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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nežymaus ir vidutinio intelekto sutrikimo 5 -8 klasių mokinių adaptacija dailės ugdymo procese / Adaptation of students with slight and medium mental deficiency in educational process of art in 5 - 8 forms

Purauskaitė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Nežymiai ir vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto mokiniai turi pažinimo ir bendravimo sunkumų, jie yra daug jautresni nei jų bendraamžiai, jaučia nuolatinę kaltę, nesėkmės kompleksą, nepasitiki patys savimi, tai apsunkina jų integraciją į visuomenę. Meninėje veikloje neįgalieji mokiniai suvokia, kad jų piešiniai skiriasi nuo bendraklasių darbų ir tai sukelia jiems nepilnavertiškumo jausmą, silpnina socialinės adaptacijos galimybes. Šio tyrimo tikslas ištirti nežymaus ir vidutinio intelekto sutrikimų turinčių paauglių adaptacijos galimybes dailės pamokų metu. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti literatūrą, susijusia su adaptacinėmis mokinių problemomis, paauglių kūryba, kūrybiniais sugebėjimais bei išgyvenimais; išsiaiškinti pagrindinius nežymaus ir vidutinio intelekto sutrikimų turinčių paauglių psichologinius bendravimo ypatumus; ištirti dailinio ugdymo priemonių poveikį nežymaus ir vidutinio sutrikusio intelekto paauglių adaptacijai; išryškinti dailės mokytojo vaidmenį modeliuojant socialinę sutrikusio intelekto paauglių adaptaciją. Hipotezė: sutrikusio intelekto paauglių savarankiško bendravimo gebėjimai komunikuoti dailės kalba galėtų išplėsti jų bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo galimybes su bendraamžiais, intensyviau plėtoti saviraišką, optimizuoti jų socializacijos procesą, ugdyti pasitikėjimą bei pasitenkinimą savimi. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, atvejo analizė, dailės užduočių parinkimas ir stebėjimas, piešinių analizė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Students with slight and medium mental deficiency have difficulties in cognition and interaction, they are more sensitive than their contemporaries, feel constant blame and have a complex of failure, they are not confident - that is why their integration into society is complicated. In art process mentally deficient students figure out that their drawings differ from their classmates - that causes the sense of inferiority. The purpose of this research is to discover the possibilities of adaptation in the lessons of art for adolescents with slight and medium mental deficiency. Aims: to analyze written resources on the topic related to the schoolchildren adaptation problems, creation of teenagers, their creativity and experience; find out the main psychological features which define the communication of adolescents with slight and medium mental deficiency; to determine the influence of art means for teenagers with slight and medium mental deficiency adaptation ; to emphasize the role of art teacher in modeling the social adaptation for mentally deficient adolescents. Hypothesis: self – sufficient ability to communicate in the language of art should expand the opportunities of communication with contemporaries; develop self – confidence, self respect and satisfaction of mentally deficient adolescents. Research methods: analysis of written resources, analysis of chosen cases; art tasks selection and observation; analysis of art works. The analysis of cases determined that using... [to full text]

Entrepreneurship formation in Lithuanian small and medium sized firms / Antrepreneriškumo formavimas Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonėse

Stripeikis, Osvaldas 11 December 2008 (has links)
Increased interest in small business (SME) and entrepreneurship, foster researchers to discuss about methodology of this object and to look for possible ways of development of this sector. In spite of that interest, there is a lack of common, unified methodology, accepted in all countries. Absence of systematic research of entrepreneurship process- is relevant scientific problem, which should be solved. Author describes term “entrepreneurship process” and it’s main elements. Also is presented a broad analysis of terms “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneur” in different economical schools. Is analyzed impact of small and medium seized business on economy and it’s place in entrepreneurship process. Business environment is changing radically and one of the main tasks for organizations – to become entrepreneurial. Research model of Lithuanian entrepreneurship process is composed. According this model, level of entrepreneurship process researches, implemented in Lithuania, is identified. Varies factors, influencing entrepreneurship process, are described and presented in dissertation. In order to solve identified problems, model of formation enterprising business in SME is presented. Activities of entrepreneur are formulated in order to implement enterprising culture in organization and to foster entrepreneurial behavior of such organization. / Išaugęs susidomėjimas smulkiu ir vidutiniu verslu ir jo reikšme pasaulio ekonomikai ir visam verslininkystės procesui, skatina mokslininkus diskutuoti apie šio objekto tyrimo metodologija. Nors ir visuotinai pripažįstama, kad verslininkystė yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksniu, įtakojantis pokyčius ekonomikoje, reikia pastebėti, kad nėra nusistovėjusios vienos visoms šalims priimtinos metodikos. Tad nepakankamai ištirtas verslininkystės procesas – yra aktuali mokslinė problema. Disertacijoje atskleidžiamas šiuolaikinis požiūris į verslininkystės reiškinį ir jo reikšmę. Pateikiama išsami „verslininkystės“ ir „verslininko“ sampratų analizė skirtingose ekonominėse mokyklose. Taip pat pristatomas smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo vaidmuo šalies ekonominiuose procesuose. Analizuojama verslininkystės proceso samprata. Nagrinėjamas antrepreneriškumo reiškimasis versle ir antrepreneriškos organizacijos samprata. Parengiamas Lietuvos verslininkystės proceso tyrimo modelis. Remiantis juo, identifikuojamas Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo ir verslininkystės proceso ištirtumo lygį. Išryškinami veiksniai, įtakojantys Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo būklę ir vystymosi galimybes. Taip pat išryškinamos probleminės sritys, trukdančios verslininkystės proceso raidai. Siekiant spręsti tyrimo metu išaiškėjusias problemas, pateikiamas antrepreneriškos verslininkystės formavimo modelis smulkiame ir vidutiniame versle.

Šiluminių reiškinių kietakūnio lazerio aktyviojoje terpėje kompiuterinis modeliavimas / Numerical simulation of thermal effects in solid state laser active medium

Budinavičius, Audrius 20 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe apžvelgiama šiluminių reiškinių lazerio aktyvioje terpėje teorija, pristatomi temperatūros bei įtempių ir deformacijų pasiskirstymo aktyviojioje lazerio terpėje kompiuterinio modeliavimo metodika. Temperatūros ir įtempių skaičiavimai atlikti trims aktyviosios terpės konfigūracijoms – Nd:YVO4 plokštelės, dviejų Nd:YAG plokštelių, kaupinamų zigzagu ir plokščiojo kompozitinio keraminio YAG elemento. Ištirta kaupinimo galios, legiruoto sluoksnio storio, aušintuvo ir aktyvios terpės šiluminių parametrų įtaka temperatūros pasiskirstymui, įtempiams ir deformacijoms aktyviojoje terpėje. / Theory of thermal effects in laser active medium is observed in this work. The metodology of temperature, thermal strain and stresses distribution in laser active medium numerical simulation is presented. Modeling of temperature, strain and stress is done by three active medium configurations: Nd:YVO4 plate, thin Nd:YAG elements and composite YAG ceramic slab. The influence to temperature, stresses and strain distribution of pump power and doped layer thickness in laser active medium has been investigated.

Tėvų pasirengimo ugdyti vidutinę protinę negalę turinčius paauglius būvis / The situation of parents‘ preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability

Lukošiūtė, Ligita 13 June 2006 (has links)
Having done analytical generalization of scientific research „The situation of parents‘ preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability“, it became clear that there are no consistent systematic works which thoroughly disclosed the situation of parents‘ preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability. In majority of cases only episodic details of the main topic – separate ingredients – were found. The object of research - education of parents, as mentors, having children with medium mental disability. The problem of research – The ability of parents self-preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability. The objective of research - To disclose the situation of parents‘ self-preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability and describe the process of this self-preparation. The aims of research:1. To make psycho pedagogical generalization of literature on the works of Lithuanian and foreign scientists about parents‘ self-preparation to develop teenagers with medium mental disability. 2. To compare results of teachers, tutors and parents research about education of teenagers with medium mental disability. 3. To make evaluation of teachers’, mentors’ and parents’ as educators’ different opinions about themselves. Methods of research: analytical generalization of psychological, pedagogical, special education literature on the subject of Master‘s final work, Q type diagnostic data... [to full text]

Smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonių kreditavimas / The crediting of small and medium – sized enterprises

Stanaitienė, Indra 08 September 2009 (has links)
Tinkamai atliekamos bankų kreditavimo operacijos yra labai svarbios, nes jos padeda nukreipti, paprastai limituotus, šalies piniginius išteklius į dinamiškiausias ir perspektyviausias verslo sritis. t.y. vienas pagrindinių gerai veikiančios rinkos ekonomikos dėsnių. O smulkus ir vidutinis verslas yra ekonomikos varomoji jėga ir socialinio valstybės stabilumo garantas. Šio verslo reikšmės didėjimas tapo akivaizdžiu viso civilizuoto pasaulio esminiu bruožu. Teisinga valstybės politika šioje srityje yra labai svarbus kiekvienos valstybės vidaus politokos uždavinys. Analitikai taip pat sutaria, kad smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtra yra vienas iš prioritetinių Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos politikos tikslų. Pirmiausia SVV įmonės yra nuolatinio užimtumo pagrindas – smulkusis verslas tai svarbi priemonė, kovojanti su struktūriniu nedarbu. Antra, didesnis įmonių skaičius duoda postūmį ekonominiam augimui, paskatintam intensyvesnės konkurencijos.SVV įmonės greičiau pajunta rinkos paklausos ir pasiūlos pokyčius, prisitaiko prie jų, užimdamos konkrečias rinkos nišas. Praktinėje dalyje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai gauti anketinės apklausos būdu iš smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių atstovų. Gauti rezultatai yra interpretuojami bei vertinami, darbo gale pateikiamos tyrimo išvados ir pasiūlymai. / The object of this paper is the crediting possibilities of the small and middle – size lithuanian enterprises.The small and middle business of Lithuania is the garanty of the economics stability and growth.. A risk element always exists in granting loans, so that’s why banks’ must organize rational and will – considered crediting process. Owning to the banks, vacant monetary capital is directed to the most dynamic and perspective business areas, in other words, is converted from idle to functionating capital. The main results of the research are: o the main users of the loans are trade, communication and transport companies; o the main credit market player is Vilnius bank, that takes 48% of the loan market. o the most popular crediting product is big loans ( over 50 000 lt.) with long term period (over 3 year).

Antrepreneriškumo formavimas Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonėse / Entrepreneurship formation in Lithuanian small and medium sized firms

Stripeikis, Osvaldas 11 December 2008 (has links)
Išaugęs susidomėjimas smulkiu ir vidutiniu verslu ir jo reikšme pasaulio ekonomikai ir visam verslininkystės procesui, skatina mokslininkus diskutuoti apie šio objekto tyrimo metodologija. Nors ir visuotinai pripažįstama, kad verslininkystė yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksniu, įtakojantis pokyčius ekonomikoje, reikia pastebėti, kad nėra nusistovėjusios vienos visoms šalims priimtinos metodikos. Tad nepakankamai ištirtas verslininkystės procesas – yra aktuali mokslinė problema. Disertacijoje atskleidžiamas šiuolaikinis požiūris į verslininkystės reiškinį ir jo reikšmę. Pateikiama išsami „verslininkystės“ ir „verslininko“ sampratų analizė skirtingose ekonominėse mokyklose. Taip pat pristatomas smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo vaidmuo šalies ekonominiuose procesuose. Analizuojama verslininkystės proceso samprata. Nagrinėjamas antrepreneriškumo reiškimasis versle ir antrepreneriškos organizacijos samprata. Parengiamas Lietuvos verslininkystės proceso tyrimo modelis. Remiantis juo, identifikuojamas Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo ir verslininkystės proceso ištirtumo lygį. Išryškinami veiksniai, įtakojantys Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo būklę ir vystymosi galimybes. Taip pat išryškinamos probleminės sritys, trukdančios verslininkystės proceso raidai. Siekiant spręsti tyrimo metu išaiškėjusias problemas, pateikiamas antrepreneriškos verslininkystės formavimo modelis smulkiame ir vidutiniame versle. / Increased interest in small business (SME) and entrepreneurship, foster researchers to discuss about methodology of this object and to look for possible ways of development of this sector. In spite of that interest, there is a lack of common, unified methodology, accepted in all countries. Absence of systematic research of entrepreneurship process- is relevant scientific problem, which should be solved. Author describes term “entrepreneurship process” and it’s main elements. Also is presented a broad analysis of terms “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneur” in different economical schools. Is analyzed impact of small and medium seized business on economy and it’s place in entrepreneurship process. Business environment is changing radically and one of the main tasks for organizations – to become entrepreneurial. Research model of Lithuanian entrepreneurship process is composed. According this model, level of entrepreneurship process researches, implemented in Lithuania, is identified. Varies factors, influencing entrepreneurship process, are described and presented in dissertation. In order to solve identified problems, model of formation enterprising business in SME is presented. Activities of entrepreneur are formulated in order to implement enterprising culture in organization and to foster entrepreneurial behavior of such organization.

An Exploratory Investigation into Chemical Management Practices: A Case Study of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises within Nova Scotia

Thomas, Victoria 12 September 2012 (has links)
Chemical pollution has become an environmental and human health concern. Small and medium-sized enterprises are becoming the focus of environmental researchers, as they have been found to collectively contribute a significant amount of the pollution due to improperly managed chemicals. This case study of Nova Scotia small and medium-sized enterprises aimed to collect baseline information regarding environmental and chemical management including what positive practices were in place, what areas required more assistance, what information is being requested and who should be the focus of information programs. Results indicated that there is significant room for improvement in both the environmental and chemical management practices of small and medium-sized enterprises, even though participants indicated they were employing responsible practices. Participants were however, able to provide multiple suggestions regarding information they require in order to improve their business operations and environmental performance, thereby indicating they are aware improvements are needed.

Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Potted Chrysanthemums Grown in a Subirrigation System

MacDonald, William N. 14 February 2013 (has links)
This thesis tested the hypothesis that nitrogen use efficiency of subirrigated potted chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) can be improved by managing the NO3- status of the plant. Replacement of NO3- with water one week prior to flower development was the most effective method of reducing tissue NO3- content and improving the nitrogen usage index, as compared to various combinations of NO3- and Cl-. Shoot or flower dry mass and N content were unaffected and the medium electrical conductivity was reduced. Supplying N in the NH4+ form in combination with NO3- did not affect nitrogen use indices. Reducing N supply improved various indices of nitrogen use efficiency, with a slight loss of quality. Elimination of NO3- prior to flower development and reduction in N supplied are effective strategies for improving nitrogen use efficiency in subirrigated potted chrysanthemums without sacrificing quality. / Cecil Delworth Foundation

Performance study on a dual prohibition Multiple Access protocol in mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Mesh networks

Wu, Qian 03 January 2008 (has links)
Wireless networks are less reliable than wired networks because channels are “exposed” to the surrounding environment that is susceptible to interference and noise. To minimize losses of data due to collisions, wireless networks need a mechanism to regulate the access on the transmission medium. Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols control access to the shared communication medium so that it can be used efficiently. In this thesis, we first describe the collision-controlled Dual Prohibition Multiple Access (DPMA) protocol [45]. The main mechanisms implemented in DPMA, such as binary dual prohibition, power control, interference control, and support for differentiated services (DiffServ), are presented in detail. We conducted a thorough simulation study on DPMA protocol from several aspects. First, we conduct simulations to observe the effects of binary competition number (BCN), unit slot length and safe margin on the performance of DPMA. Secondly, the DiffServ capability of DPMA is demonstrated through simulation results. Finally, we compare the DPMA protocol with the CSMA/CA protocol and find that DPMA with optimal configuration has better performance than CSMA/CA under both low and high network density. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-28 16:25:02.515

Translating Early Outgrowth Cell Therapy into a Clinically Relevant Approach for Long Term Renoprotection

Kepecs, David 29 November 2013 (has links)
Current therapy for chronic kidney disease (CKD) is limited; however, recent studies have shown that a subpopulation of cells derived from the bone marrow, known as early outgrowth cells (EOCs), are able to attenuate kidney injury. Here we examined the efficacy of a modular tissue engineering system whereby the EOCs might be easily removed in the event of malignant change. While modular therapy mimicked the effects seen with standard EOC therapy, the modules degraded allowing the encapsulated EOCs to enter systemic circulation. Given the presumed egress of EOCs, we explored an alternative strategy for kidney protection. Here we investigated the long-term effectiveness of administering the conditioned medium (EOC-CM) that contains the factors the EOCs secrete, rather than the cells themselves. In these studies, repeated administration of EOC-CM attenuated the structural and functional manifestations of kidney injury suggesting that this approach may provide an effective and feasible, cell-free approach for CKD.

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