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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale et modélisaton de la micro-propagation à partir d'anomalies de surface dans l'Inconel 718DA / Experimental study and modeling of the micro-propagation from surface anomalies in DA Inconel 718

Doremus, Luc 24 March 2014 (has links)
Les motoristes aéronautiques doivent répondre à de nouvelles demandes de certifications en tolérance aux dommages. Ils doivent en particulier démontrer que la présence de petites anomalies de surface, pouvant être introduites lors d’opérations de maintenance, ne mène pas à la rupture des pièces les plus critiques de leurs moteurs. Cette étude concerne la caractérisation de la nocivité d’anomalies de surface de type rayure et choc sur la tenue en fatigue du superalliage à base Nickel Inconel 718 sous sa version Direct Aged. Une campagne d’essais expérimentaux a permis d’évaluer l’influence de la contrainte maximale, de la température, du type et de la profondeur des anomalies de surface sur leur durée de vie en fatigue. Une étude expérimentale et numérique approfondie de la méthode de suivi de la différence de potentiel a conduit à une bonne maîtrise de cet outil de détection de l’amorçage et de suivi de la fissuration. Son utilisation a ainsi révélé que l’amorçage de fissure est très rapide à partir de rayures et de chocs mais que la vitesse de propagation dans les premiers stades de fissuration est ralentie. Des essais spécifiques ont alors été développés pour identifier la source physique des phénomènes observés. L’utilisation d’un traitement thermique a notamment permis de mettre en avant l’influence prédominante des contraintes résiduelles de compression générées lors de l’introduction des anomalies. Différentes méthodes expérimentales et numériques ont été testées pour les quantifier et des pistes de modélisations ont été mises en avant pour prédire de manière fiable la durée de vie en fatigue d’anomalies de surface de type rayure et choc. / Aircraft engine manufacturers have to meet with new certification requirements in damage tolerance. In particular they have to demonstrate that the presence of small surface anomalies introduced on engine parts during maintenance operations in critical areas do not lead to failure during service life. This study was undertaken to characterize the harmfulness of scratch and dent type surface anomalies on the fatigue life of the Nickel based superalloy Direct Aged Inconel 718.The influence of maximal stress, temperature, type and depth of surface anomalies was evaluated in a large series of experiments. An experimental and numerical in-depth study of the potential drop technique led to a good control of this tool and allowed to efficiently detect crack initiation and to measure the crack propagation. Indeed, the use of this technique has revealed that the crack initiation from scratches and dents is very rapid but that the first stages of crack growth are delayed.Specific tests were then performed to identify the physical origin of the observed phenomenon. A heat treatment was used to show that the compressive residual stresses created during the introduction process of surface anomalies have a great influence on the fatigue life. Different experimental and numerical techniques were used to quantify these residual stresses and some directions were identified to establish a new model able to predict the fatigue life of scratch and dent type surface anomalies.

Numerical Modeling of Thermal and Mechanical Behaviors in the Selective Laser Sintering of Metals

Promoppatum, Patcharapit 01 April 2018 (has links)
The selective laser sintering (SLS) process or the additive manufacturing (AM) enables the construction of a three-dimensional object through melting and solidification of metal powder. The primary advantage of AM over the conventional process is providing the manufacturing flexibility, especially for highly complicated products. The quality of AM products depends upon various processing parameters such as laser power, laser scanning velocity, laser scanning pattern, layer thickness, and hatch spacing. The improper selection of these parameters would lead to parts with defects, severe distortion, and even cracking. I herein perform the numerical and experimental analysis to investigate the interplay between processing parameters and the defect generation. The analysis aims to resolve issues at two different scales, micro-scale and product-scale. At the micro-scale, while the numerical model is developed to investigate the interaction of the laser and materials in the AM process, its advantages and disadvantages compared to an analytical approach (Rosenthal’s equation), which provides a quicker thermal solution, are thoroughly studied. Additionally, numerical results have been verified by series of experiments. Based on the analysis, it is found that the simultaneous consideration of multiple processing parameters could be achieved using the energy density. Moreover, together with existing criteria, a processing window is numerically developed as a guideline for AM users to avoid common defects at this scale including the lack of fusion, balling effect, and over-melting. Thermal results at a micro-scale are extended as an input to determine the residual stress initiation in AM products. The effect of energy density and substrate temperature on a residual stress magnitude is explored. Results show that the stress magnitude within a layer is a strong function of the substrate temperature, where a higher substrate temperature results in a lower stress. Moreover, the stress formation due to a layer’s addition is studied, in which the stress relaxation at locations away from a top surface is observed. Nevertheless, even though the micro-scale analysis can resolve some common defects in AM, it is not capable of predicting product-scale responses such as residual stress development and entire product’s distortion. As a result, the multiscale modeling platform is developed for the numerical investigation at the product level. Three thermal models at various scales are interactively used to yield an effective thermal development calculation at a product-scale. In addition, the influence of the multiple layers, energy densities and scanning patterns on the residual stress formation has been addressed, which leads to the prediction of the residual stress development during the fabrication. The distortion of products due to the residual stress can be described by the product-scale model. Furthermore, among many processing parameters, the energy input and the scanning length are found to be important factors, which could be controlled to achieve the residual stress reduction in AM products. An optimal choice of a scanning length and energy input can reduce an as-built residual stress magnitude by almost half of typically encountered values. Ultimately, the present work aims to illustrate the integration of the computational method as tools to provide manufacturing qualification for part production by the AM process.

Laser direct metal deposition of dissimilar and functionally graded alloys

Shah, Kamran January 2011 (has links)
The challenges in the deposition of dissimilar materials are mainly related to the large differences in the physical and chemical properties of the deposited and substrate materials. These differences readily cause residual stresses and intermetallic phases. This has led to the development of functionally graded materials which exhibit spatial variation in composition. Laser direct metal deposition due to its flexibility, it offers wide variety of dissimilar and functionally graded materials deposition. Despite considerable advances in process optimization, there is a rather limited understanding of the role of metallurgical factors in the laser deposition of dissimilar and functionally graded alloys. The aim of this work is to understand and explain mechanisms occurring in diode laser deposition of dissimilar materials and functionally graded materials. The first part of this work addressed diode laser deposition of Inconel 718 nickel alloy to Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Here, the effect of laser pulse parameters and powder mass flow rates on the stress formation and cracking has evaluated by experiment and numerical techniques. Results showed that the clad thickness was an important factor affecting the cracking behaviour. In the second part of this study, an image analysis technique has been developed to measure the surface disturbance and the melt pool cross section size during laser direct metal deposition of Inconel 718 on a Ti-6Al-4V thin wall. It was noted that under tested conditions the overall melt pool area increased with the increase in powder flow rate; the powder carrier gas flow rates also seemed to play important roles in determining the melt pool size. In the third part of this study, a parametric study on the development of Inconel 718 and Stainless steel 316L continuously graded structure has been carried out. Results suggested that microstructure and other mechanical properties can be selectively controlled across the deposited wall. The results presented in this dissertation can be used as a metallurgical basis for further development of dissimilar and functionally graded manufacturing using LDMD technique, guiding future manufacturing engineers to produce structurally sound and microstructurally desirable laser deposited samples.

Avaliação do método de correntes parasitas para caracterização microestrutural e inspeção de defeitos em superligas à base de níquel

Pereira, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Superligas à base de níquel vêm sendo extensivamente utilizadas em diversas aplicações nas indústrias devido ao excelente comportamento mecânico e anticorrosivo. No entanto, essas ligas possuem certas particularidades que levam à necessidade de desenvolvimento de técnicas de inspeção e caracterização metalúrgica, como forma de garantir a integridade estrutural dos componentes fabricados com essas ligas. Neste trabalho, a técnica de correntes parasitas foi aplicada à superligas à base de níquel com duas propostas distintas: 1) Em um primeiro momento foi realizado o estudo da evolução microestrutural da liga Inconel 718 durante o processo de envelhecimento através da combinação do ensaio por correntes parasitas, análise de difração de raios-X, análise metalográfica, medidas de dureza e tamanho de grão. As medidas foram realizadas em amostras submetidas a diferentes ciclos de tratamentos térmicos variando entre 620-1035°C. Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes microestruturas do Inconel 718 têm efeitos distintos na condutividade elétrica quando medidos através da técnica de correntes parasitas. A influência da microestrutura na condutividade pode ser mostrada sendo devido à competição de dois efeitos sobre o espalhamento de elétrons: a purificação da matriz e a morfologia, distribuição e tamanho dos precipitados. A combinação dos valores de dureza e condutividade elétrica provou ser uma forma rápida e prática de determinar o nível de envelhecimento da liga; 2) Em um segundo momento foi desenvolvido um processo de otimização de sensores através de modelagem por elementos finitos (MEF). Através de uma metodologia de otimização, os parâmetros de construção e operação de um sensor foram otimizados para inspeção de defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais esperados em materiais cladeados com Inconel 625. O sensor com a geometria ótima foi construído e testado a fim de verificar a eficiência do processo de otimização. Uma ótima correlação entre os resultados numéricos e experimentais foi encontrada e o sensor ótimo se mostrou eficiente na inspeção de pequenos defeitos superficiais e subsuperficiais na liga Inconel 625 quando operado nas frequências apropriadas. / Nickel-based superalloys have been extensively used in various industries due to its unique mechanical and corrosion behavior. However, these alloys show particular characteristics which lead to the need for specific inspection and metallurgical characterization techniques in order to ensure the structural integrity of components manufactured from these alloys. In this work , the eddy current technique was applied to nickel-base superalloys with two aims: 1 ) Firstly, the microstructural evolution of Inconel 718 during aging processes has been studied through a combination of eddy current testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, metallography, hardness and grain size measurements. Measurements were carried out in samples subjected to different heat treatment cycles between 620-1035°C. Results show that different microstructures of Inconel 718 have a distinguishable effect on electrical conductivity when this is measured through an appropriately sensitive technique (i.e. eddy current testing). The influence of microstructure on conductivity could be shown to be due to the competition between two effects on the scattering of electrons: matrix purification and precipitate size, distribution and morphology. A combination of hardness values and electrical properties proved to be a fast and practical way of determining the stage of aging of the alloy; 2) An optimization method of eddy current sensor design was developed through finite element modeling (FEM). Through a methodology of optimization, the construction and operation parameters of the sensor were optimized for inspection of superficial and subsuperficial defect, commonly found in weld overlay Inconel 625 claddings. A prototype of this sensor with the optimum geometry was built and tested on blocks identical to those considered in the models in order to verify the efficiency of the optimization process. A very good agreement between numerical and experimental results was found. Moreover, the optimal sensor was efficient to detect small surface and subsurface defects in Inconel 625 when operated at appropriate frequencies.

Effect of Process Parameters on Contour Properties in Inconel 718 Structures Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting

Vaidyalingam Arumugam, Karthik January 2019 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing is a production method that utilises repeated addition of layers in order to produce a final shape. AM utilises less raw material and does not have drawbacks such as tool wear and material wastage as seen in conventional machining. However, they do have drawbacks such as poor surface and internal defects.  A common practice in AM is the fabrication of contour and bulk region using separate parameters.  The aim of this project was to study the effects of various process parameters on the contour properties. The process parameters considered were scanning speed, beam current and focus offset. The Nickel alloy Inconel 718 was utilised in Electron Beam Melting (EBM) to fabricate the test specimen. The samples used in this project were in an as-built condition which was priorly subjected to tensile testing for a different project. The tests performed in this project are hardness testing and microstructural investigation about grains, precipitates and the various defects.  The test results helped to understand the effect of various process parameters on the hardness and microstructure of the samples. The samples with lower scanning speed had higher hardness and lesser lack of fusion than samples with higher speed. In the case of varying beam current, the samples with higher beam current had higher hardness values and fewer lack of fusions. Similarly, the effects of varying two or more process parameters were also studied and their findings recorded. The microstructure consisted of a large number of shrinkage porosities in the bulk and contour regions. The presence of Niobium rich precipitates at grain boundaries and the grain structure for various process parameters were identified and recorded.

An Analytical Model of Material Deformation in Rotary Friction Welding of Thin-Walled Tubes

Brown, Caleb James 01 December 2018 (has links)
A new model of the material flow in rotary friction welding of tubes is proposed. The material flow proposed is based on 3D scans of welds performed with tungsten tracers. The tracers indicate a bifurcation of flow into two deformation paths. A different analysis is performed on each path.The material in Path 1 interacts with the weld interface and exhibits large amounts of azimuthal flow. Previous analytical investigations that have analytically modelled the weld interface as a non-Newtonian fluid are used to calculate the strain rate in this zone.The material in Path 2 transitions from axial to primarily radial flow. The assumption of no azimuthal flow in Path 2 is validated through experimental results of the tracer study. The directional transition in this path is compared to orthogonal machining and equal channel angular pressing. The process to estimate the variables needed to calculate strain and strain rates using the equations from orthogonal machining and equal channel angular pressing is defined. Strain and strain rate in Path 2 are dependent upon feedrate and upset. Both decrease throughout the welding process. The strain rate is higher than previous studies in rotary friction welding because of the deformation model proposed.

Comparison of Heat Generation Models in Finite Element Analysis of Friction Welding

Livingston, Richard Verile 01 August 2019 (has links)
Finite element models of friction welding can be used to estimate internal conditions of welds which are useful for weld analysis and developing experimental welding procedures. Many modeling techniques are used to accomplish these goals, each with relative strengths and weaknesses. A comparative analysis of friction welding models using different heat generation methods is presented. The three different heat generation methods examined were viscoplastic friction, constant steady-state generation, and experimentally measured power data. The models were compared against each other using three output measurements: temperature, axial force, and upset. The friction model predicted temperatures within 40 degrees C. Temperature accuracy improved at a higher upset rate and higher spindle speed, when weld samples heated up faster. The model was excellent at predicting upset, with accuracy within 1.5%. Maximum force was predicted within 9-18%. The constant heat generation model typically predicted temperatures within 30 degrees C. Upset was estimated within 7%. Maximum force was predicted within 12% at high feed rates, but accuracy dropped to 28% when feed rate was reduced. The motor power model was the most accurate model at estimating temperature, with a typical accuracy within 25 degrees C. Axial upset was predicted within 5%. Maximum force was predicted within 1-8%, with greater accuracy occurring at higher feed rates.

Heat Treatment Optimization of Inconel 718 Cladded H13 Forging Dies

Washburn, Aaron January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Correlating In-Situ Monitoring Data with Internal Defects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

Harvey, Andrew J. 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Data-driven Approaches for Material Property Prediction and Process Optimization of Selective Laser Melting

Lu, Cuiyuan 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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