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Separerade av migrationsprocess : Ofrivilliga distansens påverkan på individen i relationenVukalic, Sarah January 2019 (has links)
Anknytningsärenden hos Migrationsverket innefattar individer som söker anknytning till partner i Sverige. I och med flyktingkrisen som Sverige upplevde under 2015 - 2016 har många anknytningsärenden dragit ut på tiden. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka upplevelsen av anknytningsprocessen för par där den ena partnern befinner sig i Sverige och den andra fortfarande är kvar utomlands och hur de hanterar denna process. Fenomenologiskt inspirerade frågor om relationen, upplevelserna och coping ställdes i telefonintervjuer. Deltagarna befann sig antingen i Sverige eller i utlandet. Studien visade separationens effekter på individernas relationer och gav inblick i deras förutsättningar. Deltagarna upplevde effekter av väntetiden i anknytningsprocessen så som ovisshet, maktlöshet, stress/ohälsa och ingen framförhållning. Det som utmärkte deras hanterande av väntetiden var att de nu fick leva ett virtuellt liv, de isolerade sig från sitt sociala liv och vissa tog lugnande medel/medicin. Förlängda anknytningsprocessen ledde till symptom av stress och hälsokomplikationer hos de som tvingas leva i ofrivilliga distansförhållanden.
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Welfare State Context and Individual Health: The Role of Decommodification in Shaping Self-Perceived HealthAbel, Karin M. 01 May 2015 (has links)
My research brings together two areas of sociological inquiry. The first area involves the study of the welfare state and the second the determinants of health status. Drawing on Esping-Andersen's work concerning a particular aspect of the welfare state, decommodification, two questions are of interest. First, are individuals in countries with more decommodifying welfare states less likely to report poor self-perceived health than individuals in countries with less decommodifying welfare states? Second, does decommodification affect the health of various population groups in different ways? Gender and income groups are of interest here. Theoretically, I argue that the welfare state impacts the stratification order, that social inequality is tied to social cohesion, and that social cohesion is linked to health. I draw on sources of both country- and individual- level data, including the comparative welfare Entitlements dataset, the World Values Survey, and the European Values Study, to test hypotheses concerning the link between decommodification and self-perceived health. In general, I hypothesize that higher levels of decommodification will contribute to a decreased likelihood that individuals report poor self-perceived health. Given the miltilevel structure of my research questions and hypotheses, I use multilevel binary logistic regression to assess relationships of interest. My findings indicate that, for all groups, decommodification does not have a statistically significant relationship with self-perceived health. In other words, higher levels of welfare support do not decrease the likelihood that individuals report poor health. To elaborate, for all groups, those who are trusting, as compared to those who are not, are less likely to report poor health. Overall, the data do not support my hypotheses, revealing potential flaws in my theory linking the welfare state and health status. My research, then, has both theoretical and empirical implications.
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Kauno apskrityje veikiančių asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų bendradarbiavimo galimybės su sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančiomis valstybės institucijomis / Possibilities of co-operation between health care institutions and the state controlling institutionsDeleckis, Valentas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Išanalizuoti asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų bendradarbiavimo galimybes su įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančiomis valstybės institucijomis.
Metodika. 2009 m. gruodžio – 2010 m. vasario mėn. buvo atlikta Kauno apskrities asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų administracinį darbą dirbančių darbuotojų anketinė apklausa. Anketas užpildė ir grąžino 68 respondentai iš 55 Kauno apskrityje veikiančių asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų (atsako dažnis 66,7%). Statistiniams ryšiams įvertinti naudotas Chi kvadrato (χ2 ) kriterijus, Z-kriterijus taikytas lyginant dviejų proporcijų lygybę. Rodiklių skirtumai laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p<0,05.
Rezultatai. Kauno apskrities asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai (86,8 proc.) dažniausiai bendradarbiauja su Teritorinėmis ligonių kasomis, mažiausiai - su Lietuvos medicinos etikos komitetu (4,4 proc.). Asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančių valstybės institucijų darbą vertino: labai gerai 5,9 proc., gerai 38,2 proc., vidutiniškai 51,5 proc., blogai 4,4 proc. Bendradarbiavimas su įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančiomis valstybės institucijomis dažniausiai vyksta kelis kartus per mėnesį. Dažniausiai informacija įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančioms valstybės institucijomis yra perduodama el. paštu. Vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojai, bei vyrai, dažniau bendradarbiauja neformalioje aplinkoje su kitų asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojais ir su įstaigų veiklą kontroliuojančiomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To analyze the opportunities of co-operation between health care institutions and the state controlling institutions.
Methods. The survey of workers of Kaunas county health care institutions was accomplished during 2009 December - 2010 February. Questionnaires were filled-in and returned by 68 respondents of the 55 Kaunas county health care institutions (response rate 66,7%). For the assessment of the statistical relationships Chi square (χ2) criteria was used; Z-test was used for the comparison of two proportions. Differences were considered as statistically significant at p<0,05 level.
Results. Kaunas county health care workers (86,8%) mostly collaborate with regional sickness insurance funds, at least with Lithuanian medical ethics committee (4,4%). Health care workers assess work of the state controlling institutions: very good (5,9%), well (38,2%), an average (51,5%), negative (4,4%). Cooperation with the state controlling institutions is preceded several times a month. Information is often transferred by e-mail to the state controlling institutions. Older workers and men often co-operate with the state controlling institutions in non-formal way. Respondents who are satisfied in supervising with the state controlling institutions are more satisfied with aspects of the issues. Only one third of the respondents received information from the state controlling institutions timely. Respondents under the age of 35 and over the age of 43 years were satisfied... [to full text]
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Högskolestudenters alkoholkonsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om personlighetsdrag och individuella hälsouppfattningar / University students' alcohol consumption : A quantitative study of personality traits and individual health beliefsGustavsson, Agnes, Elmersson, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka sambanden mellan personlighet, individuella hälsouppfattningar och alkoholkonsumtion hos högskolestudenter. Femfaktormodellen användes för att undersöka personlighetsdragen och The Health Belief Model användes för att undersöka de individuella hälsouppfattningarna. Studien har utgått från en kvantitativ metodologi och genomfördes genom webbenkäter. Enkäten bestod av flera mätinstrument som mätte alkoholkonsumtion, personlighet och de utvalda individuella hälsouppfattningarna. Det utfördes även en kort pilotstudie för att undersöka att enkätens frågor var tydliga. Urvalet bestod av ett bekvämlighetsurval på högskolestudenter (N=94). Tidigare forskning visar att både personlighet och individuella hälsouppfattningar påverkar individers alkoholkonsumtion. Vissa personlighetsdrag eller individuella hälsouppfattningar minskar konsumtionen, medan andra ökar den eller inte har någon effekt. För att utforska studiens forskningsfrågor och testa dess hypoteser genomfördes enkla och multipla regressionsanalyser. De centrala resultaten i studien visade att personlighetsdraget extraversion hade ett signifikant positivt samband med alkoholkonsumtion. Även tre individuella hälsouppfattningar, vilka är upplevd mottaglighet, upplevda barriärer och ledtrådar till handling hade positiva signifikanta samband med alkoholkonsumtion. / The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between personality,individual health beliefs and alcohol consumption in university students. The five-factormodel was used to measure personality traits and The Health Belief Model was used to investigate the individual health beliefs. The study was based on a quantitative methodology and used web surveys. The questionnaire included instruments measuring alcohol consumption, personality, and individual health perceptions. A pilot study was also conducted to ensure the questionnaire's clarity. The sample in this study consisted of a convenience sample of university students (N=94). Previous research shows that both personality and individual health perceptions influence individuals' alcoholconsumption. Some personality traits or individual health perceptions reduce consumption, while others increase it or have no effect. To explore the study's research questions and test its hypotheses, simple and multiple regression analyzes were conducted. The central result was that the personality trait extraversion had a significant positive correlation with alcohol consumption. The three individual health perceptions perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers and cues to action also had a positive significant correlation with alcohol consumption.
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This dissertation compares the work and life of secondary public-school teachers in Ontario with different labour contracts during a time of crisis. The COVID public health crisis along with neoliberalism, the defunding of public education, and a climate crisis have all influenced governmental policies and the labour process of public secondary teachers in Ontario. The influences that different contracts can have on the labour process of teachers, how they feel towards their union, and the impacts on their individual health and household wellbeing before and during the first year of the COVID pandemic is the focus of this dissertation.
To help explore these contexts and the influences on the life and labour of public secondary teachers in Ontario with different contracts, I have used research from studies in Labour Process Theory, precarious work, and educational labour to inform my analysis. Along with those areas of discourse, I have also used insights from research into Critical Realism and Thematic Analysis to think through and discuss the differences between the teachers I interviewed and connect their experiences with work, their union, and their individual health and household well-being to larger systems, structures, and histories.
The interviews conducted revealed three points of interest: that precarious labour contracts can function as a disciplinary device, that larger contexts outside the contract shaped how the contract was experienced, and that teachers’ unions can act as a source of solidarity and security during a crisis and when there are certain associations with its purpose. This exploratory research aims to open up future areas of research into educational labour and differences between the experiences of educators with different contracts. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This project explored the differences between public secondary teachers with different contracts in Ontario before and during the COVID pandemic. It involved an online survey to help recruit participants and interviews with 36 teachers who were recruited from the online survey. Of the 36 teachers, 13 had permanent contracts, 16 had long term occasional (LTO) contracts, and 7 had occasional teaching (OT) contracts. The interviews and analysis revealed three points of interest: that precarious labour contracts in a tiered relationship with secure contracts can function as a disciplinary device, that larger contexts outside the contract shaped how the contract was experienced, and that teachers’ unions can act as a source of solidarity and security during a crisis and when there are certain associations with its purpose. Teachers with different contracts had uniquely different experiences with their work, their union, and their individual health and household wellbeing before and during COVID.
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