Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informacao""
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Využití potenciálu mikroregionu Vlachova Březí pro rozvoj cestovního ruchuKrejsová, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Práce hodnotí cestovní ruch v mikroregionu Vlachovo Březí. Nejprve představuje přírodní prostředí, do kterého je mikroregion zasazen. Rozebírá základní předpoklady pro cestovní ruch, jako jsou např. přírodní památky, movité památky, vybavenost materiálně technickou základnou, různé zvyky a kulturní akce konané v mikroregionu. Jsou zde představené jednotlivé obce, které mikroregion tvoří. Velmi zajímavá je SWOT analýza mikroregionu, ze které vyplývá, na co by se měly obce zaměřit, aby zvýšili svou atraktivitu pro cestovní ruch.
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Sledování informovanosti matek dětí hospitalizovaných na chirurgických JIP jako podklad pro zlepšení ošetřovatelské péče / Watching the awareness of mothers of children hospitalized in the surgical ICU as a basis for improving nursing careVOTROUBKOVÁ, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on information awareness among mothers of children hospitalized at surgical intensive care units. Four research questions were formulated on the basis of literature review. The theoretical part of this thesis gives an overview of basic facts concerning information awareness and care of children at surgical ICUs. Furthermore, it describes the way information is passed on in praktice. A part of the theoretical section also comprises of the list enumerating the most common diagnoses with which children found themselves to be placed at surgical ICUs and it contains, as well, the description of admittance of children for a surgical intervention, pre-surgical care, post-surgical care and discharge of children from hospital to homecare. Collection of data for the practical part of the diploma thesis was conducted at two intensive care units in the University Hospital in Motol, Prague, and UH Brno in the CR. Five respondents were intentionally selected from each ICU with whom semi-structured interviews were conducted, which are summarized in sub-chapter 4.2. The results of interviews with individual respondents were further subjected to analysis and summarized in summary tables. The Diploma thesis had two objectives. The first objective was to ascertain subjective information awareness of mothers about their children´s illnesses and possible complications or consequences related to these illnesses. We wanted to find out whether mothers were subjectively satisfied with information provided about thein children´s illnesses and possible complications or consequences related to these illnesses. We also wanted to discover whether they experienced any information deficit in this area and what were their most frequent questions to the medical personnel. It was ascertained through interviews that the majority of respondents was not satisfied with information provided. The second objective was to discover subjective information awareness pertaining to the period of hospitalization at surgical ICU and child´s subsequent homecare. We wanted to know whether mothers felt that they were kept informed enough about pre-surgical and post-surgical care of their child and whether or not they were satisfied with information pertaining to child´s subsequent homecare. We were also interested in whether or not they experienced any deficit of information received and what were their most frequent questions to the medical personnel. It was discovered through an analysis that the majority of respondents was not satisfied with information pertaining to pre-surgical care and complications which might have arised during the surgical intervention. As for information centred on the date of operation and possible duration of hospitalization most respondents were satisfied with it. Furthermore, the majority of respondents were satisfied with information provided about child´s subsequent homecare. We discovered that respondents were not informed satisfactorily by medical personnel about other contacts such as for clubs for parents, stoma clubs and centres of early intervention. It was possible to ascertain from the results that each respondent saw deficits in different areas of information provision as well. In the list of such information deficit areas are information about the character of surgical intervention, the ward rules, and the fact that doctors and nurses do not have enough time. Moreover, the respondents also perceived the deficit in sharing of information among medical personnel. On the basis of final results which point to experience of unsatisfactory information awareness among mothers about pre-surgical care for the child we developed in a written form the Information for parents about pre-surgical and post-surgical care brochure. We also prepared due to the fact that mothers sensed the lack of written information about the ward the Information for parents about the ward brochure.
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Role sestry a jejich vliv na péči o pacienty s totální endoprotézou kyčle / The role of nurses and their impact on the care of patients with total hip arthroplasty.SLABÁKOVÁ, Květoslava January 2016 (has links)
Total hip replacement is one of the most extensively and highly effective operating methods in orthopaedics. The patients are brought back the self-sufficiency, life without the pain and noticeably motion restriction. Irreplaceable function here is a role of the nurse, who helps the patient to return back to his common life...The aim of this work was to find out, how the patients feel the role of the nurse and its influence to given nursing care before and after the total hip replacement as the less fulfilled. There were following research questions set: How the patients feel the role of the nurse before and after the total hip replacement? How the patients before and after the total hip replacement feel the interpretation of the nurse roles? How the patients before and after the total hip replacement feel the role of the nurse and its influence to given nursing care. Which of the nurse roles are felt by the patient as the unsatisfactory in postoperative care? The patients before and after the total hip replacement feel through the everyday nurse activities the nurse in her role of the caregiver and education giving person, following the nurse vindicator and the nurse bearer of changes. The patients feel the care thanks these roles as a quality, holistic and continual. Nevertheless was the role of the education giving named as the least fulfilled. In connection with these research results was created a manual, a Guide book for the patients before and after the total hip replacement. This Guide book was given to testing purposes. This Guide book was appreciated by the patients very positive despite a large amount of information, which were surprising for many of them. We gained some data, which gave the impulse to complete the information in the Guide.The created Guide book can´t replace the effective communication of the patient with the medical staff, which could be always the most suitable "source" of information.
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Význam informací pro marketingové řízení firmy / The importance of information management company for marketingVOLÁROVÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the issue of the importance of information for marketing management. The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyze information relevant to marketing management in a company. The work is divided into two parts theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the basic terms and defines the building of marketing information system. The practical part on the knowledge gained from the theoretical part describes in detail the process of the building practical marketing information system in real company, using the specific practical examples. The last part of the thesis presents own research, which confirms correct functioning marketing information system in the company. Conclusion of the work confirms the stated main hypothesis.
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Teorie komunikace jakožto explanatorní princip přirozené víceúrovňové segmentace textů / The Theory of Communication as an Explanatory Principle for the Natural Multilevel Text SegmentationMilička, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
1. Phonemes, words, clauses and sentences are not a logical necessity of language, unlike distinctive features and morphemes. 2. Despite this, such nested segmentation is very firmly present in languages and in our concepts of language description, 3. because nested segmentation and inserting redundancy on multiple levels is an efficient way to get the language signal through the burst-noise channel. 4. There are various strategies how redundancy can be added and what kind of redundancy can be added. 5. The segment delimiter is expressed by some additional information and the amount of delimiting information is independent from the length of the seg- ment it delimits. This principle can serve as a basis for a successful model for the Menzerath's relation.
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Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě (práce je součástí rozsáhlejšího výzkumného projektu "Morfologické uvědomění u dyslektiků") / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilitiesBÍLÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma paper looks at specific learning difficulties as a factor affecting,inter alia, social life of individuals. The initial section pays attention to theoretical concepts encountered in this field whilethe main part explores dyslectic adults and compares them with individuals undergoing normal development. The research effort aims primarily at the socially relevant aspects of their lives, in particular the self-concept.
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GeoGeobra ve výuce zeměpisu na ZŠ / GeoGebra in geography teaching at lower-secondary school.PÁTEK, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is due to its theme within the reach of two scientific branches mathematics and geography. Particularly, it deals with possibilities of unusual application of dynamic geometry during lessons of geography in elementary schools. From the theoretical point of view, the thesis is grounded in the crucial document for czech schooling Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education. The theoretical part of the thesis is followed by practical part, whose content is influenced by analysis of Geography as an educational area, which can be found in this very document. The particular contents of the practical part consist applets describing selected geographic phenomenons and problems.
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Potřeba pacientů na druh poskytovaných informací / Types of patient's information needsKOSOVÁ, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
These days human being can find itself swamped with tons of information. It is neccessary to think over provided information given by a health care system and its efficiency. The thesis named Types of patient´s information needs is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. Materials about nursing, medicine, psychology, sociology and a law issued in the Czech Republic and abroad were used to get necessary information about current condition of problematics. Two goals were set based on acquired knowledge. The first goal was to get to know about what type of information were requested and needed by patients and which they missed from nurses and doctors in ambulances and hospitals. The second goal was to double check if a personal perceiving of a given information corresponds with the real diagnosis. With respect to thesis goals, 9 research questions were formulated. Information regarding examined topic were acquired through research and investigation. As the means of collecting the data an interview was chosen. 23 interviews with patiens were done and the analyzed according to the Strausse theory. It was found, that patiens involved in this interview, take care about their health condition and that the information, which they perceive as important, are given to them by the medical staff. The information they have makes them more comfortable and they view it as a very important. It was as certained, that patients are very sensitive about the way the medical staff communicates with them and that their personality plays part in this process. The purpose of this thesis is to give an impulse to reinforce informing the patiens in a written form, but mainly to reinforce their personal contact with a doctor. Is is obvious, that the information and the way they get it is very important for patients.
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Porovnání znalostí o prevenci dopravních úrazů u dětí na základních školách / Reconciliation of knowledge on primary school children traffic injury preventionŠESTÁK, Milan January 2009 (has links)
Porovnání znalostí o prevenci dopravních úrazů u dětí na základních školách. Reconciliation of knowledge on primary school children traffic injury prevention Injuries of children remain to be general health-social problem. Children may get injured as pedestrians, cyclists or as car passengers. Traumatic situations have impact on families and relatives of victims, who need help. My work deals with issues which I face daily in my work environment. I have been working for Czech traffic police for 24 years. I am interested in traffic education, including prevention and education of school children. This was also subject of my bachelor work. My diploma work is focused on reconciliations of knowledge on primary school children traffic injury prevention in South Bohemia and analysis of preventive activities implementation (primary injury prevention in the area of traffic injuries) in monitored elementary schools. The reason why I have chosen this subject is that I have dealt with similar subject already in my bachelor work and I often face traffic injuries in my work life. That includes injuries of both adults and children. Quantitative research has been applied for the purpose of work objectives identification. In order to verify my hypothesis I have chosen data collection technique using questionnaire. Resulting answers of children have been assessed from 338 questionnaires which is an assessment allowing sample. Results for teachers were assessed from the sample of 11 questionnaires.Results have been shown in the individual charts which may be compared. Analysis of preventive activities implementation (primary injury prevention in the area of traffic injuries) in the monitored primary school form separate part of my work. Results of my work should contribute to better informedness of teachers, parents and children, improved education of teachers, parents and children as well as other involved parties. I put emphasis on deepening knowledge of children in areas unknown to them. Considering results of my research it is therefore important to keep improving informedness in the area of traffic injury prevention within the given age group. I know already now what I will focus on during my presentations, discussions and events associated with preventive traffic programs organized not only by the Czech Police, but also by other organizations. It is important to make all parts of our community involved in injury prevention.
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Výběr dodavatelů a řízení zásob v podniku / Selection suppliers and operating resources in concernZATLOUKAL, David January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two goals. One of them are business contacts with suppliers, the second is inventory management in the enterprise. Suppliers are very important for any business partner, without which it couldn`t produce, but its conditions differs in business and technical matter. It doesn{\crq}t have to be based only on the deppartment diferences or company size. Companies surveyed in this study were both productive and similary sized. What made the difference was, the used material and production complexity. The company Sapeli has possibility of higher standard offer and therefore even compoundable evaluation especially thanks to easier accessability . The most important for the company is quality, price, delivery terms and payment options. Both companies have in common the first place given to quality above all. It has increasing importance today as world markets are saturated with poor quality products and large companies can gain greater market share mainly due to the quality.
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