender não só a especificação de um produto, mas também a expectativa dos serviços prestados. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho olha para esse novo cenário no mundo dos negócios e busca uma alternativa para melhorar os processos administrativos da Aços Villares, mais especificamente, ativar e tornar mais ágeis os processos da área comercial de cilindros de laminação. A metodologia adotada para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, baseada em benchmarkig realizado com outras empresas, que executaram trabalhos semelhantes, foi o Lean Manufacturing. É apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, onde mostra o histórico do modelo de produção da Toyota (TPS ¿ Toyota Production System) e as ferramentas de apoio aplicadas no processo (5S, kaizen, etc.). Todo o ambiente de implementação é analisado, desde a área da empresa até o mercado de atuação. O problema da área comercial é apresentado e discutido através de mapeamento do estado atual, ferramenta essencial na Manufatura Enxuta. O trabalho de implementação da melhoria é descrito desde o primeiro mapeamento futuro e planos de ação, até a primeira revisão dos mesmos. Os resultados atingidos são bons, pois consegue-se estabilizar os processos e diminuir os retrabalhos, além disso, são identificados vários cuidados para a aplicação da metodologia, possibilitando que trabalhos futuros sejam realizados com maior sustentabilidade / Abstract: The panorama of the business in the world today demands that companies keep a high level of quality in their products and services, guaranteeing the satisfaction of the customers. Beyond the quality of product, the companies are acting towards the customers needs, not only taking care of the product specifications, but also the client expectations about the services offered. The work presented, focus on these new characteristics and search for different alternatives to improve the administrative process of Aços Villares, specially the commercial operation of mill rolls. The methodology adopted, was based on benchmarking with others companies that developed similar jobs using the Lean Manufacturing. A bibliographic revision is also presented about this subject, where their history is also shown. The Toyota Production System (TPS) and some tools applied to support the process (5S, Kaizen, etc). The entire environment is analyzed, from the characteristic of the company until their market segment. The commercial department problem is presented and discussed through the value stream map, essential tool for the Lean Manufacturing. The implementation is described from the first future value stream map and improvements plan, until the first revision of the value stream map. The results are good, once that the processes are stabilized and the reworks and wastes decreased, afterwards many procedures for the implementations are identified, allowing futures works to be done with more sustainability / Mestrado / Planejamento Estrategico e Gerenciamento da Manufatura / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Análise e proposta de melhorias no processo de produção dos revestimentos de argamassa de fachadas de edifícios / Analysis and proposal of improvements in the process of production of mortar coverings of façades of buildings.Gabriela Mello Quina Diogo 17 August 2007 (has links)
O revestimento de argamassa de fachada é utilizado em praticamente todos os edifícios residenciais;assim, sua importância é caracterizada tanto pelo uso intenso, quanto por desempenhar importantes funções estéticas e de proteção do edifício, além de representar importante parcela do custo direto de construção e de manutenção das fachadas. O presente trabalho busca caracterizar, analisar e propor melhorias ao processo de produção dos revestimentos de argamassa de fachada de edifícios, particularmente quanto às etapas de projeto, execução e controle, através de levantamentos realizados em quatro obras de importantes empresas de construção na cidade de Santos. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em revisão bibliográfica, e posterior aplicação dos conceitos levantados nos estudos de caso. Com base neste estudo, foi possível identificar as condições locais de produção e os principais problemas enfrentados ao longo do processo, tendo sido possível à elaboração de sugestões de melhoria ao processo analisado. Além disso, espera-se que se possa contribuir também para a disseminação de ações de racionalização do processo de produção dos revestimentos de argamassa de fachada de edifícios; e, por conseqüência, contribuir para diminuir os problemas patológicos e os custos de produção das empresas construtoras. / The façade mortar covering is used in practically all residential buildings; thus, its importance is characterized by its intense use and also for playing important esthetic functions in building protection. Besides the fact, that it represents an important parcel of the direct cost of construction and façade\'s maintenance. The present work searches to characterize, analyze and consider improvements in the process of production of mortar covering, particularly related to each stage of the project, execution and control by surveys carried through four construction sites of important construction companies in the city of Santos. The methodology used consisted of bibliographical revision, and posterior application of the concepts researched in the case studies. Based on this study, it was possible to identify local conditions of production and the main problems faced throughout the process, having been possible to elaborate suggestions of improvement to the analyzed process. Moreover, it is expected that it can also contribute to the dissemination of façade\'s production management. Consequently, contributing to diminish the pathological problems and lowering the cost of production for contractors.
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Eco-innovation : tools to facilitate early-stage workshopsJones, Elies January 2003 (has links)
This thesis presents research carried out into the use of creative tools at the early stages of eco-innovation. Eco-innovation is a practical approach aiming to develop new products and processes which significantly decrease our impact on the environment. Designers are trained to develop profitable products that increase production and consumption. Eco-innovation is a new discipline in which designers can radically reduce the environmental burdens of production and consumption through the innovation of new types of products and services. The main aim of this research was to develop an approach that would promote significant environmental improvements whilst remaining a practical, design-focused discipline. Problems and under-investigated aspects of eco-innovation were identified: • Creative approaches at early stages of eco-innovation were under-investigated and few tools had been developed for use at the early stages. • Empirical design research techniques had rarely been used to assess new eco-innovation tools or to inform their subsequent development. The focus of the research work was the development and testing of tools to facilitate workshops at the early stages of eco-innovation. Not only was the goal to facilitate the generation of radical ideas but also to ensure that these were developed into appropriate solutions having the potential to be taken up in industry. The development of the tools was based on literature research, worked examples and interviews. The tools were tested in controlled workshop experiments and the results were analysed using various empirical techniques. First, an idea-recording technique to improve the efficiency of generating and harvesting ideas in a team design process was developed. This novel tool was called the Product Ideas Tree (PIT) diagram. The tool was tested for its ability to facilitate design workshops. Secondly, a structured approach to innovation - the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) - was investigated. Worked examples using some of the tools from TRIZ were presented and a limited number of tools were selected and simplified for testing in team design workshops. The PIT diagram and TRIZ tools experiments established which attributes of the tools and approaches were most beneficial. The development and testing of these specific tools provided the following general contributions to eco-innovation: • A model for eco-innovation that describes the factors influencing the discipline and the attributes of good practice. • A recommended process to transform radical ideas into appropriate solutions to improve their potential to be taken up in industry. • General insights into the use of tools in early-stage workshops such as: tool selection, integration into existing processes, system-level problem solving and providing thematic information. • Suggested improvements for testing tools in controlled workshop experiments.
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Blogg somverktyg för internkommunikation : Stimulanseller hinder i förbättringsarbete?Kantarp, Emma, Karlsson, Monika January 2017 (has links)
Användningen av ledningsbloggar som verktyg för internkommunikation har ökat, samtidigt som forskning visar att högsta ledningen i många organisationer ser brister i sin kommunikativa förmåga. Kombinationen av ett begränsat forskningsunderlag kring fenomenet ledningsblogg och betydelsen av ett kontinuerligt och framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete ger denna uppsats sitt syfte: Att bidra med kunskapsutveckling kring hur högsta ledningen kan stimulera en organisation mot en högre grad av ständiga förbättringar genom att kommunicera internt via en blogg. En kvalitativ studie utfördes i form av en fallstudie på en organisation där ständiga förbättringar ingår i strategin och utgör en del av visionen och 2016 års mål. Intervjuer genomfördes med chefer på lägsta nivå kring deras upplevelse av den befintliga ledningsbloggen. Resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades mot befintlig teori samt existerande blogginlägg. Analysen utgick från Koenig och Schlaegels (2014) sex teman som beskriver hur bloggens designkarakteristika påverkar läsarens upplevelse: Innehållsvärde, Underhållsvärde, Styrning/Förvaltning, Användbarhet, Interaktion och Marknadsföringsbudskap. Baserat på dessa sex teman har två fiskbensdiagram tagits fram positiva och negativa upplevelser redovisas. Dessa upplevelser kan påverka attityden och därmed beteendet och på så sätt utgöra stimulans respektive hinder i arbetet mot en högre grad av ständiga förbättringar. Resultatet visar att rätt använd kan en intern ledningsblogg vara ett effektivt verktyg för att påverka organisationskulturen, men det krävs kunskap om retorik för att inte riskera att bloggen blir mer av ett hinder än ett verktyg som stimulerar. För att uppnå positiv påverkan behöver mottagaren ges en upplevelse av såväl nytta, enkelhet som nöje och resultatet visar också att genom att fokusera på mottagaren kan olika typer av kommunikationsbarriärer övervinnas. Ett antal aspekter som bör prägla bloggen för att stimulera till ständiga förbättringar har identifierats, och även ett antal aspekter som kan utgöra hinder. Analytisk generalisering av dessa slutsatser bidrar till kunskapsutveckling inom området. Denna uppsats har resulterat i bekräftelse av tidigare forskning, konkreta användarråd samt förslag på vidare forskning för att ytterligare reducera det gap som finns kring detta område. / The use of management blogs as a tool for internal communication has increased, at the same time research shows that top management in many organizations sees shortcomings in their own communicative ability. The combination of limited research about the phenomenon of management blogs and the importance of a continuous and successful improvement work gives this study it´s purpose: To contribute with knowledge about how top management can stimulate an organization towards a higher degree of continuous improvements by communicating internal through a blog. A qualitative study was conducted as a case study in an organization where continuous improvements are part of the strategy and forms part of the vision and the objectives of 2016. Interviews were performed with managers at the lowest level regarding their experience of the management blog in the organization. The results of the interviews were analyzed against existing theory and blog posts. The analysis was based on Koenig and Schlaegel's (2014) six themes describing how the blog's design characteristics affect the reader's experience: Content Value, Maintenance Value, Management / Management, Usability, Interaction and Marketing. Based on these six themes, two fishbone diagrams have been produced that report positive and negative experiences. These experiences can affect the attitude and hence behavior and thus constitute the stimulus's respective barriers in the work towards a higher degree of continuous improvement. The result shows that properly used, an internal management blog can be an effective tool for influencing organizational culture, but knowledge of rhetoric is required to avoid risking blogging becoming more of a barrier than a tool that stimulates. To achieve positive impact, the recipient needs experience of both usefulness, simplicity and pleasure and the result also shows that by focusing on the recipient, different types of communication barriers can be overcome. A number of aspects that should characterize the blog to stimulate continuous improvements have been identified, as well as a number of issues that may constitute obstacles. Analytical generalization of these conclusions contributes to knowledge development in the area. This study has resulted in confirmation of previous research, concrete user advice and suggestions for further research to further reduce the gap that exists around this area. / <p>2017-06-28</p>
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Cleaner production (CP) is the continuous application of a preventive
environmental strategy process associated to the products and services of an
organization, with the goal of increasing efficiency and reducing risks to human
beings and the environment. Its implementation has generally increased productivity
from the rational use of resources. Total Performance Scorecard (TPS) is a
sistematic learning process, developing and continuous improvement, based on the
sustainable growth of personal and corporate actions. The objective of this research
was to propose a strategy to manage organizational processes, based on the
principles of cleaner production in metal mechanic companies. The proposal for
maintenance and continuity of improvements is based on the TPS cycle. The
research was made from the data of a producer of agricultural machines in Rio
Grande do Sul, which has the objective of reducing scrap in its processes. Three
cases were considered in this research: obsoletes items, purchasing process of
sheet metals and cutting the sheet metals to produce the pieces. The data show a
significant improvement with the use of the cleaner production principles in the
researched processes. / Produção mais limpa (PML) é a aplicação contínua de uma estratégia
ambiental preventiva e integrada aos processos, produtos e serviços de uma
organização, visando aumentar sua eficiência e reduzir riscos para a humanidade e
o meio ambiente. Sua adoção, em geral tem elevado a produtividade a partir da
racionalização no uso dos recursos. Total Performance Scorecard (TPS) é um
processo sistemático de aprendizagem, desenvolvimento e melhoramento contínuos,
baseado no crescimento sustentável das atuações pessoais e corporativas. O
objetivo desta pesquisa é propor uma estratégia para o gerenciamento de processos
organizacionais, com base nos princípios da produção mais limpa em empresa do
setor metalmecânico. A proposta para manutenção e continuidade das melhorias
baseia-se no ciclo TPS. A pesquisa foi feita a partir de dados de um fabricante de
máquinas agrícolas do Rio Grande do Sul, que busca reduzir resíduos em seus
processos. Três estudos de caso: itens obsoletos, processo de compra de chapas e
corte de chapas para produção de uma peça, foram tratados na pesquisa. Os dados
comprovam uma melhora significativa com a aplicação dos princípios da produção
mais limpa nos processos estudados.
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