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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating Correct Network Protocols

Wibling, Oskar January 2008 (has links)
Network protocol construction is a complex and error prone task. The challenges originate both from the inherent complexity of developing correct program code and from the distributed nature of networked systems. Protocol errors can have devastating consequences. Even so, methods for ensuring protocol correctness are currently only used to a limited extent. A central reason for this is that they are often complex and expensive to employ. In this thesis, we develop methods to perform network protocol testing and verification, with the goal to make the techniques more accessible and readily adoptable. We examine how to formulate correctness requirements for ad hoc routing protocols used to set up forwarding paths in wireless networks. Model checking is a way to verify such requirements automatically. We investigate scalability of finite-state model checking, in terms of network size and topological complexity, and devise a manual abstraction technique to improve scalability. A methodology combining simulations, emulations, and real world experiments is developed for analyzing the performance of wireless protocol implementations. The technique is applied in a comparison of the ad hoc routing protocols AODV, DSR, and OLSR. Discrepancies between simulations and real world behavior are identified; these are due to absence of realistic radio propagation and mobility models in simulation. The issues are mainly related to how the protocols sense their network surroundings and we identify improvements to these capabilities. Finally, we develop a methodology and a tool for automatic verification of safety properties of infinite-state network protocols, modeled as graph transformation systems extended with negative application conditions. The verification uses symbolic backward reachability analysis. By introducing abstractions in the form of summary nodes, the method is extended to protocols with recursive data structures. Our tool automatically verifies correct routing of the DYMO ad hoc routing protocol and several nontrivial heap manipulating programs.

Verification of networks of communicating processes : Reachability problems and decidability issues

Rezine, Othmane January 2017 (has links)
Computer systems are used in almost all aspects of our lives and our dependency on them keeps on increasing. When computer systems are used to handle critical tasks, any software failure can cause severe human and/or material losses. Therefore, for such applications, it is important to detect software errors at an early stage of software development. Furthermore, the growing use of concurrent and distributed programs exponentially increases the complexity of computer systems, making the problem of detecting software errors even harder (if not impossible). This calls for defining systematic and efficient techniques to evaluate the safety and the correctness of programs. The aim of Model-Checking is to analyze automatically whether a given program satisfies its specification. Early applications of Model-Checking were restricted to systems whose behaviors can be captured by finite graphs, so called finite-state systems. Since many computer systems cannot be modeled as finite-state machines, there has been a growing interest in extending the applicability of Model-Checking to infinite-state systems. The goal of this thesis is to extend the applicability of Model Checking for three instances of infinite-state systems: Ad-Hoc Networks, Dynamic Register Automata and Multi Pushdown Systems. Each one of these instances models challenging types of networks of communicating processes. In both Ad-Hoc Networks and Dynamic Register Automata, communication is carried through message passing. In each type of network, a graph topology models the communication links between processes in the network. The graph topology is static in the case of Ad-Hoc Networks while it is dynamic in the case of Dynamic Register Automata. The number of processes in both types of networks is unbounded. Finally, we consider Multi Pushdown Systems, a model used to study the behaviors of concurrent programs composed of sequential recursive sequential programs communicating through a shared memory.

Verification of asynchronous concurrency and the shaped stack constraint

Kochems, Jonathan Antonius January 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, we study the verification of concurrent programs written in the programming language Erlang using infinite-state model-checking. Erlang is a widely used, higher order, dynamically typed, call-by-value functional language with algebraic data types and pattern-matching. It is further augmented with support for actor concurrency, i.e. asynchronous message passing and dynamic process creation. With decidable model-checking in mind, we identify actor communicating systems (ACS) as a suitable target model for an abstract interpretation of Erlang. ACS model a dynamic network of finite-state processes that communicate over a fixed, finite number of unordered, unbounded channels. Thanks to being equivalent to Petri nets, ACS enjoy good algorithmic properties. We develop a verification procedure that extracts a sound abstract model, in the form of an ACS, from a given Erlang program; the resulting ACS simulates the operational semantics of the input. Using this abstract model, we can conservatively verify coverability properties of the input program, i.e. a weak form of safety properties, with a Petri net model-checker. We have implemented this procedure in our tool Soter, which is the first sound verification tool for Erlang programs using infinite-state model-checking. In our experiments, we find that Soter is accurate enough to verify a range of interesting and non-trivial benchmarks. Even though ACS coverability is Expspace-complete, Soter's analysis of these verification problems is surprisingly quick. In order to improve the precision of our verification procedure with respect to recursion, we investigate an extension of ACS that allows pushdown processes: asynchronously communicating pushdown systems (ACPS). ACPS that satisfy the empty-stack constraint (a pushdown process may receive only when its stack is empty) are a popular subclass of ACPS with good decision and complexity properties. In the context of Erlang, the empty stack constraint is unfortunately not realistic. We introduce a relaxation of the empty-stack constraint for ACPS called the shaped stack constraint. Stacks that fit the shape constraint may reach arbitrary heights. Further, a process may execute any communication action (be it process creation, message send or retrieval) whether or not its stack is empty. We prove that coverability for shaped ACPS, i.e. ACPS that satisfy the shaped constraint, reduces to the decidable coverability problem for well-structured transition systems (WSTS). Thus, shaped ACPS enable the modelling and verification of a larger class of message passing programs. We establish a close connection between shaped ACPS and a novel extension of Petri nets: nets with nested coloured tokens (NNCT). Tokens in NNCT are of two types: simple and complex. Complex tokens carry an arbitrary number of coloured tokens. The rules of a NNCT can synchronise complex and simple tokens, inject coloured tokens into a complex token, and eject all tokens of a specified set of active colours to predefined places. We show that the coverability problem for NNCT is Tower-complete, a new complexity class for non-elementary decision problems introduced by Schmitz. To prove Tower-membership, we devise a geometrically inspired version of the Rackoff technique, and we obtain Tower-hardness by adapting Stockmeyer's ruler construction to NNCT. To our knowledge, NNCT is the first extension of Petri nets (belonging to the class of nets with an infinite set of token types) that is proven to have primitive recursive coverability. This result implies Tower-completeness of coverability for ACPS that satisfy the shaped stack constraint.

Supervisory control of infinite state systems under partial observation / Contrôle supervisé des systèmes à états infinis sous observation partielle

Kalyon, Gabriel 26 November 2010 (has links)
A discrete event system is a system whose state space is given by a discrete set and whose state transition mechanism is event-driven i.e. its state evolution depends only on the occurrence of discrete events over the time. These systems are used in many fields of application (telecommunication networks, aeronautics, aerospace,). The validity of these systems is then an important issue and to ensure it we can use supervisory control methods. These methods consist in imposing a given specification on a system by means of a controller which runs in parallel with the original system and which restricts its behavior. In this thesis, we develop supervisory control methods where the system can have an infinite state space and the controller has a partial observation of the system (this implies that the controller must define its control policy from an imperfect knowledge of the system). Unfortunately, this problem is generally undecidable. To overcome this negative result, we use abstract interpretation techniques which ensure the termination of our algorithms by overapproximating, however, some computations. The aim of this thesis is to provide the most complete contribution it is possible to bring to this topic. Hence, we consider more and more realistic problems. More precisely, we start our work by considering a centralized framework (i.e. the system is controlled by a single controller) and by synthesizing memoryless controllers (i.e. controllers that define their control policy from the current observation received from the system). Next, to obtain better solutions, we consider the synthesis of controllers that record a part or the whole of the execution of the system and use this information to define the control policy. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be used to control an interesting class of systems: the distributed systems. We have then defined methods that allow to control distributed systems with synchronous communications (decentralized and modular methods) and with asynchronous communications (distributed method). Moreover, we have implemented some of our algorithms to experimentally evaluate the quality of the synthesized controllers. / <p><p>Un système à événements discrets est un système dont l'espace d'états est un ensemble discret et dont l'évolution de l'état courant dépend de l'occurrence d'événements discrets à travers le temps. Ces systèmes sont présents dans de nombreux domaines critiques tels les réseaux de communications, l'aéronautique, l'aérospatiale. La validité de ces systèmes est dès lors une question importante et une manière de l'assurer est d'utiliser des méthodes de contrôle supervisé. Ces méthodes associent au système un dispositif, appelé contrôleur, qui s'exécute en parrallèle et qui restreint le comportement du système de manière à empêcher qu'un comportement erroné ne se produise. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au développement de méthodes de contrôle supervisé où le système peut avoir un espace d'états infini et où les contrôleurs ne sont pas toujours capables d'observer parfaitement le système; ce qui implique qu'ils doivent définir leur politique de contrôle à partir d'une connaissance imparfaite du système. Malheureusement, ce problème est généralement indécidable. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, nous utilisons alors des techniques d'interprétation abstraite qui assurent la terminaison de nos algorithmes au prix de certaines sur-approximations dans les calculs. Le but de notre thèse est de fournir la contribution la plus complète possible dans ce domaine et nous considèrons pour cela des problèmes de plus en plus réalistes. Plus précisement, nous avons commencé notre travail en définissant une méthode centralisée où le système est contrôlé par un seul contrôleur qui définit sa politique de contrôle à partir de la dernière information reçue du système. Ensuite, pour obtenir de meilleures solutions, nous avons défini des contrôleurs qui retiennent une partie ou la totalité de l'exécution du système et qui définissent leur politique de contrôle à partir de cette information. Malheureusement, ces méthodes ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour contrôler une classe intéressante de systèmes: les sytèmes distribués. Nous avons alors défini des méthodes permettant de contrôler des systèmes distribués dont les communications sont synchrones (méthodes décentralisées et modulaires) et asynchrones (méthodes distribuées). De plus, nous avons implémenté certains de nos algorithmes pour évaluer expérimentalement la qualité des contrôleurs qu'ils synthétisent. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Games and Probabilistic Infinite-State Systems

Sandberg, Sven January 2007 (has links)
<p>Computer programs keep finding their ways into new safety-critical applications, while at the same time growing more complex. This calls for new and better methods to verify the correctness of software. We focus on one approach to verifying systems, namely that of <i>model checking</i>. At first, we investigate two categories of problems related to model checking: <i>games</i> and <i>stochastic infinite-state systems</i>. In the end, we join these two lines of research, by studying <i>stochastic infinite-state games</i>.</p><p>Game theory has been used in verification for a long time. We focus on finite-state 2-player parity and limit-average (mean payoff) games. These problems have applications in model checking for the <i>μ</i>-calculus, one of the most expressive logics for programs. We give a simplified proof of memoryless determinacy. The proof applies <i>both</i> to parity and limit-average games. Moreover, we suggest a strategy improvement algorithm for limit-average games. The algorithm is discrete and strongly subexponential.</p><p>We also consider probabilistic infinite-state systems (Markov chains) induced by three types of models. <i>Lossy channel systems (LCS)</i> have been used to model processes that communicate over an unreliable medium. <i>Petri nets</i> model systems with unboundedly many parallel processes. <i>Noisy Turing machines</i> can model computers where the memory may be corrupted in a stochastic manner. We introduce the notion of <i>eagerness</i> and prove that all these systems are eager. We give a scheme to approximate the value of a reward function defined on paths. Eagerness allows us to prove that the scheme terminates. For probabilistic LCS, we also give an algorithm that approximates the limit-average reward. This quantity describes the long-run behavior of the system.</p><p>Finally, we investigate Büchi games on probabilistic LCS. Such games can be used to model a malicious cracker trying to break a network protocol. We give an algorithm to solve these games.</p>

Games and Probabilistic Infinite-State Systems

Sandberg, Sven January 2007 (has links)
Computer programs keep finding their ways into new safety-critical applications, while at the same time growing more complex. This calls for new and better methods to verify the correctness of software. We focus on one approach to verifying systems, namely that of model checking. At first, we investigate two categories of problems related to model checking: games and stochastic infinite-state systems. In the end, we join these two lines of research, by studying stochastic infinite-state games. Game theory has been used in verification for a long time. We focus on finite-state 2-player parity and limit-average (mean payoff) games. These problems have applications in model checking for the μ-calculus, one of the most expressive logics for programs. We give a simplified proof of memoryless determinacy. The proof applies both to parity and limit-average games. Moreover, we suggest a strategy improvement algorithm for limit-average games. The algorithm is discrete and strongly subexponential. We also consider probabilistic infinite-state systems (Markov chains) induced by three types of models. Lossy channel systems (LCS) have been used to model processes that communicate over an unreliable medium. Petri nets model systems with unboundedly many parallel processes. Noisy Turing machines can model computers where the memory may be corrupted in a stochastic manner. We introduce the notion of eagerness and prove that all these systems are eager. We give a scheme to approximate the value of a reward function defined on paths. Eagerness allows us to prove that the scheme terminates. For probabilistic LCS, we also give an algorithm that approximates the limit-average reward. This quantity describes the long-run behavior of the system. Finally, we investigate Büchi games on probabilistic LCS. Such games can be used to model a malicious cracker trying to break a network protocol. We give an algorithm to solve these games.

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