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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weißeritz-Info - ein internetgestütztes Informations- und Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für das Flussgebiet der Weißeritz

Walz, Ulrich January 2006 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag wird das am Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung eV. (IÖR) entwickelte Informations- und Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem „Weißeritz-Info“ vorgestellt, das der Aufbereitung und Bereitstellung von Informationen zum Hochwasserrisikomanagement für das Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz dient. Zielgruppen sind sowohl Bürger und Landnutzer als auch Entscheidungsträger in Kommunen, Behörden und Verbänden. Erstellt wurde das WebGIS-basierte System für die Initiative „Weißeritz-Regio“, einem Verbund von 26 Institutionen, die seit Ende 2003 auf informeller Basis zusammenarbeiten, um die Hochwasservorsorge im Flussgebiet zu verbessern.

An Approach for Incremental Semi-supervised SVM

Emara, Wael, Karnstedt, Mehmed Kantardzic Marcel, Sattler, Kai-Uwe, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 11 May 2022 (has links)
In this paper we propose an approach for incremental learning of semi-supervised SVM. The proposed approach makes use of the locality of radial basis function kernels to do local and incremental training of semi-supervised support vector machines. The algorithm introduces a se- quential minimal optimization based implementation of the branch and bound technique for training semi-supervised SVM problems. The novelty of our approach lies in the in the introduction of incremental learning techniques to semisupervised SVMs.

Prozesssprachenbasiertes System zur Ansteuerung digitaler Menschmodelle als Teilkomponente einer Software zur Planung und Visualisierung menschlicher Arbeit in der Digitalen Fabrik

Bauer, Sebastian 08 March 2016 (has links)
Die Werkzeuge und Methoden der Digitalen Fabrik sind bereits seit vielen Jahren in den einzelnen Phasen des Produktentstehungsprozess im Einsatz. Sie werden dabei u.a. auch zur Planung und Gestaltung menschlicher Arbeit eingesetzt. Mit Hilfe digitaler Menschmodelle können Aspekte des Arbeitsablaufs, der Zeitwirtschaft und der Arbeitsplatzgestaltung bereits frühzeitig untersucht und verbessert werden. Die Entwicklung effizienter Simulationssysteme steht auf diesem Gebiet jedoch insbesondere im Vergleich mit anderen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise der Robotersimulation, noch am Anfang. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich zunächst mit der Analyse bereits existierender Menschmodell-Simulationssysteme. Aus den identifizierten Schwachstellen dieser Systeme und weiteren durch Experteninterviews sowie Literaturrecherche gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wird eine Anforderungsliste erstellt, die als Grundlage für die Konzeption und Umsetzung eines innovativen Ansatzes zur Ansteuerung und Bewegungsgenerierung für digitale Menschmodelle dient. Diese neuartige Methodik wird schließlich in ein Simulations-Softwaresystem implementiert und anschließend im Praxis-Einsatz evaluiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das neue System die Mängel der vorhandenen Systeme behebt und somit als Werkzeug zur effizienten Planung, Gestaltung und Bewertung menschlicher Arbeit geeignet ist. / For many years the tools and methods of the Digital Factory are used in various stages of the product development process. They are also used for the planning and design of human work, which is typically done using a digital human model. Aspects of the workflow, time management and workplace design can be investigated and improved upon in the early stages of the product development process using digital human models. But in this field the development of efficient simulation systems is not matured enough compared to other fields for e.g. robot simulation. This paper starts with an analysis of existing simulation systems for digital human models. Afterwards a requirements list is created from the identified weaknesses of these systems, knowledge gained through expert interviews and literature reviews. These requirements serve as the base for the design and implementation of an innovative approach for motion generation and control of digital human models. This new methodology is then implemented as a simulation software system and evaluated in practical applications. The developed system fixed the shortcomings of existing systems and thus it is a suitable tool for efficient planning, design and evaluation of human labor.

Building a real data warehouse for market research

Lehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Teschke, M., Kirsche, T. 08 April 2022 (has links)
This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations.

Representing Data Quality for Streaming and Static Data

Lehner, Wolfgang, Klein, Anja, Do, Hong-Hai, Hackenbroich, Gregor, Karnstedt, Marcel 19 May 2022 (has links)
In smart item environments, multitude of sensors are applied to capture data about product conditions and usage to guide business decisions as well as production automation processes. A big issue in this application area is posed by the restricted quality of sensor data due to limited sensor precision as well as sensor failures and malfunctions. Decisions derived on incorrect or misleading sensor data are likely to be faulty. The issue of how to efficiently provide applications with information about data quality (DQ) is still an open research problem. In this paper, we present a flexible model for the efficient transfer and management of data quality for streaming as well as static data. We propose a data stream metamodel to allow for the propagation of data quality from the sensors up to the respective business application without a significant overhead of data. Furthermore, we present the extension of the traditional RDBMS metamodel to permit the persistent storage of data quality information in a relational database. Finally, we demonstrate a data quality metadata mapping to close the gap between the streaming environment and the target database. Our solution maintains a flexible number of DQ dimensions and supports applications directly consuming streaming data or processing data filed in a persistent database.

Building a real data warehouse for market research

Lehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Teschke, M., Kirsche, T. 19 May 2022 (has links)
This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations.

Preemptive HW/SW-Threading by combining ESL methodology and coarse grained reconfiguration

Rößler, Marko, Heinkel, Ulrich 14 January 2014 (has links)
Modern systems fulfil calculation tasks across the hardware- software boundary. Tasks are divided into coarse parallel subtasks that run on distributed resources. These resources are classified into a software (SW) and a hardware (HW) domain. The software domain usually contains processors for general purpose or digital signal calculations. Dedicated co-processors such as encryption or video en-/decoding units belong to the hardware domain. Nowadays, a decision in which domain a certain subtask will be executed in a system is usually taken during system level design. This is done on the basis of certain assumptions about the system requirements that might not hold at runtime. The HW/SW partitioning is static and cannot adapt to dynamically changing system requirements at runtime. Our contribution to tackle this, is to combine a ESL based HW/SW codesign methodology with a coarse grained reconfigurable System on Chip architecture. We propose this as Preemptive HW/SW-Threading.

Energie- und Ausführungszeitmodelle zur effizienten Ausführung wissenschaftlicher Simulationen

Lang, Jens 09 December 2014 (has links)
Das wissenschaftliche Rechnen mit der Computersimulation hat sich heute als dritte Säule der wissenschaftlichen Methodenlehre neben der Theorie und dem Experiment etabliert. Aufgabe der Informatik im wissenschaftlichen Rechnen ist es, sowohl effiziente Simulationsalgorithmen zu entwickeln als auch ihre effiziente Implementierung. Die vorliegende Arbeit richtet ihren Fokus auf die effiziente Implementierung zweier wichtiger Verfahren des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens: die Schnelle Multipolmethode (FMM) für Teilchensimulationen und die Methode der finiten Elemente (FEM), die z. B. zur Berechnung der Deformation von Festkörpern genutzt wird. Die Effizienz der Implementierung bezieht sich hier auf die Ausführungszeit der Simulationen und den zur Ausführung notwendigen Energieverbrauch der eingesetzten Rechnersysteme. Die Steigerung der Effizienz wurde durch modellbasiertes Autotuning erreicht. Beim modellbasierten Autotuning wird für die wesentlichen Teile des Algorithmus ein Modell aufgestellt, das dessen Ausführungszeit bzw. Energieverbrauch beschreibt. Dieses Modell ist abhängig von Eigenschaften des genutzten Rechnersystems, von Eingabedaten und von verschiedenen Parametern des Algorithmus. Die Eigenschaften des Rechnersystems werden durch Ausführung des tatsächlich genutzten Codes für verschiedene Implementierungsvarianten ermittelt. Diese umfassen eine CPU-Implementierung und eine Grafikprozessoren-Implementierung für die FEM und die Implementierung der Nahfeld- und der Fernfeldwechselwirkungsberechnung für die FMM. Anhand der aufgestellten Modelle werden die Kosten der Ausführung für jede Variante vorhergesagt. Die optimalen Algorithmenparameter können somit analytisch bestimmt werden, um die gewünschte Zielgröße, also Ausführungszeit oder Energieverbrauch, zu minimieren. Bei der Ausführung der Simulation werden die effizientesten Implementierungsvarianten entsprechend der Vorhersage genutzt. Während bei der FMM die Performance-Messungen unabhängig von der Ausführung der Simulation durchgeführt werden, wird für die FEM ein Verfahren zur dynamischen Verteilung der Rechenlast zwischen CPU und GPU vorgestellt, das auf Ausführungszeitmessungen zur Laufzeit der Simulation reagiert. Durch Messung der tatsächlichen Ausführungszeiten kann so dynamisch auf sich während der Laufzeit verändernde Verhältnisse reagiert und die Verteilung der Rechenlast entsprechend angepasst werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass modellbasiertes Autotuning es ermöglicht, die Effizienz von Anwendungen des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens in Bezug auf Ausführungszeit und Energieverbrauch zu steigern. Insbesondere die Berücksichtigung des Energieverbrauchs alternativer Ausführungspfade, also die Energieadaptivität, wird in naher Zukunft von großer Bedeutung im wissenschaftlichen Rechnen sein. / Computer simulation as a part of the scientific computing has established as third pillar in scientific methodology, besides theory and experiment. The task of computer science in the field of scientific computing is the development of efficient simulation algorithms as well as their efficient implementation. The thesis focuses on the efficient implementation of two important methods in scientific computing: the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for particle simulations, and the Finite Element Method (FEM), which is, e.g., used for deformation problems of solids. The efficiency of the implementation considers the execution time of the simulations and the energy consumption of the computing systems needed for the execution. The method used for increasing the efficiency is model-based autotuning. For model-based autotuning, a model for the substantial parts of the algorithm is set up which estimates the execution time or energy consumption. This model depends on properties of the computer used, of the input data and of parameters of the algorithm. The properties of the computer are determined by executing the real code for different implementation variants. These implementation variantss comprise a CPU and a graphics processor implementation for the FEM, and implementations of near field and far field interaction calculations for the FMM. Using the models, the execution costs for each variant are predicted. Thus, the optimal algorithm parameters can be determined analytically for a minimisation of the desired target value, i.e. execution time or energy consumption. When the simulation is executed, the most efficient implementation variants are used depending on the prediction of the model. While for the FMM the performance measurement takes place independently from the execution of the simulation, for the FEM a method for dynamically distributing the workload to the CPU and the GPU is presented, which takes into account execution times measured at runtime. By measuring the real execution times, it is possible to response to changing conditions and to adapt the distribution of the workload accordingly. The results of the thesis show that model-based autotuning makes it possible to increase the efficiency of applications in scientific computing regarding execution time and energy consumption. Especially, the consideration of the energy consumption of alternative execution paths, i.e. the energy adaptivity, will be of great importance in scientific computing in the near future.

Round-trip engineering concept for hierarchical UML models in AUTOSAR-based safety projects

Pathni, Charu 30 September 2015 (has links)
Product development process begins at a very abstract level of understanding the requirements. The data needs to be passed on the next phase of development. This happens after every stage for further development and finally a product is made. This thesis deals with the data exchange process of software development process in specific. The problem lies in handling of data in terms of redundancy and versions of the data to be handled. Also, once data passed on to next stage, the ability to exchange it in reveres order is not existent in evident forms. The results found during this thesis discusses the solutions for the problem by getting all the data at same level, in terms of its format. Having the concept ready, provides an opportunity to use this data based on our requirements. In this research, the problem of data consistency, data verification is dealt with. This data is used during the development and data merging from various sources. The concept that is formulated can be expanded to a wide variety of applications with respect to development process. If the process involves exchange of data - scalability and generalization are the main foundation concepts that are contained within the concept.

Multi-view point cloud fusion for LiDAR based cooperative environment detection

Jähn, Benjamin, Lindner, Philipp, Wanielik, Gerd 11 November 2015 (has links)
A key component for automated driving is 360◦ environment detection. The recognition capabilities of mod- ern sensors are always limited to their direct field of view. In urban areas a lot of objects occlude important areas of in- terest. The information captured by another sensor from an- other perspective could solve such occluded situations. Fur- thermore, the capabilities to detect and classify various ob- jects in the surrounding can be improved by taking multiple views into account. In order to combine the data of two sensors into one co- ordinate system, a rigid transformation matrix has to be de- rived. The accuracy of modern e.g. satellite based relative pose estimation systems is not sufficient to guarantee a suit- able alignment. Therefore, a registration based approach is used in this work which aligns the captured environment data of two sensors from different positions. Thus their relative pose estimation obtained by traditional methods is improved and the data can be fused. To support this we present an approach which utilizes the uncertainty information of modern tracking systems to de- termine the possible field of view of the other sensor. Fur- thermore, it is estimated which parts of the captured data is directly visible to both, taking occlusion and shadowing ef- fects into account. Afterwards a registration method, based on the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, is applied to that data in order to get an accurate alignment. The contribution of the presented approch to the achiev- able accuracy is shown with the help of ground truth data from a LiDAR simulation within a 3-D crossroad model. Re- sults show that a two dimensional position and heading esti- mation is sufficient to initialize a successful 3-D registration process. Furthermore it is shown which initial spatial align- ment is necessary to obtain suitable registration results.

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