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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Universalios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros tyrimas / Research on the Universal Linear Electric Drive

Inčirauskaitė, Asta 20 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe apžvelgtos dulkių sprogimų atsiradimo priežastys bei sprogimų plitimų mechanizmas. Aprašyti sprogimų žemės ūkio įmonėse padariniai. Aptartos techninės priemonės, įgalinančias lokalizuoti pirminius silpnus dulkių sprogimus ir taip išvengiant stiprių, griaunamosios jėgos sprogimų. Išanalizuotos ugnį užtveriančių ir technologinių universaliųjų sklendžių tiesiaeiges elektros pavaros. Naudojant programinį modeliavimo paketą Matlab Simulink sudarytas universaliosios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros modelis ir gautos dinaminių charakteristikų imitacijos kreives. Naudojant programinį paketą SolidWorks sumodeliuota universalioji sklendė ir gauta smūginės bangos slėgio veikiamo sklendės judamojo elemento deformacija ir judamojo elemento deformacija, kai induktoriaus aktyviojoje zonoje įtaisyti papildomi atraminiai guoliai. Baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai. / The final work of master analyses the causes of dust explosions and explosions spread mechanism. A short overview of the explosions effects in the agro - industry is presented. Technical devices enabling the localization of primary weak dust explosions and so avoiding the strong, destructive force explosions are discussed. Fire blocking and universal linear electric drives are analyzed. Using software package Matlab Simulink model of universal linear electric drive is created and dynamic characteristics are gained. Using software package SolidWorks model of universal linear electric drive is created and valves mobile element deformation and deformation of the mobile element, when there are installed additional supporting bearings in the inductor active zone are obtained when mobile element is affected by the pressure of the explosion wave. Concluding part presents inferences and suggestions.

Asinchroninės bejutiklės pavaros modeliavimas / Modelling of sensorless induction drive

Trinkūnaitė, Ingrida 21 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe sudarytas uždarosios asinchroninės bejutiklės vektoriškai valdomos pavaros imitacinis modelis ir ištirtos charakteristikos. Teorinėje darbo dalyje yra aptariami asinchroninių elektros pavarų privalumai bei šiose pavarose naudojami greičio jutikliai. Aprašomi stebiklių privalumai bei trūkumai, pagrindžiamas jų naudojimas asinchroninėse pavarose. Nagrinėjami bejutiklių elektros pavarų ypatumai, aprašomi vektorinio valdymo bendrieji principai bei aprašomi bejutiklėse vektoriškai valdomose pavarose naudojamų stebiklių modeliai. Pateikiami du skirtingi asinchroninių variklių matematiniai modeliai. Tiriamojoje dalyje parenkamas asinchroninio variklio modelis, tiriant abiejų imitacinių modelių dinamines greičio charakteristikas. Sudaromas stebiklio imitacinis modelis. Tiriamos stebiklio greičio dinaminės charakteristikos, sudaroma uždaroji greičio reguliavimo sistema su stebikliu. Analizuojamos uždarosios greičio reguliavimo sistemos greičio charakteristikos be apkrovos, su šuoline apkrova ir harmoniškai kintančia apkrova. Nagrinėjama sistemos stiprinimo koeficiento įtaka uždarosios greičio reguliavimo sistemos greičio charakteristikų pereinamiesiams procesams. Magistro darbas baigiamas tyrimo išvadomis, kuriose aptariamas darbo rezultatų realaus pritaikymo galimybės. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, žymėjimai, literatūros šaltinių analizė, tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai, teorinė dalis, tiriamoji dalis išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros šaltiniai. / The final master degree thesis presents sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive simulation model and characteristics. In the analytic part of master thesis advantages of induction motor drives and speed sensors are described. Advantages and disadvantages of speed estimators are presented and purpose of using them are proved. Peculiarities of sensorless motor drives, principles of vector control and models of speed estimators are analyzed. Two simulation models of induction motor are proposed. In the research part characteristics of induction motors are compared and motor model is chosen. Characteristics of open loop induction motor drive are investigated and simulation model of closed loop induction motor drive with speed estimator is designed. Characteristics of closed loop control system at no load, constant load and harmonic load are analyzed and influence of speed controller gain is considered. Thesis is closed with conclusions about designed system application in real projects. Structure: introduction, list of symbols, literature review, the study aims and objectives, the theoretical part, research part, conclusions and proposals, references.

Contribution au diagnostic de défauts des composants de puissance dans un convertisseur statique associé à une machine asynchrone - exploitation des signaux électriques - / On IGBT's fault diagnosis in voltage source inverter-fed induction motor drives -analysis of electrical signals-

Trabelsi, Mohamed 24 May 2012 (has links)
Les travaux développés durant cette thèse concernent la détection et l'identification des défauts simples et multiples d'ouverture des transistors dans un convertisseur statique associé à une machine asynchrone. Pour aborder cette problématique, nous avons commencé par l'analyse des potentialités, des faiblesses et des incertitudes des techniques qui ont initiés notre démarche. Ensuite, nous avons présenté deux méthodologies permettant d'analyser les performances du moteur asynchrone en présence des défauts dans une ou plusieurs cellules de commutation. Cette étude préliminaire nous a permis ainsi de proposer deux nouvelles stratégies de diagnostic sans référence basées sur l'approche signal. Les signaux électriques (courants ou tensions) disponibles à la sortie du convertisseur statique sont utilisés pour alimenter le processus de diagnostic. La première stratégie retenue est basée sur l'analyse qualitative des tensions de sortie entre phases du convertisseur et des signaux de commande appliqués aux transistors pendant les instants de commutation. Grâce à une représentation instantanée de ces grandeurs, à l'échelle de la période de découpage, nous avons pu mettre en évidence des caractéristiques favorables à la détection des défauts simples et multiples d'ouverture des transistors. L'implémentation pratique de cette première approche a été réalisée au moyen d'une technologie analogique permettant ainsi de minimiser le temps de retard à la détection jusqu'à quelques dizaines de microsecondes. / The main goal of this thesis concerns the detection and identification of simple and multiple open-circuit faults in voltage source inverters (VSIs)-fed induction motor drives. In first step, the potentialities, the weaknesses as well as the uncertainties of the previously published works have been discussed. The second step was dedicated to the study of the inverter faults impact on the induction motor. For this purpose, we have proposed two methodologies permitting the characterization of the electromagnetic torque behaviour as well as the electric variables of the induction motor under the open- and short-circuit faults. These preliminary studies allowed to propose two novel signal-based approaches for open-circuit fault diagnosis in voltage source inverter. The measured outputs inverter voltages and currents have been used as the input quantities for the fault detection and identification (FDI) process. The first approach consists in analyzing the pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching signals and the line-to-line voltage levels during the switching times, under both healthy and faulty operating conditions. For this purpose, we have adopted an instantaneous representation of these variables, which permits their analysis over one switching period. The fault diagnosis scheme is achieved using simple analog device. This circuit allows an accurate single and multiple faults diagnosis, and a minimization of the fault detection time which becomes about a few tens of microseconds.

Metodologia para diagnóstico e análise da influência dos afundamentos e interrupções de tensão nos motores de indução trifásicos / Methodology for the diagnosis and analysis of influence of voltage sags and interruptions in three-phase induction motors

Gibelli, Gerson Bessa 20 May 2016 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, é proposta uma metodologia para detectar e classificar os distúrbios observados em um Sistema Elétrico Industrial (SEI), além de estimar de forma não intrusiva, o torque eletromagnético e a velocidade associada ao Motor de Indução Trifásico (MIT) em análise. A metodologia proposta está baseada na utilização da Transformada Wavelet (TW) para a detecção e a localização no tempo dos afundamentos e interrupções de tensão, e na aplicação da Função Densidade de Probabilidade (FDP) e Correlação Cruzada (CC) para a classificação dos eventos. Após o processo de classificação dos eventos, a metodologia como implementada proporciona a estimação do torque eletromagnético e a velocidade do MIT por meio das tensões e correntes trifásicas via Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs). As simulações computacionais necessárias sobre um sistema industrial real, assim como a modelagem do MIT, foram realizadas utilizando-se do software DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Cabe adiantar que a lógica responsável pela detecção e a localização no tempo detectou corretamente 93,4% das situações avaliadas. Com relação a classificação dos distúrbios, o índice refletiu 100% de acerto das situações avaliadas. As RNAs associadas à estimação do torque eletromagnético e à velocidade no eixo do MIT apresentaram um desvio padrão máximo de 1,68 p.u. e 0,02 p.u., respectivamente. / This study proposes a methodology to detect and classify the disturbances observed in an Industrial Electric System (IES), in addition to, non-intrusively, estimate the electromagnetic torque and speed associated with the Three-Phase Induction Motor (TPIM) under analysis. The proposed methodology is based on the use of the Wavelet Transform WT) for the detection and location in time of voltage sags and interruptions, and on the application of the Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cross Correlation (CC) for the classification of events. After the process of events classification, the methodology, as implemented, provides the estimation of the electromagnetic torque and the TPIM speed through the three-phase voltages and currents via Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The necessary computer simulations of a real industrial system, as well as the modeling of the TPIM, were performed by using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The logic responsible for the detection and location in time correctly detected 93.4% of the assessed situations. Regarding the classification of disturbances, the index reflected 100% accuracy of the assessed situations. The ANN associated with the estimation of the electromagnetic torque and speed at the TPIM shaft showed a maximum standard deviation of 1.68 p.u. and 0.02 p.u., respectively.

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Monaco, Leandro Henrique 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Multiclassificador inteligente de falhas no domínio do tempo em motores de indução trifásicos alimentados por inversores de frequência / Time domain intelligent faults multiclassifier in inverter fed three-phase induction motors

Godoy, Wagner Fontes 18 April 2016 (has links)
Os motores de indução desempenham um importante papel na indústria, fato este que destaca a importância do correto diagnóstico e classificação de falhas ainda em fase inicial de sua evolução, possibilitando aumento na produtividade e, principalmente, eliminando graves danos aos processos e às máquinas. Assim, a proposta desta tese consiste em apresentar um multiclassificador inteligente para o diagnóstico de motor sem defeitos, falhas de curto-circuito nos enrolamentos do estator, falhas de rotor e falhas de rolamentos em motores de indução trifásicos acionados por diferentes modelos de inversores de frequência por meio da análise das amplitudes dos sinais de corrente de estator no domínio do tempo. Para avaliar a precisão de classificação frente aos diversos níveis de severidade das falhas, foram comparados os desempenhos de quatro técnicas distintas de aprendizado de máquina; a saber: (i) Rede Fuzzy Artmap, (ii) Rede Perceptron Multicamadas, (iii) Máquina de Vetores de Suporte e (iv) k-Vizinhos-Próximos. Resultados experimentais obtidos a partir de 13.574 ensaios experimentais são apresentados para validar o estudo considerando uma ampla faixa de frequências de operação, bem como regimes de conjugado de carga em 5 motores diferentes. / Induction motors play an important role in the industry, a fact that highlights the importance of correct diagnosis and classification of faults on these machines still in early stages of their evolution, allowing increase in productivity and mainly, eliminating major damage to the processes and machines. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to present an intelligent multi-classifier for the diagnoses of healthy motor, short-circuit faults in the stator windings, rotor broken bars and bearing faults in induction motors operating with different models of frequency inverters by analyzing the amplitude of the stator current signal in the time domain. To assess the classification accuracy across the various levels of faults severity, the performances of four different learning machine techniques were compared; namely: (i) Fuzzy ARTMAP network, (ii) Multilayer Perceptron Network, (iii) Support Vector Machine and (iv) k-Nearest-Neighbor. Experimental results obtained from 13.574 experimental tests are presented to validate the study considering a wide range of operating frequencies and also load conditions using 5 different motors.

Resposta dinâmica dos motores de indução trifásicos a afundamentos de tensão na rede de alimentação / Dynamic response of three-phase induction motors to voltage sags in the power supply network

Gibelli, Gerson Bessa 04 June 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo da resposta dinâmica dos motores de indução trifásicos submetidos a afundamentos de tensão. As simulações computacionais sobre um sistema de distribuição, assim como a modelagem dos motores de indução trifásicos baseada em dados reais, foram realizadas utilizando-se do software ATP (Alternative Transients Program). Estas tiveram por objetivo gerar situações representativas da operação do sistema elétrico de potência (SEP), caracterizando afundamentos de tensão, fenômenos estes pertencentes à classe de variações de tensão de curta duração (VTCD), no contexto da qualidade da energia elétrica (QEE). Da observação destes afundamentos, verificaram-se as situações que vieram ou não, a comprometer a alimentação do equipamento analisado e, conseqüentemente, seu desempenho. Pelos resultados observados, evidencia-se que a metodologia de análise aplicada é satisfatória e condizente com o encontrado em situações reais de operação dos motores de indução trifásicos, denotando certas características intrínsecas no contexto das VTCDs. / This research shows a study on the dynamic response of three-phase induction motors submitted to voltage sags. Computer simulations about a distribution system, as well as the modeling of three-phase induction motors based on actual data, were made using ATP (Alternative Transients Program) software. These simulations intended to generate representative situations of the electrical power system (EPS) operation, characterizing voltage sags, which is a phenomenon belonging to the class of short duration voltage variations (SDVV), in the electrical power quality context (EPQ). From the observation of these sags, we verified the situations that jeopardized or not the supply of the analyzed equipment and, consequently, its performance. From the observed results, it becomes evident that the methodology of the applied analysis is satisfactory and in agreement with the one found in actual situations of three-phase induction motors operations, indicating certain characteristics intrinsic to the SDVV context.

Protocole de diagnostic des entraînements asynchrones par références : application à la détection des déséquilibres mécaniques et des défauts de courroies / Diagnosis protocol of induction machines by references : application to the detection of mechanical unbalances and belts faults

Fournier, Etienne 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les applications entrainées par des moteurs asynchrones consomment à elles seules la majorité de l’énergie électrique utilisée dans le secteur industriel. Des défauts, majoritairement d’origine mécanique, sont susceptibles de se développer au cours du fonctionnement de ces systèmes et rendent nécessaires la mise en place d’une maintenance souvent onéreuse. Afin de réduire ces coûts et d’optimiser la disponibilité des matériels, des méthodes de diagnostic peuvent être développées afin de détecter au plus tôt l’apparition d’un défaut. Cependant, la fiabilité de ces algorithmes et l’automatisation du diagnostic sont complexifiées par la diversité des systèmes alimentés par les variateurs de vitesse industriels ainsi que par le changement de leur point de fonctionnement. Afin de répondre à ces problématiques, un protocole de diagnostic permettant de réaliser une détection sensible et robuste des défaillances mécaniques est développé dans ce travail. Cette méthode consiste à segmenter le plan couple-vitesse du moteur surveillé et à réaliser des références statistiques caractérisant son fonctionnement sain sur chacune des zones de fonctionnement. Des indicateurs de défaut peuvent ensuite être définis statistiquement afin de quantifier l’écart du système vis-à-vis de son comportement sain. Ces indicateurs sont ainsi indépendants du système surveillé et de son point de fonctionnement. Les principales applications ciblées par ce protocole sont les systèmes de compression, de pompage et de ventilation qui représentent une part importante de l’énergie électrique consommée dans le secteur industriel. Le protocole de diagnostic développé dans cette étude est validé expérimentalement dans le cadre de la détection de différentes niveaux de déséquilibre mécanique mais également pour la surveillance d’un système de transmission de type poulies-courroies. De plus, les campagnes expérimentales sont effectuées sur plusieurs systèmes électromécaniques dont les propriétés sont foncièrement différentes afin de valider les performances de normalisation de ce protocole. / Systems driven by induction motors consume most of the industrial electric supply. Mechanical faults may develop over time and disrupt their proper functioning, resulting in high maintenance expenditure. In order to reduce these costs and to improve machines availability, diagnosis methods can be developped to perform the early detection of incipient faults. However, the variety of industrial applications driven by induction motors complicates the automation of fault detection. To resolve these issues, a sensitive and robust diagnosis protocol has been developed in two stages. First, the torque-speed plane of the monitored motor is segmented in different functioning areas. Then, a statistical reference is achieved on each operating zone in order to characterize the healthy working of the system. Statistic-based indicators may then quantify the system deviation from its healthy behaviour. These indicators are therefore independent of the monitored system and of its functioning point. The applications targeted by this study are fans, pumps and compressors which are widely used in industrial processes. This diagnosis protocol is experimentally validated on the detection of several levels of mechanical unbalance and for the monitoring of V-belts drive health state. Moreover, test campaigns are achieved on varied electromechanical systems in order to validate the normalization performances of the developed protocol.

Ações de conservação de energia aplicadas a uma planta industrial composta de motores de indução / Action of conservation of energy applied to one plants composed industrial of induction motors

Facco, José Henrique 31 March 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva, a partir de dados coletados dos motores elétricos em regime de trabalho, dar sua contribuição ao estudo de conservação de energia elétrica numa planta industrial. Apresenta-se o motor elétrico trifásico de indução e as diversas questões relativas ao seu uso industrial, para então, demonstrarem os parâmetros elétricos obtidos. Elaborou-se um trabalho de campo, que possibilita à análise da eficiência energética no uso de motores elétricos em uma fábrica de papel e cosméticos. A partir de medidas dos parâmetros elétricos como: corrente e tensão, mais os dados de catálogos do fabricante, chegaram-se aos valores de rendimento, fator de potência e fator de utilização, para diversas condições de carga dos motores. Caso o fator de utilização seja inferior a 75%, um estudo comparativo permitirá as decisões de substituição dos motores super dimensionados. Os dados são usados para as seguintes análises: qual a possível conservação de energia elétrica para cada setor, se os motores fossem substituídos por unidades de alto rendimento?; qual a viabilidade de cada setor realizar as trocas imediatas por motores de alto rendimento?; qual à economia de energia elétrica por setores em (R$/dia), utilizando motores de alto rendimento?; em quanto tempo obteríamos o retorno desse investimento? Alguns recursos de informática foram utilizados nos cálculos realizados. Os resultados indicam que o potencial de conservação de energia elétrica em motores deve ser melhor explorado e de forma mais consciente. / The objective of the present research, from a data set of electric motor collected in a regimen of work, give its contribution to the study on industrial electrical motors’ energy saving. It present the three-phase induction motor, the various issues of its industrial use and the electric parameter set collected are then presented. Field of work was elaborated, wich allowed the analysis of the energy efficiency in the use of electric engines in industry of paper and cosmetics. Given the measurements of current and tension, plus the data from the manufacter’s catalogs, values of efficiency were obtained, power factor and utilization factor, for diverse conditions of engine load. But in case the utilization factor is less than 75%, a comparative study allowed the decisions of substitution of the poorly dimensioned engines. The data are analyzed in ways: 1)What would be the energy save to each sector, if motors were changed for high efficient units? 2)What would be the viable to each sector to replace immediately the existing motors for high efficient? 3)What would be the energy save to each sector in (R$/day), using high efficient motors? 4)How much time would be the return of the investiment?. Some resources of computer technology were used in the calculations. The results showing the electric energy saving potential in motor would be better use to advantage and more conscientions form.

Analyse et traitement de grandeurs électriques pour la détection et le diagnostic de défauts mécaniques dans les entraînements asynchrones. Application à la surveillance des roulements à billes / Detection and diagnostics of faults in permanent magnet synchronous machines by signal processing of control data

Trajin, Baptiste 01 December 2009 (has links)
Les entraînements électriques à base de machine asynchrone sont largement utilisés dans les applications industrielles en raison de leur faible coût, de leurs performances et de leur robustesse. Cependant, des modes de fonctionnement dégradés peuvent apparaître durant la vie de la machine. L'une des raisons principales de ces défaillances reste les défauts de roulements à billes. Afin d'améliorer la sûreté de fonctionnement des entraînements, des schémas de surveillance peuvent être mis en place afin d'assurer une maintenance préventive. Ce travail de thèse traite de la détection et du diagnostic des défauts mécaniques et plus particulièrement des défauts de roulements dans une machine asynchrone. Généralement, une surveillance vibratoire peut être mise en place. Cette méthode de surveillance est cependant souvent chère du fait de la chaîne de mesure. Une approche, basée sur l'analyse et le traitement des courants statoriques, est alors proposée, afin de suppléer à l'analyse vibratoire. L'étude est basée sur l'existence et la caractérisation des effets des oscillations du couple de charge sur les courants d'alimentation. Un schéma de détection est alors introduit pour détecter différents types de défauts de roulements. De plus, des variables mécaniques, telles que la vitesse ou le couple, sont également reconstruites afin de fournir une indication sur la présence de défauts de roulements. Par ailleurs, un diagnostic des modulations des courants statoriques est proposé, en régime permanent et en régime transitoire, quel que soit le rapport entre les fréquences porteuse et modulante. Les méthodes étudiées sont la transformée de Hilbert, la transformée de Concordia, l'amplitude et la fréquence instantanées ainsi que la distribution de Wigner-Ville. / Asynchronous drives are widely used in many industrial applications because of their low cost, high performance and robustness. However, faulty operations may appear during the lifetime of the system. The most frequently encountered faults in asynchronous drives come from rolling bearings. To improve the availability and reliability of the drives, a condition monitoring may be implemented to favor the predictive maintenance. This Ph.D. thesis deals with detection and diagnosis of mechanical faults, particularly rolling bearings defects in induction motors. Traditionally, bearing monitoring is supervised using vibration analysis. Measuring such quantities is often expensive due to the measurement system. An other approach, based on stator current analysis, is then proposed. The characterization of load torque oscillation effects on stator currents is studied. A detection scheme is then proposed to detect several types of bearing faults. Moreover, mechanical variables, such as rotating speed or torque, are estimated in order to detect bearings defects. In addition, a diagnosis of stator currents modulations is proposed, in steady and transient state, whatever the career and modulation frequencies. Hilbert transform, Concordia transform, instantaneous amplitude and frequency are studied. The Wigner-Ville distribution is used in transient state.

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