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Reservation income and the decision to borrow : an empirical analysis of interlinked informal credit contracts in the Peruvian AmazonKjüllerstrüm, Mónica Isabel Bento De Braga January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of informal sector activities in Germany under consideration of electrical and electronic waste management systemsLange, Ulrike 24 September 2013 (has links)
The informal sector is described as groups of persons who act in parallel to official waste management systems without official authorisation. Such informal activities can result in risks as well as benefits both to the environment and involved stakeholders, which explains the continuing lively discussions in politics, science and society.
Transhipments of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are increasingly focused in Germany. In addition to informal exports via the port of Hamburg to countries such as China, Ghana or Nigeria, informal transports to Eastern European countries have been recognised for decades. This paper describes investigations regarding the characteristics, transhipped amounts as well as the eco-efficiency of informal sector activities originating from Eastern European countries, while thereby highlighting transhipments of used appliances to destination countries and a corresponding sale for reuse.
Investigations reveal that a majority of informal collectors originate from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania and are recognised across Germany. A high WEEE specialisation was determined, whereby average annual transhipped amounts are estimated at 77,000 tons. Collected materials are transhipped and partially sold for reuse. A case study considers the example of Polish informal collectors. The ratio between economic and environmental performance reveal that informal sector reuse activities in Poland achieve a higher environmentally sound performance in comparison to further usage of appliances under consideration. The informal collection of a television in Germany (and subsequent reuse in Poland) causes 8.34 kg less specific CO2 emissions per spend-costs (€) than the production, usage and further use in Poland. Conversely, a further use of a television in Germany only results in 2.2 kg less CO2 emissions per spend-costs (€).
These results demonstrate that reuse as a result of informal sector activities can have a positive effect. Future electrical and electronic products available for reuse will have lower energy consumptions. A positive contribution to resource protection is thereby achieved while extending already short life cycles. Taking into account a dependency on collections with respect to their income, a pure ban of informal sector activities would therefore be socially counterproductive. A structured and controlled accomplishment of informal collection processes would open up new opportunities to enlarge the (already existing) concept of reuse at an international level.
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Contributions of informal trading towards urban livelihoods in Polokwane city central business District, Limpopo ProvinceMeso, Kevin Kwena January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. (Planning and Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / The central focus of this study was to investigate the contributions of informal trading
towards urban livelihoods in Polokwane CBD. A multiplicity of stressors and shocks
affect informal trading and its contributions towards urban livelihoods. Third world
African countries like Nigeria and Ghana inter alia take cognizance of the countless
external pressures and shocks that affect informal trading and its contributions towards
urban livelihoods. The South African reality is not any different, the local political,
social, economic and environmental elements that characterize the second economy
provides evidence of the countless stressors and shocks facing the practice of informal
trade. As a result, specific working objectives were formulated as follows: to
understand the typologies, characteristics and challenges of informal trading, to
evaluate the determinants of urban livelihoods, to analyze the contributions of informal
trading towards urban livelihoods; and, to recommend possible measures that would
improve informal trading and its contributions towards urban livelihoods. The study
utilizes evaluation analysis; evaluation based analysis allows for the appraisal of
disaggregated contributions of various informal trading activities on urban livelihoods.
In addition, the study employs both qualitative and quantitative research approaches;
hence, the use of descriptions, classifications and making connections will form an
integral part of the data analysis. The study adopts non-probability convenience
sampling in that the study area is convenient, accessible and comprises the required
features. Various data collection methods were used in this study, including: literature
review, questionnaire survey and observations. Importantly, the contributions of
informal trading towards urban livelihoods is predominantly an area of contestation
given various informal sector prospects and impediments. Furthermore, a host of
challenges, stressors and shocks affect the contributions of informal trading towards
urban livelihoods in Polokwane city CBD. Various economic, political, societal and
environmental stressors are regarded as negatively affecting informal trading. The
study argues that numerous challenges, stressors and shocks impinge on the abilities
of informal trading to positively contribute towards urban livelihoods notwithstanding
their capacity to absorb and seemingly sustain the indigent urbanites. The findings of
the study exhibit that multiple internal and external stressors, shocks and trails that
form part of the second economy deleteriously affect informal trading and its
contributions towards urban livelihoods at Polokwane CBD, Limpopo Province.
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The sustainability of credit assistance to the urban poor : a Philippine case studyTañada, Cristina R. January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Avfallsplockning i Stockholm – människor som kämpar på samhällets botten / Waste picking in Stockholm - people who are struggling at the bottom of societyNeander, Benjamin, Lundquist, Albin January 2021 (has links)
I takt med en växande befolkning i världen ökar också mängden avfall. Avfallsplockare, “waste pickers”, är människor som tjänar sitt levebröd genom att samla på återvinningsbart avfall. I många utvecklingsländer spelar den här gruppen av människor en viktig roll för avfallshanteringen, men avfallsplockare finns även i Sverige. De kan ses rota i papperskorgar efter PET- flaskor och aluminiumburkar med loggan “PANTA”. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka motiv och förutsättningar för avfallsplockare i Stockholm samt vilka utmaningar de ställs inför under det dagliga arbetet. Metoden gick ut på att först studera relevanta vetenskapliga artiklar om avfallsplockning, främst i andra länder där det bedrivits forskning om ämnet. Därefter genomfördes en intervjustudie med 21 stycken avfallsplockare i Stockholm med olika ursprung. Respondenterna representerade 8 olika länder. Resultatet påvisar att avfallsplockare i Stockholm generellt är mycket fattiga och samlar på avfall i första hand för att få ersättning och inte ur miljösynpunkt. I studien är män starkt dominerande och motsvarar 85 % av respondenterna. Hur mycket en avfallsplockare tjänar under en arbetsdag varierar kraftigt från person till person. Resultatet visar också, med litteratur som underlag, att vardagen för de här människorna är tuff och att arbetet är fysiskt påfrestande för kroppen. Dessutom råder det en hög konkurrens, det är många som samlar på avfall av värde, vilket gör arbetet än mindre lukrativt. Vår studie indikerar på att avfallsplockare bidrar till en bättre miljö och är med och påverkar kretsloppet i en cirkulär ekonomi, men det behöver göras mer forskning på det här området i Sverige. / As the world's population grows, so does the amount of waste. Waste pickers are people who earn their living by collecting recyclable waste. In many developing countries, this group of people plays an important role in the waste management, but waste pickers can also be found in Sweden. They can be seen scavenging in waste bins after PET-bottles and aluminum cans with the logo "PANTA". The purpose of this thesis was to investigate motives and conditions for waste pickers in Stockholm and what challenges they face during their daily work. The method consisted of first studying relevant scientific articles on waste collection, mainly in other countries where research on the subject has been conducted. Subsequently, an interview study was carried out with 21 waste pickers in Stockholm with different origins. The respondents represented 8 different countries. The results show that waste pickers in Stockholm are generally very poor and collect waste primarily to receive financial compensation and not from an environmental point of view. In the study, men are strongly dominant and correspond to 85% of the respondents. How much a waste picker earns during a working day varies greatly from person to person. The results also show, with literature as a basis, that the everyday life for these people is tough and that the work is physically strenuous for the body. In addition, the competition is high, there are many people who collect waste of value, which makes the work even less lucrative. Our study indicates that waste pickers contribute to a better environment and help to influence the cycle in a circular economy, but more research needs to be conducted in this area in Sweden.
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Análisis de la Ley N° 28015 y su efecto en las MYPES del sector comercial del distrito de la Victoria 2021Sarango Figueroa, Gerardo Efrain January 2024 (has links)
Las MYPES son impulsadoras del crecimiento económico en el país y a su vez generadoras de empleo, pero existe un conocimiento mínimo en la aplicación de las leyes o normas, es importante señalar este desconocimiento ante temas tributarios, pues establece un problema de formalidad para las MYPES y que los dueños o gerentes, no conocen. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos de la Ley N° 28015 en las MYPES del sector Comercial del Distrito de la Victoria 2021, en este caso se aplicó un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y nivel descriptivo, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental, debido a que la información recolectada ya existe en los contribuyentes del distrito la Victoria, la población está conformada por 128 MYPES, donde la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta, aplicada a las 52 MYPES que arrojó la muestra, luego de la aplicación de la fórmula. Por tanto, esta investigación busca el análisis de la Ley y la conveniencia que tiene el contribuyente al acogerse para conocer sus beneficios en las MYPES; mediante la recopilación de información se logró entender que los contribuyentes no aprovechan estos beneficios que trae la Ley N° 28015 pero aun así se encuentran formalizados. / The MYPES are driven by economic growth in the country and in turn generate employment, but there is minimal knowledge in the application of laws or regulations, it is important to point out the ignorance regarding tax issues since it establishes a problem, since the MYPES have benefits that their owners or managers do not know about. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the effects of Law No. 28015 on the MYPES of the Commercial sector of the District of Victoria 2021, in this case a quantitative approach was applied, of applied type and descriptive level, the design of the investigation is not experimental, because the investigation will be obtained from existing information from the taxpayers of the La Victoria district, the population is made up of 128 MYPES, where the technique used was the survey, applied to 52 MYPES that yielded the sample, then from the application of the formula. Therefore, this research seeks the analysis of the Law and how much it is convenient to contribute to know about these benefits of application in MYPES; Through the collection of information, it was improved to understand that taxpayers do not take advantage of these benefits that Law No. 28015 brings, but even so they are formalized.
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Marketing management strategies in roadside craft markets in Umkhanyakude municipal area, KwaZulu-Natal.Dludla, Nontando Ladylove. January 2005 (has links)
This study explored processes, marketing and management styles employed by stall holders at the
roadside markets of Umkhanyakude municipal area. The first aim of the study was to find types of
traditional artifacts that are commonly sold at the roadside markets. The second aim was to find out if
the members of roadside markets were aware of their target market. The third aim was to uncover the
marketing strategies employed and the understanding of their principles by the respondents in relation to
the success with their sales. Nine roadside markets were visited out of which only seven were willing to
be investigated. From each roadside market 50% of the members present at the time of research formed
the sample for this study. Focus group discussions were held with the management committees. These
discussions were looking at the management and policy issues followed by roadside markets when
employing the marketing principles in their daily operations.
The research was conducted by using personal observations of the roadside markets by the researcher,
focus group discussions which involved discussions between the researcher and the management
structures of the various roadside markets, attending meetings to enable a critical understanding of the
level at which the markets operate, and a questionnaire that was administered to the stallholders of the
seven markets. The combination of qualitative and quantitative research provided a framework of how
the roadside markets operate in promoting and selling their products to customers.
A questionnaire translated into Isizulu was used and the results were analyzed using the SSPS model.
Findings suggested that the roadside markets have their marketing strategies of which some are basically
the marketing mix and some originate from their way of life. The members of the roadside markets have
a lesser understanding of the marketing strategy in relation to product development and packaging,
costing and pricing, promotion and target market awareness. The management teams of the markets with
an understanding of business management knowledge were instrumental in contributing to better
performance of the markets. Management committees that had been exposed to capacity building and
training showed better skill levels compared to those that had not had the exposure. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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Migration patterns of foreign informal traders at the Hartebeespoort DamViljoen, Johannes Hercules 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study aimed to determine the applicability of western migration models to the movement patterns of foreign migrant traders at the Hartebeespoort Dam. After reflecting on theoretical dimensions of migration and the informal sector, an overview was provided of the historical development of migration patterns to and within South Africa. The complex nature of migration phenomena ensures the application of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. A snowball sampling technique was used to select 30 respondents for the purpose of the questionnaire survey. Information obtained from this survey was supplemented by five in-depth interviews. Descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyse the information obtained from the survey. The study concluded that western migration models do not offer adequate explanation for the migration patterns observed among foreign migrant traders at the Hartebeespoort Dam. The study also established the merit of the combined use of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in migration studies. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)
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Urban-Urban and peri-urban agriculture as a poverty alleviation strategy among low income households : the case of Orange Farm, South JohannesburgOnyango, Calory Larr 01 1900 (has links)
Urban and peri-urban agriculture is a strategy that can be adapted by low income
households in Orange Farm to meet their food and nutritional requirements. The practice
is a basis upon which poor families can enhance their incomes by producing part of their
food needs, hence saving money for use on other livelihood obligations. This dissertation
discusses the importance of urban and peri-urban agriculture as a method easily available
to low income families residing in informal settlements to access food and incomes.
Urban agriculture is examined in the context of poverty alleviation. A descriptive and
quantitative assessment of the salient variables of the practice in the area is attempted in
order to give an insight of the potential role the sector can play in eliminating poverty,
enhancing incomes and creating employment. The study shows that participation in urban
farming can impact significantly on poverty conditions and improve livelihoods. / MA (Development Studies)
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Causes and consequences of rural-urban migration: the case of Woldiya town, North EthiopiaMiheretu, Birhan Asmame 06 1900 (has links)
In developing countries like Ethiopia rural-urban migration affects development in both urban and rural areas. As such, this study aims at establishing the major causes and consequences of the movement of people from rural to urban areas. To achieve the objective 500 migrant household heads were selected randomly from three kebeles of the town. Both primary and secondary data were employed and were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study revealed that migrants came to Woldiya in search of employment and to utilize urban services and education. Hence, the out flow of economically active people from the rural agricultural sector has a negative effect on production in the areas of origin and the receiving area now experiences problems such as a shortage of housing, unemployment, increasing cost of living, lack of access to social services, Therefore, to mitigate the problem of rural-urban migration is launching of integrated rural development policy / Geography / M.A. (Geography)
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