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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

(Des)construção da súmula cinculante n 4 do Supremo Tribunal Federal : elementos de conjuntura econômica e jurídica

Saulo Bosco Souza de Medeiros 26 October 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal consubstanciada na súmula vinculante n. 4 sob uma perspectiva jurídico-econômica das relações de trabalho. A súmula vinculante n. 4 do Supremo Tribunal Federal declarou que, salvo casos previstos na Constituição, o salário mínimo não pode ser usado como indexador de base de cálculo de vantagem de servidor público ou de empregado, nem ser substituído por decisão judicial. Sob tal perspectiva, foi proibida a utilização do salário mínimo como base de cálculo do adicional de insalubridade, em confronto com a legislação trabalhista e com a jurisprudência até então sedimentada. Este estudo pretende refazer o processo de construção da jurisprudência constitucional vinculante em matéria trabalhista trazendo para o centro da discussão jurídica elementos de conjuntura econômica. Para tanto, fez-se a evolução do custo real do valor do salário mínimo brasileiro, a fim de possibilitar a identificação da sua influência nas decisões de investimento num cenário econômico neoliberal e globalizado. A partir deste dado, buscou-se apreender em que grau a jurisprudência tem sido utilizada como instrumento de segurança às relações econômicas e a eventual consequência frente à necessidade de garantir-se a melhoria da condição social dos trabalhadores

Análise das condições ergonômicas de trabalho em atividades típicas na execução de revestimentos em superfícies verticais de edificações

Silva Netto, Ezequiel Pinto da 21 December 2015 (has links)
A construção civil é um dos setores da economia que possui um dos maiores índices de afastamento de funcionários por acidentes do trabalho, e grande parte destes acidentes, em função, por exemplo, de traumas musculares advindos dos postos de trabalho e atividades mal projetados. Desta forma esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal realizar uma análise das condições ergonômicas de trabalho em atividades típicas na execução de revestimentos em superfícies verticais de edificações. A pesquisa foi classificada como estudo de caso de caráter exploratório com análises qualitativas e quantitativas. A análise ergonômica foi realizada com a aplicação dos métodos OWAS e RULA, por meio do questionário nórdico e diagrama de áreas dolorosas e com a avaliação do fator ambiental calor, para pedreiros de duas obras distintas na cidade de Paranaguá – PR. No ano de 2014 foram realizados as análises preliminares e levantamentos de dados do local, atividades e do pessoal, e em 2015 foram coletados dados relativos ao calor, com auxílio do medidor de stress térmico digital, assim como a aplicação dos métodos e compilação dos resultados. As atividades estudadas foram o emboço e a aplicação de cerâmica. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que a atividade de emboço foi a mais crítica para a saúde do trabalhador, segundo todas as ferramentas ergonômicas aplicadas. Quanto ao fator ambiental calor, o mesmo foi caracterizado como insalubre, por estar acima do limite de tolerância previsto, em três das quatro medições realizadas. Foi possível concluir ainda que a região lombar e o pescoço foram as mais afetadas nas tarefas estudadas e que a aplicação das ferramentas ergonômicas em conjunto traz mais precisão aos resultados, por serem complementares. Para melhoria nos ambientes de trabalho sugere-se a utilização de métodos de exaustão ou ventilação, a implantação de bancadas com altura regulável nas tarefas ou ações de capturar a argamassa em masseira, assim como a realização de rodízios de tarefas, ou ainda a realização de correções posturais, ginástica laboral e estudos macroergonômicos. / The construction industry is one of the sectors of the economy that has one of the highest clearance rates of employees for work-related injuries, and most of these accidents, due, for example, muscle trauma of the jobs and poorly designed activities. Thus this dissertation aimed to undertake an analysis of ergonomic working conditions in typical activities in the execution of coatings on vertical surfaces of buildings. The research was classified as a study of exploratory case with qualitative and quantitative analyzes. The ergonomic analysis was performed with the application of OWAS and RULA methods, through the Nordic questionnaire and diagram of painful areas and the assessment of the environmental factor heat for Bricklayers two distinct works in the city of Paranaguá - PR. In the year 2014 it was carried out preliminary analysis and site survey data, activities and staff, and in 2015 were collected related to heat data with the aid of digital thermal stress meter, as well as the application of methods and compilation of results . The activities studied were the plaster and application of ceramics. The results showed that the plaster activity was the most critical to the health of workers, according to all ergonomic tools applied. As for the environmental factor heat, it was characterized as unhealthy, to be above the tolerance in three of the four measurements. It was also possible to conclude that the lower back and neck were the most affected in the studied tasks and that the application of ergonomic tools together brings more precision to the results, because they are complementary. To improve the work environment suggests the use of exhaust methods or ventilation, the implementation of the stands with adjustable height in the tasks or actions to capture the mortar trough, as well as performing tasks casters, or performing postural corrections, gymnastics and macroergonômicos studies.

Análise das condições ergonômicas de trabalho em atividades típicas na execução de revestimentos em superfícies verticais de edificações

Silva Netto, Ezequiel Pinto da 21 December 2015 (has links)
A construção civil é um dos setores da economia que possui um dos maiores índices de afastamento de funcionários por acidentes do trabalho, e grande parte destes acidentes, em função, por exemplo, de traumas musculares advindos dos postos de trabalho e atividades mal projetados. Desta forma esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal realizar uma análise das condições ergonômicas de trabalho em atividades típicas na execução de revestimentos em superfícies verticais de edificações. A pesquisa foi classificada como estudo de caso de caráter exploratório com análises qualitativas e quantitativas. A análise ergonômica foi realizada com a aplicação dos métodos OWAS e RULA, por meio do questionário nórdico e diagrama de áreas dolorosas e com a avaliação do fator ambiental calor, para pedreiros de duas obras distintas na cidade de Paranaguá – PR. No ano de 2014 foram realizados as análises preliminares e levantamentos de dados do local, atividades e do pessoal, e em 2015 foram coletados dados relativos ao calor, com auxílio do medidor de stress térmico digital, assim como a aplicação dos métodos e compilação dos resultados. As atividades estudadas foram o emboço e a aplicação de cerâmica. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que a atividade de emboço foi a mais crítica para a saúde do trabalhador, segundo todas as ferramentas ergonômicas aplicadas. Quanto ao fator ambiental calor, o mesmo foi caracterizado como insalubre, por estar acima do limite de tolerância previsto, em três das quatro medições realizadas. Foi possível concluir ainda que a região lombar e o pescoço foram as mais afetadas nas tarefas estudadas e que a aplicação das ferramentas ergonômicas em conjunto traz mais precisão aos resultados, por serem complementares. Para melhoria nos ambientes de trabalho sugere-se a utilização de métodos de exaustão ou ventilação, a implantação de bancadas com altura regulável nas tarefas ou ações de capturar a argamassa em masseira, assim como a realização de rodízios de tarefas, ou ainda a realização de correções posturais, ginástica laboral e estudos macroergonômicos. / The construction industry is one of the sectors of the economy that has one of the highest clearance rates of employees for work-related injuries, and most of these accidents, due, for example, muscle trauma of the jobs and poorly designed activities. Thus this dissertation aimed to undertake an analysis of ergonomic working conditions in typical activities in the execution of coatings on vertical surfaces of buildings. The research was classified as a study of exploratory case with qualitative and quantitative analyzes. The ergonomic analysis was performed with the application of OWAS and RULA methods, through the Nordic questionnaire and diagram of painful areas and the assessment of the environmental factor heat for Bricklayers two distinct works in the city of Paranaguá - PR. In the year 2014 it was carried out preliminary analysis and site survey data, activities and staff, and in 2015 were collected related to heat data with the aid of digital thermal stress meter, as well as the application of methods and compilation of results . The activities studied were the plaster and application of ceramics. The results showed that the plaster activity was the most critical to the health of workers, according to all ergonomic tools applied. As for the environmental factor heat, it was characterized as unhealthy, to be above the tolerance in three of the four measurements. It was also possible to conclude that the lower back and neck were the most affected in the studied tasks and that the application of ergonomic tools together brings more precision to the results, because they are complementary. To improve the work environment suggests the use of exhaust methods or ventilation, the implementation of the stands with adjustable height in the tasks or actions to capture the mortar trough, as well as performing tasks casters, or performing postural corrections, gymnastics and macroergonômicos studies.

Characterization of Noise Exposure for High-Volume Restaurant Workers

Gladieux, Desiree 05 November 2015 (has links)
Occupational hearing loss resulting from noise exposures encountered in the workplace affects millions of workers and costs hundreds of millions of dollars annually in Workers’ Compensation costs in the United States alone. Some industries have been well studied, and the presence of hazardous noise in the work environment established and documented. The restaurant industry is one in which little current data exists, but in which there may be cause for concern. This work sought to quantify noise exposures for cooks, servers, and dishwashers and to determine whether or not any of these workers are at risk for Noise Induced Hearing Loss. Further, the researchers wanted to know what environmental factors present in the restaurants had the greatest impact on noise exposures for each exposure group. Statistical analysis was conducted on selected factors, and while nearly all were found to have significant effects on noise exposure for servers, only the number of minutes worked explained variance in exposures for cooks and dishwashers when all factors were included in analysis. These two groups are the ones most likely to be overexposed and they typically worked more than 480 minutes on the day the sample was collected. Efforts to control exposure must take these extended shifts into careful account. The study was limited by relatively small sample size, with 124 cooks, 119 servers, and 91 dishwashers employed at nine different restaurants participating. Future efforts to explain and characterize the sources of variation in noise exposure for these three groups should include greater numbers of participants and structure the data in a way that allows the effects of selected factors to be more clearly seen.

Critical Heat Stress Evaluation In Two Ebola Ensembles

Lee, Christopher T. 24 March 2016 (has links)
Ebola, a type of filovirus that causes hemorrhagic fevers, dominated global headlines in 2014 when the largest Ebola epidemic in history took place in West Africa. Healthcare practitioners were at particular risk of contracting Ebola while taking care of patients with the disease because they were easily exposed to bodily fluids such as blood, urine, saliva, and feces, quite often in the intensive care unit (ICU). While personal protective equipment (PPE) protects the healthcare practitioner by providing an effective barrier against the virus, users were also at risk for heat stress because of the type of protective clothing. In this study, coveralls made of monolithic barriers, which prevent water vapor from escaping the suit, were compared to coveralls made of micro- porous material, which allows evaporated sweat to escape the suit. The Microgard® 2000 TS Plus, made of micro-porous barrier material and the monolithic barrier Microgard® 2300 Plus were compared against a control ensemble of work clothes consisting of a long-sleeve shirt and trouser. A progressive heat stress protocol was used to determine the critical environment at the upper limit of compensable heat stress. The critical condition was the point at which the heat gain caused by wearing the protective ensemble as well as dry heat exchange was balanced by the maximum heat loss due to evaporative cooling. Wet bulb globe temperature at the critical condition (WBGTcrit ) ,total evaporative resistance (Re,T,a), and clothing adjustable factor (CAF) were calculated for each ensemble based on data at the critical point. Also at the critical condition, participant rectal temperature vi (Tre) , heart rate (HR), skin temperature (Tsk), and physiological strain index (PSI) were noted and compared for each ensemble. A two-way ANOVA (ensemble x participant) for WBGTcrit and Re,T,a as dependent variables was used to determine whether or not there were differences among ensembles. Tukey’s honest significance test was used to determine where significant differences occurred. WBGTcrit was 33.8, 26.3, and 22.9 °C-WBGT for Work Clothes, M2000, and M2300 respectively. Re,T,a was 0.012, 0.031, and 0.054 kPa m2 W-1 for WC, M2000, and M2300 respectively. The higher the WBGTcrit for an ensemble, the more it can support evaporative cooling and hence the better it is at ameliorating heat stress. Based on this trial, the micro-porous ensemble Microgard® 2000 TS Plus has better heat stress performance than vapor-barrier Microgard® 2300 Plus. As expected, there were no differences for any of the physiological metrics at the critical conditions.

Exploring Parental Perceptions of Self-Efficacy, Role Modeling and Factors Contributing to Family Health Practices from an Employer-Provided Family Weight Management Program: A Mixed Methods Study

Vargo, Kurt E. 09 November 2015 (has links)
Parents provide a social learning environment where family nutrition, eating habits and physical activity are largely influenced by and correlated with parental modeling of these behaviors. Increasing self-efficacy is an important component in parents being role models because theoretically, it promotes cognitive change that supports their confidence and ability to modify behaviors that contributes to healthier family practices and biometric outcomes. Phase one of this sequential two-phase study used biometric data (body mass index [BMI], cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure) from parents (N = 37) participating in their employer’s family wellness initiative as dependent variables. Parental perceptions of nutrition, eating habits, and physical activity related to self-efficacy and role modeling collected via a survey questionnaire served as the independent variables. Correlation analysis indicated significant associations between BMI and nutrition self-efficacy, eating habits self-efficacy and eating habits role modeling. Linear regression analysis showed that nutrition self-efficacy and eating habits role modeling were significant predictors of BMI. A repeated measures t test revealed statistically, attending the family health and weight management program may help participants reduce their BMI, cholesterol, and diastolic blood pressure readings. Phase two used multiple cases (parents, n = 12) that were selected for interviews using purposeful sampling based on their scores reflecting high and low ranges on the self-efficacy and role modeling subscales from the surveys. Each interview was transcribed, coded using the constant comparative method, and individually analyzed for themes. Cross-case synthesis was used to analyze all the cases for commonality and variations. As a result of the findings, participants may be inclined to continue participating in wellness programs because the employer provides opportunities to assist families in their efforts to build confidence and demonstrate role modeling behaviors. The correlations and predictive results in phase one may help substantiate the benefits of participating in the program. Findings from phase two indicated parents acknowledged their role as leaders in creating environments that assist their families in establishing healthy behaviors and voluntarily engaged in this program because it provided assistance and projected them in the right direction for their family to be successful with health and weight management concerns.

Comparison of Urinary PAHs among Firefighters and Asphalt Pavers

Aquino, Theodore 23 March 2016 (has links)
Firefighters and asphalt pavers are exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during various work activities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate urinary PAH levels and compare these bio-monitoring levels among firefighters, asphalt pavers, and non-occupationally exposed individuals. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) urinary PAH levels were used for non-occupationally exposed controls. When compared to the NIST standard for smokers and non-smokers, firefighters demonstrated statistically significant differences in urinary concentration differences for the following metabolites: 2-OH-fluorene, 3-OH-fluorene and 1-OH-pyrene, which were lower in firefighters than the NIST mean for smokers. 1-OH-phenanthrene, 2-OH-phenanthrene and 3-OH-phenanthrene were higher among world trade center exposed firefighters than the NIST mean for smokers. When firefighters were compared to the NIST non-smoker standard, firefighters demonstrated elevated levels in all tested PAH biomarkers due to a mixture of smokers and non-smokers in the firefighter cohort. Asphalt workers had statistically significant higher urinary concentration elevations in 2-OH-fluorene, 1-OH-phenanthrene and 3-OH-phenanthrene as compared to the NIST smoker mean. When asphalt pavers were compared to the NIST non-smoker mean, asphalt pavers had statistically significant increases in all tested PAH biomarkers, with the exception of 2-OH-phenanthrene. While firefighters did not demonstrate a substantial change in urinary PAH metabolite levels compared to control populations of smokers and non-smokers, asphalt pavers experienced concentrations that were in some cases increased by orders of magnitude compared to NIST controls. Future research may be needed to evaluate any potential health risk posted to occupational exposed asphalt pavers.

'n Strategiese veiligheidsbestuursmodel vir Bayer se oesbeskermingsdivisie

Van der Walt, C. J. 29 September 2015 (has links)
M.Com. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

(Des)construção da súmula cinculante nº 4 do Supremo Tribunal Federal : elementos de conjuntura econômica e jurídica

Medeiros, Saulo Bosco Souza de 26 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_saulo_medeiros.pdf: 8392995 bytes, checksum: 7ebb27c6fb8c324a022b70e074f30cc3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-26 / This dissertation presents an analysis of the jurisprudence of the Brazilian s Supreme Court inserted in the binding precedent number four as a legal and economic perspective of the labor relations. That binding precedent declared that, except in cases provided for in the Constitution, the minimum salary couldn't be used as the index base for calculating benefit of a public servant or employee, or be replaced by judicial decision. From this perspective, is forbidden to use the minimum salary as a basis for calculating the additional by unhealthy labor against the labor law and the labor jurisprudence hitherto existing. This study aims to remake the building process of constitutional jurisprudence binding about labor questions and brought to the center of legal debate elements of the economic situation. For this purpose, it was made the historical evolution of the minimum salary in Brazil for the employers to enable to identify its influence on investment decisions in a neoliberal and globalized economic environment. With the result obtained this study pretend to verify how much the jurisprudence can be utilized as collateral instrument in the businesses and find out the negative effects over the social rights of the workmen / Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal consubstanciada na súmula vinculante n.º 4 sob uma perspectiva jurídico-econômica das relações de trabalho. A súmula vinculante n.º 4 do Supremo Tribunal Federal declarou que, salvo casos previstos na Constituição, o salário mínimo não pode ser usado como indexador de base de cálculo de vantagem de servidor público ou de empregado, nem ser substituído por decisão judicial. Sob tal perspectiva, foi proibida a utilização do salário mínimo como base de cálculo do adicional de insalubridade, em confronto com a legislação trabalhista e com a jurisprudência até então sedimentada. Este estudo pretende refazer o processo de construção da jurisprudência constitucional vinculante em matéria trabalhista trazendo para o centro da discussão jurídica elementos de conjuntura econômica. Para tanto, fez-se a evolução do custo real do valor do salário mínimo brasileiro, a fim de possibilitar a identificação da sua influência nas decisões de investimento num cenário econômico neoliberal e globalizado. A partir deste dado, buscou-se apreender em que grau a jurisprudência tem sido utilizada como instrumento de segurança às relações econômicas e a eventual consequência frente à necessidade de garantir-se a melhoria da condição social dos trabalhadores

Implementation and enforcement of safety standards in the mining industry in South Africa: challenges and prospects

Shibambu, Ophrey Ntsuxeko January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (LLM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017. / In South Africa, during the then apartheid era, the mining sector had records of extremely high fatalities, injuries and occupational diseases that led to massive death of miners predominantly the Blacks. In the post-apartheid era, numerous laws have been enacted to address the problem. One of the laws that was introduced is the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 which provides for radical enforcement of health and safety standards using various mechanisms, such as monitoring systems and inspections, investigations, and employers' and employees' duties to identify hazards and eliminate, control and minimise the risk to health and safety of mine workers. This study examines the extent, efficient and efficacy of the implementation and enforcements of these laws and points out the challenges being encountered and prospects made thus far. The study used Australia and Chile for comparative study and showcased how the government and the laws they have passed are being effectively used to contain and curtail health hazards, accidents and fatalities in the mining environment.

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