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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between the practice of strategic planning and levels of corporate entrepreneurship in South African public companies

Dhliwayo, Shepherd 02 May 2007 (has links)
There is no abstract: / Thesis (PhD (Entrepreneurship))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Business Management / unrestricted

pH as a control on interactions of methanogens and iron reducers

Marquart, Kyle Anthony January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew Kirk / A growing body of evidence demonstrates that methanogenesis and Fe(III) reduction can occur simultaneously. However, environmental controls on interactions between each are poorly understood. In this study we considered pH as a control on interactions between Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in anoxic sediment bioreactors. The reactors consisted of 100mL of synthetic aqueous media, and 1 g of marsh sediment amended with goethite (1mmol). One set of reactors received acidic media (pH 6), and the other alkaline media (pH 7.5). Each set received media containing acetate (0.25 mM) to serve as an electron donor. Control reactors, deficient in acetate, were also included. We maintained a fluid residence time of 35 days by sampling and feeding the reactors every seven days. For pH 6.0 and pH 7.5 reactors, the measured pH of effluent samples averaged 6.33 and 7.37, respectively. The extent of Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis varied considerably between each set of reactors. More Fe(III) was reduced in the pH 6 reactors (646.39 μmoles on avg.) than the pH 7.5 reactors (31.32 μmoles on avg.). Conversely, more methane formed in pH 7.5 reactors (127.5 μmoles on avg.) than the pH 6 reactors (78.9 μmoles on avg.). Alkalinity concentrations during the middle and end of the experiment averaged 9.6 meq/L and 5.2 meq/L in pH 6 and pH7.5 reactors, respectively Although much less Fe(III) reduction occurred in pH 7.5 reactors, the relative abundance of Fe(III) reducers in them decreased little from levels observed in the pH 6 reactors. Sequences classified within Geobacter, a genus of bacteria known primarily as dissimilatory metal reducers, accounted for 22% and 13.45% of the sequences in the pH 6 and pH 7.5 reactors and only 0.8% of the sequences in the marsh sediment inoculum. In contrast, sequences classified within orders of methanogens were low in abundance, making up only 0.47% and 1.04% of the sequences in the pH 6 and pH 7.5 reactors, respectively. Mass balance calculations demonstrate that the amount of electron donor consumed by each group varied considerably between the sets of reactors. Expressed as a quantity of acetate, the reactions consumed about 160μM of electron donor each in pH 6 reactors. In contrast, methanogenesis consumed over 30 times more electron donor than Fe(III) reduction in the pH 7.5 reactors. Thus, the results of our experiment indicate that the decrease in electron donor consumption by Fe(III) reduction at basic pH was nearly matched by the increase in electron donor consumption by methanogens. Results of geochemical modeling calculations indicate that more energy was available for Fe(III) reduction in the pH 6.0 reactors than the pH 7.5 reactors, matching variation in Fe(III) reduction rates, and that the density of sorbed ferrous iron was higher in pH 6 reactors than pH 7.5 reactors. Thus, the calculation results are consistent with bioenergetics, but not variation in ferrous iron sorption, as a potential mechanism driving variation in the balance between each reaction with pH.

Komunikace mezi rodinou a školou / Communication between family and school

Kadeřábková, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis draws attention to the issue of communication between school and family and tries to not only teach the communication, but also to find the state of communication between family and school at a particular workplace. The aim of the theoretical part was to clarify the concept of education with an emphasis on educational activities at school. It stands that the family, as an indispensable part, is crucial in communication relation to the pupil. The current school concept is discussed and the key competencies related to communication are mentioned.A special chapter is devoted to the pupil and the specifics of his personality during adolescence. Furthermore, in the theoretical part, a special chapter is dedicated to the teacher as one of the important partners in the communication between the school and the family. The last chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to communication. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, we find out what is the opinion about the communication in the given school, the pupils side as well as the family's side. There were assumptions made about the state and needs of communication between the school and the family. This was determined by the method of quantitative exploration. In conclusion, the results are evaluated.

Analýza marketingového prostředí v Ruské federaci / Analysis of the marketing environment in Russian Federation

Baranenko, Elena January 2008 (has links)
Analysis of the marketing environment in Russian Federation

Srovnání stylů řízení Arménských a Českých manažerů a podnikové kultury / Confrontation of cultural practice and managerial styles between Armenian and Czech living in Czech republic

Tadevosyanová, Luiza January 2008 (has links)
International companies come in on contact with a lot of different national cultures. Especially with own co-operators(staff)and external partners (customers, supplier) of local companies and organizations, therefore member of foreign cultures, whose merits preferences and standard behaviours are different. It is possible to conceive international problems of leading as having a command of multicultural context and forming of corporate culture.

Analýza kojenecké úmrtnosti v zemích Evropské unie / The analysis of infant mortality in the countries of the European union

Novotná, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Indicators of child mortality in the lowest age reflect the status of health care and maturity of the country. The most frequent indicator in this area is the infant mortality rate. This thesis is focused on evaluation of development of infant, neonatal and early neonatal rate in the European union between 1960 and 2010 from the perspective of time series, aplication of Box-Jenkins methodology and assessment of the relation between infant mortality rate and life expectancy at birth.

Unificando conceitos de avaliação de desempenho, engenharia de desempenho e teste de software para a análise de sistemas computacionais / Unifying concepts of performance evaluation, performance engineering and performance testing for computer systems analysis

Rafael de Souza Stabile 07 June 2016 (has links)
Este projeto de mestrado apresenta uma visão de como áreas da Ciência da Computação relacionadas a desempenho (Avaliação de Desempenho, Engenharia de Desempenho de Software e Teste de Desempenho de Software) podem ser relacionas e também propõe uma metodologia de análise de desempenho que contém conceitos das áreas anteriormente apontadas, para que esta seja mais completa e possa ser compreendida por profissionais das três áreas. Para formalizar esse relacionamento, foi construída uma ontologia que mostra como ocorre a correlação entre as áreas, e a partir dessa metodologia proposta, foi possível analisar o desempenho da ferramenta ValiPar, em sua versão paralela e concluir que o principal gargalo com relação a escalabilidade dela é sua porção executada sequencialmente. Por fim, foi observado que a metodologia apresenta vantagens se comparada as demais, como uma formalização nas suas etapas de análise. / This master project presents a view of how Computers Science areas related to performance (Performance Evaluation, Software Performance Engineering and Software Performance Testing) can be related and also proposes a performance analysis methodology that contains concepts from all areas previously identified, so that it is more complete and can be understood by professionals of these three areas. To formalize this relationship, an ontology that shows how the correlation occurs between areas was built. And from the proposed methodology, it was possible to analyze the performance of ValiPar tool, in its parallel version, and it was concluded that the main bottleneck with respect to its scalability is its portion executed sequentially. Finally, it was observed that the proposed methodology has advantages compared to others, as a formalization in its analysis steps.

Samordnad Individuell Plan : En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Frost, Linus, Ottisdotter, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Swedish agency for health technology assessment and assessment of social services (SBU) published a scientific study on a knowledge gap in coordinated planning for people with mental disabilities. The aim of our paper is to identify research relevant regarding coordinated individual plans (SIP) and individual plan (IP) for people with mental disabilities from both the patient's and professional perspectives and investigate the collaboration and knowledge of the professionals. Inclusion criteria was qualitive and quantitative studies with an aim to study coordinated individual plans for individuals with mental disabilities. Studies in English, Swedish and studies from Scandinavia were included. The searches were performed on the following databases: PubMed, APAPsycInfo, Academic search Elite, Cinahl Plus, MEDLINE, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, SocINDEX, Social Services Abstract, Swemed+, SwePub, Socialvetenskaplig tidsskrift.  Keywords for the searches were Samordnad individuell plan, Individual plan, Coordination, Mental disorders, Mental retard*, Mental disab*, Patient care management. Eight studies were included as reference material in our paper. A result of our studies of the publishing’s we found that Norway and Sweden have similar legislation for the SIP/IP process. Hence Sweden and Norway are included as subjects for study in this essay. Results was that professions within healthcare and social services both have a lack of knowledge of the SIP/IP process. Furthermore both countries act quite similar, however there is a difference in interpretation in different parts of the respective country in how the planning-process works. The most important results are that there is an extensive lack of knowledge in how the SIP/IP process works. Another result was that the SIP/IP process becomes personal. In Norway, it´s mandatory for a coordinator to be appointed, this is lacking in the Swedish legislation. Depending on which person becomes coordinator, the SIP/IP process is regarded differently and thus end sup different. The analysis showed that boundary spanners could work to enable good collaboration between organizations and thus simplify the SIP/IP process. At the same time, the SIP/IP process becomes vulnerable if the planning process is tied to one person. The analysis shows that a communication system, documentation template and a national approach could also facilitate a homogenous SIP/IP process.

Samordnad Individuell Plan : En sytematisk litteraturöversikt

Frost, Linus, Ottisdotter, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Swedish agency for health technology assessment and assessment of social services (SBU) published a scientific study on a knowledge gap in coordinated planning for people with mental disabilities. The aim of our paper is to identify research relevant regarding coordinated individual plans (SIP) and individual plan (IP) for people with mental disabilities from both the patient's and professional perspectives and investigate the collaboration and knowledge of the professionals. Inclusion criteria was qualitive and quantitative studies with an aim to study coordinated individual plans for individuals with mental disabilities. Studies in English, Swedish and studies from Scandinavia were included. The searches were performed on the following databases: PubMed, APAPsycInfo, Academic search Elite, Cinahl Plus, MEDLINE, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, SocINDEX, Social Services Abstract, Swemed+, SwePub, Socialvetenskaplig tidsskrift. Keywords for the searches were Samordnad individuell plan, Individual plan, Coordination, Mental disorders, Mental retard*, Mental disab*, Patient care management. Eight studies were included as reference material in our paper.A result of our studies of the publishing’s we found that Norway and Sweden have similar legislation for the SIP/IP process. Hence Sweden and Norway are included as subjects for study in this essay. Results was that professions within healthcare and social services both have a lack of knowledge of the SIP/IP process. Furthermore both countries act quite similar, however there is a difference in interpretation in different parts of the respective country in how the planning-process works. The most important results are that there is an extensive lack of knowledge in how the SIP/IP process works. Another result was that the SIP/IP process becomes personal. In Norway, it´s mandatory for a coordinator to be appointed, this is lacking in the Swedish legislation. Depending on which person becomes coordinator, the SIP/IP process is regarded differently and thus end sup different. The analysis showed that boundary spanners could work to enable good collaboration between organizations and thus simplify the SIP/IP process. At the same time, the SIP/IP process becomes vulnerable if the planning process is tied to one person. The analysis shows that a communication system, documentation template and a national approach could also facilitate a homogenous SIP/IP process. / SBU identifierade 2013 en kunskapslucka gällande samordnade vårdplaner för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning. Denna kunskapslucka skapade en nyfikenhet om hur forskningen ser ut inom området. Syftet är att kartlägga forskningen gällnade samordnad individuell plan (SIP) och Individuell plan (IP) för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning utifrån både patientens och professionellas perspektiv samt kartlägga samverkan och kunskapen hos de professionella. Under arbetets gång framkom det att Norge hade liknande lagstiftning som Sverige med individuell plan (IP) varav även Norge inkluderades i uppsatsen. Inkluderade syfte ska innehålla samordnad individuell plan eller individuell plan. Metoden kan vara av med kvantitativ eller kvalitativ art. Populationen ska bestå av personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning eller professionella inom socialtjänst och hälso- och sjukvård som arbetar med samordnad individuell plan med personer som har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning. Peer reviewed artiklar inkluderas. Språket ska vara svenska eller engelska. Artiklar som enbart hanterar somatisk sjukdom och samordnade individuella planer exkluderades. Rapporter, som ej är peer reviewed, från exempelvis SKR eller annan myndighet exkluderades. Artiklar som inte är skrivna på svenska eller engelska exkluderades. Sökningarna genomfördes i PubMed, APAPsycInfo, Academic search Elite, Cinahl Plus, MEDLINE, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, SocINDEX, Social Services Abstract, Swemed+, SwePub, Socialvetenskaplig tidsskrift. Följande nyckelord inkluderas i sökningen: Samordnad individuell plan, Individual plan, Coordination, Mental disorders, Mental retard*, Mental disab*, Patient care managment. Totalt 8 artiklar inkluderades i uppsatsen. Viktigaste resultaten är att det är omfattande kunskapsbrist i hur SIP/IP-processen går till. Det finns olika tolkningar i olika delar av länderna samt olika uppfattning inom hälso-och sjukvården och i socialtjänsten på hur SIP/IP ska gå till. Ett annat resultat var att SIP/IP-processen blir personbunden. I Norge är det lagstadgat att en koordinator ska utses, vilket saknas i svensk lagstiftning. Utifrån vilken person som blir en koordinator eller samordnare bli SIP/IP-processen olika. Analysen visade på att boundary spanners skulle kunna fungera för att möjliggöra god samverkan mellan organisationer och således förenkla SIP/IP-processen. Samtidigt blir SIP/IP-processen sårbar om planeringen är uppbunden på en person. Ett kommunikationssystem, dokumentationsmall och ett nationellt tillvägagångssätt skulle också kunna underlätta SIP/IP-processen visar analysen.Författarna föreslår ytterligare forskning på SIP/IP som en intervention. Diskussion förs i uppsatsen om en möjlighet till fritt val av kommunala insatser, likt det fria vårdvalet.

Vztah práva a morálky v právnických filmech / RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW AND MORALITY IN LEGAL FILM

Krušinská, Jana January 2021 (has links)
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW AND MORALITY IN LEGAL FILMS Abstract This diploma thesis entitled "The relationship between law and morality in legal films" deals with an unusual topic written by a law student. However, legal films are being used by some teachers at law faculties to make the teaching of law more attractive. Films can also help them bring the law closer to the young generation. In this diploma thesis, law, morality and their relationship, which in filmography is most often reflected in characters of film lawyers, are viewed through legal films. The author focuses not only on how the relationship between law and morality is portrayed in legal films, but especially on how it is presented in the political and historical context of our country. Therefore, the diploma thesis is subtitled "Selected Czech and Czechoslovak legal films in the shadow of the history of our country from the 50s' of the 20th century to the present." In the first chapter, the author introduces the term "legal film" and its division into individual groups. The author also explains their meaning. The second chapter briefly discusses the concept of "law" and "morality" and how their relationship can look like not limited to legal films. The third chapter is devoted to the main characters of legal films, lawyers and their morals,...

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